Master of Realmslore
1564 Posts |
Posted - 19 Mar 2017 : 14:40:31
So, going over some of the dragons of the Realms, it's not hard to notice that they're...kinda...bland, and are laden with relics of 2e. I'll start with Klauth.
Klauth is a great wyrm red dragon. That would be fine, if not for the fact that he's laden with poor equipment for his CR. He has wands attacked to each of his wings; the problem is that wands are a joke to, well, anything under CR 10. The ideal solution is to make his wing-cannons unique magical items - like his fire wand really being a staff of fiery power. Also, I'd advance him a few HD.
In Pathfinder, the poor bugger is even worse off. I'd personally give him the advanced template, mythic ranks, and a few levels in Sorcerer to account for his hatchling-eating magic research.
Daurgothoth...oy vey, poor Daurgothoth. He has 9th level sorcerer spells despite being a great wyrm black dragon with no advanced Hit Dice, and he has 25th wizard casting to boot. That wouldn't be an issue, if he wasn't CR 49, which means a party of equivalent level butchers him. The only way to save him is to advance him as a pure sorcerer, then throw in arcane lord in place of archmage. To actually be CR 49, he'd have to be a great wyrm sorcerer 15, arcane lord 9, archmage 5. This nets him 44th level arcane casting, so he's essentially a sorcerer in a giant undead dragon body.
In Pathfinder...well, he's a tough nut to crack. Advanced mythic great wyrm lich for starters, then I'd alter his innate draconic casting, maybe his experiments altered his innate magical nature? Then I'd let him cast as an arcanist, and let it stack with arcanist levels. Mythic great wyrm lich arcanist 20//archmage 10, nets him 35th level casting that scales off Int instead of Cha.