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 Knowledge is Treasure. Or Art Object: Books
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 23 Nov 2016 :  06:15:43  Show Profile Send SaMoCon a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Hello, esteemed loremasters, scribes, and sages.

My players have, again, bewildered me with knowing what is on the shelves of a school library. Now, this library is the combined collections of several wealthy patrons, so they do have the resources for many tomes each. What those books are and what they represent are the interests and knowledge of people who seek to improve their business, social standing, and skills. A patriarchal money-lender, an elder statesman, a country lord's seneschal, a retired merchant ship's captain, and a former military officer are the sources of these books; however, these people are not collecting chapbooks nor do they have magic books or spell books. Beyond those, are there any alternatives?

The realms have very little information of the kinds of books that have been scribed and reprinted IRL for centuries: literatures, histories, philosophies, sciences, laws, and religious interpretations. The lack even extends to non-adventurer authors: story-tellers, historians, gnostics, experts, statesmen, and luminaries. If one were to follow the lore of the realms then one would believe then spell books and magical books would be the majority of all printed/scribed media. Of course, that does not make any sense. As with the Art Objects table I made some time ago (, I wanted to create additional books and the authors that would have been famous because of their works (mostly influenced by IRL works from centuries past). I have also provided URLs for the inspirations for each description or Realms Lore from which I based each entry.

@01 a tawny-colored tome bound with two large cords secured to the cover by two beetle shaped medallions. An encircled tree design is branded into the leather cover. / Thorass + Chondathan: "The Economic" is a dialogue about manse oversight and agriculture / DC13 Profession: by Pon Rulhast (-5947 DR) is also one of the earliest writings on economics in its original sense of estate management, but beyond the emphasis on household economics, the dialogue treats such topics as the qualities and relationships of men and women, rural versus urban life, slavery, religion, and education. The book discusses the administration of agricultural land and analyzes subjective personal value of goods compared with varying exchange valuations. Pon Rulhast uses the example of a rhoth, which retains exchange value even if it is of no use to a person who does not know how to handle it.

@02 a book bound in an ochre cover that has a folding flap which is secured by the braids from the stitch binding. A design embossed and painted into the surface is of a shrike flying towards Selune with the trailing tail feathers stretching backwards into a knotted Ffolk pattern. / Calim + Alzhedo: "An Essay on Population and its Effects on Human Happiness from Past to Present," is written as a dialogue of ministers and their lord in a land suffering from disasters, shortages, and public unrest. / DC13 Diplomacy: written by Dirk Bluenote, slave philospoher to the djinn noble Calim in -7598 DR. This work strongly influenced social policies of early human nations of the Heartlands to the Lake of Steam though the work has been referenced by racial rulers in effectively pacifying conquered human populations.

@03 an evenly-cut paged-book bound in maroon leather carved & embossed with Victorian scrollwork on black felt, and closed by a belt secured with a hook-style clasp to the cover. / Thorass + Chondathan: "The Fundamentals of Political Markets and Tariffs" is a story of several merchants as they navigate the tariffs, taxes, and exchange rates to sell their goods and make profits between nations. / DC15 Knowledge History: This work was written during the reign of Empress Munaa yr Oma el Shoon or Shoon the Fifth in the greatest expansion of the Shoon Imperium (281 DR – 300 DR). / DC13 Profession: Duncan Whitehall presents the idea of comparative advantage that free trade between two or more countries can be mutually beneficial regardless if one country has an absolute advantage over the others in all areas of economic activity.

@04 a thick-leather bound book of mottled maroon with a brassy pyramidal-shaped clasp, a wide securing belt, and three golden bookmark ribbons. Black and white diamond-pattern endpapers. / Thorass + Illuskan: "Against the Lunatics" is a polemic against zeal induced heresy, warning that ambition and prejudice lead heretics to deviate into perverted faith and persecution of other faiths. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: by Tellure the Banite, this book is a famous refutation of the Swords of the Lady order of fanatic Selūnites and may have been the origin of the judicial adequation movement.

@05 an auburn book with seven arcane symbols in seven spinal panels lining the spine, and a seven-pointed star knot-work design on the cover. / Thorass + Chondathan: "Roads Crossed" is a register of the stations and distances along various trade roads from the Shining Sea to the Spine of the World and the Sword Coast to the Endless Waste. / DC15 Knowledge Geography: Though the text was written prior to the fall of the Netheril Empire by an unknown, or perhaps several anonymous authors, the accuracy of the work for the still existing roads helps many caravanners, merchants, and travellers properly plan long trips overland.

@06 a book of unevenly cut pages bound into a green pasteboard hard cover. The front cover is painted with a scene of Selune lighting the convergence of two rivers as the last sliver of the sun sets behind the mountains on the horizon while a gossamer winged fairy watches the waters flow by in the foreground. / Thorass + Illuskan: "Penance" consists of apologetic and polemic dialogues defending pantheistic worship, demanding legal tolerance, and espousing that patron worshippers be treated the same as the worshippers of popular gods. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: "Penance" is Tellure the Banite's most famous work. Juridical adequation has been argued and became law in many lands based upon the arguments presented in this work.

@07 a book covered with bronze leather bound by two bead-terminated cords. Embossed and painted into the cover is a serpent devouring its own tail amidst a mannish script that nearly fills out the cover. / Thorass + Illuskan: "Vicarious Elation" is about the moral legitimacy and consequences of the pleasures of attending public entertainments. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: Tellure the Banite argues that enjoyment of false portrayals of emotions and non-productive endeavors can be an offence to the gods. His view of these public shows is that they interfere with the worship of the divine and supplant rightful thinking with insubstantial fantasies. To this end he supports his claim by reminding the reader that these shows and spectacles are often used by their creators to influence and manipulate the watchers into performing acts or supporting notions they would not otherwise do in the light of reasoned thought.

@08 a red-paged book bound in a soft leather, wrap-around cover secured by a marching leather thong. / Dethek + Damaran: "Duality" elucidates two opposite pairs "good & evil" and "good & bad," which have very different meanings. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: With "good & bad," "good" equates to nobility and life-affirming value; while "good & evil," "good" becomes the opposite of aristocratic "good", which itself becomes "evil." These value pairings show the ascendancy of one or another type of popular sentiment with "elitist morality" favoring "good & bad" exemplifying the powerful and strong versus the "slave morality" of "good & evil" exemplifying the resentment of the weak. / DC15 Knowledge History: Kurri the Exile was a philosopher who spoke out against the gynarchy of Rashemen and retreated into hermitage of the Ashenwood under the curse of lycanthropy.

@09 a book bound in wrap-around brown, finely scaled, skin tooled with golden reptilian scrollwork & laurels, and tied by two coarse-scaled belts secured with post studs. / Dethek + Damaran: "Voice of Conscience and Feelings of Guilt" examines the institution of punishment as it evolved from creditor-debtor relationships into moral penance. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: The convenience of forgetting to shed the gravitas of past events is not mere inertia or absentmindedness but an active faculty. Moral penance and forgetfulness are the two tools used for absolution but the opposing faculty of lingering memory bears the fruit of personal morality by manifesting in a nagging conscience and guilt that separates the moral individual from the amoral. / DC15 Knowledge History: Kurri the Exile was a philosopher who spoke out against the gynarchy of Rashemen and retreated into hermitage of the Ashenwood under the curse of lycanthropy.

@10 a pile of wooden planks 1ft by 6in inscribed with letters of different sizes and shapes, bull heads, hawks, and the sun in varing positions to the horizon and cloud cover. / Draconic + Loross: The plot of "The Morphing of an Ass" involves the protagonist's, Assiro's, curiosity and insatiable desire to see and practice magic but is accidentally transformed into an ass. This leads to a long journey, literal and metaphorical, filled with in-set tales. He finally finds salvation through the intervention of the goddess Mystryl, whose cult he joins. / DC15 Knowledge History: "The Morphing of an Ass" is the only novel from the First Age of Netheril in nascent Loross to survive in its entirety. Sorasi the Spellscribe (-3799 to -3714 DR) is believed to be the author as he was known to use hero names based on anagrams of his own name.

@11 a book bound in marbled brown lambskin closed by two bronze-clasped belts. Studs, decorative filigree, and a central dragon design are inlaid into the cover. / Thorass + Chondathan: "The Nine Rebuttals" is written in the form of a dialogue between the orthodox Natoli Thatchman and the heretic Duncan of Westgate on the shores of the Dragonmere in the afternoon of Greengrass, and the discussion arising from the homage paid by Natoli, in passing, to the graven images of Teziir. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: An early writing in defense of the Dark Moon heresy, Natoli's arguments for orthodoxy are taken up one at a time by Duncan, with the result that Natoli is convinced of the rightness that the two goddesses of Selune and Shar are one.

@12 an auburn hard-cover book with stiff, black leather reinforcements. Studs, decorative filigree, and a central compass design are inlaid into the cover. Embossed into the base leather are animistic sigils. / Thorass + Auld Thorass: "Divining the Meaning of Dreams" is an encyclopedic treatment of the subject matter of dreams with the latter half being advice for the author's son, a novice seer interpreter. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: an ancient Jhaamdathan treatise on dream interpretation written by Dodor of Tuoxent. Dodor suggests that dreams are unique to the dreamer with the symbology of the dream affected by the dreamer's lucid life.

@13 a fallow book of yellowed pages stitched to the leather soft cover that has holes at the open end for a leather thong to securely tie the book closed. Silhouettes of grass and wheat are decoratively stained into the cover. / Imaskari + Roushoum: "The Periplus of the Alamber Sea" is a manuscript document that appears to be lists of names and numbers. / DC15 Knowledge Geography: lists the ports and coastal landmarks, in order and with approximate intervening distances, that the captain of a vessel could expect to find along the shores of the Alamber Sea. / DC15 Knowledge History: It was written by Bolg of Nicomedia (-4360 DR) in the form of a letter, from Bolg to the Imaskari Emperor Oryzan in Inupras.

@14 a tawny-colored book that has black leather reinforcing the stitch points and the belt securing the tome closed. The soft cover has floral vines and title letters embossed into the surface. / Thorass + Illuskan: "Book of Propositions" is a book consisting of fifteen mathematical propositions on circles, introducing several new geometrical figures like the arbelos and salinon. / DC15 Knowledge Architecture: This book was referenced by architects for the construction of domes, arches, and buttresses in the government buildings of Myth Drannor.

@15 a book of stitched pages is protected by a soft leather cover dyed a brilliant indigo. The design of a fiery, golden bird is painted on the cover. / Thorass + Chondathan: "Fundamentals of the Sphere" is a work explaining spherical geometry work. / DC15 Knowledge Geography: by Garroot of Fenwick in -3536 DR, this work proved essential in bringing Euclidean geometry to Human civilization and its application in astronomy advanced the understanding of star seers. A shortcoming of the work was the earlier revelation of trigonometry but Garroot makes no use of it.

@16 a tome of uneven pages sandwiched between two buff-colored planks held together by a leather spine. / Thorass + Chondathan: "The Orb and the Paper" delineates a method of transcription upon a flat recording surface which preserves the properties of circles. / DC15 Knowledge Geography: a work by Temmul Blatherskite exploring the mathematics of mapping figures inscribed in the celestial sphere onto a plane (or paper map) by what is now known as a defined representation of the entire sphere, except at the projection point.

@17 a fulvous soft cover journal bound closed by a cord terminating in a spiral bead. The spiral is a central symbol in the concentric circles emblem on the cover. / Thorass + Chondathan: Temmul Blatherskite's dialogue "The State" describes an ideal city-state run by philosopher-kings and contained references to specialization of labor and production. / DC13 Profession: Temmul Blatherskite was the progenitor of the credit theory of money as a unit of account for debt to allow transactions of goods & services if one has nothing for which the other wants to barter.

@18 a soft cover leather book dyed blue-black with decorative stippling forming a wolf's head on the cover. / Thorass + Chondathan: Temmul Blatherskite's "Managing the Rabble" analyzes different forms of the state: monarchy, aristocracy, constitutional government, tyranny, oligarchy, and democracy as a critique of Oglun of Naarkolyth's model of philosopher-kings. / DC13 Profession: Temmul authored a blueprint of a society based on common ownership of resources as an oligarchical anathema. Temmul advocates for commonly held property and national wealth but he argues against all resources being commonly held because of the inherent wickedness found within the actions of the free willed causing sloth to afflict the populace.

@19 a stich-bound book with brown soft cover hide stained with maple leaf patterns. / Hamerfae + Seldruin: In the treatise "Sum of All Decisions" the author deliberated the meaning of a just price - a just price was just sufficient to cover the costs of production, including the maintenance of a worker and his family. / DC13 Profession: A just price, according to Dungul Durothiel (-3187 DR), is necessary for the propagation of good social order; therefore, sellers who raise their prices simply because buyers had a pressing need for a product are an affront to a civil society.

@20 a supple brown leather case binds the pages of this tome with leather thongs piercing the spine and keeping the pages in place. Natural scars and incidental scoring are the only markings on the cover which is tied shut by the loose ends of the thongs. / Draconic + Loross: "Order of Business" (-1030 DR) reveals the foundation of trade is both sides perceiving benefit from a transaction, otherwise trade would not happen. / DC13 Profession: Nazruin of Thultanthar writes that merchants perform a necessary and useful social role by transporting goods from localities of excess to places of want/need. Disputes arising from trade happen because expected costs of labor and expenses might be inflated because the buyer and seller have different notions of a just price.

21 two tan wood planks are bound by ornate leather riveted to form a spine to which are the glued white pages that form this simple book. / Semphari + Untheric: "Movement of Coins" (-992 DR) looked at money from two angles: its metal value and its purchasing power, two variables which do not necessarily move together. / DC13 Profession: From Rami Bashara's obesrvations of trade in Unther-ruled Mordulkin, Rami proposes that it is not individual but aggregated demand and supply that determines market prices. Ergo, a just price was what the collective society and not just one individual is willing to pay.

22 a book of stitched paper pages hard bound by a stiff leather cover. The front of the book has an embossed, reposed, and painted image of a two headed serpent forming a circular loop terminating around a metal clasp that secures the book closed. / Thorass + Turmic: The treatise "Lifecycle of Civilizations" says the specialization of labor, the value of money as a means of exchange rather than as a store of inherent value, and the careful balance of taxation between need of the state & burden on the people are demonstrably characteristic for rising and falling governments. / DC13 Profession: Kurleb Iderdizan's most extraordinary ideas on taxes posits that beyond a certain point higher taxes discourage production and actually cause tax revenues to fall, legal economies to falter, and illegal trade to thrive.

23 a journal of unevenly cut pages in a supple, yellow, leather, wrap-around cover with integral knotted leather thong bound around the journal and cinched to a brass button rivet. Leather patched reinforce and stiffen the binding against casual rough use. / Imaskari + Roushoum: Raumviran philosopher and battle-wizard Sidiyan wrote "Money is Not Godly" (-857 DR) about the mortal origin, nature, law, and alterations of money. / DC13 Profession: It is one of the earliest manuscripts on the concept of money though its discourse may disturb the faithful of Waukeen since it refutes the idea that money would not exist without related gods - specifically naming Waukeen.

24 metal plates compress the pages of this book with their weight and unyielding shape. The pages are thick foil that have been gouged by an instrument instead of inked by a pen. The use of leather for the spine and corner coverings may be more of an awareness that the edges are harmful during casual contact than to embellish the appearance of this solid book. / Dethek + Shanatan: "Sum of All Labors" main topics are about price, justice, capital theory, and distinguishing between the natural value of a good & its practical value. / DC13 Profession: This book addresses social and economic development, and argued that the state has a duty to intervene in mercantile affairs for the common good, and an obligation to help the poor and needy. Valuation of a good is determined by its suitability to satisfy needs, its rarity, and its subjective value. Due to this subjective component there cannot be only one just price, but a bandwidth of more or less just prices. / DC15 Knowledge History: Written in -2412 DR by Rhein Smelterjack, a false name, this dwarvish work was useful to King Connar IV of Ammarindar in conducting economic warfare with Netheril culminating in the emancipation of gnomish slaves in -2387 DR.

25 the leather-clad wooden covers of this book are bound with two strips of riveted metal. The front is embossed into a heart-shape design with a metal skeleton key inlaid into the nucleus. The evenly cut pages of the interior are starkly white in contrast to the rust-stained and scuffed exterior. / Tharian + Thorass: "Knowledge of Arithmetic, Geometry, Proportions, & the Proportional" is about subjects which are pedestrian in their knowledge of trading at Northkeep and referenced solely for the creation, maintenance, and termination of credit. / DC13 Profession: Luka Rabarsing's (394 DR) work includes the foundation of double-entry bookkeeping used by mercantile centers in all Faerun with instructions to keep books of accounts after the order of debtor and creditor in three bookes named the memorandum, journal, & ledger.

26 a tome-shaped wooden box wrapped in tooled leather. A golden unicorn-head emblem and corner embellishments decorate the pattern embossed in the surface. Inside, a pair of posts keep the loose sheets of vellum in order. / Tharian + Thorass: "Sacrilege of Money-Counting" is an examination of the successive prohibitions on usury, not always strictly secular, which challenged economic concepts after the fall of Netheril to the rise of Zhentarim. / DC13 Profession: The states that enacted restrictions are compared to their peers in before-and-after analysis with varying degrees of effects both positive and negative from financial to social-political. This work was the first to indirectly address the idea for cultural invasion of one nation into another through economic activity.

27 a blue, round-edged tome with a painted hard cover design of a fox head with a lotus emblem on its head. The yellowed pages between the covers are cut even to the edges of the covers. / Draconic + Loross: "Asram's Treasure by Foreign Trade" is an accounting of value as of (3820 N.Y.) for goods exported fom and imported to the nation of Asram through all points of trade in each city. There is also an accounting of capital outlays meant for modifying trade, what tarriffs are collected, and reports of their effects on revenue. / DC15 Knowledge History: written in the Year of the Fraudulent Truth (39 DR), the accounts list accurate locations for Asram, Phelajarama, Orolin, Ulshantir, and Miirsar; which are all ruined cities of a fallen Nethresil successor state of Asram.

28 a dyed-green hide-bound book with a scale pattern around a shiny red eye peering outward. Evenly cut parchment is stitched into the spine. / Thorass + Illuskan: The author of this untitled book solves problems of finding values which make two linear expressions simultaneously into squares or cubes. / DC13 Profession: Corvus Many-Debts' book is useful for training untutored minds in theoretical sciences for practical skills such as navigation, engineering, and futures trading.

29 a russet-washed leather book with a protruding eye centered on the cover. Swirled patterns cut the surface of the leather and give the impression that the eye is part of a larger face outside the "canvas" of the book cover. Warped, yellow pages are neatly stacked and glued into the binding with colorful stitching at the ends of the spine. / Thorass + Auld Thorass: "Money, the Pursuit by Higher Beings," is first person observations of the author's successful trades plying his wares across many ports of the Inner Seas. / DC13 Profession: The vagaries of demand soon form cyclical patterns based upon moods across the populace of each port that have little to do with fact and more to do with salaciousness and scandal in was written by Mirakk the Fat's experiences in 622 DR. The lesson of this tome is that salesmanship has more to do with the art of presentation and sociability than it does the intrinsic value of the goods.

30 a grainy brown pasteboard is folded into an enclosing book cover with with closing flap that is bound closed by by a pair of ringed straps. The even-cut yellow pages are gilt along the exposed edges. An encircled star is scribed into the cover with tightly scrawled text filling the binding flap. / Thorass + Auld Thorass: "Mathematics" is a collection of 130 algebraic problems giving numerical solutions of determinate equations (those with a unique solution) and indeterminate equations. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: the seal on the cover is a pentacle in a vesicle used in invocations for wisdom and hidden knowledge while the flap has a blessing to ward between worlds, the crossroads, and malevolent spying. / DC15 Knowledge Architecture: an Ancient Jhaamdathan text written by the numbers sage Corvus Many-Debts in -1317 DR introducing a field of polynomial mathematics known today as Corvusine equations.

31 a leather-bound book with cut-out chaotic swirls of reddish-brown and green around inset medallions of a fisherman and a cameo of a woman. Evenly cut parchment is stitched into the reinforced leather spine. / Thorass + Illuskan: "The Tale of the Tressym & the Cat" is a story in which the winged pet and the land-bound stray debate about whose life has more meaning. / DC13 Profession: The fable is a clever device by Bernard Wormer to promote the ideas that private vices for the individual may become public benefits for all through several paradoxical discourses that demonstrate human frailties turned to the advantage of the civil society: fear into public protection, want into industry, greed into recognizing boundaries, and so on.

