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 What God Would Noble Vampires Worship?
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5 Posts

Posted - 02 Oct 2015 :  20:13:44  Show Profile Send PhluXx a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I'm running a 3.5 Forgotten Realms campaign and there's a certain scene I need help with.

The scene will involve some sort of religious element with vampires, however I can't find a suitable god which noble type vampires would worship.

I don't want to use Malar due to these vampires being noble city sorts and Malar I've deemed unsuitable for what i'm looking for.

Great Reader

2449 Posts

Posted - 02 Oct 2015 :  20:34:35  Show Profile  Visit Hoondatha's Homepage Send Hoondatha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'd go with Shar. Velsharoon would also be an option, since he's technically the god of undeath, but he's geared more towards necromancers and liches. Considering that vampires are night-stalking and wield memory-altering powers, I think Shar would be the best fit.

Doggedly converting 3e back to what D&D should be...
Sigh... And now 4e as well.
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5 Posts

Posted - 02 Oct 2015 :  20:48:32  Show Profile Send PhluXx a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Hoondatha

I'd go with Shar. Velsharoon would also be an option, since he's technically the god of undeath, but he's geared more towards necromancers and liches. Considering that vampires are night-stalking and wield memory-altering powers, I think Shar would be the best fit.

Ok, thanks. Also any Lawful Evil deities you could suggest?
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 02 Oct 2015 :  21:15:35  Show Profile  Visit Victor_ograygor's Homepage Send Victor_ograygor a Private Message  Reply with Quote

dogma: Life and death are the twin faces of eternal existence. To surrender to either one is to resign oneself to obscurity. True power lies in the twilight zone between life and death. By seeking to explore and extend the mortal condition and form - even mortal life itself - knowledge of the world and its infinite complexity is extended. Let no one interfere with the pursuit of such research, for the end result will more than justify the necessary sacrifices along the path. Knowledge is power, and knowledge of life and death brings power over all beings, living and unliving.

Victor Ograygor The Assassin and Candel keeps cellar master

Everything I need to know about life I learned from killing smart people.

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 03 Oct 2015 :  02:32:42  Show Profile Send combatmedic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'd go with Bane or Bhaal if you want a LE god.

Bhaal is the god of death and murder. That seems very appropriate for vampires.
Bane's portfolio includes tyranny, which would seem like a good fit for evil nobles.

YMMV= Your Mileage May Vary. I'm putting it here so I don't have to type it in every other post. :)
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 03 Oct 2015 :  04:08:50  Show Profile Send Aulduron a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"Those with talent become wizards, Those without talent spend their lives praying for it"

-Procopio Septus
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Posted - 03 Oct 2015 :  05:06:19  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Import the Raven Queen into the Realms
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 03 Oct 2015 :  08:20:40  Show Profile Send combatmedic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Diffan

Import the Raven Queen into the Realms

That's fun!

I think FR could actually use more gods.

Adding local aspects and names to existing gods works well, too.

YMMV= Your Mileage May Vary. I'm putting it here so I don't have to type it in every other post. :)
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11930 Posts

Posted - 03 Oct 2015 :  11:47:25  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Velsharoon OR if you're looking for an explicitly vampire "god", there is the god of vampires from the 2nd edition Monster Mythology, Kanchelsis (known as Maastracht in some worlds). Its said he was "born" of the mingling of the combined blood of the Seldarine with the blood of a human creator-god in a ritual meant to sustain the life of worlds, but the ritual went wrong and Kanchelsis was created. Personally, I would have it that the 4th edition "reveal" of primordial beings shows us that Kanchelsis is not a deity but rather a primordial born of a ritual performed by the Seldarine upon the blood of some captured primordial, and just people have gotten the story wrong in the umpteen thousand years since then (he may have since then taken the mantle of godhood like the elemental lords did though). His symbol is a bat with glowing red eyes.

On this idea, I don't know what edition you're running, but having Kanchelsis be an abyssal being offering power to warlocks who serve vampires (or vampires who ARE warlocks) could possibly be interesting.

He's got an entry in the Dragon article 359 called forgotten faiths

He's also found in the fiendish codex volume 1 where it states he rules the 487th layer of the abyss "Lair of the Beast and Mansion of the Rake"

From Monster Mythology

From his entry:

Kanchelsis (known as Mastraacht in some worlds) is Lord of Vampires, a god to whom even the great Elder Vampires and Vampire Lords of Ravenloft give grudging respect (and fear). His origins in myth are shrouded in secrecy, but the avatar often takes half-elven form and travels with an elven or half-elven vampiric companion, so the dreadful secret of the Seldarine may indeed be a truth. Born of intermingled human and elven
blood, Kanchelsis knows blood to be the very essence of life and magic, the forces which sustain him. His Abyssal home is awash with blood, entire rooms of his mansion being formed from living sculptures and flows of blood perfumed with opiates and alkaloids; and the vampyres, nosferatu, and worse which share his home slaver after the unattainable delight he so meagerly and sadistically rations out to their ravening hunger.

