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 Looking for a map of Sossal
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Learned Scribe

121 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2005 :  00:34:51  Show Profile  Visit Smyther's Homepage Send Smyther a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Title says it all. Are there any established maps of Sossal or anywhere else that far north? All I know are a few cities, there are two mountain ranges, it borders on the Great Ice Sea and the Great Glacier, and there are supposed to be the 'Plains of Sossal.' So where can I find any maps, if any?
Oh, and as a side note, are there any good sources on Sossal, aside from the VERY brief mention in the Sourcebook?
Thanks muchos.

So sayeth the Smyther, the Dark Bard of Amn.

Brother Ezra
Learned Scribe

268 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2005 :  05:22:51  Show Profile  Visit Brother Ezra's Homepage Send Brother Ezra a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The most information I've seen on Sossal was in the 2nd edition regional sourcebook The Great Glacier (FR 14). Even in there, the information about Sossal is scant, and the map doen't really reveal much information about settlements, geography, etc.

I'm afraid that this is one corner of the Realms that simply hasn't received a lot of attention.

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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 14 Feb 2005 :  11:37:46  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Like zero. Nothing about Sossal has been detailed except for a few scattered references and dates. Even the Great Glacier accessory didn't provide any information on them. Pretty much a blank page for you - have fun.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Learned Scribe

121 Posts

Posted - 15 Feb 2005 :  03:16:50  Show Profile  Visit Smyther's Homepage Send Smyther a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I intend to shed some light on this remote corner of the world. But much as I like working with a blank sheet and doing my own maps (I'm a map freak), Brother Ezra implied that there was at least *A* map, however shoddy. If there is any means you could get a copy to me, by scan and email or otherwise, I'd be very greatful.

Oh, and George, I may end up asking you for your famous information on Impiltur sooner or later... that's another place I'm very interested in. Seems like I only get interested when there's little cannon info.

So sayeth the Smyther, the Dark Bard of Amn.
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 15 Feb 2005 :  05:41:04  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The only maps that show the environs of Sossal are the really big scope maps that came with the original Ol' Grey Boxed Set. They should be in the FR Interactive Atlas.

As for Impiltur stuff, feel free to ask. Just be aware that I'll most likely have to ... <ahem> ... make stuff up.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6653 Posts

Posted - 23 Feb 2005 :  06:16:48  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I found some!

The old 2E FR Boxed Set "big maps" contain a few place names and other geographic feature names (like Mt Sundabar).

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Learned Scribe

168 Posts

Posted - 23 Feb 2005 :  15:54:16  Show Profile  Visit Ty's Homepage Send Ty a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh, Mt. Sundabar,

I had forgotten that was in Sossal. Didn't someone somewhere detail the issue that Sundabar is in the North near the Spine of the World but Mt. Sundabar is all the way over on the other side of the continent?

Was that you Krash? Something about dwarves migrating from Delzoun to Dargoth (or vice versa)? Dwarves Deep may have a tidbit of info on the dwarves near Sossal. No maps though that I remember.
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6653 Posts

Posted - 23 Feb 2005 :  22:57:11  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
FR11 Dwarves Deep talks about the realm of Dareth which was in present-day Sossal. The write-up is a tad screwy as it talks about refugees from Felbarr (near Silverymoon) being isolated from the rest of Delzoun by the drying up of the Narrow Sea (on the eastern edge of the kingdom) which doesn't work geographically. Anyway, a group of dwarves from Delzoun trekked east to Dareth and helped them fight the war against a group of white dragons and their servitors. I'm currently sorting out Dareth for my look at the historical progression of the East.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Great Reader

4607 Posts

Posted - 23 Feb 2005 :  23:18:06  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ty

Was that you Krash? Something about dwarves migrating from Delzoun to Dargoth (or vice versa)?

Ahem! I assure you that there are no Dwarves living on me!

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Emperor Sigismund

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 24 Feb 2005 :  00:55:39  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dargoth

Ahem! I assure you that there are no Dwarves living on me!

Are you sure?

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 24 Feb 2005 :  01:03:06  Show Profile  Visit Ty's Homepage Send Ty a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes, quite a few dwarves migrated and now Dargoth is suffering a nigh serious infection of them crawling all about...

Boy I really have to learn not to post until I've had that third pot of coffee to get the addled brain working.

Dareth is what I was thinking of. And yes George, I'd like to see how they work out that timeline there.

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 24 Feb 2005 :  02:44:40  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ty

Yes, quite a few dwarves migrated and now Dargoth is suffering a nigh serious infection of them crawling all about...

