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Caladan Brood
Senior Scribe
410 Posts |
Posted - 12 May 2015 : 21:29:25
All right, I did try to find something on this, so feel free to direct me elsewhere. I'm looking for ways to use the deities of the Realms as a commoner of the setting. Like, when would you invoke the name of a deity. Maybe someone has a handy list? Maybe there is something in Elminster's Forgotten Realms, I really need to re-read that tome.
So.. what do we have? "Thank Lathander I lived to see another day" (morning) "Tymora('s luck) be with you" (farewell) "Helm watches over us"
When or how would you invoke, say, Beshaba? IF it hasn't been done already it would be fun to gather a lot of these for all manner of powers and make a handy PDF.
Master of Realmslore
1272 Posts |
Posted - 12 May 2015 : 21:36:36
There was an article with such sayings in the stacks here. But it's mostly reprinted in Elminster's Forgotten Realms, as you suspect.  |
- Delwa Aunglor I am off to slay yon refrigerator and spoil it's horde. Go for the cheese, Boo!
"The Realms change; seldom at the speed desired of those who strive, but far too quickly for those who resist." - The Simbul, taken from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Conspectus |
Master of Realmslore
1272 Posts |
Posted - 12 May 2015 : 23:52:52
Here's another source that might hit on what you seek. |
- Delwa Aunglor I am off to slay yon refrigerator and spoil it's horde. Go for the cheese, Boo!
"The Realms change; seldom at the speed desired of those who strive, but far too quickly for those who resist." - The Simbul, taken from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Conspectus |
Great Reader
7989 Posts |
Posted - 13 May 2015 : 03:36:05
The more benign aspects evil deities are sometimes invoked. As in, ordinary people might ask Shar to bestow forgetfulness of a painful memory or grants a dreamless sleep to avoid pain - rather than, say, pray that Tyr mercifully forgives a transgression or ask Ilmater to take the pain away. Even Cyric might be worshipped (briefly, at least) to ensure safe passage for the dead.
Other evil deities are usually appeased more than revered. An observance might be made to Umberlee in the hopes that she doesn't sink your ship or obstruct its passage with storms, a sacrifice might be offered to Tempus or Tyr so that they spare you (and those near you, and your home, etc) from the ravages of war and destruction. |
[/Ayrik] |
Senior Scribe
403 Posts |
Posted - 13 May 2015 : 09:31:58
You might want to give the library a look. link
quote: Blessing in Brief. Bless us, O Lady, in the giving and receiving of pleasure. Take our pain and give us joy in return, and grant us happiness in all that we do.
- "Writings on Sharess" found here |
Make the best use of the system that's there, then modify the mechanics that don't allow you to have the fun you are looking for. |
Skilled Spell Strategist
11964 Posts |
Posted - 17 May 2015 : 14:50:01
Oh great Talos, thank you for delivering unto us this mineral rich earth from thine volcano |
Alavairthae, may your skill prevail
Phillip aka Sleyvas |
The Emerald Sage
38 Posts |
Posted - 18 May 2015 : 15:49:52
The Wisdom of the Realms is very good, had a chuckle running my eye over some of those famous quotes. I'm considering opening every game session with a reading of one, appropriate to the tone of each evening naturally.
As for taking the gods' names in vain (or otherwise), I can only quote the young sorcerer and former scribe of Candlekeep, Mreldar when I write "Mystra's Sacred Shadow!", taken from The City of Splendors by Ed Greenwood and Elaine Cunningham and notably exclaimed upon first viewing one of the legendary walking statues of Waterdeep in full stride. |
Edited by - The Emerald Sage on 20 May 2015 14:22:32 |
The Emerald Sage
38 Posts |
Posted - 20 May 2015 : 14:23:23
"Gods going sideways"
From the same book. |
Portuguese D. Ace

82 Posts |
Posted - 20 May 2015 : 22:56:47
My favourites are:
"Beshaba, shit in my eyes!" or something similar has been written by Erin Evans in Brimstone Angels. I loved it.
"For Moradin's Hairy Arse" dwarven exclamation by Bruenor & co. in Bob Salvatore's books.
"Oghma's Bloody Papercuts!" another favourite by Erin Evans |
Please, bring back the Realms. I'm really fed up with the Sword Coast.
===== Since English is not my first language, I pre-emptively apologize for any (grammar) mistake that has been made in my post. In order to help me improve my English, please, point out those mistakes (If you could do it politely, it would be even better!). Thanks! ===== |
Skilled Spell Strategist
11964 Posts |
Posted - 21 May 2015 : 14:22:19
"Alavairthae, may the Red Knight guide your game" |
Alavairthae, may your skill prevail
Phillip aka Sleyvas |
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