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Copper Elven Vampire
Master of Realmslore

1078 Posts

Posted - 17 Jul 2020 :  20:25:52  Show Profile Send Copper Elven Vampire a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
The Lost High Tomb of Vezzenvazzel Ahmaquissar

Deep in a forgotten vale of The High Forest, stands a hidden sylvan glade of such otherworldly beauty that myth has replaced reality. A place guarded and enjoyed by Fey creatures of every kind and race. An ancient Crossroad of faerie-folk. And at the center stood a tall Feymound, ringed in a crown on Moonflowers, Snapdragons and Gords of all shapes and sizes. From butternut squash, to Pumpkins, to silver-bright zucchini. A 300 foot waterfall danced behind the view of the ancient faerie mound, and splashed the grotto with waters both magical and mundane. The mystical pool at its foot was deep and uncharted, hosting plants and animals never seen in Faerun. A Crossroads built by the elves of forgotten times, and protected by the powerful Fey of the Plane of Faerie.

Towards the base of the Feymound, below the crown of beautiful vegetation was a ring of tamed wild grass, well beaten and well used by the Fey for ceremony and dancing and revelry. The entire sylvan glade was encompassed by ancient elder trees and bramble for hundreds of miles in all directions. This section of The Lost Peaks was almost entirely forgotten by all the races of Faerun beside a few elves that are old enough to remember the old stories. The old stories of Aryvandaar.

The Heart of ancient Aryvandaar was a wildly magical place, and The Dancing Falls was as hidden as a forgotten place can be. Most creatures that come close to the hidden falls were defeated miles away by the sheer natural hardship of traversing the terrain, and others who delved deeper are thwarted by magical means of illusion and deception that still hold the mighty power of the elves High Magic.

Those who manage to get past the ancient spells of warding that the elves had placed over Twenty Thousand years ago, meet the more recent spells and resistance of the current Fey protectors. Those few who manage to directly transport into the glade using the Crossroad or Feymound at its center, are immediately confronted with the Masters of The Glade.

Also known as The Lords of The Dancing Falls, these powerful Fey creatures are the wardens of the ancient elven glade since the fall of High Aryvandaar. They protect the Dancing Falls with their lives due to a pact among the elves and fey over Ten Thousand years ago. This wonder-filled vale, known to only a very few elven scholars as The Lost High Tomb of Vezzenvazzel Ahmaquissar. is considered among contemporary elves to be nothing more than a legend.

Yet behind the raging curtain of the majestic waterfall lies a secretive tomb, over Fifteen Thousand years old, that holds power beyond an epic scale. A tomb constructed by House Ahmaquissar in the early days of ancient High Aryvandaar. A tomb in the name of Erevan Ilesere. The Lost High Tomb of Vezzenvazzel Ahmaquissar.

As the first Patron of House Ahmaquissar during the First Flowering of the elves of Sharlarion to acknowledge the threat of a "Shadow Foe" that threatened all the elven people of Aryvandaar, Vezzenvazzel Ahmaquissar created The Shadow Stone of House Ahmaquissar to combat those future elven problems. The Selu'Kiira is rife with many, many ways to hinder, thwart or slay an opponent.

Vezzenvazzel Ahmaquissar created many things of beauty and power. Not just epic swords and armor, but boots and cloaks and gloves and gems of magic interwoven together. He divulged the secrets of Shadow Magic into the Selu'Kiira of House Ahmaquissar in hopes that one day in the distant future it will be taken and used by a worthy House member.

As of 1378 the Tomb of Vezzenvazzel Ahmaquissar hasn't been plundered yet. The magic of the Waterfalls and the Feymound and The Crossroads turn away most foolish adventurers and deny others. Powerful Fey Lords and Ladies own the glade as by tradition of an ancient pact.

Vezzenvazzel Ahmaquissar:CN Baelnorn lich, Male moon elf of The Sorrowwood. CR 42; Rogue 5/ Sorcerer 3/ Cleric 3/ Mystic Theurge 10/ Duskblade 10/ Beguiler 10 of Erevan Ilesere. Guardian of the Ahmaquissar crypt and self-imposed undead hero of the ancient clan. Even Amlaruil Moonflower, the Queen of Evermeet herself couldn't break these powerful binding wards as ancient as they are.

Pretty much on par with Larloch as far as power, but devoted to clan and house. Consecrated to haunt the crypts of House Ahmaquissar until the Chosen comes to bear. That is the old Ahmaquissar lore. The Moon elven Baelnorn lich sat in his Fey guarded tomb waiting for an elf with the right bloodline or dogma to awaken him. Both have forgotten the old moon elf Mystic Theurge and considered the stories to be nothing more than myth.

Myth has it that only a blood relative can open the Selu'Kiira. Others who have tried have found madness and insanity. Others say it's just a story for younglings.

None of this is recent. Just our own lore.

Some of the items in the crypt are as follows;

The Chaos Bringers of Vezzenvazzel Ahmaquissar; Minor Artifact, Relic.

Crafted in -23,0100 DR, during the first flowering of the elves by Vezzenvazzel Ahmaquissar. These anarchic sister swords are powerful unto themselves, but once wielded together, and with the right divine connection, they are a force to reckon with among friends or foes. They can only be wielded by divine casters of the Ahmaquissat family.

