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 Elfshadow: Prelude & Chapters 1 - 4
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Head Moderator

United Kingdom
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Posted - 03 Nov 2005 :  00:08:54  Show Profile  Visit Alaundo's Homepage Send Alaundo a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Well met

This is a Book Club thread for Elfshadow. Please discuss the Prelude and Chapters 1 - 4 herein:

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United Kingdom
86 Posts

Posted - 04 Nov 2005 :  14:22:11  Show Profile Send Malarick a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So who is going to kick this one off then?

Has anyone started to read the book yet?

Best thing to do, is give us a run down of the major characters that have turned up in these opening chapters, and give us your initial thoughts on those characters.

You can also tell us what you think of the plot threads at this point in the book.

I know from past experiences, people don't like to be the first to make comment. But once you get going, it will start to flow!

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Senior Scribe

730 Posts

Posted - 04 Nov 2005 :  20:29:48  Show Profile Send Thelonius a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ok, then allow me to start. The first two things that caught my atention while reading were first, that the gold elf was the assassin one, and the moon elf the victim. As my first experience with elves in Forgotten Realms, it strongly called my attention, the second one was the fact that the main bad foe, Kymil Nimesin is openly introduced at the start of the book as the one behind the assassination plot, appearing in the next chapter as a hero between the elves from who Arilyn is very proud in being her apprentice.

And the most curious thing was that it really didn't matter as long as i forgot completely about Kymil's evil entrance and started to like him, a feeling that didn't dissapeared all along the novel though.

"If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not adherence to a single ideal." - Kreia
"I THINK I JUST HAD ANOTHER NEAR-RINCEWIND EXPERIENCE"- Discworld's Death frustrated after Rincewind scapes his grasp... again.
"I am death, come for thee" - Nimbul, from Baldur's Gate I just before being badly spanked
Sapientia sola libertas est

Edited by - Thelonius on 04 Nov 2005 20:35:35
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 04 Nov 2005 :  21:58:57  Show Profile  Visit Winterfox's Homepage Send Winterfox a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I was drawn in from the start when I first read the book, though the description of Arilyn as "a fledgling hero" jarred me a bit, especially on a re-read. (I just have an aversion to that sort of designation. Eh.)

I'll come back to post more once I've finished writing an essay that I should've started, oh, a week ago. Ugh.
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Forgotten Realms Author

2396 Posts

Posted - 06 Nov 2005 :  03:04:06  Show Profile  Visit ElaineCunningham's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Winterfox

I was drawn in from the start when I first read the book, though the description of Arilyn as "a fledgling hero" jarred me a bit, especially on a re-read. (I just have an aversion to that sort of designation. Eh.)

Winterfox, I can see how that phrase could be a bit jarring. It might help to consider the context and the point of view. That scene was described through Kymil Nimesin's perception. He knew enough about moonblades in general to know how difficult they could be to claim and wield. Moonfighters are generally elves of rare ability, unusually strong dedication to their people, and, not infrequently, a strong sense of destiny. That fits the designation of "hero" rather well, and Kymil was surprised to see that this rangy half-elf teenager had potential to grow into that role. (In fact, he was surprised that she was able to draw it at all; he expected her to die in the attempt.) This moment created an enormous shift of perception for Kymil, and he also realized that he had to come up with a new plan. He decided to take Arilyn under his wing and supervise her training because he knew he'd have to find a way to fit her into his plan.

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Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 06 Nov 2005 :  03:15:06  Show Profile  Visit ElaineCunningham's Homepage  Reply with Quote
One frequently encountered question/comment/criticism (depending upon the viewpoint of the person raising the topic) focuses on Arilyn's skill with the sword in that first scene between her and Kymil. After all, she is only fifteen years old, which is very young for a half elf.