He's fine, so long as they don't start mining...

...And I'd best leave off with this line of fun before a certain staff-weilding old guy comes in...

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 16 Mar 2005 :  21:19:55  Show Profile Send TomCosta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No new map news, but don't forget Warriors and Priests of the Realms, Wizards and Rogues of the Realms, Demihumans of the Realms, and Demihuman Deities for information on Sossal and the avariel that live therein as well.
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 07 Mar 2009 :  19:33:26  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Waves hands... enacts thread-O-mancy...

Mwah ha ha ha!

Okay, enough stupidity... I found a decent enough map of the place in the 1e box - I haven't checked the 2e one yet, or the FRIA. Also looking at The Great Glacier, and I can't even find a mention of Sossal.

Anyhow, since I'm back up-north now, I'm going to need EVERYTHING I can get on this place, and any help would be appreciated.

Krash, that means you.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume all those Dwarven entries in the GHotR are yours, and ask you for whatever you got on the place.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 07 Mar 2009 21:06:21
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

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Posted - 07 Mar 2009 :  20:15:31  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There is (or was) an Ed lore entry on Sossal, sent to TSR back in 1986. And a very short addendum, penned just a few years ago in response to a designer query. I don't THINK wither has ever been directly published, though.
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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
1073 Posts

Posted - 07 Mar 2009 :  20:57:44  Show Profile  Visit crazedventurers's Homepage Send crazedventurers a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There is a bit more info on this scroll.



So saith Ed. I've never said he was sane, have I?
Gods, all this writing and he's running a constant fantasy version of Coronation Street in his head, too. .
love to all,
Candlekeep Forum 7 May 2005
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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
1073 Posts

Posted - 07 Mar 2009 :  21:02:26  Show Profile  Visit crazedventurers's Homepage Send crazedventurers a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Hooded One

There is (or was) an Ed lore entry on Sossal, sent to TSR back in 1986. And a very short addendum, penned just a few years ago in response to a designer query. I don't THINK wither has ever been directly published, though.

Is this what you mean from this piece by Ed?

Sossal: "Strange folk, the Sossrim -- strange magic, that is. I know they can jump from tree to tree as druids down here do. They sell us furs and gold and beautiful smooth-curved wooden furniture as flowing in its lines as elf work, but I've never been across the glaciers to get there. Very few have, and they don't seem eager to welcome anyone. Hardy folk, who think nothing of striding out alone in fierce blizzards."



So saith Ed. I've never said he was sane, have I?
Gods, all this writing and he's running a constant fantasy version of Coronation Street in his head, too. .
love to all,
Candlekeep Forum 7 May 2005
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 07 Mar 2009 :  21:14:16  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by crazedventurers

There is a bit more info on this scroll.




You do realize I was not only a participant in that thread, but also the last poster as well?

Not a lot of help there (but thanks anyway) - I'm looking for more geography info then people and culture info.

Was there a novel in which Dabron Sashenstar's exploits are detailed? It seems to me there is a good tale in there somewhere.

@THO - any chance you could get a little somethin'-something about Ed's original for me? I see some towns and such on the old maps, so I would imagine Ed had something there.

Considering WotC has had no interest in the region for two editions, I would think that he could part with some of that material at this point.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 07 Mar 2009 21:20:00
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Senior Scribe

479 Posts

Posted - 08 Mar 2009 :  07:53:07  Show Profile Send coach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
knock yourself out Markus ... (you owe me!)

