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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 09 Jan 2025 :  20:42:02  Show Profile Send Seravin a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
While we know that Finder gave Alias her false memories of being an sell-sword adventurer; the sisters like Jade, Cat, Zhara also had some memories and skills (as a thief or mage or priestess) when they awoke. Do we think Phalse gave them their backstory and memories, or was it Tymora/another god?

Cat could recall her hometown of Ordulin but nothing else, and she knew how to cast spells when the Zhents captured her and gave her a minor spellbook. She was primarily motivated to get back her memory from Flattery which obviously didn't exist.

Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 10 Jan 2025 :  01:44:39  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I would assume Phalse did it.

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Posted - 10 Jan 2025 :  16:20:38  Show Profile Send TomCosta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 10 Jan 2025 :  20:16:21  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I really need to go back and reread these old books with the foresight that I have now. I bet there's a billion twists I could throw on things

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 11 Jan 2025 :  11:24:04  Show Profile Send Seravin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks all - my argument against it being Phalse would be that unlike Finder, Phalse would not know a lot of Realms lore and history that would make up the base knowledge needed for someone born in say Ordulin, Sembia - BUT - on reflection, if Phalse copied some base memories from the Alias clone and left most of it blank, then it works. Cat didn't know nearly anything other than where she was from (vs Alias having a full selection of adventures and Shadowdale that she remembered) - and Jade seemingly had no memories but didn't care which Olive loved about her. For Zhara we really don't get much of her memories/back story, so it could be she's like Jade/Cat with limited memories - in which case only Alias had a really fleshed out history beyond the amensia of the past year before her "birth" which was blank.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 11 Jan 2025 :  17:28:04  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Seravin

Thanks all - my argument against it being Phalse would be that unlike Finder, Phalse would not know a lot of Realms lore and history that would make up the base knowledge needed for someone born in say Ordulin, Sembia - BUT - on reflection, if Phalse copied some base memories from the Alias clone and left most of it blank, then it works. Cat didn't know nearly anything other than where she was from (vs Alias having a full selection of adventures and Shadowdale that she remembered) - and Jade seemingly had no memories but didn't care which Olive loved about her. For Zhara we really don't get much of her memories/back story, so it could be she's like Jade/Cat with limited memories - in which case only Alias had a really fleshed out history beyond the amensia of the past year before her "birth" which was blank.

That works. Phalse could have also skimmed some memories from the members of the Fire Knives, too, and used those.

I figure that since Phalse was expanding on the idea of the vessels being assassins that could be aimed at particular targets, he likely would want them to have at least enough memories and knowledge to be able to do what was expected.

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Great Reader

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Posted - 12 Jan 2025 :  05:30:17  Show Profile Send TBeholder a Private Message  Reply with Quote
We won't know, in that if it's possible for a mid-level mageling, it's possible for Phalse, and if it's possible for Phalse, obviously it's possible for a deity.
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

That works. Phalse could have also skimmed some memories from the members of the Fire Knives, too, and used those.
I figure that since Phalse was expanding on the idea of the vessels being assassins that could be aimed at particular targets, he likely would want them to have at least enough memories and knowledge to be able to do what was expected.

Even if not particular targets (yet), Phalse seemed to have an idea of where he wants them to operate. He had the "second generation" cosmetically tweaked, clothed and equipped with particular places in mind.
Alias had mostly memories lifted from an actual adventuress. Phalse could copy or steal relevant memories too.
The simplest (if not with guaranteed quality) plan for stealing memories could indeed be done by any mageling with the right spells:
1. Procure some capability for handling obliviax safely. Spells blocking common mind probes (L2-L3 Abjuration spells - Mind Mantle / ESP Barricade / Iron Mind) would probably suffice.
2. Locate a growth of obliviax. Isolate a specimen and move it to some deserted place.
3. Arrange the known specimen feeding on the right people, or at least right sort of people. Many possible approaches at various levels of subtlety. The simplest is plain abduction under knockout poison.
4. Feed loaded obliviax to the intended recipient, possibly even unconscious (if going through the motions of eating can be stimulated).
5. ???
6. Profit!

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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 12 Jan 2025 :  11:53:12  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Seravin

Thanks all - my argument against it being Phalse would be that unlike Finder, Phalse would not know a lot of Realms lore and history that would make up the base knowledge needed for someone born in say Ordulin, Sembia - BUT - on reflection, if Phalse copied some base memories from the Alias clone and left most of it blank, then it works.

Unless Phalse was a Leiran avatar in the form of a deepspawn.... I mean look at the description.... and the idea that he was a hordling fiend was ... well... a lie.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 12 Jan 2025 :  21:02:36  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
They gave Alias a soul.

A soul (to my mind at least) is an amount of positive energy that gives life to matter. This positive energy is expanded by experience (living life).

When the positive energy separates from its original matter it retains some memories.

