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Senior Scribe
705 Posts |
Posted - 14 Feb 2017 : 07:37:31
Hi everyone.
As some of you are aware, I have been working on my own version of the Realms. I am always coming up with different plots and events. Well one I just came up with is a return of the elves to Faerun. This is going to be a long and slow process that will take years. One thing I have decided to do was focus the return around our old friend Garnet. For those who are not familiar, Garnet was a good red dragon who lived in Myth Drannor. Garnet unfortunately met the terms and conditions of weakening the prison of the Trio Nefarious who were the cause of the attack on Myth Drannor and heavily contributed to it's eventual fall.
I want Garnet to become a symbol around retaking Myth Drannor and starting the "return". I just can't figure out where I want Garnet to have been, what knowledge he has gained, and what importance he has in the "return".
Anyone have some ideas?
“Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisioned by the enemy, don't we consider it his duty to escape?. . .If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we're partisans of liberty, then it's our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!” #8213; J.R.R. Tolkien
*I endorse everything Dark Wizard says*. |
Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36860 Posts |
Posted - 14 Feb 2017 : 10:19:02
Wherever he went, he fell wounded. He assumed elven form for a time, to hide from his foes, and in that form, made his way to Evermeet. He was always a strong proponent of the Return, and equally against the Retreat, and when Seiveril Miritar announced the Crusade, Garnet was one of the first to sign up.
Garnet, posing as an elven wizard and feeling some guilt over his inadvertent role in Myth Drannor's fall, has kept his true identity secret. He does disappear periodically, to spend time in dragon form, but avoids civilized lands when he does so.
At least, that's my initial idea for spinning the whole thing. As we know, in canon, he disappeared during the Fall and was never seen or heard from again. |
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Learned Scribe
300 Posts |
Posted - 14 Feb 2017 : 15:23:54
Perhaps he retreated North to the volcano "Kossuth's Ire"... He could "return" when there is some sort of volcanic eruption that coincides with the events in your Realms. |
To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge. -Socrates
Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. -Dr. Seuss |
Senior Scribe
763 Posts |
Posted - 14 Feb 2017 : 22:07:49
Here's some stuff Steven Schend said about Garnet, hopefully there's something here that will help you:
quote: On Garnet's fate
As far as I'm concerned, Garnet's still out there somewhere....seeking atonement and penance for his unwitting role in Myth Drannor's Fall. He's still relatively young for a dragon, and he's definitely a wild card in every sense of the word (in terms of power, attitude, and form). By all means, work him into your campaigns!
quote: On what he's been up to
Personally, I think he's been busy far away from Faerun, as he's fled the scene of his shame and been occupied for a few centuries fighting and killing enemies of The People either south of Chult or far to the west (maybe even Maztica?). But that's one person's opinion.
quote: On reaction to rebuilding Myth Drannor
More than likely, his first reaction will be to stay FAR AWAY from it, lest his presence bring about its fall a second time.
Then again, maybe he's gotten smarter over time and less apt to act from guilt....your (GM's) call!
quote: On what Garnet was
Garnet was a wholly unique creature unlike any to exist before or since. He was a chimera of dracoforms, and the only reason he was red in color and blue in shape was this: Saeval Ammath had many secrets never revealed to elves outside of his clan, and often only to a few select members of his immediate family. Saeval's grandfather--an exiled elf who was born outside of Cormtanthor and never trod its paths--was a half-dragon, born of a silver dragon mother. He was a great tracker and wizard of Ardeep (Sure hope I'm getting my dates/names right, but I'm winging it here from half-remembered notes that don't survive; George and Eric can correct me before this thread closes. ) and patriarch of a loyal and good branch of the Ammath clan in those western woods.
