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 Master these to help you level up quickly in POE 2
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Posted - 07 Feb 2025 :  08:26:37  Show Profile  Visit Liiyan's Homepage Send Liiyan a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
In Path Of Exile 2, the developer has set 100 levels for players. During the game, the difficulty of monsters will increase as the player's level increases. If you want, the following content can help you quickly level up.

The first and easiest step is to complete the main campaign, which will provide you with a large number of monsters. Defeating them will not only give you a lot of XP, but also reward you with completing tasks. Remember to accumulate orbs at this time, such as POE 2 Exalted Orb and Chaos Orb. However, when you are not sure whether you can defeat monsters of similar level to your own, it is recommended to cultivate areas two or three levels lower than you. Don't choose areas that are much lower than you because you think it is easy to challenge. This will not provide much XP! When you have completed all the main quests, the XP you get at this time can generally help you reach level 45.

After completing the three acts provided by Path Of Exile 2 Early Access, you will enter Cruel difficulty. In this mode, the level of all monsters will be greatly increased. Of course, this also means that the XP, equipment and gold you can get by defeating him will be more and better. If you feel that your level is not high enough at this time, you can do more side quests, which can provide rich rewards. In addition to XP and gold coins, orbs may also drop. If you don't accumulate orbs in the early stage, you can focus on areas with a high chance of dropping orbs when farming. However, if you urgently need a lot of orbs to upgrade, you can find a store on the website to buy them like me. POE2 Currency is the store I often use.

In Path Of Exile 2, if you feel a little tired of farming alone, it is recommended that you find a teammate to adventure together. Although the difficulty of monsters in the game is related to the number of players, with a reasonable lineup, multiplayer games often have obvious efficiency, and you can go to advanced areas that you can't reach alone.

When you have completed all your current main and side quests, but your level and equipment are not enough to support you to move forward, you may consider revisiting those areas of similar or lower levels that are easy to traverse and reborn, or resetting those maps you have cleared, so that all monsters will be reborn and players can start a new round of farming.

These are some of the ways I use to get a lot of XP in the game. I wonder if they taught you something new? If so, I'm glad I could help you.

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