Hey folks. Am looking at starting a campaign set in Everlund.
Anyone have insight into the current state of the city given the Darkening? Have they specifically named anyone on the council of six? Is Aleina Brightlance affiliated with the city somehow? Any insight would be tremendously helpful.
It was mentioned in Brimstone Angels: Lesser Evils very briefly. So I think I have the freedom within which to build it the way I want. There is enough 3.5e and 4e that I can project what is happening now given.
It doesn't seem to be in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. A quick scan of the 3e FRCS and a read of 4e and there is no meaningful difference in how the town is represented in each edition. As such I'd say it's more of the same. The only pertinent fact is that Luruar (an alternate name to the Silvery Marches) is no longer strongly allied following some recent attacks and the failure of some allies to respond. Any ties between settlements are on an individual basis rather than as a collective. Everlund is not part of the Lord's Alliance, although it could have been or it might soon be (if you want to explore that).
That's an official map, though not THE official map - if you understand my meaning. Jared Blando is an extremely talented freelance artist who was chief cartographer for Dragon Magazine (back when it still existed) since 2010.
In short, that's an official 4e map, but not a 5e one.
When life turns it's back on you...sneak attack for extra damage.