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 Character Backstory based on Heretic of the Faith
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Chosen of Bane
Senior Scribe

552 Posts

Posted - 16 May 2006 :  06:27:34  Show Profile  Visit Chosen of Bane's Homepage Send Chosen of Bane a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
First of all, I realize that this is completely ridiculous, but me and the other guy who usually DM for our group are actually getting to play in the same game together for the first time and decided to do something a little different. Below is the backstory I wrote for my DM. I purposefully made him think we were going to be playing Gnomes because as a player he is very vocal about disliking gnomes. Well, I guess you'll see what I'm talking about...

The Gnomes

It was a day like any other in the Village of Corm Orp. The small settlement with less than a thousand inhabitants was peaceful and relaxed…well, as relaxed as one can be when living in the shadows of Darkhold. Darkhold is a gigantic fortress holding the largest contingent of Zhentilar in Western Faerun. Like all Zhents, the forces of Darkhold were always looking to expand the lands in which they dominate. The folk of Corm Orp however remained free, largely in thanks to the strong Harper presence in the region. The local Harpers trained the residents of Corm Orp to always be on the lookout for Zhent Spies, to keep their wits sharp, and to keep their swords yet sharper.

Not only is Corm Orp a small village in terms of numbers, Corm Orp is a small village in regard to the stature of its inhabitants. The bulk of Corm Orp’s residents are halflings and gnomes, with only a small number of humans rounding out the population. Two particular gnomes who were out and about on this fine morning were Norbert Rockhunter and Koger-Koboldbane. These two gnomes spent much of their time together training. As a matter of fact Norbert and Koger spent the bulk of everyday together. Whether they were looking after their baby-nephew Jabber-Jinx or practicing their skills, they were seldom apart. Norbert was a magic-user. Not your typical magic-user though for he required no spellbooks or study in order to learn a spell. He simply invoked the powers from his own body and soul. Norbert was a young gnome however and was still learning to master his sorcerous abilities. Koger on the other hand was incredibly strong for a gnome and was very skilled with the hooked-hammer, which though exotic to most faerunians, was the weapon of his family and training in its use had been passed down from many generations. The two gnomes were taking it easy today. Norbert was hurling globs of conjured acid at targets while Koger practice the forms with his hooked-hammer. The day before they had ventured into the Far Hills hunting Kobolds and managed 3 kills between the 2 of them. Kobolds, along with being the long-hated racial enemy of the gnomish race were particularly abundant in the Far Hills and due to their incredible incompetence in melee combat they make for great practice. You just need to be careful that you don’t stumble into their lairs because they are usually laced with traps and Kobolds are known to pack into a cave like ants in an anthill. There are usually thousands of the little vermin. Koger sustained a slight puncture wound in his lower leg from a spear but other than that the hunt was a smashing success. While practicing their respective crafts and talking about the rush of yesterdays hunt the young gnomes heard a disturbing sound…

The piecing scream of a female gnome echoed over the village of Corm Orp. Koger and Norbert heard the screams and set out at a run to see what the problem was. In the back of their minds they feared the worst, a legion from Darkhold had come to acquire some new slaves for their vile Black Network. When the gnomes arrived on the scene they realized it was not the Zhentarim causing the disturbance. Unfortunately that did not relieve the gnomes because what they saw was equally horrifying…

To very peculiar looking Kobolds, both with a coppery-tint to their skin stood over the bleeding form of Nedalia Rockhunter. The frailer of the two kobolds held Nedalia’s son, little Jabber-Jinx, in it’s arms and stared threateningly at the two gnomes, daring them to come closer. The bulkier of the copper tinged kobolds took one extra kick into Nedalia’s midsection before tossing the torch from the wall sconce into the hayloft bed in Nedalia’s home. The loft bust into immediate flames and the two kobolds escaped out the back door with little Jabber-Jinx in their scaly arms.
At this point Norbert and Koger split. Koger slung Nedalia over his shoulder and carried her out of the building while Norbert gave chase. Unfortunately for the gnomes, the two kobolds were capable of out pacing the gnomes and easily escaped the town and headed for the Far Hills; probably to their grimy lair where they were do unthinkable acts to poor Jabber-Jinx. Koger was finding his task equally disheartening. By the time he reached the House of Garl, the temple of Garl Glittergold, it was apparent that Nedalia had not survived the attack. Norbert met up with Koger later to inform him of his failure to stop the kobolds and to mourn the loss of both Nedalia and Jabber-Jinx. At that point, Koger and Norbert vowed to each other that they would not rest until they had avenged their friends and repaid the kobolds ten-fold for the lives lost this evening.

