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 The link from Eberron to Toril
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11734 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2015 :  16:52:42  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I don't want to clutter Ed's scroll a whole lot, but I hit upon something of a topic that's consuming my thoughts right now. However, I don't have any of the actual resources I'd need to research something. Does anyone have any of the actual modules related to the whole Eberron/Lolth/Faerun/Demonweb Pits links? If so, can you possibly relay some of what was in it as far as explaining what happened? I had actually gotten access to D&D Insider to download a bunch of the back issues of dungeon and dragon mags a couple months back, but I haven't had a chance to review through years worth of articles, so I've kind of been picking through them.... but if there's a particular issue that I might want to look through, let me know.

My thoughts are that possibly Abeir, Toril, and Eberron are either all in the same crystal sphere, but out of "phase" with one another (kind of like on different radio frequencies). Another concept is that Eberron is in "phase" with Abeir (this would bring into question whether in 3e Eberron actually had established links with other worlds), but in a different crystal sphere (i.e. Abeir / Eberron / Athas may all be on AM.... Greyhawk, FR, and DL are FM... no direct correlation of any of those 3 in particular, just a representative 3 on each side).

Oh, and just to throw out a little more wonkiness..... what if these other "realities" in a shared crystal sphere .... like Abeir and Toril are.... what if the OTHER worlds cannot acess the phlogiston .... in other words, Toril can access the phlogiston but Abeir can't.... if DL and Athas were in the same sphere as well, it could explain why Athas is supposedly "cut off".

Anyway, back to my original question.... does anyone have the actual canon text of what happened in the Eberron/Demonweb Pits/Toril linkage and can provide it... OR can you point me to maybe some dragon articles about it, etc... ?

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas

Skilled Spell Strategist

11734 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2015 :  17:01:05  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hmmmm, and in my original thoughts, I was wondering a "what if" Halruaa actually transferred to Eberron and not Abeir. Now, what with all the magitech, I'm wondering.... what if Lantan and/or Nimbral did as well. Granted, I still like the idea that both of these transferred to Abeir and come back as well (or that Nimbral never left and has been hiding itself this whole time).

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
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Posted - 17 Jan 2015 :  17:39:57  Show Profile  Visit hashimashadoo's Homepage Send hashimashadoo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've done a bit more research on this and it turns out that the Spinner of Shadows that I mentioned in Ed's thread is indeed an aspect of Lolth and also one of Eberron's 'Overlords'. The Overlords are a group of about thirty incredibly powerful fiends trapped in Khyber. Only twelve have been documented (some of those documented aren't definitely members of this group) among them Tiamat, the elder evil Atropus and the archdevil Levistus. There is a cult on Eberron known as the Lords of Dust who seek to free the Overlords so that they may wage war against the dragons and couatls that originally trapped them in Khyber.

I still can't find any solid information on how the rift to the Demonweb formed but here's the thing. I'm positive that the link between the two worlds exists ONLY in DDO, nowhere else.

Edit: Though saying that, Keith Baker was allowed to play a warforged artificer in a Forgotten Realms game for charity hosted at WotC HQ in Seattle. This character went through a rift too - also linked to an Overlord - but this time it was Tiamat and led directly to Faerun.

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Edited by - hashimashadoo on 17 Jan 2015 17:56:18
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11734 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2015 :  18:56:38  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
hmmmm, so powerful fiends with possible links to their home planes trapped in Khyber (aka the underdark). Brings me back to the whole Narfell and the hidden layer of the abyss that created all the demoncysts.... not sure if it could play out, but....

