This is a map I made to visualize the distribution of the major human ethnicities in the Realms around 1372 DR. It is based on the map from the FRCS 3rd Edition p. 100. The data itself is drawn from Races of Faerun, mostly Table 7-1, p. 110-111. I recently found it in my notes. Feel free to share, if you find it useful.
Map Key: Hard colour around border = majority ethnicity Dotted colour around border = minority ethnicity
Blue = Illuskans Black = Tashalans Orange = Chondathans Dark Green = Rashemis Grey = Thurmish Light Green = Sharaans Light Blue = Damarans Moss Green = Vasaans Pink = Tethyrians Red = Calishites Tourquoise = Durparis Yellow = Mulans White = Bedins
"No sane human would try to wash ink beats with ink, or oil beads with oil. Only blood shall always be washed with blood"
I seem to be having trouble viewing it. Maybe trying hosting on a Google drive?
The party come to a town befallen by hysteria
Rogue: So what's in the general store? DM: What are you looking for? Rogue: Whatevers in the store. DM: Like what? Rogue: Everything. DM: There is a lot of stuff. Rogue: Is there a cart outside? DM: (rolls) Yes. Rogue: We'll take it all, we may need it for the greater good.