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Master of Realmslore

1103 Posts

Posted - 18 Jun 2004 :  09:29:31  Show Profile Send zemd a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Hi everyone, it's been a while!
my players have decided to create a new Myth Drannor... in the Elven Court.
We play in 1358DR, the ToT just finished. They are lvl15 soon 16.
It's a bid work for me, political intrigues to create, armies from both side, monsters in Cormanthor, and so on.
So i'd be very grateful if you could help me a little.
I've already posted a thread in the FR wizards' forum:
Any idea would be worthy, anything that could come in the top of your head, even the slightest begining of an idea.
I'll right later what they plan to do (got it all in french and i doubt it'll help anyone of you :) )

Great Reader

5517 Posts

Posted - 18 Jun 2004 :  13:26:24  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What is the racial configuration for this party? All moon elves? Sun elves? Or what?
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Master of Realmslore

1103 Posts

Posted - 18 Jun 2004 :  13:37:05  Show Profile Send zemd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There are a Sun elf cleric of Eilistraee(child of the elven commander in chief of the armies of myth drannor in 714DR), an aasimar paladin of Tyr, a dwarf, an elf created by to entities (technically speaking she's not an elf but it's hard to explain), a human druid, and a barbarian half orc
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Great Reader

5517 Posts

Posted - 18 Jun 2004 :  13:41:55  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by zemd

There are a Sun elf cleric of Eilistraee(child of the elven commander in chief of the armies of myth drannor in 714DR), an aasimar paladin of Tyr, a dwarf, an elf created by to entities (technically speaking she's not an elf but it's hard to explain), a human druid, and a barbarian half orc

An eclectic group. A sun elf cleric of Eilistraee. I can only imagine how other sun elves treat her/him.

Edited by - SiriusBlack on 18 Jun 2004 13:42:30
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green knight

50 Posts

Posted - 18 Jun 2004 :  22:46:43  Show Profile  Visit green knight's Homepage Send green knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I was once inspired to a similar idea after reading a Dragon magazine article (sorry dont have the number right now but I will attempt to find it later) about lesser Seldarine Gods of magic. One was Dahral Firecloak, but the one that got me thinking was the elven god of Mythals (dont recall the name) who was weakened by an attack by Malar and is "asleep" in the Velarswood, or wood of sharp teeth or something. Apperantly much of his essence was trapped in a ring which is somewhere about in the Realms now. If the ring was recovered and used to revive the god I imagine it would be a good step in getting him to help "repair" damaged Mythals such as Myth Drannor, Or others. I liked the idea but it is a bit more high powered than I usually like to play. I will attempt to find the Dragon magazine and post again if anyone is interested.
Green Knight
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Great Reader

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Posted - 18 Jun 2004 :  23:15:47  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by green knight
I will attempt to find the Dragon magazine and post again if anyone is interested.
Green Knight

Please do as I don't recall hearing or reading about this article.
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Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
508 Posts

Posted - 19 Jun 2004 :  00:25:52  Show Profile Send Sarelle a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'll pipe in - Magic of the Seldarine; Chris Perry; Dragon #251.

There was a site that hosted the article... but as they do, it was destroyed. I have it copied to the hardrive, though, if anyone wants it.

Chair of the The Rightful Return of Monster Deities to FR Society (RRMDFRS)

My character, drawn by Liodain: Sarelle / Sarelle (smaller)
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Arion Elenim
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jun 2004 :  01:18:26  Show Profile  Visit Arion Elenim's Homepage Send Arion Elenim a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wow, what a great idea....I've got two scenarios for you...

POLITICAL SCENARIO: I think that Myth Drannor must even still be a massive sore spot for the elven nation.

I can think of no one better suited to lead the rebirth of Myth Drannor than your aforementioned cleric of Eilistraee. The downfall of Myth Drannor was in most part due to the petty in-fighting of the elven families...the same thing that has defeated the drow time and time again. In this way, a cleric attuned to what has happened with the drow is an excellent choice, using the dark elves as an example of what not to do. But, the party has to vie for political position with the Council of Evermeet for permission and funds to begin a new Myth Drannor...something that many older elves may not wish to relive.