A. Locales/Cities
1. The Ice Kingdom of Dareth [vanished dwarven realm] (FR11 p54-55) (DD p116)
a. Mountains of Dareth (FR11 p54-55) (DD p116)
b. Hoarfaern [white dragon realm w/ bestial servants] (DD p116) (FR11 p54-55) (RoF p34)
c. Mt. Sundabar (FR11 p55)
d. The Aerie of the Snow Eagles [on Mt Sundabar] (DD p116) (RoF p31) (PGtF p21)
e. Dareth citadel [ruins] (FR11 p55)
f. Heroes’ Height (FR11 p55)
2. Naupau [trade city on Great Ice Sea] (Horde vol.1 p15, vol.2 p88)
a. Sossarhim [name given to humans who live here] (Horde vol.2 p88)
b. Empire of Raumathar extended here (Horde vol.1 p19) (Horde Ancient Empire map) (RoF p99)
3. Sundice (FR11 p64)
4. Hoarbridge (FR11 p54)
5. Ushar Mountains (GG map)
B. Factions/NPCs
1. Winged Father Aquilan Greatspan, [avariel] (DD p116)
2. Men of the Red Kestrel [adventuring band] (FR11 p64)
3. Eldaerim [sponsors adventurers] (FR11 p64)
4. Anothaer [mage] (FR11 p64)
a. Maintains a magical sending service to communicate with other mages across Faerun (FR11 p64)
5. Dabron Sashenstar [fighter 9] (GTotR p118)
a. Explorer and trader, believed lost to an attack by Tuigan raiders (GTotR p118)
C. Geography/Climate
1. Mountains of Dareth (DD p116) (FR11 p54-55)
a. Divide the Great Glacier from the Great Ice Sea (FR11 p54)
b. Hoarfaern in northern part of range (FR11 p55)
c. Also called the Peaks of Cold Death to humans because of white dragons (FR11 p55)
2. Mt. Sundabar [in Dareth range] (FR11 p55)
a. Named after dwarven city from where the dwarven rescuers originated (FR11 p55)
b. Dareth citadel [ruins] (FR11 p55)
c. Aerie of the Snow Eagles (DD p116) (RoF p31 has in Icerim Mountains)
d. Miniature jungle environment inside with a tropical clime (RoF p31-34) (DD p116)
3. Heroes’ Height (FR11 p55)
4. Armridge (FR11 p55)
5. Icerim Mountains (PGtF p28) (UE p17-18,130,189)
6. Rumored ‘warm’ lands surrounded by volcanoes can be found far north of the Icerim Mountains (UE p189)
7. Great Ice Sea forms eastern border (UE p189) (Horde)
D. Politics/Laws
1. White Dragons seek to destroy any threats to their realm (RoF p34)
a. Employ magical items of great force and unknown elder origin (FR11 p55)
b. Fought against dwarves in the past, humans and avariels now (FR11 p55) (DD p116) (RoF p34)
c. Sheared off the peak of Mt. Sundabar where the Dareth clan of dwarves had a citadel (FR11 p55) (DD p116)
d. Also fought a great battle with the dwarves at Heroes’ Height (FR11 p55)
2. Avariels have sent diplomats into surrounding human nations (RoF p34)
3. Sossrim have good relations with Rashemen (RoF p101)
E. Economics/Trade
1. Sossal maintains trading outposts on the Great Ice Sea (Horde vol.1 p61, vol.2 p88)
2. Naupau maintains a sizable fleet on the Great Ice Sea (Horde vol.2 p88)
3. Sossal trade ships have been seen in Calimshan, their captains are suspected to know secret shipping lanes through the ice of the Great Ice Sea (Horde vol.2 p88) (FRCS p231)
4. Naupau merchants buy tin from Herlinga dwarves (Horde vol.1 54)
5. Exports: Furs, seal meat, gold, fine wooden furniture (FRCS p111)
6. Imports: Weapons, silver, meats (FRCS p111)
7. Trade takes place in foreign lands, mostly in Damara
8. Sossar furniture brings premium prices (FRCS p111)
9. Mountains of Dareth hold rich veins of metal-bearing ores (FR11 p 54)
10. Humans and Dareth dwarves traded at Hoarbridge (FR11 p54)
11. Humans hunt and cut lumber (FR11 p55)
12. Avariel glassblowing is renowned (RoF p34)
13. Sossrim traders rarely seen elsewhere in Faerun other than Vaasa, and northern reaches of Damara, Narfell, and Rashemi (RoF p108)
F. Demographics
1. Avariels (DD p114-118) (Dragon #233 p15-22) (RoF p31-34) (PGtF p23)
a. +4 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom (RoF p32)
b. Level adjustment +3 (RoF p32)
c. Favor transmutation and conjuration magic (RoF p33)
d. Experimenting with Divination magics to find lost or well-hidden Avariels (RoF p33)
e. Invented Wings of Flying and possible Winged Boots (RoF p33)
f. Use glass where other races use metal, stone, and wood – have mastered glassteel (RoF p34)
g. Ranged weaponry is preferred and mithril armor (RoF p34)
h. Keep arrowhawks, griffons, and hippogriffs as guards of Aerie (RoF p34)
i. Languages: Common, Elven, Auran, Damaran, Draconic, Giant, Rashemi, Tuigan, Sylvan (RoF p34) (PGtF p23)
j. Feats: Artist, Education, Mind Over Body, Rapid Flight, Strong Soul, (RoF p34) Fearless (PGtF p23)
k. Creation of Glassteel (CoV p65)
2. White Dragons (DD p116) (FR11 p54-55) (UE p130,189)
3. Elves (Horde vol.2 p93-94)
4. Shield Dwarves [red-bearded] (Horde vol.1 p54) (UE p8)
5. Arctic Dwarves (RoF p9-11)
a. Along the shore of the Great Ice Sea (RoF p9)
6. Humans: ethnic breakdown: Sossrim 93%, Nar 5%, Ulutian 2% (RoF p111) (GTotR p117-118)
a. Sossrim have natural druidic powers (FRCS p111) very adept at camoflauge in snow environment (GTotR p117)
b. Sculpt wooden furniture with their minds (FRCS p111)
c. Snow white skin, silver white hair (WaR p55) (GTotR p117) ice blue eyes, blonde hair (WaP p 41,42) (RoF p108) (GTotR p117)
d. Wear polar bear furs with intact head as a headcover (WaR p55) dress in all white clothing (GTotR p117)
