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Senior Scribe

792 Posts

Posted - 14 Nov 2018 :  01:17:24  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote

No, all I know of Mlorna is what I've written above. But I remain intrigued to see how her tale is playing out.

Each of these four pieces are as follows

The Multi-Layered Lay of Mlorna, you might call it. I'm also greatly amused by that ogre.

The final story should relate to why Mlorna came to Waterdeep and entered undermountain.

The final drink should be zzar, representing Waterdeep in general. As to why she entered's drow (it's always drow). No, seriously, I don't know what would bring her to the city, but once here it could be;

1. She discovered the malfeasance of some noble house. Sure to draw out a number of guilty noble parties, nosing around to see if they're the ones she has dirt on.

2. She knew where in the depths lies a great artifact (the Ring of Winter? The axe Azuredge?). Brings forth agents of power groups, both native and non-, seeking to seize her find for themselves.

3. It actually was the drow!. They've been expanding their array of surface agents and contacts, and Durnan is seeking to root them out and boot them back down into the Realms Below.


Jousters, equestrians, glory-riders, daresmen. Currently the most popular sport in the city. Has taken the illegal element of racing in the city streets and dressed it up with pomp and flair and the added thrill of lanced combat. Nobles and highcoins draw additional interest by publically wagering large sums of money on bouts. Purchase and maintenance of specialized equipment, the care, stabling and feeding of mounts, and the coin spent in lavish lifestyle between bouts is a costly endeavor, and rare is the brightlance who can flourish without the patronage of a noble or highcoin backer. Indeed, such riders have become something of a status symbol for the nobility, who lavish them with praise and parade them at balls and parties.

Notable Brightlances include (seperate entries in italics); Baftelbarr "the Black Lance," Bannerbold, Belammarth the Silver Cloot, The Cinnamon-Scented Knight, Fzestryn the Magnificent, Gildan of Turnmarch, The Greensleeves ("Riders In Green," House Jhansczil stable: Doust Roanhand "Glory of the Greens," Embervain the Plumed, Donnach of Alaron, Carauntea the Fair), Hlannast Esperelfen, Jhasūndra of Ihelos "The Honor of Air," Llastarm "The Knight of Flowers," Mirla Mrorl "The Silvaeren Saddle-Dancer" (see: Mluirrym), "The Golden Rider" Olaun Utham, Phaerald "Red-Hand," Raunthus Glimmerglaive, Tornulk "The Grim Lance," Zannwyn the True.

Minor Lord's Court personage and shiftless knight-errant. Takes his name from a line in the famous heroic romance "The Last Lance" (as do at least several dozen other self-proclaimed knights across the Heartlands). Claims to be the jousting champion of Sarm and Palenpillars and Whitepost (& etc.), in the Border Kingdoms. Will joust for coin, or for the bedding charms of a local maiden. Also relatively proficient with broadsword and footman's mace.

Fzestryn the Magnificent
The dashing, flowery, self-described "Lance-Lord of The North and The Greenfields." A favorite "glory-rider" (champion jouster) at the Field of Triumph. Has no noble patron, but is rumored to maintain his horse and equipment through the generous donations of a number of smitten noble matrons (as more than one rival has put it, "his lance may droop on the field, but certainly never in the bedchamber").

The Greensleeves
A stable of "brightlances" (jousters) and professional equestrians gathered by House Jhansczil. Identified by the distinctive slashed green sleeves and sashes worn in addition to their individual tabards. Jousting as a sport is incredibly popular in the city but until the formation of the Riders in Green it consisted solely of lone bravos, either self-financed or supported by a rich patron. Their membership fluctuates with each passing season and the fortunes of individual members, but usually includes the Chief Rider Doust Roanhand, Embervain the Plumed, Donnach of Alaron, and the female rider Carauntea the Fair. They have adopted the Mead Moon Tankard House on Snail Street as their own, and can often be found drinking there.

Doust Roanhand
The Glory of the Greens. Chief Rider of the Greensleeves, the House Jhansczil "glory-riders" (professional jousters). Rather slight, quick and wiry, and light on his feet. Adamant, cocksure, utterly fearless; overbearing in conversation. Shares a great rivalry with Olaun Utham, the famed Golden Rider.

Jhasūndra of Ihelos "The Honor of Air"
Calishite "glory-rider" (professional jouster), occasionally competes at the Field of Triumph. Takes her name from the Altar of the Air, a shrine of Akadi located in the ruins of Dashdjen. Claims that Akadi herself blessed the strike of her lance and the swiftness of her mount, and in return she tilts for her glory.

Ornar Halahornd
A native of Tethyr. Proprietor of the Mead Moon Tankard House on Snail Street. Ornar is a great fan of the jousts at the Field of Triumph, and makes wagers with his clientele on the days that games are held. The riders of the Greensleeves, the House Jhansczil jousters, can often be found drinking in the Mead Moon.

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36867 Posts

Posted - 14 Nov 2018 :  02:59:59  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Azuredge and the Ring of Winter are accounted for, as of the current 5E timeframe. Just an FYI.

And while power groups coming out of the woodwork for a powerful artifact is always fun, it's also something that's been done before. So how about spinning it, just a bit... Maybe, instead of an artifact, it's Ahghairon's personal journals, believed to hold the keys to entering his tower and a lot of other magical secrets of Waterdeep. Maybe it's a lesser version of the dragonstaff. Maybe it's a magical recording of just what happened that final night in the CLiffwatch Inn. Maybe it's a letter from a long-dead mage, to a colleague, explaining how to use the magic of the Moon Sphere to recharge magical items. Maybe it's the axe Swifttusk, the non-magical but still legendary blade that Nimoar himself once weilded.

(Note, before anyone asks: I made all of that up. And I don't know if Nimoar favored axes or somethign else)

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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Senior Scribe

792 Posts

Posted - 14 Nov 2018 :  04:33:04  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I don't know what a "5E" is, Wooly. You'd have to get Sleyvas to help you with that.
(I assume the Ring is covered in the Chult/ToA supplement. I am curious where Azuredge ended up, tho?)

And I dig all of your alternate ideas, especially the Moon Sphere one. I had a sorta-similar scenario for one of my NPCs;


Urghrel Murmandaur (LE HM SP of Bane)
The Minacious Fist of Bane. Native of Thentia. Found a way to re-position an ancient, hidden gate in his rented Castle Ward chambers, opening the other side directly into The Embrace of the Goddess, the nacreous cloud of energy, bright and pungent, that pulses above the innermost altar of the House of Beauty. He has begun testing ways to shape and use those deific energies to power his own dark rituals. His slow and deliberate efforts have thus far avoided the notice of the resident Sunites, who would be most displeased in they found out. It should be noted that the positive energies Urghrel is attempting to control are considerable, and his attempts to twist them towards dark and ineffable ends could easily (and spectacularly) go awry, resulting in deleterious effects to a large portion of the surrounding Ward.

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36867 Posts

Posted - 14 Nov 2018 :  05:03:18  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by AJA

I don't know what a "5E" is, Wooly. You'd have to get Sleyvas to help you with that.
(I assume the Ring is covered in the Chult/ToA supplement. I am curious where Azuredge ended up, tho?)

Artus Cimber still has the Ring, though it was nerfed for 5E.

Azuredge is still in Waterdeep, in the hands of a member of Force Grey, but it's looking for a new wielder.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11981 Posts

Posted - 14 Nov 2018 :  16:50:40  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Multi-Layered Lay of Mlorna … loving it... and yeah, I too am now intrigued with this poor ogre. The legend goes that the ogre actually grew feelings for the ram... who it was rumored was actually her druidic friend, a halfling druid/ranger of Brandobaris with a knowledge of potion brewing, alchemy, and the making of alcoholic spirits (with a fierce interest in Rashemi Firewine).

