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Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
327 Posts |
Posted - 24 Sep 2002 : 20:36:37
Well I have been getting in a lot of trouble lately because I have been argueing, going of tomic Bla Bla Bla, so I thought it would be a good Idea to have a topic entirely devoted to people bitching at each other, sound good, then start argueing.
My name is Tiax, I would ask yours but I don't care to become aquainted with the dead.
Edited by - Alaundo on 18 Nov 2002 22:05:45
Senior Scribe
United Kingdom
358 Posts |
Posted - 24 Sep 2002 : 22:10:37
Problem is, of course, anyone visiting for the first time and seeing the thread will immediately realise that it's not an argument but an endless stream of comments saying "My dad's bigger that your dad" or some other totally inane comment. This soon wears very thin and becomes incredibly boring. That person is then unlikely to come back.
An argument isn't simply contradicting the other person, you need to provide some factual standpoint to support your argument. This means that when you say "Dwarves are best" or "Red Wizards are going to take over the Realms", (and we all KNOW you're going to say it), you need to give us some idea of why you believe this. If you don't do this, it isn't an argument just an endless mess of childish prattle which the forum can't possibly benefit from.
Lord Rad
Great Reader
United Kingdom
2080 Posts |
Posted - 24 Sep 2002 : 23:17:04
Well said Kahonen!! I suggest that all conflict and unnecessary posting should stop, its just pointless and ruins a good forum. There are some very good and interesting posts and topics on this whole forum but its becoming difficult to weed through all the garbage that appears on almost every topic.
Lets just leave the bickering to the playground and keep it out these forums. |
Lord Rad
"What? No, I wasn't reading your module. I was just looking at the pictures"
Strahd Von Zarovich
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
135 Posts |
The Great Drizzt
Learned Scribe
280 Posts |
Posted - 25 Sep 2002 : 08:10:33
I think Count monkmonk is childish and a moron, there, hows that for starters tiax? The Great Drizzt
P.S.-Drow are still |
"Don't poke Drizzt, 'tis highly unsociable!" Drizzt Do'Urden -BG1 |
Head Moderator

United Kingdom
5696 Posts |
Posted - 25 Sep 2002 : 09:19:10
Ease it off Drizzt!
This topic is now being locked. Any further attempts to create arguments and insult other forum members will result in your membership being suspended for a period of time. You will be able to view posts but not contibute to the forum. All irrelevant posts will be deleted then you will be reinstated. Futher offenses will have your membership permanently revoked.
You cant say you havent been warned, now PLEASE keep this forum on track.
Alaundo Candlekeep Forums Head Moderator
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