BATTLE SCENARIO: Another way to go might be the birth of a new god.....perhaps in order to completely do away with the Elven Retreat, Larethian and Angaraddh have decided to conceive a new deity to raise Myth Drannor from its ruined state. Dark powers (Bane? The combined forces of the Orc and Drow pantheons?) have stopped the child's ascension and have left him/her stranded in the form of a mere essence locked in a tower in the ruins of Myth Drannor. The PCs of course, must rescue the essence from the ruins so that it might become the protective deity of New Myth Drannor. This of course might be prevented by the aforementioned dark powers, as the essence is guarded by the famed ghosts of Myth Drannor, as well as an enslaved denizen of the Abyss...

Again GREAT idea, Zemd...hope these little hunks of drivel help...

My latest Realms-based short story, about a bard, a paladin of Lathander and the letter of the law, Debts Repaid. It takes place before the "shattering" and gives the bard Arion a last gasp before he plunges into the present.

Edited by - Arion Elenim on 19 Jun 2004 01:29:23
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 19 Jun 2004 :  03:19:47  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Keep in mind that Lathander has a temple just outside Myth Drannor. His followers at the Dawnspire are there with the aim of helping restore the city. Also, Shaundakul has a temple in the city, though I don't believe it's active.

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jun 2004 :  03:52:28  Show Profile Send Sarta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As recently as Faiths and Pantheons, it is mentioned that the Knights of the Shadow Sword are based in Shaundrakul's Throne -- fortifying that temple and scouting out the city.

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28 Posts

Posted - 23 Jun 2004 :  21:37:15  Show Profile  Visit Sebastrd's Homepage Send Sebastrd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sarelle, I'd appreciate it if you could send me that article. It sounds intriguing.
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Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
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Posted - 24 Jun 2004 :  13:20:32  Show Profile Send Sarelle a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here, Sebastrd. If anyone wants me to remove this, just say.

Magic of the Seldarine

by Chris Perry

(Dragon #251)

Table 1: Elven gods and their specialties
Aedrie Faenya ---Elemental air magic
Corellon Larethian ---Elven magic in general, high magic in particular
Erevan Ilesere ---Chaos magic
Hanali Celanil ---Enchantment
Kiaranshalee (drow) ---Necromancy
Kirith Sotheri---Divinations & enhcantments
Labelas Enoreth ---Chronomancy
Lolth (drow) ---Drow magic, shadow magic
Melira Taralen ---Bardic magic
Rellavar Danuvien ---Ice magic
Deep Sashelas ---Sea/water magic
Sehahine Moonbow---Divination, enchantment, illusion
Tethrin Varalde---Battle magic (Evocation)

The magical associations of the elven gods (including the drow pantheon and those elven gods mentioned in "The Seldarine Revisited" in DRAGON° Magazine issue #236) appear above. In addition to these well-known elven deities, there are several more elven gods of magic. None of them is particularly well known-and some are in danger of losing their status among the Seldarine, but they can make your campaign even more interesting and round out the pantheon.

*Special Note: The artifacts and Pyrogean Wizard 'kit' (now renamed the Stoneflame Disciple) have yet to be properly 3e'd. Have patience and I'll finish that up soon enough.
---Chris, 4/27/2003

Mythrien Sarath (The Protector, Watcher over Mythals)

