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 [Pathfinder] Larloch of Netheril, the Shadowking
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Master of Realmslore

1527 Posts

Posted - 16 Feb 2018 :  15:03:40  Show Profile Send LordofBones a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Dread Lich:


Here's Larloch. I borrowed his Overmind ability from his 3.5e build by Jaerom Darkwind, and since he's probably read the Nether Scrolls and made his own notes to it, it's included in his statblock. His robes were adapted from Jaerom Darkwind's Telamont build. Finally, he uses the optional mythic feat per tier rule, like Khelben did. As befitting, well, himself, he's got a ton of unique abilities. Feel free to fill in his higher level spells, whether with unique spells or metamagicked spells or whatever.

Also, Larloch is swole. He probably begins combat by, I dunno, punching you in the face or something.

Male advanced Netherese human dread lich arcane crafter 26, incantatar 10, archwizard 10//archmage 10
LE Medium undead (mythic)
Init +31, amazing initiative; Senses darkvision 120 ft.; Perception +73; aura sight, detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect secret doors, detect thoughts, detect undead, greater arcane sight, greater detect magic, read magic, tongues, true seeing
Aura fear (60 ft, DC 48)

AC 57, touch 27, flat-footed 50
(+7 Dex, +10 deflection, +10 natural, +20 armor)
hp 973 (46d6 plus 782 plus 30)
Fort +47, Ref +37, Will +62; mythic saving throws
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +12, creeping paralysis (DC 55), hard to kill, immortal, mantle of curses, mantle of spell reflection, mirror dodge, mythic phylactery, recuperation, rejuvenation, unstoppable; DR 30/epic and silver
Immune ability damage to physical ability scores, ability drain, cold, critical hits, death effects, disease, electricity, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, mind-affecting effects, non-lethal damage, non-mythic channelling, one spell per spell level known only to him, paralysis, poison, polymorph effects (can be lowered at will), sleep, stunning; Weaknesses silver
SR 83 (arcane only)

Speed 30 ft.
Melee +35 touch (1d10 +23 negative energy plus curse and paralysis [DC 58]) or
Ranged +35 arcane blast (5d6 +1d6/spell level)
Special Attacks arcane bond (Larloch’s scepter), archwizardry 7/day, bypass spell resistance (-10 SR, -46 energy resistance), cooperative metamagic 33/day, cursed touch (Fort DC 48), force of will, instant metamagic 2/day, metamagic effect 33/day, metamagic spell trigger, mythic power 23/day, paralyzing touch (DC 48), seize concentration, selective targets (30 targets), snatch spell, spell echo (5 spells/day), surge +1d12, wild arcana

Permanent Spells (CL 68th)
Always active – aura sight, detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect secret doors, detect thoughts, detect undead, greater arcane sight, greater detect magic, greater magic fang, read magic, tongues, true seeing

Archmage Path Abilities
Abundant Casting (10), Channel Power, Competent Caster, Crafting Mastery, Display of Intelligence, Energy Conversion, Infectious Spell, Mirror Dodge, Mythic Spellpower (2/day), Spell Dilation*

Exploits (CL 46th)
Arcane Barrier, Dimensional Slide, Metamagic Knowledge (x3), Potent Magic, Redirect Spell

Spell-like Abilities (CL 68th)
1/day – arcane eye, chain lightning (DC 74), control undead (DC 75), greater teleport, larloch’s minor drain*, larloch’s spellbane, larloch’s superior drain*, larloch’s undead devastation* (DC 76), web

Typical Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 68th, +1 DC and +1 CL/2 base metamagic spell level increase, +2 CL larloch spells, +3 DC and +6 CL against SR when prepared with Spell Perfection; Concentration +96; +41 melee, +41 ranged)
21st (6/day) – DC 89
20th (8/day) – DC 88
19th (8/day) – DC 87
18th (9/day) – DC 86
17th (9/day) – DC 85
16th (9/day) – DC 84
15th (10/day) – DC 83
14th (10/day) – DC 82
13th (10/day) – DC 81
12th (10/day) – DC 80
11th (11/day) – DC 79
10th (11/day) – DC 78
9th (11/day) – brain drain* (DC 77), ephemeral detainment* (DC 77), foresight, gate, larloch’s devouring breath* (DC 77), mordenkainen’s mega missile*, prismatic sphere, ray of ramming*, soul siphon* (DC 77), time stop, wail of the banshee (DC 77);
8th (11/day) – blackburst* (DC 76), death clutch (DC 76), dweomer nova*, entomb, greater spellcrash (DC 76), larloch’s spirit conversion*, moment of prescience, polymorph any object (DC 76), prediction of failure (DC 76), stormbolts (DC 76), wall of reaving*;
7th (12/day) – banishment (DC 75), caustic guillotine* (DC 75), delayed blast fireball (DC 75), deflection, devouring dispelling*, finger of death (DC 75), greater hostile juxtaposition (DC 75), greater scrying, reverse gravity, spell scourge (DC 75), umbral strike (DC 75), zalathorm’s counterscry*;
6th (12/day) – aid item*, cosmic ray (DC 74), disintegrate (DC 74), dream scan (DC 74), forcecage, greater dispel magic, greater eldritch conduit (DC 74), overland flight, ray of the darkheart* (DC 74), sever from the weave*, shadow walk, shadow’s damning decoy* (DC 74);
5th (12/day) – acidic spray, cone of cold (DC 73), fabricate, fire snake (DC 73), foretell failure, gravity sphere, hungry pit (DC 73), mind probe (DC 73), passwall, siphon magic, steal power (DC 73), wall of darkness* (DC 73);
4th (12/day) – boneshatter (DC 72), calcific touch (DC 72), control summoned creature (DC 72), create spell prison* (DC 72), dimension door, emergency force sphere, enervation, evard’s black tentacles, fool’s teleport (DC 72), rary's mnemonic enhancer, ray deflection*, resilient reservoir;
3rd (13/day) – ablative barrier, bleed glory (DC 71), dweomer retaliation, find fault, gloomblind bolts (DC 71), haste, isolate (DC 71), lightning bolt (DC 71), mana spear*, melf’s minute meteors*, scales of deflection, skull trap* (DC 71), vengeful comets;
2nd (13/day) – anticipate thoughts (DC 70), anti-summoning shield (DC 70), blood transcription, blur, diminish resistance (DC 70), guardian beast*, hoodwink (DC 70), investigative mind, magic bolt*, mordenkainen’s intervention*, scorching ray, stone call, true casting*;
1st (at will) – authenticating gaze, brittle aegis*, bungle (DC 69), disposable shield*, energy missile*, gulkuluster’s energy selector*, larloch’s minor drain* (DC 69), magic missile, mental sentinel*, reveal secrets (DC 69), rune trace, true shield*, true skill;
Cantrips (at will) – arcane mark, open/close, presdigitation, scrivener’s chant.
Spellbook As the greatest wizard in the Realms and one of the last arcanists of Netheril, Larloch’s vast libraries contain all spells from the Core Rulebook, the Advanced Player’s Guide, Ultimate Magic, the Arcane Anthology, Horror Adventures and any other source deemed appropriate. He has traded and bartered with spellcasters from other Crystal Spheres, and likely has access to unique spells developed by those mages. In addition, Larloch likely has access to those unique spells developed by his fellow Netherese arcanists, knows the spells developed by the Chosen of Mystra, and likely knows of the unique spells developed by the rest of Faerun’s wizards. If your game uses third-party sourcebooks (some spells of which are already included here), then Larloch additionally has access to those spells as well.

Mythic Spells Known ablative barrier, acid fog*, acidic spray*, ascension, blink, break enchantment, chain lightning, cone of cold, contingency, death clutch*, delayed blast fireball*, detect scrying, dimension door, dimensional lock, disintegrate, dominate person, eldritch conduit*, energy drain*, enervation, evard’s black tentacles, finger of death, fire snake, fireball, foresight, gate*, globe of invulnerability, greater dispel magic*, greater eldritch conduit*, greater planar binding*, greater teleport*, haste, horrid wilting*, larloch’s minor drain* (B), larloch’s spellbane (B), larloch’s superior drain* (B), lesser planar binding*, lightning arc, lightning bolt, mage armor, magic missile, mass suffocation*, meteor swarm, mordenkainen’s disjunction, otto’s irresistible dance, planar binding*, plane shift, polar midnight*, prismatic sphere, prismatic spray, protection from energy*, protection from spells*, resist energy, scorching ray, stoneskin, stormbolts*, soulreaver, suffocation*, time stop, transmute blood to acid*, wail of the banshee*, wall of force, wish

Abilities Str 24, Dex 24, Con -, Int 71, Wis 43, Cha 44
Base Atk +23; CMB +30; CMD 57
Traits Faithful of Mystryl, Spellcasting Prodigy*
Feats Arcane Blast, Arcane Shield, Bouncing Spell, Centered Spell, Combat Casting (B), Craft Construct (B), Craft Contingent Spell*, Craft Magic Arms and Armor (B), Craft Rod (B), Craft Staff (B), Craft Wondrous Item, Dazing Spell, Destructive Dispel, Dispel Synergy, Echoing Spell, Empower Spell, Eldritch Researcher (devouring breath, minor drain, spellbane, spirit conversion, superior drain, undead devastation), Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Flexible Wizardry, Focused Spell, Forge Ring (B), Greater Spell Focus (B), Greater Spell Penetration (B), Greater Spell Specialization (larloch spells - B), Heighten Spell, Improved Flexible Wizardry, Improved Initiative, Intensified Spell, Iron Will, Magical Aptitude, Maximize Spell, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Reach Spell, Scribe Scroll (B), Signature Skill (Knowledge [arcana]), Signature Skill (Spellcraft), Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana]), Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (B), Spell Mastery, Spell Penetration (B), Spell Perfection, Spell Specialization (larloch spells - B), Studied Spell, Tenacious Spell, Thanatopic Spell, Threnodic Spell
Mythic Feats Mythic Crafter (B), Mythic Improved Initiative, Mythic Heighten Spell*, Mythic Intensified Spell*, Mythic Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Mythic Spell Focus (B), Mythic Spell Lore (x5 + B), Mythic Spell Perfection*
Skills Appraise +92, Bluff +63, Climb +25, Craft (alchemy, calligraphy, jewellery, sculptures) +92 [+118 when crafting magical items], Diplomacy +64 (+67 with worshipers of Mystryl), Disable Device +53, Disguise +66, Fly +56, Heal +43, Intimidate +66, Knowledge (arcana) +111, Knowledge (dungeoneering, engineering, geography, history, local, nature, nobility, planes, religion) +96, Linguistics +96, Perception +73, Perform (oratory) +57, Ride (dragon) +36, Sense Motive +70, Spellcraft +141 (+143 to decipher magical writing and identify spells being cast, +171 when crafting magical items), Stealth +33, Sleight of Hand +22, Survival +31, Use Magic Device +68; Racial +4 Linguistics, Knowledge (all), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device; +8 Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth
Languages Aboleth, Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Chessan, Chultan, Common, Cyclops, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Ignan, Iluski, Imaskari, Infernal, Mulani, Necril, Orc, Protean, Raumtheran, Sylvan, Terran, Thorass, Undercommon, Ulou, Untheric, Waelan, Yugoloth
SQ arcane reservoir (49), arcane servant, arcane supremacy, arcanist, detect expertise, epic crafter, forgo materials, legendary hero, magical prodigy, metamagic enhancement, metamagic supremacy, mystryl’s boon, nether lore, overcome school restriction, overmage, ritual of the lich, spell mastery, spell perception, spellcasting master
Treasure belt of physical might+6 (Strength and Dexterity), larloch’s scepter, regalia of the high arcanist, ring of protection +10, staff of the archwizard; see Possessions. In addition to this, Larloch possesses the largest collection of ioun stones in the Realms, including several that have never been seen before. He has at least 25 stones always active around him at any given time. The benefits of these items have not been incorporated into the statistics above.

Arcane Supremacy Larloch has mastered magic in all its forms, allowing him to achieve thresholds of power unknown to lesser spellcasters. First, all spells that have a numeric effect or benefit based on his caster level (such as fireball’s damage, or the splash damage of melf’s acid arrow) gain a bonus equal to one-half his Intelligence modifier for all caster level related values, even if this would let him exceed the spells’ normal limits. Additionally, when he casts a spell with a static numeric benefit (such as mage armor), he gains twice the listed bonus. Furthermore, he adds his tier to his caster level and his spell save DCs. Finally, any caster level increase Larloch enjoys ignores any limit to its numeric and variable effects.

Arcanist Larloch is the last true arcanist of ancient Netheril. His powers far eclipse even the greatest of modern mages, and include the following benefits:
• Larloch has the benefits of the exploiter wizard archetype and the arcanist’s magical supremacy ability in addition to his wizard class features.
• All of Larloch’s feats that affect either a single school of magic (such as Spell Focus) instead apply to all his spells.
• Larloch treats all arcane spells as part of the wizard spell list. Additionally, he has devised arcane versions of many cleric spells, especially those utilized by the clergies of Azuth, Mystra, Mystryl, Savras and Velsharoon, and has copies of the unique spells created and utilized by Mystra’s Chosen.

Magical Prodigy (Ex) For the purposes of determining his bonus spells, spell DC and Intelligence-based checks, Larloch adds his mythic tier to his Intelligence score.

Mantle of Curses (Su) Larloch’s body is wreathed in flickering, dancing trails of green light. These manifestations are a side effect of the defensive curses he protects himself with. If he touches a creature, or is struck by a touch attack or unarmed strike, the target creature or attacking creature is affected by a major curse spell cast at 68th level (saving throw and SR apply). Larloch's curses can also cause the target creature to assume a withered and horrific appearance, or make them appear rotting and covered in sores. Some of Larloch's curses take effect days or weeks after this contact. A creature trying to remove one of these curses must make a caster level check to succeed, even with spells such as remove curse.

Mantle of Spell Reflection Larloch is under the permanent effects of a unique spell turning that reflects all spells of up to 9th level against the caster unless Larloch wishes to be affected. Spells of 10th level and higher must succeed at a caster level check against Larloch’s own caster level or be reflected back at their sources.

Mystryl’s Boon Larloch treats Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus and Mythic Spell Focus as bonus feats and applies their benefits to all schools of magic. He treats his Spell Perfection feat as Spell Mastery to determine how many spells are affected and may prepare new perfected spells every time he prepares his spells.