32 a hardback tome with a burlap weave cover stitched with squared green spirals. The even-cut yellow pages are gilt along the exposed edges. / Thorass + Illuskan: "Maru the Counter" is from the perspective of a novice mathematician finding ways to explain ever more complex things through numbers and formulas. / DC15 Knowledge Architecture: This book written by an unknown author is the continuation from a previous work or works since Maru is finding rational powers between given numbers. He also notices that numbers of the form 4 n 3 cannot be the sum of two squares.

33 a carved wood cover bound in black leather and embellished with gold paint highlighting the beaded borders, encircled pentagrams, and large central symbol. Rust-colored pages fill the book with a concave-cut edging. / Celestial + Mulhorandi: "Iaghuul's Ways" is a Mulhorandi work consisting of reference tables and a collection of 21 arithmetic and 20 algebraic problems. / DC13 Profession: The problems start out with simple fractional expressions, followed by completion problems and more involved linear equations. The fractions 2/n for odd n ranging from 3 to 101 are expressed as sums of unit fractions. This table is followed by a much smaller table of fractional expressions for the numbers 1 through 9 divided by 10. After these two tables, the papyrus records 91 problems altogether.

34 a black pasteboard cover embossed with vine-scrollwork borders, central encircled pentagram symbol. A pair of red leather straps are secured by button fasteners. Even edged pages are gilded and filled with black letters of a mannish script. / Celestial + Mulhorandi: "Iaghuul's Means" consists of mensuration problems expressed in terms of Horus eye fractions and quadruple ro units in all of its examples. / DC15 Knowledge Architecture: The quotients find the volume of both cylindrical and rectangular space granaries which still finds pervasive use in the Old Empires of Faerun for all volume determinations.

35 a black-green leather bound book embossed with a diamond pattern and a large pierced diamond symbol on the cover. Nails in the spine secure the backing for the pages. / Celestial + Mulhorandi: "Iaghuul's Guidance" is filled with complicated tables of data, several elementary algebraic problems concerning food preparation, amusing geometric progressions, geometric series, and equation riddles. / DC13 Profession: "Guidance" is not usefully mathematical so much as being whimsically mathematical. Conversely, the diversionary nature of this work has made it the most popularly reproduced of the author's works.

36 a thick purple book with gold embellishments of vine borders and a female face in profile. Uneven blocks of pages are smudged with swaths of gray that silhouette tightly bunched blocky characters. / Dethek + Shanatan: "Code of the Master Masons" is a copy of the laws enacted in Sarbreen. The prologue, typical of dwarven law codes, invokes the deities for Morndinsamman's law rituals, Moradin & Clangeddin Silverbeard, and decrees "equity in the land." / DC13 Bookbinding: the paper pages are rubbings of stone tablets that were later bound into this book.

37 a book of yellowed pages between two wooden boards bound together by criss-crossed twine anchored by strips of rough leather at the corners of the planks and covering the spine. The evenly cut pages are sewn to the spine. A metal latch and clasp fasten the book closed. / Thorass + Illuskan: "The Times and Toils" is a didactic poem about the agricultural arts. The mythological aetiologies for the work & pain that define the human condition are the so-called Myth of Five Ages & Chauntea's Servants. / DC13 Profession: A farmer's almanac written by Tucker.

38 a brown, pasteboard covered book is shod in a leather wrap with a flap secured closed by a pair of leather thongs that cinch twice around the book. The leather is scribed with a knotwork bordered crescent moon with the phases of Selune filling the interior. additional knotwork decorates the flap of the shodding. / Thorass + Illuskan: "Wagonian Ethics" discusses justice in distribution and exchange of wealth through three different proportions to analyze distributive, corrective, and reciprocal or exchange transactions: the arithmetic, the geometric, and the harmonic. / DC13 Profession: Garroot of Fenwick's (-3536 DR) book has been called the most economically provocative analytic writing in ancient Netheril, in which Garroot uses isolated exchanges rather than markets to discuss just exchange prices between individuals with different subjective values for their goods. The harmonic proportion implies a strong commitment to the subjective values of the traders which applies a flux pushing commerce from a science to an art.

39 an austere looking tome with a dark brown leather soft cover embossed with golden floral vine decoration around the cover and flap. Evenly cut gilded pages are stitched to the spine. / Thorass + Auld Thorass: "Kisonraathiisar" is written as a dialogue between Kisonraathiisar, tyrant of Westgate, and the lyric poet Honza about -447 DR. / DC13 Profession: The author, Blagun of Westgate, argues that a tyrant does not have any more access to happiness than a private person. Kisonraathiisar is a minor work which includes discussion of leaders stimulating private production and technology through various means including public recognition and prizes for industrious citizens.

40 a curious book of warped pasteboard and corroded metal bindings has affixed rivets and an embossed cross on the cover. A dangling page marker is made up of a brass chain and ends with a beautifully patterned picasso jasper bead. / Thorass + Auld Thorass: "Ways and Means" Blagun lists the qualities of the city-state Westgate that make it qualified for large revenue. / DC15 Knowledge History: "Ways and Means" was written in 259 DR and is believed to be the last work written by Blagun of Westgate. Shortly after Westgate's defeat by the Pirate Isles, the city was facing financial ruin. Blagun suggests the city should increase the population as a means of increasing revenue as part of a short treatise on economic development, and showed an understanding of the importance of taking advantage of economies of scale and advocated laws promoting foreign merchants.

41 an unsettling tome of embossed brown hide with an inhuman stern-looking face leering from the cover. Primitive looking symbols and reddish stains actually improve the look of the cover and the vellum pages glued into the spine are filled with brown-inked script. / Thorass + Auld Thorass: "The Education of Saldrinar" is a partly fictional biography of Saldrinar the Great. / DC15 Knowledge History: written by Blagun of Westgate in 258 DR as a mirror for princes, the book describes an ideal ruler; although, Blagun presents what in hindsight can be seen as the foundation for a theory of fair exchange in the market.

42 a green leather book bound by rivets through metal strongpoints and secured closed by two metal clasps. The cover has images of tentacles splaying from an enlongated skull and symbols with eyes. / Thorass + Auld Thorass: "Bladelord's Rule" is a dialogue concerning the definition of justice, the order and character of the just city-state and the just man. / DC15 Knowledge History: Written by Oglun of Naarkolyth around -5010 DR, the dramatic date of the dialogue takes place some time during the Mir-Jhaamdath War (-5032 to -5005 DR) and is proven to be an influential work of philosophy and political theory, both intellectually and historically. / DC13 Profession: The author, with various Jhaamdathans and foreigners, discuss the meaning of justice, examine whether or not the just man is happier than the unjust man, theorize the growth of cities which are ruled by philosopher-kings, and examine the nature of existing regimes. Differing views espouse theories of forms, the immortality of the soul, and the roles of the philosopher & of poetry in society. The Bladelord's Rule gives an account of the manner by which a state is to be formed with the skills of individuals supporting economic sustainability and the specialization of skills as the concept of division of labour.

43 a book with wood spine riveted and leather strapped to stained cloth over hard covers that sandwich the aged-vellum pages together. Unfriendly symbols adorn the cover, a complex clasping mechanism binds the tether strap that keeps the book closed, and pyramid studs mark this book as anything other than ordinary. / Thorass + Cormanthan: "The Art of Acquisition" argues for an autocracy managing an efficient and solid economy. / DC13 Profession: written by Leon Pendergrass during the formative years leading to the unification of Sembia, the qualities described in the book is in effect that of a command economy. It discusses the ethics of economics and the duties and obligations of a king. The scope is more than statecraft encompassing civil & criminal codes, bureaucratic frameworks for administering a kingdom, and descriptive cultural details on topics such as mineralogy, mining & metals, agriculture, animal husbandry, and medicine. The Art of Acquisition also focuses on issues of welfare during crisis (for instance, wealth redistribution during a famine) and the collective ethics that hold a society together.

44 a brown leather-bound book with mixed round & pyramid stud rivets holding the spine, covers, and reinforcing straps together. A swing hasp latches the securing leather straps secure to the front cover under golden symbols painted in sharp script. The curling vellum pages are filled with the similar characters and minimalist pictures of blocks & orbs. / Draconic + Netherese: "History of the World" discusses social cohesion of the citizens as the cause of some civilizations becoming great and others not. / DC15 Knowledge History: Papnoute the Elder, an immigrant citizen-sage to Netheril, wrote about economic & political theory, and that many social forces are cyclic; although there can be sudden sharp turns that break the pattern often stemming from interventions of great power such as deific interference.

45 a soft-cover leather book with pierced spine rope bindings that are knotted together and dangle in three braids. The ropes not only secure the pages to the spine but can also be tied around the book to keep it closed. The cover features a mix of sharp script and hermetic symbols. / Semphari + Untheric: "The Sentences From On High" is a book of theology systematically compiled from authoritative statements and written directives of the god-king Gilgeam of Unther. / DC13 Know Religion: written by Onorphrios in the 11th century DR during his tenure as scrivener and records archivist in Unthalass. A commentary on the book was required of every priest and public official in Unther, and was part of the examination system for placement in both the church and the state government until Gilgeam was deposed by Tiamat during the Time of Troubles (1358 DR).

46 a brown book of stitched leather cover embossed with corner flourishes and a fox-person playing a stringed instrument on the cover. A fang tooth at the end of a single twine cord may be used to simply secure the book closed. The pages are durable, off-white flax-linen paper / Thorass + Illuskan: "The Order of Nature" is penned as five books that meander through expository dialogues and syllogistic reasoning to explain the totality of all things being and non-being, this printing has bound together all five as separate chapters under a single cover. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: the magnum opus of the 3rd century traveller, the Ffolk sage Pawdrig the Lost, the work offers a unifying theory to all special phenomena and ordinary manifestations categorized into four distinct classes: the creators which cannot be created (gods); the created which can create (living things); the created which cannot create (energies); and that which neither is created nor creates (elements). This work is largely uncredited for forming the basis of naturalist studies in Faerunian learning.

47 a cracked leather covered book with a hanged clasp on the front cover securing the strap that keeps the book closed and unsettling red staining around the edges. The open spine reveals the stitching used to keep the pages in place between the three leather straps that binds the front & back hardcovers together. A series of diminishing symbols and glyphs are centered on the book's front cover. / Celestial + Mulhorandi: "The Incoherence of Nonsense" is a dialogue in which the author defends the use of outlander philosophies within Mulhorandi secularism. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: By Molhorandi philosopher Bnoudi of Asanibisan, the book is an important philosophical treatise written in 692 DR against Thutmose Asar's claims in "Philosophers' Nonsense" (690 DR), which criticized non-secular thought. Originally written in Mulhorandi, "The Incoherence of Nonsense" was translated into many other languages and is considered Bnoudi's triumph because it tries to create harmony between faith and philosophy which is relevant wherever the two clash.

48 a wood covered book with a prominent brassy medallion with a tripart symbol of wolf heads surrounded by a circle surmounted by three encircled letters. A leather spine provides the hinge for the two wood covers and the glued linen pages to open and close. / Draconic + Netherese: "There Is Always An Answer" juxtaposes apparently contradictory quotations from Mystryl's High Priests on many of the traditional topics of theology. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: An early scholastic text written by Low Netherese scholar, Duncan Ablehand, the work outlines rules for reconciling contradictions, reveals the multiple meanings of words, and suggest methods to apply the rules to complex situations of peripheral arguments. Meant as an exercise book for students in applying logic to theology, "There Is Always An Answer" presents 185 questions of theological assertion and walks the reader through the negation of each one.

49 a slim book with leather soft cover and stitched in pages for which the stitching runs the borders of the book. Beads decorate the stitching and thicken the knot around which a loop from the back cover can be pulled over the knot on the front cover to secure the book closed. / Barazhad + Terran: "Forged in the Name of God" is a long prayer, or meditation, which reflects on the omniscience of gods and endeavours to explain how aspects of the deities can have qualities which often seem contradictory. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: Written by the controversial cleric Goraidh of Grumbar from Mount Andrus, the rational progression of reasoning in line with the meditation was to arrive at the malleability of the gods in accordance with the collective will of the worshippers. The notion of deific mutability made Goraidh a heretic which saw the cleric tried and drowned for sacrilege against all the gods; however, his meditations are still used in the training of monks and clerics when difficult questions arise between doctrinal dogma and ecclesiastic action.

50 a hard cover book of stone slab covers with inlaid metal ornaments and a central medallion molded with a misshapen five-pointed star in a circle. Leather bindings secure the covers and the foil pages to the spine. Thin metal pages are dented with a scribes quill rendering the ink used a moot point to legibility but still creating an aesthetically pleasing read. / Draconic + Netherese: "The Author's Will" deals with eliminating various paradoxes arising from differences in sentence structure, idiomatic phrasing, and adjectives by examining the syllogisms involved with the closely related languages of Auld Thorass, Loross, High Draconic, and Netherese. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Written by Cloelia Magusa of Anauria to ensure the terms in the premises agree in meaning and not merely expression when translating Old Thorass, Loross, and High Draconic into Netherese. The treatment shows a clear debt to earlier works by Garroot of Fenwick (-3536 DR).

51 a soft cover leather book, with reinforced leather spine and painted animist symbols that look like animals & plants on the cover. Curled yellow pages match the bends of the cover's curve to reveal that this book was read often and not always in book-friendly environments. / Draconic + Halruaan: "The Art of Slavery" elaborates experiments on summoning magics in regard to the well being of conjured creatures and demonstrates through examples of undirected summonings that the creatures have a capacity to act on their own as opposed to owing to coercion or self-interest in taking actions. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Elwood, the author, shows that conjured beings have free will despite being incapable of acting against the coercive aspect of their magical bindings. The neutrality of the tone of his work lays the findings as a basis upon which moral arguments can be made but it does not repudiate the spells used nor does it lay out any ethical arguments one way or the other.

52 a cracked and scarred hide bound book with hard wooden covers and a reinforced leather spine. A belt clasps by a hook to the cover to keep the musty brown pages securely closed. A script of squiggly characters and circular symbols is inked on the cover in a central, slightly rectangular placement. / Thorass + Cormanthan: "The Truth" is about the truth of statements meaning more than correctness in will, action, and essence in matters brought before a judge to adjudicate before the law. / DC13 Profession: Justicar Carlo, the author, states that his years in judicial matters has revealed that great suffering occurs when one perverts what a thing ought or was designed to do. Using classical logic to affirm the existence of an absolute truth forms the fundamental principle both in the existence of things and the correctness of thought, by which Carlo uses examples from his rulings. The statement "everything that is, is rightly" is a summation of this philosophy.

53 a scarred hide bound book with warped wooden covers and a reinforced leather spine. A belt clasps by a hook to the cover to keep the cracked yellow pages securely closed. Bizarre hieroglyphic characters are inked on the cover and appear to run into each other as if to form some kind of picture but is unknown as to what. / Draconic + Netherese: "Curse of the Fallen" considers the histories of the true servants of the gods that had rebelled against their deities. / DC15 Knowledge the Planes: The author, Hector the Fool of Indoria, argues that the forms of good and evil are too inarticulate to ascribe to the motivations of immortal beings. Hector argues that rational beings seek benefit and shun harm on their own account but independent choice permits them to abandon internal and external principles for reasons both great & petty.

54 a bound soft cover book of mottled brown leather with a centrally located sigil carved and painted on the front. Three dark leather reinforcements brace the spine and a leather thong ties the book closed by knotting onto a a ring on the cover. The thick pages inside are cut to the edges of the cover. / Draconic + Loross: "The Holy Processions Against the Art" is first person dialogues with Talfir elders as pointless arguments between the sciences of the Art and backwards ignorance by gods-fearing hicks. / DC15 Knowledge History: written by Uldoon Mage of the Fangs in -267 DR as a one-sided account of the events at the Council of Seven (-269 DR). The heresy of Uldoon's arguments brought about the collapse of negotiations between Uldoon and the Talfir elders culminating in the author's declaration of righteousness to subjugate the Talfir in the name of educating & civilizing the people under the banner of the Emirate of Torsil. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: The author states that if mortals could know the gods only from analogy, then analogies are the self-consciousness of mortals. The nature of consciousness, memory, and intelligence represents the will of the gods ergo what mortals will is what the gods will.

55 a green raw hide book with an inhuman skull leering from the front. Two loopy sigils are sequestered in opposite corners and a wooden spine rivets the covers to the brittle orange pages contained within. / Dethek + Damaran: "Foreknowledge and Predestination: the Unity of Grace and Free Choice" takes the form of a single narrator in a dialogue, countering presumable objections of dissent, in which there is no incompatibility created by the existence of omniscient gods to the free will of mortals. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: Written by one Monk of the Yellow Rose, he postulates there is an overarching present, all divined at once by the deities, thus permitting both foreknowledge and genuine free choice on the part of mortals to coexist. The work is esoteric in its philosophy but does little to back its arguments outside of its own assertions nor does it delve into the reinforcement or modification of personal behaviors.

56 a dyed-red soft-cover book with an embossed Ffolk pattern on the front. Leather thongs stitch the white paper pages to the spine and another thong ties the book closed. / Draconic + Netherese: An untitled book with the writing inside arranged into two rows - a list of names next to a list of numbers. Each page has line art at the top that creates various crude pictures of objects, animals, and people. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: This is a book of signs that marks the auspiciousness of the birth date and name of mortal beings and what beings offer what blessings upon their birth based upon the number code. Unfortunately the cypher is not in the book, but this book was written by Augathra the Mad.

57 an orange & yellow, leather-bound, hard cover book with a mix of embossed & applique knotted vine designs on the surface. Inset into the center of the cover is a circular, metal device of two concentric gears affixed by a pin. / Calim + Alzhedo: This book, "Builders' Log and Outlays," is for building construction listing necessary workers needed, carpentry workshops, dockyard workshops, lists of specialized tools, expected delays for working around deficiencies, and worker's compensation. / DC15 Knowledge History: This belonged to the vizier of Calimport during the construction of the Syl-Pasha's palace amongst other governmental buildings and social structures.

58 a book with engraved wooden covers and spine bound by leather straps and a pair of belts that button the cover closed. Inside are thick yellow pages scribed with looping characters in brown ink or vividly painted pictures of people and things in rich primary colors. / Thorass + Chondathan: "Concerning the Invisible" discusses the kinds of souls possessed by different kinds of living things, distinguished by their different operations. / DC15 Knowledge Nature: The book is a major treatise by Garroot of Fenwick (-3536 DR) on the nature of living things. Thus plants have the capacity for nourishment and reproduction, the minimum that must be possessed by any kind of living organism. Animals have the powers of sense-perception and self-motion. Beings have all these as well as intellect.

59 a green and red book with an embossed tree on the cover over a looping ribbon. The book's cover is heavy leather, worked supple but strong. The thin layer of wax over the leather is cracked along the spine in many places from the opening and closing of the book, though this does not reduce its protection. The book is less than ten years old and does not have the fragile feeling of older spellbooks. / Draconic + Netherese: "Questioning the Ghost" holds that the soul is the essence of any living thing completely separate from the material of the body in which it resides. / DC15 Knowledge Nature: This book by Garroot of Fenwick (-3536 DR) expands on his earlier work "Concerning the Invisible." The possession of soul makes an organism an organism and a body without a soul or a soul in the wrong kind of body is unnatural and perverse. Interactions with corporeal and discorporeal undead further demonstrate the "wrongness" of missing or displaced souls by the efforts required to provide the semblance of life to the lifeless with or by these lifeless beings.

60 a brown book with decorative pieces of ivory affixed to the cover in the shapes of a cracked skull and leafy corner decorations. A metal latch on a hinge allows for the book to be locked shut but any such lock is currently not affixed to the book. / Thorass + Illuskan: "Moving the Masses" is observations of leaders bending people to their points of view through public speeches and arguments. / DC13 Perform: Piotr Wojow's book starts with purposes of rhetoric, offers a detailed discussion of the major contexts and types of rhetoric, and discusses the means of persuasion through credibility, emotions & psyche of the audience, and logical reasoning. "Moving the Masses" is required reading at many bardic colleges for its clear instruction in manipulating an audience and academic approach to what had been always considered an ephemeral art prior to Piotr's elucidations.

61 a hard cover tome of leather inlaid with an elaborate Ffolk knotwork centerpiece and engraved border strips of gilded metal. The spine and back is unadorned and plain metal fasteners on leather straps button the book closed without actually locking the contents. / Dethek + Damaran: "Grasping Hands" is a philosophical approach to property in general, arguing that all conflict is the acquisition of property and criticizing those who do not realize that violence & commerce are two parts of the same whole with the easiest of the two deciding the method. / DC13 Profession: Thrakka Bennuckle, a half-orc agitator from the Dragon Coast, penned "Grasping Hands" in 908 DR. Thrakka finds fault with income based upon trade and upon interest, saying that those who become avaricious do so because they forget that money merely symbolizes wealth without actually being wealth and the insidious sloth brought by interest because it increases by itself and not through personal endeavors.