This lightweight Longsword is engraved with an asymmetrical starburst on the cross of its hilt and blade, giving the wielder access to a temporary holy symbol when needed.

Only a Cleric of Erevan Ilesere may wield these twin swords and utilize their full potential. All others who attempt to grasp the blades must make a Fort save DC 25 or take five negative levels as long as they hold the weapons.

Hidden Smile; A +5 holy, anarchic, vorpal longsword of spell-storing.

Price (Item Level): 500,320 gp (30th)
Body Slot: — (held)
Caster Level: 30th
Aura: Strong; (DC 35)
Activation: —
Weight: 2 lb.

The hilt of this elven longsword is set with four moonstones surrounding a blazing starburst. The blade itself is inscribed with the name "Hidden smile" written in elvish along its length.

Relic Power If you have established the proper divine connection, "Hidden Smile" reveals its intelligence and sentience. (AL CN; Int 19, Wis 19, Cha 10; speech, telepathy, darkvision 120 ft., hearing; Ego score 75).

In addition, HiddenSmile can use these lesser powers.

*Item can cure moderate wounds (2d8+3) on wielder 3/day.
*Item can cast major image 1/day.
*Item can use hold person on an enemy 3/day.
*Item has deathwatch continually active.

In addition, Hidden Smile can use these Greater powers.

*Item creates wall of fire in a ring with the wielder at the center 1/day.
*Item can create deeper darkness 3/day.

In addition Hidden Smile has a special purpose of slaying divine spellcasters (including divine entities and servitors).

Its dedicated power is; Item can cast 15d6 greater shout 3/day.

Quick sneak A +5 holy, anarchic, spell-storing, short sword of speed.

Price (Item Level): 500,320 gp (30th)
Body Slot: — (held)
Caster Level: 30th
Aura: Strong; (DC 35)
Activation: —
Weight: 1 lb.

The hilt of this elven shortsword is set with four moonstones surrounding a starburst. The blade itself is inscribed with the name "Quick Sneak" written in elvish along its length. This blade also allows the wielder to use it as a temporary divine symbol.

Relic Power If you have established the proper divine connection, "Quick Sneak" reveals its intelligence and sentience. (AL CN; Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 19; speech, telepathy, darkvision 120 ft., hearing; Ego score 74).

In addition, Quick Sneak can use these lesser powers.

*Item can bless its allies 3/day.
*Item can cast darkness 3/day.
*Item can use locate object 3/day.
*Item can use daze monster 3/day.

In addition, Quick Sneak can use these Greater powers.

*Item can use haste on its owner 3/day.
*Item can use lesser globe of invulnerability 1/day.

In addition Quick Sneak has a special purpose of slaying arcane spellcasters (including spellcasting monsters and those that use spell-like abilities).

Its dedicated power is; Item can use confusion at max HD 1/day.

Relic special purpose: When both swords are used together in combat, you can utilize the chaotic power of Erevan Ilesere to use the following powers.

*Hidden Smile; Maw of Chaos, 1/day.
*Quick Sneak; Chaos Hammer, 1/day.

The Trickster armor of Vezzenvazzel Ahmaquissar; Relic. Crafted in the year -23,0150 DR, by the infamous cleric of Erevan Ilesere himself. This +5, Death Ward, black leather armor of freedom, is a boon to any rogue that dons it with an alignment of CN, CG, or CE.

*This armor is also equipped with a Greater Crystal of Mind Cloaking: This augment crystal grants you a +5 competence bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells and abilities. In addition, if you fail a save against a mind-affecting spell or ability, you can choose to reroll the save as an immediate (mental) action. This ability functions once per day.

Price (Item Level): 180,150 gp (20th)
Body Slot: Body
Caster Level: 20th
Aura: Strong; (DC 25) Illusion
Activation: —
Weight: 10 lb.

Relic If you have established the proper divine connection, many times per day you can cause the elven leather armor to disguise you as you see fit depending on your HD.

HD 1-5 = Alter self 5/day.
HD 6-10 = Change self 5/day.
HD 11-15 = Shape Change 2/day (any creature under 15 HD)
HD 16-20 = Shape Change 5/day (any fey creature of 20HD or less only.)


The Selu'Kiira N'Rilan'Vae; The High Lore Shadow Gem of House Ahmaquissar: Major Artifact

This dark blue gem was created by Vezzenvazzel Ahmaquissar, the founder of House Ahmaquissar before the Crown Wars, shortly after the founding of the ancient elven city of Sharlarion, about -24,000 DR. The gem contains a plethora of powerful, archaic elven High Magic spells, both divine and arcane that have not been seen or cast in over 5,000 years. But its most powerful attribute is the ancient knowledge it contains. It can impart to the wearer the knowledge of the ancient elven art of shadow lore, taught to Vezzenvazzel by Erevan Ilesere himself. It holds the knowledge on how to become a Shadowdancer, a Shadowlord, a Shadowblade, a Shadowtrick Priest and a Shadowmage, as well as the rituals involved on how to transform elves into Shadow-Walkers and Shades in the name of Erevan Ilesere thousands of years before humans discovered those rituals. It grants the wearer the full history of House Ahmaquissar, and its devotion to the Trickster god himself. And finally, it also confers the knowledge on how to become a elven High-Mage, and elven High-Hierophant at the cost of 10,000 XP per class. The gem itself is a remarkably smooth jewel made of a dark blue crystal found in meteorites that rarely fall to Toril, and cut and shaped in the likeness of an asymmetrical star burst, the symbol of Erevan Ilesere.