Mythic Lich Larloch’s phylactery is a minor artifact. Any creature that strikes him suffers the effects of his paralyzing touch. Twice per day, he can cast a mythic spell without expending mythic power.

Larloch is immediately aware of spellcasting within 60 feet. He automatically pinpoints the location of the caster, identifies the spell being cast, and knows the intended target or area of the spell. He can expend one use of mythic power to counterspell as an immediate action.

As a swift action, Larloch can expend one use of mythic power to cast any one arcane spell without expending a prepared spell or spell slot. If the spell requires a saving throw, any non-mythic creatures affected by the spell roll twice and take the lower result.

Larloch casts his first level spells at will. He regains three times the spell’s level in hit points whenever he casts a spell. Any opponent attempting a dispel check against an effect on him twice and uses the lower result. Anytime he attempts a dispel check, he rolls twice and uses the higher result.

Nether Lore Larloch has read the Nether Scrolls, although they have long since left his possession. He has the following benefits from each scroll.
Arcanus Fundare (Foundations of Magic): +30 inherent bonus on Spellcraft checks; +1 to save DCs for all arcane spells.
Magicus Creare (Spells of Creation): Three bonus item creation feats; gold cost of any magic item created drops to 75% of normal. Additionally, a +30 inherent bonus to the relevant Craft or Spellcraft skill for the purpose of making magic items, and a +10 inherent bonus to the DC for beneficial perks when crafting magical items.
Maior Creare (Major Creations): Craft Construct as a bonus feat; any golem or other construct created has maximum hit points.
Planus Mechanus (Studies of the Planes): Use plane shift as the spell once per day; the reader is under a constant planar adaptation cast at the wielder’s arcane caster level.
Ars Factum (Of the Creation of Artifacts): Unknown. One of its known powers is granting Mythic Crafter as a bonus feat, and the reader may craft artifacts.

Overmage (Su) Larloch maintains a mental link with the many lesser liches in his service. This bond has many important effects. First, no member of the mindlink can be flanked, caught flat-footed or caught by surprise unless they all are. Second, all members of the mindlink can communicate telepathically with no maximum range, and as such can draw upon and cast any spell known by any member of the cabal by expending the equivalent spell slot. Third, the constant sharing of communication means that any member can, as a free action, gain a bonus to his next Intelligence-based check equal to the highest modifier among the members he is currently in contact with. Members also benefit from a +8 bonus to all Intelligence-based skills, caster level and save DC due to their shared understanding of the Art; this bonus allows the members to exceed normal caster level limitations. Larloch can exert control over any member of the mind-link, if he desires.

The combined intellect and magical might of the liches has also resulted in a unique spellpool of magical energy. As a standard action, Larloch may expend the energy in the spellpool to cast any spell he knows, though not necessarily one he has prepared, without expending a spell slot, to cast a mythic spell by expending two spell levels per mythic power cost, to counterspell another spell as though he had the Mythic Improved Counterspell feat, as well as for the purposes of his Arcane Blast and Arcane Shield abilities. The spell pool has a combined total of 120 spell levels, which recharge at a rate of one spell level every hour.

Ritual of the Lich (Ex) Larloch refined the ritual that lead to his ascension into undeath through long-forgotten methods. In addition to bestowing mythic lichdom upon him, this rite has also bestowed upon him the dread lich template with the following adjustments:
• Larloch is immune to one spell of each level, the details of which are known only to him.
• Larloch’s damage reduction increases to 30 and cannot by bypassed by anything other than epic silver weapons.
• Larloch’s Empowered Spells ability does not function on necromancy spells alone. Instead, whenever he prepares his spells for the day, he can also change the school of magic his Empowered Spells ability affects.
• Larloch does not gain Command Undead as a bonus feat.

Spell Mastery Larloch can never be harmed by devouring breath, minor drain, superior drain or undead devastation. No spellbane can hinder his spellcasting. He always casts minor drain, spellbane and superior drain as mythic spells without expending mythic power. He always benefits from any spirit conversion and devouring breath cast within 600 ft. or within Warlock’s Keep. He has Spell Specialization and Greater Spell Specialization in his eponymous spells as bonus feats. Mythic spells of his creation do not count towards his mythic spells known limit.


The vaults and treasuries of Warlock’s Keep boast untold riches’ worth of magical items, rare and mundane, along with the wealth of ancient Netheril. Many were crafted by Larloch himself, others were taken from fallen enclaves and some were the results of trade with wizards from other planes and mages seeking the Shadowking’s favour. The items presented here do not represent all of Larloch’s wealth, merely part of it.

Armor: alchemist’s suit, crag linnorm plate, diviner’s blight, golden judge’s breastplate, invincible armor, prismatic plate, spiritwalk armor, stalwart breastplate, wizard’s mail

Rings: master necromancer’s ring*, ring of djinni calling, ring of fire command, ring of genie command*, ring of the godless +4, ring of mysticism (type IX), ring of psychic mastery, ring of transcendent spells, ring of wizardry (type VII), ring of wizardry (type IX), spiritualist rings

Rods: caduceus rod, greater rod of elemental spell, greater rod of enlarge spell, greater rod of threnodic spell, greater rod of still spell, pyroclastic rod*, rod of mind mastery, rod of spell focusing*, rod of spell-sundering, witching rod

Scrolls: anglin’s crackling web*, anglin’s prismatic wave*, aumvor’s cosmic horror*, aumvor’s draining tendrils*, dire pronouncement*, energetic contingency*, mordenkainen’s superior lucubration*, omniblast*, sadebreth’s energy corruption*, sadebreth’s dark lightning*, szass tam’s dark champions*, time undone*, velsharoon’s palace of damnation*, velsharoon’s withering demise*, wizard's replication*

Staves: dragon staff, master abjurer’s staff*, master conjurer’s staff*, master enchanter’s staff*, master evoker’s staff*, master illusionist’s staff*, master necromancer’s staff*, master transmuter’s staff*, staff of many rays, staff of mystryl (as staff of nethys), staff of one hundred hands, staff of power, vril staff

Weapons: jergal’s touch (shadow’s touch), merrshaulk’s rebuke (staff of the hooded cobra), myrkul’s harvester (+3 harvesting void scythe), mystryl’s filcher (scimitar of the spellthief), talos’s herald (+5 stormcaller), targus’s legendbreaker (+5 disjoining mythic bane warhammer), tooth of garyx (fire goddess’s blade)

Wondrous Items: annihilation spectacles, armband of the golden serpent, bag of holding IV, belt of physical excellence +6, book of banishing, book of the loremaster, cape of free will +6, chime of disillusionment, corset of dire witchcraft, drawmij's instant fortress, eldritch scholar’s monocle, eyes of the dragon, figurines of wondrous power (basalt dragon, brass cobra*, jewelled dragon*), gloves of arcane surety*, greater root of the world tree, greater serpent belt, headband of mental prowess +6, mantle of immortality, magician’s hat, mythic robe of eyes*, mythic robe of the archmagi*, pearl of power I – IX, ring gates, robe of gates, robe of Jiksidur*, robe of the overmind, robe of runes, robe of stars, scaled sash, shadowform belt, spectral shroud, spell lattice I – IX, starfaring robes, throne of the ardent defense, well of many worlds, witching gown

Minor Artifacts: cup of forbidden knowledge, grimoire of mystryl (a book of infinite spells), hermetic flask, magi staff of the deep black, magi staff of the mammoth, magi staff of the necromancer, magi staff of the scholar, rod of spell sundering, staff of eldritch sovereignty


Craft Contingent Spell (Item Creation)
Able to cast contingency as a spell
Benefits: You can make contingent any spell that you know. Crafting a contingent spell takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price (spell level x caster level x 100 gp). The associated skill for crafting contingent spells is Spellcraft. You can have up to 3 + your spellcasting ability score modifier of contingent spells at any time.

Heighten Spell (Metamagic, Mythic)
Your metamagic spells are always more potent.
Prerequisites: Heighten Spell, 2nd mythic tier.
Benefit: When you apply metamagic feats to a spell, the effective level of the spell is increased to be equal to the level of the spell slot used to prepare or cast it. All effects dependent on spell level (such as saving throw DCs and ability to penetrate a lesser globe of invulnerability) are calculated according to the heightened level.

Source: Mythic Hero’s Handbook. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games, Dreamscarred Press, Rogue Genius Games; Authors Robert Brookes, Eric Hindley, Jonathan H. Keith, Jeff Lee, Jason Nelson, Marc Radle, Alistair J. Rigg, Andreas Rönnqvist, Tork Shaw, Jeremy Smith, Owen K.C. Stephens.

Intensified Spell (Metamagic, Mythic)
Your spells stretch beyond the limits of their normal firepower.
Prerequisites: Intensified Spell.
Benefit: When you cast a spell augmented with Intensified Spell, its maximum number of damage dice is increased by 10 levels. You must actually have sufficient caster levels to surpass the maximum in order to benefit from this feat. No other variables of the spell are affected, and spells that inflict damage that is not modified by caster level are not affected by this feat. Alternatively, you may expend a use of mythic power to cast a spell as an Intensified spell (gaining only the normal benefits of an intensified spell, rather than the increased benefits outlined above) without preparing it as Intensified in advance, taking extra casting time, or increasing the level of spell slot it uses.
Normal: An intensified spell has its maximum number of damage dice increased by 5 levels.

Source: Mythic Hero’s Handbook. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games, Dreamscarred Press, Rogue Genius Games; Authors Robert Brookes, Eric Hindley, Jonathan H. Keith, Jeff Lee, Jason Nelson, Marc Radle, Alistair J. Rigg, Andreas Rönnqvist, Tork Shaw, Jeremy Smith, Owen K.C. Stephens.

Spell Perfection (Mythic)
Your power to cast a small set of spells is nearly deific.
Prerequisites: Spell Perfection.
Benefit: Pick one spell which you have the ability to cast, that you have not already selected with Spell Perfection. Whenever you cast that spell, or your Spell Perfection spell, you may apply any metamagic feats you have to that spell without affecting its level or casting time, as long as the total modified level of the spell does not use a spell slot higher than 9 +1/2 your mythic tier. In addition, if you have other feats which allow you to apply a set numerical bonus to any aspect of this spell (such as Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, Weapon Focus [ray], and so on), triple the bonus granted by that feat when applied to this spell.

Source: Mythic Hero’s Handbook. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games, Dreamscarred Press, Rogue Genius Games; Authors Robert Brookes, Eric Hindley, Jonathan H. Keith, Jeff Lee, Jason Nelson, Marc Radle, Alistair J. Rigg, Andreas Rönnqvist, Tork Shaw, Jeremy Smith, Owen K.C. Stephens.


Spellcasting Prodigy

Once per day, you gain a +1 bonus to the spell DC of any one spell you cast. Additionally, you gain a +2 trait bonus to your Spellcraft check when identifying a spell being cast.


Spell Dilation (Ex):
When casting a spell that affects an area, you can increase or decrease the spell’s radius, length, height, or width by 5 feet, plus 5 feet for every 5 mythic tiers you possess. You cannot use this ability to reduce any dimension of a spell’s area below 5 feet, nor to increase any dimension by more than 50%. If you use this ability in conjunction with the Widen Spell metamagic feat, apply the effects of that feat before you apply the effects of this path ability.

Source: Mythic Hero’s Handbook. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games, Dreamscarred Press, Rogue Genius Games; Authors Robert Brookes, Eric Hindley, Jonathan H. Keith, Jeff Lee, Jason Nelson, Marc Radle, Alistair J. Rigg, Andreas Rönnqvist, Tork Shaw, Jeremy Smith, Owen K.C. Stephens.

Edited by - LordofBones on 13 Mar 2018 16:30:36

Master of Realmslore

1527 Posts

Posted - 16 Feb 2018 :  15:04:57  Show Profile Send LordofBones a Private Message  Reply with Quote

transmutation; Level bard 6, cleric 6, druid 6, sorcerer/wizard 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target one magically enchanted item
Duration 1 hour
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

This spell temporarily adds 3 special charges to a magic item. If 3 charges are used then one ability of the item is activated as an immediate action (if you don’t know the item’s abilities then one ability is activated at random), if 2 charges are used then one ability of the item is activated as a move action, if 1 charge is used then one ability of the item is activate as a standard action. These charges may be tapped into without drawing upon the item’s normal reservoir of charges or uses per day. This buffer (and any unused charges) vanishes when the spell expires. It the item cannot be activated by at least a standard action this spell has no effect on that item.

Source: 1001 Spells. Copyright 2011, Rite Publishing; Authors Steven D. Russel.

conjuration (creation) and evocation [electricity];
Level magus 6, sorcerer/wizard 6, witch 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (a miniature spider web made of copper)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect electrified webs in a 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw Reflex negates, Fortitude partial, see text;
Spell Resistance no, see text

You create a massive tangle of sticky, web-like strands, which are made of a hyper-conductive metallic substance. Anglin’s crackling web functions as web, with a few exceptions. First, the web is not flammable, and cannot be destroyed by fire in the way that a web created by the web spell can. It can be destroyed with acid, but has hardness 10. At least 10 points of acid damage must be dealt to a given square (after hardness) in order to clear it of the web.

Second, the web’s strands are highly conductive, and are supplied with a faint electrical charge by the spell. Any creature that enters or begins its turn in the area filled with the web suffers 2d6 electricity damage. Creatures that are actually grappled by the web suffer 4d6 points of electricity damage, instead. In either case, this damage is subject to spell resistance (unlike the rest of the spell’s effects), and can be halved with a successful Fortitude save.

Finally, because the web is super-conductive, any outside electricity that comes into contact with the web is also transported throughout the web’s entire area. If a spell or ability that deals electricity damage targets a creature that is in contact with the web, or targets the web itself, or includes a square covered by the web within its area, then that spell or effect affects each creature within the area of the web. If the spell or effect allows a saving throw of any kind, each creature in the web is entitled to the saving throw, as normal, although creatures grappled by the web suffer a -4 penalty on such saving throws. If the spell or effect requires a touch attack, or ranged touch attack, then treat this as though the web were making a melee touch attack, with an attack bonus equal to your caster level + your primary spellcasting ability modifier. If the spell or effect allows spell resistance, any creatures affected in this way are entitled to spell resistance, as normal. This ability cannot cause a creature to be affected twice by the same effect (for example, if Anglin’s crackling web were cast by a 17th-level sorcerer with a Charisma score of 20, and a 10th level wizard cast shocking grasp on a creature in the web, the web would make a single melee touch attack with a +22 bonus, and compare the result to the touch ACs of each creature in the web’s area, other than the shocking grasp’s original target. Each creature hit in this way would suffer 5d6 points of electricity damage).

