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35 Posts |
Posted - 22 May 2017 : 22:47:44
Hello wise sages and keepers of wisdom
I have it in my head to run Ruins of Greyhawk. However, I have little knowledge of, nor desire to go to, Greyhawk setting. So, as Ilove the Realms I am going to attempt to put it in Faerun. I'm thinking that Sembia embodies the "Free City" aspect of teh Free City of Greyhawk.
What I need are good Realms substtutes for the deities involved and teh NPC's. Thanks
Great Reader
7989 Posts |
Posted - 23 May 2017 : 00:21:33
2E Ruins of Greyhawk and 3.5E Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk are entirely Greyhawk-centric. Spells, items, places, characters, personalities, histories, plots, Why Things Are The Way They Are and How They Got This Way, etc. Too huge and too intertangled with its surroundings to be taken apart, not at all an "isolated" dungeon/adventure.
I would suggest placing it somewhere within Halaster's Undermountain (near Waterdeep). Or perhaps the Citadel of the Raven (not too far from Sembia) if you don't have other lore for it. Or within Thay, mwoohahahaaa!
Translating deities and NPCs should be easy enough - just replace every Greyhawk spellcaster with a little lich and you're done, lol. But you'll need to explain how this massively magic-laden deathtrap suddenly came to be found in the Realms - or how it remained uninteresting, untouched, unexplored for so long - along with explanations about why power groups in the Realms (Zhentarim, Red Wizards, Cult of the Dragon, Cormyr, Mystra's Chosen, Harpers, etc) have taken no interest in the ruins so far, and why an amateur group of PC adventurers should be the first people qualified to venture within. |
[/Ayrik] |
Realms Explorer extraordinaire
15724 Posts |
Posted - 23 May 2017 : 01:54:36
Actually, NE Sembia (really a 'marches' type area mixed with the Dales and even Cormanthor) would work for Greyhawk. You could even possibly swap the city itself for Harrowdale. Nobody cares about Harrowdale.  Just mirror-it and it should work fine.
Years ago I ran the Temple of Elemental Evil right around where moander died (for the umpteenth time) in Cormanthor. Most of the GH adventures can shoe-horn nto the Dales/Cormanthor (The North works as well, but its more widespread with much political crap going on).
As for 'deity swaps', you could probably use whatever they did for the Savage Tide adventure path - our own Eric Boyd did the conversion. You could probably still download the conversion notes from the Paizo site (that should help give you an idea on how to convert a bunch of things, actually). There's an 'Age of Worms' one there that may also be useful. |
"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone
Edited by - Markustay on 23 May 2017 02:18:42 |
Master of Realmslore
1853 Posts |
Posted - 23 May 2017 : 02:05:50
I'm not going to disagree with Ayrik -- if you want to run a lore-heavy adventure/campaign it might be best to stick with the original stuff.
However, if you're not *quite* as concerned about preserving-lore-while-translating-to-FR, it should be fairly easy to come up with workable substitutes.
Offhand I can think of at least two magic-laden deathtraps which stand undisturbed in the Realms: Ahghairon's tower in Waterdeep (which might very well connect to Undermountain) and Ironfang Keep on the Moonsea. Oreme in Anaurock or the ruins of Okoth in Azulduth could also work, though they're pretty reptilian in the Realms.
Some first-glance thoughts on substituting deities: Beory -> Chauntea Boccob -> Mystra Celestian -> Selune, Shaundakul Ehlonna -> Mielikki Erythnul -> Bane Fharlanghn -> Shaundakul Heironeous -> Torm, Tyr Hextor -> Tempus Incabulos -> Shar, Talona Istus -> Tymora Kord -> Lathander Lendor -> Ilmater Nerull -> Bhaal, Myrkul Obad-hai -> Silvanus Olidammara -> Lliira, Bast Pelor -> Lathander Procan -> Valkur Ralishaz -> Beshaba Rao -> Eldath St Cuthbert -> Helm, Berronar Truesilver Tharizdun -> Entropy, Shar, Mask Trithereon -> Hoar Ulaa -> Dumathoin Wee Jas -> Myrkul Zilchus -> Waukeen, Abbathor
Main priority is to have fun.  |
Master of Realmslore
1565 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2017 : 04:56:15
A lot of those don't make sense.
Bane is a Lawful evil god of tyranny and harsh law, which puts him at odds with Erythnul, the CE god of slaughter. Hextor is analogous to Bane, not the CN Tempus. Wee Jas fits Azuth, and too a lesser extent, Velsharoon as well. Istus is straight up Savras. Kord fits Tempus too. Tharizdun has nothing to do with Mask, as one is the god of nihilism and the other a god of thieves. Boccob fits Azuth as well as Mystra, you could make arguments for Savras and Velsharoon too. |
Great Reader
2461 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2017 : 10:06:45
quote: Originally posted by LordofBones
A lot of those don't make sense.
