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 Four well-to-do parents of teen girls in Waterdeep
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Master of Realmslore

1864 Posts

Posted - 06 Jan 2017 :  09:05:37  Show Profile  Visit Icelander's Homepage Send Icelander a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
My PCs have just stopped a slaving operation that was moving slaves from beneath the Thirsty Sailor, among other places. In addition to some dozen 'normal' victims of slavers who mostly prey on the drunk and friendless, i.e. sailors wintering in Waterdeep, dockworkers and sex workers, there were also five young teenage girls of decent family. One of them was the girl they had been hired to retrieve, one Kyrella Thorne, the daughter of shipowner Raevik Thorne.

The other four were also different from typical victims of slavers. They were all raised by parents rich enough to provide them with a safe home environment, private tutors, nice clothes and governesses. The PCs suspect that they may be virgins or at least that the captors were looking for girls more likely to be virginal, innocent and naive than typical Dock Ward alley molls.

The slavers would not have kidnapped a noble girl by preference, but might have done so if one were in a situation where they could have thought she was just the daughter of well-to-do tradesman or gentry. I imagine that the daughters of successful masters of a respected trade might well be raised in conditions resembling that of noble children, albeit with fewer house guards and servants.

I'm looking for suggestions on who their parents might be and where they might live. It would be nice if at least one or two of them were characters mentioned in a prior Realms book, as successful merchants, guildmembers or perhaps even retired adventurers.

Ideas I have include:

A master armourer.
A master glassblower.
A poet or composer.
A grocer or fishmonger.

Za uspiekh nashevo beznadiozhnovo diela!

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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6678 Posts

Posted - 06 Jan 2017 :  09:59:57  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Icelander

Ideas I have include:

A master armourer.
A master glassblower.
A poet or composer.
A grocer or fishmonger.

A look through any of the Waterdeep products will give you details of the various Guilds and who runs them. They can be children of those individuals or a skim of Volo's Guide to Waterdeep will provide you with appropriate NPC parents.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Master of Realmslore

1864 Posts

Posted - 06 Jan 2017 :  10:51:10  Show Profile  Visit Icelander's Homepage Send Icelander a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

Originally posted by Icelander

Ideas I have include:

A master armourer.
A master glassblower.
A poet or composer.
A grocer or fishmonger.

A look through any of the Waterdeep products will give you details of the various Guilds and who runs them. They can be children of those individuals or a skim of Volo's Guide to Waterdeep will provide you with appropriate NPC parents.

-- George Krashos

I suspect that the actual guildmasters may be too politically powerful for what I'm looking for here. If Waterdhavian guilds resemble medieval ones, there will be dozens of master craftsmen who nevertheless do not hold the politically significant post of guildmaster.

If any of the girls were the daughters of actual guildmasters, the PCs would probably have come across agents of the guild and/or hired swords trying to recover them, even if they were only missing for a day or two.

Raevik Thorne, the one father I had detailed beforehand, is a shipowner, but he's not the owner of a merchant fleet or anything. He owns one successful trading caravel, which he doesn't sail anymore, due to losing his leg in a storm. Any stout friends he has are mostly still sailing on the Starry Maid and he didn't have much coin to hand until it comes in, having invested most of his liquid reserves in the current venture (as well as insurance for it, he's not foolhardy).

I'd like the other parents to be of similar social status, i.e. respected master craftsmen or successful merchants, but not having the truly massive clout and wealth typical of guildmasters of large guilds. Perhaps someone who might be considered for guildmaster when the current one retires, among a half dozen others.

For beginning adventurers, a recognised master in the Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths, & Finesmiths or the Guild of Glassblowers, Glaziers, & Speculum-makers is already a very fine friend to have, with the contacts to make their lives vastly easier and more successful.

Za uspiekh nashevo beznadiozhnovo diela!

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Master of Realmslore

1864 Posts

Posted - 06 Jan 2017 :  11:27:48  Show Profile  Visit Icelander's Homepage Send Icelander a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What I'm looking for in each character or pair of characters:

The master armourer; should be able to give the characters his free time and some of the time of his apprentices over the winter in fitting captured armour or even building some new pieces of armour. Would probably also be good for a reduced rate on new armour in the future, but if it is to be made by others than him (but still guildsmen), would be only a small discount. Would also be helpful in repairing armour and weapons captured from the slavers, as well as selling them through the guild at better rates than characters without contacts would have gotten.

A master glassblower; good for quality glassware necessary for alchemy at bargain prices, probably a lot of it free at first in lieu of a monetary reward. Connections with alchemists and wizards that could hire the PCs to obtain various reagents and material components.

A poet or composer; link to the musical literati of Waterdeep. Could be a Harper contact or at least know Harpers. Would be able to aid an aspiring bard from outside Waterdeep establish himself.

A grocer or fishmonger; a fairly down-to-earth couple who have recently moved to a better address than the Dock Ward, but who still own a property there (suggestions for where?). Offer to lend it to the PCs over the winter months without any rent to repay the rescue of their daughter. Would also be able to introduce the PCs to local food vendors to get preferential pricing on household foodstuffs over the winter.

Basically, I'm trying to emphasise that there is a thriving economy in Waterdeep, as in every area in the Realms, where not every transaction is made in gold coins. Favours, goods, introductions, preferential pricing and other such things are much easier for most people to provide than hundreds or thousands of gold pieces at once.

