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Matrix Sorcica

90 Posts

Posted - 19 Feb 2018 :  20:46:51  Show Profile Send Matrix Sorcica a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay
Yes, IIRC I HAD reduce Varisia by the exact same amount when I swapped it for Aglarond... and that annoyed me. I'm over it now.

Would you have to reduce it if it shouldn't replace Aglarond, but just be "south of Waterdeep?
Originally posted by Markustay
As for my adjustments around Waterdeep, I thought I posted a WIP of my MR setting with detail of that area.

You did. I have that, from years ago and from your recent posting
I thought it was something else you had in mind this time around, since focus is on RotR (and Egg of the Phoenix is less relevant).

Originally posted by Markustay
Old WIP of my MR setting (The resolution is bad on purpose - the file is HUGE).

I've been wanting a high resolution version of that map for years.....
I once asked you for the NE portion of that map, (ca from Korvosa and up, and including the silver Marches) since at that time it fit my campaign world perfectly. It still does, except for Nentir Vale being close to Neverwinter is even better. But, if possible, I'm very much interested still

Edited by - Matrix Sorcica on 19 Feb 2018 20:53:47
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 19 Feb 2018 :  20:54:33  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There actually is one, but its unfinished - most of the stuff is unlabeled, and at this point, I may not remember what they were 9although, all the maps are still there, layered in the GIMP file, so I should be able to figure it out).
Originally posted by Matrix Sorcica

Originally posted by Markustay
Yes, IIRC I HAD reduce Varisia by the exact same amount when I swapped it for Aglarond... and that annoyed me. I'm over it now.

Would you have to reduce it if it shouldn't replace Aglarond, but just be "south of Waterdeep?
Yes, that's what I said above. For this - since this is just a quick one-off because ITS FUN (and that IS the primary reason why I do maps in the first place), I'm not concerned, but the other was suppose to be a real project for people to run with, and so, I wanted to keep ALL maps size correctly, even when they got mashed together in some places. I had decided - when I was still working on it - that I was going to go back in and change it and make it full size, which would have meant moving just about everything else... which may have contributed to me just dropping the whole thing. My constant striving for perfection is usually what contributes to me abandoning projects.

If I were to go back into that project ("never say never"), I 'might' use this for a basis for what I do there, but I wouldn't need to worry about the sizing problems because Cormyr isn't there in the Misbegotten Realms, its to the west of the Sword Coast. I think the only thing I'd be running into to the east is the Taan region, and that's mostly just 'Wastes'.

The problem lies with the Old Empires, which would have to shift south, and I've already moved Unther to a completely weird place (it fits thematically and culturally, but its well outside Faerūn proper, near the Fallen kingdoms in Zakhara). That means messing with Mulhorand again, and also the Lands of Intrigue, which went where Unther used to be (but still below Chessenta... its weird).

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 19 Feb 2018 21:11:25
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Matrix Sorcica

90 Posts

Posted - 19 Feb 2018 :  21:08:30  Show Profile Send Matrix Sorcica a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay

There actually is one, but its unfinished - most of the stuff is unlabeled, and at this point, I may not remember what they were 9although, all the maps are still there, layered in the GIMP file, so I should be able to figure it out).
Originally posted by Matrix Sorcica

Originally posted by Markustay
Yes, IIRC I HAD reduce Varisia by the exact same amount when I swapped it for Aglarond... and that annoyed me. I'm over it now.

Would you have to reduce it if it shouldn't replace Aglarond, but just be "south of Waterdeep?
Yes, that's what I said above. For this - since this is just a quick one-off because ITS FUN (and that IS the primary reason why i do maps in the first place), I'm not concerned, but the other was suppose to be a real project for people to run with, and so, I wanted to keep ALL maps size correctly, even when they got mashed together in some places. I had decided - when I was still working on it - that I was going to go back in and change it and make it full size, which would have meant moving just about everything else... which may have contributed to me just dropping the whole thing. My constant striving for perfection is usually what contributes to me abandoning projects.

Okay I misunderstood about resizing. Very much agree about the fun, it's just our luck that your idea of fun maps are so incredibly cool and useful for the rest of us

If you have the chance to dig up a high res version of that section of your other map, I'd be much obliged.
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

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Posted - 19 Feb 2018 :  21:22:47  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Also, kingmaker has a Runelord in it, and if you were to run that, the obvious place would be in the Border Kingdoms.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 19 Feb 2018 21:24:53
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Matrix Sorcica

90 Posts

Posted - 19 Feb 2018 :  21:38:04  Show Profile Send Matrix Sorcica a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I never read Kingmaker, so didn't know that! Interesting.


If I were to go back into that project ("never say never"), I 'might' use this for a basis for what I do there, but I wouldn't need to worry about the sizing problems because Cormyr isn't there in the Misbegotten Realms, its to the west of the Sword Coast.

That would be awesome!
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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 19 Feb 2018 :  22:39:30  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay

Also, kingmaker has a Runelord in it, and if you were to run that, the obvious place would be in the Border Kingdoms.

