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 Palace of Grazz't (for my campaign)
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Marquant Volker
Learned Scribe

273 Posts

Posted - 08 May 2015 :  12:26:44  Show Profile Send Marquant Volker a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Hi all.

The following is a homebrew (mostly) version for the Argent Palace of Grazz't a DEMON lord of EVIL and PLEASURE. Some may find the ideas disturbing, if you are one of these people better stop reading. Especially if you dont like NPCs like Lesbian Marilyths and Statues of Cursed Conjoined Twin Whores

Dear Sages, if you think this entry is innapropriate feel free to delete/seal this scroll. I will understand.

the reason i am posting this is to share and discuss if someone else made something familiar, and hear feedback and experiences. Also feel free to suggest or make your room (dont worry i will give credits to players after session, when the bloopers play)

In the next sessions my players will visit the Court of Grazz't as guests, and the one will try to become a regular courtier. I wanted to spicy up the things, and try to make the castle a little more detailed.

This is my version, but its not 100% mine, mixed are some texts i found, some modified , there are Warhammer infuences, maybe Iron Kingdoms infuences, a lot of homebrew etc.

There is a couple of NPCs because they are tied with the room, i created a long list of NPCs courtiers (demons &mortals) , Minions , VIPs , Mistresses etc but it's a separate thing

The Living Wall
The Argent palace has not walls to separate from the city, instead a grand circle plaza is around the building. There thousands of mortal (?) humanoids (mostly) encircle and in a way besiege the castle trying to get inside or asking for an audience with Dark Prince or waiting for things (food, items) to being disposed from the palace.
Some Chain themselves to secure a “good” spot, for that reason there are iron rings spurt from the floor, or makeshift weight holders are being installed.
When the “siege” become unbearable Grazz’t demons intervene, otherwise they provide a grand source of income and larvae for the Argent Palace.
Around the “Living” wall Collector tielfings are place, for crowd control and collecting the larvae, when one member of the wall dies, it’s comrades bring the larvae to the collectors and gain either food, short trip to the palace or favours.
It’s awkward but this abysmal place attracts hundreds of the lost and the damned, mutants, weak Vashar, hordeless Beastmen , heretics, those that have been betrayed by Grazz’ts minions and others gather there. When Grazz’t wishes the wall to become stronger he announces that he will dispose items of value or goods, or let loose a rumor the a Grand ball is about to happen and the left-overs will be tossed from the Grand Balcony

The Grand Balcony
The lowest entrance / window of the Argent palace is the “safest spot” that someone can see the living wall and interact. Couriters and household toss different things and watch the lost and the damned react, fighting each other in order to collect it or try to avoid it. No matter the outcome if someone dies the collectors will usually take the larvae.
“Balcony Assaults” happen sometimes to Grazz’t great delight, the lost and the damned achieve somehow to climb (body ladder? chains? Debris bridge?) To the balcony and a fight erupts.
A masked Balor with his guards are always on the balcony to protect visitors, repel “Balcony Assaults” or to kidnap members of the wall with his whip if one of the visitors decide so.
Even with the Balor and his guards this balcony is dangerous, sometimes the Lost and the damned try to drag visitors down, or they throw rocks or spears. It’s great fun for members of the household too.
When the wall is small and things are smooth, it’s a “nice” place for visitors to boast their status to the poor L&D and have refreshments and food.

The Inner Central Plateau
It houses many demons and has little vegetation. This is a central place of the Argent palace, it connects many rooms, courtiers and demons can be seen making circles or walking to one room to the other.

The Un-natural Demesme and Grand Abysstheater (Demesne and Amphitheater)
has a large amphitheater, it seems natural, it is made of a nacreous material. The ground here is opalescent, pearly. The Demesme surrounds the Grand Abysstheater park surrounds the amphitheater. It has ferns, flowers, and shrubs. The trees are dove-gray, translucent trunked with shiny black leaves. There is thick soot colored grasses. All vegetation is in shades of gray and black. The insects and birds are rainbow-hued. Lemon yellow and electric blue monkeys, bright colored deer and other animals. Demons feel free to molest the animals and vegetation. He has to restock the parks often. The sky is fire-opalescent. Occasionally Grazz’t captures exotic Demons or beast and animals and brings them here, when a bizarre offspring is created he is enlightened

When the Dark Princes wishes he can raise barrier in the amphitheater and create layers of silence spells, this happens usually when a play is on, as musicians and insane actors flock for the outer planes and the multiverse, the performers are either richly rewarded or slain on stage.