But fifteen doesn't seem that young when you consider the skill Olympic gymnists and figure skaters have achieved by their early teens. Add elven (okay, HALF-elven...) agility, good genes, and an exceptional teacher (her mother, who was trained on Evermeet as a battle mage), and Arilyn could very reasonably have a skill level comparable to an Olympic athlete. She started training at a very young age--she later mentions that her mother put a wooden sword in her hand shortly after she was able to walk. She was had a passion for the sword and preferred practicing that skill to any other activity. That level of dedication is known to produce concert violinists and world class athletes at surprisingly young ages.
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Posted - 08 Nov 2005 :  02:03:45  Show Profile  Visit KnightErrantJR's Homepage Send KnightErrantJR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I must admit, I am quite upset that this is one of the books that was lost in my transition from married to unmarried. Of course now I have transitioned once again back to married, but my new bride was not issued to me with copies of all the things I lost in my first marriage. I wonder what requisition form I should have filled out.

At any rate, I do remember when I had first read this book I loved the Realms, but I was still getting a handle on things. My nieve opinion was that I almost could not conceive of an evil elf, and certainly not one that was evil while thinking he was doing what was best for every one. Between Kymil Nimesin and (ahem) Dalamar (cough, cough), my perception of the difference between how someone sees themself and how they view their culture was definately altered.
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Posted - 08 Nov 2005 :  02:05:01  Show Profile  Visit KnightErrantJR's Homepage Send KnightErrantJR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
(Before our esteemed Alaundo of the Dancing Halfling Robes smacks me for the Dalamar reference, I would like to point out Dalamar WAS an aquaintance of Elminster . . . )
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12 Posts

Posted - 11 Nov 2005 :  06:19:34  Show Profile  Visit Berzerker_prime's Homepage Send Berzerker_prime a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Okay, I'll admit it. I'm a latecomer to FR. I only got into it about two years ago when my gaming group formed. And of course, to keep up with some of the guys, I had to rapidly learn a whole lot about the Realms (a couple of them have been playing since 1e... when they were about ten, I think...).

Elfshadow was the first FR book I picked up and as such I didn't really know a whole lot about the setting. I think it was because of this that the prelude had something of a different effect on me than it did on others. The assassination of King Zaor was troubling, but I really didn't know why because I didn't have the backstory of Elven history. The prelude coming from the point of view of the baddies was a nice way to get the point across that they thought they were doing what was right and just and from the get-go I sympathized with them to a point.

I think it was this confusion that made me identify with Arilyn to some degree. And I think it was that identification that kept me reading the book.

To me, Arilyn was not a very inviting character at first. When we're first introduced to her, she seemed to me to be the very thing that caused me to flee the Lord of the Rings fanfiction community for a time; a shunned but talented and beautiful half-elf with a chip on her shoulder. And, oh! Did anyone mention her royal blood? Really, the only thing that kept me interested in her for the early chapters was the fact that she seemed just as confused about things as I did. So I gave her the benfit of the doubt.

And then I met Danilo Thann. I absolutely adored him from the moment someone asked him what color he would be when he ripened. For one thing, he shares my love of green. For another, the costuming potential for this character is amazing (as an aside, some people may be interested to know that the green silk fabric with dragons described in this chapter does exist. I saw it the other day and it would have been mine if I had had $15 a yard to drop on it). You don't see many males who are clothes horses, especially in fantasy settings. And yet, so very obviously straight!

But, all joking aside.

Danilo is a character that I think a lot of people can identify with. He's the ultimate showman, pretending to be something he isn't simply to fit in with peoples' perceptions. And, let's be honest with ourselves, who hasn't put on a show at some time or another to fit in? Danilo takes it a step further, of course, using peoples' assumptions and perceptions to fly under the Radar; Sir Percy Blakeney dressed in green and transported to Faerûn. All this does have a rather serious drawback for him, though; he doesn't quite know when to stop. Dan has to be reminded by Khelben that the old coot knows better. A flaw that one can surmise has left him surprisingly lonely despite all the people that surround him every waking moment.

It was after chapter four that I found I couldn't put the book down. Here were two characters I could identify with to some degree, both about to run headlong into each other. Sparks were going to fly and I just had to find out how far.


Nen lend ah lalaith lim, darthol i lú aphadad govatham.

Gaming quote of the week:
"Why does everyone assume I have a plan?"
"Because you were giving the orders!"
- Scondora and Elara, Fellowship of the Ever-Falling Troll.

