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Posted - 10 Jun 2015 :  01:30:32  Show Profile Send nessus a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic

I'm currently running a game in Vaasa, there is not much cannon about this region (which is why I chose it). I play it like a kind of land between Mongolian and Scottish cultural influences, the players are caravaneers tasked by their little hamlet of modurt to bring the year's goods to market in the neighboring land of Damara, they are about to pass Maur-Eturo, a city where 4 not oft used trade roads meet. I would like any cool city ideas you guys might have such as:

1.who rules the city?
2.what goes on within?
3.what kind of organizations live there?
4.what kind (if any) of gods a worshiped?
5.what kind of notable locations/NPCs are there?
6.any urban adventure rumors might the players hear about?

I already have a couple of ideas: A bleak city of little politics where slavers and bounty hunters thrive, the strong survive and the weak are enslaved or die (if they are lucky). I am not stuck on this however, if someone has something better then I would not mind changing my ideas on Maur-Eturo. I am open to all suggestions!

Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes; after that who cares! he's a mile away and you've got his shoes!

George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 10 Jun 2015 :  07:25:31  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Who are the slavers enslaving and who are the bounty hunters chasing?

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 10 Jun 2015 :  08:30:13  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I did a bit of work in Vaasa and Damara trying to flesh it out a bit more, and ended up turning the region into a battle ground between the Zhentarim and the Warlock Knights (from 4e) but set in the 1370s.

I can't remember if I mentioned Maur Eturo in my Alternate Dimensions Issues 1, 2, and 3, but in other notes I have it that Maur Eturo was seized by the Zhentarim and turned into a fortified trading stop. That would make the rulers Banite/Zhentarim, either ranked officials from within that organisation or existing inhabitants that quickly embraced Banite ideals.

The Cult of the Dragon had a secret underground presence where they actually take on the role of rebellious semi good guys (although ones that get people hooked on drugs and perform kidnap and murder as its weapons, but at least they are better than the Banites).

Beyond the war with the Zhentarim and the Warlock Knights, I don't think I developed it much more but its a start.

I intend to go back and revisit Vaasa and Damara later but i'll be sticking less to canon and more to an alternate explanation that is almost the same as canon, but not quite.

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 10 Jun 2015 :  13:42:19  Show Profile Send Snow a Private Message  Reply with Quote

What year is your campaign taking place in? Also, what specific D&D edition is your group playing (3.5, PF, 4E, 5E)?

Granted, I think you are looking for more fluff than crunch, but the information you provide may sway the homebrew content (especially NPCs) a bit more to fit your edition rules.
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13 Posts

Posted - 10 Jun 2015 :  16:53:13  Show Profile Send nessus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

Who are the slavers enslaving and who are the bounty hunters chasing?

-- George Krashos

The slavers would probably be zhentarim (although I'm not sure if the zhents engage in such activities) and would be enslaving anyone who opposes them really. As for the bounty hunters, they would mostly be Damaran looking for hobgoblin, goblin, orc and giant ears as per the bounty set by king Gareth Dragonsbane. Thanks for the response lord Krashos, I'm a big fan

Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes; after that who cares! he's a mile away and you've got his shoes!
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Posted - 10 Jun 2015 :  17:02:11  Show Profile Send nessus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by dazzlerdal

I did a bit of work in Vaasa and Damara trying to flesh it out a bit more, and ended up turning the region into a battle ground between the Zhentarim and the Warlock Knights (from 4e) but set in the 1370s.

I can't remember if I mentioned Maur Eturo in my Alternate Dimensions Issues 1, 2, and 3, but in other notes I have it that Maur Eturo was seized by the Zhentarim and turned into a fortified trading stop. That would make the rulers Banite/Zhentarim, either ranked officials from within that organisation or existing inhabitants that quickly embraced Banite ideals.

The Cult of the Dragon had a secret underground presence where they actually take on the role of rebellious semi good guys (although ones that get people hooked on drugs and perform kidnap and murder as its weapons, but at least they are better than the Banites).