Symbol: Three rings, the middle ring of blue and the other two of gold
Home Plane: Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Apjurative magic, mythals, protection
Worshippers: Abjurers, elves, high mages, protectors
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Creation, elf, force, magic, spell, protection
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Mythrien is one of several elven gods who have fallen since the Elder Days, when elven culture was more prominent in the world than it is now. In those days, mighty protective magic was wielded for the people's benefit. Although Corellon controls access to high magic itself, elven sages can attest that Mythrien assisted elven wizards in mastering the creation and weaving of mythals. He surrendered too much of his power in the process, however, and in an effort to boost his powers to their previous level he decided to create a mighty artifact at a hidden delve somewhere on Faerun. Known as Mythrien's Ring, this relic proved his undoing, because at a critical point in the creation process, Malar appeared and attacked Mythrien' s avatar. The magic went awry, the ring was lost, and Mythrien's lone avatar was imprisoned in the ground beneath the site of the battle. (Some claim that this occurred in Askalvar, which is now called the Wood of Sharp Teeth.) Since that time, Mythrien has freed himself but has chosen not tot to send avatars to the Prime Material Plane and has instead relied upon visions and manifestations to communicate his desires to his clerics. It goes without saying that he counts Malar as a blood enemy, but Mask and Tales are also included, since Mythrien believes that they assisted Malar in his attack. Mythrien's priests are likewise ill disposed toward the followers of these three and hunt them mercilessly in their quest for the ring (and vengeance) and the restoration of Mythrien' s power.
Mythrien never leaves Arvandor, preferring to stay in his palace, Mythralan. It levitates above the ground within a swirling mass of invisible (but tangible) mythal fields, and no other deity except Corellon or Sehahine know how to bypass these fields without his permission. The morose Mythrien has lost the spark of gaiety that typifies the Seldarine, although there’s always hope that it will return.
Mythrien' s priesthood is virtually extinct, limited to older elves and baelnorns. Clerics wear blue robes with yellow borders, divine championss use black robes with blue borders, and the rank of any follower is shown by the number of circles on their robes-one gold circle for those reaching 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th level; an equal number of blue circles for divine champions of the same levels.
Mythrien's priests celebrate special days of worship twice per month, with one additional holy day each year. The Forging & The Loss (of the ring) occurred on Ches (March)12th, according to church doctrine, so that day is a time of mournful remembrance. Holy wars against worshippers of Malar or Tales commonly erupt on this day, and it's safe to say that any human thief of ill repute found near these days is considered a spy for Mask and dealt with in the same (bloody) manner.

DM notes: Mythals are unique to the Forgotten Realms, a product of elven high magic. This is the province of Corellon Larethian, although Mystra also has jurisdiction in that area. Realmslore since the publication of Cormanthyr goes against the idea of a niche for an elven god specifically suited for mythals. It could be stricken from Mythrien's portfolio, making him merely an elven god of abjuration and guardianship, or one could say that Mythrien is in fact 'Mythanthor', an elven high mage known to those in fallen Myth Drannor, and that she was given further means to serve Corellon. It'll require a major rewrite of Mythrien but it might be worth it.

Sarula Iliene (The Nixie Queen)
Lesser Elven Deity
Symbol: Three blue lines with three crested points each (to
symbolize waves)
Home Plane: Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Lakes, nixies, rivers, water magic
Worshippers: druids, elemental savants, elves, half-elves. riverfolk, water genasi
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Animal, chaos, elf, magic, water
Favored Weapon: Net
Sarula is a nature deity who allied herself with the elven god of nature, Rillifane, as a means of securing her place in the Seldarine. They act more like a father and daughter, but she also has a special relationship with Deep Sashelas, for much of the water she rules over eventually flows to the sea (and into his area of control). It’s said that Sarula collects water from Aedrie's rain showers to give them to Deep Sashelas, but there's nothing more to it than that. (Sashelas' consort, the dolphin goddess Trishina, is a watchful lover and makes sure that his attentions never go further.)
Sarula is a quiet deity but not as passive as her friend Eldath. She has no qualms about sending floods to drown enemy armies nor to erecting walls of water to protect her faithful. She resides in Arvandor at the bottom of a huge lake called Brythanion, within a glass and marble palace. There she is served by nixies and other creatures found in fresh water, as well as her most devoted priests and priestesses.
Clerics make up the majority of her church (60%-85%), the rest being druids or elemental savants who’ve chosen to specialize in water magic (since it's part of her portfolio). There are no particular holy days to be observed, only times of offering to be declared when a boon is needed or a natural disaster to be averted. At such tunes they don black robes with blue waves embroidered upon them (gray and green waves for mystics and water wizards, respectively), and they offer elven wine in carefully prepared urns upon which purify water is cast upon the wine in order to make it suitable to Surula, then it's poured into the river or lake. Other events to be observed are the deaths of elder priests, the rise of new leaders, or the birth of children to those within the faith. Their attire changes little in times of war, except to don arm bands and armor. Their aim is to watch over the rivers and other sources of freshwater to ensure they remain unpolluted, and to protect elves and others from suffering ill fates in or near water that lies within their chosen area of guardianship.

