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 What attracts the attention of mighty?
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Posted - 14 Feb 2006 :  11:33:44  Show Profile  Visit maurezen's Homepage Send maurezen a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
After recent events in our adventure I wonder what sort of activity can attract the attention of mighty persons and organisations? For example, will someone bother himself investigating after three good (roughly equivalent to 500 barrels of gunpowder or so, after one of them a good part of a mountainside collapsed) explosions in Thesk, Eastern Anauroch and somewhere in Sembia?

I heed the approval of others. I heed not its absence.

Master of Realmslore

1273 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2006 :  13:35:17  Show Profile Send Skeptic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Like loremmaster Krashos, I like to quote this :

"One stands and falls on one's own efforts. If one is good at it and resists the invariably fatal temptation to sit on a throne somewhere, one never even comes to the attention of the 'big folk' like Elminster, the Blackstaff and the Seven Sisters we hear so much about!"

-- Krostal of Thay ("Hand of Fire" by Ed Greenwood, p.154)

The only quote of this book I prefer is the one when the zentharim's wizard ask himself if their Old Mage (Hesperdan) is in fact THE Old Mage. Or maybe the one about the whip and the Lady Mage of Waterdeep.. or maybe..
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 14 Feb 2006 :  13:39:19  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
If it has a noticable or repeating effect on your interests, you investigate. Otherwise, you'll only pay attention if you have time or if it affects a rival.

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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 14 Feb 2006 :  15:33:07  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Depends, did each of them cause any kind of disturbance in the weave that would be out of the ordinary? If they were epic level explosions all occurring within a short period of time resonating throughout the weave.... then yeah, probably some chosen (and a couple dozen Zhents, red wizards, dragon cultists, hosttower mages, etc....) would all probably want to find out what's going on.... after all there might be some cool magic item in the hands of an idiot that they could readily take. Or they might want to know what it is in order to defend against it, etc...

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Senior Scribe

565 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2006 :  16:52:43  Show Profile Send Dhomal a Private Message  Reply with Quote

You mention that the explosions were in "Thesk, Eastern Anauroch, and somewhere in Sembia" - but that is still somewhat vague.

I have no idea of the nature of the explosions - be they spell-linked or of a more 'tech' source. Certainly - if magic was involved and it was powerful enough - that would bring the attention that has been mentioned. I would guess though - that a caravan transporting a large number of barrels of oil - that was set alight and exploded - would NOT cause that sort of reaction - unless a spell was used to ignite them - and that said spell was in and of itself - weave-disruptive.

Also - we don't know how close/far to cities/towns/castles etc these explosions were. I will also admit here - that I have no 'real' understanding of 'exactly' how big these explosions were - though I would assume Quite large - since 500 barrels is quite a lot - and toppling a 'good part of a mountainside' seems pretty darn big! The proximity of inhabited areas brings into play the concern of those living there. Even if the explosion itself was entirely non-magical - and it does not alter or endanger the weave - this proximity to people could cause the locals to investigae. Imagine a like-sized explosion occuring even a 'fair' distance from a Sembian city - the rulers of the city would Definately want to investigate - just to make sure tha there is no danger to the populace - or the almighty 'flow of coin' in their city. Could it be a rival nation beginning a campaign against them? Spellcasters in a duel - especially if one of them is From said city - dont want that sort of thing to spill back to the city itself....

Another thing - you mentioned that mountainside.... Anyone Live in that mountain? Dwarven clan? Aaracockra? (sp?), a dragon perhaps?

Were there any long-sealed tombs in the mountain - or any of the areas for that matter? Anything that lies in the 'blast area' that certain factions would not want discovered - or conversely - has someone / or a group been looking for something in one of those areas - and come looking to see if That was it - or even if it just 'uncovered' what they were looking for.

Judging solely from the comment that part of a mountainside was brought down for a size judgement - I would say that in a HIGH degree of likelihood - Someone - or some group of Someones - WILL come to investigate. They may not even be aware of the other 2 explosions - but would still be concerned over thier 'neighborhood' explosion.

Now - it may be too that if they are interested - they Might not send any of 'their own' to investigate - but rather hire some adventurer-types to do the sleuthing for them. And - of course - based on what they find out - some of the larger organizations May come into the knowledge of what happened - even if they did not investigate for themselves: Sembian city hires adventurers to investigete - they do - and return with a story of a 'big hole in the ground' - but one that has a seemingly carved corridor leading away from one side of the crater - and quickly ending in a door with no visible - nor findable (by them) means of opening it. This story is heard/picked up by the Harper agent in the city - as well as an agent from the Zhentarim - who both report back to their superiors.....

I hope my somewhat long-winded reply will help to some degree.


I am collecting the D&D Minis. I would be more than willing to trade with people. You can send me a PM here with your email listed - and I can send you my minis list. Thanks!

Successfully traded with Xysma!
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26 Posts

Posted - 02 Mar 2006 :  11:25:00  Show Profile  Visit maurezen's Homepage Send maurezen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes, it helped greatly. My DM said that he doesn't want to read all this, so we needn't worry about some mighty dolt seeking us :). I and my DM thank you for the length of reply - and I personally thank you for the information therein.

I heed the approval of others. I heed not its absence.
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Senior Scribe

399 Posts

Posted - 02 Mar 2006 :  17:09:16  Show Profile  Visit tauster's Homepage Send tauster a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think everything that explodes with the power of 500 kegs filled with gunpowder somewhere in the dunes of the Anauroch is bound to attract the attention either the Phaerimm (or their servants) or the Shades. ...or both. :D

The Anauroch is full with all sorts of powerful creatures, be they phaerimm, shades, dragons, lamias, sphinges, oasis-creating wizards of the zhentarim, the dozen local "gods" of the bedine, (see the 2e accessory!), beholders (there are whole CITIES full of them under the sands!), etc.
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