62 a handsome hardcover book embossed with elements of the sky around a sphere painted with the colors of a full Selune under a smaller unadorned sphere. The spine has more astral bodies while the back cover is plain. Two buttoned ribbons prevent the book from unintentionally opening to expose the fragile yellowed pages contained therein. / Thorass + Northern: "Popular Spectacle" discusses the politics of settlements so large that the common people know less than half of their citizens as opposed to other types of communities and partnerships such as the household and village. It begins with the relationship between the settlement and the citizen, and then specifically discusses the household. / DC13 Profession: The author, Vilk, believes public life is far more virtuous than private because beings are "political animals." Vilk takes issue with the view that political rule, kingly rule, rule over slaves, and rule over a household are only different in size based on the liberties taken by each over its charges in regards to resource management and welfare. Vilk then examines in what ways the settlement may be said to be natural.

63 a book with wood plank covers bound by a leather spine and edge nailed in place. A crude raw hide thong is meant to secure the book closed by wrapping around a tooth tethered to the front. / Thorass + Chondathan: "Master of His House" discusses the parts of the household, which includes slaves, leading to a discussion of whether slavery can ever be just and better for the person enslaved or is always unjust and bad. / DC15 Knowledge History: Garroot of Fenwick (-3536 DR) distinguishes between those who are slaves because the law says they are and those who are slaves by nature, saying the inquiry hinges on whether there are any such natural slaves. Only someone as different from other people as the body is from the soul or beasts are from beings would be a slave by nature, Garroot concludes, all others being slaves solely by law or convention. A literal interpretation of this work leads one to conclude that the qualifications for natural slavery preclude the existence of such a being.

64 a stack of six books denuded of any cover leaving the raw pages exposed and their string & cloth strap bindings unsecured. / Draconic + Loross: "Lorossan Ethics" consists of six books of practical rather than theoretical ethics. In other words, it is not only a contemplation about good living but a guidance to create good living. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: Garroot of Fenwick's (-3536 DR) best-known writings on ethics, this work is about how individuals should best live and providing a shining example for a whole community to emmulate. / DC13 Bookbinding: these pages had been in hard covers that left markings of rare oils and precious metals but were taken out as the covers were repurposed for more valuable texts or been shucked by ignorant thieves not wishing to be weighed down by "worthless" papers.

65 a tri-fold pasteboard covered book with a Ffolk knotwork forming a circular design across the front and flap covers. The black page stitching exits the spine and is braided into two long cords that are used to wrap around the book to secure it closed. / Thorass + Chondathan: "Rule of Law" examines various views and analysis of republics past, contemporary, and invented by theorists before settling on the examination of three mortal regimes that are commonly held to be well managed: Netheril's, Shoon's, and Calimshan's. / DC13 Profession: The book concludes with some observations on government and legislators. The whole taken with the observations shows the most effective laws and practices for managing far flung territory.

66 a mottled green and brown book that is decorated to look like the foliage and bark of a tree. The cover has a circular branching tree pattern stemming from a Ffolk symbol at the center. The pages of the thick book are golden yellow and perfectly even with each other. / Thorass + Chondathan: "A Citizen Be..." delineates the difference between a citizen of state and those whom are merely residents or less of a state. Simply a citizen is anyone who can take part in the governmental process. / DC13 Profession: A work by Temmul Blatherskite, he finds that most people in the state are capable of being citizens contrary to the popular view of monarchs, autocrats, and despots, which asserts that only very few can take part in the deliberative or judicial administration of the state. In many feudal or tyrannical states, merely owning this book is often a death sentence if discovered by the authorities.

67 a wood-covered book with a dyed-green leather spine unevenly nailed in place. Elaborate vinework borders and a centrally placed disk with an archaic symbol are engraved into the wooden front. / Thorass + Illuskan: "Of Lords and States" studies a number of real and theoretical governmental constitutions and classifies them true if they aim for the common good or perverted if they aim for the well being of only a part of the populace. / DC13 Profession: Critics of Hoond Blackhand's book have held that the judgement is too narrow of focus since the constitutions are compared in a vacuum instead of how they were executed and under what internal-external pressures. The work is also entirely theoretical with no attempts made to provide practical instruction; however, it is interesting to practitioners of law and provides a foil to esoteric debates on ungrounded philosophy being introduced into arguments about government. Hoond wrote this, his only book, when convalescing from serious injury incurred defending a corrupt baron's people from worg-riding goblin raiders. The baron gets dishonorable mention amongst the "perverted."

68 a burgundy leather tri-fold cover wraps this slender book and secures the pages closed with a leather thong that pierces the enclosing flap in a simple knot. A flowering plant is embossed and stippled on the cover. / Dethek + Galenan: "Deep Thought" classifies genera and species from substance in general down to individuals and the problem of universals. Do universals exist in the mind, or in reality? If in reality, are they physical things, or not? If physical, do they have a separate existence from physical bodies, or are they part of them? / DC15 Knowledge Nature: Written by Jeer Minerson of Shanatar, "Deep Thought" was the standard textbook on logic and natural sciences for at least a millennium after his death. Though the work did not mention the universals problem further, his formulation constitutes the most influential part of his work because these questions are the basis of debates about their status.

69 a book covered in brilliant blue leather tooled with swirling Ffolk designs on the front, back, and enclosing flap. The pages contained within are secured closed by a loop cinching the flap closed upon a decorative metal button attached to the front cover. / Draconic + Netherese: "Truer Words" defines basic linguistic forms, such as simple terms and propositions, nouns and verbs, negation, the quantity of simple propositions, and modal propositions helps to guide the translator to the logical goal of the original language user's intent. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: "Truer Words" is the second text from Garroot of Fenwick (-3536 DR) and is among the earliest surviving philosophical works in the Netherese tradition to deal with the relationship between language and logic by analyzing simple propositions and drawing a series of basic conclusions.

70 a tri-fold covered book with the front cover flaps both opening to reveal the pages of the book. Gilded leather edge reinforcements are embossed and stippled with Ffolk knotwork and vine scrollwork designs. A central medallion on the bisected front twists to release a hook that secures the two flaps closed. / Espruar + Eladrin: "Refuting Falsehoods" identifies thirteen logical fallacies in rhetoric. / DC13 Perform: Written by Garroot of Fenwick (-3536 DR), power of oration and debate is, according to "Refuting Falsehoods," easily swayed by specious and false claims which can and must be countered by a speaker armed with the means to expose such meritless tactics as they arise to prevent the untrue notions from poisoning the audience. The styles of speaking provided as examples make for effective guidelines in public speaking and this work graces the shelves of the richest statesmen and lawyers.

EDIT: the preview mode showed everything I copied to here with the other 30 book entries. I will post the remainder below. RE-EDIT modified and added to. see below

Make the best use of the system that's there, then modify the mechanics that don't allow you to have the fun you are looking for.

Edited by - SaMoCon on 09 Dec 2016 15:14:13

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71 a soft-cover leather book with a Ffolk pattern knotwork heart shape branded on the cover. Leather thongs stitch the pages securely to the spine and another thong is used to tie the book closed through holes place on the front and back covers. / Draconic + Netherese: "Beyond Both Mundane And Art" examines what can be asserted about anything that exists just because of its existence and not because of any special qualities it has. Also covered are different kinds of causation, form & matter, exertions & arts as energies, the existence of mathematical objects, and deities. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Written by the enslaved gnome scholar Jody Brightjewel (-3591 DR) who taught Garroot of Fenwick, this book is the first major work of metaphysical philosophy. The real nature of things is eternal and unchangeable, but, paradoxically, the world we observe around us is constantly and perpetually changing. Jody’s genius was to reconcile the two apparently contradictory views of the world resulting in a synthesis of the naturalism of empirical science and rationalism that informed Faerunian intellectual tradition for more than four thousand years.

72 a soft-cover leather book with carved and painted red flowers on the green painted cover, although some of the paint has worn or flaked off to reveal the black-brown color of the leather cover. Leather thongs are used to tie the book closed through holes place on the front and back covers. / Thorass + Illuskan: "Lifeforce" suggests nature is the origin and result for that which is to be what it is. Thus, life is natural for things that: grow, acquire qualities, displace themselves, are born, and die absent the influence of external energies. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Dalagar the Netherman's book contrasts natural things with constructs which can move only in accordance from what they are made not according to what they are; i.e., if a wooden bed were buried and somehow sprouted as a tree, it would be according to what it is made of, not what it is. Ergo, life defines that which is based upon what it is and not the form it is perceived to be. Only applications of unnatural forces (art, unlife, divinity) can change that one constant truth.

73 a soft-cover black leather book with an etched image of a sitting man reading a book by a doorway and a striped cat looking on by his feet. Leather thongs stitch the pages securely to the spine and another thong is used to tie the book closed through holes place on the front and back covers. / Thorass + Chondathan: "Making Sense of the World" discusses an approach to nature, the world of changing things, and the doctrines of the natural philosophers specifically to learn how everything truly functions. Topics include: remarks on method, a discussion of how some predecessors viewed nature, and the basic elements of change. Change elements include: a lack (privation), which is overcome by its opposite (form), with both of them belonging to a subject which persists through the change. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Followers of Gond have held Purdum Olijawan's work to be the seminal formation of the Scientific Method that launched advanced skillcraft and technologies throughout Faerun.

74 a brown soft-cover leather book with stippling on the front shaped like a rearing unicorn of flowing manes and prancing hooves. Leather thongs stitch the pages securely to the spine while thick leather strips are securely attached to the front and back so that tying them together will securely hold the book closed. / Dethek + Damaran: "Finite" begins with the definition of change based on Garroot of Fenwick's notions that change is the actualization of a thing's ability insofar as it is able. The author uses this as a basis for distinguishing the infinite by addition and the infinite by division, and between the actually infinite and potentially infinite. / Knowledge the Planes: Ramesh the Fifth-Born argues against the infinite in any form: bodies, substances, and voids. The only type of infinity that exists is the potentially infinite; which, lacking any form, is thereby unknowable. This notion is the basis for the existence of more than one plane of being and the possibility for travel between unconnected points of distance.

75 a beige soft-cover leather book with an embossed image of a jester with belled cap and curly-toed shoes walking dexter on the front. Leather thongs stitch the pages securely to the spine and trail long enough to form a book mark. Holes at the corners on the front and back covers allow a twine cord to criss-cross binding the book closed. / Dethek + Damaran: "Movements" discusses the preconditions of motion: place, void, and time. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: "Movements" is Ramesh the Fifth-Born's thesis about motion. Ramesh likens place to an immobile vessel what contains the primary place of a body. Unlike space, which is a volume co-existent with a body, place is a boundary or surface. A void is not only unnecessary, but leads to contradictions making locomotion impossible. Time is a constant attribute of movements and does not exist on its own but is relative to the motions of things.

76 a soft-cover reddish leather book with a brand of a stylized griffon rampant on the front. Leather thongs stitch the pages securely to the spine and another thong is used to tie the book closed through holes place on the front and back covers. / Espruar + Espruar: "Tears of a Silver Unicorn" tells the history of the events leading to the rise and demise of Orishaar's Queen Baerlynn Amarilliss (-20323 to -20004 DR). Aryvandaar meddling preceded Baerlynn's sudden thrust into power amongst murderous squabbling between covetous agents within Orishaar. As the new queen, Baerlynn ordered the deaths of her closest kin to secure her throne and quell any further power grabs. The elven nation is expansionist but Queen Baerlynn discontinues this to the relief of the dark elven nation Ilythiir. A turbulent 300 years of rule ends with her murder and implosion of the royal palace in Myth Lurue (City of the Silver Unicorn). / DC15 Knowledge History: Ilythiiri assassins are blamed but the penetration of security, the lack of evidence, and the plentiful motives of powerful insiders with the means and opportunity are called into question by the author. The prime suspect is Everlynda Amarilliss, the elf-maid who became queen once Baerlynn was out of the picture and who supported the expansion bringing Orishaar and Ilythiir into open warfare during the Crown Wars.

77 a wood plank covered book with leather binding and corner accents nailed to the covers. Carved into the front is a circle with the image of an all-seeing eye. / Calim + Alzhedo: "For the Greater Good" points out the stratification of societies between Haves and Have-Nots along the lines of who has access to magical power, with magic being the deciding factor of who rises and who falls. / DC15 Knowledge History: Finneas the Feebleminded, the author, calls for enabling the disempowered to overcome the oppressive policies and strictures placed upon them by states which hold onto their power not through strength of arms but divine & arcane magics. A point too far for Finneas was his solution to harness the powers of all practitioners of magic to be put to public service. Soon after publishing his work, Finneas earned his title "the Feebleminded" at the hands of an enraged sorcerer.

78 a soft-cover book of fading green-dyed leather exposing the tan color underneath. A wolf's head staring straight from the front is embossed on the cover, twine stitching protrudes from the spine, and a leather thong is knotted to secure the book closed over the yellowed inner pages. / Thorass + Chondathan: Garroot of Fenwick's "Above Our Heads" has many arguments around two topics: the time limits of the universe, and the reaching power of the gods. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Garroot has philosophical reasons for denying that motion had not always existed, since eternity of motion is also confirmed by the existence of a substance which is different from all the others in lacking matter; being pure form, it is also in an eternal actuality, not being imperfect in any respect; hence needing not to move. This is demonstrated by describing the celestial bodies as the first things to be moved which must undergo an infinite, single and continuous movement, that is, circular. This is not caused by any contact but by will of power beyond the physical.

79 a leather soft-cover book with a repoussed and painted long-stem rose on the front. The pages are stitched to the spine with exposed twine while leather thongs form the tie closure to the book and the tails of a bookmark. / Celestial + Mulhorandi: "Totality of the Universe" presents the reasoning for almost all points of theology in Faerun. Totality's topics are: the existence of gods, creation & humans, man's purpose, the avatars & their servants, the sacred events & divine edicts, and the hierarchy of the gods. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: An unfinished work by Bnoudi of Asanibisan, it was intended as an instructional guide for theology students but functions as a compendium of all of the main theological teachings of the Human pantheons.

80 a soft-cover book of what looks like pressed dead leaves. Rough twine is exposed on the spine to reveal how the cloth pages are stitched into the book and a cord securely ties the book closed. / Dethek + Gnim: "My God Is With Me" is best understood as divided into two trajectories: one involves the three stages of seeing a patron god through the visible world, the soul, and what is above the soul; the other involves the three stages of seeing a patron god in the visible world, the soul, and what is above the soul. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: Harrah Freegnome wrote this book as a guide for druid candidates to reconcile worship of nature with god worship but it unintentionally became a primer for everyday people to have patron deities in their pantheistic lives outside of nature. / DC13 Bookbinding: The book uses advanced techniques with inferior materials to create a quality book from animal fur, dead leaves, and body hair.

81 a hard cover book of two carved wooden planks bound by an open-spine of twine cords between the planks and through all the pages. Excess twine terminates in three narrow feathers for a bookmark. The cover is engraved with a Ffolk butterfly knotwork pattern. / Thorass + Illuskan: "Stepping Beyond" focuses on objects of the physical world in reference to our sense of them by four sorts of signs: shadows, vestiges, images, and likenesses. / DC15 Knowledge the Planes: Udor Kloeckner's works says the shift of perceptions from expected to unexpected when transitioning a plane of existence can be restored by looking for the signs to anchor one's new perception. Without this key, the uninitiated can remain disorientated in realms where light and perspective do not obey the normal rules of the Prime Material plane.

82 an elaborate hard-cover book of glossy pasteboard colored in rich red & brilliant gold, edged with black-dyed leather reinforcements, and inlaid with elegantly simple filigree designs, around a painted oak tree on the front. / Thorass + Illuskan: "Understanding of the Physical World" constructs a view of the physical world through conflicting naturalist and secular explanation with ecclesiastic traditions taking precedence. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Udor Kloeckner is influenced by Garroot of Fenwick's writings on natural philosophy and Temmul Blatherskite. His manner of synthesizing those sources into a coherent and impressive whole is what gives his views on nature their distinctive character.

83 a hard-cover leather over wooden boards book with a metal frontispiece set with a deep red cabochon stone. The evenly cut pages are yellowed with age. / Calim + Alzhedo: "The Book of Sciences" has 36 sections within which are numerous topics: the four primary elements - fire, air, earth, and water; the medieval humors - blood, phlegm, red bile, and black bile; the astrological signs, the heavenly bodies; the virtues; the vices; the hierarchy of living things; and so on. / DC11 Knowledge History: this book grants the user an increased capability for unskilled knowledge checks from DC10 to DC12.

84 an embossed leather soft-cover book tied closed by a leather thong. The image on the cover is of a stylized crone whose fluttering tresses form symbols. The borders of the cover are closely stitched as is the spine holding the pages in place. / Thorass + Telpi: "Infamous Pirates of the Sea of Fallen Stars" is a compilation of stories about daring pirate attacks, descriptions of corsairs' formidable vessels, and outlandish exploits of legendary pirates of the Inner Seas. / DC15 Knowledge History: This book is complete rubbish since "destroyed" locales exist unmolested, the ships described never existed, and stories of pirates are rebranded yarns of adventurers, naval officers, and fairy tales! / DC15 Profession: The entire book is a propaganda tool for recruitment and a coded guide of where & how to enlist with various pirate groups based out of the Pirate Isles circa the year of printing (Year of the Bow (1354 DR)).

85 a hard-cover book bound in woven strips of leather. The cover has embellishments of a pair of leather decorative triangles in opposite corners and a mounted metal ornament resembling a snow flake. / Semphari + Muhjuri: "Silvery Sands" is the description of days and events of an expedition into the Plains of Purple Dust that became lost and suffered a crisis of leadership as supplies ran out and privation set in before a chance encounter with angelic beings saved the ragged group. / DC15 Knowledge Geography: The track of days and sun positioning in the book shows the expedition off course when trying to resupply at Zindalankh and wandering into the Dust Desert of Raurin instead. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: The beings described are similar to the conjured guardian servants of the ancient Imaskari Empire recounted in ancient legends.

86 a leather bound book with leather reinforcements and an embossed leather ornament with gentle scrollwork vine decorations riveted to the front. Yellow dyes and green paint have been applied to the reinforcements and decoration but time has washed the colors dull. / Espruar + Eladrin: "Thrill of the Hunt" is a fantastical first-person account of participation as a hunter in the fey hunt of a mortal condemned to death by the Feywild Hunter. / DC15 Knowledge the Planes: The Feywild Hunter is a supernatural being conjured from beyond who does not obey strictures of right & wrong in meting out punishments. What is known is that it is powerful and takes wicked glee in killing a selected intelligent prey before its power is banished by the dawn. / DC25 Knowledge History: The elf bowman's account reveals that he was the one who brought the attentions of the Feywild Hunter and hints that his motivations are sinisterly aligned with the elven supremacist Eldreth Veluuthra.

87 a hide bound book of pebbly leather buttoned closed by a pair of leather straps. A sunburst medallion is affixed to the front featuring a woman in profile being sheltered by a hedge. / Thorass + Chondathan: "Sylvan Creatures Ye Should Avoid" is a string of individual and second-hand stories recounting encounters with fantastical creatures like centaurs, fauns, treants, and other beings that have tried to do harm to people. / DC15 Knowledge Nature: The habits of sylvan beings and the methods to avoid incurring their wrath are actually helpful if erring on the side of turning around and leaving the way you came. / DC13 Bookbinding: Authored by Myrindas of Port Kir, this book is the last in which Myrandis relied entirely upon the stories of others when writing about her subjects.

88 a hard-cover book fully embossed with fern patterns on every surface and affixed with an ornament in the shape of a hand mirror on the front. A narrow belt anchored to both covers by red cabochon studs cinches the book closed with a delicate buckle. / Thorass + Chondathan: "A Different Art: Formulae Encompassing a Heretofore Prelinguistic Expression of Magic" is a word heavy treatise on the magics of translocation through a thought paradigm that adheres to a notion of ignoring the distance between any two points. / DC15 Knowledge Spellcraft: The author's approach to magic is intuitive, not logical, and is indecipherable as to the practical applications or means to replicate the work's subject. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Jhaurmael's theory of magic comes from his sorcerer's understanding and spent 90 years writing what perusing wizards have called a hoax.