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume IV. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback. Note: this spell appeared as Xelar’s Crackling Web. Adapted for use in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

evocation [acid, cold, electricity, and fire] or illusion (pattern) [mind-affecting]; Level sorcerer/wizard 9
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (a small prism made of many-colored glass)
Range 15 ft.
Area 15-ft. line
Duration instantaneous; see text
Saving Throw Fortitude negates, and Reflex half or Will negates, see text; Spell Resistance yes

You create a wave of intense noise and blinding colors in red, yellow, blue, and green hues. Any characters caught in the spell’s area must succeed on Fortitude save or be blinded and deafened for 1 minute.

If cast as an evocation spell, the colors are also charged with elemental energy. Each character in the area is affected by 1d4-1 colors. Roll a d4 for each color to determine which ones the affected creature is struck by: red, blue, yellow, or green. The creature suffers 10d6 points of energy damage for each color that strikes him. Red deals fire damage, blue deals cold damage, yellow deals electricity damage, and green deals acid damage. A Reflex save halves the damage (the target must save separately for each color he is hit by). A target can be hit by the same color multiple times.

If cast as an illusion spell, the colors twist and wind uncomfortably, and the target must also succeed on a Will save or fall unconscious for 1d4 rounds, after which he is confused for 1d4 rounds. Additionally, whether or not the target succeeds his Will save, he becomes sickened for 1d4 minutes. Sightless creatures are unaffected by the illusion version of this spell.

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume IV. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback. Note: this spell appeared as Xelar’s Prismatic Wave. Adapted for use in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

necromancy [composite, fear, mind-affecting]; Level psychic 7 (or three 5th-level spell slots), sorcerer/wizard 7 (or three 5th-level spell slots), witch 7 (or three 5th-level spell slots)
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target one living creature
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will partial; Spell Resistance yes

You force the target’s mind full of such terrible visions of fear that the stress and terror shatters their minds. Each round on your turn, beginning when the spell is cast, the target must succeed on a Will save or suffer 1 point of Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma damage, and be dazed with fear for 1 round. If the target succeeds on her Will save, this damage is negated and she can act normally that round, but must continue making saving throws on each subsequent round.

A character that rolls a natural 1 on a saving throw to resist this spell’s effects gains a random insanity (see Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide for more information on insanities).

Composite: If you cast this spell using the optional composite method, you may choose to use more than the listed number of spell slots to do so. For each additional spell slot of the same level you use to cast this spell, you may choose one additional target.

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume VII. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback. Note: this spell appeared as Morticia’s Cosmic Horror. Adapted for use in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

necromancy [composite]; Level antipaladin 3 (or two 2nd-level spell slots), shaman 4 (or two 3rd-level spell slots), sorcerer/wizard 3 (or two 2nd-level spell slots), witch 3 (or two 2nd-level spell slots)
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (the head of a lamprey)
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes

Your hand becomes a writhing mass of tentacles that latch onto and drain the life force from the touched creature. You must succeed on a melee touch attack. If the attack hits, it deals 1d4 points of damage per 2 caster levels (to a maximum of 5d4 at 10th level), and also inflicts 1d4 points of Strength damage to the target. A successful Fortitude saves halves the damage and negates the Strength damage.

Composite: If you cast this spell using the optional composite method, you may choose to use more than the listed number of spell slots to do so. If you use a total of three or more spell slots of the listed level to cast the spell, it also inflicts 1d4 points of Dexterity damage. If you use a total of five or more spell slots of the listed level to cast the spell, it also inflicts 1d4 points of Constitution damage.

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume VII. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback. Note: this spell appeared as Morticia’s Draining Tendrils. Adapted for use in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

necromancy [darkness]; Level sorcerer/wizard 8
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (coal ash)
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Area 80-ft.-radius burst
Duration instantaneous (see text)
Saving Throw Fortitude partial; see text; Spell Resistance yes

This spell produces a globe of utter blackness that explodes silently from a point you select. Creatures caught within the globe are nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds and take 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 25d6). Half this damage is cold damage and half is negative energy damage, with a successful Fortitude save resulting in the creature being sickened for 1 round and reducing the damage by half. Undead creatures in the area of effect ignore cold damage from this spell and are not nauseated or sickened, even as the negative energy heals them of 1d6 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 12d6). Blackburst dispels any light spells of lower than 9th level within its area.

Source: 1001 Spells. Copyright 2011, Rite Publishing; Authors Steven D. Russel.

necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 9
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target 1 living creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude partial; see text; Spell Resistance yes

You extract the knowledge and memories from a target creature within range. The spell drains Intelligence from the subject until only 1 point of Intelligence remains and the target is driven insane as per the insanity spell. The caster is free to draw on all memories and Intelligence-based skills of the victim, using the victim’s skill ranks, but modified by the caster’s Intelligence, feats, and any other miscellaneous modifiers. After 1 hour the ability to access the victim’s Intelligence-based skills ends, but you can still draw upon its other memories with a successful Intelligence check (DC 15).

If the save succeeds, the Intelligence drain is negated, and the caster cannot access its memories or Intelligence-based skills, the victim instead takes 9d6 points of damage and is staggered for 1 round. A target that succeeds on the saving throw is also immune to that same caster’s brain drain spell for 24 hours after the staggered condition ends.

Source: 1001 Spells. Copyright 2011, Rite Publishing; Authors Steven D. Russel.

l abjuration; Level cleric/oracle 1, magus 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (a rook chess piece)
Range personal or touch; see text
Target you or touched creature; see text
Duration 1 round/level or until discharged
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes; see text

You weave a barrier from magic that harmlessly disperses energy into the air around you. The first time you would suffer damage while this spell is in effect, the amount of damage that you take is reduced by an amount equal to 4 + your caster level (to a maximum of 14 points of damage, at 10th level). After this spell absorbs damage once, the spell’s energy is consumed and the spell ends.

If cast as a cleric spell, brittle aegis has a range of touch, and targets the touched creature, granting the spell’s benefits to that creature, rather than to you (you can still cast it on yourself, if desired).

If cast as a magus spell, when brittle aegis prevents damage to you, you can redirect that damage to another creature that is adjacent to you. Doing so is a free action that requires no effort on your part, and you may choose which adjacent creature is affected. The chosen creature is hit automatically, although you must overcome the creature’s spell resistance, if any, in order to affect him. The chosen creature suffers an amount of damage equal to that prevented by brittle aegis. The damage is of the same type as that which the spell prevented (so if the prevented damage was from a fireball, the chosen creature would suffer fire damage, while if it was from an attack with a greataxe, the chosen creature would suffer slashing damage, etc.). The chosen creature only suffers the amount of damage that was prevented, even if that is less than the amount of damage that redistribution field is capable of preventing.

If cast as a sorcerer/wizard spell, then once brittle aegis is discharged, it creates a short-lived magical shield to further protect you. When the spell is discharged, if the amount of damage that the spell prevented was less than the maximum amount that it could have prevented, you gain a +1 deflection bonus to AC for 1 round. For every 3 points by which the maximum amount of damage the spell could have prevented exceeds the amount of damage that it actually prevented, this deflection bonus increases by 1 (for example, if the spell was cast by a 10th-level character, and could prevent a maximum of 14 points of damage, but was discharged on an attack that only dealt 5 points of damage, then the difference would be 9 points of damage and the total deflection bonus granted would be +4).

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume IV. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.

evocation [acid]; Level sorcerer/wizard 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a vial of acid)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target one creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half and Reflex partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes

You create a paper-thin sheet of pure, undiluted acid within the target’s space. The target suffers 2d6 points of acid damage per caster level, and suffers an additional amount of bleed damage equal to your caster level. A successful Reflex save halves the damage and negates the bleed damage.

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume V. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.

abjuration; Level antipaladin 4, bard 4, cleric 4, druid 5, inquisitor 4, magus 4, medium 4, paladin 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, summoner 4, witch 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (a piece of a simple lock)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target one creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex partial, see text; Spell Resistance no

You use the mystic energies surrounding a creature or object to create an inescapable magical prison to entrap the victim. This spell functions as dispel magic, except that it cannot be used to counter spells or suppress the magical effects of objects. Additionally, if you successfully dispel a spell affecting a creature with create spell prison, the target must succeed on a Reflex save at the dispelled spell’s saving throw DC, or become trapped in a cube of force for a number of rounds equal to the dispelled spell’s level. The cube of force is always large enough to contain the target, and each of the cube’s walls is treated as though it were created by the spell wall of force. Additionally, while trapped within the cube, the target cannot cast spells or use spell-like abilities, though he may use supernatural or extraordinary abilities. Magic items function normally while within the cube of force.

Source: A Necromancer’s Almanac 2015. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.

abjuration; Level bard 6, cleric 7, druid 7, psychic 7, sorcerer/wizard 7, summoner 6, witch 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (a rat’s stomach)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target one creature; or a 20-ft.-radius burst
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

You siphon magical energies into yourself, draining away both spell power and life-force in order to fuel your magical abilities. This spell functions like greater dispel magic, except that it cannot be used to counter spells or suppress the effects of magical items. For each spell dispelled by devouring dispelling, that spell’s target suffers 2d6 points of damage and you gain a +1 bonus to your caster level for 1 round (to a maximum +5 bonus to your caster level). If a spell without a target is dispelled, no damage is inflicted as a result of that spell, and your caster level is not increased.

Source: A Necromancer’s Almanac 2015. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.

enchantment (compulsion) [language-dependent, mind-affecting]; Level sorcerer/wizard 8
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 round/level

You gain the ability to speak forbidden words of dark and terrible power. For the duration of the spell, whenever you cast a spell with verbal components, the saving throw DC of that spell is increased by +1, and the effective caster level of the spell is increased by 4.

Interactive: As a standard action, you can concentrate on the spell in order to speak dread words which warp the bodies and minds of those who hear them. Each creature within 30 feet suffers 5d8 points of damage and is stunned for 1 round. A successful Will save halves the damage and negates the stunned condition.

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume V. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.

abjuration [force]; Level alchemist 1, bloodrager 1, magus 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, summoner 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min./level or until discharged

You create an invisible shield of force that hovers in front of you and deflects incoming attacks. You gain a +3 shield bonus to AC. This bonus applies against incorporeal touch attacks, since it is a force effect. Additionally, at any time during the spell’s duration, as an immediate action, you can expend the spell’s remaining energy as a final burst of defensive power. If you do, the shield bonus to AC increases to +8 until the beginning of your next turn, after which the spell ends automatically.

Source: A Necromancer’s Almanac 2014. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.

transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 8
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a firefly)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 round/level

When you use this power, you tap into massive amounts of arcane energy that you can use to fuel future spells you cast, but you lose a great amount of mobility. Upon casting this spell you radiate a bright multi-coloured light. You provide bright illumination in a 40-foot radius, and shadowy illumination for an additional 40 feet. Your feet lift off the ground and you hover six inches in the air. For the duration of this spell, as the spell is not dismissible, you cannot move from your spot, and you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC, but you gain a +8 bonus to CMD, and it requires a successful Strength check (DC 20+ your primary caster ability modifier) for another creature to move you from that spot.

You also benefit tremendously from the spell. You gain a +8 inherent bonus to your primary casting ability score (Intelligence for wizards or Charisma for sorcerers) and a +5 bonus to your caster level. You gain spell resistance equal to 11 + your (modified) caster level.

Source: 1001 Spells. Copyright 2011, Rite Publishing; Authors Steven D. Russel.

abjuration; Level cleric/oracle 6, druid 6, sorcerer/wizard 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range personal
Target you
Duration 10 minutes/level or until discharged

This spell combines protection from elements with an unusual effect: whenever the caster is struck by a spell or supernatural ability that deals the selected energy damage, the spell triggers a 1st- to 3rd-level spell whose target and area of effect is up to the caster. Up to three spells, one 1st, one 2nd, and one 3rd, may be triggered; the spells and the order in which they’re triggered is set at the time of the casting of energetic contingency. The triggered spell must be one that’s been prepared by the caster, but triggering it does not expend the spell slot.

Source: 1001 Spells. Copyright 2011, Rite Publishing; Authors Steven D. Russel.

evocation [see text]; Level sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets up to 5 creatures, no two of which can be more than 15 ft. apart
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes

A bolt of a chosen energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) blasts from your fingertips and with a successful ranged touch attack deals 1d6+1 points of the chosen energy type of damage. For every two caster levels beyond 1st, you gain an additional missile: two at 3rd level, three at 5th, four at 7th, and five bolts at 9th level or higher. If you shoot multiple missiles, you can have them strike a single creature with one attack roll or several creatures with multiple attack rolls. A single bolt can strike only one creature.

Source: 1001 Spells. Copyright 2011, Rite Publishing; Authors Steven D. Russel.

abjuration or enchantment; Level cleric/oracle 9, sorcerer/wizard 9, witch 9
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target 1 creature
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes

You encase the target in magical wards and bindings which prevent harm and hold him in place. For the spell’s duration, the target cannot move or be moved from his current location, whether by mundane, supernatural, or magical means (including spells, spell-like abilities, and magical items). The target can still act normally, other than not being able to leave his square, and he retains his Dexterity bonus to AC and is not considered helpless.

If cast as an abjuration spell, the target is prevented from coming to harm. For the spell’s duration, the target gains damage reduction equal to your caster level, which can only be overcome by epic weapons, and spell resistance equal to 10 + your caster level. Finally, the target gains a bonus on all saving throws equal to 1/2 your caster level.

If cast as an enchantment spell, the target cannot perform any hostile action, including attacking, casting hostile spells (spells that deal damage, cause death, or allow a saving throw that is not denoted as harmless), or using any magic item or supernatural ability which deals damage or requires a character to make a saving throw. Additionally, for the spell’s duration, as a free action, you can compel the target to speak truthfully to you (to the best of his ability) about whatever you wish.

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume IV. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.

conjuration (creation); Level sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (the hair of trained guard animal)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect phantom guardian beast
Duration 1 hour/caster level or until discharged
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

You call into existence a vaguely shaped, shadowy beast that stands about knee high. The beast is silent, amorphous in shape, can spread itself out like a cloak or sail to cover a large area, and leap to interpose attacks from above. It places itself between the caster and the most apparent danger, even when threatened by invisible, flanking, or otherwise unseen attackers you are unaware of, and cannot be fooled or magically contacted.