The PCs should be rewarded for courageously running into danger and rescuing fair maidens with the wherewithal to survive the winter and even keep a modest household of unfortunate former slaves without any family to take them back without necessarily coming into a pile of gold which is too heavy to carry easily.

Za uspiekh nashevo beznadiozhnovo diela!

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Skilled Spell Strategist

11961 Posts

Posted - 06 Jan 2017 :  13:51:12  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Icelander

What I'm looking for in each character or pair of characters:

The master armourer; should be able to give the characters his free time and some of the time of his apprentices over the winter in fitting captured armour or even building some new pieces of armour. Would probably also be good for a reduced rate on new armour in the future, but if it is to be made by others than him (but still guildsmen), would be only a small discount. Would also be helpful in repairing armour and weapons captured from the slavers, as well as selling them through the guild at better rates than characters without contacts would have gotten.

A master glassblower; good for quality glassware necessary for alchemy at bargain prices, probably a lot of it free at first in lieu of a monetary reward. Connections with alchemists and wizards that could hire the PCs to obtain various reagents and material components.

A poet or composer; link to the musical literati of Waterdeep. Could be a Harper contact or at least know Harpers. Would be able to aid an aspiring bard from outside Waterdeep establish himself.

A grocer or fishmonger; a fairly down-to-earth couple who have recently moved to a better address than the Dock Ward, but who still own a property there (suggestions for where?). Offer to lend it to the PCs over the winter months without any rent to repay the rescue of their daughter. Would also be able to introduce the PCs to local food vendors to get preferential pricing on household foodstuffs over the winter.

Basically, I'm trying to emphasise that there is a thriving economy in Waterdeep, as in every area in the Realms, where not every transaction is made in gold coins. Favours, goods, introductions, preferential pricing and other such things are much easier for most people to provide than hundreds or thousands of gold pieces at once.

The PCs should be rewarded for courageously running into danger and rescuing fair maidens with the wherewithal to survive the winter and even keep a modest household of unfortunate former slaves without any family to take them back without necessarily coming into a pile of gold which is too heavy to carry easily.

What I'm about to write up is for a homebrew NPC, not an official realms one. However, it is one that I've used as an NPC in Waterdeep and in stories. This would be the one who would be a contact for the bard. I don't have the history I wrote up over the last twenty years that I've used her, but I do have some spurts I wrote up to include in a short story I was writing, so I'll paste that. Use as you like.

Lady Jillian Doncastle of Neverwinter, of a proud Neverwinter family known for the raising of paladins, priests, and lawyers (forget the Waterdhavian term) of Tyr (she has several brothers, including Gorman who is a paladin, and another who is a priest). Jillian upset her father when she chose as a brash youth to defy them and get into mild trouble as roguish bard. But, like the rest of her family, her training as a bard led her to a religious calling. She chose to leave off following the letter of the law... to instead just follow the letter. She became a Deneirran priest and later a wizard (diviner).

She runs a bookstore in Waterdeep. Secretly she runs the Waterdhavian Whisperer, an underground newspaper that publishes gossip about secret dealings within Waterdeep, Neverwinter, and Skullport (as well as putting out a number of word puzzle games meant to amuse and encourage the education of its readers, thereby expanding Deneir's influence). Jillian considers herself something of a detective, and she uses her skills as a Deneirrath and diviner to uncover many plots in Waterdeep.... many of which she simply doesn't have the time to pursue, so she uses her secret newspaper to try and better the world by revealing the things she's found out.

Jillian joined the Fochlucan Lyrists after saving a potential lyrist candidate from the predations of a Lhiannan Shee (invisible undead female, it can remove its invisibility to single individuals, it preys on bards, charms them, and through a kiss at night drains them). The bard Mintiper Moonsilver called these beings “the ghosts of obsession”, found in 2nd edition FR monstrous compendium II). Bards affected find their bardic abilities boosted to sway people, though those who make their saves find themselves noting an unnatural feeling.

Jillian has an unusual familiar. It is a sentient sai, named Lorey, that can float, talk, and generally hates to be used in physical combat (Lorey says it gives him a headache being hit by other weapons). This sai is highly protective of Jillian, blustery in her defense, and condescending as hell, thinking everyone else is an idiot. It is also a master of ancient lore and loves poetry and riddles (I'll post a second entry on Lorey, just in case your interested, of how I stat'd him for 3.5), and is a fervent worshipper of Auppenser.

Jillian has two children (twins). Their father is gone (long story), but he was the son of the exiled red wizard, Sleyvas of Thay, a bounty hunter who specializes in hunting spellcasters and who has turned to the worship of the red knight out in far off Soorenar. The two children are Petyr and Kaedara. Petyr is a young boy, who is enamored of Lorey, and while his mother tries to train him in the arts of wizardy, he is also finding himself drawn to the power of psionics. Kaedara is a young girl who is innocent, winsome, loves faeries, seems to talk to animals, dreams of unicorns... and talks to her mother about talking to "the pretty unicorn who is the moon's daughter" in her dreams.

That ope

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 06 Jan 2017 :  13:58:35  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just to give a little more LORE on Lorey the sai... this was the introduction I was writing for a short story, and it describes a lot on his character.