89 a grotesque book with a face stretched over the front cover and a metal hinge in place of a spine. Uneven blocks of pages are smudged with swaths of gray that silhouette tightly bunched, blocky characters. / Dethek + Duernan: Untitled holy scriptures and writings frequently embellished with ornate pictures of dwarves with frequent mention of the name Laduguer. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: Laduguer / DC15 Knowledge Geography: These words come from the walls of the gray dwarf Underdark city, the Runescribed Halls, dedicated to the written preservation of duergar history and devotion to the gray dwarf gods. / DC13 Bookbinding: the paper pages are rubbings of stone engravings that were later bound into this book. The face is the cured skin of a goblin.

90 a soft-cover leather book embossed with a portrait frame containing a crow's head facing dexter surmounting four blooming roses and a central crest of a jeweled scepter. Floral scrollwork patterns adorn the corners of the cover and the foot of the portrait. Paint add the life of crimson to the blooms while gilding the scrollwork and frame. / Espruar + Aglarondan: "Dragonmere Horror Tales" recounts short stories of vengeful spirits, unnatural creatures, and frightening things in dark places which have dangerous encounters with humans of poor scruples or whom make dubious choices. / DC15 Knowledge History: The use of moral tales in this book is a subtle propaganda tool to teach young Aglarondans (and elves & half-elves in general) to not trust humans. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: While the descriptions of spirit beings & ghosts are apocryphal, the descriptions and wards against lycanthropes is accurate.

91 a book with richly polished oakwood plank covers bound with a leather spine. Nailed to the opening corners are leather guards and a medallion with a winged dragon in profile facing sinister adorns the front. A decorative braid of colored threads provides a decorative transition between the leather spine and the wood covers, but it terminates in a useful if plain bookmark. / Dethek + Tashalan: "The Emerald Mines: Jewels of the Black Jungle" is the account of an explorer visiting mining expeditions going into the foothills bordering the Hazur Mountains and the Black Jungle, braving the perils of fell creatures and savage humanoids to unearth corundum gems. / DC15 Knowledge History: Tsensyiir of Tashluta is an adventurer who writes about ruins in the depths of the Black Jungle to the shores of the Lapal Sea. His works have launched the expeditions of hundreds of treasure seekers. / DC15 Knowledge Geography: A mistake is the mountains identified by the author are actually the East range off the Dolphingulf and not the Hazur Mountains to the West.

92 a hard-cover pasteboard and leather bound book with embossed and carved arcane symbols all over. Braided thongs lash the book closed around a riveted leather pentacle painted golden like the elaborate words on the spine. Leather corner guards and spine reinforcement is meant to provide the book with protection from more than casual contact. / Dethek + Damaran: "The Inevitable Fall: Why Netheril Would Not Survive Without Karsus' Folly" is a dry reading of events, edicts, and effects for the time preceding the appearance of the Anauroch Desert to the ruin of the last surviving successor state of Netheril. / DC15 Knowledge History: The point of why a mighty empire succumbed to time was not the concentration of power into far removed rulers (which was only a symptom aggravating the problem) but poor management of both resources and foreign relations, either one of which would have saved the empire from disappearing. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Scribed by Loremaster Most Exalted Prespaerin Cadathlyn of the House of Many Tomes in upland Impiltur west of Songhal. According to the "Binder of Faerūn" the spread of the Anauroch Desert was an unnatural event propagated by unknown magical beings which pose a terrible danger to all Faerun.

93 a hard-cover pasteboard book molded with intersecting V designs on the front & back and 3 ridges on the spine. Lettering is painted onto the spine between the ridges in black against the ochre brown of the cover. / Thorass + Chondathan: "Lizardmen of Chult" describes the markings and regalia of lizardmen as a form of visual hierarchy amongst this savage people. Also lightly discussed are rituals of greeting and deference that must be displayed when crossing into lizardmen territories so that proper tribute for passage can be made. / DC15 Knowledge History: published in the Year of the Shrouded Slayer (671 DR), Dhynthar of Kormul unwittingly identifies all the tribes of lizardmen active during that time in the Chultan Peninsula and their power relative to the others because he mistook the tribes as different castes within a larger society. / DC15 Knowledge Geography: Descriptions of the places to perform rituals in the book identify locations of tribal boundaries and trade-meets as well as major trails of the time.

94 a black pasteboard covered book with golden filigree inlays in each corner of the covers and a colorfully painted cartouche of 3 forest mushrooms on the front. Gilded paint adds flourishes to the front and is also used for the golden lettering between the 3 ridges on the spine. / Thorass + Easting: "Divorce of the Gilded Company" is a long transcription of legal proceedings for a band of adventurers with claims of plundered goods from forays over the course of two years with suits brought by new members and widows against the founding members during the dissolution of the company. / DC13 Profession: Many lawyers of repute were brought to bear as the largess was a veritable fortune, thus the case has some of the greatest contract arguments made by the foremost legal minds of the 12th century DR. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: One of the items awarded to the custody of Zimsee Kamijen is a powerful artifact called Shimmaryn looted from the Temple of Mystra when Tsurlagol was sacked, an action in which the Gilded Company presumably participated.

95 a red book with waxed pasteboard hard covers, painted yellow knotwork borders, a stylized gold portrait of a bird on the front, gilded letters on the spine, and a crimson ribbon bookmark sprouting from the pages' threadboard. / Thorass + Illuskan: "Nesting On High" has many entries of half formed sentences and non-sequiter words which have some relation to the picture of birds on each page. / DC15 Knowledge Nature: These are short hand descriptions of the ecologies for birds of Northwest Faerun including dietary habits, rearing of young, seasonal activities, and nesting environments. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Sarharala of Mikaldell's book was penned in the Year of the Glimmering Sea (602 DR) using her talents for abjurations, often building impenetrable defenses that allowed her to remain unseen and undisturbed in order to best observe creatures without being noticed.

96 a pinch-spined journal of soft-cover leather tooled with interconnecting axe pattern and limned with pointed lettering. A bright pink yarn wraps the covers closed to protect the book's yellowed pages. / Gargish + Ulgork (low orcish): "Life with Tusks" is a journal of an orc shaman mostly concerned with the divining of portents and relaying the meanings to the orc leiges over the course of many years. / DC15 Knowledge History: Ogubal was the high shaman of the Nethertusk Horde and his revelations lead Malraug's orc horde to victory at Myth Glaurach. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: The ritual practices and divinations are highly detailed for worship of Gruumsh One-Eye and this knowledge could be useful in countering their infernal spells & divinations.

97 a hard-cover yellow book with leather surfaces, black leather spine reinforcements, brass studs at the cover corners, and a stylized pyramid stud pinned off center on the front. Strange lettering is limned in a brilliant indigo color on the spine. / Hamerfae + Seldruin: "Mythanthar's Folio" are notes and sketches for designing edifices, structural supports, and columnar buildings using a mix of hired magicians and skilled architects; although, there are short details on the former and long on the latter. / DC15 Knowledge Architecture: The designs are clearly those of Myth Drannor's unique structures and the notes on construction can be studied for mixed mundance and arcane projects. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Mythanthar made mythals and his rudimentary notes were stolen during the raising of Myth Drannor's mythal including his magical notes which are nowhere to be found in this copy of the folio.

98 a pasteboard covered black book with silver border treatments, ladder lines tooled in the covers, an unevenly ridges spine, and a medallion set into the cover inscribed with arcane engravings around a glassy amber eye. / Espruar + Sindarin: "Flow of Water, Still of Ice" compares weaving styles into lattice arrangements that continue to move versus weaving "just so" to prevent or retard movement regardless of what may tug on the weavings from the edges. / DC13 Spellcraft: The discussion of this work is about theoretical creation of an artifact using a specific procession of spell rituals (quaintly referred to as "weavings") that will resist corruption over time. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Lady Tisharu's discoveries presented in this book are the basis for her advanced research into the art of mythal construction which culminated in Myth Glaurach's uncorrupted mythal despite centuries of demon occupation. / DC25 Bookbinding: this is one of Sanriel the Blind's books distributed throughout many scribe inventories to steal secrets until Evereskan agents blinded her to ensure her eyes never saw anything again and removed her tongue so she could never speak about what she saw. The power behind the books has long been inert but books with intact eye stones are still a rare find.

99 a bright green book with waxed pasteboard covers, 3 evenly spaced double ridges on the spine, and a limned golden sigil on the front centered around a golden pyramid shaped stud. Squiggly human lettering fills the gaps on the spine, though this appears to be a later addition since the paint is over the protective layer of wax. / Calim + Alzhedo: "Wayfarers' Guide to Calimshan" has first hand accounts of travelers to various localities and their experiences in unique offerings as well as costs of routine transactions (fees, meals, boarding, local commodities, fares). / DC15 Knowledge Geography: Originally penned by Seroun of Calimport in the Year of Crawling Clouds (1283 DR), the guide lists the safest and most perilous roads, places, and establishments to visit in the country of Calimshan which is updated and reprinted by the government every decade. / DC13 Bookbinding: The making of this book, and its reprints, was the first use of a movable type printing press.

00 an intimidating book with a leering skull pendant on the front, chains wrapping the book closed, an ornate lock securing the chains closed, sickly green dyed leather covers, and affixed spearhead ornaments in the cover corners. The pristine white pages are separated by silvery tabs to delineate chapters of the book's contents. / Hamerfae + Seldruin: "And the Wind Swept By" is the story of how a great fortune-teller tried to alert the leaders of a magnificent city of an impending doom but a cabal of powerful literati plotted to keep the information from reaching the political heads. / DC15 Knowledge History: Darcassan, the diviner of Windsong Tower, reveals the first portents of the fall of Myth Drannor, but the Elders of the Tower kept the information secret. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: The Circle of Flames and the mages of Windsong Tower are revealed to have transported spellbooks and magic items to safety before the ruination of Myth Drannor instead of using their power to defend the city. / DC15 Disable Device: for all the intimidation factor, the lock is simple and the chains more for show than effect.

Please, post any thoughts, criticisms, ideas for more books, or suggestions to change contents, and (I'm begging here) suggesting prices.

EDIT: added the descriptions for the last 8 books with a few flourishes. RE-EDIT cha-cha-cha-changes

Make the best use of the system that's there, then modify the mechanics that don't allow you to have the fun you are looking for.

Edited by - SaMoCon on 09 Dec 2016 15:12:46
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Marco Volo
Learned Scribe

204 Posts

Posted - 25 Nov 2016 :  07:33:48  Show Profile Send Marco Volo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I haven't red all of this yet, but I can say it's very helpful ! Thanks a lot !
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Senior Scribe

763 Posts

Posted - 25 Nov 2016 :  08:14:29  Show Profile Send KanzenAU a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This is a great resource, thanks!
There's a few more books in Elminster's Forgotten Realms, in the "Written Word" section.

Regional maps for Waterdeep, Triboar, Ardeep Forest, and Cormyr on DM's Guild, plus a campaign sized map for the North
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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 26 Nov 2016 :  01:48:23  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wow, this is great. Thanks for sharing!

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.
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Senior Scribe

403 Posts

Posted - 26 Nov 2016 :  03:35:46  Show Profile Send SaMoCon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
KanzenAU, does it expand on the list found here, here, and here?

I have used those resources in my prior list of Art Objects for numbers: 40, 41, 42, 43, 60, 61, 62, 70, 103, 104, 117, 118, 119, 120, 158, 209, 252, 280, 301, 319, 356, 418, 482, 497, 513, 516, 571, 579, 619, 633, 637, 643, 714, 716, 721, 729, 810, 865, 915
These are made up entries: 105, 326, 546, 620, 735, 752, 756, 823, 998

Make the best use of the system that's there, then modify the mechanics that don't allow you to have the fun you are looking for.

Edited by - SaMoCon on 26 Nov 2016 03:37:36
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Master of Realmslore

1280 Posts

Posted - 26 Nov 2016 :  12:15:19  Show Profile Send Bladewind a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Excellent. Love the bits of intrigue you peppered into the tomes. Might be useful for certain characters' long term goals.

My campaign sketches

Druidic Groves

Creature Feature: Giant Spiders
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41 Posts

Posted - 27 Nov 2016 :  02:40:34  Show Profile Send muir a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This is great!

Now to fold it into my ever-growing contents of room/hoard/chest table...
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Senior Scribe

763 Posts

Posted - 27 Nov 2016 :  23:18:25  Show Profile Send KanzenAU a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SaMoCon

KanzenAU, does it expand on the list found here, here, and here?

I have used those resources in my prior list of Art Objects for numbers: 40, 41, 42, 43, 60, 61, 62, 70, 103, 104, 117, 118, 119, 120, 158, 209, 252, 280, 301, 319, 356, 418, 482, 497, 513, 516, 571, 579, 619, 633, 637, 643, 714, 716, 721, 729, 810, 865, 915
These are made up entries: 105, 326, 546, 620, 735, 752, 756, 823, 998

The second link didn't work for me, but I don't see the books covered. In the Written Word section, the following books are mentioned, and most get their own paragraph detailing them:
A Manyrealms Gallimaufry
Relvor's Portals
Crown Book of the Realm
My Sword Points the Way
Lancegrove's Travels
Lornra Among the Loxo
The Great Realms in the Stars
Realms Beyond Those We Know
From the Dawn Cataclysm to the End of All
How Wrong Can One Sembian Be?
The Blood-Drenched Throne

Regional maps for Waterdeep, Triboar, Ardeep Forest, and Cormyr on DM's Guild, plus a campaign sized map for the North
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Senior Scribe

403 Posts

Posted - 09 Dec 2016 :  15:41:49  Show Profile Send SaMoCon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The code to figure this out is the first number is just numerical order. The second number is average value in silver coins. The third number is a randomizer in case you want to roll the value. The fourth number is by what to multiply the rolled value. The first text is initial description ready to be plugged into any written adventure. The second text is the percentages the item is evaluated based on how many pieces of information is know by the seller. The third text is all the information that can be discovered by an appraiser with the appropriate skills, literacy, languages known. The hyperlinks go to the places where I was inspired.

  • 1 | 1100 | 2d10 | 100 | a wood-covered book with a dyed-green leather spine unevenly nailed in place. Elaborate vinework borders and a centrally placed disk with an archaic symbol are engraved into the wooden front. | 10% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Illuskan: "Of Lords and States" studies a number of real and theoretical governmental constitutions and classifies them true if they aim for the common good or perverted if they aim for the well being of only a part of the populace. / DC13 Profession: Critics of Hoond Blackhand's book have held that the judgement is too narrow of focus since the constitutions are compared in a vacuum instead of how they were executed and under what internal-external pressures. The work is also entirely theoretical with no attempts made to provide practical instruction; however, it is interesting to practitioners of law and provides a foil to esoteric debates on ungrounded philosophy being introduced into arguments about government. Hoond wrote this, his only book, when convalescing from serious injury incurred defending a corrupt baron's people from worg-riding goblin raiders. The baron gets dishonorable mention amongst the "perverted." |

  • 2 | 1200 | d4+d6 | 200 | a bound soft cover book of mottled brown leather with a centrally located sigil carved and painted on the front. Three dark leather reinforcements brace the spine and a leather thong ties the book closed by knotting onto a a ring on the cover. The thick pages inside are cut to the edges of the cover. | 5% as is/20% part known/60% mostly known/100% if known | Draconic + Loross: "The Holy Processions Against the Art" is first person dialogues with Talfir elders as pointless arguments between the sciences of the Art and backwards ignorance by gods-fearing hicks. / DC15 Knowledge History: written by Uldoon Mage of the Fangs in -267 DR as a one-sided account of the events at the Council of Seven (-269 DR). The heresy of Uldoon's arguments brought about the collapse of negotiations between Uldoon and the Talfir elders culminating in the author's declaration of righteousness to subjugate the Talfir in the name of educating & civilizing the people under the banner of the Emirate of Torsil. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: The author states that if mortals could know the gods only from analogy, then analogies are the self-consciousness of mortals. The nature of consciousness, memory, and intelligence represents the will of the gods ergo what mortals will is what the gods will. |

  • 3 | 1250 | 2d4 | 250 | a black-green leather bound book embossed with a diamond pattern and a large pierced diamond symbol on the cover. Nails in the spine secure the backing for the pages. | 4% as is/60% mostly known/100% if known | Celestial + Mulhorandi: "Iaghuul's Guidance" is filled with complicated tables of data, several elementary algebraic problems concerning food preparation, amusing geometric progressions, geometric series, and equation riddles. / DC13 Profession: "Guidance" is not usefully mathematical so much as being whimsically mathematical. Conversely, the diversionary nature of this work has made it the most popularly reproduced of the author's works. |

  • 4 | 1350 | 2d8 | 150 | a russet-washed leather book with a protruding eye centered on the cover. Swirled patterns cut the surface of the leather and give the impression that the eye is part of a larger face outside the "canvas" of the book cover. Warped, yellow pages are neatly stacked and glued into the binding with colorful stitching at the ends of the spine. | 20% as is/ 33% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Auld Thorass: "Money, the Pursuit by Higher Beings," is first person observations of the author's successful trades plying his wares across many ports of the Inner Seas. / DC13 Profession: The vagaries of demand soon form cyclical patterns based upon moods across the populace of each port that have little to do with fact and more to do with salaciousness and scandal in was written by Mirakk the Fat's experiences in 622 DR. The lesson of this tome is that salesmanship has more to do with the art of presentation and sociability than it does the intrinsic value of the goods. |

  • 5 | 1400 | 2d6 | 200 | a hardback tome with a burlap weave cover stitched with squared green spirals. The even-cut yellow pages are gilt along the exposed edges. | 5% as is/50% part known/100% if known | Thorass + Illuskan: "Maru the Counter" is from the perspective of a novice mathematician finding ways to explain ever more complex things through numbers and formulas. / DC15 Knowledge Architecture: This book written by an unknown author is the continuation from a previous work or works since Maru is finding rational powers between given numbers. He also notices that numbers of the form 4 n 3 cannot be the sum of two squares. |

  • 6 | 1400 | 2d6 | 200 | a red book with waxed pasteboard hard covers, painted yellow knotwork borders, a stylized gold portrait of a bird on the front, gilded letters on the spine, and a crimson ribbon bookmark sprouting from the pages' threadboard. | 5% as is/20% part known/60% mostly known/100% if known | Thorass + Illuskan: "Nesting On High" has many entries of half formed sentences and non-sequiter words which have some relation to the picture of birds on each page. / DC15 Knowledge Nature: These are short hand descriptions of the ecologies for birds of Northwest Faerun including dietary habits, rearing of young, seasonal activities, and nesting environments. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Sarharala of Mikaldell's book was penned in the Year of the Glimmering Sea (602 DR) using her talents for abjurations, often building impenetrable defenses that allowed her to remain unseen and undisturbed in order to best observe creatures without being noticed. |

  • 7 | 1500 | d4+d6 | 250 | a black pasteboard cover embossed with vine-scrollwork borders, central encircled pentagram symbol. A pair of red leather straps are secured by button fasteners. Even edged pages are gilded and filled with black letters of a mannish script. | 4% as is/60% mostly known/100% if known | Celestial + Mulhorandi: "Iaghuul's Means" consists of mensuration problems expressed in terms of Horus eye fractions and quadruple ro units in all of its examples. / DC15 Knowledge Architecture: The quotients find the volume of both cylindrical and rectangular space granaries which still finds pervasive use in the Old Empires of Faerun for all volume determinations. |

  • 8 | 1500 | d4+d6 | 250 | a book with richly polished oakwood plank covers bound with a leather spine. Nailed to the opening corners are leather guards and a medallion with a winged dragon in profile facing sinister adorns the front. A decorative braid of colored threads provides a decorative transition between the leather spine and the wood covers, but it terminates in a useful if plain bookmark. | 4% as is/ 20% part known/ 60% mostly known/ 100% if known | Dethek + Tashalan: "The Emerald Mines: Jewels of the Black Jungle" is the account of an explorer visiting mining expeditions going into the foothills bordering the Hazur Mountains and the Black Jungle, braving the perils of fell creatures and savage humanoids to unearth corundum gems. / DC15 Knowledge History: Tsensyiir of Tashluta is an adventurer who writes about ruins in the depths of the Black Jungle to the shores of the Lapal Sea. His works have launched the expeditions of hundreds of treasure seekers. / DC15 Knowledge Geography: A mistake is the mountains identified by the author are actually the East range off the Dolphingulf and not the Hazur Mountains to the West. |

  • 9 | 1500 | d4+d6 | 250 | a book of yellowed pages between two wooden boards bound together by criss-crossed twine anchored by strips of rough leather at the corners of the planks and covering the spine. The evenly cut pages are sewn to the spine. A metal latch and clasp fasten the book closed. | 4% as is/60% mostly known/100% if known | Thorass + Illuskan: "The Times and Toils" is a didactic poem about the agricultural arts. The mythological aetiologies for the work & pain that define the human condition are the so-called Myth of Five Ages & Chauntea's Servants. / DC13 Profession: A farmer's almanac written by Tucker. |

