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Learned Scribe

198 Posts

Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  16:50:51  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Waterdeep 1491 DR

Hello all, this is an updated version of my notes concerning the City of Splendors

BT (Blackstaff Tower & Candelkeep-Forum replies by Steven E. Schend)
MS (Mistshore)
DS (Downshadow)
CotD (City of the Dead)
TGC (The God Catcher)
CoS (Circle of Skulls)
S:TA The Adversary (HC)
E:DM (Death Masks)

EFR (Elminster's Forgotten Realms) (*Note: The sourcebook draws on material from different times, so I included only those infos that stated a current or no date)
HoU (Halls of Undermountain) (*Note: I left out the adventures adversaries, considering them to be dead, and adventurers, as they might no longer live in Waterdeep, but kept neutral NPC's who could have allied or could have been rescued by the heroes)
SCAG (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide)
FRCG (Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide 4ed)
Dra2 (Draconomicon2)
CoSp/WiW (City of Splendors Boxed Set Who is Who)
CW (City of Splendors: Waterdeep)
Du (Dungeon Magazine)
Dr (Dragon Magazine)

ED (Ed Greenwood via the Hooded One on Candlekeep Forums)
SAY (Spin a Yarn 2008)
BRJ (Brian R. James unofficial timeline)

IDWFR1 (Forgotten Realms Comic #1 from IDW) (*Note: it's unclear in which time the comic takes place)
WATE (LFR-Adv.) (*Note: These adventures are not seen as canon by many)

** (Speculation)

Recent History of Waterdeep
1374 DR Tsarra ‘Autumfire’ Chaadren takes up the mantel of the Blackstaff, but hides under illusions of Khelben Arunsun.
???? DR The first outbreak of the Spellplague is held at bay by Tsarra ‘Blackstaff’ Chaadren.
???? DR The second outbreak of the Spellplage in Waterdeep resurges from Undermountain and forces Tsarra to drop her disguise as Khelben Blackstaff.
The Retributive Years (xxxx/xxxx DR): The revelation of Khelben’s death draws his enemies to Waterdeep, but all are soundly defeated by Tsarra.
???? DR the towering Plinth in Trades Ward is destroyed during the chaos of the Spellplague.(FRCG pg.196)
1388DR House Gundwynd is destroyed when most it’s members where transformed into giants and trolls by the Spellplague. The few survivors merged with the Brokengulfs into House Gundgulf.
1395 DR Plaguebringer's Blight - Sickness and pestilence spreads throughout the North, unleashed by the Putrescent Anathema. (BRJ)
The Putrescent Anathema was unleashed from Stump Bog to the northeast of Waterdeep to spread sickness and pestilence throughout the region, hitting the temple-farm of Goldenfields particularly hard. (FRCG 194)
1399 DR Tsarra Blackstaff Chaadren, her heir and many of the Tel’Teukiira die fighting a coven of vampire-wizards of the Stump Bog. Kyriani Agrivar risks her sanity by bearing the Staff and the powers of the Blackstaff back to Waterdeep.
1399 DR Kyriani Agrivar becomes Blackstaff. To acknowledge her legitimacy as the city’s archmage, she proclaims it from atop Blackstaff Tower, with Open Lord Caladorn at her side. This form of proclamation of the inheritance to the titel of Blackstaff becomes tradition.
1400 DR Krehlan Arunsun becomes Blackstaff
The Tarnsmoke Declaration (concerning the status of bounty hunters in Waterdeep) (EFR pg. 106)
1424 DR Chartham Dellenvol kills Krehlan ‘Blackstaff’Arunsun
(Ches) Ashemmon of Rymanthiin becomes Blackstaff
1425DR The tavern ‘Sea Knight’ collapses due to Spellplague or mage-duel
???? DR (Probably within the last 30 years from 1479DR backwards). The featherlung epidemic kills many of Waterdeep's citizens. TGC
1452 DR first Noble Houses sell their titels. (EFR pg.53)
1464 DR Samark Dhanzscul becomes Blackstaff
1478 DR The Black Robes, a quorum of city judges in Waterdeep, welcomes the tiefling Kylynne Silmerhelve into their ranks. (BRJ)
1479 DR Samark ‘Blackstaff’ Dhanzscul is murdered by Khondar ‘Ten Rings’ Naomal, the Guildmaster of the Watchful Order. Naomal's plot to turn Waterdeep into a magocracy under his rule fails and the traitorous Guildmaster is slain. Samark's heir Vajra Safahr becomes Blackstaff. BT
1480 DR
Noble titles are publicly offered for sale. (EFR pg.53)
Nightal: The Vigilant Order, a cult dedicated to Asmodeus is destroyed and a dark ritual involving several ritual murders is prevented from succeeding. Master Talus, an archmage from the House of Wonders is killed during the ritual and Sathariel, an angel of Asmodeus is slain by the deva Jinnaoth. (CoS)
1485 DR Dragon attacks turned the Field Ward to ashes (E:DM pg.34)
** the year of the Tyranny of Dragons/ Rise of Tiamat adv.arc is difficult to place, but according to information gathered from the Salvatore novels, I placed them here.
1489 DR Laeral Silverhand replaces Dagult Neverember as Open Lord of Waterdeep. (TRoT Adv. pg 14). Dagult, after losing Waterdeep, consolidates his power by concentrating his efforts as Lord-Protector of Neverwinter (TRoT 15). Many nobles and guildmasters of the city are vying for the attention of or conspire against the new Open Lord Laeral Silverhand, while trying to use the transition to get rid of rivals This political chaos, that many of the city's residents consider 'business as usual', will still not be resolved in 1491 DR (PotA Adv. pg. 38) ** The year is guessed
1490 DR Laeral Silverhand gatheres enough support to restore noble titles and property to noble families who lost them through misfortune or folly and takes them from those who bought them, like the Wild Lords (Du 190) and foreign agents. (SCAG pg. 57)
1491 DR
The Melairshield (CW pg.20) seems to be damaged, as houses collapse into Downshadow (E:DM pg.72)
Mistshore burns down and the harbor is returned to it's original function (E:DM pg.)
Cloud Giants lead by a giant named Burrult visit Waterdeep in their cloud castle in search of Princess Irie, daughter of storm giant king Skyvald (E:DM pg.59) ** probably foreshadowing the events of 'The Storm King's Thunder'-Adventure
Masked Lord Braethan Cazondur's tries to become ruler of Waterdeep. His bid for power claims the lives of several of his fellow Masked Lords as well as those of about a dozen guildmasters. During his fight with Open Lord Laeral Silverhand, Cazondur is slain by his own allies, after those received orders from their master, the Xanathar to stop the Masked Lord, whose ambitions didn't sit well with the crimelord's goals. (E:DM)
Open Lord Silverhand opens the assemblies of the Lords of Waterdeep to all guildmasters and nobles who want to attend to watch and listen.(E:DM pg.381)

Edited by - Lirdolin on 31 Jul 2016 20:30:53

Learned Scribe

198 Posts

Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  16:51:51  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Wards of Waterdeep
Castle Ward
Utilitarian domiciles and row buildings (since the Spellplague many of these have arches to support them), a few exeptions. BT
Poor people, festhalls narrow less crowded streets refuse on the streets, near silkstreet DS39

Blackstaff Tower
Built as Arunsun Tower in 1150 DR. The black tower seems to absorb light.
Curtain wall around courtyard, the gate is adorned with metalworked roses and staves entwining it’s metal bars. Enchanted with a slow spell. (BT19)
The only living resident of Blackstaff Tower is Vajra ‚Blackstaff’ Safahr
Dusky skinned Tethyrian, bright indigo eyes, short black hair.
Former Blackstaves /Blackstaff Ghosts
Khelben Arunsun (1150-1374)
Tsarra ‘Autumfire’ Chaadren (Half-elf, 1374 - 1399)
Kyriani Agrivar (Half-drow, 1399 -1400)
Krehlan Arunsun (1400-1424)
Ashemmon of Rymanthiin (Half-elf,1424-1464)
"The golden haired half-elf Ashemmon carried his mother's grace, his father's guile, and Art both learned and innate. Many said the fifth Blackstaff outshone all but the first in statecraft" , died 15 years ago in 1479 DR, BT 238, 243
" If he(Samark)'s like his mentor Ashemmon at all, we'll need a lot more gravediggers." BT 116
Description BT 242
** Might be the son of Ashemmi and Sememmon.
Samark Dhanzscul(1464-1479)

Piergeiron's Palace
The Open Lord’s Palace
Map Collection (EFR pg.20)
Senechal of the Palace Talen Telfeather (E:DM pg. 66)

Former Open Lords:
Piergeiron Paladinson
Caladorn Cassalantar
Lhestyn Arunsun
Baeron Silmaeril
Dagult 'Lord Dagger' Neverember

Masked Lords
(E:DM pg. 70)

Castle Waterdeep
The Timehands (Clock, named by it’s dwarven builders DS14)
Ahghairon’s Tower
Now topped by a Walking Statue in the form of a stone griffin, making the tower the tallest building of the Castle Ward, surrounded by spellwards. BT288
Guildsenior Khondar ‘Ten-Rings’ Naomal, Traitor to the Watchful Order, died in 1479 DR when he tried to gain access to Aghairon's Tower. His ghostly skeletal remains can still be seen within the newest spellward surrounding Aghairon’s Tower, endlessly re-enacting the guildsenior’s death BT
'Mirt's Mansion'- Home of Open Lord Silverhand
darkly turreted and eccentric, nestled into the rising rock flank of Mount Waterdeep, recently gifted to Open Lord Laeral Silverhand by the City's Lords.(E:DM pg.17)
The Castlegate
Inn, big, impressive and richly furnished (E:DM pg.31)
Unicorn Hall
just-finished temple of Lurue, on Rainrun Street (E:DM pg. 347)
Spires of the Morning
(Temple of Amaunator, Julthon Street)
Pink marbel courtyard walls, BT18
The Yawning Portal
The Yawning Portal Inn stands on Rainrun Street in Castle Ward. It is named after the Yawning Portal, the only well-known public access to Downshadow.
Durnan the Sixth, a big Chondathan, direct descendant of the original founder of the Yawning Portal. (HoU pg. 10)
Kelsie, Durnan's wife, sturdy and pleasant-faced, daughter of the previous cook (HoU pg. 10)
Durnan the Seventh, Durnan and Kelsie's oldest son, a strong and capable young man of about 30 years (assuming HoU is set aroung 1480DR ) (HoU pg. 10)
Minnet, Durnan and Kelsie's oldest daughter, a lively and intelligent woman of about 28 Years (HoU pg. 10)
Seven other children of Durnan and Kelsie, the youngest being about 11 years.

