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Learned Scribe

211 Posts

Posted - 04 Apr 2017 :  14:40:29  Show Profile Send edappel a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Hello guys!
It's so good to be back... Well.. let's go to the question, but first I need to set the background...

My DnD 5e group are at Memnon. I've got the Living Forgotten Realms CALI Campaign and adapted them to 5e for some side quests arounds Calimshan.

We've been playing with an Amn Neutral/Evil group, so, at the second part of the Calimshan's expedition, 3 players have been acting as Slaves as another one (a Moonshae Island Talos Cleric Noble) as their Lord. They went to the Arena in search for fame as the Noble was managing them. They've got some success and they scheduled a fight with and Young Blue Dragon, but the Noble made an agreement with the Dragon owner.. If his "slaves" win the battle, he would exchange them for the Dragon.
And obviuosly, for the Doom of my Campaign, they've won.

So, I would like to know what's the Slave Regulamentation around Memnon, how do you exchange Slaves, is there any document that proves that? I've been searching for this information but only found discussions about prices..

Hope someone could help me, I was thinking about asking Ed, but he looks pretty busy atm.


--- Ed Appel

*** I'm a brazilian FR fan. So, feel free to correct my writing mistakes to improve my english.

Great Reader

2449 Posts

Posted - 06 Apr 2017 :  21:51:10  Show Profile  Visit Hoondatha's Homepage Send Hoondatha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm not sure about Memnon in particular, but there's precedence for paperwork accompanying slave transactions. A large part of the success of the Iron Ring comes from the Registry it runs which tracks the sale of every slave in Skullport. The forms are completed in triplicate, with copies goes to the Registry, the buyer, and the seller.

Considering that Amn is a nation of merchants, and merchants love accounting and ledgers, I would imagine the same would hold true in that area. Or at least it would in the 2e/3e Realms. I have no experience or knowledge of 4e/5e, so you'll have to adjust this as needed for your campaign.

Doggedly converting 3e back to what D&D should be...
Sigh... And now 4e as well.
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