DM's notes: Sarula can be included 'as is' in any campaign. In the Forgotten Realms Sarula could merely be an alias for the human deity Eldath, but there's enough differentiation that this isn't necessary. Lake Sember, in the southwestern Elven Woods, would be sacred to her followers.

Darahl Firecloak (The Even-Tempered, Lord of the Green Flame)
Elven Demigod
Symbol: Two outstretched hands holding a green flame between them
Home Plane: Elemental plane of earth (also Arvandor)
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Earth, flame, and related magic, new beginnings
Worshippers: Drow, druids, elemental savants, earth genasi, elves, exiles, fire genasi, half-elves
Cleric Alignments: CN, LN, N, NE, NG
Domains: Drow, cavern, earth, elf, fire, magic
Favored Weapon: Shortsword

Darahl is a god with a long and checkered past, particularly so for a member of the Seldarine. Long ago he was known as Tilvenar, and he served Rillifane Rallathil, but he suffered a loss of power and prestige when an avatar of his was made insane by touching the Kyrashar Rose (a cursed artifact created by Lolth and the Queen of Air and Darkness to hurt and destroy elves). The insanity spread to several of his avatars, and they rampaged through many communities. In time his avatars were dispatched or cured of their affliction, but the damage was done. The elves largely forsook him and his following withered. Eventually he dropped his old name and began to call himself Darahl Firecloak. By "reinventing" himself, he hoped to begin anew among the elves and eventually to reestablish himself.
Darahl is the master of fire- and earthbased magic and phenomena, and as such has strong ties among gods whose portfolios tie into that. He now considers himself friends with the dwarven deity Dumathoin and several of the gnomish powers (including the halfling god of earth, Urogalan), but at the expense of his friendships among the Seldarine, with whom now he has only a tenuous alliance. However, he's also gained a few new enemies during the course of time. Darahl has not been picky about new converts, so he has tried to sway more neutrally-aligned members of the Underdark races to join with him. This has angered the drow and duergar gods Lolth and Laduguer especially, but he's also gained the unwelcome attention of Kossuth and Selvetarm. It's hard to say who would help him more in a fight, the Seldarine or his new allies, but it isn't something he wants to test just yet.
Darahl's clergy is small but varied. There is some contention between the clerics and some ambitious wizards, bat this is kept in check through Darahl's considerable guidance. An affiliated order of mages known as the Stoneflame Disciples has purportedly made itself known in the Underdark, demonstrating the might of his fire/earth philosophy. (Check for a link later for more information on the Stoneflame Disciple prestige class.)
Darahl is venerated at the outset of a new venture or discovery, whether it's a new tunnel into the Underdark, a new magical item of an elemental nature, or a new convert to be brought into the faith. He is also worshipped during tremors, forest fires, and other such natural phenomena, but it's more for his help in finding a way to end such occurrences. At such times, precious minerals or items of minor magic are sacrificed or left behind as offerings to him. Typical clergy attire varies, bat robes of yellow, red, and brown (decorated with green flaming symbols, some magical) are favored. Earrings and necklaces are also common to show religious affiliation. When anticipating battle, they protect themselves as best they can and arm themselves to the teeth (spell scrolls, weapons, etc.). They're a small priesthood at the moment, and none of them is considered expendable.

