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Posted - 17 Sep 2015 :  05:12:45  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Aldrick

Originally posted by Irennan

In my mind, I was using the Selune/Sehanine case as reference (whom I later used as example) when I wrote that. They don't have clashing or contrasting M.O., they have some similar portfolios, but teachings and other areas of influence different enough to keep them separate, but allied. I don't think that currently there are two deities who are basically the same in the Realms (and even then, becoming a demigod would probably still be better than losing their identity).

I don't see merging with another deity as necessarily a bad thing, or even really a loss of identity. Did Re or Horus lose their identities when they merged? Or did they simply become one with one another?

Sure, if you're a deity that highly values your individualism, this might be a problem. However, if you are a deity committed to a certain goal or cause, and you believe that cause is best served through merging--why would you resist? This would mean that individualism is more important than the goal or cause.

This really depends on how you look at it. A merger could no longer be any of the two parts, or could be both parts living together. Either way, individuality goes out. Individuality tends to be something valuable (especially to ''chaotic'' characters).

Originally posted by Irennan

Sehanine would not necessarily get moonlight (that would also make her overlap with Eilistraee), she and Selune could split the moon portfolio, according to the various phases. Selune may get waxing cresecent, 1st quarter, waxing gibbous and full moon (as her power rises with the moon), Sehanine the phases leading to the new moon. That wouldn't put any of the two goddesses in a subservient position. However, even a goddess of moonlight wouldn't become ''secondary'', if she had other significant portfolios: this is the case for Sehanine.

You're right about moonlight and Eilistraee. I had forgotten about that. This just makes the situation more difficult for Sehanine.

I can't envision a scenario in which Selune gives up any aspect of the Moon for Sehanine. It just goes counter to her interests. I don't think being good aligned, friends, and allies is going to make that possible. This is an active demotion for Selune, and the Moon is her big thing. Sehanine has lots of other powerful portfolios to fall back on. Even if she had to give up Death and the Moon, she'd still be the Goddess of Moon Elves, Mysticism, and Dreams--at a minimum. That's a pretty strong portfolio right there. So, it's difficult for me to imagine Selune giving up any aspect of her core concept. It's like asking Bane to negotiate over his control over the portfolio of Tyranny. Hatred? Maybe. Tyranny? Never. It's his core concept.

Originally posted by Irennan

Yes, there might be heresies, but, if the information came directly from the goddess, in various forms (visions, dreams and so on), then I don't think that many worshipers would doubt that. The heresies would be a minority, and the bulk of the church could also deny that and spread the true information.

We are assuming that the visions and dreams are clear. We are also assuming that Sehanine's faithful would be willing to accept that she isn't really the Goddess of the Moon--she's just goddess of part of it or an aspect of it or not really a Moon goddess at all. It means that the Elves would have to essentially acknowledge that a human deity has the true providence over some or all of those aspects. Would Elven pride allow that?

It's not like Sehanine can tell them, flat out, 'Hey look guys, I sat down with Selune, and we negotiated this deal. I decided to give up X, Y, and Z. She decided to give up A, B, and C. We're totally cool with this decision. We're doing this because the pantheons are merging. So don't sweat it. This is just some minor changes so Ao doesn't get upset with us.'

Inherently, the moment Sehanine is no longer the goddess over Death or the Moon, her faithful are going to be confused. What was true yesterday is now not true today. Her faithful are not going to understand how or why any of this is happening. The bulk of them are likely to reject it, and would have to be convinced by the higher ups in the clergy to go along. There is no telling how many hold outs there would be, but my feeling is that Elven pride would get the better of a lot of them. This would be a straight up introduction for them into--what is now, currently--an entirely human pantheon. It would not simply be a merger of pantheons, it would be a merger of cultures... and frankly, Elven culture is likely to be the one that suffers and is mostly destroyed. This is simply because the humans are more numerous.

Well, since we're talking about canon, deities are known to be able to directly inform their followers. Ofc they wouldn't tell their people about eventual agreements, but they have the power to (mostly) avoid confusion.

But if we assumed that the human culture ''won'' because of their numbers, and Sehanine lost Moon and Death (she would still keep the elven dead, tho), what if elves kept associating her with those two concepts, and Selune/Kelemvor answered to prayers regarding that? AFAIK, portfolios are not something that mortals are aware of, they associate deities with given a concept, because they had proof that said beings have power over it. Elves would still relate some manifestations with Sehanine, even if their cause is actually Selune. Humans would tell them that they're wrong, but the elves would hardly believe them and keep associating Sehanine to the moon. Their belief wouldn't be enough to actually alter the portfolio, as the humans would greatly outnumber the elves. And I seriously doubt that the church of Selune would hunt the Sehanine worshipers as heretics. It would completely OOC.

