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3 Posts |
Posted - 22 Nov 2010 : 23:37:38
Well met lads im very glad to have joined this forum, i live and breathe fantasy, i played for many years but when my group fell apart i started to read and read a lot, in fact ive kinda run out but crave more (read 20 of Salvatore's books last year alone), my wife claims i am addicted to fantasy books ;) hehe so be it |
"Evil Turns upon it self" |
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
Posted - 22 Nov 2010 : 23:55:30
Welcome to Candlekeep, Flak! I hope that you enjoy your stay in these hallowed halls, and that all of your questions are answered here by the finest sages in the Realms.  |
Paladinic Ethos Saint Joran Nobleheart |
12 Posts |
Posted - 27 Nov 2010 : 21:52:02
Hello, all!
I've been a FR fan since the early 90's. I haven't kept up with the realms in the past few years, but coming back I'm getting back into 3.5 again I hope to soon start a chat based 3.5 Forgotten Realms game based in Unther and Mulhorand. Anyway, i should have signed up in these forums years ago. Glad to be here :-) |
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
Posted - 27 Nov 2010 : 23:01:53
Welcome to Candlekeep, Power2the1! I hope that you enjoy your stay in these hallowed halls, and that all of your questions are answered here by the finest sages in the Realms.  |
Paladinic Ethos Saint Joran Nobleheart |

88 Posts |
Posted - 28 Nov 2010 : 13:22:28
Hi I also am not a total stranger to the Realms, but i also have been away from the Realms for some time, though I have a collection of Salvatore's and a few other novels. I also am not up to date with the versions out now ( i have been studying and playing World of Warcraft non-stop ) But hopefully ill be able to add some color to these forums. |
Listen to the silence of the wilds, in there lies the wisdom of ages. |
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
Posted - 30 Nov 2010 : 23:03:08
Welcome to Candlekeep, Ranin! I hope that you enjoy your stay in these hallowed halls, and that all of your questions are answered here by the finest sages in the Realms.  |
Paladinic Ethos Saint Joran Nobleheart |
3 Posts |
Posted - 01 Dec 2010 : 15:00:36
Decided I'd finally create an account. Hopefully this won't take away too much time from everything else I'm up to. |
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
Posted - 01 Dec 2010 : 23:29:13
Welcome to Candlekeep, WildRyc! I hope that you enjoy your stay in these hallowed halls, and that all of your questions are answered here by the finest sages in the Realms.  |
Paladinic Ethos Saint Joran Nobleheart |
Jorin Embersmith
48 Posts |
Posted - 06 Dec 2010 : 02:24:17
I seem to have skipped me introduction!
Jorin Embersmith, Dungeonmaster and sometimes-dwarven gem-mage!
I've been sneaking and scuttling around the forums for quite some time, but decided folk could stand a bit more o' the bearded types!
<ahem> So, Hail and well met. |
Karavarus: I polymorph into a Hydra and let loose a bellowing roar! Is he intimidated? Me: No, but the female hydra behind him certainly notices you... |
Great Reader
9933 Posts |
Posted - 06 Dec 2010 : 09:57:54
Welcome to Candlekeep, Jorin Embersmith! |
Every beginning has an end. |
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
Posted - 07 Dec 2010 : 04:28:53
Welcome to Candlekeep, Jorin Embersmith! I hope that you enjoy your stay in these hallowed halls, and that all of your questions are answered here by the finest sages in the Realms.  |
Paladinic Ethos Saint Joran Nobleheart |
4 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jan 2011 : 08:21:16
Well since I'm completely new here, I guess I'll throw in an introduction as well.
Veraka, occasionally story-writer, and dungeoneer, among other RPG sites. Hope I don't seem too bland. |
In war, Justice; In peace, Hope; In death, Sacrifice |
Edited by - Veraka on 01 Jan 2011 08:21:48 |
13 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jan 2011 : 20:31:14
Hello all!
I figured I should toss out my introduction!
I'm a lover of the novels and a mistress of the games. Well... more like the person who cheats her way through Baldurs Gate II because while the story line is thrilling, the game is ridiculously difficult. But ultimately, I'm just fascinated with the Faerun world and all the myth that surrounds it!
I'm hoping to feed my thirst for more Faerun on these forums!