On the final "Lay".... yes, Zzar is indeed the drink to be drunk. Good call. It seems that some drow had come to her farm and stolen her herd of sheep, including her halfling friend. The halfling and the shapechanged ogre were soon discovered amongst the herd of sheep when the herd was brought to the drow city of <insert drow city name>. However, the halfling druid had already managed to get a magical message to Mlorna informing her of his predicament, and she was able to track the halfling via magic to undermountain where the drow were transporting the halfling to Skullport to sell them at the marketplace (because the drow believed that the halfling would be valuable for his skill in making firewine and potions). The drow kept the ogre alive because, due to the halfling's excellent acting, they believed they could use threats against him to control the halfling.

Also, its rumored that periodically a sheep or ram (or both) is seen wandering the halls of undermountain. Some believe this to be a prankster playing with an illusion. Others believe it to be a ghost. Some believe it to be simply a living sheep. Some believe Halaster has heard the tale of Mlorna and has taken to summoning sheep. Others think adventurers are just making up the story to embellish their stories. Who knows the truth of these matters?

Again, the story doesn't have to be true... just memorable and fun enough to make a song about it...

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas

Edited by - sleyvas on 14 Nov 2018 17:28:38
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Senior Scribe

792 Posts

Posted - 15 Nov 2018 :  18:42:46  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Haevhalrūne of the Dwarves
A long-ago mage-smith of some fame in the city. Of human descent, though believed to have been raised and tutored among the dwarves of Sundabar. Forged both the bastard sword Anthalos (Ember-Edge, "the blade whose light no darkness may depress") and the tower-shield Defender of Ossk, the latter of which is still safely ensconced in the High Gallery Hall of the Palace. Numerous other, lesser (but only in the sense of sheer masterwork), pieces can be found among the noble clans of the city, easily identifiable by Haevhalrūne's forge-sigil, a vaulting crescent of stars sheltering an upright sword bisected by a pair of open human eyes.

Haladay "Hal" Tumblebelly (N HaM)
Proprietor of the Tumbleaf tobacco shop in Trades Ward. A contact for Anadian smokepowder merchants. Rotund and rosy-cheeked, with greying hair and large mutton-chop sideburns. Runs his shop with the aid of his wife, Sedarah, his three young sons, and two ever-underfoot, half-alert, shaggy Moonshaen moorhounds. The cellar of his modest shop contains a secret passage to the city sewers, and he knows of a gate hidden in the back halls of the Three Thirsty Taols festhall which leads to the southern city of Manshaka (through which the wily Hin contacts his Anadian brethren).

Halambraud "The Hurried"
Thick-set, burly. Aging, weather-beaten face. Keen blue eyes. One of the better-known peripatetic High Street vendors of baked potatoes and hand-pies, upon whose sturdy cart is painted "Ol' Halam's Handpies and Hot-Roots (Guaranteed Gladsome and Toothsome)." His appelation of "The Hurried" is fully ironic, as he is slow and measured in all things, and he can get lost in the telling of a tale or recent gossip for interminable lengths (he makes sure to receive coin for his wares first, though). Halambraud considers the area around the Stone House guildhall to be his alone, and has no qualms about giving out a beating (or more) to competing cart-sellers to maintain his claim. Good with a knife, a skill he learned aboard countless merchantmen on the Sea of Swords in his youth. His cart carries the usual enhancements; buttery garlic drizzlings, spring onion dices, cheese slivers – though lowcoin Waterdhavians are known for their affinity for the salty, pungent sauce made from vinegar and ground silverfin than anything else (an acquired taste that marks one as "of the commonfolk" as much as anything else in the city).

Haldus Albryn (LN HM Exp6)
The Voice of the Spires (temple of Lathander). Holds the office of "Bright Banner" (envoy or spokesperson). A suave, somewhat effeminate man whose close-trimmed black beard and shoulder-length hair are always perfectly groomed. Diplomatic, discreet, and privy to the most personal councils of Her Most Glorious Radiance Ghentilara. Carries the Aventurescent Rod of Rulership, an important item of the Lathanderite faith.

Publisher of The Straight Thrust, a broadsheet which breathlessly chronicles the brightblades and bravos of the nobility and their duels, feuds and fashions. He saves his purplest prose for the young sons and daughters of Houses Hawkwinter and Eagleshield, who seem to enjoy the flattery and attention (and provide him with much of his catty gossip).

Halesko Hahn
A civilar (captain) of the Waterdhavian Griffon Guard (Long Wing). Whip-thin, narrow-faced. Black hair, eyes and stubble. Rides the griffon named Ardent Tyr.


Haldroun Mornmantle [ Source: Ed Greenwood's Spin-a-Yarn 2009: Night of the Dread Pudding. Name/Description given ]

Half The Price [ Source: Ed Greenwood's Spin-a-Yarn 2009: Night of the Dread Pudding. Name/Description given ]

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Skilled Spell Strategist

11981 Posts

Posted - 15 Nov 2018 :  23:05:28  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So, is Haladay a halfling from Anadia living in Waterdeep, but with contacts to other Anadian halflings in Calimshan? Does he have access to a spelljammer, or how are they exporting the powderpuff that they're turning into smokepowder? I like the idea of Anadians coming to Toril. In my viewpoint, they'd see life here as great compared to their homeworld. They'd probably also view other halflings as lazy (and with their extremely dark skin they would definitely look different from other halflings). Given that he's involved in trade, I'd bet he's from the northern polarate, so does he have contempt for humans and other similar beings as being lesser races still despite living amongst them? What's his purpose for living in Waterdeep and why in particular does he note this gate back to Calimshan? Is he involved with running slaves down to Calimshan to ultimately ship back to Anadia?

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Senior Scribe

792 Posts

Posted - 16 Nov 2018 :  03:53:31  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Haladay was born down in the Purple Hills (that's "brethren" as in "fellow Hin," not as in "born among"). In my Realms a large section in and around Snail Street is home to growing numbers of smallfolk (Hin mostly, with a lesser but healthy number of gnomes), and he came north as part of that.

He takes his gate down to Manshaka and arranges for deliveries of smokepowder from his contacts, whom he first met while looking for southern suppliers of herbs and pipweeds (especially the scented smokestuff produced around south-eastern Lake Esmel). He doesn't know how they come to possess it (he knows what he's heard from them, but he's pretty sure he doesn't believe nonsense about "worlds in the sky." Probably just something they've come up with to make themselves seem all mysterious and powerful. He then sells the powder surreptitiously out of his shop and turns a tidy profit, given that he is only one of a few smokepowder sellers in the city, either above or below.

The Anadians I never gave much focus to, but they want what all other smugglers want; money, and Faerūnian stuff they can ferry back to Anadia and then make more money on. Plus, these Torilians are doubly stupid, being both non-Hin and dirt-kickers; the prices they can command on their inferior powderpuff here is more than worth whatever risks their inter-planetary journeys entail.


Belt Brostglimmer
Short, limber, light-whiskered. Cheerful and loquacious. Wanders through the stalls and blankets of the Market with his Bowl-And-Bag of Olfactory Fantastication, accosting all nearby shoppers. "Copper a snort!" and "Never the same scent twice!" are his calling-cries.