Either way, even if Sehanine lost Moon/Death, and elves stopped thinking of her as a moon goddess, she would still be able to survive in a mixed culture because of her different portfolios. Same for other deities in that situation.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 17 Sep 2015 05:25:38
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Posted - 17 Sep 2015 :  06:11:41  Show Profile Send Aldrick a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Irennan

This really depends on how you look at it. A merger could no longer be any of the two parts, or could be both parts living together. Either way, individuality goes out. Individuality tends to be something valuable (especially to ''chaotic'' characters).

I agree that no matter how you slice it individuality is lost. However, my point was that it comes down to an ultimate decision of what matters more. Do the goals and aims that you are trying to achieve matter more, or does your self-preservation matter more? If the (presumably good) aims you are seeking to bring about matter more, and would be harmed by not merging--then you are hurting that cause in order to sustain yourself.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it's an easy choice or even an ideal choice. I am just saying that I can envision deities agreeing to merge together for the greater good of what they're trying to achieve--sacrificing their individuality to become something greater. Under the right circumstances, I believe it could even be viewed as the ultimate act of goodness and self-sacrifice.

Originally posted by Irennan

Well, since we're talking about canon, deities are known to be able to directly inform their followers. Ofc they wouldn't tell their people about eventual agreements, but they have the power to (mostly) avoid confusion.

Well, that depends. See the whole Lathander situation above. We honestly don't know what limitations are placed on deities in this regard. We certainly see clear evidence that in some circumstances they do act the way that you describe, but we also have evidence in some circumstances where they don't. Another example that led to a schism was the cult of Oghma over who is really the leader of the church. Oghma could have easily solved this problem, but chose not to (or couldn't / wasn't allowed) for whatever reason.

It's a problem with the canon, in my view, but I think you can slice it either way. (However, it basically boils down to: "The author / designer makes the decision based on the outcome that they want.") This is something I want solved in 5E FR.

Originally posted by Irennan

But if we assumed that the human culture ''won'' because of their numbers, and Sehanine lost Moon and Death (she would still keep the elven dead, tho), what if elves kept associating her with those two concepts, and Selune/Kelemvor answered to prayers regarding that? AFAIK, portfolios are not something that mortals are aware of, they associate deities with given a concept, because they had proof that said beings have power over it. Elves would still relate some manifestations with Sehanine, even if their cause is actually Selune. Humans would tell them that they're wrong, but the elves would hardly believe them and keep associating Sehanine to the moon. Their belief wouldn't be enough to actually alter the portfolio, as the humans would greatly outnumber the elves. And I seriously doubt that the church of Selune would hunt the Sehanine worshipers as heretics. It would completely OOC.

Either way, even if Sehanine lost Moon/Death, and elves stopped thinking of her as a moon goddess, she would still be able to survive in a mixed culture because of her different portfolios. Same for other deities in that situation.

I agree that this is how it would start out. However, as a premise here, we are making the assumption that the Elven Pantheon has been absorbed into the Faerunian Pantheon--same as the Netherese Pantheon. So, you are correct that the Elves may simply refuse to acknowledge the new reality, and Selune might let it slide. However, over time the Elven deities would begin to shift and change as they gathered more and more human followers and integrated more fully into the pantheon. The entire reason that this would be happening in the first place, is because Elven culture is merging into human culture. (Otherwise the Pantheons would remain separate.)

All of this means that over time Elven culture (as well as Human culture) would change to reflect this integration. This has a huge impact on the deities. What happens to Sehanine several centuries or millenia down the road? I think she'd still be around, but I don't know how changed she'd be from the incarnation that we know today.
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Posted - 17 Sep 2015 :  13:31:52  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Aldrick

I agree that no matter how you slice it individuality is lost. However, my point was that it comes down to an ultimate decision of what matters more. Do the goals and aims that you are trying to achieve matter more, or does your self-preservation matter more? If the (presumably good) aims you are seeking to bring about matter more, and would be harmed by not merging--then you are hurting that cause in order to sustain yourself.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it's an easy choice or even an ideal choice. I am just saying that I can envision deities agreeing to merge together for the greater good of what they're trying to achieve--sacrificing their individuality to become something greater. Under the right circumstances, I believe it could even be viewed as the ultimate act of goodness and self-sacrifice.

