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 Thunderbeast Tribe and Lizardfolk
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73 Posts

Posted - 12 Apr 2017 :  02:55:06  Show Profile Send Doge a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Greetings sages! I was just wondering as to what sort of interaction these two groups might have? Would they be hostile to each other? Friendly? Or kind of neutral with a healthy respect? Would they tolerate each other? Coexist? Trade? What would happen if one tribe would enter the other's lands?

Skilled Spell Strategist

11923 Posts

Posted - 12 Apr 2017 :  20:46:20  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Kind of like asking how would elves and orcs feel about one another just because they're both mammals.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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73 Posts

Posted - 13 Apr 2017 :  00:05:33  Show Profile Send Doge a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Is that because both groups are hostile to outsiders?
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 13 Apr 2017 :  00:47:39  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I can only assume you are thinking in terms of the Thunderbeast tribe recognizing the reptilians as some form of 'evolved saurian', and thus related to their totem animal.

Which is a bit of a stretch.

They would react the same way any two tribal groups would in The North. Its not like here on Earth, where barbarians meeting some form of 'monster' might instantly set them off into 'panic mode'. It is the Realms, and everyone is used to seeing weird stuff. And dealing with weird 'people'.

So basically, treat it the way you would if any other group wandered into their lands, and it would all depend on the attitudes of the group entering toward the one already there (they could help of hinder them, depending upon their intent and purpose for being there). I'm pretty sure the humans wouldn't try to eat the lizards right of the bat, and so long as the scaly ones don't try the same, they should at least be willing to talk first. I'm sure there would be some curiosity toward them, at any rate (you normally don't see cold-blooded animals in such a northerly climate - they don't have the ability to produce their own body-heat).

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 13 Apr 2017 00:48:34
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73 Posts

Posted - 14 Apr 2017 :  07:51:44  Show Profile Send Doge a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thank you Markustay!
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Great Reader

7989 Posts

Posted - 18 Apr 2017 :  22:30:00  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Lizardfolk have an alarming tendency to eat other people, regardless whether or not they are members of a Thunderbeast Tribe.

That being said, some of the "advanced" lizardfolk approach somewhat civilized levels of behaviour while some of the Thunderbeast barbarians approach shockingly inhuman savagery, so there's probably a fair degree of behavourial overlap. And of course most Thunderbeasts have a religious respect for reptilian humanoids, while some lizardfolk may have (oral) traditions dating back to old Netheril and beyond. And both groups compete with common enemies (like orcs and frostgiants and trolls and dwarves). So I think there could indeed be cooperation between Thunderbeast Tribes and Lizardfolk tribes, at least on a case-by-case basis, and there could certainly be implicit or explicit cooperation between individuals (even chieftains) in times of common need, although their relations might also waver and strain since both groups have so many social values and practices which are offensive to the other.

Lizardfolk tend to prefer warm (almost tropical) climes and swampy/jungly terrain, while Thunderbeasts tend to be found only in the (harsh and coldly temperate) Savage Frontier. I can't imaging lizardfolk wanting to inhabit swamps which freeze over every winter, especially since their young would so easily perish, although it's possible that lizardman adventurers and expeditions would undertake pilgrimages to the ancient "holy lands" of their predecessors in the North.

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73 Posts

Posted - 24 May 2017 :  18:34:33  Show Profile Send Doge a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thank you Ayrik!
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