DM notes: Darahl is an elven deity who strays from the usual accepted elven themes, but this is precisely what makes him interesting. He should fit right in as a misfit god in anyone's campaign. In addition, if anyone makes use of rock elves (first found in the Realms Below 2E mega-campaign set), consider Darahl Firecloak to be their patron deity.

Alathrien Druanna (The Rune Mistress)
Elven Demigoddess
Symbol: A silver quill tracing elves runes upon paper or a
stick tracing geometric lines upon the ground
Home Plane: Arvandor
Alignment: Neutral good
Portfolio: Conjuration magic, runecasting
Worshippers: Adepts, elves, runecasters, sorcerers, wizards
Cleric Alignments: CG, NG, LG
Domains: Craft, elf, knowledge, magic, rune, summoning
Favored Weapon: Dagger

Alathrien is a nearly-forgotten member of the elven pantheon. She resides in Arvandor in a sky-blue fortification known as the Spiral Castle, protected by a large maze of thorns (equivalent to the wall of thorns spell). In earlier times she watched over summonings that brought forth friends and allies of the elves to their aid, but now most elves seeking such assistance call upon Corellon Larethian instead. Alathrien now devotes her time to strengthening her reputation among those wizards known as runecasters. Because of her position, Alathrien has relatively few enemies but has attracted the attention of two other powers, Malyk (Talos) and Velsharoon. These two seek to elevate themselves at the Seldarine's expense and so have chosen her as their first target (neither one knowing they're seeking the same deity). To date, however, their efforts
Of all the elven priesthoods named so far, Alathrien's is probably the smallest. Her followers are a scholarly sort, more given to debating theories and academic achievements than to healing the sick and poor. However, they do their best, and on at least one day per month they set up a feast in honor of their achievements. Supposedly there are secret celebrations afterward by the higher-ups, but for now that is just hearsay. Holy days are declared whenever great knowledge is attained in the field of magic in general, but discoveries concerning runic magic and geometry are most highly prized.
Followers of Alathrien aren't usually interested in flashy garments, preferring more utilitarian garb, but on special occasions they bring out robes of white with red mantles studded with either show jewels or real ones. In times when battle draws near, they trace temporary runes along their hands, arms, and even their faces.

DM notes: Alathrien would be good as a 'forgotten' god to bring back as part of a larger adventure. She'd be a good addition to a more rustic campaign, and a favorite among witches. (Incidentally, I recommend Way of the Witch by Citizen Games. I found their version of the witch to be rather well done.)
Major Artifact: Mythrien's Ring
'This unadorned silver ring was forged by the god Mythrien, and not much has been heard of its existence since it was lost. Some 400 years ago, the priests of Methane went on a killing spree of Malarites in the Western Heartland's after rumors of a high huntmaster of Malar possessing the ring first surfaced, but it was never found, so speculation continues.

It is clear from legends that Mythrien's Ring holds great power, but it's unclear what powers can be accessed and used by mortals who possess it. It reportedly provides the following powers:
Wearer is treated as having Greater Spell Focus [Abjuration];
Wearer can access high magic if of at least 20th level as a sorcerer or wizard. If not a surface elf, the wearer must make a Will save (DC 30) or be disintegrated.
Wearer can pass through the protective wards of a

Side Effects
Mythrien's Ring has few side-effects, but clerics of Malar who try to use its powers suffer 1d6 points of temporary Wisdom damage per attempt. If the priest attempts to destroy a mythal by using the ring's power, he must make a successful Will save (DC 30). If the save is failed then he or she is disintegrated and unrecoverable even by a wish spell. If he makes the first save but fails the second, then the priest turns CG and is geared to search for the nearest priest(s) of Mythrien and offer the ring back to them.