Beyond the war with the Zhentarim and the Warlock Knights, I don't think I developed it much more but its a start.

I intend to go back and revisit Vaasa and Damara later but i'll be sticking less to canon and more to an alternate explanation that is almost the same as canon, but not quite.

I've, as of now, downloaded all your alternate history and will be looking through it. I especially like the warlock knights! I was thinking about having a zhentarim agent manipulating a ruling paladin (that is actually an anti-paladin but believes he is still good) to benefit the black network. I have already integrated the church of kiaransalee (that are posing as faithful of eilistraee to walk the lands undisturbed) looking for the remnants of the cult of orcus. I look forward to scanning through your alternate history of the region thanks for the response

Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes; after that who cares! he's a mile away and you've got his shoes!
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13 Posts

Posted - 10 Jun 2015 :  17:10:16  Show Profile Send nessus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Snow


What year is your campaign taking place in? Also, what specific D&D edition is your group playing (3.5, PF, 4E, 5E)?

Granted, I think you are looking for more fluff than crunch, but the information you provide may sway the homebrew content (especially NPCs) a bit more to fit your edition rules.

I'm playing PF but in 1368 DR, I'm not looking to have everything happen exactly in the year it actually happened (I dont have any lore obsessed players that I need to please lol), so I can integrate stuff that is give or take a couple years. Thanks for the reply

Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes; after that who cares! he's a mile away and you've got his shoes!
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 10 Jun 2015 :  17:39:37  Show Profile  Visit hashimashadoo's Homepage Send hashimashadoo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I was thinking of a Kiaransaleean faction myself. Underdark mentions drow outposts in the vicinity (south east of Vaasa itself) led by independent lords. But also Vaasa is home to a relatively large population of dwarves. I have to dash but I shall think more on this.

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 10 Jun 2015 :  18:23:25  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by nessus

I already have a couple of ideas: A bleak city of little politics where slavers and bounty hunters thrive, the strong survive and the weak are enslaved or die (if they are lucky). I am not stuck on this however, if someone has something better then I would not mind changing my ideas on Maur-Eturo. I am open to all suggestions!

Keep in mind that a city like that is going to be widely avoided by most folks, unless they have a really good reason for being near it. Most folks wouldn't go with in a couple of day's ride of a place like that, for fear of being enslaved.

Me, I'd make it a city wholly dominated by a small group of people -- they have a stranglehold on commerce and law. It's safe, so long as you are careful about observing all the rules and not pissing off the wrong people. Step out of line, though, and someone's coming down on you...

Perhaps it's ruled by a handful of families (and a temple or guild could be thrown into the mix, as well), all vying for power, and more than willing to use outsiders as catspaws in their constant struggles against each other.

The locals are wary and careful to keep to themselves as much as possible, because they don't want to get caught up and smashed in the ever-shifting plots and alliances of the ruling families... But there is some handy local resource(s) that brings in plenty of trade, so the common folk are willing to put up with the jockeying for power of those above them.

And of course there are some ambitious folk, who align temporarily or long-term with one or more of the ruling power groups. The locals know not to trust them, but sometimes they need the coins...

Plus, throw in some outside groups, playing their own games. Zhents, trying to help their hometown. Red Wizards, doing the same for Thay. Maybe some group like the Iron Throne, trying to get their own share of the trade. The Harpers, of course, fighting for Truth, Justice, and the Meddling Way. Maybe another group from Damara, trying to influence things to benefit themselves (or Damara).

In my opinion, something like that is a lot more fun, offers a lot more potential, and simply makes more sense than the seething cauldron of evil that logic would dictate avoiding.

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13 Posts

Posted - 10 Jun 2015 :  20:01:09  Show Profile Send nessus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by nessus

I already have a couple of ideas: A bleak city of little politics where slavers and bounty hunters thrive, the strong survive and the weak are enslaved or die (if they are lucky). I am not stuck on this however, if someone has something better then I would not mind changing my ideas on Maur-Eturo. I am open to all suggestions!