Anyone trying to use this Selu'Kiira that is not blood related to house Ahmaquissar must make a saving throw against the high lore gem. Fort (DC35) Ref (DC35) Will (DC35) or instantly be disintegrated with no chance of Resurrection. Failure of any of the saves results in death.

Blood relatives of house Ahmaquissar that wield the shadow gem will receive the following attributes and powers regardless of class or level.

*Those who wield the high lore gem gain a continuous effect of several Ioun stones while it is worn upon the brow.

* Deep red stone
* Incandescent blue
* Pink
* Pink and green

* Elven High Magic: This high lore gem contains three elven high magic spells (DM's choice). One ritual of solitude spell, one ritual of compliment spell, and one Myriad spell.

* Epic level spells: This high lore gem contains three epic level spells that are unique to this particular Selu'Kiira. (described below).

Fury of the Fey; Epic level spell.

Conjuration (Summoning)
Spellcraft DC: 80
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 120 ft.
Effect: Summoned creatures
Duration: 20 rounds (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This epic spell mimics the mirror image spell, causing half the casters HD in images to appear and randomly confuse the enemies. (I.E. 30 HD = 15 images). Each image is a exact duplicate of the caster and flanks the nearest opponent dealing 1d12 damage each round until stricken or dealt damage itself, in which case that image bursts into a furious Pixie or Quickling (players choice), with full abilities. The Pixies or Quicklings last until they are slain and cannot be compelled or forced to act out another command. This epic spell is the result of a pact between Erevan Ilesere and the Seelie and Unseelie court made during the wars of the Anti-Seldarine after Loth's fall to the Abyss.

The Fey Jesters Starbolts; Epic level spell

Conjuration [Teleportation]
Spellcraft DC: 56
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 1,000 feet plus 100 feet per HD
Target: Creature or object touched by bolt.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Saving Throw: Will save.
Spell Resistance: yes.

This epic spell mimics the magic missile spell, with the following exceptions; The caster unleashes a multitude of chaotic bolts of varying colors, shaped like asymmetrical star-bursts. These 10 starbolts equal to half the casters HD in damage, and upon impact are sent to another plane of existence, depending on the color of the starbolt. (Roll a 10 die to determine result.)

blue Arvandor
red nine hells
green Beast lands
yellow limbo
orange seven heavens
purple plane of shadow
silver positive plane
black negative plane
pink fey-wild
brown pandemonium

The Tricksters Wildzone; Epic level spell

Spellcraft DC: 55
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 900 ft.
Target: Centered on caster
Duration: 10 rounds
Saving Throw: no
Spell Resistance: No

Once cast,it creates a disruption in magical forces similar to those found in a Wild Magic area that is centered on her. When used, she creates a Wild Magic zone in a 900 foot radius spread centered on her, that moves with her, and has an additional 5 foot radius spread for every character level she has. Within the Wildzone, any spell cast, or magic item used in the radius spread is automatically treated as if using a rod of wonder. (Use the rod of wonder table on PG. 199 of the PH.) The Wildzone is treated just as a Wild Magic area in accordance to magic weapons and armor, or spells cast from outside the area of effect. In addition, the caster may choose to re-roll a single save, attack, or damage roll made in the same round in which the spell was cast.

knowledge imparted

Upon wielding this high lore gem, you can obtain the following information and skill set, without meeting the prerequisite.


*Combat trickster
*Magical Trickster
*Uncanny Trickster
*Monk of the grinning star.



Epic level classes

*Elven High Mage
*Elven High Hierophant

Edited by - Copper Elven Vampire on 24 Jul 2020 06:18:38

George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6680 Posts

Posted - 18 Jul 2020 :  01:51:38  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Are these intended to be epic-level items?

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus

Edited by - George Krashos on 18 Jul 2020 01:52:49
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Copper Elven Vampire
Master of Realmslore

1078 Posts

Posted - 18 Jul 2020 :  03:03:09  Show Profile Send Copper Elven Vampire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

Are these intended to be epic-level items?

-- George Krashos

Reread the initial introduction.
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Copper Elven Vampire
Master of Realmslore

1078 Posts

Posted - 18 Jul 2020 :  03:05:18  Show Profile Send Copper Elven Vampire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

Are these intended to be epic-level items?

-- George Krashos

Yes... very much. this whole short-story is based on that. Good eye.
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6680 Posts

Posted - 18 Jul 2020 :  03:48:19  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So my question is - given that the items appear to be Ahmaquissar family heirlooms - why are they sitting in a tomb? House Ahmaquissar survives in the present-day Realms.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Copper Elven Vampire
Master of Realmslore

1078 Posts

Posted - 18 Jul 2020 :  05:35:31  Show Profile Send Copper Elven Vampire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

So my question is - given that the items appear to be Ahmaquissar family heirlooms - why are they sitting in a tomb? House Ahmaquissar survives in the present-day Realms.