Possible means of destruction:
• Being trampled under the feet of the Elf-Eater (an Elder Elemental Evil supported by Talos).
• Being given back to the last avatar of Mythrien. The ring will not be destroyed, merely becoming part of him and raising the god's DR by 2 points.

New Wizard Class: The Pyrogean Wizard

The Pyrogean Wizard is a class of wizard who has managed to specialize in both earth- and fire-based magic, thanks to the efforts of the demipower Darahl Firecloak. They're rare at the moment and primarily found in the Underdark among renegade drow and half-drow wizards, but slowly a few are appearing among his surface elven followers.
Pyrogean wizards can be drow, elven, half-elven, half-drow, or human, mast have Intelligence scores of 16 or higher, and have access to all schools of magic except the elenental schools of Air and Water. They have the following powers:
· +2 on saves vs. Earth /fire based spells; -2 on opponents' saving throws.
• +25% bonus to learn earth/fire spells, +0% bonus to learn universal spells, -25% to learn all others.
• Can memorize one additional spell/spell level, provided the spell is from the schools of Earth or Fire.
• At 11th level, need not concentrate in order to control earth or fire elementals (5% chance of losing control remains in effect); at 14th level, there is no chance of losing control.
• Spells of earth and fire are treated as one level lower when being researched by a pyrogean wizard;
· Use d6 for determining hit points;
Hindrances: Pyrogean wizards must be of some neutrally-based alignment, as the philosophy of Darahl Fired oak heavily influences their own philosophy on this particular study of elemental magic. Moreover, they face a certain distrust among surface elves, as well as outright hatred among drow of opposing faiths. They currently suffer a +2 reaction penalty among surface elves and a +4 penalty among drow who worship any of the major drow gods (+6 among worshippers of Ghaunadaur especially). The exception are followers of Eilistraee, whom they tolerate, and followers of those gods with whom Darahl is friendly. The negative penalty among surface elves might disappear as more become acquainted with their beliefs and views on magic, but it is not likely to change in the Underdark except in cities where multiple faiths are the normal-and it will become no less dangerous, as fights between faiths and wizards never cease among the drow.

Major Artifact: the Kyrashar Rose

This artifact was created by followers of Lolth and the Queen of Air and Darkness. Soulless elves under the control of the Queen of Air and Darkness took a Black Shard and used it to cut into an oak tree, causing it to bleed as it died. Into this mixture was added the poison from a thousand black roses. Then Lolth's avatar appeared, magically transformed the sap into the shape of a rose, then caused it to harden into amber (but with a greater strength than even steel or mithral). Because some of the residue of the Black Shard fell in with the sap, it became a very potent weapon for use against good elves. It is said to have caused Darahl Firecloak's avatars to go murderously insane, thus attesting to its efficacy.


Darkness, darkness 10' radius, or continual darkness 1/round.
Access to Illusion/Phantasm spells (two spells of each
Circle of Death spell that affects elves and faeries only (Will save, DC 20)), 1 /day; fly and levitate at will.
Summon 1-3 yeth hounds or quicklings 1 /day, they serve for 1 hour before leaving
Summon 3-36 unseelie faeries or 2-20 evil elves (or drow)1/week
Wearer has +4 Charisma with regard to drow and evil faeries/elves.
Charm or suggestion 3/day; In the case of suggestion, evil actions suggested to good creatures do not incur saving throw bonuses to resist, and elven charm resistance doesn't offer protection from charm.
Create food and water 1/day-Those eating this food must make a successful Constitution check or become dominated by the wielder, doing their bidding in any way possible so that they can have more of this magical feast as a reward.
Poison by touch, l /day.