Belterym Vhost (NG HM F14/divine champion4 of Lathander)
The Fulgent Shield of the Faith, The Morninglord's Mainstay. Knight-Champion of Lathander, Knight-Commander of the Order of the Golden Radiance, Grandmaster of the Order of the Dawn. Belterym is the appointed champion of the Waterdhavian temple of Lathander, and he looks every bit the part. Tall and handsome, with golden hair and beard and a dashing smile. He wields two items of the faith, the broadsword Azoulviir "Blade-of-Light" (an intelligent sunblade +3) and the golden mailcoat Suurndyn "Lord's Protector" (elven chainmail of spell-turning +2), and rides the griffon named Lightwing. He is attended to by his two companions, the squire Ilimar Eltarthyn (NG HM Aris3/F2) and the herald Forndyke (NG GM B6).

The Order of the Dawn
The Dawnswords, The Bright Flames, The Roseheads. Highest and most respected Lathanderite order of knighthood. As the Dawn Rose is reserved for the greatest of the Morninglord's champions (and as they tend to fall in battle against the greatest of the Morninglord's foes before long), the Dawnswords have never been numerous, numbering perhaps a scant dozen at any one time. Still, the honor of this knighthood is one that every member of the faith dreams of. Their symbol is the Dawn Rose, their motto is "Ever Faithful." Grandmaster: Belterym Vhost. Notable Members (seperate entries in italics): Blaerold Brightgleam, Jaeglanna the Radiant Heart

Belthrys "Good-Winds" (NG ½EM War/P of Valkur)
An itinerant "ships-spell." Most often found aboard the Undine Danced, a freesail caravel commonly found in the Waterdeep-Orlumbor-Moonshae shiplanes. Dark, weathered skin that accentuates his light, near-colorless blue eyes. Keeps his head shaven, wears gold hoops through both pointed ears. Has a trio of dolphin-riding elven lasses tattooed on his chest. Fights with javelins and a brace of hand-axes.

Beluthra's Gleam-Brights
Local adventuring fellowship, led by the one-eyed Tymorite Beluthra Fairhair. Last seen by Waterdhavian griffon-riders, fighting a claw of trolls amidst the ruins of The Friendly Flame (a way-inn north-east of Yartar).

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Skilled Spell Strategist

11981 Posts

Posted - 16 Nov 2018 :  12:26:04  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Gotcha, so the one in Waterdeep is relatively clueless, but down in Manshaka there may be some dark skinned Anadian halflings who MAY be involved in slave trade (because its legal there). He just thinks of them as another group of halflings who like to tell tall tales, but he can get all kind of interesting herbs from them. Perhaps even the powderpuff that "spoils" can be turned into an additive into Torilian pipeweed that sells well to the halflings of Waterdeep? These Anadian halflings also might import crispyleaf for sale as a weight loss supplement, and Haladay may even sell this miracle diet herb in small carefully controlled doses out of his tobacco shop as well. I like that.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Senior Scribe

792 Posts

Posted - 17 Nov 2018 :  00:28:39  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Lady Jasmal
The working-name of the half-elven highcoin escort (hired "arm candy" for social situations such as revels, feasts, and formal gatherings) Maeluth Ansar. She bears a great frizzy mane of amber-colored hair, continually coiffed and styled into an impressive radius. It is this hair, which one poetic admirer likened to the "halos" of amber light given off by jasmal gemstones, from which she takes her name (aided by an increasing array of polished, glowing amber stones at her fingers, neck, and hemline). She can speak Alzhedo, Calant, Chondathan, Illuskan and Latanese, as well as all the major demihuman tongues.

Lael of Boh
Tall, thin, dark, doe-eyed. Habitually terse, stoic, but drives hard bargains in all monentary matters. On retainer to Lord Nuthos of House Eagleshield. Her mandate is to hunt, net and return undamaged the little insects know as wizzenwasps (a sort of cross between butterfly and horsefly. Delicate and colorful and arrayed in a riotous profusion of colors. Native to Lapaliiya and the northern Tashalar, where it is said they were created and bred by an outcast mage of the old Calishite Empire). The Lord Eagleshield is obsessed with the little living, stinging jewels, and pays Lael great amounts of coin from the House treasuries to continue bringing him new varities. During the wizzenwasp slumber-season (in the drier months the insects hibernate and pupate under the bark of trees and deep in little grass-huts under the soil) Lael is available for hunting and guide duties across the realms bordering the Shining Sea.

Laelathra Brightlarch
Prolific playwright, best known for the comedic farce Chasing the Cinammon Dragon (1356DR). "Trouble sows an equal grave / well alike for lord and knave / And lays await until they find it." Also wrote the comedy A Gleam of Mild Splendor and the tragedy Life's Unjust Fortunes.

Laelanthra the Blacklael
Tethyrian caravan master. Author of Sitting On A Savage Doorstep: A Far-Trader's Eye of Waterdeep (1347DR). "Waterdeep is a good place for those who go right ahead and think of their own advantage, but it cares nothing of who gets trodden underfoot. So don't be too trusting, for the people there are puissant in all manner of tricks to take you in and strip you down, right to your very bones."

Sworn Sister of Mystra. Former apprentice of the Blackstaff. Said to have climbed the Star Mounts to a holy cave of the goddess, and walked a bridge of sparkling starlight straight into the glowing heart of Mystra's Sacred Star in the heavens. Mystrans claim that the goddess returned her to Faerūn as a Pursuivant Arcane, one of the most secretive of the goddesses' servants.


Laentra Manthar [ Source: A 03/08/10 posting to the message boards by Ed Greenwood. Name/Description given ]

Lord Laerlos Silmerhelve II [ Source: Mintipur's Chapbook #1 <>. Name/Description given ]

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Senior Scribe

792 Posts

Posted - 18 Nov 2018 :  00:47:53  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Hedge-Mage (Cantrip Kusker, copper-caster, common cantrip, poorspell, lackspell, whisper-wand)
"Whisper-wand" originates from the Street of Whispers, where such hirespells traditionally congregate. "Cantrip Kusker" is Waterdhavian slang derived from Kusker Galdreeth, the most prolific of hedge mages ("proper Kuskwork" is a common expression for a minor casting). Casters of minor, theatrical or house-magic (cantrips [burnbright, dyebright, dyebold, wineburn, flutterbreeze, darkshadow cloak, eyeshine, slumbersafe, sooth-shy], excellent ephemerals ["elfcastings," glim and sparkle magic], weatherproofing and fire-wardings [wind-and-water weirds], minor vastations and vermin vexes, etc.). See also: Glim-Spinner, Hex-witch, Tale-Spell

Kusker Galdreeth
The most prolific of the hedge mages that congregate around the Street of Whispers, and the reason that such workers-of-Art are often referred to as Cantrip Kuskers. Died in 1347DR when his castings angered a mimic that had surreptitiously taken up residence in the villa of a merchant family. "Proper Kuskwork" is still a common expression for minor castings or house-magics such as cantrips, glim and sparkle enchantments, weatherproofing and fire-wardings, and vermin vexes.

Heldaravyn Blackmantle
The current Lord Falconer of the Palace. A stout, burly man of middle height, mid-length brown hair, and middling brown beard. Piercing blue eyes. Never been known to gossip or gamble. While Lord Piergeiron does indulge in the occasional bout of falconry with visiting Tethyrian or Lord's Alliance dignitaries, he has no real use for them otherwise, and Heldaravyn's duties have been expanded in scope to training and maintaining a flock of messenger-birds that ferry missives to the villages and Guard outposts along the Dessarin and the trade roads along the coast. He is aided in this endeavor by a number of young and enthusiastic handlers who all seem to have been appointed to their positions by the same Hidden Lord (whom Heldaravyn believes to be the Blackstaff, but is actually Texter).

