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 More Realmslore for Princes of the Apocalypse
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Posted - 14 May 2015 :  04:23:57  Show Profile Send Bravesword a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I would like to share and discuss with you some ideas and concepts that I shall insert in my Princes of the Apocalypse campaign, seeking to include more lore and background of the Forgotten Realms within the story. I am still reading the book, so some ideas may change in the future. Please notice – spoilers below!

I must confess that I did not had a good impression of this specific storyline into the Realms when I first heard of it, mainly becasuse it was a theme more related with Greyhawk than the Realms in my opinion. However, I was impressed by the quality of the adventure and with the information and description of the Dessarin Valley and neighboring lands of the Sword Coast. The main antagonists (the four prophets) are well designed and have plausible ambitions –and also the fact that the four elemental cults do not work in a single agenda also brings good roleplay opportunities. However, I believe that these additional concepts/ideas could mean a greater experience for Princes of the Apocalipse in the Realms.

- Elder Elemental Eye/Tharizdun/Ghaunadaur: according to D&D Mythology, we could establish a relationship between Tharizdun, Ghaunadaur and the Elder Elemental Eye. In some cases, they are considered three different entities, while in most recent lore, Tharizdun and the EEE are the same entity. In the Realms, Ghaunadaur sometimes is related to the EEE, so my concept here would consider that the EEE is an entity older than some worlds, like Oerth and Toril.

The Elder Elemental Eye entered in these worlds using different manifestations. While in Oerth he was called by its followers Tharizdun, in Toril he was called named Ghaunadaur. These manifestations were almost independent of each other – explaining why Ghaunadaur was worshiped as god of oozes – and that´s why some sages considered them as different entities in different worlds (this explains the brief period which Tharizdun tried to manifest itself in the Realms during the Abyssal Plague arc). In the past, the EEE established a link with Tharizdun in Oerth some years ago (during the Temple of Elemental Evil and Return to the ToEE storylines), and now he turned its attention to Faerűn, linking his consciousness with Ghaunadaur. This may explain why Lolth failed to destroy him during the years preceding the Spellplague and even mentioned that “Ghaunadaur was old even before Ao’s time” (in the Lady Penitent series).

With his “new” consciousness in Toril, the EEE summoned the Princes of Elemental Evil (the archomentals) in Faerűn, and instructed them into carrying his will, corrupting the nature and the elements. The archomentals chosen themselves four prophets – some would say mocking the chosen of the gods – to develop their own agendas, along with the main purpose of their master.

I shall bring later ideas to insert the elemental temples in different places in Faerűn, based upon the elemental nodes that the cultists need to develop their devastation orbs – accessible by means of portals from the main site located at the Dessarin Valley.

See ya,

George "Bravesword" Bonfim

Learned Scribe

164 Posts

Posted - 14 May 2015 :  12:17:17  Show Profile Send hobbitfan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've had some of the same thoughts.
I look forward to reading what you come up with.
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