The sai lay upon a small table with a hexagonal bronze plaque with the representation of a cobalt blue eye lying unwinking at its center. The plaque was a holy symbol of the slumbering deity of the ancient Jhaamdathi people, a being known as Auppenser, Lord of the Invisble Art, God of Psionics, Master of Mind Magics. The sai sent its mental worship through the plaque, in hopes that it would make its way to his slumbering god. Of course, Lorey, as the sai had taken to naming itself, was unsure if what it was doing had any effect whatsoever. After all, the accident of “his” creation was a bit unique to say the least, leaving the question of whether “he” had a soul in doubt. Lorey had to take it upon faith that he did somehow possess a soul, because anything else would simply make the weapon go mad.

The blue sapphire in “his” hilt had been the amplified psi-crystal of a powerful psion of ancient Jhaamdath. The runes down the shaft, or monouchi, of the sai were in ancient Roushoum, an Imaskari Script, and had been used to instill powerful magics within the weapon . The scribe of Candlekeep who had discovered both items, who was also both a mage of considerable skill and a bard with a sagely repertoire of lore, had seized upon an intriguing idea for an experiment. The scribe had discovered a latent intellect still entrapped within the blue gem he'd discovered in the hoard of an Ogre-magi that had been raiding settlements south of Amn. Though he didn't truly understand what this intellect was or how it had come to exist, the scribe did understand that it was possible to awaken minor intelligence within magic items. The scribe decided that he would seek to enhance the sai for which he'd recently traded a wu-jen of Kara-Tur a captured red wizard spellbook filled with flame magic. Unable to cast some of the divine spells needed for some of the additional augmentations he planned for the sai, the monk-scribe elicited the aid of a mage-priest of Azuth, the Lord of Spellcraft. Of course the mage-priest joyfully agreed to help with the experiment, for to do so would be considered an act holy to his lord. Unfortunately for the scribe and mage-priest, this great act of magical enchantment would also coincide with the fall of the gods from the heavens, or as it would later be called, “the Avatar Crisis”.

The two spellcasters were in the midst of the ritual of unleashing the intellect within the sapphire and tying it to the weapon. Even under ordinary circumstances, the trial of marrying a mind to a magical device can be taxing, but neither of them were prepared for the struggle they would be dragged into when magic suddenly went awry. Spinning out of control, the magic seeking intelligence found it within not only the gem, but also the skulls of the two spellcasters seeking to guide and control the laying of the magical bindings.

Thus had Lorey's “birth” caused the comatose deaths of its creators. Even the very idea that “he” still thought of himself as male in this sexless form was a bit absurd, but his origins definitely wouldn't allow for himself to think of himself as a feminine personae. He possessed the partial knowledge of all 3 individuals who had been involved with the formation of his “mind”, though he still had little knowledge of how exactly his base physical form had been created, beyond the sapphire attached to the tsuka or hilt of his body.

Lorey's research into his own history had led him to some basic facts, such as the fact that the wrappings on his tsuka were no ordinary leather, but rather the supple underbelly of a song dragon named Amathandara Trillingmoon. The fact that the only physical part of his being that was even remotely organic belonged to a female didn't bother him at all. The fact that he could find no solid history of her death and only that she lived over 2 millenia ago was highly disconcerting however. Lorey had had better luck with the physical form of his sai however. The runes inscribed were in Roushoum, an ancient Imaskari dialect that had also been taken up my many mages of the Raumathari empire. The original weaponsmith had left markings upon the yoku, or sideguards as Westerners often called them, which corresponded to markings seen on several masterwork weapons created by a family of crafters in the Raumathari Empire. The adamantine of which he was forged had come from mines beneath that which would become modern day Thay.

However, his knowledge of the psi-crystal embedded to the tsuka brought lots of information on his former self in Jhaamdath, the ancient Empire built on mental magic. Supreme in their control of psionics, the Jhaamdathi people had flourished, building a wonder filled society that made the modern day pale in comparison. Their deity, Auppenser, smiled upon that which they had built, a peaceful culture of collaboration and helpful co-existence. With the creation of their udoxias artifact that bestowed the powers of the invisible arts upon even its least citizens, the plights of the common people of Jhaamdath were lessened. The Bladelords of Jhaamdath still had to defend their borders from encroachment, and his psion personality had been chief amongst those who had pushed back against their nearby Untheric oppressors. Still, for the most part, his life in Jhaamdath had been one of mostly quiet research. In contrast, the blood filled brutality of today's insufferable, power grabbing, backstabbing, greedmongers quite frankly made him ill, or as ill as a magically animated object can feel.

Still, there was always a light in the darkness to brighten the gloom. For Lorey, that had come when he'd been flitting about Candlekeep's library shelves several months after his “birth”. During the entirety of the Avatar Crisis, he'd spent his time perusing the history books to catch up on all the changes to the world over the past two millenia. He'd learned of the fall of many of the great empires he'd known in his life as a Jhaamdathi citizen.... militant Raumathar, demonic Narfell, mystical Netheril, and even the God-King ruled empires of Mulhorand and Unther had lessened in power. In their wake had formed new governments, the magocracy of Thay, the masked wychlaran of Rashemen, the kingdoms of Cormyr, Aglarond, and Impiltur, as well as numerous city states. Luckily, Lorey's convergence with the other two unfortunate souls had enabled his “mind” to rapidly assimilate this new data, for as he made connections in his studies, often facts known by those two individuals would come to the fore. Still, the more he knew about this new world, the more out of touch he felt in it.

