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 The aftermath of Jhaamdath's fall
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 28 Dec 2015 :  15:49:19  Show Profile Send Cyrinishad a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It's not in an article, it's purely a speculative concept based on the Monster Manual entries for Spell Weavers. Here are the couple of concepts that I thought could be incorporated into Jergal's divinity:

1. Spellweavers reproduce by dividing into 6 entities that have the complete memories and experiences of the "parent" Spellweaver.
2. Spellweavers are tied to the Plane of Mirrors, and Portals to the Plane of Mirrors can connect Spellweaver Nodes (even on different worlds or planes) to each other.

These two concepts open up a lot of creative lore possibilities for Jergal. The scenarios rolling around in my head on this at the moment are:

1. Does Jergal have 5 "siblings" rolling around the Multiverse?
2. Was Mystryl perhaps one of these "siblings"?
3. Were Nergal or Yurtrus or Nerull or Mellifleur perhaps other "siblings"?
4. The "Mirror" concept makes me wonder if the Dead Three were automatically "twinned" when they attained their divinity.
5. If they were "twinned" would the twin be an oppositional entity?
6. Or, would the twin be a similar entity in a different crystal sphere?

To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge. -Socrates

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. -Dr. Seuss
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 02 Jan 2016 :  20:56:01  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Found something new in Faith's and Pantheons that slightly messes around with the end of Jhaamdath

Tyr's host slew Valigorn Thirdborn, a lesser deity of anarchy whose rise in -269 DR directly coincided with the ascendance of the bloodthirsty Exarch Thelasand IV, who spurred the Emperor into greater conflict with the elves.

-269 DR is a later date than -276 DR which is when the logging of the forest began and the origins of the conflict.

Although -269 DR could have been when the Exarch arrived and advocated slaughtering the elves rather than just cutting down the trees and only killing the elves that got in the way.

Of course this poses a problem for Dharien being Bane. It is unlikely that Bane would be so easily manipulated by someone else. Also it seems unlikely that Bane himself would settle for anything less than total power and so although he advocates his followers to support tyrants (pre 1372) it doesn't seem right for him to support a tyrant when he wants to be the only tyrant in the world.

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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 03 Jan 2016 :  20:10:06  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Some quotes in Faiths and Pantheons that may give pointers to information about Tyr's procession of justice and the founding of a kingdom in the land that would be turmish

Tyr's actions and sacrifices during the Procession (which lasted until -238 DR) attracted the attentions of the previously obscure Ilmater, who joined forces with Tyr in -243 DR. Years later, long after the Procession had ended with most of Tyr's servants banished or killed and the deity himself taking an interest in Toril at large at the expense of his initial, highly targetted campaign, Torm joined up as the Just God's war leader. Together with Ilmater, the deities became known as the Triad, by which they are still referred to this day.

Torm serves Tyr as war leader and champion, as he once did for a mortal monarch in the days immediately following the Fall of Netheril. Scholars disagree on where Torm’s kingdom was located, or even what it was called, but most believable theories place it somewhere south of the Lake of Steam, in the area now known as the Border Kingdoms.

An ascended hero who lived his mortal life in service to a just sovereign

So is it possible that Torm was a hero around the border kingdoms who travelled to Tyr's fledgling realm where he became an actual war leader and champion for the angelic tyr (his avatar has a halo so I assume he was a leader of a host of angels that were summoned to Faerun). In return for his service Torm was granted divinity when Tyr achieved godhood.

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