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Jamallo Kreen
Master of Realmslore

1537 Posts

Posted - 24 Mar 2007 :  18:21:56  Show Profile  Visit Jamallo Kreen's Homepage Send Jamallo Kreen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Hoondatha

My questions are: is Sune an interloper goddess, and if so from which pantheon? I know Tyr is, and Corellon is worshipped by elves all over the place, but what about Sune?
Sune isn't an interloper deity. Ed's Down to Earth Divinities in DRAGON #54 tells us that Sune was inspired by Aphrodite.

I have a "sometimes" theory however that Sune may in fact be a separated aspect of Aphrodite and interloped with her sister Tyche, into the Realms.

And second, what's the Far Realm? What book did I miss that I don't know about it?
The Far Realm is a Lovecraft-inspired realm of madness. Its most recent detailing was in Manual of the Planes 3e. It received several mentions in the older lore... mostly in relation to illithids -- The Illithiad being a prime example of this.

Well, Sage, Hoondatha raised the same question which I did in a scroll of my own which I penned in ignorance of this one. Tyr and Correllon are multi-sphere deities, but Sune apparently isn't. I think the time hath come to finally ask Ed about her and the Dragonking, and pray that he doesn't just tell us that it's a mystery of the gods!

OT to poor scribes: to make a quick bit of cash, wager your group's self-proclaimed experts on the Realms that they can't name the deity who has access to the highest arcane spellcasting slot. Or the one non-evil deity who has a higher divine rank than Cyric.

Answers: Sune(!!!), with spell slot twenty available to her, more than Azuth (19) or Mystra Mk II (18). The non-evil deity who can kick Cyric's butt? Chauntea!

I have a mouth, but I am in a library and must not scream.

Feed the poor and stroke your ego, too:

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