A civilar (captain) of the Waterdhavian Griffon Guard (North Wing). Rides the griffon named Cavalier.

Heljassra (CN HF T/P of Leira)
Jangleress of Leira. Sly, witty, smart-mouthed. Never seems to sleep. Red-haired. " A Lady of dexterous and intentional skill and a snapper-up of unconsidered trifles" (thief-for-hire, willing to stonedelve). Doesn't usually disclose her deific association. Some of the "trifles" she snaps up actually are considered (often by her employers), something she also does not disclose. Fights with staff and shortsword.

Helm Fullsails
A fictional Northman seacaptain and adventurer, popular in folklore across the North (not to be confused with Helm Hard Alee). Widespread in bardic songs and shadowplay or "oldboots" (puppet or shadowbox) shows and, more recently, in a number of chapbooks written by a number of authors (the bestselling of which, Thornum of Port Llast, died recently of a coughing sickness). Such chapbook titles always follow the same naming convention of "Helm Fullsails And" (...The Fortunes of Gild, …The Shores of Silver, ...The Beast-Men of Thūl, ...The Slaves of Sarguth, to name some of the more popular).

Helm is said to be a prince of long-fallen Illusk, tall and passionate and powerful, unmatched in swordplay and seasmanship. He roams throughout the North and the Trackless Sea as adventurer, outlaw, mercenary, and pirate, fighting a variety of goblinkin, sea monsters, reavers and Netherese sorcerers. In his later years he is said to rule Mighty Illusk as king, and battles dragon lords and endless southern despots. Some of the more recent Waterdhavian chapbooks have even depicted Helm at the end of his life, as an aged and landless wanderer come to early Waterdeep to advise and pass along his mantle to the young heroic warchieftan Nimoar.

Helm "Hard Helm" Trollslayer
Former Ward Civilar of Dock Ward (1359 - 1363DR). Promoted from the Waterdeep Guard to bring order and respectability to the office. Considered an outsider and resented by most of the local rank-and-file. Assassinated by Hanashall "Darkspell," an underling of the Xanathar.


Heldrokh Murtim [ Source: A 9/28/04 post by Ed Greenwood. Name/Occupation/Description given ]

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 19 Nov 2018 :  19:43:05  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Hudalbran Touslestone
Short and fat gnome. Bowlegged, walks with slight limp. Ever-smiling, full of easy words and self-aggrandizing bluster. Purveyor of "malleable glass," a marvel of his own invention which, he quite happily proclaims, is "of so tenacious and exquisite a temper that may be bent into such wondrous and useful contortions and yet retain the strength to resist the mightiest of blows, whether from sword or ogre or wintry gale!" What he claims is this glass is in reality a small supply of dragon turtle shell, shaved to the thinnest point until flexible and translucent. He puts this forth as proof of product and works slight of hand with incandescent forge and common glass to cozen and entice others into his scheme. Once he has exhausted his patrons and investors and their largess, he will flee to other cities to try his luck there.

Huldarn Braemoryn (N HM Exp)
Gostman (lieutenant guildmaster) of the Guild of Watermen. Made a bid for leadership of the guild. Long a supporter of the current guildmaster, Zzundar Thul, he is said to be unhappy with recent activities within the guild, including a reduction of his own powers.

He called for a polling of the members at Harbor Wharf outside Waterman's Hall but a number of malaperts and unruly guildsmen, most unhappy with a recent guild decree stating that the merfolk of the harbor had first right to any floating debris, turned the moot into a near-riot. Guildmaster Thul was struck in the back with a loose cobble, which didn't help Braemoryn's argument at all, and he was charged with inciting a riot, apprehended by the Watch, and spent two nights in the Castle dungeons. He has also been banned from his corner office overlooking Wharf Street, and his line of Guild credit at the Three Pearls festhall has been revoked.

Hulver Hoothhound (LN HM Exp)
"Chef of Chefs" and "Master of Filidares." A stout, red-faced man with merry blue eyes and a red fringe of beard. His eyes are quick to turn icy, and his dry wit to verbal venom when he is crossed (real or imagined). One of the most famous "hearthmasters" (hire-chefs) of the city. Maintains a small army of underlings, apprentices, and courtiers. Is known to have used his contacts among the nobility to ruin at least one rival, the Amnian hearthmaster Ahrlgros of the Cleaver.

Hundar Halfshardan
Hund of the Journeyjakes. A figure of legend and fireside tales in the city. Also features prominently in several chapbooks printed in the lower Wards. The great majority of Halfshardan's (picaresque, lewd) adventures begin with the popular comedic device of falling through a magical gate while on a trip to the garderobe, hence his nickname.

The Hundred Bastards
Mercinary company, kept on retainer by the city of Waterdeep. Based out of Crimmor, in Amn. The Hundred usually only number a fraction of that and rent themselves out to local barons as hired muscle (or hired "dispute settlers,") but when Waterdeep calls, their roster swells quickly. Mostly footmen (pikes and crossbows) with a veteran core of some two dozen mounted and mailed lancers. Their speaker (contact) in the city is Tulsk Rhanda.

Tulsk Rhanda
Blacklung, Tulsk the Rusted. Speaker (contact) for the Hundred Bastards, a mercinary company kept on retainer by the city of Waterdeep. Thick-set, pock-marked. His adventuring career (and very nearly his life) ended after inhaling a lungful of yellow mold spores. Constantly hacks and coughs, and suffers from shortness of breath to this day.

Hundtabbar Brazen-Browed
A city magister ("black-robe") and one of the founders of the Watchful Order. Author of Confessions of a Mage (1337DR). "Magic is the folly of youth, and the amusement of old age."


Hughmont [ Source: "Fire is Fire," Elaine Cunningham, Realms of the Deep. Name/Description given ]

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Senior Scribe

792 Posts

Posted - 19 Nov 2018 :  19:44:22  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote

The Five Books You Find Tucked on a High Shelf in Serpentil's Books and Folios

Sabrayar's Collected Lore and Legend of the Were-Men
Sabrayar the Sage, 1113DR
"If you want to know a man, look at his shadow by moonlight"

A bound copy of the play The Foul Murder of Raurlor, Proud Sword of Waterdeep (1361DR)
"A Viper's Bite / A moment of spite / A Brave Hero, laid low"

Well-Thought and Well-Recieved Notes on the Alchemical Arts
Argaskul Thraelstaff, War Wizard of Cormyr (Ret.), 1326DR
"If you twine a sunbeam and a moonbeam and birth them into solid form you recieve a wondrous opal; unless the sunbeam is pregnant with motes of storm dew, then by some oddity of creation you will end up with a rare cat's eye. Another whim of the Gods and the Learned Arts, but a profitable one nonetheless."

The Nine Faces of Selūne
Gloruth Greywinter, 1010DR
Treatise tying in nine phases of the orb Selūne with various aspects of the goddess of the same name. Mostly covers ground familliar to any faithful of the Moonmaiden, with the exception of the ninth and final phase, which he claims to be instead an aspect of the Dark Lady, Shar, a most heretical notion indeed.

Wanderings Over Sea
Book of northern Calim poetry. Unknown author. Rhyming, serviceable. Poems of water and weather, windless skies and tiller and prow and waving white wings. Also has a quite lengthy ode to the black wyrm Raunthorelūn, "the Black Ash of an Ancient Fire," for those who collect or make a study of such things.