Regular Patrons:
Corporal Enoreth Knag of the Watch, an elderly officer who hates mysteries (HoU pg. 11)
The White Lady, elderly female elf, wears plain white robes, who whispers to herself, parts of her body have turned to crystal maybe as a result of abyssal plague. (HoU pg. 11)
The Jhoniron Club
BT 63
Looming three stories tall over the intersection with of Sword Street, ‘Gargoyle infested’ BT18
Jhurlan’s Jewels
Tchozal’s Race, squat white building with quaint Old Cormyrean wall merlons atop it’s roof. BT18
Flagon Dragon Inn
Corner of Tharleon Street, Three Stories high, stone dragons at the base of the walls are all gouting fire, two dragon helmed guards at the door. Caters more to the less-than-noble class. BT19
Rarknal’s Whitesmiths
Backside? Silkanth’s Cut, BT19
Smiling Siren
Festhall, well lit windows, BT20,
visited by gurdsmen DS49,88-89
Sanchel, dwarf madam of the Sirene DS89
The Singing Sword
Tavern BT20
Ordalth House
Marbel Four-story grandhouse, owned by Raenar Neverember BT
Diloontier’s & Sons Apothecary
Near Ordalth House, BT
Curious Past
Shop, Street of Silks, over a century old, sells oddities, antiques and chapbooks (including Arita's 'Silver Fox' Series) DS86-87
Blushing Nymph
Festhall, an alley near it leads to a tunnel to Downshadow near the Grim Statue. DS272
Nathalan's Menagerie
beauty/dress salon, owned by Lady Ilira Nathalan, DS 139-145
Bright Bell
hearth-house (i.e. restaurant) with good, plentiful, moderately expensive food, DS 219
Nurneene’s Marvelous Masks
Street of Bells, sells Masks DS157/ Dragon321
‘The Great Drunkard’
A former Walking Statue, peeks over the buildings of Castle Ward, depicting a crowned and seated man with the suggestion of leather armor carved into it’s chest and limbs, it’s hairline traced by the lights of 'Gralkyn's Tankard', a tavern built into it’s lap. Hollowed out for living space.(TGC pg. 61/ E:DM pg.358)
Gilliam’s Haberdashery
DS 97
**near the Smiling Siren (Location speculated)
The Dragon's Head
tavern, near Ahghairon's Tower (E:DM pg. 343)
Aumur Vraskalan's Fine Wine and Spirits
Aumur Vraskalan (his cellar expansions caused a sinkhole that tore three neighbouring shops down into Downshadow (E:DM pg. 72)
Home of Maruttur "Mutter" Thalekin
Seller of maps, charts and books, knows much of the last century of seafaring activity in Waterdeep vicinity; doesn't do Skullport or Seacaves. ED
Home of Saerpryn "Old Coldeyes" Thulomhreigh
Moneylender on Rainrun Street ED
Guildhall of the Solemn Order of Recognized Furriers & Woolmen
a large beaver statue with a wooden placard identifies an ornate stone two-story building as
the Guildhall WATE1-3
Bright Mounts Stables
The only place in the city that has griffon and hippogriff mounts for rent. Renting a hippogriff costs 100 gp per day with another 100 gp as a security deposit. A hippogriff may be purchased for 4,200 gp. If one wishes to buy a griffon it’s possible for 9,000 gp. Griffons are not available for rent. WATE2-3
** Probably connected to the former noble house Gundgulf, the merger of the Houses Brokengulf and Gundwynd, who both caught and trained exotic animals.

Edited by - Lirdolin on 31 Jul 2016 20:32:04
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Learned Scribe

198 Posts

Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  16:52:42  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sea Ward
Opulent well tended buildings
Mermaid on a Dolphin
expensive restaurant on the southeastern corner of the moot of Vondil and Feather Streets (E:DM pg. 305)
Valkur’s Tempel
(on Sul Street)
The last Wavemaster was killed in 1491DR by Lord Mirt the Moneylender in a fit of rage (E:DM pg. 336)
Wavetamer Garyn Raventree (Priest of Valkur, peaceful eyes) BT
Tempel of Sune
Tempel of Beauty, On Greengrass, annual costume ball (30 of Tarsakh), DS39,158
Thelma Flametop, cleric of Sune, Heartwarden, a young red-haired beauty with a bubbly personality. She dresses is pinks and greens and wears gold jewelry. Thelma is a native of Waterdeep. WATE1-2
Risa Waylon, cleric of Sune, Heartwarden, a more mature, half-elven woman, quite fashionably dressed. She has a more serious demeanor and is quite the collector of art. Risa moved from Cormyr to Waterdeep 15 years ago. WATE1-2
The House of the Moon
Temple of Selune, collapsed during the Spellplague, Volam Roarke financed it's restoration BT45
Jhessail Eveningfall (High Priestess of the House of the Moon, female half-moonelf, She has silver hair and
lime green eyes. Dressed in robes of blue and silver with a wide leather belt from which a moon-head mace
hangs, she presents a calm and pleasant demeanor) WATE2-3
Silverstar Rahyn is a large, muscular female watersoul genasi with angry green skin and deep blue lines of energy coursing throughout her body. She is very curt and impatient with the PCs through most of the conversation, punctuated by occasional periods of utter calm and happiness. Storm season plays havoc with her moods.WATE2-1
Heroes’ Garden
Has fallen into disrepair, well known spot to hire sellswords & adventurers BT 25
Slaked Sylph
(Tavern in Darselune Street, near Gulzindar Street)
at the edge of the sea and Castle wards, patron’s are a wide array of Waterdhavians, dark ale, night black loaves, shelves with broadsheets, Tavernmaid Arlanna BT11-17
Taverne, Corner of Morningstar Way, (Grey-stoned) Stormstar Ride, Aurrenar Street crossing) BT88
Haunted nobel house at the southern End of Senarl’s cut BT
Brandarth Hall (formerly Neverember Hall)
On the west side of Mendever Street (servants entrance at Senarl’s Cut) BT
Renaer ‘Ren’ Neverember (son of Dagult Neverember and Lady Brandarth, sage and book-collector, rake by night)
Madrak Salibuck (Renaer calls him ‘old hin’, white-haired halfling butler, looked out for Renaer since childhood, was servant to Renaers mother)
Bramal Salibuck (Madrak’s son, manages bulk of Neverember business as Renaers proxy)
Roarke House
Kulzar’s Alley
BT44-46 (Rook’s Hold)
Halaerim Club
Directly across Kulzar’s Alley BT44
Kendall’s Gallery
BT 61, slate-tilted, Khulzar’s Alley
Gildenfires Festhall
In need of repairs BT43
Abandoned, scorched BT63
Field of Triumph
House of Wonders
The temple of Mystra turned into a college of wizardry after Mystra's death.
** With Mystra's return the House of Wonders probably houses the college as well as the temple of Mystra.
Master Bastun Nesraan of Rashemen, his eyes are blue orbs of glowing ice set into a too-pale face, long braids cover his shoulders, is unnaturally cold to the touch, wears dark robes covered in ancient barbaric runes, accented by guards of leather; carries a staff and a strange wavy-bladed sword (CoS pg.45, 300-301)
'The God Catcher'
An apartment house, built from a former Walking statue. Lies at an accidental square created where Sul Street meets an unnamed jog of Market Street. A hearth house, a dry-goods store and a few far-shippers lie nearby. One of its legs is sunken into the ground connecting the building with the sewers. (TGC pg. 5-6).
One of it’s eyes has been knocked out to form a window. The statues features waver uncomfortably in the midst of masculine and feminine, youth and old, with full lips, hard chin and round cheeks (TGC pg.60).
Aundra Blacklock, a raptoran sorceress is the landlady of the house, who lives in a sphere without a visible door floating 20ft. above the statues upward-reaching arm (TGC pg. 6-7)
It’s said that she can heal spellplague damages.
The God Catcher "stands in the southern angle of the moot of Sul Street and Storth Street (the short, diagonal northeast-southwest street that branches east off Mendever Street just north of Trader’s Way)." If I recall correctly, I found Storth also referred to through the years as "Sorth" and "Head Alley," but as of the time of The God Catcher people mostly refer to it as "the way of the God Catcher" since the statue fairly dominates the little alley. (Source Erin M Evans)
‘Hearth-House at the God Catcher’ (Not actual name)
Has a certain irrepressible charm, owned by Mardin Eftnacost, a former adventurer and friend of Lady Tennora Hedare and her late mother Liferna (TGC pg. 5, 20,35)
Queen of Hearts Bathhouse
A song’s walk away from the God Catcher, clean, reputable and well run, but also terribly public. (TGC pg. 73)
Sparaunt Tower
To the north of the Godcatcher, a former Walking Statue, a tall and listing silhouette, it’s hawklike beak is illuminated by a line of magical lights (TGC pg. 61)
The Storm's Front
tavern, a popular gathering place for the young and wealthy, near the corner of Stormstar's Ride and Street of Glances, on northwestern corner (CoS pg. 52-53)
Moonstar Villa
on the Street of the Singing Dolphin, just south of Diamond Street.
Lord Stedd Moonstar, dark-haired man
Logan, the butler, a middle aged dwarf who walks with a pronounced limp and is visibly nervous around adventurers. Has an exceptionally long beard festooned with numerous star shaped crystals and a single large moon. He believes that adventures are savages who will strike out at him for no reason. This fear is based on a bombastic column in the Mocking Minstrel broadsheet.WATE1-1
Ohmtalakar's Fine Gems
Located on the second floor of the first west-side Sul Street building north of Chanszobur's Manywares. ED
Chanszobur's Manywares
On NW corner of Sul and Vondil Streets. Glittering and highly regarded store; favorite of nobles; expensive but superior merchandise. ED
Brightboots cleaning service
Run by Rhavilra Gryphonshar, whose teams clean many lodgings and polish many boots for laboring and shopkeeping Waterdhavians ED
The home of the Eagleshield noble family in Waterdeep. ED
Raventree Manor
CoS pg. 2
Saerfynn Manor
CoS pg. 4, 30
Callak and Rilyana Saerfynn, siblings, both died during the failed 'Ritual of the First Flensing' in 1480DR (CoS pg. 57)

Edited by - Lirdolin on 31 Jul 2016 20:33:03
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Learned Scribe

198 Posts

Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  16:53:32  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Talltumble Stair
Runs down the eastern slope of Mount Waterdeep to Mountainside)
The initial straight run-stair was reworked into angled stairs with four resting platforms along the way.
The first landing of the Stair is called the ‘Lover’s Landing’ because it’s a favourite meeting spot of Mountainside’s nobles for amorous adventures. The second landing is called ‘Dragon’s Spout’ because of the magically maintained stone fountain with fresh clear water, which has the form of a dragon’s head. The head once topped the Dragontower of Maaril, which was destroyed during the Spellplague.
Wildhound Court
Cursed place where all stray dogs gather at night and turn into a wild pack, no matter how good-natured the dogs might be at other times. BT176
Home of Parlek Lateriff
Side-alley of Windless Way
Sage, sorcerer and smith of the highest order BT
’Early Morning Bakery’ (not actual name)
At Trellamp Court, opens early. BT176
The Downgiant Row
A former Walking Statue, depicting a warrior, became a series of houses. (TGC pg. 61)
College of New Olamm
Bardic college, located in two Cliffside villas overlooking the sea near Waterdeep, can be reached via the Cliffride, a gravelpath up Mt. Waterdeeps northern spur or the Mount Melody Walk, a tunnel through the mountain itself.(SCAG pg. 123)