-- George Krashos

Oh, easy enough. I went back far... like real far baby. back during the times of Aryvandaar and the tower of Sharlarion. There was no Ahmaquissar clan back then in canon. So I came up with one of my own devise, based on the knowledge given in Elves Of Evermeet. Perfect House for a cleric/ Mischiefmaker of the elven Trickster deity.

As above, so below. A rogue moon elf House of power that never cared for power. I'd estimate that 85% of all house Ahmaquissar follows the creed of Erevan Ilesere. 45% of that figure would be divine casters. The remaining numbers would be up to the current DM of this adventure.

But I'll tell you this... An ancient Moon elf House. Ahmaquissar, Tricksters of the old kingdoms. Friends of information and guile, deception and charm. With Family in both Evermeet and Faerun, they are the most un-popular moon elves since I started playing D&D back in 1984 in the real world. Forgotten Realms didn't even exist back then. Dragonlance sucked, and Greyhawk was static. The realms came to me like a flood of cool water. Point is this.... between years of game play in 3 different editions, and writing all our exploits, I have a very well based, fact ridden example of the Ahmaquissar family available to whomever wants this information.

No Canon history exists. So forgive me if I give you great exposure to a powerful, moon elf house that claimed nothing from Aryvandaar but reputation for being unruly.

I have created House Ahmaquissar this way to flaunt their rogue side to the Lore Masters of Faerun. Jacks of All Trades, but Masters of none. The House survives on deception, illusion and trickery. With every elf devoted to Erevan Ilesere in that house, I'd be misinformed to say that the majority of House Ahmaquissar on Evermeet is prone to Erevan Ilesere and his infamous pranks.

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Master of Realmslore

1565 Posts

Posted - 18 Jul 2020 :  17:13:03  Show Profile Send LordofBones a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Cure moderate wounds is really out of place on epic artifacts, especially in the hands of a cleric, whose native healing capabilities far outshine the sword's abilities.

Also, confusion has no HD limit in 3.5e.
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Master of Realmslore

1028 Posts

Posted - 19 Jul 2020 :  00:06:03  Show Profile Send Delnyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Shall I correctly presume House Ahmaquissar never got a moonblade?
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Copper Elven Vampire
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 20 Jul 2020 :  20:35:04  Show Profile Send Copper Elven Vampire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Delnyn

Shall I correctly presume House Ahmaquissar never got a moonblade?

No, never in fact even participated in the event during the High Magic Ritual. House Ahmaquissar never really cared for such things. Carefree, rampant and unbridled in their freedom from the crown, yet fiercely devoted to it. House Ahmaquissar is the moon elf clan that puts a finger up at the crown while serving it loyalty. Pretty much saying "I'm with your actions, but go piss yourself if you won't let us act as we will."

Although that may seem the actions and thoughts of Sun elf Houses, this particular moon elf house supports the crown in different ways. By subterfuge, guile and deception. Some sons and daughters of Evermeet may want to fight directly or indirectly... Most of them Gold elves of ancient families. But the Ahmaquissar clan is willing to do anything and everything in the name of Queen and Erevan Ilesere. Some of the elder Ahmaquissar House were close friends with Zoar Moonflower, but their children have been dreaming of Faerun.

Who better to act as spies? Who better to be informants of the Queen? A Rogue House full of rogues. A small portion may be evil, but the majority of House Ahmaquissar is loyal to a fault, even in their decadence.

Hope that helps ;)
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Copper Elven Vampire
Master of Realmslore

1078 Posts

Posted - 20 Jul 2020 :  20:41:23  Show Profile Send Copper Elven Vampire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by LordofBones

Cure moderate wounds is really out of place on epic artifacts, especially in the hands of a cleric, whose native healing capabilities far outshine the sword's abilities.

Also, confusion has no HD limit in 3.5e.

I don't see it so. CMW is a nifty epic ability to pull out of your hat when you have companions to think about, and you don't have to drain your spell capacity to do so.

About Confusion... I leave that up to the DM.
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Master of Realmslore

1565 Posts

Posted - 21 Jul 2020 :  02:31:39  Show Profile Send LordofBones a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm genuinely curious how a 3/day 13 hp heal is going to help at epic level, when martial PCs can deal 5x that in damage by 10th level.
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Copper Elven Vampire
Master of Realmslore

1078 Posts

Posted - 21 Jul 2020 :  03:25:10  Show Profile Send Copper Elven Vampire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by LordofBones

I'm genuinely curious how a 3/day 13 hp heal is going to help at epic level, when martial PCs can deal 5x that in damage by 10th level.

You always need to heal the hurt and sick. Just because you're uber, doesn't mean you're not susceptible. There is ALWAYS a lesser PC in the group you need to think of. But whatever. Even your 10'th level wizard is a burden to 17'th level PC's. But that is the fun of the game. Give me a challenge.
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Master of Realmslore

1565 Posts

Posted - 21 Jul 2020 :  05:08:13  Show Profile Send LordofBones a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Then maybe you should rewrite your weapon description, since your CMW only heals the wielder.
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Copper Elven Vampire
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 21 Jul 2020 :  08:52:31  Show Profile Send Copper Elven Vampire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by LordofBones

Then maybe you should rewrite your weapon description, since your CMW only heals the wielder.