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 21 Nov 2018 :  16:58:15  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote

The Moor Burners
Moor Riders, Trollkillers, The Greenfire Guard. Specialized Guard gauntlets that periodically sweep the tradeways and northern moors when troll depredations arise. They are also let out to the trade towns across the Evermoors under the auspices of the Lord's Alliance, in similar times of need. Most Burners are proficient in tracking and fighting their enemy, and in the use of the greenfire (Greek fire) crafted by the Castle alchemists. After five confirmed kills or twenty survived skirmishes with the Everlasting Ones, a Burner gains the right to claim "Trollkiller" as thier surname or sobriquet. See also: Maeralith, Malskar and Boldomaer.

Black Maer. Short in stature and thick-set, with squat, dark features. Said to be "half-dwarf." A jagged, badly joined scar crosses her face from right temple to left cheekbone. A senior commander of the Moor Burners (specialized Guard gauntlets that periodically sweep the tradeways and moors when troll depredations arise). As are most Burners, she is proficient in the use of the greenfire crafted by the Castle alchemists.

Malskar and Boldomaer
Lieutenants under the command of Maeralith of the Moor Burners (specialized Guard gauntlets that periodically sweep the tradeways and moors when troll depredations arise). Malskar is small and wiry, red-headed and red-tempered (and known as "Redprick" as a result). Boldomaer, tall and slight with long, wavy black hair and a calm and thoughtful demeanor, is called "Little Maer" due to the similarities in his and Maeralith's names and to his unwavering support of her every command and proclamation, no matter how casual. It is often rumored that they share a bed, but never within the hearing of either one of them.

Morgūld Many-Heads
A mighty warrior, said to be the greatest and most valiant that the Illuskan race has produced either before or since. Bested the Colossal Spikilurie of the Wavesend Rocks and brought back both its' adamantine shell and trove of pearl and abalone to Waterdeep. Kept the Nacreous Heart, the center of the foul beast, for himself. It is said that gazing too often into the iridescent device drove him insane, a thrall to dark powers of the deep. Whatever his demons, they ended when he tied a massive ships' anchor round his neck and drowned himself in the Deepwater Harbor. His possessions, including the Heart, were all disappeared and scattered as his dwelling was ransacked after his death. Recently, rumors have arisen claiming that the long-lost opalescent orb now lies in the secluded chambers of the Umberlant high priest, Meritid Archneie.

Morlūne the Mighty
The Illuskan Titan, The Glory of Man. Billed as "The Strongest True-Man in Faerūn," The Hurler of Mountains, "unsullied by either wizardly enchantments or monstrous heritage." At the height of his popularity in the 1340's he wrestled a variety of beasts and beast-men in front of vast crowds in the Field of Triumph. He now earns coin hiring himself out for feats of strength to festivals and noble galas in Waterdeep in the summer and Tethyrian fairs and villas in the winter months.


Morivel "Hartmantle" Hartimantur [ Source: A 01/02/14 posting to the message boards by Ed Greenwood. Occupation/Description given. Named in a 09/02/14 follow-up. ]

Mornarra Cassalantar [ Source: City of Splendors: A Waterdeep Novel. Name/Description given ]

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Skilled Spell Strategist

11981 Posts

Posted - 21 Nov 2018 :  22:32:13  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Intrigued with .... Morgūld Many-Heads... What exactly was the Colossal Spikilurie? When I google it, I get a reference to Hame that mentions limpets, which are apparently a kind of sea snail with a conical shell? Had to look up nacreous... so a mother-of-pearl/rainbowy heart. Also, of all the last names... where'd his family get Many-Heads?

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36867 Posts

Posted - 21 Nov 2018 :  23:33:54  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sleyvas

What exactly was the Colossal Spikilurie?

It was a very large spikilurie.

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 26 Nov 2018 :  16:40:58  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Because it's a lar- Dammit, Wooly!

What exactly it was, I do not know. It was a unique beastie. Some foul spawn of Umberlee, no doubt. From a quick perusal of the bestiaries, baby kracken, titanic fiendish (/radiant?) aboleth, adult krajen are all ideas I'd work with, but none of them have an adamantine shell or a discount palantķr for a center. So, go wild.

As for Morgūld, Morgūld was a big ol' warrior with a big ol' axe. Morgūld took many heads with his axe. Are vorpal axes A Thing? Because if so, he definitely had a vorpal axe. You take enough heads, you eventually get an epithet like "Many-Heads."

(in case you were wondering about his own cranium, Morgūld only ever had one. But I like to think that when it settled down to the floor of the Harbor, a baby colossal spikilurie crawled up inside it, and then began its' long journey back to the Wavesend Rocks).


An apprentice of Ahghairon. Fought during the siege of the Black Horde in 1235DR, was turned to ash by the spells of an orcish shaman. The blackened afterimage of his demise is still visible on a section of the North Ward city battlements, commonly referred to by patrolling guardsmen as "Darrbask's Corner."

Dashtana of the Delights
Built an empire of scents (imported from Calimshan and the Tashalar), silks and delicate savory (Hin-made) pastries. Spent much of her youth in Calimshan, trading her favors to local wizards for magical tutoring, and to local wealthy merchants for access to their contacts and trade networks. In Waterdeep, before establishing her business she gained noteriety as a highcoin companion to many nobles of both sexes. Brought the entire Baerlflower halfing clan from Tethyr to Trades Ward to create her signature confections. Now comfortably fat and considerably rich, she amuses herself with the plottings of the city's upper classes, fancying herself a mover-and-shaker (she is neither truly politically powerful nor absolutely wealthy enough to dive headfirst into the deep end of such city plottings, and this will undoubtably be the end of her at some point). Enjoys patronizing festhall lasses and adventuring fellowships, in both bed and business, seeing as they remind herself of her younger days. Also known as "Diamond" Dashtana (not for any particular affinity to the precious stone, rather for her ostentatious villa – Dashturrets, or The Scented Steps – on Diamond Street, Sea Ward).

Dathyn Hawkwinter
A minor noble of House Hawkwinter. Close-cropped brown hair, large brown beard, narrow-set brown eyes. Has a commanding, oft-times overbearing presence, which he counterbalances with a quick smile and a hearty thump on the shoulder. Dathyn recently gathered a host of sellswords and freestaves (including the Wolves of Luskan mercinary company), and set to the west aboard the freebooter Archel Sails to stake a claim in the northern Moonshae Isles.

The Dead Jacks of the Yawning Portal
On two nights of the year (Mirtul 1 and Marpenoth 30) the innkeeper Durnan closes his doors to the folk of the city, as the taproom of the Yawning Portal is host to a hellish parade of the phantoms of those unfortunate souls slain and unmourned and unburied in the depths of the Undermountain. Emerging from the well itself, the spectres pay their fare in ghostly coin and either eventually dissipate or linger to become part of the wandering undead population of the Ward. This haunting has occurred since the Time of Troubles, and continues despite the best efforts of the various priesthoods of the city. Some believe that it is caused by the lingering essence of the slain god Myrkul; others say that the bones of every poor soul slain in the depths must be brought to the surface and given a proper burial to stem the ghostly tide. [ Source: A 05/24/04 Posting to the Candlekeep Message Boards by Steven Schend (as "Ghosts of the Yawning Portal." Name/Description given. Additional detail by me. ]

"Deepwater" Daulunbar
Legendary merchant captain, famed for spending more time aboard ship than ashore ("Ne'er good a land-mark but to plot course for a sea-venture"). Perhaps the most famous of the many hundreds who drowned or disappeared during the 1360's attempting the treacherous passage to the newly-discovered Far Lands of Maztica. There has been recent tavern-talk that his flagship, the Nerlendra, and her distinctive six-armed lady figurehead has been spotted, glowing and sails a-tattered, in the stormclouds above the Moonshaes, but this is largely dismissed as frivolous sea-foam (sailors tales).