Ah, yes. It could be a possibility- I was just pointing out that willing mergers are probably very rare, as deities will try their best to find a different solution (especially chaotic ones) to conflicts involving portfolios. If the situation forces it, or if it is absolutely needed to advance their goal, then deities could choose to willingly merge (even if, tbh, excluding portolios overlapping, I can't picture a situation where a simple cooperation couldn't achieve what a merger can. If the followers work together, that's what matters)

For example, I like to think that the Masked Lady was formed under similar circumstances, rather than Eilistraee subsuming Vhaeraun (maybe when they were face to face, they realized more could be achieved by working together and chose to merge, instead of simply allying, to deceive Lolth, or to force their followers to immediately start cooperating, or something like that). Also, the fact that the Eilistraee and Vhaeraun are now separated makes me wonder if mergers can be reverted, assuming that the gods want it, that the majority of their followers aren't already bent on the idea that the two deities are a single being, or assuming that their followers want to believe that they are separated (or want them separated).

Originally posted by Irennan

Well, since we're talking about canon, deities are known to be able to directly inform their followers. Ofc they wouldn't tell their people about eventual agreements, but they have the power to (mostly) avoid confusion.

Well, that depends. See the whole Lathander situation above. We honestly don't know what limitations are placed on deities in this regard. We certainly see clear evidence that in some circumstances they do act the way that you describe, but we also have evidence in some circumstances where they don't. Another example that led to a schism was the cult of Oghma over who is really the leader of the church. Oghma could have easily solved this problem, but chose not to (or couldn't / wasn't allowed) for whatever reason.

It's a problem with the canon, in my view, but I think you can slice it either way. (However, it basically boils down to: "The author / designer makes the decision based on the outcome that they want.") This is something I want solved in 5E FR.

Yes, it is a mixed bag. Deities are known to be able to directly contact their followers, but are also known to have avoided that, even when it could have easily solved a difficult situation. It could depend on the particular case or deity.

The Sundering should change this (in general, deities won't be allowed to walk to their followers and tell them stuff), according to WotC, but before its conclusion gods have chosen to directly manifest to their followers (and I think that it is particularly true for the returned gods, to make sure that mortals were aware. For example, Ed said that Eilistraee and Vhaeraun have chosen to appear to their followers in their avatar form).

Originally posted by Irennan

But if we assumed that the human culture ''won'' because of their numbers, and Sehanine lost Moon and Death (she would still keep the elven dead, tho), what if elves kept associating her with those two concepts, and Selune/Kelemvor answered to prayers regarding that? AFAIK, portfolios are not something that mortals are aware of, they associate deities with given a concept, because they had proof that said beings have power over it. Elves would still relate some manifestations with Sehanine, even if their cause is actually Selune. Humans would tell them that they're wrong, but the elves would hardly believe them and keep associating Sehanine to the moon. Their belief wouldn't be enough to actually alter the portfolio, as the humans would greatly outnumber the elves. And I seriously doubt that the church of Selune would hunt the Sehanine worshipers as heretics. It would completely OOC.

Either way, even if Sehanine lost Moon/Death, and elves stopped thinking of her as a moon goddess, she would still be able to survive in a mixed culture because of her different portfolios. Same for other deities in that situation.

I agree that this is how it would start out. However, as a premise here, we are making the assumption that the Elven Pantheon has been absorbed into the Faerunian Pantheon--same as the Netherese Pantheon. So, you are correct that the Elves may simply refuse to acknowledge the new reality, and Selune might let it slide. However, over time the Elven deities would begin to shift and change as they gathered more and more human followers and integrated more fully into the pantheon. The entire reason that this would be happening in the first place, is because Elven culture is merging into human culture. (Otherwise the Pantheons would remain separate.)

All of this means that over time Elven culture (as well as Human culture) would change to reflect this integration. This has a huge impact on the deities. What happens to Sehanine several centuries or millenia down the road? I think she'd still be around, but I don't know how changed she'd be from the incarnation that we know today.

True. Sehanine could be changed by gaining human followers, but IMO she wouldn't change to become drastically different, because of her ''Moon Elves'' portfolio. Elves may integrate with humans and live among them, but if they kept their culture, at least its core aspects, their change wouldn't be that drastic (and I easily picture elves doing their best to avoid losing their ''elven-ness''). Their belief that Sehanine is actually the moon goddess could survive the unification of the two races, even after a long time, if no major event that could undermine it happened.

