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Posted - 05 Jun 2021 :  03:45:46  Show Profile  Visit Brandonien's Homepage Send Brandonien a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Hi! I run Luci's Inferno and I'm here to share my project with the community. THIS is my 3D interactive globe of Abeir-Toril.

I received inspiration from great maps such as Handsome Rob's Massive map of Abeir-Toril and other massive works..
However I'm a professional Cartographer and Geospatial Engineer, raster maps just weren't cutting it for me.
So I decided to use some of the most powerful, global leading, standard setting software from my real world work. I'm translating the whole of Abeir-Toril to a vector based, georeferenced and interactive globe. The end state is a product built to mimic Google Earth, and since it's vector it never gets blurry or jagged.

It's an ongoing project and I will expand to other worlds eventually, but one thing at a time ;)

I invite the sages to critique and correct anything they see on it, after all I intend for this to become the most accurate source of mapping info for Abeir-Toril.

I also have various social media platforms specifically for Luci's Inferno so it's easier to reach me. I also Stream while I work through Discord if that's your cup of tea.

Cartographer, Wizzard, part time Lizzard..

Lord Karsus
Great Reader

3745 Posts

Posted - 05 Jun 2021 :  18:39:35  Show Profile Send Lord Karsus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
-That's god damn impressive.

(A Tri-Partite Arcanist Who Has Forgotten More Than Most Will Ever Know)

Elves of Faerūn
Vol I- The Elves of Faerūn
Vol. III- Spells of the Elves
Vol. VI- Mechanical Compendium
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Posted - 05 Jun 2021 :  19:36:07  Show Profile  Visit Brandonien's Homepage Send Brandonien a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lord Karsus

-That's god damn impressive.

Thanks! I think by the end of this year it should really start to flesh out.. Just need to keep plugging away at adding features, attributes and utility.

Cartographer, Wizzard, part time Lizzard..
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Master of Realmslore

1289 Posts

Posted - 05 Jun 2021 :  20:18:20  Show Profile Send TheIriaeban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Very, very nice. However, one correction. Iriaebor is about 24 miles upstream from the confluence of the north and south forks of the Chionthar river. If you are keeping track of references, this distance was measured using the Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas. The distance is NOT direct but distance along the river. Direct distance is about 23 miles (so the river is not a straight line between the two).

Also, using the same product, the Chionthar seems to average about 610 feet wide above the bridge which narrows to 410 feet at the narrowest point where the docks of Iriaebor begin. Since the river consists of rapids that end right after the bridge there, I would surmise the the width of the river increases (otherwise, there would be too many currents in the area to make a decent area for barges to dock).

The following is not canon but I have surmised this based on information supplied for the area by canon sources:

The rapids at Iriaebor are about 1.25 miles long with a slope of 2 degrees. Start of the rapids is 230 ft higher than at the end at Iriaebor. Typically a Class III rapid with it becoming a Class IV during spring floods.
Above and below the rapids, the river is about 950 ft wide until both forks of the river combine to make the river about 1,700 feet wide. The flood plain for the Chionthar is 2900 ft wide (a little over ½ mile) while for the rest of the river up and down stream, it is about a mile to 1.5 miles. The average “edge” of the flood plain is 25 feet high. The banks at the rapids are about 12 ft above the normal surface of the water at Iriaebor while they vary as low as 6 ft in some parts. Outside of the rapids, the banks are much flatter and slope gently down into the river.

So, based on this, normal spring flooding is about 12 ft. Flooding during 100 year events is 25 ft. Flooding during 500 year events is 50 ft. Flooding for 1,000 year events is 75 ft.

"Iriaebor is a fine city. So what if you can have violence between merchant groups break out at any moment. Not every city can offer dinner AND a show."