  • 10 | 1600 | d6+d8 | 200 | a brown soft-cover leather book with stippling on the front shaped like a rearing unicorn of flowing manes and prancing hooves. Leather thongs stitch the pages securely to the spine while thick leather strips are securely attached to the front and back so that tying them together will securely hold the book closed. | 5% as is/50% part known/100% if known | Dethek + Damaran: "Finite" begins with the definition of change based on Garroot of Fenwick's notions that change is the actualization of a thing's ability insofar as it is able. The author uses this as a basis for distinguishing the infinite by addition and the infinite by division, and between the actually infinite and potentially infinite. / DC15 Knowledge the Planes: Ramesh the Fifth-Born argues against the infinite in any form: bodies, substances, and voids. The only type of infinity that exists is the potentially infinite; which, lacking any form, is thereby unknowable. This notion is the basis for the existence of more than one plane of being and the possibility for travel between unconnected points of distance. |

  • 11 | 1600 | d6+d8 | 200 | a green raw hide book with an inhuman skull leering from the front. Two loopy sigils are sequestered in opposite corners and a wooden spine rivets the covers to the brittle orange pages contained within. | 5% as is/50% part known/100% if known | Dethek + Damaran: "Foreknowledge and Predestination: the Unity of Grace and Free Choice" takes the form of a single narrator in a dialogue, countering presumable objections of dissent, in which there is no incompatibility created by the existence of omniscient gods to the free will of mortals. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: Written by one Monk of the Yellow Rose, he postulates there is an overarching present, all divined at once by the deities, thus permitting both foreknowledge and genuine free choice on the part of mortals to coexist. The work is esoteric in its philosophy but does little to back its arguments outside of its own assertions nor does it delve into the reinforcement or modification of personal behaviors. |

  • 12 | 1650 | 2d10 | 150 | the leather-clad wooden covers of this book are bound with two strips of riveted metal. The front is embossed into a heart-shape design with a metal skeleton key inlaid into the nucleus. The evenly cut pages of the interior are starkly white in contrast to the rust-stained and scuffed exterior. | 20% as is/ 33% part known/ 100% if known | Tharian + Thorass: "Knowledge of Arithmetic, Geometry, Proportions, & the Proportional" is about subjects which are pedestrian in their knowledge of trading at Northkeep and referenced solely for the creation, maintenance, and termination of credit. / DC13 Profession: Luka Rabarsing's (394 DR) work includes the foundation of double-entry bookkeeping used by mercantile centers in all Faerun with instructions to keep books of accounts after the order of debtor and creditor in three bookes named the memorandum, journal, & ledger. |

  • 13 | 1700 | d12+d20 | 100 | an embossed leather soft-cover book tied closed by a leather thong. The image on the cover is of a stylized crone whose fluttering tresses form symbols. The borders of the cover are closely stitched as is the spine holding the pages in place. | 10% as is/ 30% part known/ 60% mostly known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Telpi: "Infamous Pirates of the Sea of Fallen Stars" is a compilation of stories about daring pirate attacks, descriptions of corsairs' formidable vessels, and outlandish exploits of legendary pirates of the Inner Seas. / DC15 Knowledge History: This book is complete rubbish since "destroyed" locales exist unmolested, the ships described never existed, and stories of pirates are rebranded yarns of adventurers, naval officers, and fairy tales! / DC15 Profession: The entire book is a propaganda tool for recruitment and a coded guide of where & how to enlist with various pirate groups based out of the Pirate Isles circa the year of printing (Year of the Bow (1354 DR)). |

  • 14 | 1750 | 2d6 | 250 | an unsettling tome of embossed brown hide with an inhuman stern-looking face leering from the cover. Primitive looking symbols and reddish stains actually improve the look of the cover and the vellum pages glued into the spine are filled with brown-inked script. | 4% as is/60% mostly known/100% if known | Thorass + Auld Thorass: "The Education of Saldrinar" is a partly fictional biography of Saldrinar the Great. / DC15 Knowledge History: written by Blagun of Westgate in 258 DR as a mirror for princes, the book describes an ideal ruler; although, Blagun presents what in hindsight can be seen as the foundation for a theory of fair exchange in the market. |

  • 15 | 1800 | d4+d6 | 300 | a leather bound book with leather reinforcements and an embossed leather ornament with gentle scrollwork vine decorations riveted to the front. Yellow dyes and green paint have been applied to the reinforcements and decoration but time has washed the colors dull. | 10% as is/ 33% part known/ 66% mostly known/ 100% if known | Espruar + Eladrin: "Thrill of the Hunt" is a fantastical first-person account of participation as a hunter in the fey hunt of a mortal condemned to death by the Feywild Hunter. / DC15 Knowledge the Planes: The Feywild Hunter is a supernatural being conjured from beyond who does not obey strictures of right & wrong in meting out punishments. What is known is that it is powerful and takes wicked glee in killing a selected intelligent prey before its power is banished by the dawn. / DC25 Knowledge History: The elf bowman's account reveals that he was the one who brought the attentions of the Feywild Hunter and hints that his motivations are sinisterly aligned with the elven supremacist Eldreth Veluuthra. |

  • 16 | 1800 | d4+d6 | 300 | a hard-cover book bound in woven strips of leather. The cover has embellishments of a pair of leather decorative triangles in opposite corners and a mounted metal ornament resembling a snow flake. | 10% as is/ 33% part known/ 66% mostly known/ 100% if known | Semphari + Muhjuri: "Silvery Sands" is the description of days and events of an expedition into the Plains of Purple Dust that became lost and suffered a crisis of leadership as supplies ran out and privation set in before a chance encounter with angelic beings saved the ragged group. / DC15 Knowledge Geography: The track of days and sun positioning in the book shows the expedition off course when trying to resupply at Zindalankh and wandering into the Dust Desert of Raurin instead. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: The beings described are similar to the conjured guardian servants of the ancient Imaskari Empire recounted in ancient legends. |

  • 17 | 1800 | d4+d6 | 300 | a hide bound book of pebbly leather buttoned closed by a pair of leather straps. A sunburst medallion is affixed to the front featuring a woman in profile being sheltered by a hedge. | 10% as is/ 33% part known/ 66% mostly known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Chondathan: "Sylvan Creatures Ye Should Avoid" is a string of individual and second-hand stories recounting encounters with fantastical creatures like centaurs, fauns, treants, and other beings that have tried to do harm to people. / DC15 Knowledge Nature: The habits of sylvan beings and the methods to avoid incurring their wrath are actually helpful if erring on the side of turning around and leaving the way you came. / DC13 Bookbinding: Authored by Myrindas of Port Kir, this book is the last in which Myrandis relied entirely upon the stories of others when writing about her subjects. |

  • 18 | 2000 | 2d4 | 400 | a hard-cover pasteboard book molded with intersecting V designs on the front & back and 3 ridges on the spine. Lettering is painted onto the spine between the ridges in black against the ochre brown of the cover. | 5% as is/25% part known/50% mostly known/100% if known | Thorass + Chondathan: "Lizardmen of Chult" describes the markings and regalia of lizardmen as a form of visual hierarchy amongst this savage people. Also lightly discussed are rituals of greeting and deference that must be displayed when crossing into lizardmen territories so that proper tribute for passage can be made. / DC15 Knowledge History: published in the Year of the Shrouded Slayer (671 DR), Dhynthar of Kormul unwittingly identifies all the tribes of lizardmen active during that time in the Chultan Peninsula and their power relative to the others because he mistook the tribes as different castes within a larger society. / DC15 Knowledge Geography: Descriptions of the places to perform rituals in the book identify locations of tribal boundaries and trade-meets as well as major trails of the time. |

  • 19 | 2100 | 2d6 | 300 | a cracked leather covered book with a hanged clasp on the front cover securing the strap that keeps the book closed and unsettling red staining around the edges. The open spine reveals the stitching used to keep the pages in place between the three leather straps that binds the front & back hardcovers together. A series of diminishing symbols and glyphs are centered on the book's front cover. | 10% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Celestial + Mulhorandi: "The Incoherence of Nonsense" is a dialogue in which the author defends the use of outlander philosophies within Mulhorandi secularism. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: By Molhorandi philosopher Bnoudi of Asanibisan, the book is an important philosophical treatise written in 692 DR against Thutmose Asar's claims in "Philosophers' Nonsense" (690 DR), which criticized non-secular thought. Originally written in Mulhorandi, "The Incoherence of Nonsense" was translated into many other languages and is considered Bnoudi's triumph because it tries to create harmony between faith and philosophy which is relevant wherever the two clash. |

  • 20 | 2100 | 2d6 | 300 | two tan wood planks are bound by ornate leather riveted to form a spine to which are the glued white pages that form this simple book. | 10% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Semphari + Untheric: "Movement of Coins" (-992 DR) looked at money from two angles: its metal value and its purchasing power, two variables which do not necessarily move together. / DC13 Profession: From Rami Bashara's obesrvations of trade in Unther-ruled Mordulkin, Rami proposes that it is not individual but aggregated demand and supply that determines market prices. Ergo, a just price was what the collective society and not just one individual is willing to pay. |

  • 21 | 2200 | 2d10 | 200 | a beige soft-cover leather book with an embossed image of a jester with belled cap and curly-toed shoes walking dexter on the front. Leather thongs stitch the pages securely to the spine and trail long enough to form a book mark. Holes at the corners on the front and back covers allow a twine cord to criss-cross binding the book closed. | 5% as is/50% part known/100% if known | Dethek + Damaran: "Movements" discusses the preconditions of motion: place, void, and time. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: "Movements" is Ramesh the Fifth-Born's thesis about motion. Ramesh likens place to an immobile vessel what contains the primary place of a body. Unlike space, which is a volume co-existent with a body, place is a boundary or surface. A void is not only unnecessary, but leads to contradictions making locomotion impossible. Time is a constant attribute of movements and does not exist on its own but is relative to the motions of things. |

  • 22 | 2500 | 2d4 | 500 | a thick purple book with gold embellishments of vine borders and a female face in profile. Uneven blocks of pages are smudged with swaths of gray that silhouette tightly bunched blocky characters. | 4% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Dethek + Shanatan: "Code of the Master Masons" is a copy of the laws enacted in Sarbreen. The prologue, typical of dwarven law codes, invokes the deities for Morndinsamman's law rituals, Moradin & Clangeddin Silverbeard, and decrees "equity in the land." / DC13 Bookbinding: the paper pages are rubbings of stone tablets that were later bound into this book. |

  • 23 | 2500 | 2d4 | 500 | a scarred hide bound book with warped wooden covers and a reinforced leather spine. A belt clasps by a hook to the cover to keep the cracked yellow pages securely closed. Bizarre hieroglyphic characters are inked on the cover and appear to run into each other as if to form some kind of picture but is unknown as to what. | 4% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Draconic + Netherese: "Curse of the Fallen" considers the histories of the true servants of the gods that had rebelled against their deities. / DC15 Knowledge the Planes: The author, Hector the Fool of Indoria, argues that the forms of good and evil are too inarticulate to ascribe to the motivations of immortal beings. Hector argues that rational beings seek benefit and shun harm on their own account but independent choice permits them to abandon internal and external principles for reasons both great & petty. |

  • 24 | 2500 | 2d4 | 500 | a dyed-green hide-bound book with a scale pattern around a shiny red eye peering outward. Evenly cut parchment is stitched into the spine. | 4% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Illuskan: The author of this untitled book solves problems of finding values which make two linear expressions simultaneously into squares or cubes. / DC13 Profession: Corvus Many-Debts' book is useful for training untutored minds in theoretical sciences for practical skills such as navigation, engineering, and futures trading. |

  • 25 | 2500 | 2d4 | 500 | a handsome hardcover book embossed with elements of the sky around a sphere painted with the colors of a full Selune under a smaller unadorned sphere. The spine has more astral bodies while the back cover is plain. Two buttoned ribbons prevent the book from unintentionally opening to expose the fragile yellowed pages contained therein. | 4% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Northern: "Popular Spectacle" discusses the politics of settlements so large that the common people know less than half of their citizens as opposed to other types of communities and partnerships such as the household and village. It begins with the relationship between the settlement and the citizen, and then specifically discusses the household. / DC13 Profession: The author, Vilk, believes public life is far more virtuous than private because beings are "political animals." Vilk takes issue with the view that political rule, kingly rule, rule over slaves, and rule over a household are only different in size based on the liberties taken by each over its charges in regards to resource management and welfare. Vilk then examines in what ways the settlement may be said to be natural. |

  • 26 | 2600 | 2d12 | 200 | a glossy golden book with richly painted covers of gilded knotwork borders and a central portrait of wildbirds perched on a flowering branch. The pages are neatly cut and compressed by the weight of the pasteboard covers. | 5% as is/20% part known/60% mostly known/100% if known | Calim + Alzhedo: "Book of the Mayor" is a list of regulations concerning "the collegia" that had existed in the Land of Intrigue since the Shoon Imperium. As all trades were theoretically under governmental control, the book is not exhaustive of all crafts. / DC13 Profession: the book appears to highlight a cross-section of private guilds (collegia) where public interest & private went together, showing how a good city should be run to keep illegal trade in check. / DC11 Bookbinding: This book has all the hallmarks of Calimshan's bookmakers - waterborne ink & pigments on laid paper bound between lacquer covered boards. |

  • 27 | 2700 | 2d8 | 300 | a wood covered book with a prominent brassy medallion with a tripart symbol of wolf heads surrounded by a circle surmounted by three encircled letters. A leather spine provides the hinge for the two wood covers and the glued linen pages to open and close. | 10% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Draconic + Netherese: "There Is Always An Answer" juxtaposes apparently contradictory quotations from Mystryl's High Priests on many of the traditional topics of theology. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: An early scholastic text written by Low Netherese scholar, Duncan Ablehand, the work outlines rules for reconciling contradictions, reveals the multiple meanings of words, and suggest methods to apply the rules to complex situations of peripheral arguments. Meant as an exercise book for students in applying logic to theology, "There Is Always An Answer" presents 185 questions of theological assertion and walks the reader through the negation of each one. |

  • 28 | 2700 | 2d8 | 300 | a black pasteboard covered book with golden filigree inlays in each corner of the covers and a colorfully painted cartouche of 3 forest mushrooms on the front. Gilded paint adds flourishes to the front and is also used for the golden lettering between the 3 ridges on the spine. | 10% as is/ 33% part known/ 66% mostly known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Easting: "Divorce of the Gilded Company" is a long transcription of legal proceedings for a band of adventurers with claims of plundered goods from forays over the course of two years with suits brought by new members and widows against the founding members during the dissolution of the company. / DC13 Profession: Many lawyers of repute were brought to bear as the largess was a veritable fortune, thus the case has some of the greatest contract arguments made by the foremost legal minds of the 12th century DR. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: One of the items awarded to the custody of Zimsee Kamijen is a powerful artifact called Shimmaryn looted from the Temple of Mystra when Tsurlagol was sacked, an action in which the Gilded Company presumably participated. |

  • 29 | 2800 | 2d6 | 400 | a green leather book bound by rivets through metal strongpoints and secured closed by two metal clasps. The cover has images of tentacles splaying from an enlongated skull and symbols with eyes. | 5% as is/25% part known/50% mostly known/100% if known | Thorass + Auld Thorass: "Bladelord's Rule" is a dialogue concerning the definition of justice, the order and character of the just city-state and the just man. / DC15 Knowledge History: Written by Oglun of Naarkolyth around -5010 DR, the dramatic date of the dialogue takes place some time during the Mir-Jhaamdath War (-5032 to -5005 DR) and is proven to be an influential work of philosophy and political theory, both intellectually and historically. / DC13 Profession: The author, with various Jhaamdathans and foreigners, discuss the meaning of justice, examine whether or not the just man is happier than the unjust man, theorize the growth of cities which are ruled by philosopher-kings, and examine the nature of existing regimes. Differing views espouse theories of forms, the immortality of the soul, and the roles of the philosopher & of poetry in society. The Bladelord's Rule gives an account of the manner by which a state is to be formed with the skills of individuals supporting economic sustainability and the specialization of skills as the concept of division of labour. |

  • 30 | 2800 | 2d6 | 400 | an auburn hard-cover book with stiff, black leather reinforcements. Studs, decorative filigree, and a central compass design are inlaid into the cover. Embossed into the base leather are animistic sigils. | 5% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Auld Thorass: "Divining the Meaning of Dreams" is an encyclopedic treatment of the subject matter of dreams with the latter half being advice for the author's son, a novice seer interpreter. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: an ancient Jhaamdathan treatise on dream interpretation written by Dodor of Tuoxent. Dodor suggests that dreams are unique to the dreamer with the symbology of the dream affected by the dreamer's lucid life. |

  • 31 | 3000 | d4+d6 | 500 | a bright green book with waxed pasteboard covers, 3 evenly spaced double ridges on the spine, and a limned golden sigil on the front centered around a golden pyramid shaped stud. Squiggly human lettering fills the gaps on the spine, though this appears to be a later addition since the paint is over the protective layer of wax. | 4% as is/ 20% part known/ 60% mostly known/ 100% if known | Calim + Alzhedo: "Wayfarers' Guide to Calimshan" has first hand accounts of travelers to various localities and their experiences in unique offerings as well as costs of routine transactions (fees, meals, boarding, local commodities, fares). / DC15 Knowledge Geography: Originally penned by Seroun of Calimport in the Year of Crawling Clouds (1283 DR), the guide lists the safest and most perilous roads, places, and establishments to visit in the country of Calimshan which is updated and reprinted by the government every decade. / DC13 Bookbinding: The making of this book and its reprints was the first use of a movable type printing press. |

  • 32 | 3000 | d4+d6 | 500 | a soft-cover leather book embossed with a portrait frame containing a crow's head facing dexter surmounting four blooming roses and a central crest of a jeweled scepter. Floral scrollwork patterns adorn the corners of the cover and the foot of the portrait. Paint add the life of crimson to the blooms while gilding the scrollwork and frame. | 4% as is/ 20% part known/ 60% mostly known/ 100% if known | Espruar + Aglarondan: "Dragonmere Horror Tales" recounts short stories of vengeful spirits, unnatural creatures, and frightening things in dark places which have dangerous encounters with humans of poor scruples or whom make dubious choices. / DC15 Knowledge History: The use of moral tales in this book is a subtle propaganda tool to teach young Aglarondans (and elves & half-elves in general) to not trust humans. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: While the descriptions of spirit beings & ghosts are apocryphal, the descriptions and wards against lycanthropes is accurate. |

  • 33 | 3000 | d4+d6 | 500 | a hard-cover book fully embossed with fern patterns on every surface and affixed with an ornament in the shape of a hand mirror on the front. A narrow belt anchored to both covers by red cabochon studs cinches the book closed with a delicate buckle. | 4% as is/ 20% part known/ 60% mostly known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Chondathan: "A Different Art: Formulae Encompassing a Heretofore Prelinguistic Expression of Magic" is a word heavy treatise on the magics of translocation through a thought paradigm that adheres to a notion of ignoring the distance between any two points. / DC15 Knowledge Spellcraft: The author's approach to magic is intuitive, not logical, and is indecipherable as to the practical applications or means to replicate the work's subject. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Jhaurmael's theory of magic comes from his sorcerer's understanding and spent 90 years writing what perusing wizards have called a hoax. |

  • 34 | 3200 | d6+d8 | 400 | a book of stitched pages is protected by a soft leather cover dyed a brilliant indigo. The design of a fiery, golden bird is painted on the cover. | 5% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Chondathan: "Fundamentals of the Sphere" is a work explaining spherical geometry work. / DC15 Knowledge Geography: by Garroot of Fenwick in -3536 DR, this work proved essential in bringing Euclidean geometry to Human civilization and its application in astronomy advanced the understanding of star seers. A shortcoming of the work was the earlier revelation of trigonometry but Garroot makes no use of it. |

  • 35 | 3200 | d6+d8 | 400 | a brown book of stitched leather cover embossed with corner flourishes and a fox-person playing a stringed instrument on the cover. A fang tooth at the end of a single twine cord may be used to simply secure the book closed. The pages are durable, off-white flax-linen paper | 5% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Illuskan: "The Order of Nature" is penned as five books that meander through expository dialogues and syllogistic reasoning to explain the totality of all things being and non-being, this printing has bound together all five as separate chapters under a single cover. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: the magnum opus of the 3rd century traveller, the Ffolk sage Pawdrig the Lost, the work offers a unifying theory to all special phenomena and ordinary manifestations categorized into four distinct classes: the creators which cannot be created (gods); the created which can create (living things); the created which cannot create (energies); and that which neither is created nor creates (elements). This work is largely uncredited for forming the basis of naturalist studies in Faerunian learning. |

