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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6676 Posts

Posted - 26 Jan 2025 :  08:45:44  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The fan maps have errors. The best map is in my head. I have an overview map of Impiltur, city maps for Lyrabar, Hlammach, Dilpur, Sarshel and Ilmwatch. Next on the list are regional maps for the Easting Coast, the Uplands and the Farwater.

— George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Posted - 26 Jan 2025 :  11:19:28  Show Profile Send netlich a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

The fan maps have errors. The best map is in my head. I have an overview map of Impiltur, city maps for Lyrabar, Hlammach, Dilpur, Sarshel and Ilmwatch. Next on the list are regional maps for the Easting Coast, the Uplands and the Farwater.

— George Krashos

Thanks for the answer George!

What is the best way to capture that knowledge then? Flood you with questions? :)

I would love to see your map of Dilpur as my PCs recently left the city after a few sessions there (i ruled it a small city in 1373 DR mainly due to the move of people from Sarshel). I made my own map. They chose Filur over Songhal for their current subquest but their main task will see them visiting Lyrabar and then on to Tsurlagol for the finale of the current Act so to speak. But it pained me on how to place Outentown, Filur, Songhal, Tower Torfell et all on the map.

PS. One of the main antagonists in my campaign is an evil secretive order who is not afraid to utilise non-humans for their activities - they have already sent dopplegangers against the PCs - so I am not against using the dopplegangers to read your mind to ease gleaning the precious to me knowldge ;)

An Oerthian lich in Abeir-Toril.... oh my!
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6676 Posts

Posted - 27 Jan 2025 :  10:43:24  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
If you have any specific questions, feel free.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Posted - 28 Jan 2025 :  12:02:41  Show Profile Send netlich a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

If you have any specific questions, feel free.

-- George Krashos

Oh boy do I??? :)

Ok I don't want to impose; and as this is a campaign running for a while I am not really going to go change many things I have already made. 
So here are some things that are currently in my mind:

a) Heleggar and Menedrar Forgecrown. The travelling Royal Herald and the Whitesword Warguntlet. Is there a story behind their family name and are they related in your mind? My PCs had spent some time traveling with Heleggar and Wyaun as they made their way in the Farwater to Illmwatch and north visiting the communities up to Lenchfort. There is a story being built up and as they are now near Tower Tofell while thinking Heleggar murdered or traitor by doppelgangers - I see the potential of some Forgecrown family development there.

b) FIlur/Songhal/Torfel and House of Many Tomes placement. Where do you have them on your map? My players now travel the Easting Coast and from Outentown went to Dilpur first for a sidequest and now are in Filur.

c) Did you also deal with Eltab or is only Sonneilon of your making? It seems they will be the main duo for my end game so-to-speak so I do have some questions on them too.

d) How many crowns are there in Impiltur's history???? :D 
I am slowly feeding intel to the PCs as they are picking up the crumbs and doing research on them. What I got is the Crown of Narfell which was eventually destroyed to be reforged (the physical part at least in 732 DR) into the Crown now in possession of the Impilturian royalty (Sambryl is regent in my 1373 campaign and the hidden prince Imbrar II is set to take it the next year).
But Ndulu apparently reforged it into what I find online with two titles (Moaning Crown of Ndulu / Shadow Crown of Ndulu) but I guess it is the same relic. And finally I got the twin Crowns of Whispers that are now in possession of Soneillon, first meant to solidify the marriage of the ill-fated Princess Aiia to her Cormyrian groom.


An Oerthian lich in Abeir-Toril.... oh my!
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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

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Posted - 02 Feb 2025 :  18:16:50  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

The fan maps have errors. The best map is in my head. I have an overview map of Impiltur, city maps for Lyrabar, Hlammach, Dilpur, Sarshel and Ilmwatch. Next on the list are regional maps for the Easting Coast, the Uplands and the Farwater.

— George Krashos

Best map in your head?

Why oh why did my brain immediately pop to some awful pirate movie with Geena Davis where the treasure map was tattooed on some guy's scalp?

Not that we'd ever do that with George, mind you…


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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 02 Feb 2025 :  18:27:17  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I love that film

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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

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Posted - 02 Feb 2025 :  18:51:43  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Gary Dallison

I love that film

What's its name, though?

All I can recall is that its over-the-top swashbuckling (which I'd normally love to pieces) made my suspension of disbelief buckle all too quickly and I gave up on it before I ever finished it.

