Im sure all of you are "painfully" familar with my Views on the recent page count cut of FR source books from 192 to 160 so I wont repeat them here. Instead I will put forward a proposal
Why doesnt Wizards release a Son of Gruumsh style 32 page module, the module would focus on material used in the source book and would be released around the same time as the source book.
The Module could be released as one of the following
My thoughts are that it would be both a good idea in the sense that it could mean more Realms products and a not such a good idea because getting an adventure and a Dungeon module are not the same thing as getting more Realmslore, specially in geographical sourcebooks.
Actually, Sons of Gruumsh has some interesting Realmslore in it. I would like a 32 page adventure set in the area featured in a regional sourcebook, or an adventure that featured some elements of the book in questions (for a book like Champions of Valor). The adventure is a good idea.
Its more likely than a Dungeon adventure tied to new sourcebooks, becuase Erik, while trying to Realmsify Dragon a bit more, doesn't want to overdo setting specific adventures in Dungeon.
Didn't know that about Sons of Gruumsh. Adventures that include Realmslore tying with other sourcebooks could be a good compromise indeed. That could also be a good by to handle the metaplot in a similar way of what was done in the Player's Guide to Faerűn. There's a lot of hooks spread out in the novels and old sourcebooks that are crying for a little bit more development.