  • 36 | 3300 | d4+d6 | 550 | a tawny-colored book that has black leather reinforcing the stitch points and the belt securing the tome closed. The soft cover has floral vines and title letters embossed into the surface. | 4% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Illuskan: "Book of Propositions" is a book consisting of fifteen mathematical propositions on circles, introducing several new geometrical figures like the arbelos and salinon. / DC15 Knowledge Architecture: This book was referenced by architects for the construction of domes, arches, and buttresses in the government buildings of Myth Drannor. |

  • 37 | 3400 | d12+d20 | 200 | a red-paged book bound in a soft leather, wrap-around cover secured by a marching leather thong. | 5% as is/20% part known/60% mostly known/100% if known | Dethek + Damaran: "Duality" elucidates two opposite pairs "good & evil" and "good & bad," which have very different meanings. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: With "good & bad," "good" equates to nobility and life-affirming value; while "good & evil," "good" becomes the opposite of aristocratic "good", which itself becomes "evil." These value pairings show the ascendancy of one or another type of popular sentiment with "elitist morality" favoring "good & bad" exemplifying the powerful and strong versus the "slave morality" of "good & evil" exemplifying the resentment of the weak. / DC15 Knowledge History: Kurri the Exile was a philosopher who spoke out against the gynarchy of Rashemen and retreated into hermitage of the Ashenwood under the curse of lycanthropy. |

  • 38 | 3600 | d4+d6 | 600 | a brown book with shiny golden metal encasing the corners, riveted into the borders, forming the latch, and securing the red cabochon stones. A large keyhole and is set into a round tumbler on the latch and mannish letters are carved into the embossed circle in the center of the cover. The book is nearly 3" thick with the moldy vellum pages. | 5% as is/33% part known/66% mostly known/100% if known | Thorassic + Thorass: the text outlines rites performed to the Queen of the Depths, the omens of ill tidings, and the events surrounding a great wave destroying both land and sea in a vast region except for the people using the appeasing rituals. / DC11 Bookbinding: an old book with brass rivets and fittings reinforcing the leather cover, a simple brass lock (DC15) securing the book closed, and Rosaline ornamental stones for decoration. / DC15 Know Religion: the "Tome of the Wayward Wave" is a chronicle of Umberlee's mercy in sparing Jhouram from the Elven High Magic that destroyed Jhaamdath. |

  • 39 | 4200 | 2d6 | 600 | a wood plank covered book with leather binding and corner accents nailed to the covers. Carved into the front is a circle with the image of an all-seeing eye. | 5% as is/ 33% part known/ 100% if known | Calim + Alzhedo: "For the Greater Good" points out the stratification of societies between Haves and Have-Nots along the lines of who has access to magical power, with magic being the deciding factor of who rises and who falls. / DC15 Knowledge History: Finneas the Feebleminded, the author, calls for enabling the disempowered to overcome the oppressive policies and strictures placed upon them by states which hold onto their power not through strength of arms but divine & arcane magics. A point too far for Finneas was his solution to harness the powers of all practitioners of magic to be put to public service. Soon after publishing his work, Finneas earned his title "the Feebleminded" at the hands of an enraged sorcerer. |

  • 40 | 4400 | 2d10 | 400 | a tome of uneven pages sandwiched between two buff-colored planks held together by a leather spine. | 5% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Chondathan: "The Orb and the Paper" delineates a method of transcription upon a flat recording surface which preserves the properties of circles. / DC15 Knowledge Geography: a work by Temmul Blatherskite exploring the mathematics of mapping figures inscribed in the celestial sphere onto a plane (or paper map) by what is now known as a defined representation of the entire sphere, except at the projection point. |

  • 41 | 4500 | 2d8 | 500 | a leather-bound book with cut-out chaotic swirls of reddish-brown and green around inset medallions of a fisherman and a cameo of a woman. Evenly cut parchment is stitched into the reinforced leather spine. | 4% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Illuskan: "The Tale of the Tressym & the Cat" is a story in which the winged pet and the land-bound stray debate about whose life has more meaning. / DC13 Profession: The fable is a clever device by Bernard Wormer to promote the ideas that private vices for the individual may become public benefits for all through several paradoxical discourses that demonstrate human frailties turned to the advantage of the civil society: fear into public protection, want into industry, greed into recognizing boundaries, and so on. |

  • 42 | 5000 | d8+d10 | 500 | a soft cover leather book, with reinforced leather spine and painted animist symbols that look like animals & plants on the cover. Curled yellow pages match the bends of the cover's curve to reveal that this book was read often and not always in book-friendly environments. | 4% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Draconic + Halruaan: "The Art of Slavery" elaborates experiments on summoning magics in regard to the well being of conjured creatures and demonstrates through examples of undirected summonings that the creatures have a capacity to act on their own as opposed to owing to coercion or self-interest in taking actions. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Elwood, the author, shows that conjured beings have free will despite being incapable of acting against the coercive aspect of their magical bindings. The neutrality of the tone of his work lays the findings as a basis upon which moral arguments can be made but it does not repudiate the spells used nor does it lay out any ethical arguments one way or the other. |

  • 43 | 5000 | d8+d10 | 500 | a stich-bound book with brown soft cover hide stained with maple leaf patterns. | 4% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Hamerfae + Seldruin: In the treatise "Sum of All Decisions" the author deliberated the meaning of a just price - a just price was just sufficient to cover the costs of production, including the maintenance of a worker and his family. / DC13 Profession: A just price, according to Dungul Durothiel (-3187 DR), is necessary for the propagation of good social order; therefore, sellers who raise their prices simply because buyers had a pressing need for a product are an affront to a civil society. |

  • 44 | 5000 | d8+d10 | 500 | a soft cover leather book dyed blue-black with decorative stippling forming a wolf's head on the cover. | 4% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Chondathan: Temmul Blatherskite's "Managing the Rabble" analyzes different forms of the state: monarchy, aristocracy, constitutional government, tyranny, oligarchy, and democracy as a critique of Oglun of Naarkolyth's model of philosopher-kings. / DC13 Profession: Temmul authored a blueprint of a society based on common ownership of resources as an oligarchical anathema. Temmul advocates for commonly held property and national wealth but he argues against all resources being commonly held because of the inherent wickedness found within the actions of the free willed causing sloth to afflict the populace. |

  • 45 | 5100 | d12+d20 | 300 | a hard cover book of two carved wooden planks bound by an open-spine of twine cords between the planks and through all the pages. Excess twine terminates in three narrow feathers for a bookmark. The cover is engraved with a Ffolk butterfly knotwork pattern. | 10% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Illuskan: "Stepping Beyond" focuses on objects of the physical world in reference to our sense of them by four sorts of signs: shadows, vestiges, images, and likenesses. / DC15 Knowledge the Planes: Udor Kloeckner's works says the shift of perceptions from expected to unexpected when transitioning a plane of existence can be restored by looking for the signs to anchor one's new perception. Without this key, the uninitiated can remain disorientated in realms where light and perspective do not obey the normal rules of the Prime Material plane. |

  • 46 | 5600 | d6+d8 | 700 | a thick-leather bound book of mottled maroon with a brassy pyramidal-shaped clasp, a wide securing belt, and three golden bookmark ribbons. Black and white diamond-pattern endpapers. | 5% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Illuskan: "Against the Lunatics" is a polemic against zeal induced heresy, warning that ambition and prejudice lead heretics to deviate into perverted faith and persecution of other faiths. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: by Tellure the Banite, this book is a famous refutation of the Swords of the Lady order of fanatic Selūnites and may have been the origin of the judicial adequation movement. |

  • 47 | 6000 | d10+d12 | 500 | a book bound in an ochre cover that has a folding flap which is secured by the braids from the stitch binding. A design embossed and painted into the surface is of a shrike flying towards Selune with the trailing tail feathers stretching backwards into a knotted Ffolk pattern. | 4% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Calim + Alzhedo: "An Essay on Population and its Effects on Human Happiness from Past to Present," is written as a dialogue of ministers and their lord in a land suffering from disasters, shortages, and public unrest. / DC15 Knowledge History: written by Dirk Bluenote, slave philospoher to the djinn noble Calim in -7598 DR. This work strongly influenced social policies of early human nations of the Heartlands to the Lake of Steam though the work has been referenced by racial rulers in effectively pacifying conquered human populations. |

  • 48 | 6300 | 2d20 | 300 | an elaborate hard-cover book of glossy pasteboard colored in rich red & brilliant gold, edged with black-dyed leather reinforcements, and inlaid with elegantly simple filigree designs, around a painted oak tree on the front. | 10% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Illuskan: "Understanding of the Physical World" constructs a view of the physical world through conflicting naturalist and secular explanation with ecclesiastic traditions taking precedence. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Udor Kloeckner is influenced by Garroot of Fenwick's writings on natural philosophy and Temmul Blatherskite. His manner of synthesizing those sources into a coherent and impressive whole is what gives his views on nature their distinctive character. |

  • 49 | 6400 | d6+d8 | 800 | a pinch-spined journal of soft-cover leather tooled with interconnecting axe pattern and limned with pointed lettering. A bright pink yarn wraps the covers closed to protect the book's yellowed pages. | 5% as is/25% part known/50% mostly known/100% if known | Gargish + Ulgork (low orcish): "Life with Tusks" is a journal of an orc shaman mostly concerned with the divining of portents and relaying the meanings to the orc leiges over the course of many years. / DC15 Knowledge History: Ogubal was the high shaman of the Nethertusk Horde and his revelations lead Malraug's orc horde to victory at Myth Glaurach. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: The ritual practices and divinations are highly detailed for worship of Gruumsh One-Eye and this knowledge could be useful in countering their infernal spells & divinations. |

  • 50 | 6500 | 2d12 | 500 | a grotesque book with a face stretched over the front cover and a metal hinge in place of a spine. Uneven blocks of pages are smudged with swaths of gray that silhouette tightly bunched, blocky characters. | 2% as is/ 10% part known/ 20% half known/ 60% mostly known/ 100% if known | Dethek + Duernan: Untitled holy scriptures and writings frequently embellished with ornate pictures of dwarves with frequent mention of the name Laduguer. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: Laduguer, the gray dwarf god of obedience, empowerment, enrichment, xenophobia, and enslaving the week. / DC15 Knowledge Geography: These words come from the walls of the gray dwarf Underdark city, the Runescribed Halls, dedicated to the written preservation of duergar history and devotion to the gray dwarf gods. / DC13 Bookbinding: the paper pages are rubbings of stone engravings that were later bound into this book. The face is the cured skin of a goblin. |

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  • 51 | 6600 | 2d10 | 600 | a tri-fold pasteboard covered book with a Ffolk knotwork forming a circular design across the front and flap covers. The black page stitching exits the spine and is braided into two long cords that are used to wrap around the book to secure it closed. | 5% as is/ 33% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Chondathan: "Rule of Law" examines various views and analysis of republics past, contemporary, and invented by theorists before settling on the examination of three mortal regimes that are commonly held to be well managed: Netheril's, Shoon's, and Calimshan's. / DC13 Profession: The book concludes with some observations on government and legislators. The whole taken with the observations shows the most effective laws and practices for managing far flung territory. |

  • 52 | 6800 | d12+d20 | 400 | a hard cover book of stone slab covers with inlaid metal ornaments and a central medallion molded with a misshapen five-pointed star in a circle. Leather bindings secure the covers and the foil pages to the spine. Thin metal pages are dented with a scribes quill rendering the ink used a moot point to legibility but still creating an aesthetically pleasing read. | 5% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Draconic + Netherese: "The Author's Will" deals with eliminating various paradoxes arising from differences in sentence structure, idiomatic phrasing, and adjectives by examining the syllogisms involved with the closely related languages of Auld Thorass, Loross, High Draconic, and Netherese. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Written by Cloelia Magusa of Anauria to ensure the terms in the premises agree in meaning and not merely expression when translating Old Thorass, Loross, and High Draconic into Netherese. The treatment shows a clear debt to earlier works by Garroot of Fenwick (-3536 DR). |

  • 53 | 7000 | 2d6 | 1000 | a book of stitched paper pages hard bound by a stiff leather cover. The front of the book has an embossed, reposed, and painted image of a two headed serpent forming a circular loop terminating around a metal clasp that secures the book closed. | 1% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Turmic: The treatise "Lifecycle of Civilizations" says the specialization of labor, the value of money as a means of exchange rather than as a store of inherent value, and the careful balance of taxation between need of the state & burden on the people are demonstrably characteristic for rising and falling governments. / DC13 Profession: Kurleb Iderdizan's most extraordinary ideas on taxes posits that beyond a certain point higher taxes discourage production and actually cause tax revenues to fall, legal economies to falter, and illegal trade to thrive. |

  • 54 | 7200 | d10+d12 | 600 | a metal covered book encrusted with green, blue, & white faceted crystals hedges by molded lines of metal and swirling patterns of opaque white cobochon stones. A central repoussé relief depicts a regal woman with a book held open on her knee seated on the globe of the world under a halo of stars. | 5% as is/33% part known/66% mostly known/100% if known | DC16 Jeweler: the cover is gold decorated with the gems sapphires & emeralds, and freshwater pearl precious stones. / DC15 Knowledge Geography: an illuminated copy of an astronomical treatise (constellations) by Tethierus created in the Starspire Peninsula region of Tethyr. / DC15 Knowledge Nobility: an astronomical treatise of 99 extant folios by Tethierus created for the wealthy Shoon nobleman, Gaius Mahfuz. The model on the cover is his daughter, Mynthara, whose son, Myntharan the Magus, seized control of Westgate in 452 DR. |

  • 55 | 7200 | d10+d12 | 600 | a stack of vellum pages scribed with brown ink letters. Some images are scrawled between blocks of texts depicting humanoids in poses of heroic action. Blood seeps from the pages and pools where the stack rests but there is no discernible source and vermin do not approach the coagulating fluid. | 5% as is/33% part known/66% mostly known/100% if known | Draconic + Nethrese: the writings are praising the Lord of War, Targus and listing a history of might feats that prevailed where magic did not. / DC11 Bookbinding: the pages are not vellum but actually the cured hides of humanoids - human, elf, dwarf, goblin, orc, bugbear, and others. / DC15 Know Religion: the Book of the First Wound is a sacred text of Garagos written in Gilan where he was known as the Netherese god, Targus. This is an identical reproduction of the original. |

  • 56 | 7200 | d10+d12 | 600 | a soft-cover reddish leather book with a brand of a stylized griffon rampant on the front. Leather thongs stitch the pages securely to the spine and another thong is used to tie the book closed through holes place on the front and back covers. | 5% as is/ 33% part known/ 100% if known | Espruar + Espruar: "Tears of a Silver Unicorn" tells the history of the events leading to the rise and demise of Orishaar's Queen Baerlynn Amarilliss (-20323 to -20004 DR). Aryvandaar meddling preceded Baerlynn's sudden thrust into power amongst murderous squabbling between covetous agents within Orishaar. As the new queen, Baerlynn ordered the deaths of her closest kin to secure her throne and quell any further power grabs. The elven nation is expansionist but Queen Baerlynn discontinues this to the relief of the dark elven nation Ilythiir. A turbulent 300 years of rule ends with her murder and implosion of the royal palace in Myth Lurue (City of the Silver Unicorn). / DC15 Knowledge History: Ilythiiri assassins are blamed but the penetration of security, the lack of evidence, and the plentiful motives of powerful insiders with the means and opportunity are called into question by the author. The prime suspect is Everlynda Amarilliss, the elf-maid who became queen once Baerlynn was out of the picture and who supported the expansion bringing Orishaar and Ilythiir into open warfare during the Crown Wars. |

  • 57 | 7500 | d4+d6 | 1250 | a hard cover tome of leather inlaid with an elaborate Ffolk knotwork centerpiece and engraved border strips of gilded metal. The spine and back is unadorned and plain metal fasteners on leather straps button the book closed without actually locking the contents. | 4% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Dethek + Damaran: "Grasping Hands" is a philosophical approach to property in general, arguing that all conflict is the acquisition of property and criticizing those who do not realize that violence & commerce are two parts of the same whole with the easiest of the two deciding the method. / DC13 Profession: Thrakka Bennuckle, a half-orc agitator from the Dragon Coast, penned "Grasping Hands" in 908 DR. Thrakka finds fault with income based upon trade and upon interest, saying that those who become avaricious do so because they forget that money merely symbolizes wealth without actually being wealth and the insidious sloth brought by interest because it increases by itself and not through personal endeavors. |

  • 58 | 7500 | d4+d6 | 1250 | a brown book with decorative pieces of ivory affixed to the cover in the shapes of a cracked skull and leafy corner decorations. A metal latch on a hinge allows for the book to be locked shut but any such lock is currently not affixed to the book. | 4% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Illuskan: "Moving the Masses" is observations of leaders bending people to their points of view through public speeches and arguments. / DC13 Perform: Piotr Wojow's book starts with purposes of rhetoric, offers a detailed discussion of the major contexts and types of rhetoric, and discusses the means of persuasion through credibility, emotions & psyche of the audience, and logical reasoning. "Moving the Masses" is required reading at many bardic colleges for its clear instruction in manipulating an audience and academic approach to what had been always considered an ephemeral art prior to Piotr's elucidations. |

  • 59 | 7800 | 2d12 | 600 | a carved wood cover bound in black leather and embellished with gold paint highlighting the beaded borders, encircled pentagrams, and large central symbol. Rust-colored pages fill the book with a concave-cut edging. | 5% as is/ 33% part known/ 100% if known | Celestial + Mulhorandi: "Iaghuul's Ways" is a Mulhorandi work consisting of reference tables and a collection of 21 arithmetic and 20 algebraic problems. / DC13 Profession: The problems start out with simple fractional expressions, followed by completion problems and more involved linear equations. The fractions 2 divided by n for odd n ranging from 3 to 101 are expressed as sums of unit fractions. This table is followed by a much smaller table of fractional expressions for the numbers 1 through 9 divided by 10. After these two tables, the book records 91 problems altogether. |

  • 60 | 7800 | 2d12 | 600 | an evenly-cut paged-book bound in maroon leather carved & embossed with Victorian scrollwork on black felt, and closed by a belt secured with a hook-style clasp to the cover. | 5% as is/33% part known/66% mostly known/100% if known | Thorass + Chondathan: "The Fundamentals of Political Markets and Tariffs" is a story of several merchants as they navigate the tariffs, taxes, and exchange rates to sell their goods and make profits between nations. / DC15 Knowledge History: This work was written during the reign of Empress Munaa yr Oma el Shoon or Shoon the Fifth in the greatest expansion of the Shoon Imperium (281 DR – 300 DR). / DC13 Profession: Duncan Whitehall presents the idea of comparative advantage that free trade between two or more countries can be mutually beneficial regardless if one country has an absolute advantage over the others in all areas of economic activity. |

  • 61 | 7800 | 2d12 | 600 | a book of unevenly cut pages bound into a green pasteboard hard cover. The front cover is painted with a scene of Selune lighting the convergence of two rivers as the last sliver of the sun sets behind the mountains on the horizon while a gossamer winged fairy watches the waters flow by in the foreground. | 5% as is/ 33% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Illuskan: "Penance" consists of apologetic and polemic dialogues defending pantheistic worship, demanding legal tolerance, and espousing that patron worshippers be treated the same as the worshippers of popular gods. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: "Penance" is Tellure the Banite's most famous work. Juridical adequation has been argued and became law in many lands based upon the arguments presented in this work. |

  • 62 | 8000 | d6+d8 | 1000 | a dyed-red soft-cover book with an embossed Ffolk pattern on the front. Leather thongs stitch the white paper pages to the spine and another thong ties the book closed. | 1% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Draconic + Netherese: An untitled book with the writing inside arranged into two rows - a list of names next to a list of numbers. Each page has line art at the top that creates various crude pictures of objects, animals, and people. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: This is a book of signs that marks the auspiciousness of the birth date and name of mortal beings and what beings offer what blessings upon their birth based upon the number code. Unfortunately the cypher is not in the book, but this book was written by Augathra the Mad. |