Which also given that the Shaar is where we have the most lore of Cyclops existing... kind of fits.... may not fit with the rise of the runelords campaign though (and by may.. no clue).

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Matrix Sorcica

90 Posts

Posted - 20 Feb 2018 :  12:50:12  Show Profile Send Matrix Sorcica a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just wanted to throw this into the mix. It's from a thread about Anauroch in 5E, from March 2017. I very much agree with your sentiments, Marcus. I'm mentioning it here because I feel it would a) improve utility of the High Moor and Anauroch and b) fit rather well with RotR (and maybe other APs as well).

Originally posted by Markustay

Personally, they SHOULD get rid of the desert - its stupid. Maybe put a new moor in there. Such a huge one would be redundant with the High Moor, though. Of course, they could have - and SHOULD HAVE - gotten rid of the High Moor in 4e/5e, and then the Anauroch could be our new version of that (semi-impassable, 'monastery' territory filled with icky badness). The desert is just SO boring... and inappropriate.

Of course, the 5e maps are done, and they didn't fix a thing - just reset it to 1e, including all the 'broken bits'. I guess we can all go back to our original complaints from the 90's now (we get to reboot the complaints? LOL!)

So yeah, they need to get right on that. Put the High Moor where Anauroch was, and put the 'High Elven kingdom' of Miyeritar where the High Moor was (and give that kingdom a bit of a pre-fall Aryvandaar vibe, with different factions having different stances about this 'new world', humans, isolationism, etc). So basically, we get a somewhat 'darker' version of Evermeet where Evermeet would actually be useful.

Originally posted by Markustay
Like I said, something more akin to what the 'High Moor' has always been (but sadly, received so little attention all these years), and then take the High moor and turn it into something else (since what was there wasn't "working for the setting"). We had a perfectly good novel + lore on how it was changing, and like everything else, it just got completely ignored. They changed things that should NOT have been changed, and DIDN'T change things that should have been changed.

Parts of the Anauroch cold possibly remain 'cold desert' (Gobi) - preferably, all that stuff where the ice is/was, and then the rest can just be a mixed bag of 'badlands' - rough broken terrain, swamps and bogs, monster-infested hills, patches of 'wild magic' ('Plaguelands'), patches of 'elemental chaos', etc, etc = it could be like an FR version of Eberron's 'Mournlands', but even more interesting and diverse). Even throw in some 'the geography can change in an instant', with the earth heaving up, or flash-floods, etc. It could be pretty awesome, and oh-so-useful for placing any type of adventure (because you could have 'pockets' of any type of climate).

As I said earlier, take the whole Rhymanthiin, the City of Hope stuff and run with it. Run WILD with it (literally). Give us an old-school (Crown wars era) Elven Kingdom, with various factions and all sort of Cloak & Dagger stuff going on, and a definite 'anti-human' sentiment running high amongst many (similar to what Myth Drannor used to be like). We have something along those lines in a cuple of forest in the south... BUT NO-ONE USES THE DAMN SOUTH (yes, i know YOU do... but you are int he minority, so sit down ). They are FOCUSING on 'The North' in 5e, so lets take that and run with it - lets extend 'The North' all the way south to Baldur's Gate, and all the way east to the Tunlands and Anauroch (and the Goblin Marches). Lets get some of that goodness we had down south (ancient, creepy Elven kingdoms) and put it up north, where we can 'play with it'.

In fact, looking at the map that came with Storm King's Thunder, I would say that region (in its entirety) should be THE focus for FR stuff moving forward, so not just 'The North' (but thats what most of that map is, and the 'border areas' of it). We actually finally have a chance to get some of the barely-covered areas 'get some love' in 5e. We'll never* see them do 'the whole world' again - thats counter-productive, so lets really take what we ARE getting and make it amazing.

Edited by - Matrix Sorcica on 20 Feb 2018 12:53:47
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 20 Feb 2018 :  23:18:33  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sadly, at the end of last night (I think I went to bed around 4AM), I decided it probably would have been in YOUR best interest to keep Varisia full-sized, since you didn't care for a lot of the stuff I went crazy trying to save. I approached it more from a "if I wanted this done, here is how I would do it", rather than from your PoV. And its STILL NOT 'how I would have done it', since my Misbegotten Realms has it somewhere else (much further south, but then everything else moved as well).

After I pasted-in a full sized version, I lost pretty much all of 'the Backlands' (the region covered by Volo's guide to the Sword Coast, which never saw a full map - or coverage - anywhere else). But certain other things lined-up kind of nifty, like I could have connected the escarpment in Varisia to the northern cliffs of Skull gorge (and then just have those mountains there be the 'southern side' of the Gorge). It would have also competely replaced The high Moor with the Varisian Uplands, which is probably what you were picturing. I went to bed thinking I'd start all over, but have now decided against it, because I just don't have the time. I have other projects I really need to get back to. So I'll just finish what I have, and hopefully you'll find it useful.