e. Businesslike, direct and to-the-point demeanor (WaR p56)
f. Fanatically hate white dragons, and don’t consider any dragons “good” (WaP p42)
g. Marry and have children at young age (WaP p43)
h. Vulnerable to heat/fire based attacks (WaP p44)
i. Dialect of common called Skaevrym, and speak Damaran (FRCS p85) (RoF p108,111)
j. Use Dethek alphabet (RoF p108,111)
k. Complete adaptation to arctic environment (RoF p108)
j. Height and weight (PGtF p32)
7. Drow are rumored to inhabit the underdark below the Icerim Mountains (UE p8)
G. Flora/Fauna/Monsters
1. Sosser [horse breed] (Horde – loose stat sheet) (CoV p156)
a. Resistant to cold environs (CoV p156)
2. Ghost Rothe (FRCS p314)
3. High Rothe (FRCS p314)
4. Giant Eagles (RoF p34)
a. Allies of Avariel – inhabit same places (RoF p34)
5. Taer (PGtF p28,30) (UE p9,14-15,41, 72-74,130,189)
a. Bands of taer found in Icerim Mountains (PGtF p28) (UE p14-15,41, 72-74,130,189)
b. Automatic Languages [Icerim taer]: Common,Giant; Bonus: Auran, Damaran, Dwarven, Rashemi, Tuigan (PGtF p30) (UE p41)
c. Regional Feats [Icerim taer]: Battle Jump, Bullheaded, Survivor (PGtF p30) (UE p41,42)
d. Favored class: Barbarian, some druids and rangers (UE p9,41)
e. Attributes: +4 Str, +2 Con, -4 Int, -2 Cha (UE p9)
6. Frost Giants inhabit the Icerim Mountains (UE p48,130,189)
7. Frost worms [Icerim Mountains] (UE p130,189)
8. Encounter tables for the Icerim Mountains (UE p91)
9. Mar-zhugal [demon/troll hybrid] [Icerim] (UE p79,91,116)
10. Ice Trolls [Icerim] (UE p78-79,91)
11. Fell Trolls [Icerim] (UE p77-78,91)
12. Bheur [ice hag] [Icerim] (UE p91)
13. Thomil [Icerim] (UE p91)
H. Dieties/Temples
1. Aerdrie Faenya (DD p114-118) (RoF p31-34) (PGtF p23) (DDaD p10)
a. The Aerie of the Snow Eagles (DD p116) (RoF p31)
b. Led for 500 years by Aguilan Greatspan [fighter/cleric/divine disciple/hierophant 4/12/5/1] (DD p116) (RoF p31)
c. Avariel are deeply religious (RoF p33)
d. Sacred animals are tressrym, birds, and swarms (DDaD p10)
e. Sacred monsters are aarakocras, aasimar, air elementals, androsphinxes, avoral celestials, cloud giants, djinn, griffons, hippogriffs, lammasus, lillends, pegasi, pixies, silver dragons, and storm giants (DDaD p10)
f. Sacred gems/precious metals are hornbill ivory, sapphire and turquoise (DDaD p10)
g. Sacred color is sky blue (DDaD p10)
h. Other manifestations are strong winds, rainshowers, and storms (DDaD p10)
2. Auril (RoF p108) (PGtF p30) (DDaD p10)
a. Sossrim worship a benign aspect (RoF p108)
b. Taer (PGtF p30) (UE p14-15)
3. Loviatar (PGtF p30)
b. Taer (PGtF p30) (UE p14-15)
4. Taer also worship deities from the giant pantheon: Grolantor and Thrym (UE p14-15)
I. Classes
1. Wizards (WaR p54-56)
a. Uses nature as energy souce (WaR p56)
b. Shapechangers (WaR p56)
c. Vulnerable to fire/heat damage (WaR p56)
d. Any armor they wear is painted white (WaP p42)
e. Camoflauge themselves by dropping in snow (WaR p54-56) (WaP p43)
2. Fighters (WaP p41-44)
a. Unparalleled in arctic survival and cold-weather combat (WaP p41)
b. Muscular build (WaP p42)
c. Slow to laugh, slow to trust – “As cold as the snow that hides them” (WaP p42)
d. Cold-hearted pragmatists (WaP p42)
e. Bonuses to any roll involving cold or dragons (WaP p43)
f. Have natural “pass without trace” ability (WaP p43)
g. Must slay a white dragon to become a respected warrior (WaP p44)
3. Fighters, rangers, bladesingers, wizards, multi-class clerics and Clerics [avariels] (RoF p31-34)
4. Runecasters [frost giant] (UE p48)
J. Canon Plots/Adventures
1. Auril vs. Aerdrie Faenya (DD p114)
2. Finding ancient Dareth dwarven metalwork artifacts (FR11 p54-55,64)
3. Discover the reasons that the Ice Kingdom vanished (FR11 p54-55)
a. War with the white dragon realm Hoarfaern (FR11 p54-55) (DD p116)
a. Traded with Sossrim for years then one spring “came no more” (FR11 p54-55)
4. Finding ancient Dareth mines (FR11 p54-55)
5. White dragons at war with Avariels
K. Miscellaneous
1. Marriage is matrilineal (Ed Greenwood post on
2. Sossrim is given name of people who reside in Sossal (Poly #74, Greenwood)
3. Sossar is given name of items that are made in Sossal (Poly #74, Greenwood)
4. Great Ice Sea [also called Yal Tengri] (Horde) (UE p189)
a. Forms eastern border of Sossal (Horde)
5. Sossrim perform “mercy killings” on injured and infirmed (WaP p42)
6. Rumors of skyships (Dragon #124 p.18-20)
7. First King of Dareth was Orloebar Snowbeard (FR11 p54)
8. Embryn Shatteredshield - King at the Dareth citadel on Mt Sundabar (FR11 p55)
9. Ice Kingdom of Dareth was founded 4000 years ago, settled by dwarves from Mulhorand and Unther (FR11 p54)
10. Dareth clan – “Sign of the Realm” rune is a row of three mountain peaks with a stone hammer, head to the right, horizontal above them, almost unknown today (FR11 p55)
11. Dareth dwarven metalworks are of exquisite design (FR11 p64)
12. Sossrim mercenaries fought in the armies of Mulhorand during the Orcgate Wars (RoF p108)
13. Briefly fell under Raumathar sway at height of its empire but mainly been isolated and independent (RoF p108)