  • 63 | 8000 | d6+d8 | 1000 | an intimidating book with a leering skull pendant on the front, chains wrapping the book closed, an ornate lock securing the chains closed, sickly green dyed leather covers, and affixed spearhead ornaments in the cover corners. The pristine white pages are separated by silvery tabs to delineate chapters of the book's contents. | 1% as is/ 10% part known/ 25% half known/ 50% mostly known/ 100% if known | Hamerfae + Seldruin: "And the Wind Swept By" is the story of how a great fortune-teller tried to alert the leaders of a magnificent city of an impending doom but a cabal of powerful literati plotted to keep the information from reaching the political heads. / DC15 Knowledge History: Darcassan, the diviner of Windsong Tower, reveals the first portents of the fall of Myth Drannor, but the Elders of the Tower kept the information secret. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: The Circle of Flames and the mages of Windsong Tower are revealed to have transported spellbooks and magic items to safety before the ruination of Myth Drannor instead of using their power to defend the city. / DC15 Disable Device: for all the intimidation factor, the lock is simple and the chains more for show than effect. |

  • 64 | 8100 | 2d8 | 900 | a fallow book of yellowed pages stitched to the leather soft cover that has holes at the open end for a leather thong to securely tie the book closed. Silhouettes of grass and wheat are decoratively stained into the cover. | 5% as is/ 20% part known/ 50% mostly known/ 100% if known | Imaskari + Roushoum: "The Periplus of the Alamber Sea" is a manuscript document that appears to be lists of names and numbers. / DC15 Knowledge Geography: lists the ports and coastal landmarks, in order and with approximate intervening distances, that the captain of a vessel could expect to find along the shores of the Alamber Sea. / DC15 Knowledge History: It was written by Bolg of Nicomedia (-4360 DR) in the form of a letter, from Bolg to the Imaskari Emperor Oryzan in Inupras. |

  • 65 | 8100 | 2d8 | 900 | a fulvous soft cover journal bound closed by a cord terminating in a spiral bead. The spiral is a central symbol in the concentric circles emblem on the cover. | 5% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Chondathan: Temmul Blatherskite's dialogue "The State" describes an ideal city-state run by philosopher-kings and contained references to specialization of labor and production. / DC13 Profession: Temmul Blatherskite was the progenitor of the credit theory of money as a unit of account for debt to allow transactions of goods & services if one has nothing for which the other wants to barter. |

  • 66 | 8400 | 2d20 | 400 | an orange & yellow, leather-bound, hard cover book with a mix of embossed & applique knotted vine designs on the surface. Inset into the center of the cover is a circular, metal device of two concentric gears affixed by a pin. | 5% as is/ 25% part known/ 50% half known/ 75% mostly known/ 100% if known | Calim + Alzhedo: This book, "Builders' Log and Outlays," is for building construction listing necessary workers needed, carpentry workshops, dockyard workshops, lists of specialized tools, expected delays for working around deficiencies, and worker's compensation. / DC13 Knowledge Arcana: The gears move on the front as a functional volvelle. / DC15 Knowledge History: This belonged to the vizier of Calimport during the construction of the Syl-Pasha's palace amongst other governmental buildings and social structures. / DC15 Knowledge Architecture: the numbers on the gears and lines around it on the cover are useful for angles & ratios for load bearing supports in construction. |

  • 67 | 8500 | d12+d20 | 500 | a book with wood spine riveted and leather strapped to stained cloth over hard covers that sandwich the aged-vellum pages together. Unfriendly symbols adorn the cover, a complex clasping mechanism binds the tether strap that keeps the book closed, and pyramid studs mark this book as anything other than ordinary. | 4% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Cormanthan: "The Art of Acquisition" argues for an autocracy managing an efficient and solid economy. / DC13 Profession: written by Leon Pendergrass during the formative years leading to the unification of Sembia, the qualities described in the book is in effect that of a command economy. It discusses the ethics of economics and the duties and obligations of a king. The scope is more than statecraft encompassing civil & criminal codes, bureaucratic frameworks for administering a kingdom, and descriptive cultural details on topics such as mineralogy, mining & metals, agriculture, animal husbandry, and medicine. The Art of Acquisition also focuses on issues of welfare during crisis (for instance, wealth redistribution during a famine) and the collective ethics that hold a society together. |

  • 68 | 9000 | 2d8 | 1000 | an auburn book with seven arcane symbols in seven spinal panels lining the spine, and a seven-pointed star knot-work design on the cover. | 1% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Chondathan: "Roads Crossed" is a register of the stations and distances along various trade roads from the Shining Sea to the Spine of the World and the Sword Coast to the Endless Waste. / DC15 Knowledge Geography: Though the text was written prior to the fall of the Netheril Empire by an unknown, or perhaps several anonymous authors, the accuracy of the work for the still existing roads helps many caravanners, merchants, and travellers properly plan long trips overland. |

  • 69 | 9600 | d10+d12 | 800 | metal plates compress the pages of this book with their weight and unyielding shape. The pages are thick foil that have been gouged by an instrument instead of inked by a pen. The use of leather for the spine and corner coverings may be more of an awareness that the edges are harmful during casual contact than to embellish the appearance of this solid book. | 5% as is/25% part known/50% mostly known/100% if known | Dethek + Shanatan: "Sum of All Labors" main topics are about price, justice, capital theory, and distinguishing between the natural value of a good & its practical value. / DC13 Profession: This book addresses social and economic development, and argued that the state has a duty to intervene in mercantile affairs for the common good, and an obligation to help the poor and needy. Valuation of a good is determined by its suitability to satisfy needs, its rarity, and its subjective value. Due to this subjective component there cannot be only one just price, but a bandwidth of more or less just prices. / DC15 Knowledge History: Written in -2412 DR by Rhein Smelterjack, a false name, this dwarvish work was useful to King Connar IV of Ammarindar in conducting economic warfare with Netheril culminating in the emancipation of gnomish slaves in -2387 DR. |

  • 70 | 9600 | d10+d12 | 800 | a book with engraved wooden covers and spine bound by leather straps and a pair of belts that button the cover closed. Inside are thick yellow pages scribed with looping characters in brown ink or vividly painted pictures of people and things in rich primary colors. | 5% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Chondathan: "Concerning the Invisible" discusses the kinds of souls possessed by different kinds of living things, distinguished by their different operations. / DC15 Knowledge Nature: The book is a major treatise by Garroot of Fenwick (-3536 DR) on the nature of living things. Thus plants have the capacity for nourishment and reproduction, the minimum that must be possessed by any kind of living organism. Animals have the powers of sense-perception and self-motion. Beings have all these as well as intellect. |

  • 71 | 9900 | 2d8 | 1100 | a cracked and scarred hide bound book with hard wooden covers and a reinforced leather spine. A belt clasps by a hook to the cover to keep the musty brown pages securely closed. A script of squiggly characters and circular symbols is inked on the cover in a central, slightly rectangular placement. | 1% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Cormanthan: "The Truth" is about the truth of statements meaning more than correctness in will, action, and essence in matters brought before a judge to adjudicate before the law. / DC13 Profession: Justicar Carlo, the author, states that his years in judicial matters has revealed that great suffering occurs when one perverts what a thing ought or was designed to do. Using classical logic to affirm the existence of an absolute truth forms the fundamental principle both in the existence of things and the correctness of thought, by which Carlo uses examples from his rulings. The statement "everything that is, is rightly" is a summation of this philosophy. |

  • 72 | 10400 | 2d12 | 800 | a book covered with bronze leather bound by two bead-terminated cords. Embossed and painted into the cover is a serpent devouring its own tail amidst a mannish script that nearly fills out the cover. | 5% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Illuskan: "Vicarious Elation" is about the moral legitimacy and consequences of the pleasures of attending public entertainments. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: Tellure the Banite argues that enjoyment of false portrayals of emotions and non-productive endeavors can be an offence to the gods. His view of these public shows is that they interfere with the worship of the divine and supplant rightful thinking with insubstantial fantasies. To this end he supports his claim by reminding the reader that these shows and spectacles are often used by their creators to influence and manipulate the watchers into performing acts or supporting notions they would not otherwise do in the light of reasoned thought. |

  • 73 | 10500 | 2d20 | 500 | a brown leather-bound book with mixed round & pyramid stud rivets holding the spine, covers, and reinforcing straps together. A swing hasp latches the securing leather straps secure to the front cover under golden symbols painted in sharp script. The curling vellum pages are filled with the similar characters and minimalist pictures of blocks & orbs. | 4% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Draconic + Netherese: "History of the World" discusses social cohesion of the citizens as the cause of some civilizations becoming great and others not. / DC15 Knowledge History: Papnoute the Elder, an immigrant citizen-sage to Netheril, wrote about economic & political theory, and that many social forces are cyclic; although there can be sudden sharp turns that break the pattern often stemming from interventions of great power such as deific interference. |

  • 74 | 10500 | 2d20 | 500 | a soft-cover leather book with carved and painted red flowers on the green painted cover, although some of the paint has worn or flaked off to reveal the black-brown color of the leather cover. Leather thongs are used to tie the book closed through holes place on the front and back covers. | 4% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Illuskan: "Lifeforce" suggests nature is the origin and result for that which is to be what it is. Thus, life is natural for things that: grow, acquire qualities, displace themselves, are born, and die absent the influence of external energies. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Dalagar the Netherman's book contrasts natural things with constructs which can move only in accordance from what they are made not according to what they are; i.e., if a wooden bed were buried and somehow sprouted as a tree, it would be according to what it is made of, not what it is. Ergo, life defines that which is based upon what it is and not the form it is perceived to be. Only applications of unnatural forces (art, unlife, divinity) can change that one constant truth. |

  • 75 | 11000 | 2d10 | 1000 | a slim book with leather soft cover and stitched in pages for which the stitching runs the borders of the book. Beads decorate the stitching and thicken the knot around which a loop from the back cover can be pulled over the knot on the front cover to secure the book closed. | 1% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Barazhad + Terran: "Forged in the Name of God" is a long prayer, or meditation, which reflects on the omniscience of gods and endeavours to explain how aspects of the deities can have qualities which often seem contradictory. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: Written by the controversial cleric Goraidh of Grumbar from Mount Andrus, the rational progression of reasoning in line with the meditation was to arrive at the malleability of the gods in accordance with the collective will of the worshippers. The notion of deific mutability made Goraidh a heretic which saw the cleric tried and drowned for sacrilege against all the gods; however, his meditations are still used in the training of monks and clerics when difficult questions arise between doctrinal dogma and ecclesiastic action. |

  • 76 | 12000 | d10+d12 | 1000 | a hard-cover leather over wooden boards book with a metal frontispiece set with a deep red cabochon stone. The evenly cut pages are yellowed with age. | 1% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Calim + Alzhedo: "The Book of Sciences" has 36 sections within which are numerous topics: the four primary elements - fire, air, earth, and water; the medieval humors - blood, phlegm, red bile, and black bile; the astrological signs, the heavenly bodies; the virtues; the vices; the hierarchy of living things; and so on. / DC11 Knowledge History: this book grants the user an increased capability for unskilled knowledge checks from DC10 to DC12. |

  • 77 | 12000 | d10+d12 | 1000 | a soft-cover leather book with pierced spine rope bindings that are knotted together and dangle in three braids. The ropes not only secure the pages to the spine but can also be tied around the book to keep it closed. The cover features a mix of sharp script and hermetic symbols. | 1% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Semphari + Untheric: "The Sentences From On High" is a book of theology systematically compiled from authoritative statements and written directives of the god-king Gilgeam of Unther. / DC13 Know Religion: written by Onorphrios in the 11th century DR during his tenure as scrivener and records archivist in Unthalass. A commentary on the book was required of every priest and public official in Unther, and was part of the examination system for placement in both the church and the state government until Gilgeam was deposed by Tiamat during the Time of Troubles (1358 DR). |

  • 78 | 12000 | d10+d12 | 1000 | a grainy brown pasteboard is folded into an enclosing book cover with with closing flap that is bound closed by by a pair of ringed straps. The even-cut yellow pages are gilt along the exposed edges. An encircled star is scribed into the cover with tightly scrawled text filling the binding flap. | 1% as is/ 25% part known/ 50% mostly known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Auld Thorass: "Mathematics" is a collection of 130 algebraic problems giving numerical solutions of determinate equations (those with a unique solution) and indeterminate equations. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: the seal on the cover is a pentacle in a vesicle used in invocations for wisdom and hidden knowledge while the flap has a blessing to ward between worlds, the crossroads, and malevolent spying. / DC15 Knowledge Architecture: an Ancient Jhaamdathan text written by the numbers sage Corvus Many-Debts in -1317 DR introducing a field of polynomial mathematics known today as Corvusine equations. |

  • 79 | 12500 | 2D4 | 2500 | a book bound in wrap-around brown, finely scaled, skin tooled with golden reptilian scrollwork & laurels, and tied by two coarse-scaled belts secured with post studs. | 2% as is/ 20% part known/ 60% mostly known/ 100% if known | Dethek + Damaran: "Voice of Conscience and Feelings of Guilt" examines the institution of punishment as it evolved from creditor-debtor relationships into moral penance. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: The convenience of forgetting to shed the gravitas of past events is not mere inertia or absentmindedness but an active faculty. Moral penance and forgetfulness are the two tools used for absolution but the opposing faculty of lingering memory bears the fruit of personal morality by manifesting in a nagging conscience and guilt that separates the moral individual from the amoral. / DC15 Knowledge History: Kurri the Exile was a philosopher who spoke out against the gynarchy of Rashemen and retreated into hermitage of the Ashenwood under the curse of lycanthropy. |

  • 80 | 12500 | 2D4 | 2500 | a green and red book with an embossed tree on the cover over a looping ribbon. The book's cover is heavy leather, worked supple but strong. The thin layer of wax over the leather is cracked along the spine in many places from the opening and closing of the book, though this does not reduce its protection. The book is less than ten years old and does not have the fragile feeling of older spellbooks. | 2% as is/40% part known/100% if known | Draconic + Netherese: "Questioning the Ghost" holds that the soul is the essence of any living thing completely separate from the material of the body in which it resides. / DC15 Knowledge Nature: This book by Garroot of Fenwick (-3536 DR) expands on his earlier work "Concerning the Invisible." The possession of soul makes an organism an organism and a body without a soul or a soul in the wrong kind of body is unnatural and perverse. Interactions with corporeal and discorporeal undead further demonstrate the "wrongness" of missing or displaced souls by the efforts required to provide the semblance of life to the lifeless with or by these lifeless beings. |

  • 81 | 12500 | 2D4 | 2500 | an austere looking tome with a dark brown leather soft cover embossed with golden floral vine decoration around the cover and flap. Evenly cut gilded pages are stitched to the spine. | 2% as is/40% part known/100% if known | Thorass + Auld Thorass: "Kisonraathiisar" is written as a dialogue between Kisonraathiisar, tyrant of Westgate, and the lyric poet Honza about -447 DR. / DC13 Profession: The author, Blagun of Westgate, argues that a tyrant does not have any more access to happiness than a private person. Kisonraathiisar is a minor work which includes discussion of leaders stimulating private production and technology through various means including public recognition and prizes for industrious citizens. |

  • 82 | 13000 | 2d12 | 1000 | a journal of unevenly cut pages in a supple, yellow, leather, wrap-around cover with integral knotted leather thong bound around the journal and cinched to a brass button rivet. Leather patched reinforce and stiffen the binding against casual rough use. | 1% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Imaskari + Roushoum: Raumviran philosopher and battle-wizard Sidiyan wrote "Money is Not Godly" (-857 DR) about the mortal origin, nature, law, and alterations of money. / DC13 Profession: It is one of the earliest manuscripts on the concept of money though its discourse may disturb the faithful of Waukeen since it refutes the idea that money would not exist without related gods - specifically naming Waukeen. |

  • 83 | 13500 | 2d8 | 1500 | a soft-cover black leather book with an etched image of a sitting man reading a book by a doorway and a striped cat looking on by his feet. Leather thongs stitch the pages securely to the spine and another thong is used to tie the book closed through holes place on the front and back covers. | 4% as is/60% mostly known/100% if known | Thorass + Chondathan: "Making Sense of the World" discusses an approach to nature, the world of changing things, and the doctrines of the natural philosophers specifically to learn how everything truly functions. Topics include: remarks on method, a discussion of how some predecessors viewed nature, and the basic elements of change. Change elements include: a lack (privation), which is overcome by its opposite (form), with both of them belonging to a subject which persists through the change. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Followers of Gond have held Purdum Olijawan's work to be the seminal formation of the Scientific Method that launched advanced skillcraft and technologies throughout Faerun. |

  • 84 | 13600 | d12+d20 | 800 | a burgundy leather tri-fold cover wraps this slender book and secures the pages closed with a leather thong that pierces the enclosing flap in a simple knot. A flowering plant is embossed and stippled on the cover. | 5% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Dethek + Galenan: "Deep Thought" classifies genera and species from substance in general down to individuals and the problem of universals. Do universals exist in the mind, or in reality? If in reality, are they physical things, or not? If physical, do they have a separate existence from physical bodies, or are they part of them? / DC15 Knowledge Nature: Written by Jeer Minerson of Shanatar, "Deep Thought" was the standard textbook on logic and natural sciences for at least a millennium after his death. Though the work did not mention the universals problem further, his formulation constitutes the most influential part of his work because these questions are the basis of debates about their status. |

  • 85 | 13600 | d12+d20 | 800 | a mottled green and brown book that is decorated to look like the foliage and bark of a tree. The cover has a circular branching tree pattern stemming from a Ffolk symbol at the center. The pages of the thick book are golden yellow and perfectly even with each other. | 5% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Chondathan: "A Citizen Be..." delineates the difference between a citizen of state and those whom are merely residents or less of a state. Simply a citizen is anyone who can take part in the governmental process. / DC13 Profession: A work by Temmul Blatherskite, he finds that most people in the state are capable of being citizens contrary to the popular view of monarchs, autocrats, and despots, which asserts that only very few can take part in the deliberative or judicial administration of the state. In many feudal or tyrannical states, merely owning this book is often a death sentence if discovered by the authorities. |

  • 86 | 14000 | 2d6 | 2000 | a tome-shaped wooden box wrapped in tooled leather. A golden unicorn-head emblem and corner embellishments decorate the pattern embossed in the surface. Inside, a pair of posts keep the loose sheets of vellum in order. | 5% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Tharian + Thorass: "Sacrilege of Money-Counting" is an examination of the successive prohibitions on usury, not always strictly secular, which challenged economic concepts after the fall of Netheril to the rise of Zhentarim. / DC13 Profession: The states that enacted restrictions are compared to their peers in before-and-after analysis with varying degrees of effects both positive and negative from financial to social-political. This work was the first to indirectly address the idea for cultural invasion of one nation into another through economic activity. |

  • 87 | 14400 | d10+d12 | 1200 | a tri-fold covered book with the front cover flaps both opening to reveal the pages of the book. Gilded leather edge reinforcements are embossed and stippled with Ffolk knotwork and vine scrollwork designs. A central medallion on the bisected front twists to release a hook that secures the two flaps closed. | 5% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Draconic + Loross: "Lorossan Ethics" is a book of practical rather than theoretical ethics. In other words, it is not only a contemplation about good living but a guidance to create good living. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: Garroot of Fenwick's (-3536 DR) best-known writings on ethics, this work is about how individuals should best live and providing a shining example for a whole community to emmulate. |

  • 88 | 15000 | d4+d6 | 2500 | a curious book of warped pasteboard and corroded metal bindings has affixed rivets and an embossed cross on the cover. A dangling page marker is made up of a brass chain and ends with a beautifully patterned picasso jasper bead. | 2% as is/40% part known/100% if known | Thorass + Auld Thorass: "Ways and Means" Blagun lists the qualities of the city-state Westgate that make it qualified for large revenue. / DC15 Knowledge History: "Ways and Means" was written in 259 DR and is believed to be the last work written by Blagun of Westgate. Shortly after Westgate's defeat by the Pirate Isles, the city was facing financial ruin. Blagun suggests the city should increase the population as a means of increasing revenue as part of a short treatise on economic development, and showed an understanding of the importance of taking advantage of economies of scale and advocated laws promoting foreign merchants. |

  • 89 | 16000 | d6+d8 | 2000 | a blue, round-edged tome with a painted hard cover design of a fox head with a lotus emblem on its head. The yellowed pages between the covers are cut even to the edges of the covers. | 5% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Draconic + Loross: "Asram's Treasure by Foreign Trade" is an accounting of value as of (3820 N.Y.) for goods exported fom and imported to the nation of Asram through all points of trade in each city. There is also an accounting of capital outlays meant for modifying trade, what tarriffs are collected, and reports of their effects on revenue. / DC15 Knowledge History: written in the Year of the Fraudulent Truth (39 DR), the accounts list accurate locations for Asram, Phelajarama, Orolin, Ulshantir, and Miirsar; which are all ruined cities of a fallen Netheril successor state of Asram. |