Then one day a young, raven-haired beauty had shown up in the dank and drafty section of the Candlekeep library in which Lorey had been hiding. It was obvious from her dress that the woman was of noble birth, but she carried herself as if she didn't realize the value of the frock which she wore. The fact that the dress was covered in ink stains on the sleeves only attested to her lack of care. Her index finger was darkened, obviously from long amounts of time dipping a quill into ink for transcribing texts. Her lips also showed a slight darkening, a testament to her bad habit of sticking her finger in her mouth when she was thinking. Of course, this bad habit of hers was something that the lonely sai found even more endearing as he watched. Hours led into days, and days led into weeks, but the sai never approached the young woman who had so captured his attention.

Then came the day in which the young woman had come into the library and begun to read the treatise on Neverwinter nobles which Lorey himself had been perusing the night before. Oddly, the woman had turned to the same section which Lorey had been reading. This intrigued the sai. Floating in the air behind and above her, the weapon began to read. Suddenly, the young woman spoke, “So, are you done yet? Can I flip to the next page?”.

Aghast at being discovered, the sai mentally froze in his tracks. What would she do to him? Would she tell the scribes of his existence? Would they experiment on him to determine how he'd been created? The questions were unfolding in his mind nearly faster than he could completely think them. Then the young woman turned around to look at the floating said and spoke again, “Look, if you're going to stare over my shoulder, at least be polite enough to introduce yourself. My name is Lady Jillian Doncastle of Neverwinter, but you can call me Jillian or Jilly for short. And you are?”

At that time, Lorey hadn't actually considered the concept that he'd need a name. Oddly the names of all his former personalities seemed wrong to him, as if he'd absorbed their memories but in an oddly factual way. Sheepishly pointing his tip towards the floor, he answered her, “I don't rightly have a name to tell the truth, mistress Jillian. I've only been created in the last several months, and I've never talked to anyone else since my creation.”

Jillian smiled at the awkward little weapon. It was a smile that would change the sai's life, as she said, “Well, I've been paying attention to you for these past few weeks. You seem to like all of this lore just like I do. How about the name 'Lorey'?”

The sai thought about it for a second, before answering, “Why yes, I do believe I like that mistress Jillian. Please, do call me Lorey, and as pertains to your previous question, why yes I had finished reading the page two minutes ago and was quite hoping you would turn the page soon.”

Thus had started a relationship that would span the next twenty-seven years.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6678 Posts

Posted - 07 Jan 2017 :  00:41:43  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Icelander

What I'm looking for in each character or pair of characters:

The master armourer; should be able to give the characters his free time and some of the time of his apprentices over the winter in fitting captured armour or even building some new pieces of armour. Would probably also be good for a reduced rate on new armour in the future, but if it is to be made by others than him (but still guildsmen), would be only a small discount. Would also be helpful in repairing armour and weapons captured from the slavers, as well as selling them through the guild at better rates than characters without contacts would have gotten.

Hilmer (Volo's Guide to Waterdeep, p.17 and p.221.


A master glassblower; good for quality glassware necessary for alchemy at bargain prices, probably a lot of it free at first in lieu of a monetary reward. Connections with alchemists and wizards that could hire the PCs to obtain various reagents and material components.

Thond Glass and Glazing (Volo's Guide to Waterdeep, p.239 - proprietor not fully named - although his surname is likely to be Thond - so you have lots of scope here.


A poet or composer; link to the musical literati of Waterdeep. Could be a Harper contact or at least know Harpers. Would be able to aid an aspiring bard from outside Waterdeep establish himself.

"Waterfall" Baerle Waszunn of the The Three Towers performances club in Dock Ward, so-called for the tears her sad songs can evoke (Waterdeep News - Minstrel's Songs a Hit by Ed Greenwood).


A grocer or fishmonger; a fairly down-to-earth couple who have recently moved to a better address than the Dock Ward, but who still own a property there (suggestions for where?). Offer to lend it to the PCs over the winter months without any rent to repay the rescue of their daughter. Would also be able to introduce the PCs to local food vendors to get preferential pricing on household foodstuffs over the winter.

Nothing in the published lore that covers something like this. You can make up your own NPC that fits.

You should invest in Volo's Guide to Waterdeep if you intend to run a campaign in the City of Splendors. If you have that sourcebook already, the above info took me about 5 minutes to put together.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 07 Jan 2017 :  03:31:56  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sleyvas
lawyers (forget the Waterdhavian term)

Advocate (paid orators who will appear in Lord's Court with an accused and give advice and speak and engage in debate with the magisters and the assembled court)

Originally posted by George Krashos
(Waterdeep News - Minstrel's Songs a Hit by Ed Greenwood).

Originally posted by George Krashos
Nothing in the published lore that covers something like this. You can make up your own NPC that fits.

There is the Dancing Marlin Market (Net Street, Dock Ward) from

Waterdeep News: Woman Sought In Stabbing

No idea if its a single shop or a multi-stall market. And yes, you would still have to create the NPCs.

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36860 Posts

Posted - 07 Jan 2017 :  16:05:14  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos


A grocer or fishmonger; a fairly down-to-earth couple who have recently moved to a better address than the Dock Ward, but who still own a property there (suggestions for where?). Offer to lend it to the PCs over the winter months without any rent to repay the rescue of their daughter. Would also be able to introduce the PCs to local food vendors to get preferential pricing on household foodstuffs over the winter.

Nothing in the published lore that covers something like this. You can make up your own NPC that fits.

You should invest in Volo's Guide to Waterdeep if you intend to run a campaign in the City of Splendors. If you have that sourcebook already, the above info took me about 5 minutes to put together.