Plays can sometimes last for days, include real death of deranged actors (something that demons revel at) , host unsuspecting victims (sacrifices or from the lost and the damned) playing with them (the demons laugh their asses out ) and finally (usually) killing them. It can host low-quality gory plays for bloodthirsty demons, Tragic comedy, Dark humor , but also high quality epics.

The (epic) Grand Abyss Theater is the home of the mysterious harlequin masques, where they perform their mysterious dances / plays usually without speaking. They express with motion mostly, and sometimes some mental abilities that brings forth certain emotions.

The Harlequins are autonomous enigmatic people who lives in a nomadic life, they change masters and they choose when or were to perform. Of course they are excellent warriors who work for selected Demon Lords, Grazz’t is their de’facto patron

Regular plays: (although they change every time, and the actors are not always up the script –after all chaos rules here)

“The Six Handed Troupe Performs” “The Dance of Marilyths”: The cast is made by Marilyths performing very dangerous, dexterous and quick maneuvers (even for Marilyths!) their moves are complex and pre-arranged, however if a Marilyth misses a move it can end is a loss of arm, limp or death (the demons cheer again). New maneuvers and dances are added regularly to keep the interest high. Grazz’t is amused of the Marilyths and their dance in general. The troupe leader is She’Shadra a marilyth champion who inspired by the same name painting in Grazz’t’s gallery

“Horror of the Innocent” A typical “special visitor play, the plot actors and scenery changes every time but overall is the same a mortal (or more) is cast to the stage, and the plot unravels in his eyes. Horrible for mortals to watch usually it ends with the death of the visitor, or if he gets terrible insane is added to the lost and the damned.

“The Conquest of Rhule” – Very bloody play, depicting the glories of Grazz’t armies on Aplarius

“Death of a Slaver” – The play is about Paladins hanging an honest salesman and seller of people – It’s the real story of Lomanjitt a Neogi slaver captured by paladins.

“Who is Not afraid of Iggwilv” – a epic series that is about Iggwilv. A masterpiece. It’s a gift for Iggwilv actually

“Always look back in Anger”

“The Phantom of the Argent Palace” – An “urban myth” that Grazz’t find amusement to spread, that there is a cursed phantom in the palace. If he is true is hardly the biggest horror you can encounter however Grazz’t love the dramatic aspect of the play, the luxury of the costumes and the great vocals

“Rats” a musical, that almost always ends up in bloodshed and the death of the abyssal performers.

The Grand Palace of Grazz’t (The Sanctum) (The Palace within the Palace)

The Throne room is made from Black Marble of the rarest quality, with some elements of rare abyssal metals, the throne is a made by Grazz’t himself from opaline of a single block.

The antechambers in the royal wing is guarded by Six noble lamias and their marilyth escorts

There are smaller thrones one the right and the left, on the right for Verin/Ztefano and the other for Rule-Of-Three the masked oracle who rarely speaks.

There are places for his three master Lahmias the rulers of the three layers

Near the Throne the resting place of Love’s Pain (in dagger form) can be seen, as a large crimson cushion that constantly drips blood. The Cushions is supported by a pedestal of the purest Atium. The dagger is there within easy reach of the dark price, when not in this dagger belt. If he misplaces it or lose it, it appears atop the CRIMSON CUSHION.

The sanctum in his suite has huge doors made of hematite. The chamber floor is made of mirror polished jet. There is a table with seats and maps and papers. Graz'zt has a couch, this is where he plans his battles with his consuls. It is known as THE SOUL.

