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Green Elven Vampire
11 Posts |
Posted - 18 May 2017 : 21:56:38
Let's say that a very powerful elven Spellcaster back in the days of the first Crown Wars created two powerful twin Luck Blades. One of them is a Elven Longsword with the weight properties of a Elven Thin Blade and the second is a Elven Shortsword with the weight properties of a Elven Light Blade. Both are Luck Blades with 3 Wishes. Disregarding the Wish properties that have never been evoked in either sword, I would like to know if you still gain the Luck properties of both. With a Luck Blade you gain a single re-roll with any roll you may have during a single day. So I'm asking... with twin Luck Blades made by the same Elven Spellcaster, does the wielder of both blades get an extra Luck re-roll, per blade a day or no? So if you wield two Luck Blades, do you get two re-rolls a day or just choose which blade you make 1 re-roll with?
Thank you in advance. CEV
Luthnimh Selorn: Green Elven Vampire; Ranger/Arcane Archer/Sorcerer/Bladesinger.
"Aww, you think my arrow hurt? Would that my sword in your lung make you feel better? If not, maybe i'd tickle you with a Ball of Lightning spell. Or perhaps just sink my fangs into your neck and drain you of blood?"~~ Luthnimh Selorn; speaking to the weretiger Kyrran Graylord.
Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36863 Posts |
Posted - 19 May 2017 : 04:19:39
Keep in mind that I'm not strong on the rules...
But I'd say that it wouldn't matter if the blades were twins or if they were made 10000 years apart -- the possession of one shouldn't affect the possession of another. So you'd get the full effects of each blade.
Now, with the backstory of them being made by the same wizard... Make them unique. Do the regular powers, add some minor power to each individual blade (one has one power, the other has another power), and then make it so that if you have both, you get a third power and maybe an extra re-roll above and beyond the ones from each blade.
(Though I think it unlikely that blades that old would still have the full complement of wishes -- I'd go no more than 1 wish each. For more exoticness, have it so that the blades can recharge each other, but only given close proximity over a long period of time -- years, at the least, to regain a single wish) |
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!  |
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7989 Posts |
Posted - 19 May 2017 : 05:11:47
SRD: Luck Blade Luck Blade: This +2 short sword gives its possessor a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. Its possessor also gains the power of good fortune, usable once per day. This extraordinary ability allows its possessor to reroll one roll that she just made. She must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll. In addition, a luck blade may contain up to three wishes (when randomly rolled, a luck blade holds 1d4–1 wishes, minimum 0). When the last wish is used, the sword remains a +2 short sword, still grants the +1 luck bonus, and still grants its reroll power.
open5e: Luck Blade You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. While the sword is on your person, you also gain a +1 bonus to saving throws.
Luck. If the sword is on your person, you can call on its luck (no action required) to reroll one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw you dislike. You must use the second roll. This property can’t be used again until the next dawn.
You also might find this scroll interesting.
The possessor always gains +1 luck bonus (on all saving throws). The possessor always gains the extraordinary ability/power of good fortune, usable once per day. No action required (aside from declaring intent to the DM, invoking Tymora, speaking a command word/phrase, whatever).
A Luck Blade doesn't need to be wielded; merely possessed, owned and worn/carried "on your person".
The DM could rule that multiple Luck items (Luck Blades, Luck Stones, etc) have cumulative affects. The possessor of two Luck Blades could call on good fortune once per blade (twice total) each day. OR The DM could rule that any number of Luck items provides the same affect as a single Luck item: a "lucky" character is already lucky, and luck is an intangible property that can't be measured, regardless whether one or two or twenty Luck items are possessed.
(I would prefer the second approach, since "a little luck" is always helpful but "too much luck" is capable of breaking game balance. The game mechanics already use dice to simulate randomness, and high/low rolls are already influenced by "luck". I don't think magical "Luck" should outweigh raw skills and stats, I don't think any amount of magical "Luck" should allow predictable outcomes from "random" events, remove all chance of failure, assure full chance of success. And the more dice are rolled, the more tables consulted, the more "random" possibilities transpire, the more pronounced multiple Luck manipulations could become. It's no longer "random", no longer "sheer luck", it's just a form of pre-ordained fate and determinism. Imagine the potential abuses of a reckless wild mage with a bag full of Luck Stones. A compare vs the granted powers of specialty priests dedicated to Tymora.)