Mandarth Lane/ Ambergrislide seawards slopes of Mount Waterdeep. Bright blue doors on every building and white stone tiles on the roofs. BT
Goral’s Way parallel to and one block east of Tybrun Ridge BT
Trellamp Court: Between Sulvan’s Way and Three Lord’s Crossing BT
(Down) Shyrrhr’s steps, northeast on the Garmarl’s Dash over to (dark-bricked) Windless Way BT
the Cliffride, a gravelpath up Mt. Waterdeeps northern spur and Mount Melody Walk, a tunnel through the mountain itself.(SCAG pg. 123)

Dock Ward
Knight’n Shadow
Corner of Fish and Snail Streets DS14
Two-story tavern, on the site of the former Sea Knight tavern (which collapsed in 1425DR due to spellplague or mage-duel)
Connects Waterdeep and Downshadow DS15
The Bloody Fist
Untidy tavern on the northwestern corner of the moot of Snail Street, Shrimp Alley and Presper Street (E:DM pg. 228)
Shop, MS47
Sleepy Sylph
Tavern, on Snailstreet, DS74
The Dancing Pony
Tavern, on Snailstreet, DS74
Rhalgut's Wheelhouse
Shop, on Snailstreet, DS74
The Skewered Dragon
Inn? Rowdy. DS146
Velvet Tentacles aka. No Liches Allowed Festhall
on Ship Street,SAY3,4
Patron Dusk Lanvyl of High Healers Everywhere, a weary-looking—but smiling—man. SAY5
The place serves even the most exotic customers. The hellhound pelt that decorates the floor of its back hall is sentient and howls and belches fire when stepped on. SAY9
Home of Melvar the Mouth
on Ship Street , near the Velvet Tentacles Festhall. Melvar ‘the Mouth’ is a halfling who sells information SAY11
Brain Food
On Ship Street, raw-fish-balls eatery, largely notorious for being owned by a mind flayer. SAY
The Wanton Weredolphin
Tavern SAY5
Arrowclad Jester
Tavern, where ‘Mirt underwent his unexpected pregnancy, and the place Fzoul Chembryl groomed his mustache a time or two’. SAY6
Has poor-performing minstrels at the door and a tasteless interior SAY9
The Laughing Lass
A brothel on Ship street. Du184
Haldark's Shiphaven Shop
On Sternpost Street. ED
Jhannastra House
Turned into a fortress of sorts after being broken into. Three ground floor shops occupy the space beneath her living quarters. ED
Magpie & Gannon
the largest and best store for books, charts, and maps in Waterdeep. Although Gannon is not a sage as such, he is reputed to be a follower of Oghma. Some believe Magpie travels and acquires rare books, but no one is really sure if that is all she does. WATE2-2
Dancing Mermaid
Tavern WATE1-4
Knotted Rope Tavern
sports a memorial in the dedicated to those captains who’ve died from sea wraiths attacking Waterdeep’s harbor. WATE1-4
The Thirsty Sailor
Tavern on the corner of Fish and Ship Streets. This decrepit old tavern has boarded-up windows and careless repairs. The interior is smoky and the repulsive odor of tar, stale beer, sour wine, sweat, and worse fills the air.
The patrons divide their time here by drinking, singing bawdy songs (off-key) and brawling. No female staff or patrons grace the Thirsty Sailor, not even female sailors or dockworkers. WATE1-1
The Thirsty Throat
Found on the corner of Candle Lane and Slut Street, this ramshackle assembly of wood amazes all by not fallen down. The tavern is crowded and dimly lit. The tables and chairs are bolted down. WATE1-1
The Blue Mermaid
The Blue Mermaid tavern is a respectable establishment with decent food at a good price whose clientele is normally sailors and dockworkers looking for a quiet place to eat. The manager is a man named Stevian. WATE1-5 &1-7

Edited by - Lirdolin on 31 Jul 2016 20:33:49
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Learned Scribe

198 Posts

Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  16:54:24  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
South Ward
House of Dust
Way of the Dragon/Blacklock Alley
Tavern Keeper Sintus Farlhor , MS
Brant’s General Goods and Gear
Propritor Brant Tearn was murdered in 1479 DR, MS
Shureene’s Clothiers
Tulmaster’s street, Two streets north of High road? MS
The Lone Rose
Currently empty flower shop, but someone is watering the violets outside the shop. Next to Shureene’s Clothiers, MS
Inn of Spirits
Two ‘condemned’ warehouses, made unstable through Spellplague workings, separate the Inn from the Lone Rose shop. MS
'Kolatch'(not actuall name)
Shop near south gate in or near street of silver (between way of dragon and snail street?) DS 7/12
Ellis Kolatch , a fat, greasy unpleasant man,
Sells jewelry and fine silks (and its rumoured also knives flints and small crossbows) Arrogant, hates elves and spellscarred DS10-12
Purple hair and beard after an encounter with fey'ri Fayne the Trickster DS 37
Had an encounter with Shadowbane (while on a trademeet in Downshadow with thieves)
Turned himself over to the guard to be arrested for trade violations and dirty dealing after his encounter with Shadowbane DS43
** probably free again in 1491DR
The Drunken Bard Nightclub & Theater
A festhall, Jard le Karn, proprietor of the festhall, is a relative newcomer to the city. His festhall has been open six months and has been very successful, considering it sticks to entertainment and dining (no gambling).
The Club uses local and traveling entertainers. Originally a warehouse, the main floor includes three different entertainment halls, a spacious entry hall, a cloak room, a series of privies and a kitchen. A veritable warren of access corridors allows waiters and entertainers to move between the rooms unobserved. The second floor
offers private rooms for dinner and entertainment, accessible by Club members or for a one-time fee. WATE1-2
Seala, hostess, female half elf,
Kar, host, male half-elf,
Sigrud, waitress, Jester’s Room, female human
Hector waiter, Bard’s Theater, male human
Legendary Pottery
The shop is filled with quite unusual and ornate pottery. The Sembian shopkeeper, Narvin, is a short, thin, black-haired man with a goatee. He is a high-energy, nervous individual who strokes his goatee when thinking.
He bargains over the value of each pot. WATE1-2
Temple of Umberlee
Mainly staffed by widows of sailors lost at sea (SCAG pg.41)
Note: Location guessed, but probably Queenspire from before the Spellplague.

Trades Ward
The Plinth was destroyed during the chaos of the Spellplague.(FRCG pg.196)

Temple to Finder Wyvernspur
modest temple, formerly a streetshop and two floors ofliving suits, since 1372DR (EFR pg.146)
On Coffinmarch, wizard, old woman, some think she is a crazy mad witch, “never did much more than sell beauty charms to old maids and protections for young men with mischief on their minds”, most of Egetha’s stock is not for minors. CotD32
The Sleeping Dragon's Den
Tavern, somewhere midway of north front Ironpost Street (E:DM pg. 308)
The Saucy Satyr Club
(E:DM pg. 335)
Ravenwyndar Representations
Factors/trade agents; of Blackmul Street ED
The Foamy Smile
brew-tavern.converted into festhall. Formerly known as 'The Foaming Tankard' Du184
Ten Trolls Fallen
A tavern in Trades Ward. Has named rooms such as the Brazen Doors room. ED
Mrayvren's Superior Castings
Given to four younger sons so that Mrayvren's Bountiful Rest could be opened. ED
Inn of the Dripping Dagger
Front door sometimes speaks out loud. The inn is sometimes haunted. ED
The old inn was known as 'Dagger’s Rest' for some time but recently changed it's name back to the original 'Inn of the Dripping Dagger'. ** Was mentioned as Dagger's Rest in WATE and as Inn of the Dripping Dagger by ED
The walls of the inn are fieldstone at street level and timber for three upper floors. The owner of the inn, a former adventurer named Tessele Swiftwater, employs an extensive staff of waitresses, kitchen staff, chambermaids, hostlers and a minotaur bouncer named Thoat.
The food is tasty and plentiful. Notable are pan-fried lout (a local small brown fish) and baked shalass (a local trout-like fish). Notable drinks include Moonshae almond brandy, elverquisst (the exotic drink of many elves), and a famed Waterdeep wine, zzar, which is fiery orange with a distinctive almond scent. They do have rooms available WATE1-1
Felzoun’s Folly
Felzoun’s Folly Tavern is on River’s Square. The staff is a mix of humans and dwarves. Patrons are a mix of merchants and shoppers with a smattering of mercenaries. The food and drink here is of good quality and modest prices. The Barkeep Heljara, a female dwarf is an information broker, calls the dwarfen bouncer ‘Sonny’ WATE1-1
The Gentle Rest
The Gentle Rest is an old, large, comfortable inn on High Road, where it bends to meet Waterdeep Way. The inn has five floors and a stable located on an alley behind the inn. The current proprietor is Marlak Buckman, a jovial, stout, middle-aged man of average height. Sports stables that can house wagons. WATE1-1

Edited by - Lirdolin on 31 Jul 2016 20:34:55
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  16:55:18  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
City of the Dead
BT107, lawns untended, weeds grow everywhere, many tombs destoyed, dead and twisted trees, portals to the extradimensional tombs are malfunctioning. (Note: this description of the City of the Dead landscaping is at odds with what was stated in the FRCG) Southern half of the City of the Dead
Isn’t safe after dark. Gates closed to public.
Tomb of Sareal 'Trollscourge' Arunsun
sports a statue of Sareal, Khelben's oldest son, BT
Deepwinter Vault
Beacon and Watchwaytowers
Weeping Gate
Leads from Mhalsymber's Way into the City of the Dead, Haunted by an sobbing, unidentified ghost on the new moon BT
CotD40/58, guarded by the Watch
CotD40, guarded by the Watch
Portal to the Hall of Heroes
functions, CotD61
Portal to the Coinscoffin Graveyard
functions, CotD61
Dead End Gate
CotD, Carver family’s private Gate CotD9
Dead End House (actually outside the City of the Dead)
In front of the Dead End Gate, public gate leads to Zendulth Street) CotD2,13
Home of the Carver Family, the gravediggers and guardians of the City of the Dead
“Carvers can’t get lost” CotD5
Make coffins and gravestones CotD2
Have a multitude of black and white cats CotD3,12
Astute Carver (Leaplow, Runewright and Sophraea’s father, a giant of a man, bushy beard, master stonecarver) CotD7-9, 15-16
Reye C. (Leaplow, Runewright and Sophraea’s mother) CotD7-9
Leaplow and Runewright C. (Sophraea’s brothers) CotD3,13
Bentnor and Cadriffel C. (Sophraea’s cousins, twins) CotD3,12
Perspicacity, Sagacious, Vigilant and Judicious C. (Leaplow, Runewright and Sophraea’s uncles) CotD7-8
Sophraea Carver (youngest in a mostly male family, 17 years old, young girl with black curly hair) CotD3,32
Gustin Bone (friend of Sophraea, A tall thin man, dresses in faded tan leathers, brown hair , a close-trimmed beard, sharp long nose and bright green eyes with lashes long enough to envy any girl. About twenty. CotD13-14, a wizard, animating statues being his specialty (which he uses to con people into believing his stonestatue to be a spell-petrified hero), usually makes his living by ‘displaying the rare artifacts of a more magical time’CotD55. Currently lives at Dead End house and works of a dept for a statue made by Astute by moving statues to their designated positions within the City of the Dead. CotD301-302 Owns a Guidebook to Waterdeep, that’s from a time before the spellplague. CotD 126-127
**Maybe the guidebook is a copy of “Volo’s Guide to Waterdeep” ?