What I mean is that when we have two cultures (even with one ''stronger'' than the other) mixing, there's no given outcome: their deities could survive and get to retain their identity, to a given extent, or, in the worst case, they could be subsumed.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 17 Sep 2015 14:16:16
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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 20 Sep 2015 :  16:16:37  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by dazzlerdal

The way I see it is that tens of thousands of years ago the elves had different pantheons, and the dwarves, and the gnomes. These pantheons were split along geographic lines and were different between the various kingdoms and continents, etc.

Even the Sarrukh had different gods in the different areas (look at the writeup on Isstossessifil and Okoth.

Eventually over time, the movement of people and various wars and trade etc unified the various gods into a single pantheon (except for the sarrukh, their empires were short lived and separated by large distances and ended before they ever unified). The unification of the elves probably followed the Crown Wars when various regions became contested as the Ilythiiri and Arvandaar empires invaded other regions.

So what we are witnessing with the fall of the Untheric pantheon is the last remaining geographic pantheon for the humans, the Mulhorandi (and its really small). As it stands the Mulhorandi pantheon has absolutely no chance of surviving the next few centuries. It's empires are dwindling and decadent and are constantly being invaded by trade and migration from the Faerunian pantheon. Thay has already fallen to the Faerunian pantheon and Chessenta is contested.

Once the Mulhorandi pantheon fails we have a racial pantheon for humans on Toril.

Now I dislike unifying concepts so I reinvigorated the Mulhorandi pantheon by merging the dying remnants of the Untheric pantheon with it, using the invasion of Unther by Mulhorand as a starting point. With the larger Mulhorantheric pantheon now representing the people of Mulhorand and Unther it is better able to resist the depredations of the Faerunian pantheon. It makes them more able to contest Chessenta and even begin to contest Thay (Thay only hated the Mulhorandi gods, not Untheric).

As for expanding into contested regions. For my own take on it, gods do nothing as always. Thoth doesn't hop over to Waterdeep and contest the region. It is the worshippers that cause the contestation.

If a region contains only worshippers of a certain pantheon then that region is part of that pantheon. If a region contains worshippers that venerate deities in multiple pantheons then that region is contested, but the numbers are important.

Take Chessenta for instance. Chessenta is a contested region because people worship Tempus and Anhur/Ramman, thus the two war gods are contesting the portfolio of war (and Anhur is also contesting a number of other portfolios like lightning, etc). Mystra will be contesting portfolios of magic with Isis/Ishtar.

Whereas in Thay the region is not believed to be contested because religion is discriminated against and the worship of Mulhorandi gods is practically outlawed (however I reckon the majority of common Mulan and Rashemi actually secretly worship Mulhorandi and Untheric gods in a pidgin fashion making the region secretly contested).

While there is no clear majority of worshippers from one pantheon (say 80%) in a region that means that by default any acts by mortals represented by a particular portfolio do not automatically go to the god of that portfolio. Instead the worship energy from those acts go to whichever god or pantheon the particular individual performing the act venerates (most people do not worship a single god and only pay lip service to a pantheon). Thus it is in a deity/church interest to try and expand and out compete rivals in contested regions because it means all acts send energy to their deity by default if they have the majority worship.

So the Church of Thoth sends some worshippers to Waterdeep and it has absolutely no effect. Mulhorand gets wiped out by a catastrophe and tens of thousands of Mulan migrate to Waterdeep and you suddenly have a contested region and Mystra's church will begin aggressive conversions quite quickly.

Or at least that's how I play it. No god nonsense, just plain old demographics and common sense (applied to imaginary and meta physical concepts).

Just a note on the "Thay has already fallen to the contested pantheon". Actually, not it hasn't. According to the original dreams of the red wizards, the Mulhorandi pantheon was still around, but it was abused. However, I could see some of them actively worshipping Set as an enemy of the Mulhorandi Pantheon. Not a lot of them mind you. Now if we're talking 5th edition.... if the Mulhorandi return, with the Banites acting as they did.... the Mulan peoples just MIGHT embrace the Mulan Pantheon over the Faerunian.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 20 Sep 2015 :  16:21:45  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Aldrick

see -

I agree with what you're saying as a premise, though I think you're understanding of how the deities in the Realms work is incorrect.

As far as I am aware, the only deity that is directly linked (as in the deity IS this thing) with their portfolio is Mystra. Even in this case, she is only linked with the Weave aspect of her portfolio. Non-Weave magic continues to function normally in her absence.

If Selune were to die, for example, the Moon would not suddenly cease to exist. If Chauntea were to die, things would continue to grow, and the land and farmers would continue to exist.

The only situation in which I can think that is in anyway comparable is the death of Bhaal during the Time of Troubles which coincided with the death of all assassins. However, this was because Myrkul used a ritual that sacrificed all the assassins--murder and death continued to happen in Bhaal's absence.