  • 90 | 17500 | 2d6 | 2500 | a hard-cover yellow book with leather surfaces, black leather spine reinforcements, brass studs at the cover corners, and a stylized pyramid stud pinned off center on the front. Strange lettering is limned in a brilliant indigo color on the spine. | 2% as is/ 20% part known/ 60% mostly known/ 100% if known | Hamerfae + Seldruin: "Mythanthar's Folio" are notes and sketches for designing edifices, structural supports, and columnar buildings using a mix of hired magicians and skilled architects; although, there are short details on the former and long on the latter. / DC15 Knowledge Architecture: The designs are clearly those of Myth Drannor's unique structures and the notes on construction can be studied for mixed mundance and arcane projects. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Mythanthar made mythals and his rudimentary notes were stolen during the raising of Myth Drannor's mythal including his magical notes which are nowhere to be found in this copy of the folio. |

  • 91 | 20000 | d6+d8 | 2500 | a hard-cover pasteboard and leather bound book with embossed and carved arcane symbols all over. Braided thongs lash the book closed around a riveted leather pentacle painted golden like the elaborate words on the spine. Leather corner guards and spine reinforcement is meant to provide the book with protection from more than casual contact. | 2% as is/ 20% part known/ 60% mostly known/ 100% if known | Dethek + Damaran: "The Inevitable Fall: Why Netheril Would Not Survive Without Karsus' Folly" is a dry reading of events, edicts, and effects for the time preceding the appearance of the Anauroch Desert to the ruin of the last surviving successor state of Netheril. / DC15 Knowledge History: The point of why a mighty empire succumbed to time was not the concentration of power into far removed rulers (which was only a symptom aggravating the problem) but poor management of both resources and foreign relations, either one of which would have saved the empire from disappearing. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Scribed by Loremaster Most Exalted Prespaerin Cadathlyn of the House of Many Tomes in upland Impiltur west of Songhal. According to the "Binder of Faerūn" the spread of the Anauroch Desert was an unnatural event propagated by unknown magical beings which pose a terrible danger to all Faerun. |

  • 92 | 21000 | 2d6 | 3000 | a supple brown leather case binds the pages of this tome with leather thongs piercing the spine and keeping the pages in place. Natural scars and incidental scoring are the only markings on the cover which is tied shut by the loose ends of the thongs. | 5% as is/ 33% part known/ 100% if known | Draconic + Loross: "Order of Business" (-1030 DR) reveals the foundation of trade is both sides perceiving benefit from a transaction, otherwise trade would not happen. / DC13 Profession: Nazruin of Thultanthar writes that merchants perform a necessary and useful social role by transporting goods from localities of excess to places of want or need. Disputes arising from trade happen because expected costs of labor and expenses might be inflated because the buyer and seller have different notions of a just price. |

  • 93 | 22000 | 2d10 | 2000 | a soft-cover book of what looks like pressed dead leaves. Rough twine is exposed on the spine to reveal how the cloth pages are stitched into the book and a cord securely ties the book closed. | 5% as is/25% part known/60% mostly known/100% if known | Dethek + Gnim: "My God Is With Me" is best understood as divided into two trajectories: one involves the three stages of seeing a patron god through the visible world, the soul, and what is above the soul; the other involves the three stages of seeing a patron god in the visible world, the soul, and what is above the soul. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: Harrah Freegnome wrote this book as a guide for druid candidates to reconcile worship of nature with god worship but it unintentionally became a primer for everyday people to have patron deities in their pantheistic lives outside of nature. / DC13 Bookbinding: The book uses advanced techniques with inferior materials to create a quality book from animal fur, dead leaves, and body hair. |

  • 94 | 22000 | 2d10 | 2000 | a book with wood plank covers bound by a leather spine and edge nailed in place. A crude raw hide thong is meant to secure the book closed by wrapping around a tooth tethered to the front. | 5% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Chondathan: "Master of His House" discusses the parts of the household, which includes slaves, leading to a discussion of whether slavery can ever be just and better for the person enslaved or is always unjust and bad. / DC15 Knowledge History: Garroot of Fenwick (-3536 DR) distinguishes between those who are slaves because the law says they are and those who are slaves by nature, saying the inquiry hinges on whether there are any such natural slaves. Only someone as different from other people as the body is from the soul or beasts are from beings would be a slave by nature, Garroot concludes, all others being slaves solely by law or convention. A literal interpretation of this work leads one to conclude that the qualifications for natural slavery preclude the existence of such a being. |

  • 95 | 22000 | 2d10 | 2000 | a soft-cover book of fading green-dyed leather exposing the tan color underneath. A wolf's head staring straight from the front is embossed on the cover, twine stitching protrudes from the spine, and a leather thong is knotted to secure the book closed over the yellowed inner pages. | 5% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Chondathan: Garroot of Fenwick's "Above Our Heads" has many arguments around two topics: the time limits of the universe, and the reaching power of the gods. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Garroot has philosophical reasons for denying that motion had not always existed, since eternity of motion is also confirmed by the existence of a substance which is different from all the others in lacking matter; being pure form, it is also in an eternal actuality, not being imperfect in any respect; hence needing not to move. This is demonstrated by describing the celestial bodies as the first things to be moved which must undergo an infinite, single and continuous movement, that is, circular. This is not caused by any contact but by will of power beyond the physical. |

  • 96 | 24000 | d6+d8 | 3000 | a book bound in marbled brown lambskin closed by two bronze-clasped belts. Studs, decorative filigree, and a central dragon design are inlaid into the cover. | 5% as is/ 33% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Chondathan: "The Nine Rebuttals" is written in the form of a dialogue between the orthodox Natoli Thatchman and the heretic Duncan of Westgate on the shores of the Dragonmere in the afternoon of Greengrass, and the discussion arising from the homage paid by Natoli, in passing, to the graven images of Teziir. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: An early writing in defense of the Dark Moon heresy, Natoli's arguments for orthodoxy are taken up one at a time by Duncan, with the result that Natoli is convinced of the rightness that the two goddesses of Selune and Shar are one. |

  • 97 | 25000 | 2D4 | 5000 | a large tome of stacked papyrus pages bound between leathery brown covers and fastened to a worn wooden spine. If opened, the thousands of pages are thick with columns of words in purple ink. Occasional line illustrations show a vague woman or women performing simple actions. | 4% as is/10% part known/40% mostly known/100% if known | Thorass + Northern: a reading reveals an unorganized series of exercises, methods of meditation, proper positioning for reverence of "the world mother," preparations for sacremental foods, methods of cleansing oneself, a mix of poetry for songs, and how to recognize portents and what they mean. / DC25 Knowledge Religion: "Book of Maternal Rituals" is a holy book of the goddess Chauntea written by a lay cleric known as Sahsowee the Cheat during her ordeal of pennance touring the frontier of the Savage Lands. / DC25 Bookbinding: the wearmarks and fade of the ink indicates this book is the original penned by the author and not a reproduction. |

  • 98 | 27000 | 2d8 | 3000 | a tawny-colored tome bound with two large cords secured to the cover by two beetle shaped medallions. An encircled tree design is branded into the leather cover. | 5% as is/ 33% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Chondathan: "The Economic" is a dialogue about manse oversight and agriculture / DC13 Profession: by Pon Rulhast (-5947 DR) is also one of the earliest writings on economics in its original sense of estate management, but beyond the emphasis on household economics, the dialogue treats such topics as the qualities and relationships of men and women, rural versus urban life, slavery, religion, and education. The book discusses the administration of agricultural land and analyzes subjective personal value of goods compared with varying exchange valuations. Pon Rulhast uses the example of a rhoth, which retains exchange value even if it is of no use to a person who does not know how to handle it. |

  • 99 | 28000 | 2d6 | 4000 | a pasteboard covered black book with silver border treatments, ladder lines tooled in the covers, an unevenly ridges spine, and a medallion set into the cover inscribed with arcane engravings around a glassy amber eye. | 5% as is/ 25% part known/ 50% half known/ 75% mostly known/ 100% if known | Espruar + Sindarin: "Flow of Water, Still of Ice" compares weaving styles into lattice arrangements that continue to move versus weaving "just so" to prevent or retard movement regardless of what may tug on the weavings from the edges. / DC13 Spellcraft: The discussion of this work is about theoretical creation of an artifact using a specific procession of spell rituals (quaintly referred to as "weavings") that will resist corruption over time. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Lady Tisharu's discoveries presented in this book are the basis for her advanced research into the art of mythal construction which culminated in Myth Glaurach's uncorrupted mythal despite centuries of demon occupation. / DC25 Bookbinding: this is one of Sanriel the Blind's books distributed throughout many scribe inventories to steal secrets until Evereskan agents blinded her to ensure her eyes never saw anything again and removed her tongue so she could never speak about what she saw. The power behind the books has long been inert but books with intact eye stones are still a rare find. |

  • 100 | 32000 | d6+d8 | 4000 | a brown, pasteboard covered book is shod in a leather wrap with a flap secured closed by a pair of leather thongs that cinch twice around the book. The leather is scribed with a knotwork bordered crescent moon with the phases of Selune filling the interior. additional knotwork decorates the flap of the shodding. | 5% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Thorass + Illuskan: "Wagonian Ethics" discusses justice in distribution and exchange of wealth through three different proportions to analyze distributive, corrective, and reciprocal or exchange transactions: the arithmetic, the geometric, and the harmonic. / DC13 Profession: Garroot of Fenwick's (-3536 DR) book has been called the most economically provocative analytic writing in ancient Netheril, in which Garroot uses isolated exchanges rather than markets to discuss just exchange prices between individuals with different subjective values for their goods. The harmonic proportion implies a strong commitment to the subjective values of the traders which applies a flux pushing commerce from a science to an art. |

  • 101 | 34000 | d12+d20 | 2000 | a book covered in brilliant blue leather tooled with swirling Ffolk designs on the front, back, and enclosing flap. The pages contained within are secured closed by a loop cinching the flap closed upon a decorative metal button attached to the front cover. | 5% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Draconic + Netherese: "Truer Words" defines basic linguistic forms, such as simple terms and propositions, nouns and verbs, negation, the quantity of simple propositions, and modal propositions helps to guide the translator to the logical goal of the original language user's intent. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: "Truer Words" is the second text from Garroot of Fenwick (-3536 DR) and is among the earliest surviving philosophical works in the Netherese tradition to deal with the relationship between language and logic by analyzing simple propositions and drawing a series of basic conclusions. |

Make the best use of the system that's there, then modify the mechanics that don't allow you to have the fun you are looking for.

Edited by - SaMoCon on 09 Dec 2016 15:45:57
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  • 102 | 40000 | d6+d8 | 5000 | a leather soft-cover book with a repoussed and painted long-stem rose on the front. The pages are stitched to the spine with exposed twine while leather thongs form the tie closure to the book and the tails of a bookmark. | 4% as is/ 40% part known/ 100% if known | Celestial + Mulhorandi: "Totality of the Universe" presents the reasoning for almost all points of theology in Faerun. Totality's topics are: the existence of gods, creation & humans, man's purpose, the avatars & their servants, the sacred events & divine edicts, and the hierarchy of the gods. / DC15 Knowledge Religion: An unfinished work by Bnoudi of Asanibisan, it was intended as an instructional guide for theology students but functions as a compendium of all of the main theological teachings of the Human pantheons. |

  • 103 | 44000 | 2d10 | 4000 | several stacks of stitched together pages denuded of any cover leaving the raw written upon sheets exposed and their string & cloth strap bindings unsecured. | 5% as is/ 25% part known/ 50% mostly known/ 100% if known | Espruar + Eladrin: "Refuting Falsehoods" identifies thirteen logical fallacies in rhetoric. / DC13 Perform: Written by Garroot of Fenwick (-3536 DR), power of oration and debate is, according to "Refuting Falsehoods," easily swayed by specious and false claims which can and must be countered by a speaker armed with the means to expose such meritless tactics as they arise to prevent the untrue notions from poisoning the audience. The styles of speaking provided as examples make for effective guidelines in public speaking and this work graces the shelves of the richest statesmen and lawyers. / DC13 Bookbinding: these pages had been in hard covers for centuries that left markings of rare oils and precious metals but were taken out as the covers were repurposed for more valuable texts or been shucked by ignorant thieves not wishing to be weighed down by "worthless" papers. |

  • 104 | 48000 | d10+d12 | 4000 | a shiny, hinged lid, mottled red lacquered box designed to emulate a leather-bound book of many pages, with chased and engraved silver mounts on all sides chased with foliate arabesques and closed by two silver latches engraved with floral and foliage motifs. | 5% as is/ 25% part known/ 50% mostly known/ 100% if known | DC22 Know Arcana: the material is shell from a dragon turtle. / DC16 Metalsmith: silver fittings made and etched in Ankhapur. / DC20 Bookcraft: fine paper pages that are water proof and nauseates creatures attempting to eat the book. |

  • 105 | 48000 | d10+d12 | 4000 | a soft-cover leather book with a Ffolk pattern knotwork heart shape branded on the cover. Leather thongs stitch the pages securely to the spine and another thong is used to tie the book closed through holes place on the front and back covers. | 5% as is/ 50% part known/ 100% if known | Draconic + Netherese: "Beyond Both Mundane And Art" examines what can be asserted about anything that exists just because of its existence and not because of any special qualities it has. Also covered are different kinds of causation, form & matter, exertions & arts as energies, the existence of mathematical objects, and deities. / DC15 Knowledge Arcana: Written by the enslaved gnome scholar Jody Brightjewel (-3591 DR) who taught Garroot of Fenwick, this book is the first major work of metaphysical philosophy. The real nature of things is eternal and unchangeable, but, paradoxically, the world we observe around us is constantly and perpetually changing. Jody’s genius was to reconcile the two apparently contradictory views of the world resulting in a synthesis of the naturalism of empirical science and rationalism that informed Faerunian intellectual tradition for more than four thousand years. |

  • 106 | 54000 | 2d8 | 6000 | a hinged lid, matte black, lacquered box designed to emulate a leather-bound book of many pages, with chased and engraved silver mounts on all sides chased with foliate arabesques and closed by two silver latches engraved with floral and foliage motifs. | 5% as is/ 33% part known/ 66% mostly known/ 100% if known | DC19 Know Arcana: the material is shell from a bulette. / DC16 Metalsmith: silver fittings made and etched in Saelmur. / DC20 Bookcraft: fine paper pages that are water proof and nauseates creatures attempting to eat the book. |

  • 107 | 64000 | d6+d8 | 8000 | a black book with chased and pierced metal mounts of floral and feather scrolls on both covers with two pierced latches to keep the book closed. | 5% as is/ 25% part known/ 50% mostly known/ 100% if known | DC13 Know Nature: black shagreen or ray skin binding encases the book. / DC16 Metalcraft: electrum fittings tooled in Ilipur. / DC20 Bookbinding: fine leather bound blank book of stitched vellum pages and has resistance 12 against acid, cold, electricity, and fire attacks. |

  • 108 | 170000 | d12+d20 | 10000 | a pile of wooden planks 1ft by 6in inscribed with letters of different sizes and shapes, bull heads, hawks, and the sun in varing positions to the horizon and cloud cover. | 1% as is/20% part known/60% mostly known/100% if known | Draconic + Loross: The plot of "The Morphing of an Ass" involves the protagonist's, Assiro's, curiosity and insatiable desire to see and practice magic but is accidentally transformed into an ass. This leads to a long journey, literal and metaphorical, filled with in-set tales. He finally finds salvation through the intervention of the goddess Mystryl, whose cult he joins. / DC15 Knowledge History: "The Morphing of an Ass" is the only novel from the First Age of Netheril in nascent Loross to survive in its entirety. Sorasi the Spellscribe (-3799 to -3714 DR) is believed to be the author as he was known to use hero names based on anagrams of his own name. / DC11 Woodcraft: Spruce hardwood planks treated with archaic & expensive stains that makes the boards water proof, nauseates creatures attempting to eat them, and grants resistance 12 against acid, cold, electricity, and fire attacks. |

Before anyone balks at the notion of even the cheapest book having an average market value of 110 gold coins, the source material of the Forgotten Realms makes books expensive. A prime example is the service fee of 100gp for a scribe at Candlekeep to make a copy of a book they have in their library (this price makes special mention of "copying" without mentioning whether a blank book is included in the price). The costs outlined for buying blank books in Magic of Faerun is 15gp for a leather bound book of 100 parchment pages (inferior writing surface) while paste-board (hard cover) with slip-case & 100 vellum pages (superior writing surface) is 90gp, and none of these are special materials nor are these costs including any enhancements that can run into thousands of gold. Even gaining admittance to Candlekeep's library requires one book of 1000gp or more in value to be given to the occupants.

But what about the chapbooks? The chapbooks of Waterdeep are an anomaly priced so low because their printing with the press technology has reduced the cost of labor for small works, have poor quality & quality control, and have trite subjects aimed at an audience of the lowest common denominator as opposed to the affluent who can afford much better products but as a smaller market. When doing book pricing research I came across the story of the first public library in the American colonies started by Benjamin Franklin and a consortium of some of the wealthiest people in the colonies. This illustrious group that paid a membership fee and annual dues for the library did so because they could not afford the books they wanted to read! These were very rich men living centuries after the printing press technology was developed, some of whom owned their own printing presses, who found purchasing the books they wanted to be too expensive by themselves.

As you can see, much of the lore I have here is made from whole cloth with some loose fact-checking against the lore of the Forgotten Realms. I thought it very unlikely that adventuring class NPCs would write anything more than a memoir or other self-aggrandizing work. The books that would have far greater markets, and thus would be what would be written by those seeking to support themselves through publishing, have the subjects that most influence: relationships with the deities, thoughts of self-governance, implementation of laws, interactions with the physical world, management of resources, lessons from past mistakes, and accumulation of wealth. Following is a list of non-adventurer writers for whom I have given the same status as IRL writers & thinkers such as Plato, Pliny the Elder, Confucious, Cervantes, and a host of other real world sources of inspiration. I scattered them across the realms in different nations and different ages but these would be some of the figure behind the scenes that helped create the notions upon which the nations and influencing forces have been shaped.

  1. Sorasi the Spellscribe
  2. Hoond Blackhand
  3. Iaghuul
  4. Mirakk the Fat
  5. Maru
  6. Tucker
  7. Garroot of Fenwick
  8. Jody Brightjewel
  9. Luka Rabarsing
  10. Blagun of Westgate
  11. Bnoudi of Asanibisan
  12. Rami Bashara
  13. Ramesh the Fifth-Born
  14. Hector the Fool of Indoria
  15. Corvus Many-Debts
  16. Vilk
  17. Duncan Ablehand
  18. Oglun of Naarkolyth
  19. Dodor of Tuoxent
  20. Seroun of Calimport
  21. Pawdrig the Lost
  22. Kurri the Exile
  23. Finneas the Feebleminded
  24. Temmul Blatherskite
  25. Bernard Wormer
  26. Elwood
  27. Dungul Durothiel
  28. Udor Kloeckner
  29. Tellure the Banite
  30. Dirk Bluenote
  31. Cloelia Magusa of Anauria
  32. Kurleb Iderdizan
  33. Tethierus
  34. Thrakka Bennuckle
  35. Piotr Wojow
  36. Duncan Whitehall
  37. Bolg of Nicomedia
  38. Leon Pendergrass
  39. Rhein Smelterjack (alias akin to John Doe)
  40. Justicar Carlo
  41. Papnoute the Elder
  42. Dalagar the Netherman
  43. Goraidh of Grumbar from Mount Andrus
  44. Onorphrios
  45. Purdum Olijawan
  46. Jeer Minerson of Shanatar
  47. Nazruin of Thultanthar
  48. Harrah Freegnome
  49. Natoli Thatchman
  50. Sahsowee the Cheat
  51. Pon Rulhast

The following are a list of already existing Forgotten Realms NPCs whose authorship/bibliography I have applied new books.
  1. Mythanthar
  2. Loremaster Prespaerin Cadathlyn
  3. Augathra the Mad
  4. Darcassan, Seer of Windsong Tower
  5. Uldoon, Mage of the Fangs
  6. Sarharala of Mikaldell
  7. anonymous Monk of the Yellow Rose
  8. anonymous vizier of Calimport
  9. Tsensyiir of Tashluta
  10. Jhaurmael
  11. Myrindas of Port Kir
  12. Dhynthar of Kormul
  13. High Shaman Ogubal of the Nethertusk Horde
  14. Sidiyan
  15. Lady Tisharu

Make the best use of the system that's there, then modify the mechanics that don't allow you to have the fun you are looking for.
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