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25 Posts

Posted - 06 Dec 2004 :  13:33:28  Show Profile  Visit Shayan's Homepage Send Shayan a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I'm in the process of creating a Drow campaign for a Neverwinter Nights (PC game) persistent world module. I want to add a little history that explains how the Drow came to the Land X (aka this persistent world).
I need help to find an Underdark, with a quite a large drow city that might have housed around 60,000 dark elves, and lies quite near a surface sea (Not an in land sea, but a sea streching into the Unknown). So I can make it so that the drow from this city fled to Land X after they failed an attack on another house.
(We all know what happens to the house that fails in their attack... So I guess their flight to the surface then across the sea -and subsequent arrival on Land X- would be an acceptable course of action )

Thus far I have created a 'fictional' (IE not according to FR lore) off the coast of the Shining Sea, but im not really content with just conjuring this city out of nowhere....
Please help. I have to meet the project deadline in 13 days

PS: These Drow flee their city around -1750DR, and this Underdark city does not have to exist in the present day.

Someone please tell me where to buy FR books in Australia!! Pretty Please...
Shayan's Subrace Engine - for NWN

Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

1707 Posts

Posted - 06 Dec 2004 :  16:47:13  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, working from the basic histories that I remember from Cormanthyr and Empires of the Shining Sea, that's a fine place for a drow city. Rather than have them as the drow that conquered and took over what became the Great Rift, you've set them a wee bit to the west.

Reasons for them to be apart--are they Vhaerun worshipers instead of Loltheads? Could it be politics and infighting among the great houses of early drow empires? What if they're there simply for trade (i.e. they've built a drow city that's almost a hunting outpost and place from which to hunt and harvest what will become the building blocks of drow civilizations?

Another good place to put them would be to use the same mechanisms--early drow soon after the fall split off from the main populace that was once Ilythiir and headed south through the Underdark, establishing a city underneath the Chultan peninsula (giving you access to even more open water than off the Faerunian coast)?

Hope these ideas help even a wee bit.

who wouldn't worry too much about adding a drow city, as Eric Boyd probably left you lots of wiggle room for development from his Guide to the Underdark

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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6653 Posts

Posted - 07 Dec 2004 :  00:31:33  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Steven is on the ball as always, but I have another suggestion also. The location you've picked is fine and the drow can be dark elves who fled from Guallidurth (beneath Calimshan) following the Spider Wars with the dwarves of Shanatar or the Night Wars with the humans of Calimshan. Steven's excellent "Empires of the Shining Sea" product will help you out re dates and timing. For something different you might want to make them Ghanaudar worshippers as Guallidurth is dominated by the clergy of Lolth and the Vhaerun worshippers in the region seem to be congregated in the Forest of Mir.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6653 Posts

Posted - 07 Dec 2004 :  00:34:52  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I just remembered another option, and one based on Ed's realmslore in his old "Everwinking Eye" column in Polyhedron magazine. He refers to the drow city of Naernth Dar which lay beneath the Border Kingdoms along the Lake of Steam. It was destroyed by paladin worshippers of Tyr who killed all the matron mothers. I'm away from my sources just at the minute, I'll give you any more info from the reference once I dig it up to check.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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25 Posts

Posted - 07 Dec 2004 :  23:52:06  Show Profile  Visit Shayan's Homepage Send Shayan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks much Steven and George the info was very helpful.

I'm relocating Ssolisha'rk (The city's name is some what inspired by Sshamath -which I came across when I searched 'Naernth Dar' ) to beneath the Jungles of Chultan. It seems to be the ideal place. Now this large city doesn't seem to interfere with FR lore too much...

Thank you again to the both of you .

Someone please tell me where to buy FR books in Australia!! Pretty Please...
Shayan's Subrace Engine - for NWN
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Great Reader

2285 Posts

Posted - 01 Oct 2018 :  17:57:18  Show Profile  Visit cpthero2's Homepage Send cpthero2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Seeker Shayan,

I would also recommend you read the Underdark accessory. Good resource right there.

Best regards,

Originally posted by Shayan

I'm in the process of creating a Drow campaign for a Neverwinter Nights (PC game) persistent world module. I want to add a little history that explains how the Drow came to the Land X (aka this persistent world).
I need help to find an Underdark, with a quite a large drow city that might have housed around 60,000 dark elves, and lies quite near a surface sea (Not an in land sea, but a sea streching into the Unknown). So I can make it so that the drow from this city fled to Land X after they failed an attack on another house.
(We all know what happens to the house that fails in their attack... So I guess their flight to the surface then across the sea -and subsequent arrival on Land X- would be an acceptable course of action )

Thus far I have created a 'fictional' (IE not according to FR lore) off the coast of the Shining Sea, but im not really content with just conjuring this city out of nowhere....
Please help. I have to meet the project deadline in 13 days

PS: These Drow flee their city around -1750DR, and this Underdark city does not have to exist in the present day.

Higher Atlar
Spirit Soaring
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