The Kyrashar Rose was created to cause havoc among elves, spread evil, and destroy the grip of the Seldarine. Whenever the circle of death, darkness, or summoning powers are used, there is a 9% base chance that the attention of Lolth and/or the Queen of Air and Darkness is drawn to them. This chance increases by 1%/level of the one using the powers of the Rose, increasing to 100% if the wielder is a proxy, Chosen, or avatar of a deity of the Seldarine. If this occurs, the wielder must must make a saving throw at -5 or become dominated by these two deities. Depending on the status of the Rose's wielder, either Lolth or the Queen of Air and Darkness becomes the primary dominator, issuing commands as desired and turning the wielder chaotic evil. In the case of an avatar in contact with the Kyrashar Rose, however, both goddesses work together and issue contradictory commands to break down the avatar's mind and cause the avatar to blame the nearest elves for its madness, seeking to slay them. This homicidal frenzy does not stop until the avatar is slain or avatars of other elven deities show up to cast heal and dispelling spells to end the domination effect.
Another side-effect concerns good or neutral-aligned elves who touch or use the Rose for any non-evil purpose. If three such attempts are made and the wielder resists the domination of both deities, the thorns on the stem of the rose prick the wielder, who must save vs. poison at -3 or suffer the Fate of the Sleeping Death. The wielder immediately falls into a deep slumber and cannot be awakened by any means short of a limited wish (which awakens the victim for only 1d4 turns) or a full wish. Ironically, the victim does not age and cannot be harmed by any force while in this state.

Suggested Means of Destruction:
· Sending the rose to the elemental plane of fire to burn into ash.
Having Corellon Larethian strike the rose with his sword in Arvandor

Chair of the The Rightful Return of Monster Deities to FR Society (RRMDFRS)

My character, drawn by Liodain: Sarelle / Sarelle (smaller)

Edited by - Sarelle on 24 Jun 2004 13:22:37
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28 Posts

Posted - 24 Jun 2004 :  22:46:24  Show Profile  Visit Sebastrd's Homepage Send Sebastrd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thank you!
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62 Posts

Posted - 25 Jun 2004 :  17:04:26  Show Profile  Visit SoulLord's Homepage Send SoulLord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As part of the political intrigue perhaps After they have restored myth Drannor some members of the old noble houses come back to try to rule over it after the pc's have doen all the hard work. their best chance of sucess would be to ally with one of the noble houses or be legaly removed from it.

As possible enemies there were portals from which demons ventured into the place not to mention other beings that are just waiting for some of the danger to be removed before they can begin looting the place for magical items. <thay, sembia , zentharim, halrua?>
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Great Reader

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Posted - 25 Jun 2004 :  17:49:50  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SoulLord

As part of the political intrigue perhaps After they have restored myth Drannor some members of the old noble houses come back to try to rule over it after the pc's have doen all the hard work. their best chance of sucess would be to ally with one of the noble houses or be legaly removed from it.

That's an excellent idea and something that I can definiteily see happening. Given that idea, from Cormanthyr: Empire of Elves, a list of noble families is given. Does anyone know which ones are still current and which ones have died out beyond the obvious ones?
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Arion Elenim
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Posted - 25 Jun 2004 :  19:33:34  Show Profile  Visit Arion Elenim's Homepage Send Arion Elenim a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wow. These are all such great ideas...I'm so stealing them if nobody minds....

Why isn't there a place for people to post modules they've created like this here at Candlekeep..................................?

My latest Realms-based short story, about a bard, a paladin of Lathander and the letter of the law, Debts Repaid. It takes place before the "shattering" and gives the bard Arion a last gasp before he plunges into the present.
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Posted - 25 Jun 2004 :  19:56:49  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Arion Elenim
Why isn't there a place for people to post modules they've created like this here at Candlekeep..................................?