Yes. What's wrong with that?
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Master of Realmslore

1565 Posts

Posted - 21 Jul 2020 :  11:03:05  Show Profile Send LordofBones a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It means your cmw only heals you, not your companion,thus negating your point. The one who can actually use the sword to its fullest extent gets no mileage from its healing ability. Your premise revolves around your PCs lugging around someone half your level for some reason, which a poster in another thread pointed out is both unfun and not practical.
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Master of Realmslore

1028 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2020 :  02:08:38  Show Profile Send Delnyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Copper Elven Vampire

Originally posted by Delnyn

Shall I correctly presume House Ahmaquissar never got a moonblade?

No, never in fact even participated in the event during the High Magic Ritual. House Ahmaquissar never really cared for such things. Carefree, rampant and unbridled in their freedom from the crown, yet fiercely devoted to it. House Ahmaquissar is the moon elf clan that puts a finger up at the crown while serving it loyalty. Pretty much saying "I'm with your actions, but go piss yourself if you won't let us act as we will."

Although that may seem the actions and thoughts of Sun elf Houses, this particular moon elf house supports the crown in different ways. By subterfuge, guile and deception. Some sons and daughters of Evermeet may want to fight directly or indirectly... Most of them Gold elves of ancient families. But the Ahmaquissar clan is willing to do anything and everything in the name of Queen and Erevan Ilesere. Some of the elder Ahmaquissar House were close friends with Zoar Moonflower, but their children have been dreaming of Faerun.

Who better to act as spies? Who better to be informants of the Queen? A Rogue House full of rogues. A small portion may be evil, but the majority of House Ahmaquissar is loyal to a fault, even in their decadence.

Hope that helps ;)

Thanks. That answered my question clearly.
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Copper Elven Vampire
Master of Realmslore

1078 Posts

Posted - 24 Jul 2020 :  06:23:20  Show Profile Send Copper Elven Vampire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Delnyn

Originally posted by Copper Elven Vampire

Originally posted by Delnyn

Shall I correctly presume House Ahmaquissar never got a moonblade?

No, never in fact even participated in the event during the High Magic Ritual. House Ahmaquissar never really cared for such things. Carefree, rampant and unbridled in their freedom from the crown, yet fiercely devoted to it. House Ahmaquissar is the moon elf clan that puts a finger up at the crown while serving it loyalty. Pretty much saying "I'm with your actions, but go piss yourself if you won't let us act as we will."

Although that may seem the actions and thoughts of Sun elf Houses, this particular moon elf house supports the crown in different ways. By subterfuge, guile and deception. Some sons and daughters of Evermeet may want to fight directly or indirectly... Most of them Gold elves of ancient families. But the Ahmaquissar clan is willing to do anything and everything in the name of Queen and Erevan Ilesere. Some of the elder Ahmaquissar House were close friends with Zoar Moonflower, but their children have been dreaming of Faerun.

Who better to act as spies? Who better to be informants of the Queen? A Rogue House full of rogues. A small portion may be evil, but the majority of House Ahmaquissar is loyal to a fault, even in their decadence.

Hope that helps ;)

Thanks. That answered my question clearly.

You're welcome.
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King Libertine

86 Posts

Posted - 13 Aug 2020 :  21:13:35  Show Profile Send King Libertine a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Selu'Kiira N'Rilan'Vae; The High Lore Shadow Gem of House Ahmaquissar: Major Artifact

This dark blue gem was created by Vezzenvazzel Ahmaquissar, the founder of House Ahmaquissar before the Crown Wars, shortly after the founding of the ancient elven city of Sharlarion, about -24,000 DR. The gem contains a plethora of powerful, archaic elven High Magic spells, both divine and arcane that have not been seen or cast in over 5,000 years. But its most powerful attribute is the ancient knowledge it contains. It can impart to the wearer the knowledge of the ancient elven art of shadow lore, taught to Vezzenvazzel by Erevan Ilesere himself. It holds the knowledge on how to become a Shadowdancer, a Shadowlord, a Shadowblade, a Shadowtrick Priest and a Shadowmage, as well as the rituals involved on how to transform elves into Shadow-Walkers and Shades in the name of Erevan Ilesere thousands of years before humans discovered those rituals. It grants the wearer the full history of House Ahmaquissar, and its devotion to the Trickster god himself. And finally, it also confers the knowledge on how to become a elven High-Mage, and elven High-Hierophant at the cost of 10,000 XP per class. The gem itself is a remarkably smooth jewel made of a dark blue crystal found in meteorites that rarely fall to Toril, and cut and shaped in the likeness of an asymmetrical star burst, the symbol of Erevan Ilesere.

Anyone trying to use this Selu'Kiira that is not blood related to house Ahmaquissar must make a saving throw against the high lore gem. Fort (DC35) Ref (DC35) Will (DC35) or instantly be disintegrated with no chance of Resurrection. Failure of any of the saves results in death.

Blood relatives of house Ahmaquissar that wield the shadow gem will receive the following attributes and powers regardless of class or level.