That's quite common with shoehorning. |
People never wonder How the world goes round -Helloween And even I make no pretense Of having more than common sense -R.W.Wood It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo. -Ed Whitchurch |
Skilled Spell Strategist
11975 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2017 : 13:24:24
I'd agree that trying to "adapt" that particular module to FR is more work than its worth. Sometimes its just better to just come up with a similar plot but using the resources of the area to fill in the holes and not try to adapt someone else to fit a mold that they don't fit. Steal encounter ideas if you like. |
Alavairthae, may your skill prevail
Phillip aka Sleyvas |
Master of Realmslore
1853 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2017 : 15:50:47
quote: Originally posted by LordofBones
A lot of those don't make sense.
It's my opinion that gods, especially "greater" and "intermediate" gods though I don't have much use for that distinction, can have worshipers of any alignment. With heresies introduced in Power of Faerun, and even without game mechanics, it just makes sense that different sects will have different ways of interpreting what their god is about. Any god with more than one concept in its portfolio will have sects which weight those elements differently.
With that in mind, I feel portfolios are more relevant than alignments in picking substitutes. Your mileage may, obviously, vary.
I don't DM in Greyhawk, so I don't have all the campaign materials. I do have a card, entitled Powers of Greyhawk, from whichever TSR product was numbered 1064 -- probably From the Ashes since I know I purchased that box. The key for me is that portfolios (AoC) are listed.
I chose Bane as a substitute for Erythnul because this card lists Erythnul's AoC as "hate, envy,malice, panic." This seems like a good match for Bane's "strife, hatred, tyranny, fear" (3e campaign setting).
Hextor's entry on the card says "war, discord, massacres." Bane isn't a bad match, since discord = strife and the alignment matches, but I feel like war and massacres is more consistent with Tempus' "war, battle, warriors."
Wee Jas: "magic, death" doesn't suggest Azuth to me. Rather, it suggests a bizarre blend of Mystra and Myrkul. Spelling similarities aside, those two Realms deities are not compatible. Wee Jas is just a strange deity, from a FR perspective. I picked Myrkul because it seems more plausible that a cult of Myrkul would venerate him as a deity of magic in addition to death, rather than a church of Mystra worshiping her as death in addition to magic. Velsharoon is an interesting alternative, but (mea culpa) I didn't think about him.
Istus: There's a compelling case for Savras. I went with Tymora, but I don't have a compelling argument for her -- Savras "feels" very passive and a bit negative, with the divination of destiny, predetermination, and inescapable fate, whereas Tymora is more about making your own destiny.
Kord: "athletics, sport, brawling" doesn't mesh well with Tempus' "war, battle, and warriors." It's not a *perfect* match for the "youth, vitality, athletics" part of Lathander's portfolio either, but it's a nicer fit for me. Still, I should have included Tempus on the line; my bad.
Tharizdun: "eternal darkness, decay." I can understand your objection to Mask, since his portfolio in 3e is "thieves, thievery, shadows", but Mask's evil alignment means that in many campaigns he's really only a god of thieves for NPC thieves. Personally, I would much prefer to see a CN patron of rogues rather than a NE one, for this very reason, but I didn't cobble the pantheon together and I trust Ed's vision. Anyway, the consequence is that in my estimation Mask is really about darkness rather than thieves, and that puts him on the menu of replacements for Tharizdun. Entropy would be my first choice, but it's likely that not all DMs recognize that as a deity in their own campaigns, so I included Shar whose "dark, night, loss, forgetfulness, unrevealed secrets" is still a much better match for Tharizdun than Mask would be. Moander could also be a good substitute, now that I think about the FR gods again.
Boccob: I thought about Azuth, but eliminated him because he's a god of *casters* rather than magic itself, which makes him (and the others you mention) distinctly less of a match to Boccob's "magic, arcane knowledge" than Mystra.
As noted, these are just my picks, based on my take on the FR pantheon. Since I haven't played GH since 1st edition, and I've never DM'd it, I don't really have a take on the GH pantheon. I tried to acknowledge subjectivity by pointing out that fun is the big objective, meaning go with whatever works for you. Matching the details exactly is less important than prompting players to come back for more.
Swords (or wands, I don't judge) high! |
Realms Explorer extraordinaire
15724 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2017 : 17:03:31
Tharizdun = Elder Elemental Eye = Ghaunadaur (= Shothragot, etc)
Hextor is definitely GH's 'Bane'
Wee Jas is actually closer to Mystra, or rather, Mystryl. The two were 'bestest buds' until after the ToT (according to some PS source, Wee Jas doesn't seem to associate the new Mystra 2.0 {Midnight} with her former friend, and is VERY upset about it).
Despite power levels, I'd say Boccob is Azuth - better fit. Kord doesn't actually have a good FR equivalent, hence why I allowed my son to run a priest of Kord in my FR campaigns (he used the 3e PHB to create his character, and got Kord from there, and no FR deity had those same portfolios). So if it was me, thats one I would just leave the same and say Kord has a presence in The Realms (albeit a very small one). |
"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone
Edited by - Markustay on 25 May 2017 17:05:28 |
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