-- George Krashos

The City of Splendors boxed set describes The Garrulous Grocer, which is owned and operated by Nindil Jalbuck and a human couple. Unfortunately, the human couple is described as having only one son, a male, and Nindil Jalbuck is (was) a halfling. He does have a human wife, but there's no mention of kids. And the rules don't exactly cover half-halflings.

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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Master of Realmslore

1864 Posts

Posted - 10 Jan 2017 :  07:06:35  Show Profile  Visit Icelander's Homepage Send Icelander a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

Nothing in the published lore that covers something like this. You can make up your own NPC that fits.

You should invest in Volo's Guide to Waterdeep if you intend to run a campaign in the City of Splendors. If you have that sourcebook already, the above info took me about 5 minutes to put together.

-- George Krashos

Thanks for the ideas. I'll check out if they are suitable. For maximum Watereep feel, I should probably select NPCs not only for current value, but also for potential connections to years of adventure hooks in the future.

I used to have all the Volo's Guides, but unfortunately, most are located in boxes in storage. A search turned up Volo's Guide to Cormyr, Dalelands and Sword Coast, but no Waterdeep yet. I'll open up a few more cases soon, maybe next weekend.

I have managed to turn up the 3e City of Splendours, the 2e boxed set of the same name (unfortunately, the maps are all in pieces) and the 2e Skullport book.

Za uspiekh nashevo beznadiozhnovo diela!

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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

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Posted - 11 Jan 2017 :  15:21:30  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There were a bunch of potential NPCs for this in the Waterdeep novel Ed and Elaine co-wrote. I don't remember specifics (and no longer have the book), but I recall there being the heads of several guilds as characters (from what I do recall, the head of the sewer guild is fairly prominent - being the guys who keeps the 'undercity moving' in a city that sits atop a massive dungeon {and ebil town!} is far more involved in Waterdeep than it would have been in a real world city).

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 11 Jan 2017 15:22:08
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11961 Posts

Posted - 12 Jan 2017 :  00:41:33  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by George Krashos


A grocer or fishmonger; a fairly down-to-earth couple who have recently moved to a better address than the Dock Ward, but who still own a property there (suggestions for where?). Offer to lend it to the PCs over the winter months without any rent to repay the rescue of their daughter. Would also be able to introduce the PCs to local food vendors to get preferential pricing on household foodstuffs over the winter.

Nothing in the published lore that covers something like this. You can make up your own NPC that fits.

You should invest in Volo's Guide to Waterdeep if you intend to run a campaign in the City of Splendors. If you have that sourcebook already, the above info took me about 5 minutes to put together.

-- George Krashos

The City of Splendors boxed set describes The Garrulous Grocer, which is owned and operated by Nindil Jalbuck and a human couple. Unfortunately, the human couple is described as having only one son, a male, and Nindil Jalbuck is (was) a halfling. He does have a human wife, but there's no mention of kids. And the rules don't exactly cover half-halflings.

I believe goodsir that the politically correct name is three-quarterlings

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Copper Elven Vampire
Master of Realmslore

1078 Posts

Posted - 12 Jan 2017 :  03:42:31  Show Profile Send Copper Elven Vampire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Then they run across Curudin. What year is this going down? This is Curudin before 1399.

Curudin Ahmaquissar: "The Mischiefmaker of Silverymoon".

Male Trickster-Touched Moon Elf; Rogue 5/ Cleric 7/ Mischiefmaker 4/ Divine Disciple 5 of Erevan Ilesere:

CR 22; medium size humanoid (elf)(Native outsider- chaos); HD 5d6+10, plus 7d8+6, plus 4d6+8, plus 5d8+10; HP 135;
Init +8; Spd 30'; AC 25 (touch 18, Ff 20);
Atk +20/+15/+10 melee (1d8+6 plus 2d6 chaotic/ 17-20, +3 elven keen, chaotic longsword *Hidden Smile*), +19/+19/+14 melee (1d6+5/17-20, +2 elven keen shortsword of speed *Little Sneak*), +18/+13/+8 ranged (1d4+6 plus 1d6 elemental/ 18-20, +3 daggers of Elemental aura);

SQ: spells, spell-like abilities, moon elf traits, rogue abilities, cleric abilities, mischiefmaker abilities, divine disciple abilities.
AL CG; SV Fort +14 (+18 versus poison), Ref +14 (+22), Wil+14; Str 17, Dex 26, Con 13, Int 21, Wis 20, Cha 19.

Age: 212, Height: 6'4", Eyes: Blue, Hair: Short sapphire-blue & silver, Skin: Pale white with blue tints.

Spell-like abilities:
Imbue with spell ability/1'st and 2'nd level spells known
Protection from Law/(Transcendence) Free action.
Mock law, Improved pass without trace, Alter appearance, Knock, Mislead, Polymorph other/ 2x day.
Detect Law, Detect Magic/ 3x day.

Skills: Knowledge (religion)(arcana) +11/+8, Spellcraft +17, Heal +13, Bluff +16, Disable devise +15, Hide +31, Move Silent +31, Open lock +20, Listen +14, Pick pocket +18, Tumble +13, Sense motive +15, Intimidate +12, Spot +17, Search +17, Disguise +30, Balance +10, Escape artist +25, Gather info +10, Innuendo +10, Read lips +6, Use magic devise +17, Perform (buffoonery +5, dance +15, prank +20);

Skill Tricks: Acrobatic Backstab, Conceal Spellcasting, Escape Attack, False Theurgy, Hidden Blade, Quick Escape, Spot The Weak Point, Sudden Draw, Never Outnumbered, Swift Concentration, Twisted Charge, Walk The Walls, Second Impression.