This magical guardian beast blocks damage from the next successful attack made against you, absorbing 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum of 8d6). No matter how much or how little damage is actually inflicted by the attack, the guardian beast winks out of existence as soon as it prevents damage from one attack, any excess damage is still taken by the caster. The effect also only prevents damage; any additional effects of an attack are not prevented (for example the effect of a vorpal weapon). A guardian beast cannot prevent damage dealt by area effect spells or similar effects. For example, it can prevent damage from a single magic missile but not multiples or from a fireball.

Source: 1001 Spells. Copyright 2011, Rite Publishing; Authors Steven D. Russel.

evocation [acid, cold, electricity or fire]; Level magus 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 move action
Components V, S
Range personal
Target you
Effect modifies the next spell you cast, changing its energy type
Saving Throw none (harmless); Spell Resistance no

You alter the energy type of another spell you cast. The spell to be affected must be cast before the end of your next turn, must have a single target, and must deal damage of one of the following types of energy damage: acid, cold, electricity or fire. The type of energy that the affected spell deals is changed to be the most advantageous of those four, based on the resistances and weaknesses of the target. For example, if the target were immune to acid, and vulnerable to fire, than a melf's acid arrow affected by this spell would be altered to deal fire damage instead of acid damage. If, on the other hand, the target were resistant to both acid and fire, with no weakness to either cold or electricity, the spell would have a 50% chance of dealing cold damage and a 50% chance of dealing electricity damage. If the target has no resistances, immunities, or weaknesses to any of the four energy types, then Gulkuluster’s energy selector has no effect. The change to the spell is visible and apparent, so you can easily see which of the four energy types the spell is dealing, and clever casters use this to determine any elemental weaknesses the target may possess.

Source: A Necromancer’s Almanac 2012. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zabeck. Note: this spell appeared as Xelar’s Energy Selector. Adapted for use in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

necromancy [death]; Level sorcerer/wizard 9
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a vampire’s fang and a vial of mist taken from a graveyard)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect Fog spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance yes

You exhale forth cloud of reddish-purple mist that saps the life of those caught in it. In addition to functioning as fog cloud, the devouring breath deals 1d4 points of Constitution drain to any living creature caught in it. You heal 5 hit points or, if already at maximum hit points, gain 5 temporary hit points for every point of Constitution damage dealt, and in addition you gain one essence point for every point of Constitution damage inflicted. You can have no more essence points than your caster level. The essence points last for one round per four caster levels. A successful Fortitude save halves the Constitution damage and prevents the gain of an essence point from that creature.

As a standard action, you can expend the essence points to gain the following benefits: for every one point expended, you gain a +1 bonus to skill checks, for every two points expended, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, for every three points, you gain a +1 bonus to caster level, and for every four points, you gain a +1 bonus to the DC of the next spell you cast.

necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a fang from a bat)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude half; Spell Resistance yes

A red-black ray springs from your pointing fingertip. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack roll to hit a target. You deal 1d4 negative energy damage every two caster levels (to a maximum of 5d4 at 9th caster level) to the subject and are healed by the amount of damage done. If you are already at maximum hit points, then you gain temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt. A successful saving throw halves the damage.

transmutation; Level cleric/oracle 8, sorcerer/wizard 8, witch 8
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S, M (a soul imprisoned in a gem or other vessel)
Range personal
Target you
Duration see text

You burn through the life energy of the soul used as a component for this spell. Once per round, when you cast a spell, you can draw upon the soul’s energy in order to empower that spell in one of the following ways:

• The spell’s saving throw DC is increased by +2.
• The spell’s caster level is increased by +4.
• All damage dealt by the spell, up to twice your caster level, is difficult to heal, making it impossible to remove the damage naturally, and forcing anyone attempting to remove it magically to succeed on a caster level check (DC 11 + your caster level) to do so.
• Half of the spell’s damage is profane, and ignores any energy resistance the target might possess.
• The spell is affected by the Enlarge Spell and Extend Spell feats.
• The spell is affected by the Silent Spell and Still Spell feats.

You can choose a different option for each spell that you cast. This spell lasts for a number of rounds equal to the number of Hit Dice the soul possesses.

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume VI. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zabeck. Note: this spell appeared as Morticia’s Spirit Conversion. Adapted for use in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one living creature
Duration instantaneous/1 hour
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes

This spell deals 1d6 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 10d6). You gain temporary hit points equal to the damage the spell deals. You can’t gain more than the subject’s current hit points plus the subject’s Constitution score (which is enough to kill the subject). The temporary hit points disappear 1 hour later.

Source: 1001 Spells. Copyright 2011, Rite Publishing; Authors Steven D. Russel. Note: this spell appeared as Vampiric Drain.

necromancy [death]; Level sorcerer/wizard 8
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a disruption weapon)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Targets undead creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude half; Spell Resistance yes

This spell disrupts the bonds of negative energy that hold an undead creature together. The target undead creature must succeed at a Fortitude save or suffer 10 points of damage per caster level. Creatures that are not undead, and undead with Hit Dice greater than the caster's caster level, are unaffected by this spell. If an undead creature is destroyed by this spell, a portion of the negative energy that gave it unlife flows back to the caster. This negative energy cures (if the caster is undead or is otherwise healed by negative energy) 5 hit points of damage per hit die of the destroyed undead. If the caster is a living creature, the negative energy disperses harmlessly.

evocation [force]; Level bloodrager 3, cleric/oracle 4, magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a tiny spear)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target one creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw no; Spell Resistance no

You hurl a shimmering spear of magical energy at a target within range. Make a ranged touch attack. If you hit, that target takes 4d8 points of force damage. In addition, if the target is an arcane spellcaster or a creature with arcane spell-like abilities, it loses a number of prepared arcane spell levels (or levels of arcane spell slots for spontaneous casters) equal to half your caster level. If the target prepares his spells, he chooses which prepared spells he loses; a spontaneous caster simply loses spell slots. Start with the highest-level spells or spell slots you can affect and work down. If there is no way to drain a spell because you don’t have enough levels left to affect it or the target doesn’t have spells or spell slots remaining, then those additional levels of drain are lost.

For example, if you are 9th level (draining 4 spell levels) and you hit a 10th-level sorcerer who has at least one 5th-level spell slot remaining, your mana spear would ignore the 5th-level slot(s) and drain only spell slots of 4th level or lower. If the sorcerer had no 4th-level slots remaining but had two 3rd-level slots, he would lose one of those 3rd-level spell slots, plus a 1st-level slot, assuming he had one remaining. Creatures with arcane spell-like abilities instead lose one or more uses per day of a number of abilities whose effective spell levels add up to your spell drain amount. Always start with those that emulate spells of the highest level. A spell-like ability that emulates a 2nd-level spell would require 2 levels worth of spell drain. If it were usable twice per day (and both uses remain), then you could drain it twice.

At-will spell-like abilities count only once, at their normal spell level, and are instead nullified (made unavailable) for a number of rounds equal to your caster level.

Source: Scarred Lands Player’s Guide. Copyright 2016, Onyx Path Publishing; Authors Bill Ashbless, Jason Bolte, Tanya Cohan-Diaz, Chris Cowger, Steffie de Vaan, Adam Eichelberger, Matt Franklin, Nathan Knaack, Eddy Webb.

evocation [force]; Level magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect one or more rays
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes

With a flick of your wrist, you extend your hand and release a burst of arcane energy. When you cast this spell, make a Spellcraft check. The exact effects of this spell are defined by the result of your Spellcraft check, as defined on the following table. Magic bolt produces the effect listed for the highest Spellcraft DC you meet, as well as all the effects listed for the lower DCs. If you fail to meet the lowest listed DC, the spell has no effect.

DC 11 - You fire a ray of pure arcane energy, which deals 1d6 points of force damage with a successful ranged touch attack.
DC 16 - Each ray created by this spell deals 1 additional point of damage for every 4 caster levels you possess.
DC 21 - You may fire one additional ray for every 5 caster levels you possess (2 rays at 5th level, 3 rays at 10th level, etc.).
DC 26 - You gain a +5 bonus on all attack rolls made as part of this spell.
DC 31+ - Each ray created by this spell deals an additional 1d6 points of force damage (for a total of 2d6 plus 1 per 4 levels for each ray).

Source: A Necromancer’s Almanac 2013. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.

conjuration [earth, fire]; Level sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a handful of charred pebbles)
Range personal
Effect a cloud of meteors
Duration one round/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes

You surround yourself in a circle of small meteors that orbit around your body without impeding your actions. You create one meteor per two caster levels, to a maximum of 8 meteors at 16th level. You can launch some or all of these meteors at one or more targets, requiring a ranged touch attack roll to hit. Each meteor deals 1d4+1 fire damage and 1d4+1 bludgeoning damage. You provoke no attacks of opportunity when launching them. Any meteor you do not launch as part of casting this spell orbits around you for the spell’s duration. On rounds subsequent to your casting of this spell, you can spend a swift action to launch one of these remaining meteors or a standard action to launch any number of these remaining meteors. If you fail to launch a meteor before the duration ends, that meteor disappears and is wasted.

divination; Level ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range personal
Duration 10 minutes/level (D) (or until expended)

While this spell is active you gain a sixth sense for danger: a faint tingling at the back of the head or a feeling in your gut that makes you more alert. While this spell is active you gain a +2 insight bonus on Perception checks. Any time while this spell is active, you can expend the remaining duration to gain a +2 insight bonus to your initiative check.

Source: 1001 Spells. Copyright 2011, Rite Publishing; Authors Steven D. Russel.

abjuration; Level bard 1, magus 1, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a shield strap)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min./level, or until discharged

You surround yourself with a number of mobile and brightly colored shields of force energy, which swirl about you, ready to be directed in order to help absorb danger. You create a number of shields equal to 1/2 your caster level (rounded down, minimum 1). At any time during the spell’s duration, as an immediate action, you may discharge one of these shields in order to absorb an incoming attack. If you do, you gain a +6 shield bonus to AC and a +3 bonus to Reflex saves. These bonuses apply to a single attack, spell, special ability, or other effect. When you have discharged all the shields created by this spell, it instantly ends.

Source: A Necromancer’s Almanac 2014. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback. Note: this spell appeared as Mage’s Intervention. Adapted for use in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

evocation [force]; Level sorcerer/wizard 9
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (a spellbook containing magic missile)
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target one or more creatures or objects; see text
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes

With a series of complex arcane gestures and an extreme effort of will, you turn a simple magician’s staple into a wave of unstoppable destruction, sending out a hundred or more projectiles of pure force which unerringly end the life of your foes and reduce castles to rubble. This spell can only be cast by characters with a caster level of 20 or higher. You create 5 force missiles per caster level, which each deal 1d4 + 1 points of damage. You can target any given creature with a maximum number of missiles equal to your caster level. Abilities that would deflect a magic missile spell do not deflect this spell, but can deflect up to 5 missiles per target (so a character targeted by 20 missiles that was affected by shield would only be affected by 15 missiles).

Source: A Necromancer’s Almanac 2014. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback. Note: this spell appeared as Mage’s Mega Missile. Adapted for use in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

universal; Level sorcerer/wizard 7
Casting Time varies; see components
Components Intricate Thought (Knowledge [arcana] DC 22; threshold 50)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 round/level

When you begin casting this spell, you must choose a single spell of 7th level or lower, which is contained in a spellbook that you have on your person. When you finish casting this spell, you immediately prepare the chosen spell. You must cast the spell before mordenkainen’s superior lucubration’s duration ends, or you lose the prepared spell. Finally, if you are able to reach the threshold for this spell’s intricate thought components in a single check, you may choose one additional spell of 7th level or lower, which is contained in a spellbook that you have on your person, and prepare that spell, as well.

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume VI. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback. Note: this spell appeared as Archmage’s Lucubration. Adapted for use in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

evocation [acid, cold, electricity, fire, force]; Level sorcerer/wizard 9
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a drop of a kineticist’s blood)
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Effect one ray
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes

You fire a single incredibly powerful bolt of energy, which deals 6d6 points of acid damage, 6d6 points of cold damage, 6d6 points of electricity damage, 6d6 points of fire damage, and 6d6 points of force damage. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit your target.

Source: A Necromancer’s Almanac 2015. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.

abjuration; Level bard 4, magus 4, sorcerer/wizard 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (a glass prism)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 minute/level or until discharged
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

For the duration of the spell, you are protected against ranged touch attacks, including ray spells and ray attacks made by creatures. Any ray attack directed at you is automatically reflected harmlessly away.

evocation [force]; Level sorcerer/wizard 9
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range long (400 ft. plus 40 ft./level)
Effect ray
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes

An invisible ray of force springs from your hand. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack with the ray to deal dam age to a target. The ray deals 1d6 points of force damage per caster level (maximum 25d6), the creature is pushed back 60 ft. (or until he strikes a barrier, suffering damage as if he had fallen 60 ft.), is knocked prone and suffers 1d4 Constitution damage. Flying creatures and swimming creatures must make the appropriate skill check (Fly or Swim, DC 11 + your caster level + your relevant caster ability modifier) or be forced downward to the limit of the spell’s range; if they reach a horizontal surface they are knocked prone upon that surface.

Source: 1001 Spells. Copyright 2011, Rite Publishing; Authors Steven D. Russel.

evocation [cold, darkness, fear; see text]; Level sorcerer/wizard 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect ray
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will partial; Spell Resistance yes

With this spell you fire a blast of pure, unadulterated darkness at a single target. You must make a ranged touch attack at the target creature; if you are successful, the darkness envelops the target and seeps into him through his pores, dealing 1d6 points of cold damage per level (maximum 20d6). Experiencing such concentrated darkness is traumatic to the target and inflicts the cowering condition for one round per caster level. A successful save results in half damage and reduces the cowering condition to the shaken condition (and the creature gains immunity to the fear effects of this spell for 24 hours).

Creatures that rely on light for food, such as most surface plants, or creatures that are otherwise dependent on light, take 1d8 points of damage per caster level (maximum 20d8). Subterranean creatures, constructs, and undead take only 1d4 points of damage per level (maximum 20d4).

Creatures that are immune to fear effects cannot be shaken by this spell, but can still take damage. Creatures that are immune or resistant to cold effects cannot be damaged by this spell, but can still be cowered or shaken.