There was also some tomfoolery that happened during the whole Cyric to Kelemvor transition with the souls of the dead... but that was an administrative problem.

In short, when you say, "...if the third is true, then the moon is just a theme or mascot, not a portfolio of responsibility and power; a "moon goddess" is just a goddess with certain trappings, like a Detroit Lion just has a lion on his helmet." This is more or less the truth in the Realms.

However, I think it ignores a fundamental aspect of how things work, and one of the reasons deities need worshipers. Now, I don't think this is stated explicitly in canon, though I think there are lots of things that hint at it being true, but basically the deities of the Realms operate off of Planescape rules. In other words, what mortals believe to be true is important. What this means is that you have two deities: Horus-Re and Amaunator. Both lay claim to the Sun as their portfolio. Therefore, both are in contention for power over the Sun. They both have varying degrees of control over the Sun, but they are not -THE SUN- itself (in the same way Mystra is -THE WEAVE- itself). Their share of power and control over this element of their portfolio grows in direct proportion to how many beings in the Realms BELIEVE that they are -THE GOD- of the Sun.

This is the reason when pantheons of deities start to have overlapping worshipers there is a conflict. There can only be one deity above the level of demigod with the same portfolio. What this essentially means is that over time, as globalization in the Realms continues to occur, there is going to be a single unified pantheon that encompasses the entire Realms, and those deities above the rank of demigod will exercise complete control over the things in their portfolios.

In other words, Selune and Sehanine cannot co-exist so long as both are goddesses of the Moon. So long as they remain in separate pantheons, they are fine, but as Elves merge into human society or humans into Elven society and the cultures co-mingle conflict is inevitable. One of them has to die off, they have to merge together, or there has to be some other event that somehow throws things in the favor of one goddess over another.

This is where heresies among mortals come into play, and one of the reasons deities promote them. It's my belief--and this is speculation on my part, but it is how I play it in my Realms--is that the deities are in many ways bound to mortal beliefs. They are not fully independent beings. This is one of the reasons powerful fiends have historically rejected ascension to divinity. The moment you become a deity you are in some ways a slave to mortal beliefs. If mortals begin to see you differently, you will literally begin to change to reflect that belief. Thus, if Tempus begins to be seen not only as the deity of war but a deity of plunder and pillaging, and believers begin to see him accordingly his personality will change to reflect that reality. Similarly, if believers begin to believe something happened in the past of a deity that didn't actually happen, the deity will start to believe that it did happen and that it is true. A deity, therefore, is a reflection of mortal belief. They are shaped, re-shaped, and destroyed by it.

All of this gives the deities an impetus to really care about their worshipers and what is going on in the mortal world. It gives them the desire to manipulate events to unfold in ways that are favorable to them, and that will further their own goals and agenda... this allows them to exercise some degree of control over their own identity and sense of self, rather than leaving it to the fate of other deities (both rivals and allies) and ignorant mortals.

Deities have phenomenal cosmic powers, but it all comes at a heavy price--the reliance on the belief of mortals.

+1 to the idea that this is the reason powerful fiends refuse to become deities. I like the idea that they "see" becoming a deity as something of a "trap lined with luxurious power".

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 20 Sep 2015 :  16:32:08  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
One thing I'm not seeing here mentioned, but probably should be....

We say that mortals don't necessarily understand the "physics of godhood", and I absolutely believe that. I do believe that mortal beliefs affect the gods. However, I also believe that many of the GODS don't understand the "physics of godhood" anymore than many of us walking around don't truly understand how our own bodies work. I believe that they don't really understand what happens when they kill another god, and that if they do it X way then Y may happen, but if they do it A way then B may happen. They also don't fully understand what actually happens to cause deities to split and/or merge. There may be a few gods who DO understand a lot of these weird mechanics, but those deities may have gone mad.... like Moander possibly. Perhaps Cyric is actually moving down that road as well, but possibly his own acquiring of the power of lies prevents him from grasping it too much.... and maybe that was Ao's plan and why he had Leira transform herself into the book known as the Cyrinishad (if that is what happened.... ).

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Wooly Rupert
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Posted - 20 Sep 2015 :  16:35:44  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sleyvas

and maybe that was Ao's plan and why he had Leira transform herself into the book known as the Cyrinishad (if that is what happened.... ).

I don't know that I've every seen that theory before... While I don't buy it, it does lead me to some interesting speculations concerning the her and the book...