Feats: TwF, Weapon focus (longsword/shortsword), Dodge, Lucky Fingers, Quick draw, Magical Fortune, Tempting Fate, Twin sword style, Freerunner (see below).

Special Qualities: Moon elf traits- immune to magic sleep spells, +2 save vs. enchantment spells, low light vision, +2 bonus on listen, search, and spot checks. Divine Disciple abilities- New domain, Divine emissary, Sacred defense +2, Imbue with spell ability, Trancendence, Spells. Mischiefmaker abilities- Mock law, Improved pass without trace, Alter appearance, Knock, Thwart magic trap, Sneak attack, Mislead, Polymorph other, Spells. Rogue abilities- Trapfinding, Trap sense, Uncanny dodge, Sneak attack +4d6, Evasion. Cleric abilities- Turn/rebuke undead, Aura, Spontaneous Casting, Spells.

Trickster Touched abilities:
Resist: Trickster-touched creatures are undaunted by poison or poison traps. He gains a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poison.

Spell-like Abilities: Trickster-touched creatures can often sense the presence of too much order and structure, as well as magical auras. He gains the ability to detect law or detect magic as the spells cast at his total character level in any combination a total of 3/day.

Abilities: Trickster-touched creatures are nimble, clever, and amiable. His abilities gain a bonus Increase as follows: Dex +6, Int +6, Cha +4.

Special Qualities: Trickster-touched creatures seem unable to keep their noses out of trouble, and thus collect stray bits of lore from wherever their adventures take them on topics as varied as local personalities, the history and powers of artifacts, and the traits of monstrous races just as a bard can with bardic knowledge. This ability functions like the bardic knowledge class feature, except that the bonus for the check equals the Trickster-touched creature’s racial bonus + her Int modifier. Trickster-touched creatures have a base +1 racial bonus to their check, which increases by +1 for every 5 HD or class levels of the base creatures. This ability stacks with a bard’s bardic knowledge and similar abilities such as a Harper agent’s Harper knowledge or a loremaster’s lore class features. (Curudin's Trickster-Touched Knowledge: +13)

Feats: Trickster-touched creatures seem to have an endless supply of tricks up their sleeves. If the base creature has 5 or more HD or levels or upon gaining 5 HD or levels, the base creature gains Cool Head CS, Freerunner CS, Sure Hand CS, or Sweet Talker CS as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not the base creature meets the prerequisites for the feat. The base creature must still meet the prerequisites for its chosen bonus skill tricks.

Cleric Spells per day: 6/7/7/7/6/6/5/5/4. Base DC = 15 +spell level. Deity: Erevan Ilesere. Domains: Trickery, Chaos, Luck. Caster Level: 16

Current Spells:
0 level- Create water, light, read magic, detect poison, detect magic, guidance.

1st level- Divine favor, doom, entropic shield, protection from law, shield of faith, Change self, Random action, Healers vision.

2nd level- Spell shield, invisibility, Hold person, Curse of ill fortune, cure moderate wounds, Shatter, Sound burst, Manifestation of the deity.

3rd level- Searing light, bestow curse, dispel magic, nondetection, Bladebane, Negative energy protection, Magic circle against law.

4th level- Weapon of the deity, Chaos hammer, Confusion, spell immunity, Know vulnerabilities, Freedom of movement.

5th level- Flame strike, Pixie dust, Crawling darkness, Dispel Law, Teleport, False vision.

6th level- Animate objects, Mislead, Heal, Suppress glyph, Greater dispelling.

7th level - Word of chaos, Spell turning, Screen, Regenerate, Fortunate fate.

8th level - Cloak of chaos, Polymorph any object, Greater planar ally, Symbol of spell loss.

Possessions: +3 elven keen chaotic Vorpal longsword (Hidden Smile), +2 elven keen spell-storing shortsword of speed (Little sneak), +3 ring of protection, Ring of teleportation, Bag of Tricks, Blessed Book, Boots of elvenkind, Cloak of elvenkind, Gloves of dexterity, Amulet of natural armor +2, Vest of disguise, +2 elven Deathward studded leather armor, Four +2 daggers of Elemental Aura, Wand of Polymorph other (6'th level), Wand of Mage Armor (6'th level) Moonfire salve, Fanged mask, Deck of Many Things, Pearl of Power 5. Belt of priestly might and warding, The Tricksters Lucky Dice (Treat as Rod of Wonder)

Personal Info: Curudin Ahmaquissar is the leading cleric/Rogue of Erevan Ilesere in Silverymoon and Everlund and master of the secret elven Rogues guild known as "The Rogues of the Laughing Twilight" in the same cities. Exiled from Evermeet at the age of 60 for pranks and mischief that went awry, he is known throughout the city as "The Mischiefmaker of Silverymoon" but none know that he is also the leader of the elven thieves guild. Curudin is extremely handsome even in the eyes of other elves. He is quick, witty, clever, charming, intelligent, alluring and has a completely chaotic disposition on life.

