Hello, i was wondering if there was a template or prestidge class for the specialty priest of tempest for 3rd edition any help would be greatly appreciated.:)
Or are you talking of the Tempest of Umberlee kit from Warriors and Priests of the Realms? In that case I don't think so, but I am not all that up to date with the 3ed.
Thank-you everyone for your answers, sorry i was refering to the Tempus Specialty Priest that bestows berserker rage in people, but thanks for all the info:)
Tom Costa did a 3rd edition version of the Battleguard of Tempus as a PrC in Dragon Magazine #317.
He did? Damn - I've been working (slowly) only creating my own versions of the speciality priests to 3E PrCs. Battleguard is one that I have done, but chances are Tom's done a fine job rendering mine unnecessary.