RIP Alton Goodbarrel. We shalt always remember thee for thy ability to find traps... the hard way... even when yon 350 lb Dwarf walks over them first without triggering them.
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Senior Scribe

895 Posts

Posted - 11 Nov 2005 :  14:53:25  Show Profile  Visit Winterfox's Homepage Send Winterfox a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

One frequently encountered question/comment/criticism (depending upon the viewpoint of the person raising the topic) focuses on Arilyn's skill with the sword in that first scene between her and Kymil. After all, she is only fifteen years old, which is very young for a half elf.

Strangely enough, I never had a problem with that part. What I thought was that Kymil, in that scene, is hardly putting in an all-out effort to kill her stone dead. No surprise, then, that she'd at least be able to block and remain standing.

If I have a petty pet peeve, it'd be Amnestria's alias, since I'm somewhat allergic to fantasy names with apostrophes. :p

Originally posted by Berzerker_prime
When we're first introduced to her, she seemed to me to be the very thing that caused me to flee the Lord of the Rings fanfiction community for a time; a shunned but talented and beautiful half-elf with a chip on her shoulder.

*grins* You, too? Hi, fellow refugee from the scary fandom.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 11 Nov 2005 :  17:38:09  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Winterfox

Strangely enough, I never had a problem with that part. What I thought was that Kymil, in that scene, is hardly putting in an all-out effort to kill her stone dead. No surprise, then, that she'd at least be able to block and remain standing.

That was my thought, too. Even though she drew the sword and lived (note the mention of his expression, here), if he had wanted her dead, he had plenty of ways to do it, and plenty of time to do it, too.

Originally posted by Winterfox

If I have a petty pet peeve, it'd be Amnestria's alias, since I'm somewhat allergic to fantasy names with apostrophes. :p

Yeah, I wasn't fond of that name, either. But that was about the only issue I had with this part of the novel.

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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!

Edited by - Wooly Rupert on 11 Nov 2005 17:42:34
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hammer of Moradin
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Posted - 15 Nov 2005 :  06:06:36  Show Profile  Visit hammer of Moradin's Homepage Send hammer of Moradin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Elfshadow was one of my early introductions into the Forgotten Realms.

After over ten years much of the contents have faded from memory, but some things come back to me as I reread them.

My knowledge of Realms Lore then, and now, is drastically different, so there are nice little tidbits I catch on to now, that flew well over my head then.

Back then it took a while for me to realize, even though we're told, that the sword might have killed Arilyn. I couldn't figure out how, or why then. Now, it is quite clear. Its scary what a little knowledge will get you.

One bit I always switch into player mode about is in any situation where a classed character is struck down in offhanded fashion, with narry a fight or chance of survival. It promotes the story, yet at the same time it goes against what role-players are used to. The Zhent informant and the ranger both are struck down so quickly, it makes it hard for an old gamer to accept fully. The books are based in the game, so I expect a bit of Dungeons & Dragons to spill over.

Combat does not end that quick, except on the dreaded '1' roll. The first several years of reading Dragonlance, Greyhawk, and Forgotten Realms always had me gritting my teeth at these out of game deaths.

Now, I fully understand their use, necessity, and realism, so I'm not concerned about it. Just reading through the first few chapters reminded me of this old feeling.

Elaine - I like how you bring the reader to realize the power and potential of Arilyn. She sneaks into the Zhent fortress with little trouble, of course through careful planning, and kills one of the network's agents, escaping without getting caught. Yet, as soon as she is back to relative safety, someone she is friends with dies. She has great abilities, but is also helpless against her stalker, who strikes at will. There is so much she can do, while at the same time she is helpless.

"Hurling himself upon his enemies, he terrified them with slaughter!"

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium

Candlekeep proverb: If a thing is said often enough, fools aplenty will believe it to be true.

Edited by - Malarick on 15 Nov 2005 11:52:06
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Forgotten Realms Author

2396 Posts

Posted - 17 Nov 2005 :  16:24:51  Show Profile  Visit ElaineCunningham's Homepage  Reply with Quote
One suggestion, Alaundo: Maybe just one thread for the "classic novel" discussions? Most of the people who participate have probably read the entire novel.