And as far as replacing Anauroch with a new 'High Moor' - yeah, they should have done that. They got so scared after 4e they back-peddled WAY too much. Maybe some day I'll try to 'fix the Realms', again, like I did with my MR setting, but only use realms (or homebrew) stuff. I think that might be acceptable on the DMsGuild.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 20 Feb 2018 23:20:12
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Matrix Sorcica

90 Posts

Posted - 21 Feb 2018 :  07:32:36  Show Profile Send Matrix Sorcica a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No worries, I'm just grateful for all your help and I'm sure the result will be very helpful.

Those 'MarcusRealms' sure sounds tantalizing - and fun!
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Matrix Sorcica

90 Posts

Posted - 03 Mar 2018 :  08:56:46  Show Profile Send Matrix Sorcica a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Any news on this?

I've also been thinking on how to fit RotR in the North without using Varisia, but keeping most parts north of Daggerford. In some ways this would be preferable to keep most of my campaigns in the same general area.

It's a bit tricky as I'm not strong in FR lore. On one hand, it makes it difficult to fit things, on the other hand I've no idea of the canon I'm steamrolling, making it easier....
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

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Posted - 03 Mar 2018 :  18:43:30  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes and no. I got side-tracked (because of this).

You prefer to move it North? And NOT use Varisia? That would be far easier, actually. Just sub-out the Shoanti for the Uthgardt. I can place all the locales (just ignore some of the backstory). The only reason why I was going through all the trouble of a full conversion was because there are a LOT of adventures set in Varisia, aside from just RotR.

I wanted to get something else done first, because it would help a little with some of this. In fact, I just opened this map back up last night to use a part of it in the thing I am working on ATM (the western edge of the High Moor area). You did say it was going to be a little while before you headed this way, correct?

Which would you prefer now? Should I finish the conversion, or would you rather just shoe-horn RotRL into the existing realms? As a mental exercise, I enjoy doing the full conversion (its fun crating new places out of two different old places), but a semi-conversion just requires me plunking PF locales down on an existing map of The North. In which case, I really need to go back and complete my Nentir Vale Conversion (which will give me a base to work from - I do not want to use my older maps that were done in the '3e style', ESPECIALLY when borrowing from another company's IP).

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 03 Mar 2018 18:44:37
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Matrix Sorcica

90 Posts

Posted - 03 Mar 2018 :  22:06:25  Show Profile Send Matrix Sorcica a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I would much prefer the conversion. Sorry for the confusion. I should have specified that it was just musings. I too see the potential for a lot of adventures in Varisia, so would be a shame not to grab the opportunity.
So please.

Unless I cause a TPK it will be quite a while before I need it.

Oh, and a map one day that combines 'nentir vale north' with 'Varisia south' is almost too perfect.

Edited by - Matrix Sorcica on 03 Mar 2018 22:07:48
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Matrix Sorcica

90 Posts

Posted - 04 Mar 2018 :  11:23:17  Show Profile Send Matrix Sorcica a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In the meantime, while it may be a long time before it becomes relevant, I've already started thinking - what will keep these very high level characters from immediately starting an assault on returned Shade?
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

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Posted - 04 Mar 2018 :  19:33:51  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
"Magic is different". If you do get to read the novels, it shows you what a hard time the Chosen of Mystra had (Elminster was even 'sent to Hell', quite literally). Especially in regards to the Phaerimm (who are magic-resistant). When the Shades first showed up, they were hailed as 'welcome allies', but that quickly turned sour, especially once the Phaerimm were 'on the ropes'.

So between the Phaerimm's bizarre, anti-magic abilities and the Shades use of the Shadoweave (which works for the novels but mechanically in D&D, not so much), normal (Arcane) magic is pretty useless, and can also cause devastating results to reality when the different types are mixed. For example, the Chosen try to bypass all this 'magic resistance' by going straight to Silver Fire (Spellfire), which reacts violently with Shadow-magic (like matter and antimatter). The Chosen accidentally ripped a great big tear in reality, which Elminster had to 'close from the other side' (which is how he wound-up in Hell).

So, you just make their own abilities dangerous to them - thats what the authors did (mostly Troy Denning, but Ed Greenwood also wrote the subplot novel Elminster in Hell). And like I said, when the Shades arrived they weren't listed as 'bad guys'. It wasn't until after they started changing the weather patterns of Faerūn (covertly) that people began to suspect something was amiss.

Edited for spelling error.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 04 Mar 2018 20:57:04
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Matrix Sorcica

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Posted - 04 Mar 2018 :  20:37:25  Show Profile Send Matrix Sorcica a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ah, thanks. I just finished the first novel and found it quite entertaining. Now to the next. (gotta fill out the wait
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The Arcanamach
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 14 Aug 2018 :  03:02:21  Show Profile Send The Arcanamach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Came looking to see if anyone had done work on running RotRL in the Realms and find your Misbegotten Realms being discussed extensively. The MR is hands down my biggest desire to see complete MT. I hope you find a renewed interest in it one day. That said, do you have a copy of the map you posted earlier in the thread available? I'd like it both with and without location names on it.

I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one.
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