Look at souls when they travel to the Outer Planes, they retain some memory (not lots) of their former life. That is because some of it is imprinted upon the positive energy. The larger / more powerful the soul, the more it retains.

So Alias was given a portion of Dragonbait's soul, she gained some of her knowledge from him (she trusted him without ever knowing him, she was an excellent warrior without ever having used a weapon before), the rest was manufactured by stealing memories from others and imprinting them on Alias (magic can induce dreams and those dreams can be made into whatever Finder wanted - this can impart knowledge but not necessarily the skill to use it).

The other clones likely had their souls taken (in part at least) from other beings. They therefore gained some memories from those whose souls were used.

At least thats how i figure it working. Take someone's soul to provide a base blueprint, use dream induced memories to add a layer of story on top of that base.

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 12 Jan 2025 :  21:19:34  Show Profile Send Seravin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I like that Gary - and I think Phalse supplied Dragonbait to the group (and it was his soul they used in Alias) so it makes sense that Phalse would have access to souls when he made his clones. Less sure is what Phalse wanted with a bunch of femme fatales in Faerun, or why he wanted to work with Moander his sworn enemy.
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 12 Jan 2025 :  21:59:52  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes, those motivations are obscure to me as well.

Best I could guess is that everyone got what they wanted at least a little bit out of the deal, although I forget what most of those wants were now.

Phalse however seemed to get nothing other than the first successful prototype for his clones.

He then made more, presumably using the same methods as learned from the others, and he sent these tools throughout faerun.

Now if you wanted perfect assassins that now how to kill but don't know who they are and so cannot be detected, then these are your tool for the job.

They are women because the majority of rulers are men.

You send them out and when they encounter a king they activate and murder him.

The chaos that would cause across faerun is immense if even a few were able to hit there marks. It is especially useful in a land like cormyr where mind reaming is used to vet those with access to the king, I'd be willing to bet it could not find these sleeper agents.

Of course the other motivation for phalse I think was to screw over the other members of the cabal. If you wanted to help alias break her bonds of servitude then finder might be able to do it, but he was under constant watch and the only member of the group under suspicion. He would be more likely to succeed and help alias if he was secretly being helped by phalse and finder would then work as a scapegoat.

Of course I don't think phalse intended for alias to come after him, but no plan should ever work 100%.

That's what I'm thinking for now. Phalse wanted to screw over the others and then use his army of clones to eliminate targets across toril.

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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 13 Jan 2025 :  15:04:10  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Unless again, Phalse wasn't a "hordling" and was instead a deepspawn of some sorts (maybe a fiendish deepspawn ... which might be termed as a hordling by some folk, etc...). We've debated here about whether the deepspawn spawn have souls, etc.... but maybe Phalse had prepared a clone of Alias, ate the original, allowing Alias' soul to go into the clone..... but then as a deepspawn able to create "spawn" of Alias.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas

Edited by - sleyvas on 13 Jan 2025 15:42:04
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 13 Jan 2025 :  16:00:38  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
They didn't all have the same memories or act the same.

The azure bonds wouldn't be necessary to control a deepspawn either because they obey the deepspawn so all you need do is coerce it with violence or reward.

Deepspawn does seem like the least likely means of producing something like alias. Alias' behaviour, memories, link to dragon bait etc just don't match up with what we know about deepspawn spawn.

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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 13 Jan 2025 :  22:24:20  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Gary Dallison

They didn't all have the same memories or act the same.

The azure bonds wouldn't be necessary to control a deepspawn either because they obey the deepspawn so all you need do is coerce it with violence or reward.

Deepspawn does seem like the least likely means of producing something like alias. Alias' behaviour, memories, link to dragon bait etc just don't match up with what we know about deepspawn spawn.

Good point on the bonds, but there might be some other reason for a deepspawn to put bonds on their creations (for instance, maybe they plan to have someone else control them). It could also be an unusual deepspawn with ability to control memories (possibly even installing memories of another individual). But how Alias acts should have no bearing if she's not one of his spawn (the others in theory do), because remember I said he makes a clone of her and then eats her. So, Alias becomes reborn in a clone. It just seems really odd to have a being that has a description that pretty much matches a deepspawn (i.e. beholder like being with tentacles that end in mouths) making "clones" of a being and then having them have no relation to a deepspawn(even if the relation is deepspawn mated with a demon). Perhaps even Phalse is an unusual deepspawn that can assimilate a person by just eating like a finger.... or if Phalse is an avatar of Leira, I could easily buy a goddess of deception being able to do shenanigans.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 13 Jan 2025 :  22:31:19  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I never picked up on his description as being that of a deepspawn, but my mental imagery is very poor at translating descriptions.

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The Sage
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Posted - 13 Jan 2025 :  23:20:57  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sleyvas

… or if Phalse is an avatar of Leira, I could easily buy a goddess of deception being able to do shenanigans.