On another note, I'm very pleased that Elfshadow was chosen for the Candlekeep bookclub, and the timing couldn't be better. I recently received contracts for a sixth and final novel in the Songs & Swords series. More Arilyn and Danilo (and Elaith, of course) are on the way. I'm really looking forward to spending time with these old friends. :)
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 17 Nov 2005 :  16:27:42  Show Profile  Visit Winterfox's Homepage Send Winterfox a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

On another note, I'm very pleased that Elfshadow was chosen for the Candlekeep bookclub, and the timing couldn't be better. I recently received contracts for a sixth and final novel in the Songs & Swords series. More Arilyn and Danilo (and Elaith, of course) are on the way. I'm really looking forward to spending time with these old friends. :)

*reads that* !!!

*reads that again, just to make sure she's getting it right* Oh. Em. Gee. Sorry, I'm too stunned -- in a good way -- at the moment to reply coherently.

Edited by - Winterfox on 17 Nov 2005 16:29:24
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Forgotten Realms Author

2396 Posts

Posted - 17 Nov 2005 :  16:30:53  Show Profile  Visit ElaineCunningham's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Berzerker_prime

Danilo takes it a step further, of course, using peoples' assumptions and perceptions to fly under the Radar; Sir Percy Blakeney dressed in green and transported to Faerûn. All this does have a rather serious drawback for him, though; he doesn't quite know when to stop. Dan has to be reminded by Khelben that the old coot knows better. A flaw that one can surmise has left him surprisingly lonely despite all the people that surround him every waking moment.

What a terrific nutshell characterization! And you nailed one of the primary inspirations for Danilo's character. I read The Scartlet Pimpernel as a child, and the notion of a character who was much more than he pretended to be intrigued me. Add a layer of Oscar Wilde, particularly as interpreted by Rupert Everett in the movie adaption of "An Ideal Husband," and you'll have a very clear picture of the Danilo who lives in the back of my mind. (And, alas, occasionally emerges to make a smartass remark...)

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Forgotten Realms Author

2396 Posts

Posted - 17 Nov 2005 :  16:33:13  Show Profile  Visit ElaineCunningham's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Winterfox

Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

On another note, I'm very pleased that Elfshadow was chosen for the Candlekeep bookclub, and the timing couldn't be better. I recently received contracts for a sixth and final novel in the Songs & Swords series. More Arilyn and Danilo (and Elaith, of course) are on the way. I'm really looking forward to spending time with these old friends. :)

*reads that* !!!

*reads that again, just to make sure she's getting it right* Oh. Em. Gee. Sorry, I'm too stunned -- in a good way -- at the moment to reply coherently.

Believe me, I can relate. I've been sitting on this news for a while, waiting for coherency to kick in.

Edited by - ElaineCunningham on 17 Nov 2005 16:34:01
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Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 17 Nov 2005 :  16:41:15  Show Profile  Visit ElaineCunningham's Homepage  Reply with Quote
In retrospect, I would have to agree with the folks who found the name Z'beryl less than appealing. When I started writing ELFSHADOW, I was relatively new to sword & sorcery novels in general and the Realms in particular. One of the reasons I always advise aspiring readers to read widely and voraciously is that unless you do so, you're unlikely to avoid cliche. You have to know what the cliches are before you can steer clear of them.

These days I tend to share the aversion to the apostrophe in names. I still like to use the occasional Z, but the appeal of that letter is also fading. Live and learn, and other songs from the same album.

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Master of Realmslore

1073 Posts

Posted - 17 Nov 2005 :  16:47:31  Show Profile  Visit khorne's Homepage Send khorne a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

On another note, I'm very pleased that Elfshadow was chosen for the Candlekeep bookclub, and the timing couldn't be better. I recently received contracts for a sixth and final novel in the Songs & Swords series. More Arilyn and Danilo (and Elaith, of course) are on the way. I'm really looking forward to spending time with these old friends. :)



If I were a ranger, I would pick NDA for my favorite enemy
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Head Moderator

United Kingdom
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Posted - 17 Nov 2005 :  17:15:02  Show Profile  Visit Alaundo's Homepage Send Alaundo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

One suggestion, Alaundo: Maybe just one thread for the "classic novel" discussions? Most of the people who participate have probably read the entire novel.