A senior member of the Watchful Order (holds the office of Accomplished Master of Abjurations). Serious and sober as she must need be, for the safety and security of all fireward requests flow through her office. So, too, does the enormous amount of coin that accompanies it and, as a result, hers is the most sought-after position in the Order besides perhaps the office of Master itself.


Darth [ Source: "The Keeper of Secrets," Ed Greenwood, Realms of the Dragons Vol.1. Name/Description given ]

Darvur the Radish-Seller [ Source: A 05/17/04 Posting to the Candlekeep Message Boards by Ed Greenwood. Name/Description given ]

Daztriiya Ghallowglond[ Source: Waterdeep News: Strange Fire on Cage Street <>. Name/Description given ]

The Deepwinter Ghost [ Source: Realms By Night, Part Seven: Kahla the Ghost of Heroes Garden <>. Name/Description given ]

The Defenders Three [ Source: "I Sing A Song By The Deep-Water Bay," Steven Schend, Dragon Magazine #211, p.34. Name/Description given ]

Delbert Thorp [ Source: "The New Adventures of Volo: The Urge To Hunt," Ed Greenwood, Dragon Magazine #282, p.73. Name/Description given ]


Edited by - AJA on 26 Nov 2018 16:42:03
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11981 Posts

Posted - 26 Nov 2018 :  20:24:04  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by AJA

"Deepwater" Daulunbar
Legendary merchant captain, famed for spending more time aboard ship than ashore ("Ne'er good a land-mark but to plot course for a sea-venture"). Perhaps the most famous of the many hundreds who drowned or disappeared during the 1360's attempting the treacherous passage to the newly-discovered Far Lands of Maztica. There has been recent tavern-talk that his flagship, the Nerlendra, and her distinctive six-armed lady figurehead has been spotted, glowing and sails a-tattered, in the stormclouds above the Moonshaes, but this is largely dismissed as frivolous sea-foam (sailors tales).

How's this?

Nerlendra was a marilith who was petrified (becoming petrified wood instead of just regular stone) by a powerful dryad priestess of Rillifane Ralathil using a specialized divine spell open only to Rillifane's priesthood. Prior to being petrified, the dryad priestess had entrapped her in amber via the sap and amber prison spells.

"Deepwater" Dunlabar was entranced by the marilith, who had possessed his ship after he found the "carving" and had it attached to his ship as a figurehead. He never wanted to leave the ship because the tanar'ri never wanted to let him leave. During a treacherous journey to Maztica, food became scarce and the winds becalmed. The treacherous tanar'ri caused the crew to turn on one another, and now the ship is filled with the ghosts of its crew. A few years later, the crew came across a spelljamming vessel going to dock in Nimbral. The spelljamming vessel was scuttled, but its crew held a powerful drow necromanctic mage-priestess of Kiaransalee, and they seized control of the Nerlendra. They transferred their spelljamming helm to the Nerlendra, granting it the ability to fly. Since then, they have gathered more dark elves, several sea hags, and turned an entire squad of the Nimbraii Flying Hunt into various forms of undead. The pegasi of the Flying Hunt were turned into Nightmares via a ritual revealed to the drow by Nerlendra.

(note: according to the 5e MM, this is exactly how nightmares are created)

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Senior Scribe

792 Posts

Posted - 27 Nov 2018 :  23:49:23  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I like the origins of the figurehead, and of the tanar'ri binding Daulunbar to his ship. Very Flying Dutchman. What do you see the "end" goals for the mage-priestess being? She is definitely gathering a large host, but is it just to plunder ships for loot, or something more ambitious?


Athkatlan sellsword. Sharp nose, large jowls. High, heavily scarred forehead. Braggart, drunkard, deadly with blade or spear. Known for his part in the defeat of Fhang Mawr, the Many-Toothed Wyrm of Ardeep. Killed 1356DR, by devils during the Dragonspear War. His shield, the Green Wall of Tharlond, was cleaved in two by the great orc Ashargh.

Naereetha the Healer (LG HF Adp5 of Torm)
A South Ward midwife, herbalist, and soothsayer. Plump, broad faced and flat-nosed. Dark hazel eyes, wavy golden hair. She offers the typical array of the backstreet herbalist, lackspell and charmwife; headache cures, removal of motes or splinters of the eye, "drowsy syrups," toothache remedies, harmless heart charms and preparations for cholic, measles, bonechill and minor poxes. Naereetha is also a Red Sash operative, and one of their main contacts in the area around the South Gate. She is currently busy gathering information on the membership and operations of the Xanathar-men led by Naelzaur.

Naergun "Ironmaster"
Night Master of Keys (nighttime overseer of the dungeons and holding pens of Castle Waterdeep). A short, stout man, with great red whiskers. Dour, efficient.

Naeris the Green
Eyes of the Wargod, The Mace of Tempus. The first high-ranking cleric of Tempus to call Nimoar's Hold home. A versatile man of many talents, Naeris oversaw a farmstead on the northern plateau, founded the first true temple of the Lord of Battle in the Hold, and commanded a warship and raiding crew of his own. His remains now lie entombed in a block of obsidian in the Battle's Eve Chapel of the House of Heroes, where warriors go to pray before battle. Legend states that it is his eyeteeth that adorn the pommel of Glaevhardus "Calling-to-Glory," the ceremonial broadsword worn by the high priests of the Waterdhavian faith.

Nalvvyn Royalhorn (LG HM F8)
Master (captain) of the Seafang, a raker of the naval guard. Nalvvyn, a former officer in the Tethyrian navy, gained his post after the former captain (and indeed, the entire crew) of the raker was slaughtered at the outset of the Battle of Waterdeep Harbor. Despite the best efforts of the priesthoods of Kelemvor and Valkur, the restless spirits of the former crew still arise and walk the ship on the anniversary of their deaths, making a posting to the Seafang unappealing to most of the men of the Naval Guard.


Namaldrick Anteos [ Source: Forging The Realms: The Library <>. Name/Description given ]

Nanalo Druen [ Source: Small Presses of Waterdeep, Part Four <>. Name/Description given ]

Nandos Thornyn Mralabar Raventree (LG HM [Tethyrian] Aris14/Exp8) [ Source: Two 01/21/13 postings to the message boards by Ed Greenwood. Name/Description/Stats given ]

Naneatha Lhaurilstar (NG HF Aris2/T5) [ Source: A 03/27/05 posting to the message boards by Ed Greenwood. Name/Description given ]

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Skilled Spell Strategist

11981 Posts

Posted - 28 Nov 2018 :  02:11:03  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by AJA

I like the origins of the figurehead, and of the tanar'ri binding Dunlabar to his ship. Very Flying Dutchman. What do you see the "end" goals for the mage-priestess being? She is definitely gathering a large host, but is it just to plunder ships for loot, or something more ambitious?

My first thought was just to plunder ships for loot... but maybe it should be something more ambitious. Maybe she seeks knowledge of "the isle of Sahu", once home to the Necromancer Kings, but all she had to go on was that it was on the planet known as Toril. She's heard some stories of a goddess named Ereshkigal, and it seems that for some unknown reason, Kiaransalee wants her priestess to find a lost temple to this goddess.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11981 Posts

Posted - 28 Nov 2018 :  02:15:42  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by AJA

Nalvvyn Royalhorn (LG HM F8)
Master (captain) of the Seafang, a raker of the naval guard. Nalvvyn, a former officer in the Tethyrian navy, gained his post after the former captain (and indeed, the entire crew) of the raker was slaughtered at the outset of the Battle of Waterdeep Harbor. Despite the best efforts of the priesthoods of Kelemvor and Valkur, the restless spirits of the former crew still arise and walk the ship on the anniversary of their deaths, making a posting to the Seafang unappealing to most of the men of the Naval Guard.