If you are the DM then you must decide how multiple Luck items function in your game. If you are not the DM then just see what happens when you try to call good fortune twice (or more) in one day.
All that being said, if these twin blades were forged and enchanted by the same "very powerful" creator then they might in essence be treated as a single "unique" item which breaks normal rules. Their magics could work in synergy (amplifying each other), they could have resonant powers when used together. |
[/Ayrik] |
Green Elven Vampire
11 Posts |
Posted - 19 May 2017 : 08:38:50
This is sound news. Thank you. I can see now with 2 scholars on Candlekeep that you can have 2 luck blades and use each blades ability once per day.
Here it is... "Hidden Smile" +3 Holy, Anarchic Keen Luck Blade. Longsword treated as Elven Thinblade. all three wishes were spent in this sword.
"Little Sneak" +3 Vorpal Luck Blade of Speed. 1 wish left on the blade. Treated as a Elven Light Blade. |
Luthnimh Selorn: Green Elven Vampire; Ranger/Arcane Archer/Sorcerer/Bladesinger.
"Aww, you think my arrow hurt? Would that my sword in your lung make you feel better? If not, maybe i'd tickle you with a Ball of Lightning spell. Or perhaps just sink my fangs into your neck and drain you of blood?"~~ Luthnimh Selorn; speaking to the weretiger Kyrran Graylord.
Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36863 Posts |
Posted - 19 May 2017 : 13:59:19
Well, again, keep in mind that this particular scholar is weak on the rules. I go for what makes sense to me and what makes for a good story. |
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!  |
Great Reader
3290 Posts |
Posted - 19 May 2017 : 21:41:27
Those are Epic Weapons. Looks like Hidden Smile is the equivalent of a +10 weapon. +3 weapon, +2 for Holy, +1 for Anarchic, +1 for Keen, then at least +3 for Luck. Little Sneak +3 weapon, +2 for Vorpal, +2 for Speed, and +3 for Luck. IIRC that is how they would work out when creating them. I do know that named bonuses in 3E Did Not Stack, only unnamed bonuses. So two +1 Luck bonuses would be +1 Luck. Sure the DM could hand way it and let them stack in a case by case basis.
Still sweet swords... |
"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding." Alaundo of Candlekeep |
19 Posts |
Posted - 20 May 2017 : 04:22:41
Actually in 3e luck bonuses DID stack - as did dodge bonuses. I remember specifically that they stacked because one of my players read the rules in the DMG & wanted to make/buy 10 or 20 luckstones because unlike MOST bonuses they stacked. Rory |
Grey Box sensibilities 3.x rules |
Great Reader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 20 May 2017 : 05:00:52
Luck bonuses in 3e don't stack. Dodge and circumstance bonuses from different sources do, however. See page 21 of the Rules Compendium.
if you're interested in pricing these under 3e rules, you can use the improving Magic Items rules from the Magic Item Compendium to figure out the prices. I believe there are guidelines somewhere for adjusting the base type of a weapon (so changing a luck blade from a short sword to an elven thinblade) but I can't remember offhand where they are in 3e.
Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36863 Posts |
Posted - 20 May 2017 : 05:15:05
For further clarification of my response:
I was looking purely at "gain a single re-roll with any roll you may have during a single day" -- and that's the one that I would say would be cumulative. |
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!  |
Great Reader
7989 Posts |
Posted - 20 May 2017 : 07:54:45
I'm a "scholar", mwoohahahaa!
More seriously - since you plan to allow good fortune twice per day (once per sword) - I advise always declaring (or randomly determining) which of the two is used first. A little extra effort, yes. But also the last word when the day comes when one of the two swords is somehow lost/stolen/broken/disarmed/whatever.
I imagine that minor curses and malisons can negate magical luck ... as can dispel magic, antimagic, or dead-magic zones. And wild magic might alter the effects unpredictably. And illusions or enchantments (or canon fodder) can always be deployed against the character to "use up" limited things like good fortune before the *real* fight or challenge appears. |
[/Ayrik] |
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