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Italian Archmage Karsus
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 13 Jan 2024 :  21:16:47  Show Profile Send Italian Archmage Karsus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
After days of incompetent automation, I was able to find references to three more answers.

Two were on September 17th and 18th 2009: has a post by bladeinAmn where he makes reference to them.
Another was on September 25th, where Quale explains that Ed Greenwood called it "sandbox".

Not to underestimate their impact, but they seem to have been style and worldbuilding questions rather than actual Realmslore, thankfully.
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Italian Archmage Karsus
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 16 Mar 2024 :  15:10:16  Show Profile Send Italian Archmage Karsus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So, to stop spamming here every time I blink, I figured I should make another Github pages bit. I didn't add Snowblood's quotations yet.

Edited by - Italian Archmage Karsus on 16 Mar 2024 15:11:36
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Italian Archmage Karsus
Learned Scribe

129 Posts

Posted - 29 Dec 2024 :  02:25:43  Show Profile Send Italian Archmage Karsus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Another answer spotted, almost at random. Man I got so lucky!


The following answer was posted by Baleful Avatar, on Questions for Ed Greenwood (2009) near the end of the thread, on December 19, 2009. I quote the text in italics.

Hey, everybody, I just spotted this over at loremaster:

Eaerlann's symbol is the maranthae.
Specifically, the maranthae is a small woodlands flower found throughout much of Eaerlann (and almost nowhere else in Faerun). It's faintly phosphorescent, in that it captures and gives off (as a VERY faint glow) sunlight and other radiances (e.g. a lantern).
As a badge or symbol, the maranthae is depicted as an eight-petaled flower seen "straight-on" from above (so the long, thin, curved-to-symmetrical-points petals occupy the four cardinal compass points and their bisectors). The petals are, as in nature, a rich blue at their central hub, shading to gold one-third of the way "out," with two-thirds of each petal gold. The maranthae is closely surrounded by a circular wreath of overlapping green leaves, points to the right (clockwise), with the ring of space between flower and circle of leaves being a light sky blue.
There. :} Potted Realmslore!

Those words were posted by Ed of the Greenwood, in response to a question that boils down to "what is the symbol of Eaerlann?"
Goodly Realms goodness!


Did a new check on the contents of Candlekeep, because if I'd missed that one, I could've missed even more. Lucky me, the only clue I seem to have missed was this. The same Baleful Avatar mentions Ed has "just" revealed some interesting lore about Illefarn. This happens on October 14, 2009. By itself it is not useful, but it helps narrow down the time range of the lore drop regarding Illefarn in Snowblood's PDF.

Edited by - Italian Archmage Karsus on 31 Dec 2024 02:15:15
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Italian Archmage Karsus
Learned Scribe

129 Posts

Posted - 02 Jan 2025 :  01:56:31  Show Profile Send Italian Archmage Karsus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
OK, I did another dive, this time more thoroughly- how'd I miss this? Good grief, did I suddenly go blind, deaf, and lazy without noticing?

User 18DELTA on November 20 cites as follows, in italics.

Its ok Zealous one of Shade...

Post from Ed, from Loremaster
You're welcome. :}
I'm not sure when the final Falconfar book (entitled "Falconfar") will appear, because Rebellion bought Solaris from Black Library. However, Simon & Schuster seems to now have it being released in March 2010, in North America.
As for the Feywild and Abeir having a Weave, the answer is: yes and no.
I'm not trying to be funny or evade the question.
Here's why I say both: the Feywild and Abeir, like the Realms we've long known about, have the same sorts of natural forces (wind energy, solar, tides and flowing water, convection currents, gravity, the kinetic energy of soil creep, continental drift and rising and falling tectonic plates and vulcanism, the chemical energies of all flora and fauna, and so on). What was dubbed "The Weave" in Faerun was a way of harnessing these energies, a means of calling on them to power specific effects (spell results). It was a trial-and-error-developed means of making things happen. Divine magic is one set of means, arcane magic another, and "the Weave" was a shorthand term for (one way of) understanding how to connect with and control all of these natural energies.
So the Feywild and Abeir will have their own "Weaves," akin to that of the Realms but subtly different, that may well be called something else locally.
As to those differences, it's something like going to a distant country and trying to plug your toaster into an electrical socket on the wall and discovering the plug won't even fit - - and if you do get it in, the toaster will probably catch fire or blow a fuse. You are encountering an electrical system, yes, but it works differently than the one you're used to. You can readily learn how to use the new local system if you had familiarity with your own system, but if you try to blunder or bull ahead without allowing for the differences, the results are going to be disappointing, perhaps spectacularly so.
Or to put it another way, a Weave is like the Linnaean method of cataloguing living things (Latin species names, divisions into genus, phyla, family, and so forth). There are other ways of cataloguing those same living things, and they aren't altered merely by being catalogued one way or another.
Heh. And just like real-world science and/or classification systems, wizards (and priests) in the Realms can get in to all sorts of arguments over the Weave.
As can gamers, in forum discussions. :}

I have already asked ED a question, to contribute to this thread. Now its your turn...


There's another thing in there. Commenting on other questions that didn't get an answer, user sfdragon says as follows, on December 01 2009:

its problely NDA... or the question was misplaced....

anyway Ed was kind to tell what Elminster's greatest regret over his life was...

This seems to strongly imply one of the questions up to that point was about Elminster's greatest regret.
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Italian Archmage Karsus
Learned Scribe

129 Posts

Posted - 10 Jan 2025 :  02:33:15  Show Profile Send Italian Archmage Karsus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It's prolly a good time to stop this. I'll figure something out maybe later, in the meantime, I've added the proving threads to the repository so that people don't have to take my word for anything.

Edited by - Italian Archmage Karsus on 11 Jan 2025 11:56:40
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