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Learned Scribe

103 Posts

Posted - 02 May 2017 :  21:50:48  Show Profile  Visit Khaelieth's Homepage Send Khaelieth a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I was wondering if anyone knows about any monasteries or abbeys in the Western Heartlands/Savage Frontier ca. 1370 DR? I have an idea for my adventurers to come to the burnt-out ruins of one, where the night before, a vampire knight has challenged every single paladin/member of the abbey to honourable single combat, defeated every single one, then the creatures following in his wake wreck everything in sight.

Anyone got any ideas for anything suitable or should I just invent one?

Also known on other forums as ChazSexington, Kusghuul, and Claudius.

Senior Scribe

763 Posts

Posted - 03 May 2017 :  01:30:58  Show Profile Send KanzenAU a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There's a mosque of Tyr not far from Daggerford, and there's also Summit Hall, which is devoted to Tyr, in the valley of the Dessarin just off the Dessarin Road. Can't think of anything else off the top of my head.

In my head-canon Summit Hall is too strong for such an attack (there's also the problem of a certain Caradoon lich), but the Mosque of Tyr might be perfect for what you need. It hasn't really been detailed, and IIRC it only gets a small mention in N5 Under Illefarn. You could also link your vampire to Artor Morlin, a vampire who used to operate in the Daggerford area - he once was the lord of the Barony of Steeping Falls there, before the rise of Daggerford and Waterdeep.

Regional maps for Waterdeep, Triboar, Ardeep Forest, and Cormyr on DM's Guild, plus a campaign sized map for the North
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Learned Scribe

103 Posts

Posted - 06 May 2017 :  10:59:21  Show Profile  Visit Khaelieth's Homepage Send Khaelieth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks! Those work!

Also known on other forums as ChazSexington, Kusghuul, and Claudius.
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