i was wondering if anyone here could answer this question:
what are the fonts used in the follwoing TSR books: Menzoberanzen, Shadowdale (from the FR Box 2ED), Ruins of UndermountainII.
i am especially interested in the fonts used in the text, as i think i know the fonts used in the headers. also, does anyone know where to get the borders used in these books? i am interested in doing some aesthetic clean-up for some campaign material of mine. thanks for any advice!
I wasn't able to tell the font names from the ESDs (which will give you the borders, though you'll get better resolution by scanning them yourself). But if you have a little patience, you'll probably be able to determine the body fonts with www.identifont.com
who-hoo! thanks faraer and everyone else! i used identi-font, and came up with monotype goudy old style as my font from Undermountain. this is perfect! thanks again.