The DIVAN chamber It has a divan for Graz'zt and guests, the environment changes at the Dark Prince’s whims but it’s always influenced by the Flameborn culture, here discussions, feasts and orgies occur for special quests and household. It is inspired by the city of Gold and has some artifacts and furniture stolen from the golden city or found in various bazaars on the multiverse

Chamber Of Tactics
The entrance is guarded by two Marilyths, There are many tables with maps, and bizzare instruments in order to study them .

A secret word of passage will open the door to the inner maproom, which holds the Tacticum Daemonis, an artifact that contains maps from Abyss/Outer/Material Planes, new information can be applied to tacticum by telepathy.

Grazz’t’s owned and allied territories glow in various colors

Enemy and Allied territory and armies glow in various colors. Armies agents garrisons and movements can be marked, special characters can be added too. The color and shape of each marking is set by the person that marks it
Upon command the floor changes to resemble a different map.

Arena of His Divine Emminence
The huge arena hold both masterwork teleportation and summoning circles. Creatures can be summoned and trapped until the operator of the arena wishes to release them. Sometimes it is modified by traps or other nasty surprises. Grazz’t is able to alter the scenery as he seems fit, resembling the inside of a dark cave, or an forest of the material plane.

The Playground
The subterranean playground is nothing if not the creation of various twisted minds. It’s a dungeon actually with many different rooms, traps and monsters, where the children (usually) of Grazz’t spend their free time or play. Everything can become a plaything there, a monster or a Courtier who displeased Grazz’t. Usually the Children have their own rooms in the Playroom, while others are shared.

The Kitchen of the Myriad Pleasures
Since Grazz’t is a hedonist, it’s logical that he seeks the pleasure of food and drink. He has the best deomonic and mortal host. His master steward lives like a Mortal King. At the whim of Grazz’t he can cook delicious dinners, with the best flavors in the multiverse, put poison, influence emotions with secret recipes and indigriends, give abilities (buff?s) or make nasty surprises witch socking mate(human flesh angel wings, Orphan’s tears)

The Arthouse of the Dark Doomed and Forgotten
Grazz’t is a grand collector of paintings and art projects, with a taste for the bizarre and obscure. Haunted paintings, cursed art object’s, and statues that walk at night are collected here
Some of the Treasures that can be found

“The Seduction of Pope Clementinus” – Art painting of the pious Pope of Cygnar naked in a bizarre sex scene with Lavendenth (her ascension to Lilitu)

“The Two headed whore” – A statue from Alpharus, it’s the statue of two conjoined teen sisters who had to sell their bodies after their wealthy family abandoned as a baby. The artist was in love with the twins, and in the end he sacrificed both himself and his beloved so they can live forever and separate the twins. Grazz’t linked the souls of the twins to the statue.

“The Vanity of Sune” – A portrait of Sune that captured during a raid in one of her Beauty-Temples. Is resembles the real one “Venus and the Mirror”

“Dancing Maryliths” A work of art by an unknown artist, it caches the crucial moment of two Maryliths dueling with swords. Sometimes the Maryliths actually duel, with different outcomes.

The Grand Closet.

The Grand Closet is the place where the Court’s dresses are being made. A Grand Hall with giant mirrors and hundreds of changing rooms and private closets for the members of the court.

The tailors and servants are luxurious masked mannequins led by the mysterious Mane-Queen. In the Dark rooms of the closet rooms a monstrosity called the the Mannequin-Spider lurks and hunts would-be thieves or enforce justice at the orders of Mane-Queen or when the Mannequins come under attack

Custom made outfits can be rented or made, with extremely good skill, better process for members of the court. It’s not uncommon that the household makes gifts of custom made clothes

The Music Room

The Famous “Harmonica Pandemonus” pipe Organ can be found here. When played correctly demons can either enter a trance-like sleep, dance , or go berserk. There are many symphonies that require different skill in order to do so.
When not played correctly it has negative effect on the artist, from simple curses, to negative levels/abilities or the worst case consuming its soul.

