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 Legacy of Miyeritar - help me build this sword
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Learned Scribe

189 Posts

Posted - 26 Jan 2017 :  06:52:41  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
My trouble with this:

I am playing the Tyranny of Dragons campaign and intend to add a weapon of legacy (similar to the 3.5 weapons of legacy) into my campaign to add alittle history to things. I am basing the sword upon a Sword of Vengeance in the DMG, as i believe if they can weather the drawbacks for long enough they could eventually unlock a really cool sword. I have taken some liberties with history, and i am no great expert on the Vyshaan occupation of Miyeritar, but i have decided to link it into Hoard of the dragonqueens plot better by saying that the Dark Disaster was actually brought about when the Aryvaandar high mages used their epic magics to summon and control an Aspect of Tiamat - which then leveled Miyeritar over the next 3 months bringing it with it a terrible elemental storm.

The character wielding the blade is a Human paladin, which is why i avoided just simply making it one of the many moonblades or the Elf Blades as they take only elves as wielders. I want it to be potent, and distinctly elvish, and have some ties to the Campaigns theme.

Suggestions are welcome!

Without further adue.. heres what ive got so far, but id love any feedback your willing to throw in!

** NOTE : Ive taken some parts of the story from other items in weapons of legacy for inspiration then butchered it into the Lost empires of Faerun lore. Also i know Tel'Kherym doesnt mean avenger, but my players dont know that so i just wanted it to sound cool.

Tel'Kherym – Blade of the Avenger

This blade is very old, dating back to the first crown war and the fall of the ancient elven nation of Miyeritar. While not sentient, nor one of the fabled elf blades, this is no ordinary sword for It bares the name Tel'Kherym engraved around the pomel cap meaning 'Blade of the Avenger' in elvish. While the enchantment is weak, it might once have been more potent – hinting at a deeper history.

Baranta recommends seeking out an Olin'Gisir... a scholar on ancient elven lore. She then directs you to the elf song tavern in Baldurs gate, for she recalled it to be a popular gathering spot among the fairfolk.

Unlocks: +1 Greatsword

Curse: The complex emotional past of loss within the blade is awakened when it is attuned, giving the wielder vivid nightmares from the lives of Valaderian and Saladriel. It functions as a sword of vengeance. When struck by a wizard or anything with an elf heritage the wielded must succede a DC 15 wisdom save or be forced to attack them. If the attack came from a Sun Elf, the save is made with disadvantage.

The Fall of Miyeritar (DC 10 History under the right conditions)

Long ago the elven nation of Miyeritar was founded between elves of wood elf and dark elf stockr. Never a great or large realm they were pushed upon by their neighbors, the Sun elves of Aryvaandar... the Aryvanian elves saught conquer the Miyeritar through trade and diplomacy, building many military bases throughout Miyeritar to protect its borders with the superior Aryvanian army against a common foe – Orc hordes.

Unfortunately, as time went on the Miyeritari became increasingly dissatisfied with the Aryvinian occupation and political dominance. This eventually boiled over into open opposition and soon skirmishes and unrest errupted like a rash throughout the territory. The Aryvanian response was swift and brutal, it invaded with an army of griffon riders and mages - sparking the first Crown war. A complex network of political alliances and bloodlines one by one drew all the elven nations of the time into a terrible conflict known as the first crown war.

As it escalated the Aryvaandar became desperate to assert their power, unleashing a superweapon of high magic down upon Miyeritar to set an example for the rest – Written in ancient scrolls, it was known as 'The Dark Disaster'. A cataclysmic elemental storm which lasted three months and left the entire nation a desolate, sodden ruin.

Miyeritar was no more, survived only by a few ruins scattered throughout the highmoor and misty forest.

Ghosts of the Past (DC 15)

Long ago this blade was wielded by a great warrior whos name was Valaderion. He lead his people on raids against the military outposts of the Aryvaandar within Miyertiars territory, in particular their wizardly commanders, striking from the shadows before melting away again before the garrison soldiers had a chance to respond. He was very sucessful at this, and his band slew every sun elf mage they came across.