On another note, I'm very pleased that Elfshadow was chosen for the Candlekeep bookclub, and the timing couldn't be better. I recently received contracts for a sixth and final novel in the Songs & Swords series. More Arilyn and Danilo (and Elaith, of course) are on the way. I'm really looking forward to spending time with these old friends. :)

Well met

This is most splendid news, Elaine. Now i'm just too giddy for words!
Of course, it goes without saying to report back here as soon as more details can be revealed

Candlekeep Forums Head Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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An Introduction to Candlekeep - by Ed Greenwood
The Candlekeep Compendium - Tomes of Realmslore penned by Scribes of Candlekeep
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Great Reader

2104 Posts

Posted - 17 Nov 2005 :  18:19:44  Show Profile Send Kajehase a Private Message  Reply with Quote
*repeats Winterfox's previous actions* A new Danilo & Arilyn story *then does his "giddy with happiness whilst sitting down dance" (believe me, none reading this want a closer description). Wheee!!

originally posted by Elaine Cunningham

These days I tend to share the aversion to the apostrophe in names. I still like to use the occasional Z, but the appeal of that letter is also fading. Live and learn, and other songs from the same album.

Z'beryl wouldn't by any chance ever decide to carve a Z into the clothes of her vanquished opponents?

There is a rumour going around that I have found god. I think is unlikely because I have enough difficulty finding my keys, and there is empirical evidence that they exist.
Terry Pratchett
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Forgotten Realms Author

2396 Posts

Posted - 17 Nov 2005 :  21:58:26  Show Profile  Visit ElaineCunningham's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by KajehaseZ'beryl wouldn't by any chance ever decide to carve a Z into the clothes of her vanquished opponents?

Have you SEEN the rune for Z in the Espruar Forgotten Realms font? Hard to get anyone to stand still long enough for you to carve that into their clothes. Besides, Amnestria/Z'beryl would have been more likely to cut a little deeper. (Hey, she WAS engaged to Elaith, you know...)
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 17 Nov 2005 :  22:07:38  Show Profile  Visit Ethriel's Homepage Send Ethriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wow, Elaine, this is AWESOME! Danily, Arilyn, Elaith....oh, I want to see how it turns out for them....and the Thiones, and Hhune and Kymil, Elaine, simply wow...thank you so much! Can you tell us when it is expected for release or plot details?
Now we just see a Thornhold sequel and life is complete!
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 17 Nov 2005 :  23:15:47  Show Profile  Visit hooper101's Homepage Send hooper101 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I was thinking Scarlet Pimpernel when I read it! How funny!

Die, die, die ,die, die, why won't you just die you silly dragon!
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Head Moderator

United Kingdom
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Posted - 17 Nov 2005 :  23:55:50  Show Profile  Visit Alaundo's Homepage Send Alaundo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well met

As wonderful as this news is, please let's keep this scroll to discussing Elfshadow. If ye wish to discuss the new Songs and Swords novel, please use this new scroll.

Thank ye

Candlekeep Forums Head Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

An Introduction to Candlekeep - by Ed Greenwood
The Candlekeep Compendium - Tomes of Realmslore penned by Scribes of Candlekeep
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21 Posts

Posted - 18 Nov 2005 :  04:46:08  Show Profile  Visit DrJackal's Homepage Send DrJackal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

On another note, I'm very pleased that Elfshadow was chosen for the Candlekeep bookclub, and the timing couldn't be better. I recently received contracts for a sixth and final novel in the Songs & Swords series. More Arilyn and Danilo (and Elaith, of course) are on the way. I'm really looking forward to spending time with these old friends. :)


Now if WoTC will just pony up for another Liriel book...

I'm meandering my way through "Starlight and Shadows"; I'll pick up "Elfshadow" for a reread when I'm done.

"I was never on anyone's side in the first place, so how could I betray them?" -- Akabane Kuroudo.