Bloodstone Lands Sage
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Gang Falconhand

United Kingdom
85 Posts

Posted - 08 Mar 2009 :  09:42:16  Show Profile  Visit Gang Falconhand's Homepage Send Gang Falconhand a Private Message  Reply with Quote

coach, that's amazing!

What product does 'DD' refer to? I thought Dwarves' Deep but that's FR11 which you've listed elsewhere, then I thought Demihuman Deities but I can't find any references in there on the pages you've listed.

Also 'DDaD' - I have no clue.

"If you have a quality let it define you."

Edited by - Gang Falconhand on 08 Mar 2009 09:49:06
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 08 Mar 2009 :  15:07:17  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I like to just say 'ditto' to everything Gang just said.

@Gang: I believe it is Demihuman Deities - some copies are numbered differently, for whatever weird reason. I have no idea about DDaD, though.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 09 Mar 2009 02:53:22
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Gang Falconhand

United Kingdom
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Posted - 08 Mar 2009 :  23:28:50  Show Profile  Visit Gang Falconhand's Homepage Send Gang Falconhand a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay

I like to just say 'ditto' to everything Gang just said.

@Coach: I believe it is Demihuman Deities - some copies are numbered differently, for whatever weird reason. I have no idea about DDaD, though.

Ah. Just checked my copy of Demihuman Deities under Aerdrie Faenya and it seems most of the information listed in coach's post above as DD116 is on page 95 of my copy. Shrug.

"If you have a quality let it define you."
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 09 Mar 2009 :  02:54:33  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yeah, I don't know why that is, but for some reason the page numbers were changed between print-runs.