North Ward
The Nandartowers
Family Mansion of House Nandar, fills an entire city block (E:DM pg.78 )
was recently rebuilt from villa to mansion (E:DM pg. 85)
The Lock Sisters Home
The sunelves Ristlara and Shenan are well known dealers in antipuities and magic. Their private mansion resembles more of a museum, stocked with artifacts either stolen or recovered from tombs across Faerûn, all carefully tagged and catalogued. MS 44-45, 305
The Grinning Lion
Propriator Argupt, good food, favourite place of the Thongolirs BT16
Ten Bells
Festhall? On Brondar’s Way. Has female dancers. BT82
Dailantha’s Herbs and Exotic Plants
Copper Street, linked through a footbridge with Breerdil’s Fine Wines, the stream below the bridge is enchanted to appear midnight blue. MS 51
Breerdil’s Fine Wines
On Copper Street, MS 51
Adarbrent Villa
On Manycats Alley, home of Lord Dorgar Adarbrent. CotD 114
Manycats Alley
A very grand neighbourhood, only the finest families of Waterdeep have mansions here. The mansions are remodelled in the newest style, gatehouses and courtyards completely enclosed so people entering here are not plagued by rain. CotD 114
'Silver Bowls' (not actual name)
(unsure of location, might be located in Trade Ward instead) Silversmith, the man is as round and heavy as one of his bowls, has a room to rent CotD53
Cerest Elenithils’ Home
On Sammarin Street, Home of the late gold-elf merchant Cerest Elenithil. The elf merchant, who died in 1479 DR during an confrontation with the adventuress Icelin Tearn, is believed to have had ties to Waterdeeps underworld. The blocky stone structure sports a single tower braced against the main building and a private garden. The private garden includes a gladehouse with panteflowers, yellow orchids and varieties of roses and a fish pond under which a former servent of Cerest, who stared to long at the elfs’ disfigured face, is entombed MS44, 46-47
Hedare Mansion
Home of Lord and Lady Hedare, The mansions room are named after magical beasts like Griffon Room and Phoenix Room. (TGC pg. 8,11)
Roaringhorn Villa
Pages Curious
Bookshop on Suldown Street, owned by Maranyuss, called Mara, a night hag exiled to live among mortals, who maintains an illusion of beauty among the citizens of Waterdeep (CoS pg. 22-23,81)
Ulbrinter House
Ulbrinter family's city Mansion, stands on Delzorin Street, soaring towers, conical turret-tops (E:DM pg. 115)
Swordshire House
Inn, new and rather spartan (E:DM pg.)
Thantilvur Investments
a former wealthy citizens private mansion, recently renovated, the third building in from the High Road, on the South side of Tarnath Street, secret hideout for the traitor Masked Lord Cozandur, was destroyed durind the Open Lord's spell duel with two mages on the payroll of Braethan Cazondur(E:DM pg. 334)
Mrayvren's Bountiful Rest
Ilzantul Street, near Delzorin Street.
Called the Bountiful by locals. Feature: the Gryphonsar room (additional from Ed):
“Gryphonshar” was the name of a wealthy, successful, ethical, and much-loved Waterdhavian merchant who was a sometime sponsor, patron, and eventually business partner of Haeldrar Mrayvren. Andremon Gryphonsar died in the autumn of 1454 DR, but is remembered with fond nostalgia by many traders, and several rooms and features around Waterdeep have been named for him (all since his death). ED

Edited by - Lirdolin on 31 Jul 2016 20:35:57
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  16:56:10  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Field Ward
Dragon attacks turned the Field Ward to ashes (E:DM pg.34)
** the Field Ward was apparently not under the protection of the city's dragonward. Probably during the 'Rise of Tiamat'-Adv. arc?
The Field Ward is now home to many of the poorest citizens (SCAG pg.54)
In 1491 DR the city is approached with a proposal of growing a tree grove 'temple' sacred to Eilistraee in ruined Field Ward. (E:DM pg. 116)
Strongcroft Smithy
Owned by a cousin of Dorn Strongcroft BT87
** a stubborn dwarf probably rebuilt after a dragon attack


Downshadow and The Warrens
An apparent plague and buildings from Castleward crashing into Downshadow, drove the residents of these two underground 'wards' away. (E:DM pg. 73)
The Great Cavern
Southernmost cavern of the complex was a shanty-town DS25
The Grim Statue
Hall of the Sleeping Kings
as described in the 3.5 Return to Undermountain sourcebook, except the floor functions intermittently as a result of long-ago tampering by a thief attempting to disable it, DS 69-71
The Warrens
were home to many gnomes, halflings, and dwarves. The district is completely underground and consists of 5-foot high ceiling rooms and suites opening off a few winding street tunnels. The district was in the process of expanding under the City of the Dead. These tunnels occasionally disturbed old burial sites located in the City of the Dead.
Temple of Baravar Cloakshadow
Part of the Warrens. Home of Omphar Daegrech (see Folk of Waterdeep) ** Probably was deserted like the rest of the Warrens. BT
Shrine of Jergal
In Downshadow (HoU pg. 48)
** Probably was deserted like the rest of Downshadow.
Shrine of Selvetarm
in Downshadow (HoU pg. 80)

Undermountain and Skullport

Kobold tribe of Grand Grelpin (kobold wyrmpriest, HoU pg. 32) and Hapdash (kobold slinger, covered in burns and scars, misses a few fingers, HoU pg. 34)
Varriel, female human Red Wizard necromancer, bald (HoU pg.39)
Muragh, Watchskull, arrogant former cleric of Lathander, stubbornly refused to pay homage to Amaunathor and received no spells (HoU pg.84) ** with Lathanders return he probably now receives spells again.
Deadeyes (a.k.a. Harhoarguh), a plaguechanged beholder. lives in Undermountain, Deadeyes was imprisoned and 'stored for a future purpose' by Halaster, but the Spellplague freed the beholder. Ravaged by centuries of imprisonment and blasted by magic, disfigured and possible insane. (Du178: EotR:Deadeyes)

Environs of Waterdeep
Khelben the Elders Tomb
Carved from the marbel cliffs of Mount Khimbarr amid the Lonely Hills, actually no tomb but a safehold of the Blackstaff BT
The Pellamcopse
BT, Once a pleasant little wood good for hunting game within a short walk from Northgate, it was corrupted by the Spellplague into a spell-warped forest, home to strange animals like six-legged bears with white manes, perytones, green owls, two-headed deer and the tentacled buarala whose limbs are coved with maws and who fear light, Plants like conifers with blazing red needles, that glow slightly in the moonlight.
Located in the middle is a stonecircle that’s connected to the portal-network of Varad (Brandarth Manor, Varadras, Ordalth House, Pellamcopse) Also found within the forest is the Lair of the Nameless Haunt (see Folk of Waterdeep).

Edited by - Lirdolin on 31 Jul 2016 20:36:49
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  16:57:23  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Movers and Shakers of Waterdeep

Noble Clans and Houses of Waterdeep

Becoming Noble and Noble Titles (EFR pg. 50-53)

