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Senior Scribe
476 Posts |
Posted - 31 Mar 2007 : 22:15:11
It there a list of Cormyr's Council Mages anywhere in the published lore? The FRA indicates that there are quite a few of them, but I have not seen anything that suggest a number of members, or their names.
Garen Thal
Master of Realmslore
1105 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2007 : 00:03:12
There isn't an official list of members of the Council of Mages anywhere in established Realmslore.
In addition to the Court Wizard (currently Caladnei), who chairs the council's meetings and acts as the voice of the Council to the Crown, I think that it's safe to assume that certain mages are members of the Council of Mages, or regular attendees to their meetings(though I'll be asking Ed to comment, later):
Laspeera Naerinth, Lady of Eveningspire Caladnei's second-in-command of the War Wizards (and in most matters, generally), who was Vangerdahast's proxy at Council meetings when he could not attend, and also runs them in Caladnei's absence. Caladnei has less patience than her predecessor when it comes to the formality of Court, and therefore appears at fewer Council meetings than Vangey did.
Tsharlura of Blackthorne An aging wizard whose tower lies west of Eveningstar, and who specializes mostly in practical applications of magic. A firm believer in correct and deliberative magic (as opposed to fast and innovative spellmaking), hers is a voice that is usually respected by the Crown. When faced with hot-tempered young mages that wanted to blow up half of the King's Forest testing out new spells, she is the one to whom Vangerdahast would point and say "you see how the wisdom of ages cools the temper and slows eagerness? That is the kind of mage Cormyr needs."
Aundable Inthre, Lord Eveningspire Husband of Laspeera (see above) and a powerful mage in his own right, Aundable is one of many mages that spend their time quietly analyzing Cormyr's defenses and weaknesses, strengthening the former and mitigating the latter. Although he does not speak much at Council meetings, he makes it a point to attend them all, quietly observing the various mages that appear before the body (and sometimes magically recording the proceedings, while considering new spells and other crafts in his mind).
Argūl Marammas Resident of Suzail, planar explorer, crafter of magic scrolls, and enjoyer of fine seafood, Argūl spends his magical energies supporting his expensive travels (and diet), believing that magic is best used as a tool for collecting knowledge, not power to be used for gathering more power, to dominate others, or to slay one's enemies. He views the Council as an avenue for finding others of like mind, hearing of the planar travels and magical discoveries of others, and for informing the Crown of potential extraplanar threats (more immediate dangers, he reports immediately).
Filani of Tantras and Tilverton An expert on Dragonreach politics and Moonsea history, Filani lived in Tilverton until that city's destruction. She now attends meetings of the Council as a means to find new customers for her expertise and to learn of new mages who have recently arrived to Suzail.
Maxer Hlar, Defender of Suzail A powerful evoker once responsible for defeating no fewer than four dragons simultaneously attacking Suzail (and many powerful mages therein), Maxer is a baron extraordinary of the realm, and may command Purple Dragons as though possessing the rank of ornrion. He is silent during nearly all Council meetings, but when he speaks, his experience and wisdom afford him the attention of all in attendance; his voice during the official business of a meeting (rather than before or after) is considered a sign of some horrible oversight made by all involved, with the potential for grave danger for the entire Realm should he be ignored. For his part, Maxer considers this attitude quite ridiculous, and it has twice led to incredibly tense moments when Maxer was simply clearing his throat.
Just a few of many, I suppose. For purposes of consistency with future Realmslore, facility of gameplay, and not-revealing-too-much, I have not included any statistics for any of the above mages, as most were last described in the 2nd Edition Volo's Guide to Cormyr. |
Garen Thal
Master of Realmslore
1105 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2007 : 03:27:18
According to Ed, the above information is "just right," but my prodding, such as it was, could not get any further tidbits out of him, at least for now.
The precise size and membership of the Council of Mages might be revealed in the fullness of time, but at present, the sort of conjecture and extrapolation above is the best we have to go on. |
Senior Scribe
476 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2007 : 08:34:20
Thank you (and Ed) for your help. This list will be very useful  |
Garen Thal
Master of Realmslore
1105 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2007 : 15:15:48
Keep in mind, though, that the above list is by no means exhaustive. There are a great many wizards and sorcerers in Cormyr (sometimes, it seems, in even greater proportions than in other lands), and a great many of them have an interest in the future of Crown policy with regard to magic (again, in greater proportions than elsewhere). The Council of Mages acts, in part, as a sort of chamber of commerce for the arcane magical community, both in a advisory/consultive capacity (commenting on new Crown edicts regarding the use of magic) and a private (business networking) one. |
Senior Scribe
476 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2007 : 15:34:47
The reason I ask is that one of the characters in my game, young Gareth Emmarask, has recently become a council mage after only about a year's loyal service to the crown. Good family, unquestionable loyalty to Caladnei and Alusair, and very powerful allies can do wonders your career it seems. 
The only other known council mage in my game is Merula the Magnificent (introduced by my former co-DM, from a scroll here at the keep I believe), who acted as one of the commanders against the Shadovar after Vangy's retirement.
I do not need all that many council mages, so the list is just fine. We have a large group (usually 4-6 players), so the "screentime" for each character between combat sadly must be kept short (thus limiting the need for npcs for each characters).
The campaign is currently shelved as the characters approached epic levels and the year of wild magic ended, but later events (in novels and so on) has tempted me to pick up this campaign, provided that I can find worthy opponents for so powerful characters. |
Edited by - Snotlord on 01 Apr 2007 15:38:28 |
The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore
5056 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2007 : 15:51:47
When SWORDS OF DRAGONFIRE appears, in August, it should suggest plenty of potential opponents. Not specific individuals (they tend to have a way of not surviving the events of Ed's novels, and that trilogy is set a few decades in the past), but the "types" they represent, who are so plentiful in Cormyrean society. love, THO |
Senior Scribe
476 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2007 : 15:56:31
Sounds sweet. I think the first Knights book is Ed's best to date (of those I've read), and I'm looking very much forward to the rest of the story. |
Garen Thal
Master of Realmslore
1105 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2007 : 17:34:16
quote: Originally posted by Snotlord
The reason I ask is that one of the characters in my game, young Gareth Emmarask, has recently become a council mage after only about a year's loyal service to the crown. Good family, unquestionable loyalty to Caladnei and Alusair, and very powerful allies can do wonders your career it seems.
Ah, the Emmarasks. A good, fine family, who, if not for the actions of... Oh, I can't say that, now, can I? quote: The only other known council mage in my game is Merula the Magnificent (introduced by my former co-DM, from a scroll here at the keep I believe), who acted as one of the commanders against the Shadovar after Vangy's retirement.
Merula (known then as "the Marvelous") appears in Troy Denning's Beyond the High Road--Vangey refers to him as 'a bit of a wand-waver'--and no other official Realmslore. SPOILER HERE. Highlight to read. This is likely because poor Merula (also derisively referred to as "the Massive"), while an able spellhurler, could not survive being, well, slain by the ghazneth Boldovar in Chapter 16 of same. Still, the death is implied and rather short-stated, and there's no reason Merula couldn't survive in anyone's specific campaign. He doesn't play a large enough part in subsequent Realmslore for the change to make much difference. Happy mage-hunting! B |
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