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Posted - 20 Sep 2015 :  16:44:50  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I hope that in the upcoming book, they will give at least a small explanation to the return of some of the gods that are known to be back (namely, those who have a story leading to their disappearance, like Leira, or Myrkul, or Eilistraee and Vhaeraun). Saying ''Ao did it'' really is the cheapest thing that they could do (it would also be a bit unfair, to give some gods full novels/modules explaining their return, and saying ''they're back, now shut up'' for others).

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 20 Sep 2015 16:46:56
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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 20 Sep 2015 :  17:46:32  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by sleyvas

and maybe that was Ao's plan and why he had Leira transform herself into the book known as the Cyrinishad (if that is what happened.... ).

I don't know that I've every seen that theory before... While I don't buy it, it does lead me to some interesting speculations concerning the her and the book...

Oh, I started that theory about 2 or 3 years back... its one of several, but its the one I'm liking the most. BTW, check out the new thread I just started. Its in its infancy, but I think with some other scribes help, it could make for a very interesting story.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 20 Sep 2015 :  19:21:03  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sleyvas

Just a note on the "Thay has already fallen to the contested pantheon". Actually, not it hasn't. According to the original dreams of the red wizards, the Mulhorandi pantheon was still around, but it was abused. However, I could see some of them actively worshipping Set as an enemy of the Mulhorandi Pantheon. Not a lot of them mind you. Now if we're talking 5th edition.... if the Mulhorandi return, with the Banites acting as they did.... the Mulan peoples just MIGHT embrace the Mulan Pantheon over the Faerunian.

Well I consider Thay to be contested territory, and I based that opinion on the information in Dreams of the Red Wizards (and put a lot of it in my Alternate Dimensions work). But Faiths and Avatars lists Thay as Faerunian pantheon, so for everyone else it is not contested anymore.

However I reckon I could explain it away, which is why I said "secretly" contested.

The vast majority of organised religions in Thay are Faerunian and evil. You have Bane, Bhaal, Myrkul, Kossuth, I can't remember the others but I wouldn't be surprised to find Talos, Beshaba and a secret cult to Shar (there should never be an overt temple to Shar, it just doesn't fit for her).

The only people likely to worship those gods are the evil mulan (not good mulan who are forced to behave neutral in order to survive, nor the rashemi who hate the mulan). The mulan are firmly against the Mulhorandi (at least the evil mulan are and I suspect the good ones aren't to fond of them either given the past history). Only the Untheric gods are likely to have any sway (which is shown by the alternate naming of Mulhorandi deities that are secretly worshipped according to Dreams of the Red Wizards).

So the only acts likely to grant any divine energy to the faerunian pantheon are the evil acts (because only the evil gods are really represented). SO they wont notice the few good acts whose energy goes to the good mulhorandi deities (masquerading as the Unther deities).

So the Faerunian pantheon believe the region is firmly under their control, while the rashemi and good mulan carry on worshipping the Mulhorandi and Untheric gods right under their nose (but only in a pidgin fashion because normal people only pay lip service, but its still enough).

Its very complicated but I believe it allows for the current situation where Dreams of the Red Wizards implies it is contested, but Faiths and Avatars shows it as Faerunian.

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 22 Sep 2015 :  23:21:23  Show Profile  Visit MrHedgehog's Homepage Send MrHedgehog a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Irennan

I hope that in the upcoming book, they will give at least a small explanation to the return of some of the gods that are known to be back (namely, those who have a story leading to their disappearance, like Leira, or Myrkul, or Eilistraee and Vhaeraun). Saying ''Ao did it'' really is the cheapest thing that they could do (it would also be a bit unfair, to give some gods full novels/modules explaining their return, and saying ''they're back, now shut up'' for others).

Why can't Ao just snap his fingers and resurrect Gods?
In a world with resurrection spells... and we know gods are "never really dead". He can make mortals suddenly greater powers (Mystra, Cyric and Kelemvor) We already know he has total control over the Gods from events like the Time of Troubles.

He is supposed to be an omnipotent overpower that can do anything
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Posted - 22 Sep 2015 :  23:28:57  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by MrHedgehog

Originally posted by Irennan

I hope that in the upcoming book, they will give at least a small explanation to the return of some of the gods that are known to be back (namely, those who have a story leading to their disappearance, like Leira, or Myrkul, or Eilistraee and Vhaeraun). Saying ''Ao did it'' really is the cheapest thing that they could do (it would also be a bit unfair, to give some gods full novels/modules explaining their return, and saying ''they're back, now shut up'' for others).