Saeval came to Myth Drannor to learn more magics but also to cure a great sorrow of his own--the silver dragon (long publicly a family friend but in truth his own great-grandmother) had died protecting him and others from battle-maddened Hlondathan mages scavenging for any magics they could find (and they also took their trade caravan to be smuggling weapons and magic to the Cormanthan elves, their enemies in the Crown and Scepter Wars). Saeval preserved the dragon's soul in a brand-new kiira, and spent the next 50 years or so trying to find a way to restore her to life. He studied under many of the great wizards of Myth Drannor and COrmanthor of all races and he wandered far and wide (rumor has it he venture far onto the Great Glacier and as far south as Chondath).
When he found a blue dragon's egg in his wanderings, he magically kept it from hatching or developing, and he spent a decade of casting to alter its form into something powerful enough to house the silver dragon's soul. While he managed to match the power of the red dragons inside the form of the blue dragon and make other changes to allow for the magical transfer, he either could not or did not change the dragon's gender within its shell.
When the egg finally hatched in 348, Garnet was unique. Physically, he had to relearn everything to adapt to this new form, but mentally, (s)he had all the knowledge of her previous life. Thus, even at hatchling stage, he had access to the special abilities of a very old silver dragon (except polymorph self, as the magics used to create his new form locked him into one shape; and damage reduction, which is a function of the physical body, not the mind).
Thus, even while Garnet is now physically a wyrm, (s)he's gone into epic levels for certain special abilities. Assuming, of course, that he still exists...
Hope this explains why Garnet isn't either evil or the start of a whole new race of dragons. While one could postulate that he could mate with either reds or blues and have offspring of that hue/form, it's far more sensible (given the origin and attendant problems) to state that Garnet, while healthy in all ways, was born sterile.
quote: On whether Garnet's egg was red or blue (clarifying the above
I suppose that the grammar from CORMANTHYR p39 (i.e. "...still a shade of red...") makes the case that (s)he was originally a red dragon's egg, but it's a semantics difference really. It works either way, given the wonky things done to the egg itself; I just half-remembered it as a blue dragon's egg yesterday, but I've been wrong before.
Regional maps for Waterdeep, Triboar, Ardeep Forest, and Cormyr on DM's Guild, plus a campaign sized map for the North |
Senior Scribe
705 Posts |
Posted - 15 Feb 2017 : 07:14:53
Thanks for the info lads!
I have to be honest here, I don't personally like how Garnet was described there in the quotes. For me, there is just too much going on there. It's too convoluted.
I think I will just stick to Garnet being a red dragon that had spells cast on it's egg to remove it's natural traits of hatred, grčed, and domination.
“Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisioned by the enemy, don't we consider it his duty to escape?. . .If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we're partisans of liberty, then it's our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!” #8213; J.R.R. Tolkien
*I endorse everything Dark Wizard says*. |
Senior Scribe
705 Posts |
Posted - 17 Feb 2017 : 17:02:11
I've decided to introduce an eighth Irithyl son. He wouldn't have been much younger than Eltargrim. What I decided on was to have Eltargrim's brother have a vision of the future up to it's recent ruined state. He decided to go into stasis below Semberholme and be awakened when it was time to restore Myth Drannor to it's former glory. I'm going to have Garnet return as well as the 8th son of Irithyl awaken. |
“Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisioned by the enemy, don't we consider it his duty to escape?. . .If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we're partisans of liberty, then it's our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!” #8213; J.R.R. Tolkien
*I endorse everything Dark Wizard says*. |
Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36860 Posts |
Posted - 17 Feb 2017 : 18:10:16
Upon reflection, I've decided that I need to amend my earlier suggestion: have Garnet become a cleric, instead of a wizard. Consumed with feelings of guilt, Garnet dedicated himself to the Seldarine, and in served them, served the elven people.
In the time that has passed, Garnet has come to realize that his guilt is misplaced -- but he still feels somewhat responsible, and that drives him to see Myth Drannor reborn. |
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!  |
Great Reader
2708 Posts |
Posted - 19 Feb 2017 : 02:18:01
If his guilt doesn't prevent him from returning to Myth Drannor, he may want to help restore the section that was destroyed by Shade. |
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