(The blade must be brought to the ruins of an Aryvanian outpost in the Highmoor and left for 8 hours over night. History will be drawn to its coming, possibly awakening vengeful spirits of long dead Vyshaani elves... if these are defeated it will remember its purpose)

Unlocks :
While wielding the blade you gain the Mage Slayer feat

Blood of the Oppressors (DC 20)

While Valaderion succeded time and again in his attacks, Aryvanian opression only got worse for his people and soon the entire army of Aryvaandar invaded Miyeritar beginning the first Crown war. But not all Aryvanians supported this move, one of which was a mage by the name of Kiralasha, the daughter of an Aryvaanian general who was taken captive by Valaderion and his resistance fighters. As the war rolled on, his hatred for her gave way to grudging respect, then admiration, and finally love. Kiralasha only wanted peace, and in time convinced Valaderion to put down his sword and attempt to negotiate with the Aryvaandar. Sadly, he never got the chance – he was slain by Aryvanian soldiers after they launched a daring raid to rescue Kiralasha.

(The blade thirsts for the spilled blood of the Aryvaandar. It must be blooded on someone truely deserving. Dralmorer Borngrey or Talis (who is a half elf) to empower it further)

Unlocks :
The blades magic grows to a +2 bonus. In addition the sword has 4 charges which can be used to cast the following spells: Darkvision (1), Longstrider (1) or Pass without Trace (2). The sword recovers d4 charges at dawn each day.

The Blade maintains concentration of any spells it casts for their normal durations, or until the blade is used to cast a different spell. These require the same actions as they would in the spell description.

Echoes of Destruction (DC 25)

The war escalated ever more with the death of Valaderion, and the blade would come to know a sucession of wielders ending in with an elf known as Salariel, a Champion of the godess Vandria Gilmadreth. She wielded the blade during the third crown war, until she finally lost it during a cataclysmic battle beneath the trees of Miyeritar. With the blades help, they very nearly had victory over the Aryvaandar when suddenly the skys darkened under a terrible spell which summoned forth an aspect of the Dragon queen Tiamat to the realms, and with her summoning came many of her children. Bound to the will of the elven high mages, the dragons lead by Tiamats aspect laid waste to the battlefield slaying Salariel and heralded the beginings of the dark disaster as she then proceeded to destroy all of Miyeritar. While Salariel was said to have slain three dragons during the battle, both she and the blade were lost along with the hopes of all the Miyeritari, it has hungered for revenge ever since.

(If the blade has successfully been used to slay 3 different adult chromatic dragons the full potential of the blade during its final battle is unlocked again giving the following benefits:

- The sword becomes +3

- The Sword gains 2 charges per day, in addition the following spells are added to its list: Dispel Magic (2) Protection from Elements (1) and Absorb Elements (1).

- 1 Charge can be expended to cast Thunderous Smite, spending additional charges increases the spell level of this attack.


Remove Curse -
Attempting to remove the anger from the blade is no easy task. How does one calm a vengeful spirit from a people who were completely wiped out by a storm of high magic? It would need to be taken before an Altar to the Godess Vandria Gilmadreth so that the souls of the war dead may be given the peace of the godess. If this was done, the blade would revert to a +1 Greatsword with no further possible benefits.

Banishment -
Simply driving out the ghosts so that they can be defeated is another matter entirely. They are angry and unhinged with grief from centuries trapped within the blade. Casting Banishment upon the blade would drive the ghosts of Valaderian (Elf Ranger Ghost) and Saldriel (Ghostly Elf Warpriest) from the blade along with a number of Spectres born of other lesser known wielders who fell in the Vyshaan war. Defeating the spectres and ghosts would see it simply once again become a +1 Greatsword with no special benefits.

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'

Edited by - Fendrikor on 26 Jan 2017 07:14:44

Learned Scribe

189 Posts

Posted - 26 Jan 2017 :  06:53:41  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I didnt draw this, i found it on google images! But i think it fits the art style very well :)

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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Senior Scribe

403 Posts

Posted - 01 Feb 2017 :  21:46:28  Show Profile Send SaMoCon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Um, what purpose does the weapon serve? Is there an obstacle the players need to overcome with this (cursed?) weapon? It seems like the players need to go out of their way to fully activate the weapon. Is something like this exciting to your players?

Some more information on Miyeritar that I like to use is found in Snowblood's Guidebook found at the link below.

Make the best use of the system that's there, then modify the mechanics that don't allow you to have the fun you are looking for.
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