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 Depths of Madness: Chapters 20 - 25
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Posted - 28 Feb 2007 :  21:01:17  Show Profile  Visit Alaundo's Homepage Send Alaundo a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Well met

This is a Book Club thread for Depths of Madness(Book 1 of The Dungeons series), by Erik Scott de Bie. Please discuss chapters 20 - 25 ("Truth") herein:

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Posted - 23 Mar 2007 :  14:14:40  Show Profile  Visit Gruen's Homepage Send Gruen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wow, that was a bit of a surprise. I had questioned him from time to time... but you certianly did a great job of keeping everyone a suspect, at one point or another.

Now, thinking logically... supposedly Slip was expected dead or lost during the battle (right?). Thus, Twilight knew (or thought she knew) that Ruuk had Liet and Davoren as prisoners. Well, Slip shows up, so she's "found". Later, Twilight was able to scry Davoren following Gargan and herself. Thus he is free, too. Then, they face Liet, who turns out to be Gestal. So who does Ruuk have prisoner, again? This is very curious, IMO. I hope I'm not missing something obvious.

Anyway, I can't wait to finish this up. Great story!


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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 23 Mar 2007 :  14:43:13  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Gruen

Wow, that was a bit of a surprise. I had questioned him from time to time... but you certianly did a great job of keeping everyone a suspect, at one point or another.

Well thank you.

Now, thinking logically... supposedly Slip was expected dead or lost during the battle (right?). Thus, Twilight knew (or thought she knew) that Ruuk had Liet and Davoren as prisoners. Well, Slip shows up, so she's "found". Later, Twilight was able to scry Davoren following Gargan and herself. Thus he is free, too. Then, they face Liet, who turns out to be Gestal. So who does Ruuk have prisoner, again? This is very curious, IMO. I hope I'm not missing something obvious.

No, you're not -- that side subplot isn't explained in the novel (I leave it purposefully open to speculation -- in the first draft, there was an explanatory subplot). Suffice it to say, however, that there are a number of optional explanations, among them:

1) Ruukthalmuramaxamin was *lying* when he claimed to have prisoners (never for certain, since the Sharn is, well, mad).

2) The prisoners escaped (i.e. Davoren and Slip were indeed imprisoned at one point, and escaped -- this seems held up in Slip's explanation, assuming one believes her).

Later, Twilight was able to scry Davoren following Gargan and herself.

In theory, Davoren was actually ahead of them, so she assumed he was the traitor/Gestal himself.


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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Posted - 24 Mar 2007 :  15:50:59  Show Profile  Visit RodOdom's Homepage Send RodOdom a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I truly enjoyed Depths of Madness, especially towards the end. It had great action, horror and mystery. And at the heart of it all it was a love story. Wow !
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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 27 Mar 2007 :  00:15:07  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by RodOdom

I truly enjoyed Depths of Madness, especially towards the end. It had great action, horror and mystery. And at the heart of it all it was a love story. Wow !

I'm glad you enjoyed, sir!

If you feel so inclined, I should be honored if you would consider posting a review of the novel, say, on Amazon. I rather think that's an excellent way to get the word out to more potential readers -- and thus makes it more likely I'll be able to tell the rest of Twilight's story.


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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Posted - 27 Mar 2007 :  00:46:50  Show Profile  Visit RodOdom's Homepage Send RodOdom a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'll post a review on the Novels forum. If it passes the muster of Candlekeep (if no one says I'm nuts), I'll put it up on Amazon.
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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 27 Mar 2007 :  02:32:02  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I look forward to it!


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 01 Apr 2007 :  00:51:29  Show Profile  Visit Braveheart's Homepage Send Braveheart a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well Erik, you're surely someone who describes a gory scene in all it's little details (ever read Chuck Palahniuk by chance? ), especially that gruesome scene where Bilfora/Slips eyeballs explode (and she's roaming around.. that poor little halfling...).

It came as quit a surprise that Liet was the bad guy, although I haven't yet figured out if he's only the bad guy because he's posessed at sometimes (and I haven't finished the book yet).

I do enjoy this read a lot, although the haggling inside the group got on my nerves quite quickly, but that stopped quite soon after the sun went for a swing.


Jarlaxle: "Do keep ever present in your thoughts, my friend, that an illusion can kill you if you believe in it."
Entreri: "And the real thing can kill you whether you believe in it or not."

Edited by - Braveheart on 01 Apr 2007 00:52:17
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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 02 Apr 2007 :  15:50:45  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Braveheart

Well Erik, you're surely someone who describes a gory scene in all it's little details (ever read Chuck Palahniuk by chance? ), especially that gruesome scene where Bilfora/Slips eyeballs explode (and she's roaming around.. that poor little halfling...).

Hee! I love that particular spell (Book of Vile Darkness, you know).

And I have heard of Chuck Palahniuk and read some of his stuff.

It came as quit a surprise that Liet was the bad guy, although I haven't yet figured out if he's only the bad guy because he's posessed at sometimes (and I haven't finished the book yet).

That should be answered by the end. Never fear!

I do enjoy this read a lot, although the haggling inside the group got on my nerves quite quickly, but that stopped quite soon after the sun went for a swing.

Ooh! What a cruel jest -- I love it!


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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Posted - 07 Apr 2007 :  05:08:10  Show Profile  Visit KnightErrantJR's Homepage Send KnightErrantJR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I have to say I was most suspicious of Slip and Liet, ironically because Twilight was the most connected to these two. While it may be better for Twilight if she could learn to love and trust, she has definitely shown a talent for self damaging decisions.

Liet is the "bad guy," but I'm still not sure if he is bad because he is really the bad guy, or if he is a poor victim of an even nastier villain. If he is a victim, it makes one wonder if he was always under the villains sway, or if that lonely trip in the passageway was his downfall. If this is the case, his rise in confidence seems to coincide with this encounter.

I get the feeling that Slip, while she may not be the "big" bad guy, may have some ties to this whole nightmare that she hasn't revealed . . . it did seem like she understood Abyssal fairly well . . .
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Rinonalyrna Fathomlin
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Posted - 07 Apr 2007 :  05:10:16  Show Profile  Visit Rinonalyrna Fathomlin's Homepage Send Rinonalyrna Fathomlin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

I have to say I was most suspicious of Slip and Liet, ironically because Twilight was the most connected to these two. While it may be better for Twilight if she could learn to love and trust, she has definitely shown a talent for self damaging decisions.

That's actually a very astute point.

"Instead of asking why we sleep, it might make sense to ask why we wake. Perchance we live to dream. From that perspective, the sea of troubles we navigate in the workaday world might be the price we pay for admission to another night in the world of dreams."
--Richard Greene (letter to Time)
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South Africa
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Posted - 09 Jul 2007 :  08:46:06  Show Profile  Visit Kyrene's Homepage Send Kyrene a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nothing much to say here, except that I enjoyed the whole inversion thing going on. So we have two DMs, not just one as I suspected from the start. A whole lot of things that were bothering me from the start started making sense by now. I should have picked up on the eye in a hand thing that sharn are known for earlier, especially since there were specific references to a "mad sharn" earlier. Moving on...

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