*Those who wield the high lore gem gain a continuous effect of several Ioun stones while it is worn upon the brow.

* Deep red stone
* Incandescent blue
* Pink
* Pink and green

* Elven High Magic: This high lore gem contains three elven high magic spells (DM's choice). One ritual of solitude spell, one ritual of compliment spell, and one Myriad spell.

* Epic level spells: This high lore gem contains three epic level spells that are unique to this particular Selu'Kiira. (described below).

Fury of the Fey; Epic level spell.

Conjuration (Summoning)
Spellcraft DC: 80
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 120 ft.
Effect: Summoned creatures
Duration: 20 rounds (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This epic spell mimics the mirror image spell, causing half the casters HD in images to appear and randomly confuse the enemies. (I.E. 30 HD = 15 images). Each image is a exact duplicate of the caster and flanks the nearest opponent dealing 1d12 damage each round until stricken or dealt damage itself, in which case that image bursts into a furious Pixie or Quickling (players choice), with full abilities. The Pixies or Quicklings last until they are slain and cannot be compelled or forced to act out another command. This epic spell is the result of a pact between Erevan Ilesere and the Seelie and Unseelie court made during the wars of the Anti-Seldarine after Loth's fall to the Abyss.

The Fey Jesters Starbolts; Epic level spell

Conjuration [Teleportation]
Spellcraft DC: 56
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 1,000 feet plus 100 feet per HD
Target: Creature or object touched by bolt.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Saving Throw: Will save.
Spell Resistance: yes.

This epic spell mimics the magic missile spell, with the following exceptions; The caster unleashes a multitude of chaotic bolts of varying colors, shaped like asymmetrical star-bursts. These 10 starbolts equal to half the casters HD in damage, and upon impact are sent to another plane of existence, depending on the color of the starbolt. (Roll a 10 die to determine result.)

blue Arvandor
red nine hells
green Beast lands
yellow limbo
orange seven heavens
purple plane of shadow
silver positive plane
black negative plane
pink fey-wild
brown pandemonium

The Tricksters Wildzone; Epic level spell

Spellcraft DC: 55
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 900 ft.
Target: Centered on caster
Duration: 10 rounds
Saving Throw: no
Spell Resistance: No

Once cast,it creates a disruption in magical forces similar to those found in a Wild Magic area that is centered on her. When used, she creates a Wild Magic zone in a 900 foot radius spread centered on her, that moves with her, and has an additional 5 foot radius spread for every character level she has. Within the Wildzone, any spell cast, or magic item used in the radius spread is automatically treated as if using a rod of wonder. (Use the rod of wonder table on PG. 199 of the PH.) The Wildzone is treated just as a Wild Magic area in accordance to magic weapons and armor, or spells cast from outside the area of effect. In addition, the caster may choose to re-roll a single save, attack, or damage roll made in the same round in which the spell was cast.

knowledge imparted

Upon wielding this high lore gem, you can obtain the following information and skill set, without meeting the prerequisite.


*Combat trickster
*Magical Trickster
*Uncanny Trickster
*Monk of the grinning star.



Epic level classes

*Elven High Mage
*Elven High Hierophant
I have a few discrepancies with the gem. you call it the Selu'Kiira N'Rilan'Vae; The High Lore Shadow Gem of House Ahmaquissar. i have always found the kiira gems pretty cool. spell books in a jewel. the more powerful the kiira the bigger the name gets. kiira, telkiira, selukiira. but i have a issue with yours. if you look at all the elvish language dictionaries about faerun on the web you will see that selukiira means "high lore gem" you had that right. n-rilan-vae means "of the shadows" so im not too sure if that says shadow gem as you imply, or am i reading the dictionaries wrong? maybe you mean " in the shadows". or "came from shadows". does VAE confirm a dark element in the word? or how does VAE come in to the picture? from what i understand VAE, as in vaendaan-naes "reborn in life's bright struggles". that would imply coming into light after a period of darkness. then you have vaendin-thiil "fatigued by life's dark trials". which would also imply a very dark-shadowy moment. what does VAE mean in the title of this item? what does nrilan mean? i couldnt find that term at all on the web. i cant find anywhere where it says n-rilan-vae means "shadow gem".

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King Libertine

86 Posts

Posted - 13 Aug 2020 :  21:52:36  Show Profile Send King Libertine a Private Message  Reply with Quote
if i was a dungeon master i would never include this tomb or sepultura or the items in the game. i dont think ive ever lived past 13th level since first edition advanced dnd. these are way too powerful. you could kill a demi-god with just one or two of these items. not saying its all not cool but it is far too crazy for the people i know that play. those two swords are game changing swords. they could obliterate king arthur fighting with excalibur. your selukiira is insane with power. more powerful than the hand of vecna or the wand of orcus. the trickster armor is kinda cool and seems almost normal. wow i just noticed in a separate window that your not a real game designer and your a mean person. all in all i would never put this tomb into my game.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 13 Aug 2020 :  22:47:06  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Copper Elven Vampire will not be replying; he is no longer active on this forum.

As for the power level... If you look at some of his other stuff, here, you'll see: he really, really loves epic-level play. In one of his topics, he asked what kind of character class you'd like to be if you found yourself forced into slavery -- at 20th level.