"No man is a black magician in his own eyes." --- Richard Cavendish, The Black Arts
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12 Posts

Posted - 18 Nov 2005 :  06:01:13  Show Profile  Visit Berzerker_prime's Homepage Send Berzerker_prime a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Have you SEEN the rune for Z in the Espruar Forgotten Realms font? Hard to get anyone to stand still long enough for you to carve that into their clothes. Besides, Amnestria/Z'beryl would have been more likely to cut a little deeper. (Hey, she WAS engaged to Elaith, you know...)

Oh, I dunno, a nice stun spell, maybe a little rope, a critical success or two...

I don't have any referance to hand for the older version of Espruar, but from what I've seen of it, it would indeed make the mind boggle. I do like it better than the v3.5 version which looks too suspiciously like Tolkienian Tengwar for my tastes. But looking at the FRCS, at least the v3.5 Espruar character wouldn't be too hard to cut into something, provided one has enough blade control. Just four cuts, really. Up, left, right, left.

On the other hand, it would be darkly amusing to watch anyone try to carve any letters into someone's clothing with a two-handed sword. Hello, Waterdeep Watch? Can I get a clean up on The Way of the Dragon?


Nen lend ah lalaith lim, darthol i lú aphadad govatham.

Gaming quote of the week:
"Why does everyone assume I have a plan?"
"Because you were giving the orders!"
- Scondora and Elara, Fellowship of the Ever-Falling Troll.

RIP Alton Goodbarrel. We shalt always remember thee for thy ability to find traps... the hard way... even when yon 350 lb Dwarf walks over them first without triggering them.

Edited by - Berzerker_prime on 18 Nov 2005 06:02:16
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Senior Scribe

730 Posts

Posted - 18 Nov 2005 :  07:35:23  Show Profile Send Thelonius a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Another Danilo, Arilyn and Elaith's adventure!!!!!!!!!?????????

:: Starts grabbing his hair:: CAn't wait, can't wait, can't wait

"If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not adherence to a single ideal." - Kreia
"I THINK I JUST HAD ANOTHER NEAR-RINCEWIND EXPERIENCE"- Discworld's Death frustrated after Rincewind scapes his grasp... again.
"I am death, come for thee" - Nimbul, from Baldur's Gate I just before being badly spanked
Sapientia sola libertas est
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United Kingdom
86 Posts

Posted - 18 Nov 2005 :  11:00:09  Show Profile Send Malarick a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Please take heed of what Alaundo has already said. If you wish to discuss the new book, use the thread provided.

Lets keep these bookclubs on track and only use this one for discussing Chapters 1 - 4 of Elfshadow!


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Senior Scribe

730 Posts

Posted - 18 Nov 2005 :  22:03:39  Show Profile Send Thelonius a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Malarick

Please take heed of what Alaundo has already said. If you wish to discuss the new book, use the thread provided.

Lets keep these bookclubs on track and only use this one for discussing Chapters 1 - 4 of Elfshadow!


Sorry, I just read the Elaine's post and inmediatly answered it.

"If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not adherence to a single ideal." - Kreia
"I THINK I JUST HAD ANOTHER NEAR-RINCEWIND EXPERIENCE"- Discworld's Death frustrated after Rincewind scapes his grasp... again.
"I am death, come for thee" - Nimbul, from Baldur's Gate I just before being badly spanked
Sapientia sola libertas est
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Rinonalyrna Fathomlin
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Posted - 19 Nov 2005 :  04:28:08  Show Profile  Visit Rinonalyrna Fathomlin's Homepage Send Rinonalyrna Fathomlin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Winterfox

Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

On another note, I'm very pleased that Elfshadow was chosen for the Candlekeep bookclub, and the timing couldn't be better. I recently received contracts for a sixth and final novel in the Songs & Swords series. More Arilyn and Danilo (and Elaith, of course) are on the way. I'm really looking forward to spending time with these old friends. :)

*reads that* !!!

*reads that again, just to make sure she's getting it right* Oh. Em. Gee. Sorry, I'm too stunned -- in a good way -- at the moment to reply coherently.

*squeals* I cannot WAIT...