House Adarbrent
Lord Dorgar Adarbrent, old man, corpse-like appearance, last of his family, CotD1/299
House Agundar
Lord Relavarr Agundar , scraggle-bearded young lordling (E:DM pg. 78-79 )
House Amcathra
one of the three ruling noble families of Amphail (SCAG pg.45)
the next House in line for the office of the Lord Warden in Amphail in 1492 DR (SCAG pg.44)
House Ammakyl
owns many farms in Amphail (SCAG pg.45)
Lady Ammakyl BT 43
Lord Vescaras Ammakyl, a black-skinned half-elf of mixed Turami and elven ancestory, wealthy and hardworking, braided hair with gold threaded into each braid, impeccably cool manners, secretly a harper agent who uses the familiy's wine trade to run a network of harper spies along the merchant caravan routes, very good at what he does (S:TA pg.39)
Lady Jadzia Ammakyl, lovely, sister of Vescaras, is rich 'as Waukeen's handmaiden'(S:TA pg.46-47)
three other sisters of Vescaras (S:TA pg.47, 392)
House Anteos
Still exists, lost some property to House Ralnarth
They are a very old Waterdeep family involved in trading, money-changing and barter. Their current reputation is fairly solid. House Anteos was involved in the slave trade a very long time ago (at least 200-300 years ago)
Lord Korras Anteos the Third, WATE1-2
Lady Belinda Anteos (manages the Sword Coast Trader's Bank in Daggerford) (SCAG pg. 48)
House Assumbar
Lord Halmor Assumbar (truculent, burly, his beard a flowing, styled and scented redish-brown jaw-fringe (E:DM pg. 286 )
House Belbrundel
Merger of the Houses Belabranta, Eltorchul & Phylund
House Bladesemmer
regained noble status and property SCAG pg.57
House Cassalanter
Very influential since Caladorn's Open Lordship
House De'spri
(HoU pg. 51)
Lady Amori De'spri (was resurrected after over a century, middle aged human female (HoU pg. 44-45), yearns to reunited with her dead husband Julain (HoU pg. 51) ** there might be legal problems concerning her standing within her family, as she technically is now again the oldest member.
House Dunflagon
Lord Chostal Dunflagon, recently passed away WATE2-1
House Eagleshield
has holdings in Amphail (SCAG pg.44)
Lady Embrelle Eagleshield ED
House Estelmer
formerly dissolved; some of it's property went to House Ralnarth, but the House was reinstalled SCAG pg.57
Lady Branathleira Estelmer (was attacked, her head split and her wits suffered grievously, she is not expected to survive (E:DM pg.20)
House Gost
(E:DM pg. 263 )
Lady Myrathranda Gost, short, ancient and wrinkeld, but ramrod-straight woman (E:DM pg. 264)
House Gralhund
For some time House Gralleth controled all property/interests
Lord Orond Gralhund (E:DM pg. 286 )
House Gralleth
Mansion on Riverstreet (BT240-241)
Absorbed the interest and estates of the Bladesemmers and Markals
House Gralleth is one of the more powerful houses in terms of money and social position in Waterdeep.
Lord Challras Gralleth (BT125 /240)
Lord Rharlek Gralleth (BT240, Challras’s son, short of build, has a lisp, ‘a squat, poor-complexioned boor with bad teeth,worse manners, two left feet, and a wasted education’.
House Grifstone
Grifstone is one of the newer noble houses. (Any noble house less than 200 years old is considered new.) Their wealth comes from mining, masonry and the crafting of arms and armor. WATE1-1
Ran Grifstone, third son of House Grifstone, is somewhat arrogant and very naive. WATE1-1
House Gundgulf
Merger of the Houses Brokengulf and Gundwynd. The Gundwynds of Waterdeep were destroyed in 1388, when it’s members where transformed into Giants and trolls by the spellplague. The few survivors merged with the Brokengulfs into House Gundgulf, which lost it’s noble status. regained noble status and property SCAG pg.57
House Haventree
Lady 'Remi' Haventree, has been approched to sponsor a proposal of growing a tree grove 'temple' sacred to Eilistraee in ruined Field Ward. (E:DM pg. 116)
House Hawkwinter
DS197, at least one female
House Hedare
Lady Aowena Hedare, (TGC pg. 5)
Lord Eckhart Hedare, has thick mustaches (TGC pg. 5)
Live in the North Ward. Looking for tutors for their 4 children (TGC pg. 7)
Their mansions room are named after magical beasts like Griffon Room and Phoenix Room. (TGC pg. 8,11)
Lady Tennora Hedare (See Folk of Waterdeep)
House Helmfast
Lord Andalar Helmfast, older nobleman (E:DM pg. 119)
House Hunabar
Lady Kastarra Hunabar, large, olive-skinned woman with blond hair, hails from Amn. (BT239)
House Husteem
Lord Erland Husteem (E:DM pg. 286 )
Lady Husteem (E:DM pg. 287 )
House Ilzimmer
one of the three ruling noble families of Amphail (SCAG pg.44)
Lord Dauner Ilzimmer, the current Lord Warder of Amphail in 1491 DR (SCAG pg.7, 44)
House Jhansczil
has holdings in Amphail (SCAG pg.44)
House Kormallis
Lord Dresdark Kormallis, a shambling, squat round bear of a man,balding, favors dark silks and wears monocles and sports a huge waxed mustache, a crashing bore (E:DM pg. 80, 96)
House Kothont
Lord Harlbrittur Kothont (clean-shaven, long-jawed, sharp-nosed, features often twisted by sour disapproval (E:DM pg. 286 )
Lady Kothont (E:DM pg. 287 )
House Kothornt
The houses Thorp and Kothont merged through marriage.
Youngest Lady Korthornt BT241
**As House Kothont seems to still exist, maybe only House Thorp vanished through the merger?
House Mandarth
Disliked for it’s abusive ways and it’s whaling-derived riches.
House Manthar
Lord Eskeneldur Manthar( sleekly fat, darkly handsome despite advanced years, like a greedy, overfed old cat (E:DM pg. 286 )
House Marchenor
Ballinton Marchenor, a third son, officer of the guard, patrols the sewers, can be very sweet and eager around women, but is an utter bore and smells of the sewers (TGC pg. 8)
House Margaster
The Margasters try to retake Thornhold from the dwarves who currently occupy the keep.(SCAG pg. 65-66)
House Melshimber
Lord Harlond and Lady Melshimber, secretly worship of Asmodeus (E:DM pg. 43)
Lady Tasheene Melshimber, despises her parents for their worship of Asmodeus (E:DM pg. 43)
House Moonstar
The Moonstars are a noble family and faithful followers of Selune. Once prestigious, the family has suffered various hardships over the years. Much of the family has left Waterdeep. Recent activity indicates that Stedd Moonstar is making plans to restore the family’s wealth and standing in the city.
House Moonstar’s primary sources of income are running caravans, exploration, and cartography.
Lord Stedd Moonstar from WATE1-1
House Nandar
Greatest land-holder in the city
Lord Elegal Nandar (E:DM pg. 80 )
House Nantar
Lord Nantar, (harper?) agent who carried messages for the Masked Lords, died before 1486 DR and was replaced by Lady Tennora Hedare in that office (S:TA pg.37)
House Neverember
Renaer ‘Ren’ Neverember (see Folk of Waterdeep) BT
Coat of Arms: bear’s claw atop a diamond, all atop a field with three stripes from dexter to sinister. BT115
House Phulbrinter
Merger of the Houses Phul & Ulbrinter
Youngest Sisters of the family notorious for their shopping sprees. BT14
**As House Ulbrinter seems to still exist, maybe only House Phul vanished through the merger?
House Ralnarth
Mansion on Vhezoar Street (BT238)
The Ralnarth absorbed the holdings of the Estelmer clan
Lord Ralnath
Kahlem Ralnarth (nephew of Lord Ralnarth, a vain bully with coin and a noble name behind it, member of the Watch, See also The Watch)
House Raventree
still exists; not as powerful
**Wavetamer Garyn Raventree (Priest of Valkur) BT
House Roaringhorn
one of the three ruling noble families of Amphail (SCAG pg.44)
Lady Talantress Roaringhorn (heiress, was caught in a bawdy boudoir, which led to a scandal in Tarsakh of 1479DR, was called ‘brainless’ in Minstrel) (DS pg.)

Lord Haelram Roaringhorn (IDWFR1)
Lady ??? Roaringhorn, wife of Haelram (IDWFR1)
Lord ??? brother of Haelram (IDWFR1)
Lord ??? son of Haelram (missing) (IDWFR1)
Lady Talandra Roaringhorn (IDWFR1)
Rurland, the major domus of House Roaringhorn (IDWFR1)
House Sandhor
Lord Ruldrin Sandhor, elf DS171
House Silmerhelve
Silmerhelve is one of the older noble houses; traditionally their trade and business interest include guardianship, warrior-training and pandering. WATE1-1
Kylynne Silmerhelve, newly appointed tiefling magister
**maybe Kylynne is no tiefling at all, but a half-dragon descendant of the bronze dragon Nymmurh –the Wyrm Who Watches?
Dala Silmerhelve, the much protected only daughter of House Silmerhelve, wanted to see some excitement and do something a bit dangerous. WATE1-1
House Talost
Lady Brandeleira Talost, wrinkeld old noblewoman, who knows Elminster intimately and has a terrible fashion sense (E:DM pg. 79 )
House Tarn
has holdings in Amphail (SCAG pg.44)
House Tesper
still exists
House Thann
still exists
House Thongolir
Lord Terras Thangolir (BT)
Lord Dolpherus Thangolir (E:DM pg. 128)
House Ulbrinter
(E:DM pg. 115)
House Urmbrusk
(HoU pg. 18)
Lord Quarren Urmbrusk (HoU pg. 18)
Lord Rutherford Urmbrusk (HoU pg. 18)
Lady Lestra Urmbrusk (HoU pg. 18-19)
(Note: As the adventure leaves the fates of the Urmbrusk open, these 3 nobles might be dead or exiled)
Llarwell, half-elf servant of House Urmbrusk (HoU pg. 19)
House Wands
House Wands is reduced to only two Waterdhavian family members:
Lord Torlyn Wands (see Folk of Waterdeep)
Nharaen Wands (Torlyn’s younger sister, always after the next modern fashion)
Hurnal Wands, the cousin of Torlyn and Nharaen was slain in 1479 DR because of his dealings with and by Khondar Naomal. BT
House Wavesilver
Lady Alondra 'Wildfire' Wavesilver, Heir to the House, called 'student' by Lady Ilira NathalanDS163/167
House Zulpair
Lady Hamaleiya Zulpair (Matriarch) (E:DM pg. 324 )
House Zun
Lord Lungard Zun, Patriarch (E:DM pg. 96)
Lord Weverell 'Wever' Zun, short and stout older nobleman, somewhat handsome, gallant even if drunk, wastrel younger brother of Lungard (E:DM pg. 96)

Hasard Family
Malaerigo Hasard (Guildmaster of the Cellarers and Plumbers’Guild, paranoid, dislikes nobles) BT
Laraelra ‘Elra’ Hasard (daughter, sorcerer, skinny, pale, black hair, Heir of the Blackstaff) BT
Mrays Family
Nazra Mrays, ‘Lady Loudbuckles’, a half-elf woman, a Masked Lord, protector of Ahghairon’s dragonstaff (TGC pg. 314) (See Folk of Waterdeep)
Antoum Mrays, Nazra’s young son, studies a the House of Wonders.
Stormont Family
(DS22) Wants to become a noble house
Larr (might be a Masked Lord)
Sievers (younger brother of Larr)
Raelantaver Family
enormously rich, wanted to become a noble house, but those plans where foiled by the ruling of Open Lord Laeral Silverhand, that noble titles can no longer be bought. (E:DM pg. 73-74)
Zaraela (only daughter), was recently killed by the mindflayer Suthool (E:DM pg. 294 )
Bandoun Family
Matriarch Kalandra (who is addicted to shape-changing potions; Haramond Bandoun, Kalandras son, a lich, was destroyed in a fight that involved Volothamp ‘Volo’Geddarm. SAY6, 19)
Emily Bandoun (Haramond’s much younger sister - who trailed around after him all the time— and wears magical boots that could “jump” her through walls and closed doors and any other sort of obstacle intended to keep her out. She never says anything. She just sits and watches with her huge dark eyes, and listens.) SAY

Former Noble Houses

House Brossfeather
dead House
House Khearen
dead house, hailed from Impiltur, lost all their family and fortunes with the Spellplague, their only legacy remaining is the Chamber Emerald, audience chamber of the Open Lord.
House Mairgrave
dead house, maybe survivors outside of Waterdeep CotD 80/297
their crypt houses the grave of Vyvaine Mairgrave, lost love of Dorgar Adarbrent.
House Markarl
dead house, even their tomb was sold CotD 24/71, House Gralleth controls all property/interests
House Roarke
BT45, Lost noble status and riches 40 years ago, Neverembers bought their holdings in Waterdeep. Own only two inns along the High Road between Leilon and Neverwinter now.
House Thunderstaff
dead house
House Vesham
dead house, even their tomb was sold CotD 24/71

Edited by - Lirdolin on 31 Jul 2016 20:37:52
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  16:58:15  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Guilds of Waterdeep

Guild of the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors
Bowgentra Summertaen (Lady Master of the Watchful Order, tall, imposing, strikingly beautiful, with long hair)(E:DM pg. 274, 294-296 )
Guildsenior Maerla Windmantel BT
Guildsenior Eltalon Vaundrar (usually mutters, greying wizard, possesses a flying carpet) BT
Malryn Lavalander (one of the two most independent and dangerous members of the Order) (E:DM pg. 276, 294-296 )

Recent Former Members:
Guildsenior Khondar ‘Ten-Rings’ Naomal (Khondar was bald with a tightly trimmed grey mustache, prominent eyebrows and a scarecrow frame. Wore an ornate ring on every digit of his hands. (BT 48-49)
Traitor to the Order, murdered the former Blackstaff Samark, died in 1479 DR when he tried to gain the powers of the Blackstaff and Aghairons secrets and thereby take control of Waterdeep, his ghostly skeletal remains can still be seen within the newest spellward surrounding Aghairon’s Tower, endlessly re-enacting the guildsenior’s death) BT
“Master Rhinzen Halnian of the Court of Summer’s End, Master of Wizardry, Head of Ritual Studies”, a sunelf wizard, blond hair, a ‘dreamkisser’ meaning he is addicted to the drug haepthum, which he buys in Mistshore in the evening, going by carriage. (TGC pg. 14-16, 30-32) Teaches scions of noble houses in wizardry, his apprentices wear blue robes (TGC pg. 12-13, 31). Was severly injured by the destruction of his tower (which he destroyed in a drug induced panic) Faces trial due to his role in the kidnapping of Antoum Mrays.
He had two apprentices: Cassian Lafornan, (good-looking, brown hair and hazel eyes, TGC pg. 13) and
Shava (elf-girl, Cassian's girlfriend, TGC pg. 14) **
Vaerentevor Qasmult (one of the two most independent and dangerous members of the Order, broke due to failed investments, tried to kill OpenLord Laeral Silverhand, is turned over to the Black Robes for sentencing ) (E:DM pg. 276, 306, 350-353, 381)
Deputy Master Imindur Glenmaur (Bowgentra's second in command)(E:DM pg. 275-276) (tried to kill OpenLord Laeral Silverhand, is turned over to the Black Robes for sentencing (E:DM pg.340, 381)
Master Tallus, an archmage from the House of Wonders, was murdered during a string of ritual murders (CoS pg.)