Hmmm, and it seems that a certain drow mage-priestess of Kiaransalee has taken notice of rumors about this ship. She's been making inquiries as to the exact date of this anniversary.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Senior Scribe

792 Posts

Posted - 28 Nov 2018 :  19:58:19  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Seems like she's going to need another spelljamming helm soon. And a name, too.


(As you peer forth in the dim torchlight, you see something inscribed here upon the wall)

There lies poor Andever
rather braver than clever
fell in a pit
spikes lined withit
And skewered, from shin to chin

* *
As I rest here on this rough ledge
I scrawl a prayer for those who once traversed these Halls
To those who met death and were devoured in the dark
Look kindly to me, for I fear I may join you soon

* *
(on the wall a trail-rune for safe-haven)

Not as safe as they thought
(written underneath in drow script)

* *
Black and blue
And flame-seared too
A fine adventurer stew

(scrawled in Ogrish)

* *
Here Torzald Orcsbane earned his name
Six orcs hewn here by my blade
Let all Faerūn sing my praise

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 28 Nov 2018 :  19:59:00  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote

The Sacred Swords (of The Wargod)
A prestigious and proud order tasked with defending the doors of Tempusan temples, and the holy relics and interred heroes within. Circles of elder members are said to be capable of performing a religious blood ceremony to summon the spectral swordwraiths of fallen faithful in time of direst need. Their Symbol is Two Crossed Swords over a Mailed Fist; their Motto is "In Battle Unmov'd, In Valor Wreath'd." Grandmaster of the Order: Hadarajyn of Memnon. Other notable members (seperate entries in italics): Black Baraun, Hammadan Hornshelm, Sammar Grevenglaive, Tlabbas the Stout, Tyndrul the Scarred.

Sęlduskra (Say-ll-DUSK-ra)
The Last Great Star of the Morn. Elven cavalier of legend. Fell in battle near the Star Mounts, engaged in combat with the great wyrm Klauth the Red Ruin. Her sword Ilmatara, "The Blade That Suffers No Other" (an intelligent sword +4, defender), disappeared along with her remains.

Saevarae (LN HF Exp)
Owner of Saevarae's Fastfoods, one of the more popular "evenfast-while-you-wait" services in the city (The High Road, north of Waymoot, South Ward). Constantly bustling about great steaming cauldrons while singing verses from "The Forlorn Knight at the Gardens of Sune." Aided by her two cooks, the rail-thin Aleric and the heavy-set Boon Hook-Handed.

Saevaruuhl "Hurl-Spells" (CE HM W)
A twisted, misshapen mageling. His pale, translucent skin reveals a webwork of overlarge veins that pulse and throb horribly. Rumored to be tainted with lizardfolk or yuan-ti blood (and the ability to form one or both of his arms into long, scaled, wickedly-taloned claws). A former apprentice of the mage Maaril and currently (due to his arcane prowess and easily manipulated nature) the prize faithful of the House of Hidden Watchfulness (a hidden subterranean shrine to Gargauth).

The Sahuagin Club
One of a number of backroom societies and deepcellar cults that popped up in the aftermath of the Battle of Waterdeep Harbor (such as the Blue Crests, the Deepwaters, The Cult of Tide and Time and the Neritic Society, to name the most prominent). Most quickly fell to disinterest or to the cudgels of the Watch after their first human sacrifice but the Sahuagins remain, bolstered by the membership of a number of wealthy shipping lords (who use the club parlors to reach deals questionable even by the loose standards of the Master Mariners Guild) and by the blessing of the high priest of Umberlee Meiritid Archneie (who has parlayed their coffers into generous donations and patronage for his own projects). The chair of the society, handpicked by the Wavelord, is Jastarl Immer; handsome, charismatic and quite fond of the mystery and theater that accompany the "sacred rituals" of the club.

Saldremor Rivryn
Proprietor of Rivryn's Blades and Sharpenings (west-front Gaustus Street, Trades Ward). A great physiognomist, refuses service to those he does not like (which frequently include Hin and Amnians). [ Source: Waterdeep News: Man Wounds Self, Vanishes <>. Name/Description given. Additional detail by me. ]


Edited by - AJA on 28 Nov 2018 20:00:36
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11981 Posts

Posted - 29 Nov 2018 :  06:11:39  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by AJA
Seems like she's going to need another spelljamming helm soon. And a name, too.

Yeah, I heard from someone that she's been specifically hunting around Nimbral in hopes of capturing another helm. Also, oddly enough.... due to some strange magical effect, she's forgotten her own name ever since 1377 DR. Oh, did I forget to mention that she's a drow lich who attained her lichdom via divine magic rather than her arcane side? She had actually performed her lich ritual in the presence of Kiaransalee's avatar its said. Hmmm, I wonder....

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Senior Scribe

792 Posts

Posted - 29 Nov 2018 :  22:56:29  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Sleyvas, is that a chosen I smell?

So....she needs the spelljammers to spread her terror across all Faerūn. She names herself "Kiaransalee," and through her nefarious misdeeds gets everyone talking about her, and then in a great ritual she goes to the lost temple of Ereshkigal, siphons all the negative energies of her gathered legions of undead into her, and from her body out pops the goddess reborn. One way to explain Kiaransalee's return to the 5E Realms? (or has that already been done?)


Flabrum the Bold (CN HM Adp6 of Azuth)
A "small-spells" hedge mage. Also known as "Onion-Bellows" (for the flavor and loudness of his general conversation) and, more simply, as "Flabrum the Mage." Well known to most tavern-going citizens of the Blackcobbles neighborhood of Dock Ward. Rotund, swarthy, constantly-sweating, and broad-featured. He keeps his balding pate hidden under a broad-brimmed, rather shapeless hat, and his considerable bulk concealed under voluminous, grease-stained and well-patched robes. Claims to have once been the pupil of the great Amnian mage Tholaert "Thunderstrikes."

Flaeros Falrumph
Author of Flaeros' Travelogue of the Astral Ethers (1249DR). Given his discussions of "exiled and doomed peoples of Netheril" and "wretched spirits bound and scourged with punishments," it seems likely that he invented much of his journeys out of whole cloth.

Flaerra Hlarmmaster
A member of the Watchful Order and noted tale-spell (workers-of-Art hired by wealthy nobles and merchantry to accompany a spoken performance with subtle illusionry. As a central bard or orator narrates, their magics accent the performance with ghostly echoes, the faint clash of steel, the wind in the trees, a gull at sea. Sometimes, such as with a telling of The Vineyards of Mrin, certain olfactory imaginings are also used. Such phantasms are minor magics at best, but the art of intertwining them with the flow of the story is a difficult one, and Flaerra, as most other respected tale-spells, has had extensive tutelage at the bards college of New Olamn). Often paired with the master Hin vocalist, Beltho Justbuck.

Beltho Justbuck
Fair-haired, steady blue eyes. Master Hin vocalist. Often paired with the tale-spell Flaerra Hlarmmaster. Speaks sparingly when not engaged in his profession, but loves to listen.