…Bet you thought the back-story was over…

But now you have to stay tuned for the rest of the story….

The part that takes place right after OUR CHARACTERS took little Jabber-Jinx prisoner

The Kobolds

The twin kobolds escaped the gnomish settlement with the gnomeling and easily made their way back to the caverns beneath the Far Hills. Before they made it into the main cavern of their clan, the Twin-Sisters Cavern, they stopped in a side cavern to eat their newly acquired snack. Wyrmfred and Draco’s mother had taught them at a young age how to best prepare a gnome. Throw it in the pot when the water is still cold, slowly bring the pot to a boil, and then toss the mushrooms in…

Draco held the squirming, big-nosed brat still while Wyrmfred prepared the fire; Kurtulmak knows the infant gnome would probably over power Wyrmfred who was not known for his physical prowess; Wyrmfred was a sorcerer by trade, so, although he was lacking in physical stature he made up for it in arcane might. It took Wyrmfred several strikes with the flint and steel but he eventually got the spark to catch on the kindling the fire caught. As he stepped aside to allow Draco the honor of placing the squirming brat into the pot he saw something that he had never seen before. Standing directly behind Draco was a stark-white kobold that looked like he was well beyond the natural lifespan of a kobold. The white kobold wore a finely embroidered robe with the unholy symbol of Kurtulmak on the breast. The symbol however was strangely altered with green tears running down the gnomish skull. The elderly kobold did not offer a greeting though; instead he uttered an incantation that rendered Wyrmfred helpless. Unable to move a muscle, he collapsed to the ground. Draco immediately turned on the attacker and drew his spear. Draco used his powerful legs and lunged what should have been a killing blow at the pale kobold. The venerable kobold effortlessly sidestepped the attack, gave the twin kobolds a look of surprise, and uttered another incantation and rendered Draco just as helpless as his twin brother. The ancient kobold gathered the two limp forms of the twin brothers, tied them together and eyed them suspiciously. Surprisingly to the coppery-tinged kobolds, the elder kobold picked up the gnomeling and whispered softly to it in the gnomish tongue while stroking its back soothingly.

The Heresy of Kurtulmak the Copper Gnome

After the gnomeling had calmed down the aged kobold stood before the twins and said in clear draconic, “I am Whitescales, Champion of the Watcher and Prophet of the Great Kurtulmak. Normally, kobolds such as yourselves would be dead by now, but I have reason to believe that Kurtulmak needs the two of you. I have seen the coppery twins in my dreams and know that our meeting was the will of the almighty Kurtulmak. The two of you are the favored sons of Kurtulmak!” The next several hours were spent by the fire with Whitescales enlightening the twins on the True History of Kobolds. According to the insane kobold, kobolds were once a subrace of gnomes known as copper gnomes. These Copper Gnomes were closely related to the Rock Gnomes and looked very similar, except for their long beards and coppery tinged skin. Apparently Kurtulmak is the god of Copper Gnomes and value their kinship with Rock Gnomes greatly. Again, according to Whitescales, several millennia ago the King of Copper Gnomes, a Chosen of Kurtulmak by the name of Kobold betrayed his kin and drove a spike through the head of a Priest of Garl Glittergold. The murder of Garl’s champion ignited a war between the Rock Gnomes and Copper Gnomes. As a punishment for Kobold’s actions, Kurtulmak uttered a curse of power that only a deity could dream of. Kurtulmak shed a tear for his fallen kin and when his tears hit the ground they rocked the world to its very core. From that point forward, all Copper Gnomes shifted in appearance to the hideous, scaly creatures that we are now. Kurtulmak also banished our kin to a life of darkness, making us vulnerable to the bright light of the sun and dependant on the dark, dampness of the underdark. Apparently Copper Gnomes are now referred to as Kobolds after the heinous crime committed by King Kobold. Whitescales insists that the Symbol of Kurtulmak, which depicts the skull of a gnome with a spike driven through it, is meant as a reminder of the horrible act that led to the tears of Kurtulmak. According to the “Prophet of Kurtulmak”, Copper Gnomes, or Kobolds, will retain their monstrous appearance until the “wrongs have been righted”.