Blessed by the Trickster at the elven age of 10, he had mischief written in his eyes and a scar in the middle of his chest in the form of an Asymmetrical star burst. He is a hedonist in every sense of the word and thoroughly enjoys debauching others. He hardly ever has his eyes shut. Quick to laugh and even quicker to prank and trick everyone and anyone from the very powerful to the poor. He is very good in melee combat and has a tremendous amount of luck on his side. It is said by other elves who meet him that he is highly favored by his god Erevan, as his eyes gleam with otherworldly asymmetrical stars whenever he dons a sardonic grin or wry smile. Curudin is the consummate trickster, and the perfect, living mortal example of mischief incarnate! Change and excitement are the spices of his life, and he is always trying to reinvent himself and others, playing pranks that both amuse and enlighten. He has been blessed a special and rare gift from Erevan Ilesere and is known as Trickster-Touched.

Curudin has never been caught at anything involving thievery, pranking, tricking, games, wenching, scouting, shadowing, hiding, etc... etc... He runs the Midnight Gambol of Erevan every month and invites all who happen upon it. He is wild, mischievous, independent, and utterly unpredictable, playing pranks on others for the sheer joy of it, and can be found deep in sylvan glades among the fun-loving subjects of the Seelie Court.

In the city of Silverymoon and Everlund his guild of elven rogues steal only from other thieves and give back to the proper owners half of what was initially stolen from them. They run out of town those thieves, and will even fight other rogues who try to set up shop in the city. So far they have never failed. He owns 3 taverns in Silverymoon. One is for elves only, another is for mixed crowds, and the last is a brothel which fronts as a winery. Curudin also owns 4 taverns and inns in Everlund where the Guild is based. Two taverns outside the city walls and two inside near the Dwarf Bridge section of the city. Curudin is known by Alustriel Silverhand and others of high rank in the city, but leave him alone for the most part for his efforts to run out other thieves entering the city. His tricks and pranks on the other hand push all who encounter him to the very edge of sanity and reason... even becoming violent! But not a single person can point a finger directly at him for anything linking him to these pranks and tricks.

He is also a well known adventurer and hero in the northlands, having spent most his life so far in absolute danger and peril. He is never one to be scared or frightened and usually laughs in the place of fear. His career has a long list of very worthy accomplishments, including stealing from Fzoul Chembryl, Semmemmon, The Vampire manshoon, Storm Silverhand, Mintipur Moonsilver, Alustriel Silverhand, Mirt the Moneylender, and countless other kings, warlords and the like. All of them have never been able to catch him as of yet.

He is most famous, or infamous, for his risky and daring thefts of other churches, temples and faiths, including those of Bane, Shar, Tyr, Helm, Talona, Auril, Mask, Torm, Grazz't, Beshabba, Tymora and others. Just recently (1374-75) he was hired by Khelben Arunsun and The Moonstars to go on a extremely difficult mission to sneak into Shade Enclave and steal a item of invaluable price and power from the city of Shade and its leaders. The mission was successful and the item was stolen and laid into the hands of Khelben, but not without its losses. Curudin, being a Divine deciple of Erevan Ilesere couldn't help but play a wicked deadly trick on Prince Clariburnus and Prince Yder before making his daring escape in which he lost his prized dice almost at the cost of his life!

And to add to all this... as well as he is known, he is also just as unknown it seems, and he prefers to keep it that way as long as possible. He is quick to laugh and has a very healthy sense of humor... sometimes light and frivolous, and other times dark and sardonic.

As of 1375 he has been seen moving between Silverymoon and Waterdeep, and has been spotted spending a great deal of time with Elaith "the serpent" Craulnober and Fox-at-Twilight as of late. Last night, Khelben Arunsun, having seen them at the Hidden Dagger tavern, quietly said to himself that Elaith would do well to frequently check his belongings, and to never underestimate the chaotic power of a wicked Prank or Trick; Especially one performed by Curudin Ahmaquissar!!

((Spell Plague and 100 years later. 1475 DR.))

Here's the guild members in short... "The Rogues of the laughing Twilight"

Curudin Ahmaquissar: Male Moon elf (stats above)

Laeirlefain Starleaf: Male Copper elf, Rogue 7/ Combat Trickster 3/ Tempest 4/ Divine Champion 4 of Erevan Ilesere.

Mitzlevexven Leafbower: Male Moon elf, Rogue 5/ Wizard 5/ Arcane Trickster 7.

Tezryn Ilystin : Male Drow Elf, Rogue 5/ Cleric 5/ Daggerspell Priest of Erevan Ilesere 5.

Seareghade Shimmerstar: Male Moon elf, Illusionist 15/ Arcane Devotee 5 of Erevan Ilesere. (3ED version)

Terrindill Shaelarra: Male Gold elf, Rogue 5/ Shadowdancer 10/ Shadow Lord 3. (Shadow walker template)

Cepheus Nightsong: Male Star elf, Bard 20

Shen-Shen Mistriven: Female Gold elf, Spellthief 18

Quintillis The Wry: Male gold elf, Rogue 5/ Divine Seeker 5/ Temple raider 10. of Erevan Ilesere.

Nym Nightsong: Male Star elf, Rogue 5/ Wizard 5/ Shadow Adept 10. (Shade Template)

Saffrathila Winterbough: Female Copper elf, Rogue 5/ Cleric 5/ Mystic Wanderer 10 of Erevan Ilesere.

Zallathel Amarillis: Male Moon elf: Rogue 5/ Wizard 5/ Mage-Killer 10.