BT 189 the grey robes of the wizard’s of the W.O.,
BT 191all grey-robes have wands to either paralyze or slow their foes (nod to the Gray Hands?)
BT 147 humble blue robes
BT after Naomal’s treachery, the new Blackstaff Vajra Safahr took control over the remaining mages of the Watchful Order for a time

The Cellarers and Plumbers’Guild
Guildmaster Malaerigo Hasard BT
Harug Shieldsunder (old dwarf tunneler of the guild) BT
Dorn Strongcraft (dwarf, Harug’s nephew) BT
Firebeard (dwarf, works in the City of Dead part of the sewer-system)CotD169
Tollemar (gnome, works in the City of Dead part of the sewer-system)CotD169
Steploe Nestletoe (halfling) (HoU pg. 31)
Wear deep orange clothes at work. CotD165
Guild rule: If something washes out of the City of the Dead, it has to be replaced properly. CotD168
Jewelers' Guild
Last Guildmaster Ismur Klaveth (short, lond-nosed, heavy spectacled) was murdered by Masked Lord Cazondur (E:DM pg. 274, 278-280)
Bakers' Guild
Last Guildmaster Brenlar Boltcavvan (fat,fringe-bearded, jovial, always sweating and dressed in green satin, that does not flatter him) was murdered by Masked Lord Cazondur (E:DM pg. 275, 278-280)
Stablemasters' and Farriers' Guild
Last Guildmaster Talstren Telfeather (a mountainously tall, wide and deep-voiced man with hands as big as shovels) was murdered by Masked Lord Cazondur (E:DM pg. 275, 278-280)
Guild of Apothecaries and Physicians
Last Guildmaster Dardreth Malasper was murdered by Masked Lord Cazondur(E:DM pg. 275, 278-280)
Guild of Glassblowers, Glaziers, & Speculum-makers
Last Guildmaster Tesker Malverth was murdered by Masked Lord Cazondur (E:DM pg. 275, 279-280)
Surveyors', Map& Chart-makers'Guild
Guildmaster Andral Thaerendral(E:DM pg.324 )
Coopers' Guild
Guildmaster Belren Xorandur (E:DM pg.324 )
Council of Farmer- Grocers' - Guild
Guildmistress Felmaera Undrenneth (E:DM pg.324 )
Furriers' and Woolweavers' Guild
Last Guildmaster Aldemur Scrope was murdered (E:DM pg.20)
Innkeepers Guild
Last Guildmaster Tarelver Rashenstaff was murdered(E:DM pg.20-21, 36)
Armorers', Locksmiths' and Finesmiths' Guild
Last Guildmaster Roysark Cuthbarrel was killed due to his part in the Masked Lords murders (E:DM pg.74)
Stonecutters and Masons Guild
Guildmistresses The Dyre Sisters (E:DM pg. 38)
BT 188
Carpenters' Roofer's and Plasterers' Guild
(E:DM pg. 38)
Guild of Watermen
Guildmaster Gundor Raevrel (E:DM pg. 121)
Sargasso the Waterman (a male half elf) WATE1-4
Cere-Clothiers, Ossurists and Gravedigger’s Guild
BT 49
** as the Guild apparently still exists and is called when dead people are found in the City, but as the Carver family seems to taken over the care for the graveyards of Waterdeep, the guild apparently lost many responsibilities to the Carvers. Either the guild closely works with the Carvers or is a bitter rival.
Dungsweppers Guild
BT 18
Master Mariners’ Guild
Master First Mariner, Guildmaster Master Brendan, is a muscular older man WATE1-4

Edited by - Lirdolin on 31 Jul 2016 20:38:50
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  16:59:01  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Other Organizations
The Harpers
High Harper Tam Zawad, called 'the Shepard', older calishite, became high harper around 1480 DR, still wears the plain grey garments of an itinerant priest of Selûne. Has offices above a harper-run tavern (S:TA pg.37, 39/ E:DM pg. 101)
Dahl Peredur (S:TA pg.37)
Khochen, petite tuigan woman (S:TA pg.37)
The Moonstars or Tel’Teukiira
were believed to be gone, many were killed while fighting a coven of vampire-wizards in Stump Bog. BT 303
During the Sundering Moonstar sleeper agents reactivated the organisation on a surprising massive scale in Waterdeep, Candlekeep and Myth Drannor. The organisation has since gone underground again, their relations to the Harpers, Open Lord Laeral Silverhand and Vajra the Blackstaff remain unclear. (SCAG pg. 124)
‘The Heirs of Waterdeep’ (not actual name)
Headquarter: Roarke House
Symbol: Golden signet ring marked with a creseant moon and a star, each bearing a smooth garnet inside the ring below the signet.
Renaer ‘Ren’ Neverember (see Folk of Waterdeep)
Laraelra ‘Elra’ Hasard (daughter, sorcerer, skinny, pale, black hair, heir of the Blackstaff)
Vajra ‚Blackstaff’ Safahr (see Folk of Waterdeep)
Harug Shieldsunder (old dwarf tunneler of the guild)
Eiruk Weskur (wizard of the Watchful Order, black hair, worn as skullcap, loves Vajra but she only offers friendship to him, a possible heir of the Blackstaff)
Meloon Wardragon (Sell-sword, Long blond hair, pale blond beard, tall, musclar, wields the axe Azuredge)
Lord Torlyn Wands (see Folk of Waterdeep)
Parlek Lateriff (sage, sorcerer, smith )
Osco Salibuck (Halfling, grandson of Madrak)
Vahrem Kuthcutter (dead, posthumous member, buried beneath Roarke House)
Faxhal Xoram (dead, posthumous member, buried beneath Roarke House)
The Heirs of Mirt
Founded by Renaer Neverember
Headquaters: A hall in Castle Ward currently under renovation
A society of Waterdhavian adventurers whose members vow to defend Waterdeep against all enemies, to uphold the values of Waterdeep (such as fighting corruption), and to aid the helpless.
There is no membership fee nor salary nor stipend for membership.
The members are only required to be true to defending Waterdeep. If at anytime they cannot do that, then they should resign.
Membership benefits include the usage of the hall to serve as a social club with meals, drinks, and meeting rooms. Members may bring guests.
Patrons seeking adventurers may post notices here or come in person seeking help.
You may be a member of another Adventuring Company in addition to this Society.
Foreigners are not accepted as members because their loyalties likely lie with other realms. If they make their residence in Waterdeep in the future, they may join at that time.
As we prove the worth of the adventurers, it is hoped that the Society is seen as an informal militia or a group that would provide back up for the City Guard for the defense of the City.
It is possible that the membership might decide to undertake civic projects in the future. WATE1-6
The Holy Order of Samular or Knights of Samular
A paladin order in service of Tyr (SCAG pg. 132)
Order of the Sun Soul
a monastic order of monks (SCAG pg. 130)
Haven of the Scarred
DS 140, consortium of healers and priests tending to those run afoul of spellplague and other magical maladies. Cellica, Shadowbane’s helper, was a member prior to her death and Lady Ilira Nathalan is a patron.
** The 'Haven' is one of the nice public faces of the Order of Blue Fire. It isn't necessarily as peaceful as it sounds. On paper, they're all about relieving suffering, but scratch the surface...and even then you probably wouldn't notice, that it's connected to the Order.

Former Organisations
The Vigilant Order
Cult beholden to Asmodeus, CoS pg.23
The Red Sashes
BT 303 are gone and remembered as a dubious group at best.
Force Grey /Grey Hands
are gone (E:DM)

Edited by - Lirdolin on 31 Jul 2016 21:06:09
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  16:59:42  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Criminal Organisations
The Xanathar Thieves Guild
The Xanathar (E:DM pg.123, 266)
has spies in the Open Lords' Palace
Belvarra Bowmantle
dark-haired, dark-skinned and dark-eyed woman, agent of Asmodeus, in league with the Xanathar and Suthool the Mindflayer (E:DM pg. 229 )
Suthool the Mindflayer
Mindflayer in service to the Xanathar , killed the traitorous Masked Lord Braethan Cazondur on the Xanathar's order, taken into custody by the Watch (E:DM pg. 229, 367, 370, 378)
The Sightless
criminals, operate from Downshadow, many are spellscarred, lead by the lich Avaereene DS197
Avaereene, a powerful lich and crime lord (originally appeared in the 3.5 Waterdeep sourcebook as a member of the Xanathar's guild) (DS 183+) Hides below the illusion of a youthful, well rounded women, with a heart-shaped face surrounded by vibrant gold curls. (DS183) Before Avarenee became a lich, she was in command of the Xanathar’s kidnapping agents known as ‘the Hand’. She was already a skilled mage and slaver of the Xanathar’s Thieves Guild. CoSp/WiW 89
The Dark Brotherhood
BT 256
Cabal Arcane
BT 256
** Maybe the 'Cabal Arcane' and the ‘Dark Brotherhood’ are remnants or splintergroups of the Arcane Brotherhood, after it's headquater went down with the rest of Luskan?

Lord Bones
Crime-Lord, visits seedy festhalls. An intelligent undead formed by a conglomerate of crawling claws and dretches. SAY4-5, he was apparently destroyed in a battle in which Volo Geddarm had a part of. His remains are kept under lock by the watch.
** a plaguechanged creature?