Draco and Wyrmfred were of course awed by the story. Not sure what to believe anymore (they were never very intelligent) they asked Whitescales how he knew so much and why he believed they were the “Favored Sons of Kurtulmak”. Whitescales answered the second question first and explained that the coppery skin of the two brothers was both an indicator of their “true copper heritage” and that the brothers are in fact the focus of a prophecy that describes the rebirth of Copper Gnomes. Whitescales then claimed, “As to your first question, ‘how do I know so much?’. The answer to that is because Kurtulmak as told me. I have spoken with the Avatar of Kurtulmak and he has told me what I have passed on to you.” The twins looked at each other in an attempt to gauge what the other thought of Whitescales’ claim. Whitescales correctly interpreted the look and said, “Very well, meet him for yourself. Come with me.”

The “Avatar” of Kurtulmak

Whitescales led Draco and Wyrmfred through a labyrinth of tunnels until eventually they were at the mouth of a tremendous cavern. Whitescales uttered an incantation that would make his voice project louder and spoke into the cave, “Wise and All Mighty Kurtulmak. I Whitescales the prophet know that I should not bother your-greatness but I stand before you with two children of prophesy. Please All Mighty Watcher, grant us an audience, the future of Gnomen-kind depends on it.” Several moments passed the brothers were beginning to think that this Whitescales was as crazy as he seemed. They were about to suggest turning back when a booming voice answered the call. “Come Whitescales the Wise. Step into my presence and bring the children of prophecy before me.” Upon entering the cave there was not a shadow of doubt in the kobolds mind who they stood before. The avatar of Kurtulmak was a colossal scaled being with green tinted scales and glowing turquoise orbs for eyes. His mere presence struck fear into Draco and Wyrmfred and they bolted for the doors. Whitescales stopped them and dispelled their fears, informing them that they had indeed been invited into the presence of the all mighty Kurtulmak. Kurtulmak confirmed the story that Whitescales had already told them, stating that in order to regain their rightful place in his favor; kobolds must fight evil and mend the rift between Kobolds and Gnomes. Draco and Wyrmfred went down to one knee, bent their heads and swore and oath to Kurtulmak. “We, Draco and Wyrmfred, swear to you All Mighty Kurtulmak that we will fight evil with every waking breath until Kobolds once again have beards and walk amongst our goodly kin.” Kurtulmak seemed pleased by this response and said, “Rise now Draco and Wyrmfred but not as lowly kobolds. Rise as Draco and Wyrmfred, Copper Gnomes and the Chosen of Kurtulmak. Go now and fight evil in my name. Your first quest as Chosen of Kurtulmak is to return this Gnomish baby to its home. Then you will truly be my favored sons.”

Out of story, game mechanic related explanations for the story.

  • Draco and Wyrmfred have coppery tinted skin because they have the feat “Dragonwrought Kobold” from Races of the Dragon. This means they are descendents of Copper Dragons.
  • The entire story of Copper Gnomes is absolutely 100% false. Whitescales is a cleric utilizing the feat “Heretic of the Faith” from Power of Faerun. He is mad and completely believes his story.
  • The “Avatar of Kurtulmak” is actually a Great Wyrm Copper Dragon, who like most Copper Dragons is a constant prankster. Long ago Whitescales stumbled into his cave and noticing the insanity of the white kobold, the Great Wyrm thought it would be humorous to invent such a ludicrous story.
  • Upon vowing to change their ways, Draco and Wyrmfred adopted a Chaotic Good alignment, which happens to be the same alignment as the Copper Dragons they were descended from.

Learned Scribe

113 Posts

Posted - 01 Jun 2006 :  02:45:00  Show Profile  Visit TobyKikami's Homepage Send TobyKikami a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What? There's not been any reply to this at all? Well, better fix that. This was quite funny and outrageous, and I definitely enjoyed the twists.
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Chosen of Bane
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 01 Jun 2006 :  02:58:49  Show Profile  Visit Chosen of Bane's Homepage Send Chosen of Bane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey, I'm glad you liked it. The campaign will get started on June 20th. It will definitely be the most...interesting character I've ever played.

I'll be playing the Sorcerer, Wyrmfred who will be heading towards the "Dragonheart Mage" prestige class from Races of the Dragon, the other guy will be playing Draco, who will be a fighter that utilizes the Gnome Hooked-Hammer.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 01 Jun 2006 :  03:06:51  Show Profile Send Foxhelm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here's an idea...

Perhaps your DM could throw in a Recurring Villain that is a Heretic Gnome that believes that Garl Glittergold demands the ritual distruction of all Kobolds as abominations to Gnomekind. Rituals that involve embrassing and deadly pranks and traps.

There are just too few evil bastard Gnome in the world. Why not throw one into your campaign?

Ed Greenwood! The Solution... and Cause of all the Realms Problems!
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