My FR writeups -

Edited by - TheIriaeban on 05 Jun 2021 20:29:24
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Posted - 05 Jun 2021 :  21:10:29  Show Profile  Visit Brandonien's Homepage Send Brandonien a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've created a photo album on my Luci's Inferno Facebook page to note corrections and give a visual representation of them.
I corrected the location of Iriaebor (vector makes this so easy). I will point out any measured distance you see needs to be divided by 1.6 to translate to Abeir-Toril.
This is a limitation of Arc Online (the platform I host on), since it was made for Earth. The desktop software (ArcGIS Pro) can use custom projections (which I do), but the online aspect is currently locked to 2 different projections.
I've brought this up with ESRI (they make this software), and I'm a bit of a code monkey myself so I may be able to create a custom measurement tool that translates as a work around.
Either way, this is one of the reasons I wanted to create this. Raster maps are by design made to be aesthetic, not accurate at global scales. I knew going into this every single river was going to be horrendously off, I'll correct it eventually.
Once again the beauty of vector, I can use tools to create line vector features that run up the center of the rivers. Apply appropriate buffers based on realistic widths, and merge/dissolve/erase parts of the polygons to integrate them.
That level of detail is possible, but base features labelling and function are my primary goals right now. Still need to divide land masses into different land features after all! :P
Otherwise it's just going to be a flat map with a single texture and a bunch of named points..

On the plus side, this is the kind of input I need to plan progression.

Cartographer, Wizzard, part time Lizzard..
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Posted - 05 Jun 2021 :  21:24:36  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Very impressive project.

Alas, I will have to wait until you add detail to the North, the Moonsea, the Ride, and the Vaasa/Damara regions. (My favourite places in the Realms.)

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Master of Realmslore

1289 Posts

Posted - 05 Jun 2021 :  23:53:46  Show Profile Send TheIriaeban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I don't know if this would be of any interest but I have one other note about the Chionthar (non-canon but based on Ed's mention of the Chionthar barges being pulled up river by draft animals). From Scornubel to Berdusk, there is a horse/donkey/ox trail on the south bank of the river (the trail is on the north bank west of Scornubel since that is Hellrider territory). This is used by teams of horse/donkey/ox to pull barges up the river when the wind isn't strong enough or not coming out of the West (the barges have sails). The south bank was chosen because the north was too dangerous because of the gnolls and other creatures living in the Reaching Woods. The same was true from Berdusk to Iriaebor until about the mid 1200s. That is when Balagos laid claim to the area by killing the old red dragon Hulrundrar. Once that happened, the choice was either death by dragon or death by gnoll. Both Berdusk and Iriaebor stepped up patrols on the north bank area to keep the humanoids at bay so the north side trail is seeing more usage by at least the start of the 1300s if not earlier.

"Iriaebor is a fine city. So what if you can have violence between merchant groups break out at any moment. Not every city can offer dinner AND a show."

My FR writeups -
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Posted - 07 Jun 2021 :  02:50:13  Show Profile  Visit Divinity's Homepage Send Divinity a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Great project! If you ever need any help or have questions, just ask!

- Craig Vincent
My Faerūn Continent Map
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Posted - 07 Jun 2021 :  23:39:52  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just curious, do you know of any software than can do this type of planetary view but using raster based images? I've been playing around with my own versions of some of the other continents, also moving some things like returned abeir, etc... and I think it would be fun to see what it looks like next to a generic "flat" faerun but the other continents filled out more.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Posted - 09 Jun 2021 :  05:23:55  Show Profile  Visit PattPlays's Homepage Send PattPlays a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It's wild to look at places like Thaymount without a texture on the map. Pure flat unbiased distance observation.. a nice map to see.

My only complaint is a temporal one. Many books listed the Hartblood river from Karse as arriving South of Shining Falls (a location left off the map for size I assume) whereas in other years' publications the Hartblood river flows into the Delimbyr north of the falls. I personally enjoy placing Karse and Reitheillaethor and the Starmounts further north into the center of the High Forest. 3rd edition's placing of that river always looks abjectly wrong to me, but it's a matter of picking references.

Hope you enjoy this process! Here's to filling out Osse and other regions with fan/dev content from forum projects.

:The world's greatest OOTA fan/critic: :"Powder kegs within powder kegs!": :Meta-Dimensional Cheese: :Why is the Wand of Orcus just back?: :We still don't know the nature of Souls and the Positive Energy Plane: :PC on profile, Aldritch Elpyptrat Maxinfield: :Helljumpers, :Rock Hard Gladiator, RIP Fluidanim, Long Live Pluto: :IRC lives:

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Posted - 14 Jul 2021 :  03:10:11  Show Profile Send Silvananthus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This is an amazing resource that I can only see getting better!

Hail and Well met!
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