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39 Posts

Posted - 06 Jun 2015 :  19:28:58  Show Profile Send xmaxx a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Hi all,

Not sure this is the correct forum to post it but, anyway...

I grow fond of using tablet during my FR campaign. I use it mainly to show my PJs pictures of characters, monsters, landscapes... Way to inspire. And also pdf and docs of important rules or spell descriptions (always handy when they're sorted by character). I'm also thinking about putting on some background music as well.

Do you guys do the same and do you have specific apps you rely on during your sessions. Indeed, I am looking for tools to bring the game to a new level.

Share your point(s) of view.

Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36863 Posts

Posted - 06 Jun 2015 :  21:36:12  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm playing a Pathfinder game, and I use my tablet instead of the rulebooks. I've found a nice app for the rules, a nice spellbook app (my character is a gun mage, which is a variant sorcerer), and I type up other stuff into Word or Excel and access those from the tablet, too.

I've an Android tablet -- the Nexus 7.

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Learned Scribe

316 Posts

Posted - 07 Jun 2015 :  02:10:46  Show Profile  Visit Rymac's Homepage Send Rymac a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm using a iPad mini 2, and still play 2e. is the go-to resource for 2e rules online. Second edition is where it's at as far as I'm concerned. I never found THAC0 to be that complicated.
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Learned Scribe

111 Posts

Posted - 07 Jun 2015 :  15:17:17  Show Profile Send Lothlos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I use word and excel and electronic copies of rule books whenever possible. I love being able to cloud share player handouts with my group. They use word and excel as well (or open office equivalents). I like that all the information is on shared cloud drives so I can review my players notes at my leisure between sessions (they knew up front I was going to do this). No electronic dice at my table though. I always have loads of extra dice.

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
-J.R.R. Tolkien

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36863 Posts

Posted - 07 Jun 2015 :  16:05:06  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lothlos

No electronic dice at my table though. I always have loads of extra dice.

Yeah, just to check them out, I've downloaded more than a few die rollers onto my tablet... But using them in place of real dice? Not happening!

Oddly, I've never found a die roller app, on Android or iOS, that I liked as much as the old Quickdice program I found somewhere online many years back, before cellphones had even caught on.

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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Learned Scribe

157 Posts

Posted - 07 Jun 2015 :  18:49:26  Show Profile  Visit Saxmilian's Homepage Send Saxmilian a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've spent YEARS typing all the relevant files and rules, characters and notes into my laptop. Pictures, music and even video clips bring more life to my game.
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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
1155 Posts

Posted - 07 Jun 2015 :  19:17:16  Show Profile  Visit hashimashadoo's Homepage Send hashimashadoo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm considering banning dice roller programs during my sessions. I trust my players not to cheat but the one they use rolls altogether too many twenties. Also, there's the temptation of getting distracted by web surfing when the spotlight is on other players.

When life turns it's back on you...sneak attack for extra damage.

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Xnella Moonblade-Thann
Learned Scribe

234 Posts

Posted - 11 Jun 2015 :  00:27:28  Show Profile Send Xnella Moonblade-Thann a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I always have my laptop and Kindle Fire handy when I'm gaming...all my electronic documents are on both of those and make it a lot easier than hauling around my collection of rule- and source- books...I have all 5 editions of D&D electronically, as well as Pathfinder and a few 3PP games, and with my penchant for an organized laptop and kindle, I end up the reference person when I play with my group. *shrugs*

But we don't use electronic dice/dice roller's strictly real dice and if a player forgets theirs, the rest usually have a few spare sets (I have 13 complete sets in one dice bag, and another whole dice bag of oddballs for a player without dice of their own...gotta love the pound o' dice bag!).

"Sweet water and light laughter until next we meet." - traditional elven farewell

Please forgive any spelling and grammer errors, as my android touch-screen phone has no spellchecker. If I do make a grammer mistake, please let me know and I'll try to fix it.

New laptop, still trying to sort my "scrolls" on its shelves...and when will this cursed thing stop doing things I tell it not to?
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 12 Jun 2015 :  12:38:23  Show Profile Send Derulbaskul a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I use a Google Nexus for general reading as I find PDFs easier to read on there compared to on a laptop. (I have PDF copies of every book I own.) But my actual prep work is always done on a laptop.

When DMing I also do everything from a laptop which is what I have been doing since 3E was released. Like the OP, I store appropriate art on their for our sessions as well as music and sound effects. I also keep an extensive library of maps just in case I have to ad lib an encounter or adventure because of player choice.

I don't play but, if I did, I would probably use a combination of tablet and character sheet depending on what edition/ruleset we were using. (For 4E, it would be character sheet only. For 5E, it would be character sheet plus tablet.)


NB: Please remember: A cannon is a big gun. Canon is what we discuss here.
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Xnella Moonblade-Thann
Learned Scribe

234 Posts

Posted - 15 Jun 2015 :  23:32:45  Show Profile Send Xnella Moonblade-Thann a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I have several electronically-fillable character sheets in .pdf forms...they make it easier to keep track of where my character is (I update the fillable character sheet and then save the new copy while retaining the old ones...this way I can always make sure my character is up-to-date if I forget the paper copy...)

"Sweet water and light laughter until next we meet." - traditional elven farewell

Please forgive any spelling and grammer errors, as my android touch-screen phone has no spellchecker. If I do make a grammer mistake, please let me know and I'll try to fix it.

New laptop, still trying to sort my "scrolls" on its shelves...and when will this cursed thing stop doing things I tell it not to?
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