Source: 1001 Spells. Copyright 2011, Rite Publishing; Authors Steven D. Russel.

evocation and necromancy [electricity, evil]; Level sorcerer/wizard 7, witch 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a miniature copper replica of a human skeleton)
Range 120 ft.
Area 120-ft. line
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes

You release a crackling, branching arc of purple lightning from your hand, which courses through everything in its path, and those slain by this burst of magical energy have their hearts re-started by a fell taint of necromancy that is laced within the spell.

You deal 1d6 points of electricity damage per caster level (to a maximum of 20d6 at 20th level) to each creature within the spell’s area. The area begins at the edge of your square. The Sadebreth’s dark lightning sets fire to combustibles and damages objects in its path. It can melt metals with a low melting point, such as lead, gold, copper, silver or bronze. If the damage caused to an interposing barrier shatters or breaks through it, the bolt may continue beyond the barrier of the spell’s range permits; otherwise, it stops at the barrier just as any other spell effect does.

Additionally, any humanoid creature that dies as a result of this spell is animated as a ghast. Any ghasts created in this way serve you faithfully, as though they had been created with the create undead spell, and count against the number of Hit Dice of undead that you can control with animate dead and similar effects. Additionally, these ghasts are super-charged with electrical energy, and each of their natural attacks deals an additional 4d6 points of electricity damage on a successful hit. This effect lasts until the ghast has dealt a total amount of electricity damage equal to your caster level, after which the electricity is spent, and it becomes a normal ghast. Non-humanoid creatures that die as a result of this spell die normally, and are not animated.

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume IV. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback. Note: this spell appeared as Morticia’s Dark Lightning. Adapted for use in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

necromancy; Level cleric/oracle 1, inquisitor 1, magus 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 move action
Components V, S
Range personal
Effect augments the next spell you cast, causing it to deal negative energy damage
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw none (harmless); Spell Resistance no

This spell creates an invisible leans of negative energy, through which you can cast a spell to infuse it with that life-destroying power. The next spell you cast before the end of your turn is augmented with negative energy damage, instead of its normal damage type. Any acid, cold, electricity or fire damage that the spell would ordinarily deal is negative energy damage instead.

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume III. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback. Note: this spell appeared as Sorvithal’s Energy Corrupter. Adapted for use in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 6
Casting Time 1 minute
Components V, S, M (powdered gems worth 500 gp)
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration permanent (D)
Saving Throw Will negates; see text; Spell Resistance yes

One of the greatest punishments that can be inflicted upon an arcane spellcaster or mystical creature is to strip her of her ability to perform magic. For a sorcerer, the loss of her natural powers can be a fate worse than death. As a result, this ritual is not undertaken lightly. It involves a lengthy incantation and the creation of a complex mystical seal around the victim, so she must be unconscious, restrained, or a willing participant in the ritual.

The target loses the ability to cast any form of arcane magic (spell or spell-like) or use any supernatural ability for as long as the spell remains in effect. You have the power to restore her abilities at any time; otherwise, she can only regain her mystical abilities as a result of a break enchantment, limited wish, remove curse, miracle, or wish. Remove curse only grants a second saving throw; if this second save is unsuccessful, the spell has no further effect.

Source: 1001 Spells. Copyright 2011, Rite Publishing; Authors Steven D. Russel. Note: this spell appeared as Sever from the Source. Adapted for use in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

illusion (figment) and necromancy; Level cleric 7, magus 5, sorcerer/wizard 6, witch 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components S
Effect one or more illusory doubles of you which harm those who touch them
Duration 1 min./level
Saving Throw Will disbelief (if interacted with), see text; Spell Resistance yes

You create one or more illusory doubles of yourself, which you imbue with potent negative energy, which punishes any creature that touches them. You create one illusory decoy, plus an additional decoy for every 3 caster levels beyond 11th (to a maximum of four decoys at 20th level). Each of these decoys appears in an unoccupied square of your choosing within the spell’s range. The illusory doubles seem to take whatever action you take as you take it: if you cast a spell, they go through the same motions. If you swing your sword, so do they. Whenever you move, you may choose where each of the decoys moves, up to your normal movement speed. Once the decoys are created, they can go any distance from you without disrupting the spell.

Additionally, each decoy is charged with negative energy, which is not illusory. Any creature that touches one of the decoys, including hitting it with a melee attack, suffers 1d4 negative levels. Even if a creature successfully disbelieves the decoy, they are still subject to this damage if he touches it. Once a decoy deals damage in this way, it is destroyed.

The decoys naturally avoid contact with creatures and objects, in order to avoid giving away that they are illusory, and cannot be directed to deliberately touch a creature in an attempt to damage it.

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume IV. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback. Note: this spell appeared as Heridus’s Damning Decoy. Adapted for use in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

necromancy; Level occultist 4, sorcerer/wizard 3, spiritualist 4, witch 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a polished skull)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area 20 ft. radius spread
Duration instantaneous or five rounds; see text
Saving Throw Reflex half, Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes

You imbue a skull with negative energy and send it streaking from your hand to a range you determine. On striking a living creature, the skull explodes, dealing 1d4 points of negative energy damage per caster level (maximum 10d4) unless a Reflex save is made and additionally inflicting one negative level to every creature within the area unless a Fortitude save is made. The skull can detonate immediately if you desire, or can remain stationary at a spot you determine for up to five rounds. You select the amount of delay upon completing the spell, and that time cannot change once it has been set unless someone touches the skull. If you choose a delay, the glowing skull sits at its destination until it detonates. A creature can pick up and hurl the skull as a thrown weapon (range increment 10 feet). If a creature handles and moves the skull within 1 round of its detonation, there is a 25% chance that the skull detonates while being handled.

necromancy [death, evil]; Level sorcerer/wizard 9
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (an engraved mithral rod worth at least 6,000 gp)
Range touch
Targets living creature touched
Duration instantaneous, see text
Saving Throw Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance yes

Your touch instantly delivers 10 points of damage per caster level as you attempt to rip the victim's, soul from his or her body and use it to power further magic. If the target’s saving throw is successful, he or she takes 3d6 points of damage + 1 point per caster level.

If the spell slays its target, you immediately regain 1d6 levels of prepared spells. These spells can be recovered in any combination (for example, a character who rolled a 4 would have 4 spell levels to recover, and could recover one 4th-level spell or four 1st-level spells or two 2nd-level spells, etc.) Regardless of the configuration chosen, you can only recover spells that you have used in the last 24 hours. The spells must have been actually cast within that period, and no spell can be recovered more times than it was cast during that time. The chosen spells are stored in your mind as though prepared in the normal fashion. If you are a spontaneous caster you instead regain use of that many spell slots of the appropriate Ievel (or leveIs) which must have been used in the past 24 hours. You cannot regain spell slots you never had. If the recalled spells require material components, you still must provide them in order to cast that spell. The spells remain prepared (or, in the case of spontaneous casters, the spell slots remain available) for one hour, and if they haven’t been cast by the end of that time, they are wasted.

If the creature is later resurrected, he or she gains a number of permanent negative levels equal to the number of spell levels you recovered. These negative levels are in addition to any level loss caused by the resurrection method.

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume I. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.

necromancy [divisible]; Level cleric 6, occultist 5, sorcerer/wizard 7, spiritualist 5, witch 7
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S, M (a piece of a skull)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./levels)
Target one or more corpses
Duration 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

You cause the target to transform into an undead creature of your choosing, which serves you for the spell’s duration. You can cast this spell multiple times. For each time Szass Tam’s dark champions is prepared, you can create up to 2 Hit Dice of undead per caster level, which can be divided amongst any number of times the spell is cast.

When you cast Szass Tam’s dark champions, you must choose a number of Hit Dice, drawing from this pool, to a maximum of 1 Hit Dice per caster level. You can divide these Hit Dice among a number of different undead creatures. You must also choose a type or types of undead creatures whose Hit Dice are equal to or less than this amount (if one of the undead creatures you choose is a template, such as skeletons, vampires, or zombies, this is the number of Hit Dice that the target will have once the template is applied). The created undead creatures serve you for the duration of the spell. At the end of the spell’s duration, the undead creatures are destroyed.

You must choose to have the spell create an undead creature with at least 1 Hit Dice each time you cast it. This spell is not considered to be expended until the total number of Hit Dice worth of undead it is capable of creating have been used up (counting from amongst all of the times you cast it).

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume VII. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback. Note: this spell appeared as Morticia’s Dark Champions. Adapted for use in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 9
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (object not native to the present time)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect ray
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance yes

A bar of liquid light springs from your pointing finger. This ray is not blocked by anything. When it strikes an object, it passes through that object and continues on to the limit of its range. You must make a ranged touch attack against all targets within the ray to its maximum range. All targets within the area of effect take 10 points of damage per caster level. A successful save results in half damage. If the spell slays or destroys the target, it consumes the remains and a creature’s soul utterly including any equipment or possessions. That creature can never be resurrected, raised or transformed into undead by any means, including miracle and wish. Only divine intervention from a deity whose portfolio deals with time can restore the creature to life.

Artifacts are immune to the effects of this spell. There is a greater side effect of using time undone. Any creature or object destroyed with this spell ceases to exist for 24 hours before he or it was stuck by this spell. That is, if a creature is destroyed, it is as if that creature never existed for the previous 24 hours. Memories of those actions remain, but the actual events of the creature’s life during the last 24 hours never occurred. For example, an opponent kills several allies but is later slain by this spell, the allies the opponent killed are later found alive, having a blurred memory of their death and at times others who were witness to their deaths express surprise at seeing them alive.

Source: 1001 Spells. Copyright 2011, Rite Publishing; Authors Steven D. Russel.

divination; Level sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V
Range personal
Target you
Duration see text

You gain temporary, intuitive insight into the immediate future that assists with your spell casting against a singular opponent. Your next spell that targets a single creature (if it is made before the end of the next round) gains a +1 insight bonus to the save DC. If that creature successfully saves, your next spell that targets that same creature and only that creature (if it is made before the end of the following round) gains a +2 insight bonus to the save DC. This process continues until your insight bonus reaches its maximum of +5, you fail to cast a spell targeting the same singular creature in each following round, or the target creature fails a saving throw.

Source: 1001 Spells. Copyright 2011, Rite Publishing; Authors Steven D. Russel.

abjuration; Level sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 hour/level or until discharged

You gain +20 deflection bonus to AC against the next attack that targets you. Whether the attack succeeds or not, the spell is triggered and the effect ends.

Source: 1001 Spells. Copyright 2011, Rite Publishing; Authors Steven D. Russel.

necromancy; Level cleric/oracle 9, sorcerer/wizard 9, witch 9
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (skull made from basalt)
Range 30 ft.
Effect 30-ft. emanation centered on you.
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates, Fortitude partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes

You surround yourself with an aura of doom which weakens all who approach you and allows you to fill the very air with death. Any creature that enters or begins its turn in the spell’s area suffers a -6 morale penalty on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls for the spell’s duration, even if he leaves the spell’s area during that time. A successful Will save negates the effect, and renders the creature immune to this effect even if they leave the spell’s area and re-enter it.

Interactive: As a standard action, you can concentrate on the spell in order to unleash a wave of life-draining energy. This inflicts 4 points of damage per caster level to each creature within the spell’s area. A successful Fortitude save halves this damage. If a creature is killed as a result of this damage, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to twice the creature’s Hit Dice.

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume V. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback. Note: this spell appeared as Sorvithal’s Palace of Damnation. Adapted for use in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

Edited by - LordofBones on 18 Feb 2018 07:46:06
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Posted - 16 Feb 2018 :  15:06:00  Show Profile Send LordofBones a Private Message  Reply with Quote
necromancy; Level shaman 9, sorcerer/wizard 9, witch 9
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (the desiccated husk of a beetle)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one living creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance yes

The target is enveloped in horrible black energy which drains his very life essence from him. The exact nature of the spell’s effect depends on a Spellcraft check, which you make at the time that the spell is cast. This Spellcraft check not only determines how effective the spell is, but also what form it takes: if the result is odd, the target suffers a penalty to each of his ability scores. If the result is even, the target suffers energy drain, instead.

Ability Score Penalty: This version of the spell imposes a penalty on each of the target’s ability scores. The amount of the penalty depends on the result of the Spellcraft check made when the spell was cast. The penalty is equal to -2, plus 2 for every 6 points by which the result of the Spellcraft check exceeds 30 (to a maximum penalty of -10 for a result of 54). A successful Fortitude save halves this penalty. Each day, the subject can attempt a Fortitude save (DC equals the spell’s saving throw DC) to remove the penalty. The penalty can also be removed with a wish or miracle spell. These penalties cannot reduce a character’s ability score below 1.

Energy Drain: This version of the spell imposes negative levels on the target. The number of negative levels the target gains depends on the result of the Spellcraft check made when the spell was cast. The target gains 2 negative levels, plus 1 additional negative for every 4 points by which the result of the Spellcraft check exceeds 28 (to a maximum of 10 negative levels for a result of 60). A successful Fortitude save halves the number of negative levels imposed. Twenty-four hours after the spell is cast, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC equal to the spell’s saving throw DC) for each negative level gained in this way. Success removes the negative level, while failure causes it to become permanent.

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume V. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback. Note: this spell appeared as Sorvithal’s Withering Demise. Adapted for use in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

evocation [cold, darkness], or necromancy [cold, darkness]; Level cleric 5, sorcerer/wizard 5, witch 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect a wall of pure darkness that is 10 ft. high, 5 ft. thick, and 15 ft./level long
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance yes

You create a wall of pure darkness which stretches out in either direction from the point you designate. The wall extinguishes light passing through it and cannot be seen through, except by characters that can see in supernatural darkness. Characters passing through the darkness or beginning their turn within the wall’s area suffer an amount of cold damage equal to 3d6 +1 per caster level you possess.

If cast as an evocation spell, any creature that enters or begins its turn within the wall’s area must succeed on a Fortitude save or become staggered for 1 round as a result of the intense cold.

If cast as a necromancy spell, creature that enters or begins its turn within the wall’s area must succeed on a Fortitude save or suffer 1d4 points of Strength damage.

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume IV. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.

abjuration; Level sorcerer/wizard 8
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect wall whose area is up to one 10ft. square/level or a sphere or hemisphere with a radius of up to 1 ft./level
Duration 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

This spell creates a shimmering wall that completely blocks any magical effect. Anything encountering the wall behaves as if it had encountered an antimagic field, except that nonpermanent effects are automatically dispelled, not suppressed. As an antimagic field, wall of reaving is not subject to dispel magic.