Sathalindle Selorn: Male Wild elf: Scout 5/ Cleric 5/ Luck Master 5/ of Erevan Ilesere.

Pheyloo Winterbough: Male Copper elf: Rogue 5/ Assassin 10/ Superior Knife Thrower 5.

All are followers of Erevan Ilesere and are very devoted to each other, mischief and the city of Silverymoon and Everlund. Their pranks range anywhere from making livestock talk, giving a bad stench to someone, turning somebody the colors of Erevan, freezing the bath water of a noble while they were bathing, animating objects to dance and sing, subtly cutting the belt of a warrior so it falls when they reach for their weapon, turning a persons wine or ale into milk or sand, Altering the appearance of someone to look like a Satyr, casting a spell to make a Bard sound like a bugbear, etc... etc.. But also, they are called upon to search and locate ancient elven artifacts and treasures long lost before falling into the wrong hands. And if powerful elven artifacts do fall into the wrong hands then they are also called upon to act as elven assassins to search, find and destroy these wizards and sorcerers who would weild the ancient elven magic. But keep in mind, they do so their own way, on their own terms, for their own reasons, which always lead back to Erevan Ilesere, and the ways of his dogma. As of early 1375 they are in the employment of Khelben Arunsun and working with the Moonstars towards major events soon to come in the year. They have found "The Shattering Swords of Coronal Ynloeth" along with his Bracer, as well as The ancient Dwarven weapon "Twinblades Alight".

((Continuing the story)) ((1475 DR.))

Over the hundred years of the change of Faerun the guild has grown very strong. Based in Everlund and prominent in the cause and effect of city life in and surrounding The Silver Marches. Making enemies of Shar and Zhents, Thay and The Empire of Shadow. Churches of Tyr and Helm put bounties on their heads. Assassins and killers are paid to land a blow against them all in the name of religion. Curudin is utterly devoted to the people but holds a hidden streak of mischief that causes more drama than needed. It seems Curudin thrives on this bout of Anarchic disposition and has been putting all of this in motion with the laughing voice of his god and fate. Now in charge of 19 specialized, talented rogues, Curudin guides them to their potential in the world of Erevan. Shadow is coming... And Shadow matches shadow in the light of the end. Erevan has given to Curudin a Shadow element in which the future is ablaze with hard times and sharp steel. Between Baaetezu, Tanar'ri, Fey'ri, Paladins of the lawful, monarchs of the forcefull, and all who can't laugh, the war zone hits home and the devoted of Erevan Ilesere laugh from the shadows like the Rogues he calls in their dreams.
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Copper Elven Vampire
Master of Realmslore

1078 Posts

Posted - 12 Jan 2017 :  03:45:39  Show Profile Send Copper Elven Vampire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Since Curudin has been reborn I will supply the new stats soon. Curudin and his rogues are all re-classed and re-stated. New Curudin coming soon.
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Great Reader

2460 Posts

Posted - 12 Jan 2017 :  12:43:48  Show Profile Send TBeholder a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Take a look at this page.
Chapter 2: Character Options
See Regional Backgrounds ## 6 and 13.
Yeah, the obvious.

Originally posted by Copper Elven Vampire

Then they run across Curudin. [...]
Male Trickster-Touched Moon Elf; Rogue 5/ Cleric 7/ Mischiefmaker 4/ Divine Disciple 5 of Erevan Ilesere:

LMAO. Search gives 9 threads in which you posted something that contains word "Curudin" and 14(!) with word "Mischiefmaker". This is somewhere close to the point when one's fetish starts collecting people who point finger and laugh.

People never wonder How the world goes round -Helloween
And even I make no pretense Of having more than common sense -R.W.Wood
It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo. -Ed Whitchurch
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11961 Posts

Posted - 12 Jan 2017 :  12:53:30  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Didn't Curudin end up in a prank off in 1382 against Gefekker Rubyslippers, that gnome illusionist-priest of Baravar Cloakshadow that "had a faerie dragon familiar" which in reality was some kind of advanced illusion, while his real familiar was some kind of magic capable clockwork swordsman that followed him invisibly; Mineera Rubyslippers, that gnome spellthief-priestess of Baervan Wildwanderer that rode that winged owlcat, and Shella Honeytoes, that halfling beguiler-priestess of Brandobaris with the beautiful golden curls in her hair? You remember the prank off where they'd taken it upon themselves to work on Orbul Brossfeather and the rest of the Brossfeather family for having hunted to extinction a bunch of dire beavers that were encroaching the Brossfeather lands outside of Waterdeep? In the end, they had to all call it a tie whenever they realized that unbeknownst to the four of them, a Nimbraii theurge of Leira had joined in the games and started working the four of them against each other? Did they ever uncover who that Leiran was?

Oh, and remind me one day to tell you of the story from the 1200's DR where Gefekker, Mineera, and their clockwork friend fell through a sudden weather portal into a strange land called "Katashaka" and they had to help a "cowardly" Lenastan be accepted back into his tribe as a priest of Felidae, despite the god's trickster ways. Along the way they were joined by a strange gnoll shaman named, Toetoa, and his cadre of animated scarecrows. They were opposed by a powerful green hag from the nearby jungles who apparently had been exposed to some lore of the creator races, creating a servitor race of flying apes and monkeys. That was when they were married in fact and took on the surname Rubyslippers.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas

Edited by - sleyvas on 12 Jan 2017 13:50:22
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