Why can't Ao just snap his fingers and resurrect Gods?
In a world with resurrection spells... and we know gods are "never really dead". He can make mortals suddenly greater powers (Mystra, Cyric and Kelemvor) We already know he has total control over the Gods from events like the Time of Troubles.

He is supposed to be an omnipotent overpower that can do anything

Because it's boring, and rather cheesy? Don't get me wrong, I'm overjoyed that deities that I really like are alive, and I could work with ''Ao did it'', but I would like to see some more compelling explanation than a huge deus ex machina, at least for those that had whole stories behind their disappearance. Fun stories/explanations could be given for the return of the gods that I've mentioned, as you can see from various threads here, or even from material that has been written for official FR books, but that WotC chose to not release (but that could still release, if they wanted).

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 22 Sep 2015 23:31:31
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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 23 Sep 2015 :  00:37:20  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Gotta say, I agree with Irennan there. I'm glad the deities are alive, but I'd like to see Ao's power in the matter lessened. I like the idea that he does have a lot of power, but that he intentionally overstates it to keep the gods in line and in fear of him. I would like to see some theories floating amongst the human population about why and or how certain deities return.... even if they are heresies or falsities. The world should be abuzz with this stuff.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Posted - 23 Sep 2015 :  01:51:53  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sleyvas

Gotta say, I agree with Irennan there. I'm glad the deities are alive, but I'd like to see Ao's power in the matter lessened. I like the idea that he does have a lot of power, but that he intentionally overstates it to keep the gods in line and in fear of him. I would like to see some theories floating amongst the human population about why and or how certain deities return.... even if they are heresies or falsities. The world should be abuzz with this stuff.

True. I liked your take on Leira in the other thread, and would like to see WotC to release an explanation to her return that is not limited to Ao. Even wild guesses from her followers would be cool. I also want to see the return of Eilistraee and Vhaeraun played out, how they survived: heck, WotC has alredy got such lore, they just have to release it...

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 23 Sep 2015 01:52:20
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Posted - 29 Sep 2015 :  09:51:44  Show Profile  Visit BARDOBARBAROS's Homepage Send BARDOBARBAROS a Private Message  Reply with Quote
yes of course


"The city changes, but the fools within it remain always the same" (Edwin Odesseiron- Baldur's gate 2)
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Artemas Entreri
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Posted - 05 Oct 2015 :  13:56:31  Show Profile Send Artemas Entreri a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'd trade Mystra for all of the dead gods from Unther/Mulhorand. Seeing Mystra die and come back all the time gets old.

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Posted - 07 Oct 2015 :  02:58:22  Show Profile Send Razz a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My vote was yes, also. I love having more regions/cultures in the Realms that have an Earth analogy to it. It helps diversify the setting whenever you want but keep it in the same world/campaign at the same time.
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Posted - 22 Oct 2015 :  20:48:49  Show Profile Send Mirtek a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, some stores already sell the SCAG one day too early and Unther and Mulhurond are back
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Posted - 23 Oct 2015 :  19:45:24  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mirtek

Well, some stores already sell the SCAG one day too early and Unther and Mulhurond are back

The Mulhorandi gods are also back, as demipowers who rule their kingdom.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.
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Master of Realmslore

1625 Posts

Posted - 24 Oct 2015 :  02:08:20  Show Profile Send Gyor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Gilgeam is back as well as God King of Unther and mentioned as a choice of Warlock Patron in the realms Undying Pact.
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 04 Nov 2015 :  01:59:59  Show Profile Send Gyor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Mulhorand Gods are back and so is Gilgeam of the Untherite Pantheon, but in Incarnation form, so you can visit them in Mulhorand and Unther.

This was done without destroying Tymanther, but High Imaskar got exiled into the Purple Plains.

This seems to violate the rule about Gods being distant that they had for 5e.

Also the Mulhorand Gods no longer support slavery, nor are they as culturally isolated. Ra and Horus are seperate again.

I wish they're give more details.

They don't give any domains for the Mulhorand Gods, but its mentioned that God Kings are grant Undying Pacts.
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Learned Scribe

243 Posts

Posted - 04 Nov 2015 :  04:02:55  Show Profile Send JohnLynch a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Gyor

The Mulhorand Gods are back and so is Gilgeam of the Untherite Pantheon, but in Incarnation form, so you can visit them in Mulhorand and Unther.

This was done without destroying Tymanther, but High Imaskar got exiled into the Purple Plains.
Wait. Is Tymanther still in the 5th edition Forgotten Realms?

