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 Dragon Heist, The Alexandrian Remix by Justin
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Posted - 23 Jan 2025 :  09:37:39  Show Profile Send eaolivas a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Hello all. I will be running Justins remix of DH once my party finds a way out of Undermountain, maybe in two to three (actual) weeks or so. Is there any advise on running Justins remix with Dragon Heist? I am finding his notes to be a bit overwhelming if I'm being honest... Do I read through all of DH, make my own notes, then read Justins notes? I am looking for the best method of doing this.

Also, my players will most likely be around level 7 by the time they escape UnderMountain. What advise would you give up increase the difficulty appropriately for DH? I graciously thank you and accept all responses ahead of time and look forward to reading your comments! Thanks

Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36845 Posts

Posted - 24 Jan 2025 :  02:53:55  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No idea what you're referring to with this remix... But it seems to me you've already suggested the best course of action: read the original material first and make the appropriate notes, and then read the remix version. You'll have a better idea of the source material and what is changed in the remix if you go it in that order.

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4 Posts

Posted - 24 Jan 2025 :  05:36:10  Show Profile Send eaolivas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

No idea what you're referring to with this remix... But it seems to me you've already suggested the best course of action: read the original material first and make the appropriate notes, and then read the remix version. You'll have a better idea of the source material and what is changed in the remix if you go it in that order.

That is interesting. Even searching online for Dragon Heist immediately pulls up this remix as it is 100x better than the source and incorporates all villains and fixes the numerous errors. The remix, omitting the source, is itself a longer read than the entirety of the source material, but for good reason! Anyway, I suppose there is no reason to go on about it if you don't know what I'm talking about, lol. In case anyone is interested:
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4 Posts

Posted - 24 Jan 2025 :  05:40:22  Show Profile Send eaolivas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That is interesting. Even searching online for Dragon Heist immediately pulls up this remix as it is 100x better than the source and incorporates all villains and fixes the numerous errors. The remix, omitting the source, is itself a longer read than the entirety of the source material, but for good reason! Anyway, I suppose there is no reason to go on about it if you don't know what I'm talking about, lol. In case anyone is interested:

Sorry, wrong link. I don't know how to edit posts on these forums:
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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 24 Jan 2025 :  13:10:14  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wooly isn't the only one. That being said, I find that people who play 5e think everyone knows all the adventures that are released and are obsessed with them. One thing people need to realize is that many of us come from a time where we got about 4 new adventures every month via dungeon magazine, plus two or three times the number that currently get released for 5e just as a general flow during 1e,2e, and 3e. Also, I know for myself, I look at some of the 5e stuff and I see so much fluff that can be left to a DM (for instance, giving backstory detail for a bartender NPC that most DM's would make up on the fly based on party "need to know".... not saying its bad, just saying its adding a lot of page count that a lot of DM's will ignore... but for some of us, we enjoy backstory IF we have the time to read it... that IF being the key). There are so many modules out there that I haven't read, sometimes it floors me. At one point near the end of 3.5e, I was getting dungeon magazines for probably 2 years and just tossing them into a pile unopened from the mailing package (they're still unopened).

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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