I'm sure if you send a FR module you created to one of the moderators, a place will be found for such a scroll.
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 29 Jun 2004 :  10:22:16  Show Profile Send zemd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
... i'll soon try to release some of the work i've done (the boring part is to type it! ) But with the 2 campaigns i'm running and the 3 i'm planning, it' a lot of work!
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Amraz one arm

42 Posts

Posted - 09 Jan 2010 :  17:40:17  Show Profile  Visit Amraz one arm's Homepage Send Amraz one arm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Since this thread seems the best thread about it, my question is do Dragons count as cannon. I could look it up but i'm a lazy orc.....
Secondly I intend to use this Mythrien fellow as a great plot twist, witin my current campaign. I always liked mythals and I've invented I way to really take care of this shadow-weave stuff with it. And the fact that a world encompassing Mythal isn't that expensive as Mythals go (as calculated somewhere else on these forums). My campaign focusses on New Myth Drannor and the rising shadow-Netheril empire. It all came together thanks to the great work of the authors of the Dragon-rage Cycle, Erevin Cale and Last Mythal cycles. The only thing I still need to do is convert the ring to a 3X version.

"You smell human to me."
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Posted - 10 Jan 2010 :  15:15:14  Show Profile  Visit dwarvenranger's Homepage Send dwarvenranger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Does Shandakul still exist in the post spellplague realms? And if so does he still have a temple in Myth Drannor?

If I waited till I knew what I was doing, I'd never get anything done.

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The Sage
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Posted - 10 Jan 2010 :  16:14:38  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As I recall, Shaundakul is not referenced on the deity lists in the FRCG.

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Posted - 10 Jan 2010 :  16:33:48  Show Profile  Visit dwarvenranger's Homepage Send dwarvenranger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Bugger. Everytime I ask about the 4e Realms I get an answer I don't like . I probably should stop askin. Thanks for the answer though, Sage.

If I waited till I knew what I was doing, I'd never get anything done.

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 10 Jan 2010 :  17:06:50  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
He's prolly around as an exarch of someone else -- which means that in 4E canon, he might not have ever been a deity at all, despite prior lore stating otherwise.

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Posted - 10 Jan 2010 :  22:41:42  Show Profile  Visit dwarvenranger's Homepage Send dwarvenranger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Not sure what an exarch is. Is that like a proxy?

If I waited till I knew what I was doing, I'd never get anything done.

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 11 Jan 2010 :  03:09:09  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Somewhere betwixt a Chosen and a proxy, I'd say. Before they edited the already-posted content, one of the web articles had a reference to Nobanion being an exarch, instead of a deity.

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The Sage
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Posted - 11 Jan 2010 :  03:20:54  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Somewhere betwixt a Chosen and a proxy, I'd say. Before they edited the already-posted content, one of the web articles had a reference to Nobanion being an exarch, instead of a deity.

It's important to note, however, that exarchs [much like the concept of demigods in previous editions] are immortal.

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Dalor Darden
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Posted - 11 Jan 2010 :  04:39:13  Show Profile Send Dalor Darden a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So how does an Exarch make the leap from what it is to a full god?

Shaundukal would make a PERFECT choice for the refounding of Myth Drannor....but I am HIGHLY prejudiced in this regard.

The Old Grey Box and AD&D for me!
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 07 Mar 2010 :  01:06:48  Show Profile Send Razz a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Has the elven deities in Dragon #251 ever been officially established as Realms deities or is still just assumed?
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The Sage
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Posted - 07 Mar 2010 :  02:04:22  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Razz

Has the elven deities in Dragon #251 ever been officially established as Realms deities or is still just assumed?

Ahem. Why break with tradition?.

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Ashe Ravenheart
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Posted - 07 Mar 2010 :  03:57:19  Show Profile Send Ashe Ravenheart a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Razz

Has the elven deities in Dragon #251 ever been officially established as Realms deities or is still just assumed?

Ahem. Why break with tradition?.

As the cowboy said in Magnificent Seven

"Har har har"

I actually DO know everything. I just have a very poor index of my knowledge.

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 07 Mar 2010 :  04:51:05  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Razz

Has the elven deities in Dragon #251 ever been officially established as Realms deities or is still just assumed?

So far as I know, there are no other references to those deities, beyond that article. I personally have never assumed they were canon, though the official stance would indicate otherwise. It's kind of a gray area, I guess: they're list in a Realms article and nothing says it's not canon, but at the same time, nothing else backs it up as canon.

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