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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 02 Feb 2025 :  21:00:51  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Cutthroat island

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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6676 Posts

Posted - 09 Feb 2025 :  11:35:09  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by netlich
Oh boy do I??? :)

Ok I don't want to impose; and as this is a campaign running for a while I am not really going to go change many things I have already made. 
So here are some things that are currently in my mind:

a) Heleggar and Menedrar Forgecrown. The travelling Royal Herald and the Whitesword Warguntlet. Is there a story behind their family name and are they related in your mind? My PCs had spent some time traveling with Heleggar and Wyaun as they made their way in the Farwater to Illmwatch and north visiting the communities up to Lenchfort. There is a story being built up and as they are now near Tower Tofell while thinking Heleggar murdered or traitor by doppelgangers - I see the potential of some Forgecrown family development there.

They are indeed related. Second cousins. Friendly rivals, if dedicated to different ends.

The Forgecrowns were ennobled by Imphras the Great, having previously been loyal retainers that stood by their family during the Kingless Years. When Imphras claimed the throne, Lorethaunt Forgecrown and his three brothers were strong, vocal supporters of the Heltharns (and some say, more than vocal - behind the scenes), and were rewarded for their loyalty. The Heltharns also wanted to create nobles beholden to them, as a bulwark against the ambitions of the "old guard" nobles who held onto their lands and titles from the previous Elethlim Dynasty (and kept them by swearing loyalty to the new king).


b) FIlur/Songhal/Torfel and House of Many Tomes placement. Where do you have them on your map? My players now travel the Easting Coast and from Outentown went to Dilpur first for a sidequest and now are in Filur.

That's hard to describe in words. Filur stands at a junction. The Royal Road continues along the coast to Dilpur and Sarshel, and then back north to Outentown. The Prince's Road branches more northeasterly from Filur, to Songhal, and then on to Outentown which is the true gateway to the Uplands and the Farwater. The Herald's Road then goes on from Outentown to Ilmwatch. The Queen's Road travels northwesterly from Outentown to Laviguer, Tower Ithfell etc.

Tower Torfell lies between Filur and Songhal. In terms of strict geography, Songhal priorly sneaks into the "Easting Coast" region, but being more northerly and close to the mountains, is considered to be part of the Uplands.


c) Did you also deal with Eltab or is only Sonneilon of your making? It seems they will be the main duo for my end game so-to-speak so I do have some questions on them too.

Eltab and Soneillon are dealt with in Champions of Ruin. Neither are my creation.


d) How many crowns are there in Impiltur's history???? :D 
I am slowly feeding intel to the PCs as they are picking up the crumbs and doing research on them. What I got is the Crown of Narfell which was eventually destroyed to be reforged (the physical part at least in 732 DR) into the Crown now in possession of the Impilturian royalty (Sambryl is regent in my 1373 campaign and the hidden prince Imbrar II is set to take it the next year).
But Ndulu apparently reforged it into what I find online with two titles (Moaning Crown of Ndulu / Shadow Crown of Ndulu) but I guess it is the same relic. And finally I got the twin Crowns of Whispers that are now in possession of Soneillon, first meant to solidify the marriage of the ill-fated Princess Aiia to her Cormyrian groom.


Lots. From the lost Lion Crown of the Miradors; to the also lost Firecrown of the Durlarven dynasty; to the wedding crowns of Princess Aliia, now recovered from the depths of the Sea of Fallen Stars; to the Winged Crown of King Ellarath, a gift from the elves of Vedrymmel; to the Diadem of Inira, the crown borne by the wife of King Tarth, itself a relic of ancient Jhaamdath.

The Crown of Narfell remains an item of holy magic (as set out in Champions of Valor) while the Moaning Crown of Ndulu remains its shadowy counterpart - and yet to see the light of day in published work.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Posted - 09 Feb 2025 :  12:26:47  Show Profile Send netlich a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

Lots of tantalising and intersting bits of Krashos-lore ;) [sic]
-- George Krashos

Thanks George - one last question for the time being. Would you mind sending me a map of yours even as a screenshot of drfats to understand better? Not sure if you can send an attachment here but I can give you an email to send it if that is ok with you. Obviously that is for personal use in case I have to state it :)

In any case I think I got your descriptions and I understand that my main problem was -as most maps I got do the same- that I have only one main road from Lyrabar to Outentown whereas you talk about the Prince Road and the Royal road. And if I understand corectly the split comes into being from Filur onwards - one to Songhal & Outentown and the other along the Coast to DIlpur and Sarshel. Does that mean for you Filur is coastal with a port?

An Oerthian lich in Abeir-Toril.... oh my!
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