The Thieves Guild - The Shadow Thieves
BT 256
Have been (largely) driven to Amn (SCAG pg.134)

The Watch
BT53, EFR pg 63-65
The watch never draws steel against unarmed foes, only rods or staves. BT91
Priests of Torm heal guardsmen DS47

Warden of the Watch Ezender Drayth was recently murdered by agents of the traitorous Masked Lord Cazondur (E:DM pg. 270, 289, )
** Probably the successor of Warden of the Watch Daerovus ‘The Wolfhound’ Tallmantle (MS pg.58-59)
Watchsword Hawkguard (E:DM pg. 346)
Watchlord Taeliia Hammaerhart, one of the two women who were watchlords (E:DM pg. 346)
Senechal of Castle Waterdeep Hardaunt Maskridge (E:DM pg. 346)
Lord Armorer Belarkyn Vanjelarr (E:DM pg. 346)
Rashemel Steeldrover BT97, the Watchlord of the North Towers
Captain Morrath Varbrent (seasoned officer, grizzled older man, salt-and-pepper beard, has the ability to ‘disappear’ into the streets within an instant, ‘friend’ of Renaer Neverember) BT20
Kahlem Ralnarth (nephew of Lord Ralnarth, a vain bully with coin and a noble name behind it, sometimes overseer of the Watch in Castleward and Seaward, because of him his uncle sponsors the watch-equipment, ‘enemy’ of Renaer)
Watch Commander Delnar Kleeandur BT263
Watchman Kersh Tegerin MS51 (patrols North Ward)
Commander Bors Jarthay
Commander of Araezra, Talanna
About forty winters, brown hair bright eyes, bemused smile DS42/45
Araezra ‘Rayse’ Hondyl
Rank of Valabrar of the Waterdeep Guard, Beautiful ravenhaired DS7, Likes to paint as a hobby DS43, Would like to marry a Masked lord to archive things for Waterdeep DS46
Talanna ‘Tal’ Taenfeather
Rank of Shieldlar, Araezras best friend , red haired, fast runner DS7, Got a ring of feather flight as a gift from Open Lord Neverember DS46

The Broadsheets of Waterdeep
The Vigilant Citizen
the most reputable broadsheet BT / DS38
The Blue Unicorn
The Mocking Minstrel
caustic, sarcastic and widely read DS22-23,37
Daily Luck
North Wind
features illustrations of fashionable garments and easy-on-the-eyes models and gossip about the higher circles DS39
Merchant's Friend
Waterdeep Wartrumpet
Markarl Mightyeye (pseudonym for an unknown social critic) writes in this one. ED
Horkle's Gossip Cauldron
Published by Annath Horkle of Beacon Street, Trades Ward ED
Pleased Toes
** Probably had to flee the Warrens
Philbin (Male Halfling, printer of ‘Pleased Toes’, gruff patriarch, one of the wealthiest merchants in Waterdeep DS 40-41)
Lin (Female Halfling, Philbin’s wife, have several children; Dem and Mira and probably Harravin among them, DS40)
Harravin (Male Halfling, Works as a crier in Castle Ward, sells ‘Pleased Toes’ set of tales written printed and sold exclusively by Halflings, DS 40)

Edited by - Lirdolin on 31 Jul 2016 20:41:19
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  17:00:44  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Folk of Waterdeep

Open Lord Larael Silverhand
Lord Mirt the Moneylender
Vajra ‚Blackstaff’ Safahr
The only living and permanent resident of Blackstaff Tower,
She was the heir and lover of the former Blackstaff Samark, who was murdered by Khondar ‘Ten-Rings’ Naomal in 1479DR Vajra is a dusky skinned Tethyrian, with bright indigo eyes and short black hair. BT
Lord Renaer ‘Ren’ Neverember
Son of Lady Brandarth and former Open Lord Dagult Neverember, a sage and book-collector, rake by night.
One of the greatest landholders of the city. BT47
Lord Torlyn Wands
long mahogany locks and full beard, collects books, especially about dragons BT
Lady Tennora Hedare
Blond hair (S:TA pg.37)
Makes a living as a tutor. (TGC pg.8)
Would given anything to be a wizard. Studied under Master Rhinzen Halnian, who sent her away because of her lacking grasp of the Weave (TGC pg. 15-16)
Curious (TGC pg. 12)
Her parents were Lord Mesial Hedare and Lady Liferna Hedare, a born Uskevren (whose family left Sembia). Niece of Aowena and Eckhart Hedare (TGC pg. 5)
Lives on the 4th floor of the God Catcher (TGC pg. 18)
by 1486 DR she has become the (harper?) agent who carried messages for the Masked Lords, replaced the late Lord Nantar in that office (S:TA pg.37)
Veron Angalen
Bounty hunter, hunted over a year for Clytemorrenestrix, whom he believed to be a dangerous mad-woman, to bring her back to Cormyr to answer for the murder of the wizard Ardusk Nagaenil. (TGC pg. 25-26)
** He might be the bodyguard/ brightbird of Tennora?(S:TA pg.37)
Ristlara and Shenan- the Lock Sisters of North Ward
The sunelves Ristlara and Shenan are well known dealers in antipuities and magic, but also the richest thieves living openly in Waterdeep. Both have fiery gold hair, bronze skin and moss green eyes and are fully aware of their beauty. Shenan the older sister is as sedate as Ristlara is furious. They claim to be sisters, but some wonder if they are also lovers. They had an intimate relationship with the late Cerest Elenithil. ‘The Locks’ have defined the market for rare antiquities in the city. Magic, the older the better pleases them best. They are mostly retired from business these days and after almost two centuries of thievery, they today support adventuring groups and grave-robbers alike. MS 44-50
Volothamp ‚Volo’ Geddarm
Survived the spellplague and the century since, thanks to some meddling wizard or other. SAY pg.1,4, (E:DM pg.26-27, 260)
Olimbur Dardulph
Volo’s fat and cigar-chewing publisher. Publisher of Broadsheets. A journalist even in the face of dire danger. SAY1, 3
Verity Morninglady
A dragonborn pirate captain, formerly in the employment of the lich Haramond Bandoun. She always growls, if she remembers to, because she thinks pirates should growl, and because she was a dragonborn. She wears a cursed magical girdle —not entirely by choice; because of the curse – which not only grants an armorlike protection, but also kept her figure breathtakingly buxom…and as short as a halfling child. Verity regards the world through lowered eyelids, looking perpetually bored, because she has a lazy eye and preferred that not all the Realms knew that. She also had a purple peg leg because the skin of the gigantic red dragon she’d once slain had faded to a fetching purple hue, because as a matter of style a pirate captain should have a peg leg, and because the dragon had helpfully removed her own right leg at the knee during their fight to the death. SAY6
The Nameless Haunt
Once Tsarra ‘Blackstaff’ Chaadren’s husband Raegar, the Nameless Haunt was born during an outbreak of the Spellplague when Raegar was merged with Tsarra’s tressym familiar Nameless.
He lives in a tree-top lair, similar to elven tree-settlements, a few miles to the west of Waterdeep.
The Nameless Haunt can open a portal to the place of his ‘creation’, a cathead-shaped mark on Mount Waterdeep at dawn. BT
Omphar Daegrech
(gnome, ancient high-priest of Baravar Cloakshadow, studied together with Ahghairon in Silverymoon and helped him make the first Lords’ Helms), attended by his great-great-great-granddaughter
Roywyn. BT ** both probably had to flee the Warrens for the surface as well.

Monstrous Residents of Waterdeep

Dragons of Waterdeep
Female Steeldragon, ‘The Wyrm of many Spells’, disguises herself as a lady of means, currently trying to rebuilt her fortunes, which where diminished by the Spellplague. (Dra2 210-211)
Clytemorrenestrix, or Nestrix for short, is a strange, dark-haired woman, who looks Thethyrian, has blue eyes that glow like ‘caged spellplague’ with dark lashes and her name means “She Will Thunder in the Sky”. She smells like the summer air when the sky is full of lightning. She has a coldly musical voice.
She is actually a blue dragon and was plaguechanged into human form by the original Spellplague. She is 568 years old and aside from her draconic longlivity retained other powers of her original form as well, like dragon fear and her breath weapon. (TGC pg. 19, 22-23, 34, 36)

Ghosts of Waterdeep
The Magistree (Magister Nharrelk’s ghost) BT
Sea Ward - Ravencourt, the alleyway/court within the block bounded by Phastal Street and Sanborim Street just west of Heroes’ Garden.
Mouth of Scarlet’s Well Street
Haunted by the harmless spirit of a woman still weeping bloody tears for her lost love.
Tesper House
** Tespergate Sisters
Sea Wraiths
Ghosts of the City of the Dead

Creatures of Waterdeep
Mastiff-sized Lizards, live in sewers, mottled green, bite is half as bad as their tail lash, BT
Some say there is a great albino sewyrm, down in the darkest deepest sewers CotD 91-92
Plaguechanged Silverfin

Edited by - Lirdolin on 31 Jul 2016 20:42:17
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  17:01:25  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Location unknown
Mother Marra’s House
Pamhael’s Inn
Inn, BT227
The Stag and Hawk
Tavern, BT227
Zarlhard’s Swordsmithy
Shop, BT227
Filleted Filliar Hearthouse
Hall of the Portal
Looks a little bit like a temple, connects Waterdeep to Suzail and vice versa. The service to use the gate is quite expensive, the portal was used to help Cormyr during it's war with Netheril. (S:TA pg.68-69)
The Many Masks
Mansion turned brothel, where one may only enter disguised (E:DM pg. 331)
Moneylender Alrasklan
far from the first choice of people in need of a loan(E:DM pg. 306)
Maerammon's Net's and Tassels
Meldar Merammon(E:DM pg. 37)
Telfeathers Coaches (not actual name)
Urdreath Telfeather, sells and repairs coaches(E:DM pg. 37)
Wintertals' Paints (not actual name)
Caxlant Wintertal, merchant of paint and dye(E:DM pg. 37)
Maskalan Blount
proud owner of five sausage and savory pie shops (E:DM pg. 36)
Sharsassa's House
Newly opened, massage and wellness parlor (E:DM pg.75)

Keeper Gordryn Haeront of Waterdeep (EFR pg.159)
Printed menues in taverns, inns and clubs (EFR pg. 80)

Lady Stellephosa (human Paladin of Kelemvore (HoU pg. 31)
Palonya, priestress of Jergal (HoU pg. 47-48)
Barthelby, priest of Jergal (HoU pg. 48)
Schonert, priest of Ilmater (HoU pg. 57-58)
Graven Lavoldson, dwarf metalsmith, has a wife and four children (HoU pg42)
Sword Coast Trader's Bank
Magicaly connected to similar locations in Baldur's Gate and Daggerford) (SCAG pg. 47-48)
** probably supervised or owned by House Anteos, probably located in South or Trade Ward

Ruins of Master Halnian’s Tower
The tower had a huge library, the master’s study-room stored several precious items, (TGC pg. 12-)
Rose-colored granite
Near the market TGC pg.262
** probably in Seaward as FRCG states that many towers of prestigious wizards can be found here.

From SAY
Aldremand’s Finest Quaffs and Broths
Tavern SAY1, 13
** Castle Ward?


Edited by - Lirdolin on 31 Jul 2016 20:43:38
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  17:02:07  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
**Lirdolin's Stuff**
Things I inclueded in my game:

Sea Ward
**Ruins of the Dragon Tower of Maaril
Few people in Waterdeep do even remember who Maaril was. Nothing remains of the former dragonshaped tower except rubble, it’s only remaining recognizable piece, the Dragonhead, forming a fountain spout on the Talltumble Stair in Mountainside.
No one wants to build here because of the magical chaos inflicted by the Spellplague, but now and then foolish or greedy sellswords try to find the supposed basement levels of the tower in hopes of magical treasure.