Kanchelsis is a split-natured deity: part of him is the Beast, a wild and ravening thing which runs with wolves, rips out throats, rends flesh, and gulps blood as fast as it can swallow. In this aspect, some wights have a reverence for his being. His other side is the Rake, a bon vivant who savors blood as others do wine; he is a seducer, a connoisseur, a lover of finery, an expert debauch. The Rake dominates when Kanchelsis feels well with his ways; the Beast, when he is moved to hot rage (rather than his usual cold hates and sadistic triumphalism).

Role-playing Notes: Kanchelsis' avatars often stalk the Prime Material in secret. They are hungry for blood, but the Rake has other goals, too. He values rare, precious wines; fine furs and gems; and opiate drugs and unspeakable depravities as a voyeur and sadist. The Rake may be found purchasing finery in a great human city, savoring dreadful sights in Drow settlements, or even stalking a paladin or lawful good priest in order to corrupt them. Rarely, the Rake may even visit a Prime Material vampire of great age and abilities, exchanging tales or magic; he has no
priesthood, but a small circle of "friends" across the worlds know of him and a wary mutual respect exists. The Rake is 50% likely to be accompanied by a female companion who will be a powerful fighter or wizard (or, his favored vassal, a female halfelven fighter/wizard). Such a companion may herself be a vampire or simply charmed and powerfully controlled by mind-affecting magic, which the avatar strongly favors.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 03 Oct 2015 :  22:44:25  Show Profile Send combatmedic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Awwwwwwwwww yeah, Monster Mythology!

Carl Sargent, FTW.

YMMV= Your Mileage May Vary. I'm putting it here so I don't have to type it in every other post. :)
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The Arcanamach
Master of Realmslore

1849 Posts

Posted - 03 Oct 2015 :  23:10:47  Show Profile Send The Arcanamach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sleyvas beat me to it as I was going to offer up Kanchelsis (very kewl diety IMHO). He had more info readily available for ya though.

I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one.
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Master of Realmslore

1600 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2015 :  00:59:03  Show Profile Send Barastir a Private Message  Reply with Quote
And many Monster Mythology deities are cited as allies, foes or such in the 2nd edition Faiths & Avatars series entries.

"Goodness is not a natural state, but must be
fought for to be attained and maintained.
Lead by example.
Let your deeds speak your intentions.
Goodness radiated from the heart."

The Paladin's Virtues, excerpt from the "Quentin's Monograph"
(by Ed Greenwood)
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Posted - 04 Oct 2015 :  01:15:51  Show Profile Send TBeholder a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mask (depending on self-awareness and/or sense of humor).
Tymora and/or Beshaba.
Waukeen (it's kind of daft to live indefinitely and not play investment).

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The Arcanamach
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 04 Oct 2015 :  02:45:02  Show Profile Send The Arcanamach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dunno what happened to my other post but I offered some homebrew info. Anyway, I borrowed from the Blade series/comics for my Twelve Kingdoms campaign. There are 13 'noble' vampires (as in pureborn rather than brought over through blooddrain). They worship/serve Kanchelsis (who is a LE entity in my world). Twelve of the nosferatu (the term I use for the pureborn) live in the world, Kanchelsis is the 1st of the 13.

They maintain stables of bloodslaves to feed on and for the following:

Kanchelsis comes into the world at times via the Bloodgate. It must be 'fed' blood in order to operate (otherwise the doorway is locked). It needs the equivalent of an adult human's blood fed into it to work (though they don't have to die in the process, it can be collected from multiple victims).