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 14 Aug 2020 :  06:01:38  Show Profile Send LordofBones a Private Message  Reply with Quote
To be honest, the base items are good enough. It's just that the artifact powers border on the comical.

I doubt CEV actually knew anything about epic play.
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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 14 Aug 2020 :  14:40:16  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Copper Elven Vampire will not be replying; he is no longer active on this forum.

As for the power level... If you look at some of his other stuff, here, you'll see: he really, really loves epic-level play. In one of his topics, he asked what kind of character class you'd like to be if you found yourself forced into slavery -- at 20th level.

All my 20th lvl slaves are arcane tricksters, that way they can secretly escape to go adventuring and then return to bondage without their master getting a whiff of their adventures... because lord knows they'd be afraid of that master and his whip. Yep. Definitely the way to go with your 20th lvl slaves.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Lord Karsus
Great Reader

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Posted - 15 Aug 2020 :  03:19:00  Show Profile Send Lord Karsus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by King Libertine

I have a few discrepancies with the gem. you call it the Selu'Kiira N'Rilan'Vae; The High Lore Shadow Gem of House Ahmaquissar. i have always found the kiira gems pretty cool. spell books in a jewel. the more powerful the kiira the bigger the name gets. kiira, telkiira, selukiira. but i have a issue with yours. if you look at all the elvish language dictionaries about faerun on the web you will see that selukiira means "high lore gem" you had that right. n-rilan-vae means "of the shadows" so im not too sure if that says shadow gem as you imply, or am i reading the dictionaries wrong? maybe you mean " in the shadows". or "came from shadows". does VAE confirm a dark element in the word? or how does VAE come in to the picture? from what i understand VAE, as in vaendaan-naes "reborn in life's bright struggles". that would imply coming into light after a period of darkness. then you have vaendin-thiil "fatigued by life's dark trials". which would also imply a very dark-shadowy moment. what does VAE mean in the title of this item? what does nrilan mean? i couldnt find that term at all on the web. i cant find anywhere where it says n-rilan-vae means "shadow gem".

Selu'Kiira: High Lore Gems
Kiira N'Vaelahr: Shadow Lore Gems

-If it was a thing, it would be Selu'Kiira N'Vaelahr.

(A Tri-Partite Arcanist Who Has Forgotten More Than Most Will Ever Know)

Elves of Faerûn
Vol I- The Elves of Faerûn
Vol. III- Spells of the Elves
Vol. VI- Mechanical Compendium

Edited by - Lord Karsus on 15 Aug 2020 03:21:45
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 15 Aug 2020 :  04:08:07  Show Profile Send LordofBones a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I get the feeling that, at times, Corellon Larethian hears all these mysterious esoteric names from his court in Arvandor and wonders why they can't just call it something simple like "Magic Glowy Stone" and "Really Pointy Sword".
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 15 Aug 2020 :  04:54:36  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by LordofBones

I get the feeling that, at times, Corellon Larethian hears all these mysterious esoteric names from his court in Arvandor and wonders why they can't just call it something simple like "Magic Glowy Stone" and "Really Pointy Sword".

Hey, for all we know, those are the original translations! It's just that elves can't admit that to humans, so...

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Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Great Reader

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Posted - 15 Aug 2020 :  14:06:09  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sounds Dwarven...

"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep

Edited by - Brimstone on 15 Aug 2020 14:06:28
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Master of Realmslore

1565 Posts

Posted - 18 Aug 2020 :  19:13:05  Show Profile Send LordofBones a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sometimes, Moradin finds Corellon in his secret ale stores, emptying cask after cask while complaining about apostrophes and he wanted to name his sword something like "Orcgutter" or "Goblinsmiter", but Sehanine insisted it be called Sahandrian.
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King Libertine

86 Posts

Posted - 24 Aug 2020 :  22:32:00  Show Profile Send King Libertine a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lord Karsus

Originally posted by King Libertine

I have a few discrepancies with the gem. you call it the Selu'Kiira N'Rilan'Vae; The High Lore Shadow Gem of House Ahmaquissar. i have always found the kiira gems pretty cool. spell books in a jewel. the more powerful the kiira the bigger the name gets. kiira, telkiira, selukiira. but i have a issue with yours. if you look at all the elvish language dictionaries about faerun on the web you will see that selukiira means "high lore gem" you had that right. n-rilan-vae means "of the shadows" so im not too sure if that says shadow gem as you imply, or am i reading the dictionaries wrong? maybe you mean " in the shadows". or "came from shadows". does VAE confirm a dark element in the word? or how does VAE come in to the picture? from what i understand VAE, as in vaendaan-naes "reborn in life's bright struggles". that would imply coming into light after a period of darkness. then you have vaendin-thiil "fatigued by life's dark trials". which would also imply a very dark-shadowy moment. what does VAE mean in the title of this item? what does nrilan mean? i couldnt find that term at all on the web. i cant find anywhere where it says n-rilan-vae means "shadow gem".