Keep in mind that a city like that is going to be widely avoided by most folks, unless they have a really good reason for being near it. Most folks wouldn't go with in a couple of day's ride of a place like that, for fear of being enslaved.

Me, I'd make it a city wholly dominated by a small group of people -- they have a stranglehold on commerce and law. It's safe, so long as you are careful about observing all the rules and not pissing off the wrong people. Step out of line, though, and someone's coming down on you...

Perhaps it's ruled by a handful of families (and a temple or guild could be thrown into the mix, as well), all vying for power, and more than willing to use outsiders as catspaws in their constant struggles against each other.

The locals are wary and careful to keep to themselves as much as possible, because they don't want to get caught up and smashed in the ever-shifting plots and alliances of the ruling families... But there is some handy local resource(s) that brings in plenty of trade, so the common folk are willing to put up with the jockeying for power of those above them.

And of course there are some ambitious folk, who align temporarily or long-term with one or more of the ruling power groups. The locals know not to trust them, but sometimes they need the coins...

Plus, throw in some outside groups, playing their own games. Zhents, trying to help their hometown. Red Wizards, doing the same for Thay. Maybe some group like the Iron Throne, trying to get their own share of the trade. The Harpers, of course, fighting for Truth, Justice, and the Meddling Way. Maybe another group from Damara, trying to influence things to benefit themselves (or Damara).

In my opinion, something like that is a lot more fun, offers a lot more potential, and simply makes more sense than the seething cauldron of evil that logic would dictate avoiding.

Nice, that is exactly the kind of ideas I was looking for. I am trying to make Vaasa seem like hell to the players, almost everywhere they have been is controlled (either overtly or covertly) by some kind of evil. The people living in these areas don't think "I am tired of being ruled by an evil lord, I could go to cormyr where life is better" because that life is all they know, they dont want to pack up and leave because uncertainty is worse than the life they know in most cases. I am doing this to make a stark contrast with Damara, which will feel like heaven after vaasa.

The reason people would go to Maur-Eturo despite it being a den of malice and sin is because there is no where else to go. If you look at the map of vaasa the city is in the bleak steppes of Hataar baen where four trade roads meet and there is nothing around for several days. Traders need to replenish their rations, adventurers need to sell their treasures, bounty hunters need a base of operations.

Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes; after that who cares! he's a mile away and you've got his shoes!
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 10 Jun 2015 :  20:18:25  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by nessus

The reason people would go to Maur-Eturo despite it being a den of malice and sin is because there is no where else to go. If you look at the map of vaasa the city is in the bleak steppes of Hataar baen where four trade roads meet and there is nothing around for several days. Traders need to replenish their rations, adventurers need to sell their treasures, bounty hunters need a base of operations.

Just keep in mind that if you make it too unsafe, people will seek out safer routes and destinations. If people get enslaved just for being too close to the city, other people will take other routes or pack more supplies.

The potential rewards have to outweigh the potential risks. The way you're describing the city makes it sound like considerable risk for minimal reward.

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 10 Jun 2015 :  22:08:51  Show Profile Send Cyrinishad a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by nessus

The reason people would go to Maur-Eturo despite it being a den of malice and sin is because there is no where else to go. If you look at the map of vaasa the city is in the bleak steppes of Hataar baen where four trade roads meet and there is nothing around for several days. Traders need to replenish their rations, adventurers need to sell their treasures, bounty hunters need a base of operations.

Just keep in mind that if you make it too unsafe, people will seek out safer routes and destinations. If people get enslaved just for being too close to the city, other people will take other routes or pack more supplies.

The potential rewards have to outweigh the potential risks. The way you're describing the city makes it sound like considerable risk for minimal reward.

...I can't believe I'm actually going to type this, but...

Maybe the thing to do to make it functional is to model the political aspects of Maur-Eturo after Mos Eisley (you know, from that Space D&D movie series) and model the religious as aspecst of Maur-Eturo after Vaes Dothrak (you know, from that D&D TV series).

To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge. -Socrates

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