Many would be deranged artists has willingly (others not) died on the cursed seat of Harmonica

Made by the long-dead deaf Demon Lord “Harmathorul of the Bleeding Ears”

There is another pipe Organ called “Musica Obscura” that is the training version of it, playing it produces effects like spells, abilities (buffs) and visual or spiritual effects so the player can now of its ability

“Abyssal Rhapsody” – DC 20

“The Flow of River Styx” – DC 22

“Music of the Longest Night” – DC 25

“Pope Clementinus” – DC 27

“66th movement of the 7nth Symphony” – DC 30

“The Gates of the Golden Palace” – DC 33

“Slaying the Mountain King” – DC 35

“Ode to Terror” – DC 40

“The Dance or Nar’Shad and Miska” – DC 41

“Ride of the Lahmias” – DC 42

“Ebulon Confronts Demogorgon” – DC 44 (banned) Composed and performed (music and dance) by the Masque and the last Master of Music (Tyralon) as a present to Grazz’t. His dark Eminence took it wrong. No one dares to repeat it

“Damnation Chorus” – DC 45

“When Angels Cry” – DC 46

“Here Comes the Darkness” – DC 48

“Symphony number 666” – DC 50

“The Fall of Asmodeus the Angel” – DC 52

“The Queen of Chaos” – Dc 55

“For Iggwilv” – DC 66 an Abyssal Epic, Grazz’t kidnapped some of the best musician in the multiverse to compose it even consumed their souls in the notes , he still seeks for the artist that can perform it, especially on the Harmonica

Dark Drawing Room (Great Ballroom)

This is the Grand Ballroom, All Dark with Green Pillars made from glowing Wyrdstone of the best quality, that is slowly burning with Greenish eariee fire and produces a nercotic effect, while the Wyrd fumes stimulates,relaxes and pleasures the audience. The longer the Ball continues the weirder and more alien and demonic the room features get as the fumes multiply and effect the quests, it is a challenge of constitution but of will to last until the end of the Ball. Mortal courtiers that are wise leave early, althought they have to endure until the first toast (Grazz’t decides when), for those who stay until the end it’s a whole different story. One is for sure, the next day after a Ball the Ballroom remains closed, so the servants can clear the horrible bloody gory mess the orgy has left (usually the balls of Grazz’t end to that)

The Quiet Library
Here Visitors, Court members and Demons can learn about the History of the Abyss and the Multiverse. Tons of knowledge is hidden, and can be seen by those who dare.
The rule of Quiet: All sounds are forbidden in the Library, visitors have to make move silenty tests, anyone who utters a word must pass a Fort 20 (+2 for each time he makes noise) or die.
The library staff are crimson robed scribes , hooded all over (no face expect yellow eyes) that interact with telepathy.
You cannot send someone to pick a book for you, You can rent a book for a limited time but you have to give your soul as warranty (this cancels when you return the book). You Shall not borrow a burrowed book or show its contents to anyone (the Crimson scribes will know)
The Library is in 6 sections, each has a different Quiet level (move silently) and Knowledge/Power level

The chamber of the Ignorant DC 10

The chamber of the Tempted DC 18

The chamber of the Fated DC 23

The chamber of the Damned DC 28

The chamber of the Dark DC 35

The Master’s Chamber DC 40 or a special invitation (Speech can be allowed if Grazz’t gives permission) Members of the household can speak freely and can be encountered in the room

The Grand Staircase
The Great White marble Staircase leads to the inner towers (household towers) The Goristro (the one on the Fiendish codex) guards the Grand staircase. It is considered a privilege amongst courtiers to be welcome to the inner towers and pass the grand grans staircase. Some courtiers are allowed a one time entrance while others (like the Cupbearer) bear unique badges of office (usually the dark hand) and can enter and leave freely. The court unofficially divides the court members as outer, inner (frequent) and badgeholders

The Parlor of Outer Beauty & Bathhouse of the Inner Corruption
Soft benches, low candles, entrancing music velvet sheets hanging from the ceiling and mirrors hand in the walls, the small of Wyrdsmoke surrounds the place, as court members, succubae and incubi visit this place and sell their services. It’s a place for relaxation and spiritual and sensual “rejuvenation”. All hairstyles / nail extensions / tooth transmutation can be found here, with bizarre ingredients like virgin’s blood, priestess tears etc
The Parlor and Bathhouse are running by Charisma and Marilu a lesbian (well bisexual) pair of a Fallen Sune cleric and a four armed Marilyth.