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11734 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2015 :  19:09:32  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just another thought that came to mind. When it comes to this idea of multiple "universes" existing within a crystal sphere but being out of "phase" with one another.... would it make sense to have one grouping of these where these "universes" are mostly elementally driven (i.e. Athas, Abeir, etc...) with primordials holding most ofhte power and then another where its mostly divinely controlled. Then maybe within the same crystal spheres, the FAR REALM is simply a different phased universe. Similarly, the feywild is a magical reflection of these realities, and the shadowfell is a dark reflection. I'm kind of picturing it like AM / FM / digital where there's little interference between the "signals" but occasionally they may get cross-chatter.... and you can't use an AM only radio to interact with FM transmissions.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Austin the Archmage

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Posted - 18 Jan 2015 :  01:06:56  Show Profile Send Austin the Archmage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by hashimashadoo

I've done a bit more research on this and it turns out that the Spinner of Shadows that I mentioned in Ed's thread is indeed an aspect of Lolth and also one of Eberron's 'Overlords'. The Overlords are a group of about thirty incredibly powerful fiends trapped in Khyber. Only twelve have been documented (some of those documented aren't definitely members of this group) among them Tiamat, the elder evil Atropus and the archdevil Levistus.

You mean Khyber's big enough to contain an entire friggin' evil moon in it? Man.
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 18 Jan 2015 :  02:33:09  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Keith Baker once spoke about using EBERRON's unique plane of Xoriat as a possibility-bridge for crossing from one world, like Eberron, to the Realms.

I'll see if I can dig out the old discussion thread from my archives. He elaborated on some pretty interesting points for cross-world travel between Eberron and Toril back at the height of EB's popularity.

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 18 Jan 2015 :  03:07:56  Show Profile Send Eilserus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I wonder if the rarity of linkages between worlds is due partly to the distances. Portals that zip across Toril, while rare and hard to make are more numerous than those that lead elsewhere it seems. If we were to use a Stargate Atlantis example, maybe portal creation that connects other worlds directly needs a Realms version of the ZPM during creation for an extra power boost to reach it. I'd think it'd be harder to connect to a moving planet than the planes themselves?
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Master of Realmslore

1446 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2015 :  19:02:20  Show Profile Send Eilserus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I was digging around the archives like I tend to do and found this response from Ed back in 2004 about linkages between worlds.

Well met again, all. Here’s Ed’s latest:

Lord Hobie, as far as I know, there are no gates/portals linking the Realms directly with Oerth, but a lot of portals that reach “the Wood Between The Worlds” (a la the classic fantasies of William Morris), a vast, endless forest of tall trees, blue mists, unicorns, little wandering trails, and gently rolling topography that’s riddled with hidden gates [between these two trees, atop yon stone, step into that pool] leading to many worlds. If you know which gates lead where, and manage to avoid blundering into a gate you don’t know about, first, you can easily move between Oerth, Krynn, and Toril. Among the elite magically-powerful groups (and lone, studious mages) in Faerun there’s a lot of knowledge OF THE EXISTENCE OF these ‘other worlds,’ but very little about passing events in the other places. Those groups and individuals who have the means to travel and know about such events regard this knowledge as power giving them a trade and power advantage over everyone else, and guard it jealously, even within the hierarchies of their own groups.
They also tend to spread ‘disinformation’ (um, flat lies and exaggerations) about the dangers of portals and other worlds (such as: “anyone who uses a portal will be tracked, from that moment one, by an invisible stalking creature who will always be with you, who will watch you eat, sleep, make love, fight, study, EVERYTHING -- and aid your enemies and foes by revealing your whereabouts and intentions for its own amusement, as it SLOWLY feeds off you, draining just a tiny bit of your life-force, milking you for as long as possible, and thus ensuring that your life is long . . . but miserable”) so that no one else will try to use them.
Moreover, most plane-hopping groups try to actively suppress practical “portals are here, here, and here, and this is how to use them” information. Getting it shouldn’t be easy, which is why a majority of Faerunian beings discover portals by blundering through one, or seeing another creature emerge from, or vanish through, one.

So saith Ed. I can add that as we Knights attained more levels and experience, Ed increasingly brought gates into our adventures (though most of them were from point to point in Faerun, not reaching other planes or worlds), and of course we unwittingly put ourselves on the ‘hit lists’ of groups already using the gates.

Source Page, about midway down:
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