Source: 1001 Spells. Copyright 2011, Rite Publishing; Authors Steven D. Russel.

transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range personal
Target you
Duration instantaneous

You instantly prepare any one spell of 6th level or lower that you have successfully identified (Spellcraft check DC 15+ spell level) during the past 24 hours and is part of your class spell list. The chosen spell is stored in your mind as though prepared in the normal fashion (if you cannot prepare spells the spell fails). If the recalled spell requires material components, you must provide them. The replicated spell is not usable until the material components are available.

Source: 1001 Spells. Copyright 2011, Rite Publishing; Authors Steven D. Russel.

divination; Level bard 6, cleric/oracle 7, sorcerer/wizard 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (a piece of reflective jade)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 hour/level

You are surrounded by an intangible aura of peace and security which protects you from the intrusive magic of others. You are immediately made aware of any attempt to discover information about you using a divination spell. Whenever this occurs, you may make a Spellcraft check (DC 10 + the caster level of the divination spell’s caster + the primary spellcasting ability score modifier of the divination spell’s caster). If you succeed, you learn what the spell is.

Whether you succeed on this Spellcraft check or not, any time that you would be the target of a divination spell which allows a saving throw, you may choose to fail the saving throw. If you do, you automatically gain the benefits of the same divination spell, except the spell targets the caster of the spell that targeted you (or you view the area the caster is in, etc., as appropriate). When determining the effectiveness of this spell, you use either your caster level and primary spellcasting ability score bonus or the original caster’s, whichever is better.

Source: Advanced Arcana Volume V. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback. Note: this spell appeared as Heridus’s Counterscry. Adapted for use in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.


The damage dealt increases to 4d6 points of acid damage. This spell otherwise functions like mythic solid fog, as described in Chapter 3 of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Mythic Adventures.

Augmented (3rd): If you expend two uses of mythic power, each round as a move action you may cause the mythic acid fog to dissipate and reform up to 40 feet.

Source: Mythic – Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

This spell deals 1d10 points of damage per caster level (maximum 15d10), and creatures failing their saving throw are sickened until the end of their next turn and take an additional 1d10 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 7d10) one round later (Fortitude negates). Creatures that fail this second saving throw continue to be sickened and continue taking this damage each subsequent round that they fail their save, up to a maximum number of rounds equal to one-half your mythic tier (minimum 1).

Augmented (6th): If you expend two uses of mythic power, you send a flood of liquid acid that pushes against creatures and objects like the hydraulic torrent spell.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

If the target fails his saving throw, his heart leaps from his chest if his current hit points are equal to or less than 200 + 10 per mythic tier you possess, rather than the normal hit point threshold. Additionally, if the target’s heart is successfully pulled from his chest, it takes a portion of his soul with it. The heart continues beating for 1 day per caster level, and does not decay during this time, although it does continue to visibly and audibly beat. As long as the heart remains, all attempts to resurrect the creature it belonged to fail automatically, as though his soul was unwilling to return. Finally, if the target succeeds on his Fortitude save, he is nauseated, rather than staggered, if his current hit points are low enough that his heart would have been removed from his chest, had he failed his save, instead.

Augmented (6th): If you expend three uses of mythic power, you can choose one additional target per two mythic tiers you possess (to a maximum of six targets at 10th tier). All of the hearts that are pulled from their targets’ chests in this way merge into a single, giant heart, which floats in the air in a space adjacent to you.

As a move action, when you are within 120 feet of the heart, you can cause it to float up to 30 feet through the air. Otherwise, it remains where it is. The beating sound of the heart is unsettling, causing all creatures that can hear it (DC 5 Perception check, modified by distance and barriers) to be forced to succeed on a Will save or become shaken for as long as they can hear the noise, and for 1d4 rounds thereafter. Creatures that succeed on their Will save are spooked, instead.

Source: Mythic Magic: Horror Spells. Copyright 2016, Legendary Games; Authors Alex Riggs and Jason Nelson

Increase damage dealt to 1d10 points (maximum 20d10) and creatures that fail their saves catch on fire, taking 2d6 points of fire damage per round. The DC to extinguish this fire is equal to the spell’s save DC.

You can choose to delay the burst for as long as 1 hour per mythic tier. You may expend one use of your mythic power to mentally move the bead up to 40 ft. or to detonate the bead early. Doing either is a standard action.

Augmented (3rd): If you expend two uses of mythic power, you can set the mythic delayed blast fireball to explode multiple times, up to once per two mythic tiers. These detonations deal only half normal damage and must be timed at least 1 minute apart.
Augmented (6th): If you expend two uses of mythic power, damage increases to 1d12 points of fire damage per level and the area increases to a 40-foot-radius spread. Fire damage from a mythic delayed blast fireball augmented in this way ignores fire resistance or immunity.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

When mythic greater dispel magic is used to dispel non-mythic spells (or remove a non-mythic curse), you can roll your caster level check twice for each spell, using the better result. In addition, if you fail a caster level check to dispel or counter a mythic spell, as a free action you can expend an additional use of mythic power to reroll your caster level check. You may do this only once for each spell you try to dispel or counter (with a targeted dispel) or per creature (area dispel).

When used to counterspell a non-mythic spell, your caster level check is automatically successful. If you successfully counterspell, you heal 1d4 points of damage times the level of the spell for a non-mythic spell, 1d6 times the spell’s level if it was a mythic spell.

Augmented (6th): If you have mythic greater dispel magic prepared, you can expend two uses of your mythic power to cast it and use it to counterspell as an immediate action.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

Whenever you use the eldritch conduit, you may expend one use of mythic power to maintain the spell rather than having it end immediately. If you expend an additional use of mythic power, you add a number of rounds equal to your mythic tier to the spell’s duration.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

This spell functions as mythic eldritch conduit, but you can also trigger the effect of a spell-completion or spell-trigger item. In addition, you can split a spell’s effect and cause it to originate at two targets of your greater eldritch conduit simultaneously. When you split a spell’s effect in this way, each effect has only half the duration and deals only half the damage it normally would. If the spell does not deal damage, the save DC of a spell split in this way is reduced by 4.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

The number of negative levels you inflict is increased to 2d6, and the target becomes sickened for a number of days equal to your mythic tier. An undead creature struck by the ray gains 2d6 x 5 temporary hit points and a +2 profane bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws for 1 hour.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

If used for planar travel, you can increase the size of the gate by 5 feet per mythic tier, and the duration you can keep it open is increased by a number of rounds equal to your mythic tier. If you cease concentrating on the mythic gate, it stays open for a number of rounds equal to your mythic tier, though you can dismiss it as a standard action.

If used to call creatures, add your mythic tier to the total Hit Dice of non-mythic creatures you can call through the mythic gate. Alternatively, you can call one or more mythic creatures through the mythic gate, up to a total of 2 Hit Dice times your caster level. Mythic creatures that you call and attempt to control can make a Will save every round at the beginning of their turn to break free from your control.

Augmented (3rd): If you expend two uses of mythic power, you can keep open a mythic gate for planar travel for a number of minutes equal to your caster level plus your mythic tier.
Augmented (6th): If you expend three uses of mythic power, you can keep open a mythic gate for planar travel for a number of hours equal to your caster level plus your mythic tier.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

The damage dealt increases to 1d10 points of damage per level (maximum 20d10), and targets that fail their saves become fatigued with dehydration. Water elementals and plant creatures take 1d12 points of damage per level (maximum 20d12) and become exhausted on a failed save; on a successful save, they take half damage and become fatigued.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

The damage dealt increases to 1d6 damage every two caster levels to a maximum of 5d6, and 1d2 points of Constitution damage. A successful Fortitude save negates the Constitution damage.

As mythic lesser planar binding, but you can call one or more non-mythic outsiders or extraplanar creatures whose Hit Dice total no more than 12 plus half your mythic tier, or one or more mythic outsiders whose Hit Dice total 12 or less.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

As mythic lesser planar binding, but you can call one or more non-mythic outsiders or extraplanar creatures whose Hit Dice total no more than 18 plus your mythic tier, or one or more mythic outsiders whose Hit Dice total 18 or less.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

You can call a non-mythic outsider or extraplanar creature whose Hit Dice are up to 6 plus half your mythic tier. Alternatively, you can call a mythic outsider of 6 Hit Dice or less. You cannot call creatures with class levels or templates except for the celestial, entropic, fiendish, or resolute simple templates. Creatures to which you apply one of these templates are treated as having 1 Hit Die more than normal for the purpose of your Hit Die limit.

Add your mythic tier to the DC of Charisma checks a trapped creature uses to try to break free and on your opposed Charisma checks to negotiate for the creature’s service, as well as on caster level checks made to overcome a trapped creature’s spell resistance if it attempts to break free from your binding.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

Illumination in the area is dropped by three steps, to supernatural darkness, and all creatures in the area take 5d8 points of cold damage and 1d6 points of Dexterity drain. A successful save reduces the Dexterity drain to 1 point of Dexterity damage but does not reduce cold damage. Any creature in the area that does not move on its turn is encased in an icy prison but cannot breathe.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

The spell absorbs 20 points per level of energy damage of the selected type before being discharged. In addition, if the target of the spell is a mythic creature and takes damage of a different energy type than the type chosen when the spell was cast, it may spend one use of its mythic power as an immediate action to switch the energy type of the protection from energy spell to the type of energy used in that attack. This reduces the remaining damage-absorbing capacity of the protection form energy spell by 50%; this reduction is applied before applying the damage from the attack.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

The targets of this spell can attempt saving throws against spells that normally allow no save, though resistance bonuses to saving throws (including from this spell) do not apply to such saving throws. A successful saving throw halves any hit point damage, ability damage, ability drain, or negative levels; any other effects of the spell are negated.

Augmented: If you expend two uses of mythic power, choose one type of saving throw: Fortitude, Reflex, or Will. If a protected creature would normally suffer a reduced effect when it successfully saves against a spell requiring a save of that type, the spell has no effect instead.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

You deal 1d10 points of electricity damage per caster level (maximum 20d10), and creatures failing their save are stunned for 1 round and staggered for a number of rounds equal to one-half your mythic tier. In addition, creatures using metallic equipment take a penalty to their saving throw, as indicated below.

Metal buckler, light armor, light shield, weapon: -1
Metal heavy shield, medium armor, two-handed weapon: -2
Metal heavy armor: -4

These saving throw penalties overlap and do not stack; only the most severe applies. Mithral armor is treated as its actual armor type, not as armor one category lighter.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

The duration of this spell is increased by an amount equal to one-third your mythic tier (minimum 1 round). In addition, you can use this spell successfully on any creature that breathes, even if that creature breathes a substance other than air (such as aquatic creatures that breathe water). Creatures that do not need to breathe are still immune to this spell.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

This spell functions as mythic suffocation, but you can affect an additional number of targets equal to one-half your mythic tier, and the targets need not be within 30 feet of each other.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

The damage dealt increases to 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels. A subject that takes damage also suffers 1d4 points of Constitution damage.

Augmented (9th): If a creature dies from the damage, you gain a +1 profane bonus per four caster levels to attack and damage rolls for one round per caster level. By expending three uses of mythic power, any creature killed by this spell rises as a bloody bones (Bestiary 6) within 24 hours.

You may teleport willing creatures within 5 feet times your mythic tier, without needing to touch them. In addition, if you are within 1 mile per caster level of the destination, you can attempt to teleport into an area that is warded by a non-mythic effect that blocks teleportation, such as antimagic field, dimensional lock, or forbiddance by making a caster level check with a DC of 15 plus the caster level of the effect, adding your mythic tier to the caster level check.

Augmented: If you expend one additional use of mythic power, all targets of the spell can teleport back to their point of origin after a time interval you specify, up one round per mythic tier. Creatures that are dead at that point in time are not teleported back, nor are any items they carry.
Augmented (3rd): If you expend two uses of mythic power, you may teleport one additional willing creature of any size per 3 mythic tiers.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

The damage dealt is increased to 1d8 points of acid damage per 2 levels (maximum 12d8) each round, and the sickened condition persists for a number of rounds equal to one-half your mythic tier even after you stop concentrating. Add your mythic tier to your caster level to determine the maximum duration you can concentrate on this spell.

Augmented: Each round you maintain concentration on this spell, you can expend an additional use of your mythic power at the beginning of your turn to switch to a new target. If the new target has spell resistance and you fail to overcome it, the spell ends. You can switch targets multiple times as long as you continue concentrating, up to the maximum duration allowed by the spell.
Augmented (6th): If you expend two uses of mythic power, the damage dealt is increased to 1d10 points of acid damage per 2 levels (maximum 12d10), and you bypass acid resistance or acid immunity, as well as immunity to bleed effects.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

The damage dealt increases to 15 points of per level of the caster, and creatures failing their save are permanently deafened and cower in fear for at least 1 round. Cowering creatures can save again each round at the end of their turn to recover from cowering. Creatures that succeed on their saving throw are deafened and shaken for a number of rounds equal to your mythic tier. Creatures deafened by this spell can still hear (and be affected by) this spell or the wail of an actual banshee.

Augmented (9th): If you expend two uses of mythic power, you can make a caster level check to dispel all magical silence effects in the area, as well as any spell effects that grant protection against or immunity to death effects or fear effects. This includes effects that provide saving throw bonuses that apply specifically against death and fear effects, but not save bonuses that apply against all effects. Any effects that are dispelled provide no protection against the mythic wail of the banshee.

Source: Mythic Spell Compendium. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games; Authors Jonathan H. Keith, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Nelson, Mike D. Welham

Edited by - LordofBones on 18 Feb 2018 15:45:15
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Posted - 16 Feb 2018 :  15:14:09  Show Profile Send LordofBones a Private Message  Reply with Quote

24,000 gp
Slot —; CL 11th; Weight 1 lb.
Aura moderate necromancy and transmutation

Upon animation, this serpent begins to uncoil, growing to the size of a king cobra. Once fully grown, the cobra remains in the owner’s square and follows him, moving as he moves. The cobra has a base land speed of 40 feet, has a climb speed and swim speed of 20 feet, and automatically endeavours to reach the square of its owner once activated. Each round, the cobra can be instructed to attack a single creature within 15 feet that the owner designates. The cobra has a reach of 15 feet and makes attacks of opportunity against any character approaching the figurine’s owner unless specifically ordered not to. The cobra figurine can make 10 attacks of opportunity each round. The cobra draws upon the owner’s strength and can occupy his square without impeding his movements or actions. So long as the cobra shares its owner’s square, both creatures gain cover against melee and ranged attacks.

