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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 04 May 2022 :  14:09:35  Show Profile Send BadCatMan a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
The D&D movie now has a name—Honor Among Thieves—and those who saw the sizzle reel are teasing us with dragon chases, arena battles, a displacer beast, and more, and we're piecing it all together at the Forgotten Realms Wiki.

But us FRW editors rolled a 20 on our Investigation check and the Forgotten Realms Wiki can exclusively report a hot new fact about the movie: as well as Neverwinter, it will also be set in the town of Triboar! Yes, Triboar!

Fear not, the Realmslore will be on display. For now, all we can show you is a picture of a boar and hope our previous April Fools gags on the very same theme don't harm our credibility.

BadCatMan, B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc.
Scientific technical editor
Head DM of the Realms of Adventure play-by-post community
Administrator of the Forgotten Realms Wiki

Master of Realmslore

1289 Posts

Posted - 04 May 2022 :  16:27:38  Show Profile Send TheIriaeban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Interesting. Perhaps that new Volo guide that Ed was talking about is for Triboar (as a tie in with the movie).

"Iriaebor is a fine city. So what if you can have violence between merchant groups break out at any moment. Not every city can offer dinner AND a show."

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United Kingdom
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Posted - 04 May 2022 :  17:25:32  Show Profile Send Kilamandaros a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Interesting, inland from the Coast then. Thought for sure they would never stray from the usual Neverwinter/Waterdeep/Baldur's Gate affair.

Looking forward to seeing where this one goes!

"It is you, after all, which has brought us to the dream. Nothing is real. Yet."
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Senior Scribe

507 Posts

Posted - 04 May 2022 :  17:38:49  Show Profile  Visit Gelcur's Homepage Send Gelcur a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well it sounds like it is in Neverwinter as well as Triboar.

Honestly I really wish this would be amazing. But I doubt it will be, I have little hope left for these sort of big screen adaptations.

IF done right they could have a cinematic universe on their hands, 3 or 4 different storylines taking place all over the Realms with Epic crossover movies. Maybe some one off side movies. AND cross promotional product tie ins. Adventures tangential to the movies that those who played could point and say "Look, look, that's there because we slew that liche in the dungeon and that artifact was returned to NPC X."

But this would require some high level storytelling abilities and honestly should have Ed on as a full time consultant this way they can run scenes by him, and props, etc. Probably should have a whole crew of Realms experts on the payroll, since Ed's bandwidth isn't huge. Could run things by lore experts, then if they question or disagree send it to Ed. Anyway I'm sure nothing like that will happen... *sigh*

The party come to a town befallen by hysteria

Rogue: So what's in the general store?
DM: What are you looking for?
Rogue: Whatevers in the store.
DM: Like what?
Rogue: Everything.
DM: There is a lot of stuff.
Rogue: Is there a cart outside?
DM: (rolls) Yes.
Rogue: We'll take it all, we may need it for the greater good.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 07 May 2022 :  03:33:34  Show Profile Send BadCatMan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've added more images to the article at the above link, including one of a shield with three boar's heads. I'll take you through what else we saw and our reasoning:
* Medieval-style art of a hunter facing off against three boars (got a clear pic of one boar). This is the story behind the name of Triboar.
* A procession of warriors (too obscured). Triboar is historically a place for mustering armies.
* An extra-large, bearded, shirtless, muscular man in a forest, flanked by animals (too obscured). Triboar is the home of Gwaeron's Slumber, wherein the god Gwaeron Windstrom (bearded, shirtless, muscular man) takes his naps and is often spotted.
* Ornamental shields with three boar's heads appearing face on. While the lord protector's banner shows three boar's running side-on, the town insignia described in Storm King's Thunder shows "three boars charging forward", which I think has been interpreted by the set designer with charging the viewer.
So we're confident we can confirm at least one scene set inside the Tower of the Lord Protector of Triboar, and ergo some outside.

Personally, I love the simple traditional medieval look to the sets and costumes I've seen, they look a lot more like classic low-fantasy FR and D&D than the overly flashy, high fantasy of recent video games and artworks.

The noises from the execs have been all about getting their hands on a cinematic studio crossing over between the movie and the series in development. And I'd be stunned if WotC didn't release a tie-in sourcebook. But that all depends on the movie being successful in the first place, of course. As for a story/lore consultant, the movie people would likely go to WotC for their story and lore, and WotC don't exactly do that now. But from what I've seen, they've done some research and it won't just be generic fantasy with the Realms slapped on it.

BadCatMan, B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc.
Scientific technical editor
Head DM of the Realms of Adventure play-by-post community
Administrator of the Forgotten Realms Wiki
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 07 May 2022 :  06:07:21  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
One of the websites I saw pointed out that Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves can be shortened to an acronym... DAD HAT.

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Lord Karsus
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Posted - 07 May 2022 :  15:22:44  Show Profile Send Lord Karsus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
-Well, one thing I think we can all say for certain is that it'll be better than the other D&D movie.

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Posted - 07 May 2022 :  22:09:08  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, one thing I think we can all say for certain is that it'll be better than the other D&D movie.

I wouldn't be so confident. Both of the official D&D movies were utterly awful and forgettable ... but the current state of cinema seems quite capable of producing something even worse.

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 07 May 2022 :  23:27:31  Show Profile Send Azar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lord Karsus

-Well, one thing I think we can all say for certain is that it'll be better than the other D&D movie.

Nah. Jeremy Irons and Bruce Payne are irreplaceable.

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 09 May 2022 :  04:14:35  Show Profile Send BadCatMan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I actually like the first three D&D movies, they're fun and have a lot to recommend them. And it's not like the average novel, module, comic, or tabletop game is much better.

Anyway, I've uploaded a picture of Gwaeron Windstrom from the movie to the wiki article.

And I can also report another movie news exclusive! The banners hung at Alnwick Castle last year actually read 'The Highsun Games' in the 5e Thorass alphabet. This is new but sounds like a sporting contest held in Neverwinter in the month of Highsun, and likely the same arena battle glimpsed in the previews with rising platforms and a displacer beast. We even found a picture of the audience. It's all on the wiki.

BadCatMan, B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc.
Scientific technical editor
Head DM of the Realms of Adventure play-by-post community
Administrator of the Forgotten Realms Wiki
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Master of Realmslore

1307 Posts

Posted - 09 May 2022 :  04:18:39  Show Profile Send Azar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BadCatMan

And it's not like the average novel, module, comic, or tabletop game is much better.

Yes, thank you.

Stand with anybody that stands right. Stand with him while he is right and part with him when he goes wrong.

Earth names in the Realms are more common than you may think.
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Great Reader

2708 Posts

Posted - 13 May 2022 :  00:14:41  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm skeptically optimistic. My worry is less about how it will be in comparison to the previous D&D movies, but more whether it will do the Realms justice.

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