Charisma (Outer Charisma) is a fallen priestess of Sune. She grew up in monastery of Sune not by choice but she had to in order to survive. Later she was seduced by Grazz’t and she managed to convert a good number of the priestesses and the acolytes as well. Now she lives in the Argent palace as a choice and makes her every deprived wish come true.
She is the absolute ruler of the parlor, treating her guests and arranging their wishes

Marilu the four armed Marilyth: was spawned as a four arm Marilyth for some reason, she could not keep up neither with the fighting process of the her kin, neither with the tactical. However she seems to have a mind and charms of a succubus and a body (almost) of a Marilith, therefore she claims that is the first Marilu a new enchanted abyssal breed that is superior to older ones. She is certainly not fighter but if pressed she is above the average succubus, she is skilled in succubus abilities and sexual arts. She is capable of performing a extraordinaire massage, something that Grazz’t sometimes enjoy, after all she has four arms instead of two.
The Bathouse, is in proximity, there are many different rooms for private of group sessions (orgies). There are silent candlelight pools, or are boiling ones with hot water, or acidic pools with dangerous fungi, lava , or insects oozes and aberrations are a choise.
Everything is permitted as long as it brings pleasure to the visitor and the price is paid. Non-payers become slaves with various uses (depends)
Also the visitor can choose the amount of Wyrdstone or other substances (drugs) that can be added, and the use of Nargile is very common.
Company (even the masters) can be asked from the succubae incubate that inhabits that place for a price of course.

The Anvil of Souls (underground)
Named in order to offend the Dwarven deity Moradin, this grand chamber is a huge workshop were infernal machines, constructs and items are being manufacures and tested. It’s one meter black marble walls ceiling and pillars are marked with explosions, cuts from debris, stained with blood, corroded with acids and burned/corroded/altered by Wyrdstone.
Explosions, failures and mulfactions are very usual and sometimes fatal, many oculists, artificers, potionmakers and other labour constantly for creation ordered by Grazz’t or one of his generals, or by choice.
Outsiders can visit the workshop with paying a price
Sometimes the laborers fight among themselves over stolen ideas, parts or the use of the workshops equipment
Soulforges, Wyrdstone Refineries , Infernal Anvils and Furnaces of all elementals, Grand Alchemy labs, Darkcutter , Chaos infusers , Spiritcutters , Bonemills/Bonecrunchers, Wood Warper, Diamond Razors and other occult and damned devices can be found here.

Master of Realmslore

1853 Posts

Posted - 08 May 2015 :  13:12:11  Show Profile  Visit xaeyruudh's Homepage Send xaeyruudh a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Impressive amount of work here. I don't have much to add.

The Living Wall reminded me of bacchae (3e Fiend Folio). It's not a perfect match, but you could add an extra bit of danger to the milling mass of the Wall by giving it some bacchae features... passersby are lured into the group by charm person (each member of the Wall has at-will use of it) as well as nonmagical charismatic invitations speaking of the rewards to be had by joining the Wall. Those who acquiesce must make some sort of saving throw, or lose track of time and fully join the Wall. With the bacchae, this transformation is permanent (it's like acquiring a template, imo) but I think it's lame to remove PCs from player control in save-or-die types of scenarios so maybe a PC gets a new save every 24 hours or whatever seems appropriate.

Just a thought. Nice work. I've wanted to incorporate the BoVD into the Karanok family and homes in Chessenta for quite a while, but I haven't gotten anywhere close to this much planned yet.
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Marquant Volker
Learned Scribe

273 Posts

Posted - 12 May 2015 :  15:23:23  Show Profile Send Marquant Volker a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the kind words and the feedback. The bacchae effect will give the Living Wall a more dynamic effect. It's a very good idea, that i will use, the fact that there is a chance that the PCs can enter this worse-than-death situation will give my players a taste of the Abyss (and goosebumps!)
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