My Pathfinder group is going to run a 5e campaign since the FR setting seems to have been reset mostly to the good old days. My DM has said I can play a duergar as they are my favorite FR race. We have not played 5e yet and I was hoping for some sage advice in character creation. This is not an Underdark campaign so the character will be an exile driven to the surface.
I am a melee player through and through. What classes and builds would be recommended? I know fighter is an obvious choice but are there any other solid options that a duergar would be good at? I haven't played DND since 3.5 days so my knowledge of the classes is a bit rusty.
The most obvious choice would seem Barbarian, in my opinion. The class benefits from all the nice stuff the Duergar gets and has ways to somewhat negate the nasty Sunlight Sensitivity with Rage and Reckless Attack. Both Fighter and (to a lesser extend) Paladin seem like solid choices too.
Paladin should work fine. You get bonusses on Str and Con, and you also want a decent Charisma for spellcasting and channel divinity. Suit up in duergar plate armor and pick up either a shield and one-hander for a tough frontline fighter, or a two-hander for maximum smiting. If you go for the shield, the defense fighting style may seem the most boring at first glance, but a +1 on AC is a very nice bonus in 5e. Protection and dueling are also fine though. Considering Sunlight Sensitivity, dueling seems to fit a duergar quite well.
If you have an odd numbered Constitution you might want to get the Resilient feat. The saving throw proficiency in Constitution helps a lot when you have concentration spell up.
I would pick an Oath just based on what your character concept is. Vengeance gives you Vow of Enmity. This ability is great in any situation, and you can use it to negate Sunlight Sensitivity if needed. That said, it's basically the Oath of More Damage. If you want the Oath of Great Defense, pick Devotion or the Ancients.
Duergar get a innate invisibility don't they? Perhaps a rogue or shadow monk would be pretty nifty. Add the dwarven resistance to poison and your sitting pretty.