I couldn’t quite get it to work at the time… but back when I was tinkering with the Alias clones for an idea I had elsewhere… I jotted down a brief note that a sliver of Leira’s divine essence may have found a temporary home in Phalse after she “died.” Kind of playing it like the whole Xvim-in-Bane conundrum.

I didn’t take it any further than that however… as I got distracted by something I was working on for the Border Kingdoms. And I know the timelines don’t exactly match up… but I’m a firm proponent of the idea that a deity’s divine essence can spread all across time and space … and should they perceive a potential for their death… they plan to divest a portion of their power in “avatars” upon the Prime Material Plane.

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 14 Jan 2025 :  01:22:12  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ed said that Phalse was a hordling fiend.

"Phalse (a hordling fiend from Carceri who in “true” form looks like a gigantic beholder with lamprey-like fanged mouths at the ends of his ten eyestalks rather than eyes (he does have a large central eye with a wide fanged maw under it, though his eye has no ant-magic powers, and he can grow more eyestalks than his customary ten at will, as well as regenerating lost eyestalks over about half a day, and injured ones within hours)."

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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 14 Jan 2025 :  13:09:10  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Ed said that Phalse was a hordling fiend.

"Phalse (a hordling fiend from Carceri who in “true” form looks like a gigantic beholder with lamprey-like fanged mouths at the ends of his ten eyestalks rather than eyes (he does have a large central eye with a wide fanged maw under it, though his eye has no ant-magic powers, and he can grow more eyestalks than his customary ten at will, as well as regenerating lost eyestalks over about half a day, and injured ones within hours)."

I know. I love Ed, but that doesn't mean that everything he does is golden, nor is he necessarily wrong based on what I say either. Or in other words, nor does that description preclude that hordling from being born of a demonic/deepspawn "mating" (mating being subjective on how the combining is done.... magically mixed .... physical implantation.... something involving shapechange ... or even just "when a god inhabited the body, they changed it" ....). For that matter, it could also be that deepspawn themselves are the result of this being mating with prime beings (i.e. maybe a beholder ). It just seems too blooming odd for a being whose description SO mUCH resembles a deepspawn (granted with a little uniqueness in regards regeneration....but then there are humans who discovered ways to regenerate, but they're still human), that's involved with "cloning" someone, etc.... to not see some kind of correlation between them.

Or in other words, what I'm saying is that there's more to done with the story. Why is making copies of Alias this important to Phalse? If he can instill different memories in them, are their other adult beings that may have "appeared on the scene" around this time that think they have a whole past life... and its just not true.

Just as an example, Midnight has a truename of A-R-I-E-L , so might we find out that some of the gods had a hint of what was coming with the ToT, maybe because they had a god of divination on their payroll, and thus they needed prepared "bodies" that they could inhabit for specific reasons... maybe bodies created from beings that may not even know that they are godblooded? So, if Phalse IS an avatar of L-E-I-R-A, might it be that behind the scenes, they wanted a "clone" of Cassana... maybe because Cassana's power was partly because she was godblooded (even if several generations diluted), and even she didn't know it? In this scenario, it may be that "Mystra" knew she was going to have to die..... no, not on the bifrost at the hands of Heimdall (I mean celestial staircase at the hands of Helm).... I mean that Mystra was going to have to die at the roundabout hands of Shar. So, she needed someone else bearing her name... her Alias .... to die in her place..... so that later she could return.

The machinations of gods should be complex for mortals to comprehend and span lifetimes. Phalse may have been an "avatar" of sorts of Leira for centuries. That may have been why Moander didn't just devour it/him/her, because Moander had an inkling that she was some kind of divine being. To note, even the gods may not understand all the machinations of one another.

Now, why would Leira help Mystra? Leira may be evil, but she's also the goddess of illusion. Maybe Mystra would reward her for help by making it that there was no "separation" between wizards and illusionists (i.e. that wizards would become illusionists/illusionists would become wizards and thus her portfolio expand more). Maybe it was because Leira knew Shar and knew that Shar would eventually try to consume her. Maybe it was that both Mystra and Leira are daughters of Selune... or Mystryl.... Maybe it was because Leira needed to preserve herself as well, and producing these Alias clones would give her a way to cheat death as well as Mystra doing similar.

In the end, I think there's a really good story to be spun out of this that's "unseen by mortals" who just go "yep, he was just some hordling fiend who wanted to make some clones".... and they dusted their hands together and moved on.... while the gods were doing something so much deeper when they created the IMMORTAL bodies of the alias clones.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 15 Jan 2025 :  03:32:27  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think it's pretty obvious that Phalse isn't just a standard-issue hordling fiend, but that doesn't mean he's an avatar of any deity -- if he was, the group wouldn't have needed Moander at all.

And I know your love for Leira, but I don't see any reason to assume she's involved in this. Considering the prevalence of the name Ariel in the real-world, I think her name was an uninspired choice and that it's merely a coincidence that Ariel Manx's first name is Leira spelled backwards.

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