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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 04 Nov 2015 :  12:55:01  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In the instance of the Mulhorandi Gods, I'm fine with having them part of their worshippers world... that's part and parcel of what made their empire interesting to me in the first place.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Stones Finder

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Posted - 07 Nov 2015 :  05:25:41  Show Profile Send Stones Finder a Private Message  Reply with Quote
While I'm pleased to hear that Mulhorand and Unther are coming back, I'm not wild about Gilgeam returning. His death, and the subsequent chaos in Unther, was one of the most interesting things to come out of the Time of Troubles.

Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it - Advice for the 5e design team
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Posted - 07 Nov 2015 :  05:47:25  Show Profile Send Lilianviaten a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Stones Finder

While I'm pleased to hear that Mulhorand and Unther are coming back, I'm not wild about Gilgeam returning. His death, and the subsequent chaos in Unther, was one of the most interesting things to come out of the Time of Troubles.

Gilgeam is a cookie cutter tyrant, but I've always wanted to read Shurrupak featured in a novel. He's intriguing.
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Master of Realmslore

1625 Posts

Posted - 07 Nov 2015 :  13:26:25  Show Profile Send Gyor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by JohnLynch

Originally posted by Gyor

The Mulhorand Gods are back and so is Gilgeam of the Untherite Pantheon, but in Incarnation form, so you can visit them in Mulhorand and Unther.

This was done without destroying Tymanther, but High Imaskar got exiled into the Purple Plains.
Wait. Is Tymanther still in the 5th edition Forgotten Realms?

Yes, Tymanther has been reduced in size because of a war with Unther, but it still exists, including its capital city. What's left is mostly on the coast.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 11 Nov 2015 :  20:43:35  Show Profile Send combatmedic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Gyor

The Mulhorand Gods are back and so is Gilgeam of the Untherite Pantheon, but in Incarnation form, so you can visit them in Mulhorand and Unther.

This was done without destroying Tymanther, but High Imaskar got exiled into the Purple Plains.

This seems to violate the rule about Gods being distant that they had for 5e.

Also the Mulhorand Gods no longer support slavery, nor are they as culturally isolated. Ra and Horus are seperate again.

I wish they're give more details.

They don't give any domains for the Mulhorand Gods, but its mentioned that God Kings are grant Undying Pacts.

Ugh. No temple slavery in Mulhorand now? Sounds like the politically correct police have taken over at Hasbro.

YMMV= Your Mileage May Vary. I'm putting it here so I don't have to type it in every other post. :)
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 11 Nov 2015 :  20:48:01  Show Profile Send combatmedic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Stones Finder

While I'm pleased to hear that Mulhorand and Unther are coming back, I'm not wild about Gilgeam returning. His death, and the subsequent chaos in Unther, was one of the most interesting things to come out of the Time of Troubles.

Last time I ran FR ( which was really the only time) I wrote up notes about Gilgeam , post Avatar Crisis. He had reunited with his old planar essence. He shifted to LN alignment. Instead of sitting around oppressing his people for the hell of it, he now wished to rebuild the ancient glory of Unther.

YMMV= Your Mileage May Vary. I'm putting it here so I don't have to type it in every other post. :)

Edited by - combatmedic on 11 Nov 2015 20:48:40
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 11 Nov 2015 :  22:01:28  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by combatmedic

Originally posted by Gyor

The Mulhorand Gods are back and so is Gilgeam of the Untherite Pantheon, but in Incarnation form, so you can visit them in Mulhorand and Unther.

This was done without destroying Tymanther, but High Imaskar got exiled into the Purple Plains.

This seems to violate the rule about Gods being distant that they had for 5e.

Also the Mulhorand Gods no longer support slavery, nor are they as culturally isolated. Ra and Horus are seperate again.

I wish they're give more details.

They don't give any domains for the Mulhorand Gods, but its mentioned that God Kings are grant Undying Pacts.

Ugh. No temple slavery in Mulhorand now? Sounds like the politically correct police have taken over at Hasbro.

Please. I'm tired of the "political correctness" card getting played every time something gets changed.

This is a change in one area, and it has an in-setting explanation. There is still slavery in the other, more popular areas of the Realms.

Using a story to get rid of something negative in one small corner of the setting and not anywhere else is pretty far from being "politically correct".

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 11 Nov 2015 :  23:00:32  Show Profile Send combatmedic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Disagree. Even assuming that slavery must be" negative" brings real world political ideology into the fantasy setting in a way I dislike. The temple slave system in Mulhorand is cool, fun, game worthy, and constitutes a distinct cultural feature.


YMMV= Your Mileage May Vary. I'm putting it here so I don't have to type it in every other post. :)

Edited by - combatmedic on 11 Nov 2015 23:02:44
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