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32 Posts

Posted - 25 Aug 2016 :  04:19:21  Show Profile  Visit 3catcircus's Homepage Send 3catcircus a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Spoiler below...

I'm getting close to the point in MotM that the party will move on to Hillsfar and I'm at a loss as to how to use the published material from this section of the book.

I don't have the time or inclination to figure out hooks from Melvaunt to Hillsfar nor the hooks within this section of the campaign.

Anyone have any ready-made hooks and breadcrumbs to link each of the Hillsfar adventures that I can steal?

Senior Scribe

Czech Republic
605 Posts

Posted - 25 Aug 2016 :  13:29:24  Show Profile  Visit Wrigley's Homepage Send Wrigley a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It would help to know what is your group composition and aproach as to make those suggestions helpful to you.

I do not understand much your need as if you just read those adventures and surrounding text there are well done information for all you mentioned. I have personaly used mainly general info as I am playing in later period where Hillsfar is already Zhentarim outpost.
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32 Posts

Posted - 28 Aug 2016 :  02:51:29  Show Profile  Visit 3catcircus's Homepage Send 3catcircus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So - the issue I have with the information in there is that it is a lot less direct than the ones in the first set of adventures in the Melvaunt area.

For example - the first adventure in Hillsfar is to go into a rogue's guild hideout. Why would adventurers seek this place out upon first coming to town? What possible motivation could they have for seeking out the rogues? The tattooed slaves? There is a stronger hook trying to seek out Theodorus's Red Wizard blackmailers and completely bypassing that section of the adventures. Trying to use the hook about Corwyn Jaffe? Yeah, my guys captured him and turned him into the Melvaunt authorities who were none too happy about him selling slaves without collecting taxes on the sale (hey, it's Melvaunt where slavery is legal, but the authorities don't like not getting their cut...)

The possibilities given are tracking down a thief (from where - they've been in Melvaunt and this is Hillsfar, almost 90 miles away across the Moonsea), seeking out stolen goods (from whom?), or seeking an alliance with the guild (for what?)

Other than getting away from Melvaunt to avoid the authorities, there is no real continuity in going from the Northern Moonsea section to the Southern Moonsea section of the adventures. Once in Hillsfar, the progression from rogue's hideout to red wizard garden to arena is straight-forward. Ok - now what? Why would they try to get to Mordak's Tower?

Likwise, the roadside shrine quest - who cares? It's close to Yulash and completely separated from any of the other quests, so there is no good reason for the PCs to even bother going there.

Moving on to the eastern and western moonsea sections, we get back to having some clear hooks to move the party along. There just isn't a lot of options to work with for the Hillsfar section.

As to the group - we've got a Paladin, Wizard, Rogue, and Ranger - all are good-aligned natural lycanthropes serving the Fangshields. I've managed to incorporate Return to the Keep on the Borderlands (Tarlech is trying to create perfectly-preserved undead because the Cult of the Dragon wants to figure out how to offer a better incentive to the dragons in the region) and Sons of Gruumsh (it'll turn out that even though Bremen Leiyraghon will still be the bad guy, he'll be acting on behalf of Delphaeryn Leiyraghon who was trying to get the blood of Iyrauroth (draconic orcs) to take over region). They just tried sneaking into Xul-Jarak and had to bravely run away this last session.

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Senior Scribe

Czech Republic
605 Posts

Posted - 28 Aug 2016 :  18:36:32  Show Profile  Visit Wrigley's Homepage Send Wrigley a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The main question you need to answer to yourself is: Do you need to use all of those adventures? As book states half of each chapter's quests are made inside of city and other half outside of it to accomodate both types of adventurers. It seems to me that your group would make easy use of outside adventures and you can use some of the others based on their activity in city. The main arching plot IMHO is slave trade ruse for world domination. I would therefor suggest making it your main plot and reason for moving between cities and pick what you like to spice it a little. If you are using another books than you have even better incentive to create a common theme for the campaign. Sons of Gruumsh are based solely in Thar and Northern Moonsea if I am correct so you will have to find a way to connect your group with somebody there (like happy officials from Malevaunt after they handed them Corwyn).
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