Castle Ward
**Pantheon-Temple of the Seldarin
Below are the crypts of Aelinthaldaar (the capitol city of Illefarn)
**Elfstone Tavern
**The Crawling Spider
Tavern, now staffed with actual drow, staff was changed into actual drow during the Spellplague. It also has become the favourite meeting spot of other drow visiting the city.
As the Pantheon temple of the Seldarin and the Elfstone Tavern lie close by, the different elven races bump into each other here quite often. Sometimes on friendlier terms as usual, sometimes not.
** Lacûva-Tower
A small towerhouse near Sevenlamps Cut in Silkstreet. Some whisper that the tower is haunted or cursed, because sometimes magical light erupts around it’s top at night. Home of Lirdolin ‘Lil’ Lacûva

** Arcturiadoom
The Arcturia (fey creatures, developed when the undead larva mage Arcturia was plaguechanged, all larva of her body cocooned and from them hatched small duplicates of Arcturias former fey self. Have some sort of hive mind, and are controlled by the oldest Arcturia as a queen)
** The Ten Rings
Headquater: Skullport
Made up from wizards who were expelled from the Watchful Order of Magisters and Protectors for being loyal to the late guildsenior Khondar ‘Ten-Rings’ Naomal, traitor to guild and city. The group is lead by ten wizards, each of them wearing a magic ring on a different finger than the others. Among the ten are Mouron, Raman, Gharill, Ulik and Sarkap, all pupils of Khondar who have developed a special hatred for the ‘traitor’ Eiruk Weskur.

Folk of Waterdeep
**Lirdolin ‘Lil’ Lacûva
The beautiful female crinti (halfdrow) sorceress, who hails from Dambrath. The Dambrath before the Spellplague that is. She was in stasis for many years after Spellplague raged and only recently awakend. She spent some time to forge pacts with the fey to compensate the sorcerer-spells she lost after the Spellplague hit. Lirdolin was quite devastated with all the damages the Spellplague did to the world and misses ‘the Old World’, but slowly starts to enjoy the 'New World' as she notices that slowly things are returning to a semblance from the time before the Spellplague . She had a spellscar, which faded with Mystra's return and her sorcerer spells and abilities returned. Lirdolin is really moody in the morning and sleeps long if possible. She reads old romance and magic-mystery novels from before the Spellplague. Lirdolin has several female lovers across the Realms and reveres the drow-goddess Eilistraee. She is among the people who would like to see a temple for Eilistree to grow in Field Ward.
Among other things she travelled with several adventuring groups, disguised as a cleric of Loviatar and was a tavern-slave in the drow city Fyvrek’zek, a district of Undrek’Thoz in her past. Today, when she is not adventuring with the adventuring group of ‘The Sunshadows’, she tries to live the quite life of a magical sage, collecting (among other things) knowledge about her new home city of Waterdeep..

Environs of Waterdeep
** The Floshin
Halfway between the town of Daggerford and Ardeep Forest, lies a graceful, ridgeside manor that dates back to the days of ancient Illefarn. Tended by moon elf retainers
in the employ of the House Floshin, the Floshin Estates encompass an expanse of lightly wooded land generally used for animal husbandry and the cultivation of rare native plants.
**House Floshin the Younger
Elorfindar Floshin’s four gold elf children and the half-elf descendants of his children with three Waterdhavian noblewomen.
The gold elves still guard the many portals in the House of Long Silences,
which lies in the depths of Ardeep Forest, while the half-elves represent the family within the walls of Waterdeep.
Elfhost the ancestral Floshin blade (defending +3)
**House Floshin the Older (Fey’ri)
In the days of the Siluvanede, House Floshin gave rise to one branch of the Fey’ri.
Lady Nylaersyn ‚the Changeling’ Floshin (Fey’ri)
Waterdeep-CoS pg58

Edited by - Lirdolin on 31 Jul 2016 20:44:31
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  17:02:50  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
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Great Reader

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Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  20:53:38  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Bravo! I had been recently thinking of the other Waterdeep scroll.

"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  21:42:01  Show Profile  Visit Delwa's Homepage Send Delwa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This is amazing. Thank you for compiling this.

- Delwa Aunglor
I am off to slay yon refrigerator and spoil it's horde. Go for the cheese, Boo!

"The Realms change; seldom at the speed desired of those who strive, but far too quickly for those who resist." - The Simbul, taken from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Conspectus
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Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  23:26:26  Show Profile Send BrianDavion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
very useful, do we know why specificly Neverember was removed?
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 20 Jun 2016 :  00:18:38  Show Profile  Visit Delwa's Homepage Send Delwa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BrianDavion

very useful, do we know why specificly Neverember was removed?

First we heard of it was in one of the Tyranny of Dragons books. I don't believe it species the month / day, just the season.

- Delwa Aunglor
I am off to slay yon refrigerator and spoil it's horde. Go for the cheese, Boo!

"The Realms change; seldom at the speed desired of those who strive, but far too quickly for those who resist." - The Simbul, taken from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Conspectus
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 20 Jun 2016 :  19:39:45  Show Profile  Visit hashimashadoo's Homepage Send hashimashadoo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Another sterling effort Lirdolin.

Just two notes

1) Most authors consider the Living Forgotten Realms modules non-canonical. I'm not saying you should remove the information from them but maybe make a point that the info they contain may not be correct.
2) You should use Elminster's Guide to the Forgotten Realms as a source too. It has some recent info on Waterdeep within it as well.

When life turns it's back on you...sneak attack for extra damage.

Head admin of the FR wiki:
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Posted - 20 Jun 2016 :  21:23:13  Show Profile Send BrianDavion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Delwa

Originally posted by BrianDavion

very useful, do we know why specificly Neverember was removed?

First we heard of it was in one of the Tyranny of Dragons books. I don't believe it species the month / day, just the season.

maybe but I said why not when. if there was a specific reason for being expelled (not that one was really needed, the man's tenure was by all accounts a complete disaster)
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 20 Jun 2016 :  23:06:53  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks for all the praise :)

Originally posted by hashimashadoo

1) Most authors consider the Living Forgotten Realms modules non-canonical. I'm not saying you should remove the information from them but maybe make a point that the info they contain may not be correct.
2) You should use Elminster's Guide to the Forgotten Realms as a source too. It has some recent info on Waterdeep within it as well.

I'll make a note within the key for the LFR-modules, although I already deleted a lot of that info, as it was contradicted by novel or Adv./Src. book lore.

Hm, 'Elminster's Guide to the Realms'...will be data-mined right after 'Halls of Undermountain' Not done yet, and you will get bold print headers for the Noblehouses/ NSC as well. Was being lazy yesterday
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 20 Jun 2016 :  23:17:46  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BrianDavion
maybe but I said why not when. if there was a specific reason for being expelled (not that one was really needed, the man's tenure was by all accounts a complete disaster)

You mean wasting the fleet, letting the Harbor become a Floating wreckage-shanty-town, depending on Mintar for fleetships (and earning a good deal of money in doing so), secretly conspiring with the then Guildmaster of the Watchful Order to kill the Blackstaff, offering noble titles up for sale (well he saw that this was a dunb idea and stopped that practice again as well) and trying to become Lord of a second city (Neverwinter) as well? That wasn't a disaster, he was just the right Open Lord for Waterdeep of that time

I think it could especially been the Neverwinter-Project, that could have done him in for the Masked Lords.
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 21 Jun 2016 :  03:19:41  Show Profile  Visit Delwa's Homepage Send Delwa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BrianDavion

Originally posted by Delwa

Originally posted by BrianDavion

very useful, do we know why specificly Neverember was removed?

First we heard of it was in one of the Tyranny of Dragons books. I don't believe it species the month / day, just the season.

maybe but I said why not when. if there was a specific reason for being expelled (not that one was really needed, the man's tenure was by all accounts a complete disaster)

Apologies. I misread that. I just thumbed through the Rise of Tiamat module and it never says why. Just that it happened. There's plenty of talk about the things you mention, but nothing comes right out and says that those things are the reason he lost his position

- Delwa Aunglor
I am off to slay yon refrigerator and spoil it's horde. Go for the cheese, Boo!

"The Realms change; seldom at the speed desired of those who strive, but far too quickly for those who resist." - The Simbul, taken from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Conspectus
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 21 Jun 2016 :  19:42:09  Show Profile  Visit hashimashadoo's Homepage Send hashimashadoo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Everybody in this thread should be reading Death Masks.

When life turns it's back on you...sneak attack for extra damage.

Head admin of the FR wiki:
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 22 Jun 2016 :  14:38:03  Show Profile  Visit Delwa's Homepage Send Delwa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by hashimashadoo

Everybody in this thread should be reading Death Masks.

That's the plan. Just waiting on finances to allow it.

- Delwa Aunglor
I am off to slay yon refrigerator and spoil it's horde. Go for the cheese, Boo!

"The Realms change; seldom at the speed desired of those who strive, but far too quickly for those who resist." - The Simbul, taken from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Conspectus
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Posted - 22 Jun 2016 :  19:15:21  Show Profile Send BrianDavion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lirdolin

Originally posted by BrianDavion
maybe but I said why not when. if there was a specific reason for being expelled (not that one was really needed, the man's tenure was by all accounts a complete disaster)

You mean wasting the fleet, letting the Harbor become a Floating wreckage-shanty-town, depending on Mintar for fleetships (and earning a good deal of money in doing so), secretly conspiring with the then Guildmaster of the Watchful Order to kill the Blackstaff, offering noble titles up for sale (well he saw that this was a dunb idea and stopped that practice again as well) and trying to become Lord of a second city (Neverwinter) as well? That wasn't a disaster, he was just the right Open Lord for Waterdeep of that time

I think it could especially been the Neverwinter-Project, that could have done him in for the Masked Lords.

well yeah I mean when you look at what he did it's a wonder Neverember is spoken well about in the source material. by rights not only should he have been pushed out of his spot as open Lord, the man should be a source of contempt and hate among most of Waterdeep.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 22 Jun 2016 :  20:21:46  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That's why many citizens of Waterdepp think that he is behinde the murders in 'Death Masks' in some way. But actually there is a scene within the book where Dagult is shown as a capable man (by the way he handles Neverwinter), so maybe he learned from Waterdeep or maybe he really did the best he could with a city like Waterdeep at the time (by being one of the big vipers in a pit of vipers)?
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Posted - 23 Jun 2016 :  09:13:24  Show Profile Send BrianDavion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
it could be he's quite capable but simply was when running Waterdeep, corrupt. it may be that he's on his best behavior with Nevrwinter because he needs the people on his side if he wants to become King. I've actually for my own reasons been wondering what kind of impeachment process waterdeep has for the open lord and the masked lords. well (at least prior to the last novel) only one masked Lord had ever turned traitor, it happened on the watch of the guy who devised Waterdeeps current system of government, I can't imagine he wouldn't have created a mechanism to remove a corrupt lord. has the source material or Ed ever said?

Edited by - BrianDavion on 23 Jun 2016 09:15:47
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 23 Jun 2016 :  19:18:13  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
If there is a reason apperantly a Masked Lord can call for a gathering of the Masked Lords and if a majority decides against the Open Lord they can remove The Open Lord from Office.
That was my Impression from Death Masks where the Traitor Lord tries to remove Laeral from Office because of his Claim that she were a shapeshifting, murderous Monster who replaced Laeral.
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Posted - 23 Jun 2016 :  20:22:00  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh, Waterdeep. It's always something with you.

Sweet water and light laughter
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