Fletcher "Fletch" Linklyn (CN HaM F5/T9)
A member of the Knights Errant adventuring fellowship. Born to Hin parents in Baldur's Gate, the third of seven children. He escaped the tyranny of his father's shoemaking business by stowing aboard the Whitecap Dancer, a caraval bound for Waterdeep. Once in the City of Splendors he was almost ensnared by the ordinary yet again (this time by his uncle Fharan, a wine far-trader), but managed to fall in with the Knights Errant, an itinerant group of young sellswords. A brash, energetic, silver-tongued scoundrel with a curious gift for insulting the wrong people at the wrong times (it has been said that he was cursed by Beshaba at some point). He met his doom fighting Unseen infiltrators in the Palace, run through by a mirrorkin that took the shape of his lover, the gnome Lustral Blackalblade. His magic items, including a pair of winged boots and the sword Swiftsting (a shortsword of quickness +2), are now in the service of Halvas "Halfhand," Jaster Winterwink, and a number of other young Hin bravos in the city, all of whom regard him as a famous hero of legend.

The Flouncing Flames
Murlandra, Vurtha, Thyleera. Trio of festhall dancers, commonly found at the Blushing Mermaid. Incorporate a large amount of fire into their act (juggled torches, blazing hoops, fire breathing and swallowing, etc.). Know the secrets of alchemical powders that turn their flames various colorful hues. Slather their bodies in glistening jellies to enhance their sex appeal and to retard the flames. When they perform the lights at the Mermaid are doused, each table only lit by a communal pot of flaming zzar.


Flaern Cragsmere (CN HM F3) [ Source: Ruins of Undermountain: Undermountain Adventures, p.19 and City of Splendors: Who's Who In Waterdeep, p.87. Name/Description given ]

Flugel Ratanion [ Source: The Advanced Dungeons & Dragons comic book. Name/Description given ]

Flying Falcons Coster [ Source: Waterdeep News: Nobles Demand Halt to Sale of Paintings <>. Name/Description given ]

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Skilled Spell Strategist

11981 Posts

Posted - 30 Nov 2018 :  16:59:31  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by AJA

Sleyvas, is that a chosen I smell?

So....she needs the spelljammers to spread her terror across all Faerūn. She names herself "Kiaransalee," and through her nefarious misdeeds gets everyone talking about her, and then in a great ritual she goes to the lost temple of Ereshkigal, siphons all the negative energies of her gathered legions of undead into her, and from her body out pops the goddess reborn. One way to explain Kiaransalee's return to the 5E Realms? (or has that already been done?)

That's one way to work it. Or Ereshkigal seeks release and is sending dreams to this priestess and tricking her. Or Ereshkigal/The Raven Queen/Kiaransalee/Queen of Air and Darkness are all "related"/"spin offs" of the same being. If you wonder why I'm saying this, look at the pictures of Ereshkigal and the raven queen. Note that the raven queen and Kiaransalee are related to death and have been involve on numerous occasions with names being lost.

I actually hadn't planned it all the way through when I made her up, but I've been shooting a lot of these ideas around over the last 2 years, but it does turn this drow into a very unique and interesting NPC. Throw in that the marilith is a servant of Ereshkigal (who in 1e is listed as a demon lord in the MM2, along with her husband Nergel, who sounds a lot like Nergal of the Untheric pantheon), and maybe the goddess is using the demon on the ship as some kind of conduit. Or even the demon is just tricking the drow into freeing her mistress. Lot of spins.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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20 Posts

Posted - 01 Dec 2018 :  02:11:17  Show Profile Send DenverJack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
AJA - I really like the wall inscriptions from Undermountain - great dungeon dressing!
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Senior Scribe

792 Posts

Posted - 02 Dec 2018 :  00:19:44  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Sleyvas, certainly are!

Thank you, DenverJack. Steven Allen on the old REALMS-L list did a long-running series of posts (well, e-mails) detailing the undescribed rooms of Undermountain, and he always included things like empty iron ration wrappers, bones and broken weapons, detritus from all the thousands to walk the halls before your PCs. Made Undermountain seem more "lived in." That dungeon dressing is the same thing I was going for with the wall graffitti.

(EDIT: well, that and Ed's room descriptions from the original RoU box, I should say)


Faerus "Oldsmoke" Thundivver (Thun as "thunder," Divver as in "divvy [up]")
Stout, prosperous cheeks and belly. Red bushy eyebrows and red craggy face. Good-natured, charitable. Proprietor of The Bird of the Difficult Eye (jeweler's shop, named after the legendary creature that lays eggs of emerald), Mulgomir's Way, Castle Ward. A preferred contact of the Palace when they need medals, blazons or other ceremonial trinkets created.

The Fairflanks Society
Chaired by the noble Horingar Nandar, who founded it to satisfy his specific sexual fetish; half-elves. "Half as Fair, Twice as Willing" is their rather crude unofficial motto. Members avail themselves of the services (entirely sexual in some way, either physical or visual) of attractive half-blooded males and (mostly) females. They also sit around their parlor conversing and drinking while being served and waited on by similar scantly-clad halfbreeds.

Falesker Fandro
Reclusive spellcaster and member of the Watchful Order. Has amassed a small fortune and some degree of infamy from the Gemcutters and Stonemasons guilds by developing methods to magically strengthen and fortify stone, healing fine cracks or break lines and making those varieties that are brittle or prone to splintering more pliant and therefore easier to carve or cut. Such stones still require a modicum of knowledge to shape, but Fandro's enchantments have greatly cut down the amount of wasted material used by the city's artisans. Has turned away generous offers of gold to share his methods. Travels only with heavy guard, a result of grevious threats from the gemsmiths of Neverwinter and the dwarven stonecutters of Mirabar.

The Lorewise, The Unbenighted. A fabled scholar of unknown birthplace and nationality (the name Faraer, like Wanlorn, an old folk name for an assumed identity). Believed to hold a special fondness for the Dalelands region. Claimed by the churches of both Ilmater (as a Sainted Hand of Suffering, one of several celebrated "Saints" of the faith) and Oghma (as The Puissant Voice of Reason, a unique title and office created solely in recognition of his tireless forays against the grievous hordes). Believed to still wander the wilderness of Faerūn, fighting against the endless tides of the ignorant and the ill-informed.

Bardling, tavern staple and Red Sash member. Claims to know all "the demihuman classics," but prefers simple Hin farming limericks like "The Red Apple" and "Lanny's Lass." Willing to hire on as a henchman, at least for local forays. Decent shot with the shortbow.


Edited by - AJA on 02 Dec 2018 00:59:56
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11981 Posts

Posted - 02 Dec 2018 :  01:24:48  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
By the way, I'm still intrigued with the Anadian halflings down in Manshaka. I'm picturing them coming here and finding all these hin females that they consider sweetly friendly and dumb. I can see them setting themselves up with a harem in Manshaka of halflings. Not many other races mind you, because they consider them inferior, but they may have some gnome females, etc.. as well. I don't know why the idea of a halfling with his own harem is interesting to me, but it is. If it were human, it would seem absolutely normal in my mind.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6680 Posts

Posted - 02 Dec 2018 :  04:24:08  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by AJA

The Lorewise, The Unbenighted. A fabled scholar of unknown birthplace and nationality (the name Faraer, like Wanlorn, an old folk name for an assumed identity). Believed to hold a special fondness for the Dalelands region. Claimed by the churches of both Ilmater (as a Sainted Hand of Suffering, one of several celebrated "Saints" of the faith) and Oghma (as The Puissant Voice of Reason, a unique title and office created solely in recognition of his tireless forays against the grievous hordes). Believed to still wander the wilderness of Faerūn, fighting against the endless tides of the ignorant and the ill-informed.

I see what you did here.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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