The cobra has AC 14 and hit points equal to 1/2 the owner’s hp total, and it uses the owner’s base attack bonus + 6 to determine its attack bonus. On a successful hit, it deals 1d4 points of damage and poisons the target.

Bite—injury; save Fort DC 18; frequency 1 round/6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dex damage, and if the target’s Dex is reduced to 0, he becomes a brass statue, gaining the petrified condition (a stone to flesh spell reverses this effect, as does break enchantment or more powerful magic); cure 1 save

The brass cobra can be used for 10 minutes each week, which need not be spent consecutively but must be spent in 1-minute intervals.

Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, poison; Cost 12,000 gp

Source: Weekly Wonders: New Figurines of Wondrous Power. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest.

7,500 gp
Slot hands; CL 5th; Weight
Aura faint universal

These brightly-colored satin gloves are carefully embroidered with runes that have been delicately stitched into the underside of each fingertip. The runes glow with a very faint light whenever the wearer casts a spell with somatic components, as they correct for any minor errors in the wearer’s hand gestures. As long as the gloves are worn, any arcane spell failure the wearer suffers as a result of somatic components (such as that imposed by wearing armor) is reduced by 10%.

Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, crafter must have the Still Spell feat; Cost 3,750 gp

Source: The Ebon Vault – Grand Gloves. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback, Justin Holloway.

200,000 gp
Slot —; CL 15th; Weight 10 lbs.
Aura strong transmutation

This figurine of wondrous power is significantly larger than the rest, being the size of human head, and resembles a mighty dragon encrusted in jewels. When the figurine is called upon, its user must specify a type of true dragon. The figurine then transforms into a true dragon of the chosen type, whose age category places it at CR 15, or as close as possible to CR 15 without going over. The dragon obeys the character that animated it only if that character’s alignment has at least one element in common with the dragon. For such a character, the dragon obeys any command spoken in Draconic. Saving throw DCs are based on the dragon’s normal Hit Dice and ability score modifiers. Additionally, the dragon’s natural attacks and breath weapons ignore the hardness of nonmagical objects.

The dragons conjured forth from this figurine can be animated for up to 24 hours each year. This time need not be consecutive, but must be spent in 1-hour increments.

Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, form of the dragon III; Cost 100,000 gp

Source: Weekly Wonders: New Figurines of Wondrous Power. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest.

LARLOCH’S SCEPTER [Minor Artifact]
Price -;
Slot -; CL 17th; Weight 4 lb.
Aura strong varied

Larloch’s scepter is a solid adamantine rod four feet in length, capped with a dragon’s head wrought in gold with precious gems for eyes. This +5 light mace of disruption confers its enhancement bonus to the base values of the wielder’s Arcane Blast and Arcane Shield abilities. Additionally, it has all the powers of a rod of spell-sundering.

236,000 gp;
Slot -; CL 17th; Weight 5 lb.
Aura strong abjuration

These staves are made of adamantine, topped with a perfectly spherical diamond at one end. The length of the staff is engraved with arcane runes of defense and protection. A master abjurer’s staff is rarely found outside the hands of a very powerful master of abjuration. A master abjurer’s staff can hold up to 12 charges.

Unlike most staves, a master abjurer’s staff can change the spells it holds. The staff can hold up to nine spells, though it cannot hold more than a single spell of any given spell level. Each of these spells must be from the abjuration school. Each day, when preparing spells, the staff's wielder can choose to store an appropriate spell he knows in the staff, replacing any other spells of the same level that the staff may be storing. This does not require the expenditure of spell slots, and does not restore any charges to the staff. Casting a spell from the staff consumes a number of charges equal to 1/3 the spell's level, rounded up.

Finally, as long as he is holding the staff, the DCs of all spells of the abjuration school the staff's wielder casts are increased by 1 (this stacks with Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus).

Construction Requirements Craft Staff, Greater Spell Focus (abjuration), mordenkainen’s lucubration; Cost 118,000 gp

Source: The Ebon Vault – Secrets of the Staff. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback, Justin Holloway.

235,000 gp;
Slot -; CL 17th; Weight 5 lb.
Aura strong conjuration

These staves are made of polished wood from an ancient tree - usually oak or darkwood - and topped with an egg-shaped emerald, set into the staff as though held by a claw of silver or gold. The length of the staff is engraved with arcane runes of summoning and creation. A master conjurer’s staff is rarely found outside the hands of a very powerful master of conjuration. A master conjurer’s staff can hold up to 12 charges.

Unlike most staves, a master conjurer’s staff can change the spells it holds. The staff can hold up to nine spells, though it cannot hold more than a single spell of any given spell level. Each of these spells must be from the conjuration school. Each day, when preparing spells, the staff's wielder can choose to store an appropriate spell he knows in the staff, replacing any other spells of the same level that the staff may be storing. This does not require the expenditure of spell slots, and does not restore any charges to the staff. Casting a spell from the staff consumes a number of charges equal to 1/3 the spell's level, rounded up.

Finally, as long as he is holding the staff, the DCs of all spells of the conjuration school the staff's wielder casts are increased by 1 (this stacks with Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus).

Construction Requirements Craft Staff, Greater Spell Focus (conjuration), mordenkainen’s lucubration; Cost 117,500 gp

Source: The Ebon Vault – Secrets of the Staff. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback, Justin Holloway.

240,000 gp;
Slot -; CL 17th; Weight 5 lb.
Aura strong divination

These staves are made of finely-polished silver, topped with a vertical silver mirror roughly six inches tall, which can be used for scrying. The length of the staff is engraved with arcane runes of knowledge and learning. A master diviner’s staff is rarely found outside the hands of a very powerful master of divination. A master diviner’s staff can hold up to 12 charges.

Unlike most staves, a master diviner’s staff can change the spells it holds. The staff can hold up to nine spells, though it cannot hold more than a single spell of any given spell level. Each of these spells must be from the divination school. Each day, when preparing spells, the staff's wielder can choose to store an appropriate spell he knows in the staff, replacing any other spells of the same level that the staff may be storing. This does not require the expenditure of spell slots, and does not restore any charges to the staff. Casting a spell from the staff consumes a number of charges equal to 1/3 the spell's level, rounded up.

Finally, as long as he is holding the staff, the DCs of all spells of the divination school the staff's wielder casts are increased by 1 (this stacks with Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus).

Construction Requirements Craft Staff, Greater Spell Focus (divination), mordenkainen’s lucubration; Cost 117,500 gp

Source: The Ebon Vault – Secrets of the Staff. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback, Justin Holloway.

250,000 gp;
Slot -; CL 17th; Weight 5 lb.
Aura strong enchantment

These staves are made of pure gold. Topped with a large piece of amethyst carved in the shape of an eagle or another majestic animal. The length of the staff is engraved with arcane runes of beguilement and persuasion. A master enchanter’s staff is rarely found outside the hands of a powerful master of enchantment. A master enchanter’s staff can hold up to 12 charges.

Unlike most staves, a master enchanter’s staff can change the spells it holds. The staff can hold up to nine spells, though it cannot hold more than a single spell of any given spell level. Each of these spells must be from the enchantment school. Each day, when preparing spells, the staff's wielder can choose to store an appropriate spell he knows in the staff, replacing any other spells of the same level that the staff may be storing. This does not require the expenditure of spell slots, and does not restore any charges to the staff. Casting a spell from the staff consumes a number of charges equal to 1/3 the spell's level, rounded up.

Finally, as long as he is holding the staff, the DCs of all spells of the enchantment school the staff's wielder casts are increased by 1 (this stacks with Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus).

Construction Requirements Craft Staff, Greater Spell Focus (enchantment), mordenkainen’s lucubration; Cost 125,000 gp

Source: The Ebon Vault – Secrets of the Staff. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback, Justin Holloway.

235,000 gp;
Slot -; CL 17th; Weight 5 lb.
Aura strong evocation

These staves are made of polished copper, and topped by a glass sphere, which sheds light like a torch and is filled with crackling magical energies: usually fire or lightning. The length of the staff is engraved with arcane runes of power and energy. A master evoker’s staff is rarely found outside the hands of a very powerful master of evocation. A master evoker’s staff can hold up to 12 charges.

Unlike most staves, a master evoker’s staff can change the spells it holds. The staff can hold up to nine spells, though it cannot hold more than a single spell of any given spell level. Each of these spells must be from the evocation school. Each day, when preparing spells, the staff's wielder can choose to store an appropriate spell he knows in the staff, replacing any other spells of the same level that the staff may be storing. This does not require the expenditure of spell slots, and does not restore any charges to the staff. Casting a spell from the staff consumes a number of charges equal to 1/3 the spell's level, rounded up.

Finally, as long as he is holding the staff, the DCs of all spells of the evocation school the staff's wielder casts are increased by 1 (this stacks with Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus).

Construction Requirements Craft Staff, Greater Spell Focus (evocation), mordenkainen’s lucubration; Cost 117,500 gp

Source: The Ebon Vault – Secrets of the Staff. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback, Justin Holloway.

240,000 gp;
Slot -; CL 17th; Weight 5 lb.
Aura strong illusion

These staves are typically unassuming in appearance, made of gnarled, bleached wood, and topped with a plain orb of colored glass. The length of the staff is engraved with arcane runes of deception and trickery. A master illusionist’s staff is rarely found outside the hands of a very powerful master of illusion. A master illusionist’s staff can hold up to 12 charges.

Unlike most staves, a master illusionist’s staff can change the spells it holds. The staff can hold up to nine spells, though it cannot hold more than a single spell of any given spell level. Each of these spells must be from the illusion school. Each day, when preparing spells, the staff's wielder can choose to store an appropriate spell he knows in the staff, replacing any other spells of the same level that the staff may be storing. This does not require the expenditure of spell slots, and does not restore any charges to the staff. Casting a spell from the staff consumes a number of charges equal to 1/3 the spell's level, rounded up.

Finally, as long as he is holding the staff, the DCs of all spells of the illusion school the staff's wielder casts are increased by 1 (this stacks with Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus).

Construction Requirements Craft Staff, Greater Spell Focus (illusion), mordenkainen’s lucubration; Cost 120,000 gp

Source: The Ebon Vault – Secrets of the Staff. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback, Justin Holloway.

160,000 gp;
Slot ring; CL 17th; Weight -
Aura strong necromancy

These rings are made of bone, and are decorated with one or more pieces of precious black stone (typically ebony) carved in the shape of skulls. In some cases, other gems, like small rubies or emeralds are set in the eye sockets of these skulls. The rings are highly prized amongst necromancers, and generally a given master necromancer’s ring only changes hands after its previous owner has been murdered – often specifically for the ring in question.

Non-intelligent undead will not attack the bearer of the ring unless he attacks them first, and even intelligent undead must succeed on a Will save (DC 23) in order to take any hostile action against the wearer unless he does so first. Further, those undead (intelligent or otherwise) that do attack the wearer suffer a -4 penalty to their attack rolls, and the wearer of the ring gains a +4 bonus to saving throws made to resist the abilities of undead creatures.

In addition, the number of Hit Dice of undead creatures the wearer can control with animate dead and similar spells is increased to 8 per caster level, and if the wearer has the Command Undead feat, or similar, the number of Hit Dice of undead creatures he can control is increased to four times his effective cleric level.

Finally, the master necromancer’s ring grants access to a number of necromancy spells, as outlined below:

Animate dead (1/day)
Chill touch (at will)
Energy drain (1/day)
Magic jar (1/day, ring’s gem serves as the focus)
Vampiric touch (3/day)

Construction Requirements Forge Ring, animate dead, chill touch, control undead, energy drain, hide from undead, magic jar, vampiric touch; Cost 80,000 gp

Source: The Ebon Vault – Power of the Ring. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback, Justin Holloway.

245,000 gp;
Slot -; CL 17th; Weight 5 lb.
Aura strong necromancy

These staves are made of bone, often the spine of a large snake or similar creature, and topped with a piece of obsidian in the shape of a grinning skull. The length of the staff is engraved with arcane runes of death and destruction. A master necromancer’s staff is rarely found outside the hands of a very powerful master of necromancy. A master necromancer’s staff can hold up to 12 charges.

Unlike most staves, a master necromancer’s staff can change the spells it holds. The staff can hold up to nine spells, though it cannot hold more than a single spell of any given spell level. Each of these spells must be from the necromancy school. Each day, when preparing spells, the staff's wielder can choose to store an appropriate spell he knows in the staff, replacing any other spells of the same level that the staff may be storing. This does not require the expenditure of spell slots, and does not restore any charges to the staff. Casting a spell from the staff consumes a number of charges equal to 1/3 the spell's level, rounded up.

Finally, as long as he is holding the staff, the DCs of all spells of the necromancy school the staff's wielder casts are increased by 1 (this stacks with Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus).

Construction Requirements Craft Staff, Greater Spell Focus (necromancy), mordenkainen’s lucubration; Cost 122,500 gp

Source: The Ebon Vault – Secrets of the Staff. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback, Justin Holloway.

240,000 gp;
Slot -; CL 17th; Weight 5 lb.
Aura strong transmutation

These staves are made of iron, and topped with a glass orb filled with quicksilver. The length of the staff is engraved with arcane runes of transformation and enhancement. A master transmuter’s staff is rarely found outside the hands of a very powerful master of transmutation. A master transmuter’s staff can hold up to 12 charges.

Unlike most staves, a master transmuter’s staff can change the spells it holds. The staff can hold up to nine spells, though it cannot hold more than a single spell of any given spell level. Each of these spells must be from the transmutation school. Each day, when preparing spells, the staff's wielder can choose to store an appropriate spell he knows in the staff, replacing any other spells of the same level that the staff may be storing. This does not require the expenditure of spell slots, and does not restore any charges to the staff. Casting a spell from the staff consumes a number of charges equal to 1/3 the spell's level, rounded up.

Finally, as long as he is holding the staff, the DCs of all spells of the transmutation school the staff's wielder casts are increased by 1 (this stacks with Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus).

Construction Requirements Craft Staff, Greater Spell Focus (transmutation), mordenkainen’s lucubration; Cost 120,000 gp

Source: The Ebon Vault – Secrets of the Staff. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback, Justin Holloway.

