Please dont read any further if you havent read Dissolution and Insurrection novels.
. . . . . . . . What a partnership! I loved both these characters and really took to them. Richard Lee Byers (author of Dissolution) and Thomas M Reid (author of Insurrection) kept the characteristics and personalilities perfect between the two novels.
The two characters perfectly complement each other and contained such a variety that kept me wanting more and more! Pharaun was wity and humorous which often raised a smile whilst reading. I cant wait to read more about them!
I was shocked at the actions taken near the end of Dissolution when Pharaun and Ryld when Pharaun abandoned a wounded Ryld and left him trapped to battle enemy drow alone! Allthough throughout Insurrection they seem to rapidly forget the incident I couldn't help but feel a bit of an edge to their friendship, a lack of trust from Ryld (understandably).
Stand aside Drizzt
Lord Rad
"What? No, I wasn't reading your module. I was just looking at the pictures"
I fully agree, Pharaun is a truly enjoyable Character. He is the true Anti-hero. Even if the Third book focuses less on his relationship with Ryld, you can defiantly see a separation in the ranks of the party. I think it is great that they are not overlooking the intrigue of a Drow party.
Wow! That has no saving throw written all over it.