Makes me wonder if I'm missing something.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 09 Mar 2009 17:01:07
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Senior Scribe

479 Posts

Posted - 09 Mar 2009 :  03:35:51  Show Profile Send coach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
sorry about the abbreviations, below are the sources:
(i have no idea about the page numbers from DD, hopefully i have the edition that is the most common LOL)

1. Demihuman Dieties (DD) – accessory, Eric Boyd 1998
33. Deity Do’s and Don’ts (DDaD) – web enhancement -, Reynolds

Bloodstone Lands Sage
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Posted - 09 Mar 2009 :  03:47:14  Show Profile Send coach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
i also apologize that the indentions in the outline disappeared in the copy/paste, makes it harder to read

Bloodstone Lands Sage
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 09 Mar 2009 :  11:23:30  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Beautifully done, coach, beautifully done. Reminds me of my e-mails to Eric Boyd in days gone by when he'd ask for every (and I mean 'every') reference to ... well just about anything.

In addition to coach's references I did include several Sossal events/dates in GHotR at Kim Mohan's request. I have plans to flesh out their lineage in due course ala the ones showcased in GHotR but given that the skeleton of the Calimshan one lies on my HD at the moment, I guess I should finish that one first.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

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Posted - 09 Mar 2009 :  17:17:12  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by coach

i also apologize that the indentions in the outline disappeared in the copy/paste, makes it harder to read

I noted that, and put them all back-in when I copied it into Word - between that and Arravis' post in the other thread, I now have a pretty decent 'handbook' for Sossal.

No need to apologize - I wish I was 1/10 as organized as you.

Originally posted by George Krashos

In addition to coach's references I did include several Sossal events/dates in GHotR at Kim Mohan's request. I have plans to flesh out their lineage in due course ala the ones showcased in GHotR but given that the skeleton of the Calimshan one lies on my HD at the moment, I guess I should finish that one first.
I have the geography of the place finally done (including a couple of forests - woodcutting is mentioned, and yet there weren't any).

I was thinking of putting together a little something for Sossal - now that others have done the 'legwork' - but now I'm thinking this could be a community project?

I know Brian mentioned a little something about the place - about Dragons once ruling but no longer (he may have gotten that from you Krash), and I've been putting together a storyline for the place, including going way back to a clan of Frost Giants that lived in Armridge (which appears to have been it's own Realm at some point), that battled with the Silver Dragons for control of the region. The Dragons obviously won, but at great cost, and there are some giants still left - 'peaceful' decendents of the ones that didn't get involved with the Dragons (the "cowards", or 'conscientious objectives' from a human point-of-view).

Anyhow, right now I just got a fuzzy picture of it's history in my head (I always do that when I map a region), but I wouldn't mind taking it a step further. I never finish anyhthing on my own, but I was thinking with your lineage and maybe a little by Brian (I'm sure he would like to elaborate further on Auril's church for this region) - perhaps even Ed could add something (through queries in his thread).

Coach gave us one helluva a head-start with that outline, and I think this might make an interesting project for us here at the Keep (especially in light of the fact that the Compendium is on hold).

What say, thee, fellow scribes? Are ye' with me!?

And of course we send it all off to Alaundo so he can do his wonderful netbook-magic to it.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 10 Mar 2009 04:13:02
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The Sage
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Posted - 09 Mar 2009 :  23:12:01  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
'Tis certainly an interesting idea Markus. And I'd be keen to lend a lore-searching hand when needed.

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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

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Posted - 10 Mar 2009 :  04:16:21  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Not interestied in detailing anything Sage?

C'mon... they must have some musical traditions...

Just imagine what sort of intersting instruments could be fashioned in such a cold environment... Organs built around Ice-crystal harmonics... Remorhaz Bone-flutes... Yeti-skull drums (their conical skulls are sure to make a unique sound)...

You know you want too...

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 10 Mar 2009 :  05:13:31  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Actually, I had already picked up some brief notes on possible musical trends for Sossal and the surrounding regions from existing Realmslore. They featured in my once-submitted "Keys to Realms Music" article for the printed version of DRAGON nearly two years ago [whoa, 'tis been that long!?! ]. I suppose I could expand on that initial info using existing Realmslore on musical instruments and the like. Plus some of my own ideas on instruments.

Hmmmm. You've got me thinking on this now, Markus. Count me in!

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 11 Mar 2009 :  22:16:29  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Very cool.

Just let me get a little bit of the Glacier done, and an outline, and then I'll start a thread for this.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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