46,000 gp;
Slot -; CL 8th; Weight 4 lb.
Aura moderate evocation

This hexagonal rod of black basalt is shot through with tiny cracks glowing with orange light and radiates intense heat that burns any non-mythic creature wielding it for 1d4 points of fire damage per round. The rod can be wielded as a +1 flaming light mace, and the wielder can dispel spells with the cold descriptor once per day (as per dispel magic) by touching the rod to the spell effect. A mythic wielder can use this ability more than once per day by expending one use of her mythic power per use after the first, and may also expend two uses of her mythic power as an immediate action to use this ability to counterspell a spell with the cold descriptor.

The wielder also can create an ash storm and a volcanic storm once per day each and can see normally through the ash and smoke created by these effects. A mythic wielder can see and breathe normally in any kind of smoky conditions, including those created by pyrotechnics or a nightmare’s breath, and can use the mythic version of ash storm or volcanic storm by expending one use of mythic power.

In addition, once per day when the wielder creates a fire effect while wielding a pyroclastic rod, she can cause the effect’s flame to manifest as clinging magma. A creature failing its saving throw against the effect takes full damage on the first round, half damage on the following round, and is also entangled until the end of its next turn. If the wielder expends one use of mythic power while activating this ability, the entangled condition lasts a number of rounds equal to one-half the wielder’s mythic tier (minimum 1), and the fire damage is halved again each round after the first, ending when the entangled condition ends. If the target takes at least 10 points of cold damage, the magma is immediately cooled and no longer deals fire damage, but the solidified magma entangles the creature (and causes it to become stuck an adjacent surface on which it is standing or climbing) as a tanglefoot bag for 2d4 rounds.

Construction Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, Mythic Crafter, ash storm, fireball, volcanic storm, wall of lava; Cost 23,000 gp

Source: Mythic Hero’s Handbook. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games, Dreamscarred Press, Rogue Genius Games; Authors Robert Brookes, Eric Hindley, Jonathan H. Keith, Jeff Lee, Jason Nelson, Marc Radle, Alistair J. Rigg, Andreas Rönnqvist, Tork Shaw, Jeremy Smith, Owen K.C. Stephens.

Price -
Slot body; CL 40th; Weight 7 lb.
Aura strong varied

The arcanists were the lords and masters of ancient Netheril, and the mightiest fashioned several mighty artifacts as symbols of their power. Every enclave had a set of these ornate robes, each unique to the arcanist who made them. While almost all were lost during the fall of Netheril, the return of Shade, curious treasure seekers and the few adventurers fortunate enough to have parleyed with the ancient lich Larloch have seen the resurfacing of these garments. Possessing various benefits that would leave even the Chosen of Mystra seething in envy, the Shadowking’s own regalia of the High Arcanist is itself still as pristine as the day Larloch himself wove it from the raw fabric of the Weave itself.

Hood: The regalia’s heavy-browed hood functions as a headband of mental superiority +12 and protects the wearer with a constant mind blank. This takes up the head slot.
Vestment: The regalia’s floor-length vestment is embroidered with symbols. 3/day, the wearer can generate any mythic symbol spell at his caster level and DC without expending mythic power. This takes up the chest slot.
Cloak: Often woven and arranged to appear as the folded wings of a dragon, insect, celestial or fiend, the cloak provides a +6 insight bonus to saving throws, permanent freedom of movement, and additionally allows the wearer to fly at his land speed with perfect maneuverability or become ethereal using his own caster level. This takes up the shoulder slot.
Vambraces: These armguards grant a +4 bonus to melee and ranged attack and damage rolls with spells. Additionally, 6/day they may be used as a greater rod of metamagic for any of the wearer’s spells using the wearer’s own known metamagic feats. This takes up the wrist slot.
Robes: These regal robes grant a +20 armor bonus to AC, a +10 resistance bonus to saving throws, a +4 bonus to the wearer’s arcane caster level, and a +2 bonus to the DCs of the wearer’s spells. Additionally, all Intelligence-based skill checks gain a +6 bonus. This takes up the body slot.

40,000 gp;
Slot ring; CL 17th; Weight -
Aura strong enchantment

These iron bands feature engravings depicting the four elements, and typically have four gems inset in them: a ruby, a sapphire, an emerald, and a diamond. The rings are universally hated by all of genie-kind, and anyone who makes a name for herself crafting or using these rings can expect to be the target of assassination attempts from all four elemental planes.

Once per day, the ring’s wearer can attempt to gain control of a single genie within 60 feet, as though with the spell dominate monster (DC 23), and three times per day she can attempt to compel a single genie within 60 feet as though with the spell suggestion (DC 17). Finally, once per week, the ring’s wearer can attempt to conjure a genie from its home plane. This functions as planar binding (DC 20).

Construction Requirements Forge Ring, dominate monster, planar binding, suggestion; Cost 20,000 gp

Source: The Ebon Vault – Glittering Rings. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.

160,000 gp;
Slot body; CL 11th; Weight 1 lb.
Aura moderate divination

This functions as a robe of eyes, but the wearer is not blinded by light, continual flame, or daylight spells. Additionally, by expending a use of mythic power, she can create a buffer between the sight granted by the robe and her own vision for one minute. This allows her to close her eyes to protect herself from gaze attacks (or similar effects), and still be able to see perfectly. While using this ability, she is not subject to any such gaze attacks, or similar visually dependent effects, despite her ability to see normally. Finally, by expending a single use of mythic power as a standard action, she can gain the ability to see through solid surfaces, as though with a ring of x-ray vision, for one minute (this ability does not result in Constitution damage, however, even if used more than 10 times in a single day).

Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, true seeing, mythic rank 5; Cost 80,000 gp

Source: Mythic Mastery – Mythic Wondrous Items Volume 1. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.

200,000 gp;
Slot body; CL 20th; Weight 1 lb.
Aura strong varied

Robes such as these were once worn by the senior arcanists of the Netherese enclave of Jiksidur. The secrets of crafting these imposing, imperious garments are known to very few living and undead wizards, although certain survivors of Netheril have been known to part with the knowledge of creating these powerful robes…for a price, of course.

It is claimed that a robe of Jiksidur provides its wearer with continuous defensive bonuses equivalent to the most potent bracers of armor (+8 armor bonus to AC) and cloak of resistance (+5 resistance bonus on saving throws). It is also said that the robe provides its wearer with the continuous ability to overcome the magical defenses of her enemies (+2 enhancement bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance), and that it allows him to recall up to three arcane spells that he had previously prepared and cast (as a pearl of power, except that it can be used for any spell up to 9th level and activating it requires only a swift action).

Finally, it is suggested, the wearer of a robe of Jiksidur could expend a prepared arcane spell or spell slot to heal himself of damage equal to five times the level of the spell so expended. This act requires but a moment’s thought (a swift action), and can be repeated as often as desired throughout the day.

Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, wish; Cost 100,000 gp

120,000 gp;
Slot body; CL 14th; Weight 1 lb.
Aura strong varied

This functions as a robe of the archmagi, except that the armor bonus increases to +6, the spell resistance increases to 20, and the enhancement bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance increases by +4. Additionally, the wearer can expend a single use of mythic power at any time as a swift action in order to gain one of the following benefits: increase the armor bonus to AC to +8 for one minute, increase the spell resistance granted by the robe to 26 for one minute, increase the resistance bonus to saving throws to +6 for one minute, or increase the enhancement bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance to +8 for the next spell that the wearer casts within the next minute.

Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, antimagic field, mage armor or shield of faith, creator must be of same alignment as robe, mythic rank 4; Cost 60,000 gp

Source: Mythic Mastery – Mythic Wondrous Items Volume 1. Copyright Necromancers of the Northwest; Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.

22,000 gp
Slot -; CL 6th; Weight 3 lbs.
Aura moderate universal

This crystalline rod is graven with magical runes representing the eight schools of magic and the four primal energy types of acid, cold, electricity, and fire, and it aids in focusing magical energies of the school or energy to which it is attuned. Attuning the rod is a full-round action that requires expending one use of mythic power and casting any spell of the desired school, causing the rune corresponding to its school of magic or type of energy to glow faintly. The spell is absorbed by the rod of spell focusing and has no other effect, but the wielder of the rod is treated as if she possessed either the Elemental Focus feat for that type of energy or the Spell Focus feat for that school of magic. This choice is made when the spell is cast into the rod and cannot be changed later, though a new spell can be cast into the rod of spell focusing at any time. If the wielder is a mythic creature and possesses the same Elemental Focus or Spell Focus feat, she instead is treated as if she had the Mythic Elemental Focus or Mythic Spell Focus feat, as appropriate.

The wielder can use detect magic at will, though this detects only magic of the rod’s attuned school or element. Expending one use of mythic power allows the wielder to gain arcane sight for 1 hour, though it is likewise limited to the rod’s attuned school or energy, or to creatures able to use arcane spells or spell-like abilities of that school or energy type.

Construction Requirements Craft Rod, Elemental Focus, Spell Focus, arcane sight; Cost 11,000 gp

Source: Mythic Hero’s Handbook. Copyright 2015, Legendary Games, Dreamscarred Press, Rogue Genius Games; Authors Robert Brookes, Eric Hindley, Jonathan H. Keith, Jeff Lee, Jason Nelson, Marc Radle, Alistair J. Rigg, Andreas Rönnqvist, Tork Shaw, Jeremy Smith, Owen K.C. Stephens.

Price -;
Slot -; CL 30th; Weight 5 lb.
Aura strong varied

Carved from some unknown extraplanar wood, shod with adamantine on one end, filigreed with gold and bearing the likeness of a winged dragon clutching a glowing gemstone in the shape of an orb, the staff of the archwizard differs from normal staves. It possesses 100 charges and the wielder can cast any spell he has prepared by expending charges from the staff instead of his spell slots. For every three spell levels, he can expend one charge; for example, he can cast a 6th level spell by expending two charges, or an 8th level spell by expending three charges. He must expend an extra charge if the spell he casts is one he knows but is not one he has prepared.

The wielder can also draw out the charges of the staff to augment himself; for every five charges he draws, he gains a +1 bonus to his Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft skills and for every ten charges he draws he gains a +1 bonus to his effective caster level and spell DC for all caster level-related variables.

Edited by - LordofBones on 16 Feb 2018 15:19:14
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Master of Realmslore

1527 Posts

Posted - 16 Feb 2018 :  15:47:29  Show Profile Send LordofBones a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Incantatrix Conversion

The Incantatrix has the following adjustments when used in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks.
Feats Iron Will, any two metamagic feats
Spellcasting Able to cast 3rd-level arcane spells.
Special The candidate cannot have abjuration as an opposed school, or must have the Opposition Research (abjuration) arcane discovery or have abjuration selected with the Harmonious Mage mythic path ability if abjuration is an opposed school.
Class Skills Remove Concentration. Add Appraise and Linguistics.

The Pathfinder Incantatrix replaces the Improved Metamagic ability gained at 10th level with the following:

Metamagic Perfection (Ex) At 10th level, you have mastered metamagic to such an extent that whenever you cast a spell that has been altered by a metamagic feat, you gain a bonus to the spell’s caster level and spell save DC equal to one-half the feat’s base spell level increase, with a minimum value of +1. For example, if you cast a quickened fireball, you gain a +2 bonus to the spell’s caster level and DC, since Quicken Spell increases the spell level by +4.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 16 Feb 2018 :  16:55:15  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote


"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 16 Feb 2018 :  18:34:48  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
"Sever from the Weave" seems WAY OP for level 6

SIX level 21 spells?. I mean, what would those be? "Sunder Planet"? I can see lev.10 because he's Netherese, but anything over that is just insane.

I like it, but he's basically a God, so...

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 16 Feb 2018 18:35:34
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Master of Realmslore

1527 Posts

Posted - 17 Feb 2018 :  02:44:16  Show Profile Send LordofBones a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Level 10+ spell slots are there to be filled with metamagicked lower level spells. It's the same as in 3.5e.
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 17 Feb 2018 :  05:06:20  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ah, gotcha. I haven't played 3e in so long I forgot all about Metamagic.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 18 Feb 2018 :  05:45:36  Show Profile Send LordofBones a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just an FYI, larloch's spellbane is aroden's spellbane. Aroden doesn't exist in the Realms.

Likewise, unique spells from other sources have been converted to their most likely Greyhawk and Realms equivalents. I'm also looking at converting some old 2e spells, but ringweave and the like are kind of niche. Why is ringweave even a 9th level spell? Likewise, the simbul's spell supremacy has no business being a 7th level spell, so I've bumped it up to 9th.
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Lord Karsus
Great Reader

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Posted - 18 Feb 2018 :  06:44:53  Show Profile Send Lord Karsus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
-Lol, a +31 initiative.

-Might as well photoshop Larloch's head on Vince's body.

(A Tri-Partite Arcanist Who Has Forgotten More Than Most Will Ever Know)

Elves of Faerûn
Vol I- The Elves of Faerûn
Vol. III- Spells of the Elves
Vol. VI- Mechanical Compendium
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 18 Feb 2018 :  07:11:50  Show Profile Send LordofBones a Private Message  Reply with Quote
+4 Improved + 10 mythic improved + 10 tier + 7 Dex = +31. That's nothing new with mythic characters.
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Matrix Sorcica

89 Posts

Posted - 18 Feb 2018 :  17:39:23  Show Profile Send Matrix Sorcica a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That 3rd party Archwizard class seems horrifically broken and overpowered. I'm very impressed by your work here, however using only Paizo material would make it look more 'legal', imo.
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Scots Dragon

United Kingdom
88 Posts

Posted - 18 Feb 2018 :  18:03:26  Show Profile Send Scots Dragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Matrix Sorcica

That 3rd party Archwizard class seems horrifically broken and overpowered. I'm very impressed by your work here, however using only Paizo material would make it look more 'legal', imo.

It basically just looks like an updated version of the archmage prestige class, only providing the abilities automatically without need for selecting them, and staggering them over ten levels.
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Master of Realmslore

1527 Posts

Posted - 18 Feb 2018 :  18:10:12  Show Profile Send LordofBones a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Matrix Sorcica

That 3rd party Archwizard class seems horrifically broken and overpowered. I'm very impressed by your work here, however using only Paizo material would make it look more 'legal', imo.

I figured that since it's Larloch, I'm allowed a little leeway. I generally find that 3rd party spells and items (Rite Publishing and Necromancers of the Northwest, especially) help in customizing and fleshing out NPCs; these super-ancient archmagi are of course going to have all kinds of unique bling lying around.

Archwizard is the only thing I'm taking from FGG, as I wasn't too impressed with their spells.
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