Nice to meet all of you! |
'If you can't be good, be lucky!' |
Senior Scribe
545 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jan 2011 : 21:58:57
Hello Arielis. Be welcome here. |
15 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jan 2011 : 03:23:37
Hey guys. im just on-off on the fantasy scene. avid baldurs gate player, which got the ball rolling i guess. wanted to know who drizzt was after he killed my party in bg2 and started reading, one name led to another book etc. impatient as i am though, and with the internet at my disposal i guess i've spoiled an entire library, but still, im not bored yet. |
Senior Scribe
545 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jan 2011 : 18:52:44
Hello and welcome, D1. |
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
Posted - 06 Jan 2011 : 11:00:30
Welcome to Candlekeep, Veraka! I hope that you enjoy your stay in these hallowed halls, and that all of your questions are answered here by the finest sages in the Realms.  |
Paladinic Ethos Saint Joran Nobleheart |
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
Posted - 06 Jan 2011 : 11:01:11
Welcome to Candlekeep, Arielis! I hope that you enjoy your stay in these hallowed halls, and that all of your questions are answered here by the finest sages in the Realms.  |
Paladinic Ethos Saint Joran Nobleheart |
2 Posts |
Posted - 24 Feb 2011 : 21:51:58
Hail to all who reside in these halls. I look forward to increasing my knowledge of The Realms with your aid. |
Discuss ideas and spread them so that all may see the divine light that is the Wonderbringer. |
Great Reader
2131 Posts |
Posted - 24 Feb 2011 : 21:54:34
Greetings and well met! |
Errant d20 Designer - My Blog (last updated January 06, 2016)
One, two! One, two! And through and through The vorpal blade went snicker-snack! He left it dead, and with its head He went galumphing back. --Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass
"Mmm, not the darkness," Myrin murmured. "Don't cast it there." --Erik Scott de Bie, Shadowbane
* My character sheets (PFRPG, 3.5, and AE versions; not viewable in Internet Explorer) * Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document (PFRPG OGL Rules) * The Hypertext d20 SRD (3.5 OGL Rules) * 3.5 D&D Archives
My game design work: * Heroes of the Jade Oath (PFRPG, conversion; Rite Publishing) * Compendium Arcanum Volume 1: Cantrips & Orisons (PFRPG, designer; Publishing) * Compendium Arcanum Volume 2: 1st-Level Spells (PFRPG, designer; Publishing) * Martial Arts Guidebook (forthcoming) (PFRPG, designer; Rite Publishing)
Senior Scribe
545 Posts |
Posted - 24 Feb 2011 : 22:26:57
Hello, Wonderbringer. |
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
Posted - 25 Feb 2011 : 23:36:13
Welcome to Candlekeep, Wonderbringer! I hope that you enjoy your stay in these hallowed halls, and that all of your questions are answered here by the finest sages in the Realms.  |
Paladinic Ethos Saint Joran Nobleheart |
3 Posts |
Posted - 26 Feb 2011 : 06:04:54
Good evening.
I have been playing RPGs of all sorts since I was twelve years old. I have been away from FR since the 3rd Edition, and I have just purchased the 4th Edition. Needless to say I have a lot of catching up to do.
I was motivated to revisit the tabletop genre after a few of my college friends exhibited an interest in learning how to play. So I naturally volunteered to DM a campaign. Well, after sifting through the new FR campaign settings, it looks like it's going to be a learning experience for me as well. ;)
My favorite race is halfling and my favorite class is rogue. Hehehe.
I'm looking forward to share my stories and lore with all of you.
"I take my leave now, but my blade will find you soon. My footsteps will haunt your dreams and my shadow will always loom over you. The farthest corners of the world won't hide you from me."
-Wilhand Trickfoot-
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
Posted - 26 Feb 2011 : 06:21:40
Welcome to Candlekeep, Wilhand! I hope that you enjoy your stay in these hallowed halls, and that all of your questions are answered here by the finest sages in the Realms.  |
Paladinic Ethos Saint Joran Nobleheart |
1 Posts |
Posted - 08 Mar 2011 : 12:46:39
Hi folks, I was looking for an active FR forum to discuss about lore. I've been playing FR since I was 16yo, I tried to run a game a couple times, but my experience to deal with that was not that great. Now that I have a lot of resources I feel I'm prepared to run a game. But there are a lot of things around that drive me crazy. For instance, my game is going to be a Moonsea-based campaign. I want to give a special attention to Suzildara Sharranen (from the Resting Place of the Whip in Melvaunt) in the future, but god, where is her portrait? Where is her background? I've been searching for information but I can't find anything useful. This is not a request, it's one of the many reasons I'm here :D
BTW, I don't play 4E, my friends and I like 3.5 ^^
Edited by - Delpharis on 08 Mar 2011 12:50:05 |
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
Posted - 08 Mar 2011 : 22:05:53
Welcome to Candlekeep, Delpharis! I hope that you enjoy your stay in these hallowed halls, and that all of your questions are answered here by the finest sages in the Realms.  |
Paladinic Ethos Saint Joran Nobleheart |
Edited by - Joran Nobleheart on 13 Mar 2011 03:39:18 |
Great Reader
9933 Posts |
Posted - 12 Mar 2011 : 02:29:36
Welcome, Delpharis! |
Every beginning has an end. |
0 Posts |
Posted - 28 Mar 2011 : 21:23:48
I would like to introduce myself. I am Winsee, a humble servant of Oghma, seeking deeper knowledge of Faerun and all its wonders.
I have been DMing on and off for the last 18 years and recently started reacquainting myself with the realms. I traversed the realms extensively in 2nd ed. but mostly ignored it through 3rd. Now having switched completely over to 4th ed. I intend to give it another go. I am working on a campaign based around treasure hunting along the southern sea of fallen stars. Specificly I was looking at information about the ancient Jhaamdath empire, now that many of their cities have reemerged with the draining of the Vilhon reach. |
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
Posted - 29 Mar 2011 : 05:31:56
Welcome to Candlekeep, Winsee! I hope that you enjoy your stay in these hallowed halls, and that all of your questions are answered here by the finest sages in the Realms.  |
Paladinic Ethos Saint Joran Nobleheart |
0 Posts |
Posted - 05 Apr 2011 : 22:20:09
Hi, to everybody. I'm coming back to be a Dungeon Master, after some years of pause.
Playing still 2nd ed, hope to find some help to my doubts.
Fabio |
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