Selu'Kiira: High Lore Gems
Kiira N'Vaelahr: Shadow Lore Gems

-If it was a thing, it would be Selu'Kiira N'Vaelahr.

so what does N'Rilan'Vae stand for? I see the three letters vae in both your terms. Does that signify a particular exclamation in the word? you have N'Vaelahr. he has N'Rilan'Vae. both have vae in the term. so N'Vaelahr means shadow? im curious to N'Rilan'Vae now. or maybe N'Vaerilan is what he was going for?
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King Libertine

86 Posts

Posted - 09 May 2022 :  06:47:49  Show Profile Send King Libertine a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by LordofBones

I'm genuinely curious how a 3/day 13 hp heal is going to help at epic level, when martial PCs can deal 5x that in damage by 10th level.

I'll take a shot. What if said PC used all his/her healing spells for the day/night. He/she gets wounded to the point of 1 hit point. The sword can impart a few extra hit points to possibly teleport away or at leat get on your feet and die properly. hehe.
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King Libertine

86 Posts

Posted - 09 May 2022 :  07:00:19  Show Profile Send King Libertine a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Vezzenvazzel Ahmaquissar:CN Baelnorn lich, Male moon elf of The Sorrowwood. CR 42; Rogue 5/ Sorcerer 3/ Cleric 3/ Mystic Theurge 10/ Duskblade 10/ Beguiler 10 of Erevan Ilesere. Guardian of the Ahmaquissar crypt and self-imposed undead hero of the ancient clan. Even Amlaruil Moonflower, the Queen of Evermeet herself couldn't break these powerful binding wards as ancient as they are.

Pretty much on par with Larloch as far as power, but devoted to clan and house. Consecrated to haunt the crypts of House Ahmaquissar until the Chosen comes to bear. That is the old Ahmaquissar lore. The Moon elven Baelnorn lich sat in his Fey guarded tomb waiting for an elf with the right bloodline or dogma to awaken him. Both have forgotten the old moon elf Mystic Theurge and considered the stories to be nothing more than myth.

Myth has it that only a blood relative can open the Selu'Kiira. Others who have tried have found madness and insanity. Others say it's just a story for younglings.

None of this is recent. Just our own lore.

Really? Queen Amlaruil couldn't break those wards? I see no reason why she would. Or any elf for that matter. Don't elves respect their family and kins tombs? Maybe Amlaruil couldn't break open the grave due to some High magic spell binding the place to the Feywild as surely you connect it with not only a Crossroads, but a Feymound on top of it. I actually enjoyed that part. But Queen Amlaruil is like almost a demi-god of sorts. I've seen her stats online that are Canon, but they pale to what is written about her.If I am correct, she is a Wizard 20. That's it. Kinda funny but canon nonetheless. I imagine she is like a Chosen of ALL the elven gods wrapped up in a book.

Why 10 levels of Mystic Theurge and 3 levels of sorcerer and cleric? That would be a 13th level sorcerer and a 13th level cleric. That's 26 levels you're wasting on lower level spells. In 26 levels you could be a epic cleric of whatever elven god you like. Or go arcane if you wish. I see your big thing is the trickster. Duskblade? I understand you want to show that in such ancient times elves had such power, but you are sacrificing levels in everything.

Let me advise a few builds for your elven lich.

Vezzenvazzel Ahmaquissar:CN Baelnorn lich, Male moon elf of The Sorrowwood. CR 42; Cleric 20/ Beguiler 20/ Dervish 2 of Erevan Ilesere.


Vezzenvazzel Ahmaquissar:CN Baelnorn lich, Male moon elf of The Sorrowwood. CR 42; Illusionist 20/ Archmage 5/ Favored Soul 17 of Erevan Ilesere.


Vezzenvazzel Ahmaquissar:CN Baelnorn lich, Male moon elf of The Sorrowwood. CR 42; Sorcerer 20/ Shadowcaster 20/ Duskblade 2 of Erevan Ilesere.


Vezzenvazzel Ahmaquissar:CN Baelnorn lich, Male moon elf of The Sorrowwood. CR 42; Wizard 20/ Archmage 5/ Elven High Mage 10/ Cleric 7 of Erevan Ilesere.

Just saying that your npc build of the elven lich is mitigating and downplaying the potential of the epic guy.

Also, pretty much on par with Larloch? Isn't Larloch a CR 34 npc? It would seem that your elven lich is closer to being on par with Elminster at a CR 45.

all in all. I like your fluff and backstory, but your elven lich stats are weird. Good flavor, bad game stats.

Edited by - King Libertine on 09 May 2022 07:35:29
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King Libertine

86 Posts

Posted - 09 May 2022 :  08:09:17  Show Profile Send King Libertine a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

So my question is - given that the items appear to be Ahmaquissar family heirlooms - why are they sitting in a tomb? House Ahmaquissar survives in the present-day Realms.

-- George Krashos

Good point. I did my internet research too and he is correct in saying they are the most notable rogues written in canon for forgotten realms elves. I can only imagine the Ahmaquissar family was bereft of these items by the elven lich himself. Cev did mention above that the elven lich was waiting for some chosen one or some such. I really don't want to scroll up to look. lol.

Maybe they're sitting in a tomb by design. Maybe the elven high magic is too strong for current day elves to manage? Apparently this elven lich lived in the city of Sharlarion -23,000 years ago or something. I would imagine that would make him the oldest surviving elf on Toril. If being a elven lich can be considered surviving. lol.
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