I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one.
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26 Posts

Posted - 17 Oct 2015 :  07:14:39  Show Profile Send Abeir a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Surprised nobody suggested that they could be cultists of Orcus.
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Senior Scribe

955 Posts

Posted - 18 Oct 2015 :  14:44:27  Show Profile Send Baltas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, there is quite a bit of deities, as mentioned above:
-Shar, is natural with her connection to night, and how some vampires can grow nihlistic during their immortality.
-Mask, for less nihilistic, and less malevelent vampires, especially that it seems Mask is now Chaotic Neutral.
-Leira, for vampires who hide their true nature, and try to live among mortals.
-Selune, could possibly take some rare non-evil evampires under her wing, as she's connected to the less negative aspects of night.
-Bhaal, being a god of murder.
-Cyric for similar reasons, especially with his Black Sun title.
-Orcus, for obvious reasons as a patron of undeath.
-Asmodeus, for actually having connection to blood in some of his myths, and would a patron for Lawful Evil vampires.
-Kanchelsis, is a very easy choice although, I think he may work better as a demon lord.
-Velsharoon, for reasons stated above.
-Kiaransalee is I think a even better deity for vampires than Velsharoon, and she explicedly has vampire worshippers. She could be the get go deity for elven vampires in general.
- Graz'zt, Pale Night and Malcanthet could serve as patrons for Vampires. Pale Night could be used for a Lovecraftian cult, while Graz'zt and Malcanthet could be worshipped by decadent vampires, as poth have allready a following among more decadent human nobles.
Another interesting bit, was that in the Lords of Darkness product, it was stated that a person drained to death by a succubus, could rise as a greater vampire.
In general, succubi and vampires are connected, with both being derived in parts from the Sumerian monsters Adrat Lili, Lamashtu and Lilitu.

-Sharess. Again, for the hedostic lot of vampires, and Sharess also has a connection to assasination. She was in part conflated with Shar for a longer time, almost to the point of absorption, some this alone, might be a reason for vampiric worshippers. As Bast, she had also some connection to vampirism through her sister, Sekhmet(the myth of Sekhmet, is one of the oldest relations of vampirism). Hathor, who is often the same as Sekhmet, could be worshipped in a darker aspect by some vampires, especially the non-evil ones. Osiris himself might also be a good candidate, among non-evil vampires of south eastern Faerun.


Also, Loviatar might fit for another Lawful Evil deity for Noble Vampires, as many, even sophisticated vampires ae sadists, and again, it may also connect to the decadent part of vampire society.
Loviatar was also a goddess of disease in mythology, and planewalking vampires might worship her as such.
Bane might fit, especially that he was "reborn" like a vampire, and connect to evil noble vampire through his tyranny portfolio.
As vampires are horryfying creatures, Bane's realatively new fear portfolio, might also be appealing to them, especially that Bane is a sophisticated monster, like them.
Gargauth might also fit, representing the dark side of nobility, which puts him at odds with Siamorphe, as detailed on the Forgotten Realms wiki
Where she(Siamorphe) supports correct rule, he(Gargauth) calls for corruption and self serving

Edited by - Baltas on 19 Oct 2015 17:21:38
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Gurgle Gobblespit

27 Posts

Posted - 20 Oct 2015 :  22:26:15  Show Profile Send Gurgle Gobblespit a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Abeir

Surprised nobody suggested that they could be cultists of Orcus.

Sure, Orcus is a demon lord of Undeath. But…. like all demons, he's hopelessly Chaotic Evil. Not exactly a great fit with the despotic, tyrannical, dictatorial, noble vampires which are the ideal of Lawful Evil.

Maybe the lesser "vampire spawns" prowling around like bunch of rabid insane running amok chaotic frenzied blood-suckers might be a good fit for Orcus. But not the nobles.
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Senior Scribe

955 Posts

Posted - 21 Oct 2015 :  06:18:41  Show Profile Send Baltas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Gurgle Gobblespit
Sure, Orcus is a demon lord of Undeath. But…. like all demons, he's hopelessly Chaotic Evil. Not exactly a great fit with the despotic, tyrannical, dictatorial, noble vampires which are the ideal of Lawful Evil.

Maybe the lesser "vampire spawns" prowling around like bunch of rabid insane running amok chaotic frenzied blood-suckers might be a good fit for Orcus. But not the nobles.

Well, there are many flavours of Chaotic Evil, as seen with Graz'zt, many drow, and succubi before 4th edition.

Also, Zhengyi, the Witch-King of Vaasa, was a servant of Orcus...

Edited by - Baltas on 21 Oct 2015 06:19:58
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 22 Oct 2015 :  01:22:37  Show Profile Send Gyor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It would help if we knew more about the vampire, such as tastes, adgenda, style, location (this is a big one).

Still to me the best ones are for Noble Vampire, if from Thay Bane, if from Mulhorand Set, if from Calimshan Sharess, Shar, or even Talos's sandstorm God incarnation, if from Cormyr,Lovitar or Malar (who has a legal and none evil, dare I say some what civilized church there), ect...
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