"Instead of asking why we sleep, it might make sense to ask why we wake. Perchance we live to dream. From that perspective, the sea of troubles we navigate in the workaday world might be the price we pay for admission to another night in the world of dreams."
--Richard Greene (letter to Time)
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Posted - 22 Nov 2005 :  16:54:51  Show Profile Send Kajehase a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Perhaps someone should try to bring the scroll back on topic away from celebrations of book-contracts and hrm...writing with a sword (which I guess puts the lie to the old saying.

I've read Elfshadow three times before (and in less than a year too), but when I made note for this post I tried to write them as if it was my first time through - not sure quite how well I succeeded.

What I reacted to here was how from sentence one it is clear that we are reading a fantasy-novel, and how well Elaine sets the mood of the place we are looking in at.
The elf emerged in a glade, a small verdant meadow...

As the prelude continues I like how we realises that this is not a very nice elf by seeing things from his point of view, and how at its very end, at the assassin's death, we get a sense that someone even more ruthless is going to play a part in the story.

And on a further note, something I did not notice before is that several scenes that would later appear in Evermeet - Island of Elves are mentioned as the sun-elf assassin progresses through the garden: The Green Island Dragonwar, the landfall of the Elven Armada. (At least if I a, correct in interpreting these as being one of the fights against raging dragons, and arrival of a Spelljammer ship).

Chapter 1
And here our heroine enters the story, although she may not be fully prepared just yet.

We also get to see the beginnings of Arilyn's characterisation, how she is in some ways loner (or maybe just lonely), and that she has a stubborn streak in her, as shown by her determination to keep the sword as her own, and how, while she feels a bit abashed by her outburst about joining the watch, still won't take it back when Kymil chides her for it. Oh, and we realises that she has some talent with a sword, of course And just maybe, that sword means that there are great things in store for her.

As for Kymil, we can see that while Arilyn may be hero-worshipping him (I gather he has about the same status in Evereska that a sports-star has in our world), what we see from his perspective makes us realise that he is not a completely sympathetic character - but we're left unsure as to whether he's a good or a bad guy since he does treat Arilyn really nice at the chapter's conclusion.

Chapter 2
And we're off! This is obviously where our adventure starts off, and as the chapter progresses we get to see the first example of Elaine's, to become famous, wit "I generally don't drink tea." As well as a word for a member of the Zhentarim I'd not mind seeing used more often - Zhentishman.

In the continuing characterisation of Arilyn, we discover that she's no longer a naïve child, but has developed a toughness and a good sense of reality during the off-scene years of adventuring, and we also get to see that she's basically honest (she doesn't want the Harpers blamed for her little insurance-policy).

The appearance of (who we will learn later is) the Harper Assassin at the end of the Chapter is a nice end of the main-story's opening chapter, we're still not 100% sure that it's not Arilyn, however, in...

...Chapter 3
it is made abundantly clear that Arilyn is much to honourable to kill someone in the manner that the old informant and the Harper ranger is done in. The action here is nice, but what really strikes one about them is how well Elaine uses them to keep establishing points about Arilyn's personality - the above-mentioned honourability, as well as her competence at what she is doing.

The escape from Darkhold gives us another nice glimpse, she doesn't like bats, but she's not someone who will get stopped by the suspicion of something nasty appearing in front of her.

And the brooding-scene at the end of the chapter, where she has left the caravan and is heading for Evereska, gives us yet another few pieces of her puzzle - she is lonely, and the trail of murders in her wake is beginning to greatly unsettle her. A good way of showing that she does have her vulnerabilities.

Chapter 4
I think the first note I made here says a lot: "Ah - Waterdeep."
I love how we get a look at Danilo's two sides, on one hand the silly fop and dilettante, on the other the (according to Khelben) quite competent adventurer and Harper. As has been said before, very reminiscent of the Scarlet Pimpernel.
And let's face it, Danilo is in many ways pure, unadulterated fun at this stage, I believe my favourite line is "Danilo was highly partial to green," when he studies the portrait of Arilyn.

There is a rumour going around that I have found god. I think is unlikely because I have enough difficulty finding my keys, and there is empirical evidence that they exist.
Terry Pratchett
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